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Dream interpretation dirty teeth

For many peoples of the world, teeth are a symbol of health and vitality. Traditional beliefs have a rational rationale: the health of the whole organism depends on the state of the oral cavity, the more strong teeth, the better the food is chewed, the faster it is absorbed useful material and vitamins. Diseases of the oral cavity, on the other hand, lead to a deterioration in well-being and loss of appetite.

Subconsciously, people are very sensitive to the loss of teeth, because from a certain age such loss was almost irreversible. Modern methods prosthetics and implantation quickly help restore the integrity of the dentition, but still dental problems are a cause of considerable anxiety and concern.

The brain does not stop working during sleep. Consciousness enters a relaxed mode, while at the subconscious level the brain continues to solve the accumulated problems, and the emerging images are visualized in nightmares or pleasant dreams. The dependence of seemingly irrational and ridiculous dreams on the real circumstances of existence forced people to start compiling dream books that interpret this or that dream.

A dream about rotten teeth: what does it mean?

A rotten tooth symbolizes problems associated with a malfunction of the body. Ailments and painful sensations cause natural grief and dislike. These feelings are projected onto the dream, with the help of appropriate images, the subconscious mind tells what troubles may appear in the near future and what should be given special attention.

Prophetic dreams are not necessarily mystical. Perhaps someone has been observing the prerequisites of this or that event for a long time, however, due to the workload daily activities unable to devote enough time to assess what is happening. During sleep, the incoming information is analyzed subconsciously, and the sensations that arise are transmitted in the form of visual images.

Depending on the features specific sleep you can try to draw conclusions about the reasons that caused the unpleasant dream, understand why you dreamed "that my teeth fell out." There is no point in being afraid of nightmares, with their help you can try to positively influence what is happening in real life.

Seeing bad teeth in your mouth

If you dream that your teeth are massively affected by caries, then you should expect a deterioration in relationships with close relatives or friends. Caries in a dream portends dirty quarrels and an unpleasant showdown.

Seeing gradual rotting in your mouth in a dream means receiving a signal about possible problems v professional activity... Such a dream warns of the presence of obstacles in achieving the goal or warns against rash actions.

Bad teeth are a fairly common symbol of deteriorating health, which also portends the onset of apathy and depression, possible annoying incidents. A dream about rotten teeth psychologically indicates a decrease in protective capabilities, both physical and emotional.

Rotten teeth in another person's mouth

Dreaming about dirty, spoiled teeth a specific person means subconsciously wishing him harm or expecting betrayal from him or other undesirable consequences for oneself. Besides, rotten teeth in the mouth of a familiar person may indicate his imminent illness.

At the same time, if you dreamed of enemies with rotten teeth, then you should not be afraid of their plans, they are absolutely powerless in all their endeavors. Also, blackened teeth in other people's mouths can mean future success in the started business.

Sleep Circumstances

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It is believed that if you dream with falling out or aching teeth, then this is a sign of something unkind and ominous. At the same time, some circumstances of sleep can mean a good outcome of a business or getting rid of a long-boring problem. The assessment of such dreams is based on some features of the dream:

  • whether you dreamed of blood along with fallen out or aching teeth;
  • whether pain was felt at the time when the tooth fell off;
  • one tooth fell out or several, these are their own teeth, front or not.

Tooth loss dreams are rarely truly nightmarish. Strangers in such dreams practically do not notice the problems of a person dreaming. If you see in a dream that dental problems are becoming the subject of discussion by dreamed people, then in real life you should not trust strangers.

A rotten tooth fell out with blood

Blood in a dream most often does not dream of anything good. Observing blood in real life is unpleasant and scary, and the appearance of such an image in a dream makes you seriously think about the reasons that caused it.

If you dream that rotten teeth have fallen out with blood, then this may mean health problems with relatives or a breakdown in communication with a very close person. Blood can be a symbol of deception, therefore, having seen a bad dream with the appearance of blood, you should be careful about new acquaintances and dubious offers.

The loss of rotten teeth in a dream, which fall out with blood, has the most ominous and negative meaning, up to the death of familiar people. Such dreams are considered bad for women and girls who are in the final stages of pregnancy.

Having seen such a dream, you should not immediately get upset and expect an immediate tragic incident. Negative, bad thoughts tend to manifest in reality, therefore, instead of unnecessary experiences and painful reflections, it is better to tune in to the positive and slightly correct your own life.

The tooth fell out without blood

Damage or illness of a rotten tooth, its loss without blood, if it speaks of problems and troubles, it is most likely not very serious. Such a dream may indicate a person's insecurity, embarrassment or dissatisfaction.

There may be minor health problems or the likelihood of losing your own profit, a good moment. If the tooth has been loose for a long time before falling out, a dream with such content may indicate the resolution of some problem that has been haunted for a long time.

Most interpreters agree that a tooth that falls out in a dream without pain and unnecessary damage does not mean dangerous consequences... Such dreams should make you more attentive to your loved ones and better take care of valuable things.

The prolapse was painless

Dreams in which teeth fall out without blood and pain, indicate the resolution of accumulated problems or that gossipers will pay for intrigue (we recommend reading :). Also, such a dream symbolizes the loss of something important, but not material: the joy of life, emotional peace.

One lost tooth portends bad news, two teeth - the appearance of obstacles or the onset of difficult times. Several lost teeth in a dream warn of possible misfortunes that follow.

There was pain in the dream

Like blood, pain is a symbol of irreparable heavy losses and sensory experiences. Feeling pain in a dream with the loss of teeth means the onset of events that can cause suffering, physical or mental, in real life.

Loss of a relative, failure in romantic relationship, betrayal of a loved one, collapse of hopes and serious material difficulties can be anticipated by dreams with painful tooth loss.

As with others bad omens, do not get too carried away negative interpretation own dreams... It is better to try to make every effort to bring about positive changes in real life.

Interpretation of a dream about rotten teeth of different dream books

Among the interpreters of dreams, several dream books are common, most often mentioned when trying to solve a particular dream. Over the years, entire dictionaries have been formed containing the explanation of certain dreams. There are several dream books that mention rotten teeth, developed by famous experts in oneiromancy (predictions from dreams):

  • American psychologist and financier Gustav Miller;
  • Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga;
  • Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Regardless of your attitude to the interpretation of dreams and the possibility of predicting the future, you should be attentive to the signals given by your own body. Perhaps unpleasant dreams indicate the presence of problems with the condition of the teeth and that it may make sense to consult a dentist for the timely diagnosis of a developing disease.

All dream books agree, interpreting why dirty teeth dream, that this is a sign of failure, conflict situations, diseases and other troubles. And only some of the nuances of the dreamed plot can tell if there is a "bright streak" in this dreamlike darkness. Remember in detail what you saw in a dream, and ask about the transcripts of several different interpreters.

Miller's dream book

Dirty teeth in a dream, according to psychologist G. Miller, mean troubles and problems in communication. Knowing this, it is logical to assume that the vision in which you brush your teeth, making them shiny, promises to build relationships and resolve problematic issues.

But to pull out an ugly, unclean and foul-smelling tooth in a dream is a sign of a radical change that you will "let" into your life.

Protect your reputation

By assurance Eastern dream book, to see dirty teeth in a dream is a signal that the reputation is at stake. To keep yours honest name, you should limit for some time communication with people who like to “scratch with tongues”, since there is a possibility that even one word they misunderstood will become a motive for igniting a conflict. And you can be sure that your enemies will not be stingy with “flattering epithets” addressed to you.

Dreamed that you had a mouth full of dirty rotting hemp? This is how the dream books explain why such a nightmare is dreaming: you must control everything you say, because at this time, further well-being will depend on your words.

Don't get into conflicts

But if in a dream you see how you clean your teeth, thoroughly cleaning them with a brush and rinsing your mouth with water, this means that you can smooth the situation and hush up the conflict if you prove to the conflicting parties that you are not interested in the case. Moreover, if the result is achieved, you will also win a chance for yourself to rise one step higher in the eyes of the team.

Avoid temptations

If you want to achieve your goal, then try not to succumb to temptations, whatever they may be, the dream books advise, explaining why you dream that you smeared your teeth with something inedible.

Had a dream that you got stuck with cream, staining not only your lips with it, but also covering your teeth? This means that you will be tempted with something pleasant, which will eventually result in a big scandal. And if, at the same time, your dirty teeth also began to hurt in a dream, then be sure that the case will take on a wide resonance.

To the question, what does a dream mean in which I see teeth, and dirty teeth ??? given by the author Caucasoid the best answer is dream book by Irina Arngolts: this is a sign to buy toothpaste (ADVICE COLLATE)

Answer from To pierce[guru]
illness of a relative ... if a lost tooth - to the deceased

Answer from Lens_[expert]
Usually, a dream in which teeth appear predicts unpleasant communication with sick or anxious people. If you dream that your teeth have fallen out, then expect failures or alarming messages. If you dream that the doctor is removing your tooth, then in reality you may be overcome by a serious, long-term illness. If you dream that all your teeth are in place, then after hard times you will return the lost values. Brushing your teeth in a dream - predicts a fierce struggle to preserve your interests. A dream in which your teeth are inserted means that difficult trials will fall on your lot and you will strive to overcome them with all your might. Loss of teeth is a sign of humiliated pride and bad deeds. If you dream that your teeth have been knocked out, this is an omen of unexpected failure: either your business affairs will suffer, or you will be in danger of an accident or death. Examining your teeth in a dream is a warning about the need to be careful in business, since enemies are lurking somewhere nearby. If you dream that you have bad teeth, then your affairs and health will suffer from excessive stress. A dream in which you spit out your teeth portends illness to you or your loved ones. To dream of crooked, uneven teeth is one of the most bad dreams... He predicts misfortune, loss of property, deterioration of health, collapse of plans, depression, even in healthy people... Loss of one tooth promises bad news; loss of two teeth - prophesies a disastrous situation in which the sleeping person will fall because of his carelessness. If three teeth fall out, then serious illnesses and accidents will fall on you. To dream that all your teeth have fallen out is a harbinger of death and hunger. If you dream that you are getting rid of tartar and plaque on your teeth, and your teeth become white and healthy, then this means that the period of illness and ailments will end, after which you will become much smarter and learn how to get satisfaction from your work. Admiring the beauty and whiteness of your teeth is a sign that, having fulfilled your desires, you will become happy man... A dream in which you remove one of the teeth, and then look for a cavity from the tooth with your tongue in the mouth cavity and do not find it means that you decide to ignore a matter that you do not really like, but which you were going to do. However, later you will still return to this business and, despite the suspicion of friends, secretly carry out it, having received from this uneasy satisfaction. To dream that the doctor thoroughly cleans your teeth, and the next morning you find plaque on them again, predicts that your interests will suffer from excessive gullibility towards unreliable people.

Answer from Alla Vasilieva[active]
It used to be thought that teeth are the health of your relatives. Conclude that they have some kind of problem, but not very serious.

Answer from Martin[guru]
You are being drawn into an adventure and you want to move away from it, but it will be difficult for you to do it. Surely some shadow will fall on you anyway. Most likely you will make excuses for someone else's affairs.

Answer from Yolava.[guru]
& According to Dashka's dream book: §
Health symbol and vitality as well as aggression.
Bite someone - you want to take revenge on this person for the troubles he caused you;
to see that your tooth is growing - an increase in your ability to cope with life situations;
rotten teeth - to illness;
tooth loss - unfulfilled hopes for better life.
& According to Miller's dream book: §
An ordinary dream in which you see teeth is an illness, an encounter with restless, disturbing people;
losing teeth is misfortune;
the doctor pulled out your tooth - a terrible, lingering illness;
You observe the number of teeth that a person is entitled to in your mouth - after numerous trials, the lost jewelry will return to you;
brushing or rinsing your teeth - it will take a huge struggle from you to preserve your happiness;
you have artificial teeth in your mouth - severe tests;
losing teeth is a heavy burden that will crush your pride and ruin your work;
Your teeth have been knocked out - you should be careful about your business, since the enemies are not asleep;
collapsing or broken - your work or health will suffer undue stress;
spitting out your teeth - the disease threatens you or your family;
wrong teeth with some kind of flaws - the most terrible dream. He threatens with many misfortunes to the one who sees him. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people;
one tooth fell out - sad news;
two teeth fell out - a streak of bad luck;
three teeth fell out - very serious disasters;
all teeth fell out - misfortunes are coming;
Your teeth have deteriorated and you pulled them out - it means that hunger and death await you;
plaque flies off your teeth, which makes them healthy and white - your discomfort is temporary; when it passes, you will change your mind, and the consciousness of the accomplished duty will delight you;
You admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth - friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that can only be given by the fulfillment of desires await you;
When you pull out one of your teeth, you lose it, and then you look in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this mystery unsolved - a meeting awaits you, which you do not want at all and which you want to neglect. And, nevertheless, this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, you will receive exciting pleasure from these meetings;
Your dentist has perfectly cleaned your teeth, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again - this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but you will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some clever deceiver.
& According to the dream book of Nostradamus: §
Teeth are a symbol of the loss of vital energy, experiences.
to see how your teeth are pulled out - you are afraid of losing someone close to you;
your teeth are falling out - your confusion and inaction interfere with the achievement of the goal;
rotten and decaying teeth - diseases, health problems;
to see an empty space in the mouth instead of a tooth is a warning about the loss of vital energy and premature old age;
sore tooth - you will have to deal with personal problems.
& According to Miss Hasse's dream book: §
To have artificial - fake love;
to tear up - break off relations with an annoying person;
seal - organize your affairs;
falling out or staggering - death in the family;
to have very bad ones is a disease;
to clean - to work for others;
inserting new ones is a dubious thing to find out;
beautiful, white - healthy offspring;
gold - wealth.
& According to Tsvetkov's dream book: §
Pure, white - good luck, health;
rotten - a quarrel;
cleaning them or buying pasta is a welcome guest;
to tear up - a break in relations with an annoying person;
artificial - falsity in love;
bad - disease;
with blood - the death of a relative;
knocked out - failures;
insert - profit.

All dream books agree, interpreting why dirty teeth dream, that this is a sign of failures, conflict situations, illnesses and other troubles. And only some of the nuances of the dreamed plot can tell if there is a "bright streak" in this dreamlike darkness. Remember in detail what you saw in a dream, and ask about the transcripts of several different interpreters.

Dirty teeth in a dream, according to psychologist G. Miller, mean troubles and problems in communication. Knowing this, it is logical to assume that the vision in which you brush your teeth, making them shiny, promises to build relationships and resolve problematic issues.

But to pull out an ugly, unclean and foul-smelling tooth in a dream is a sign of a radical change that you will "let" into your life.

Protect your reputation

According to the Eastern Dream Book, seeing dirty teeth in a dream is a signal that reputation is at stake. To preserve your honest name, you should limit your communication with people who like to “scratch their tongues” for a while, as there is a possibility that even one word they misunderstood will become a motive for igniting a conflict. And you can be sure that your enemies will not be stingy with “flattering epithets” addressed to you.

Dreamed that you had a mouth full of dirty rotting hemp? This is how the dream books explain why such a nightmare is dreaming: you must control everything you say, because at this time, further well-being will depend on your words.

Don't get into conflicts

But if in a dream you see how you clean your teeth, thoroughly cleaning them with a brush and rinsing your mouth with water, this means that you can smooth the situation and hush up the conflict if you prove to the conflicting parties that you are not interested in the case. Moreover, if the result is achieved, you will also win a chance for yourself to rise one step higher in the eyes of the team.

Avoid temptations

If you want to achieve your goal, then try not to succumb to temptations, whatever they may be, the dream books advise, explaining why you dream that you smeared your teeth with something inedible.

Had a dream that you got stuck with cream, staining not only your lips with it, but also covering your teeth? This means that you will be tempted with something pleasant, which will eventually result in a big scandal. And if, at the same time, your dirty teeth also began to hurt in a dream, then be sure that the case will take on a wide resonance.

Can you cope with the problem yourself?

Deciphering what the plot is about in which you clean your dirty teeth, remember exactly how you did it. Here are the interpretations of sleep that dream books give to the dreamed options:

  • bleach by a doctor - to get out of difficult situation resort to outside help;
  • chewing gum - you don't have to worry, all misfortunes will disappear by themselves;
  • clean with a paste - you have to make an effort to achieve what you want;
  • chalk - no matter how you “veil” the problem, it will not disappear on its own.

Why did Teeth dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Perhaps a more unfavorable symbol than teeth is difficult to find. Deciphering dreams depends on the events that you saw.

  • According to the dream book, if you see yourself without teeth, you will be disappointed in your career. Perhaps your dreams and plans will be destroyed by a lingering illness.
  • However, to see toothless enemies in a dream - good sign... He says that all your ill-wishers will be powerless in front of your plans.
  • If you dreamed about rotten teeth, quarrels with a loved one cannot be avoided. This is the interpretation of what the images are for.
  • Loose teeth indicate an imminent illness.
  • Growing teeth are about prosperity and replenishment in the family.
  • False teeth are about the insincerity of a loved one.
  • Why dream of teeth, clean and white - about accompanying good luck.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Teeth dream about?

Teeth are a reflection of our subconscious. Our smile can say a lot about character, aspirations and dreams, goals and opportunities, emotional state and good intentions.

  • If you dreamed of even teeth that you are brushing, then your thoughts are absolutely pure. Keep up the good work - this will lead to prosperity of affairs and stable serious relationships.
  • Why dream of sick, dirty or knocked out teeth is a sign of failure, trouble and poor health.
  • If you watch someone grinning your teeth, in life you will encounter other people's evil thoughts. You will overcome them, but for this you will have to sacrifice some of your own capabilities.

Romantic dream book

Why do teeth dream

  • Why do falling teeth dream - symbolize a quick quarrel with a loved one.
  • You are counting your teeth, someone else will soon appear in your relationship.
  • If you count other people's teeth, nothing threatens your union, because together you will overcome any difficulties.
  • If you dreamed about artificial prostheses, you will feel fake in your love. Most likely, your partner is deceiving you for their own selfish purposes. It is in your best interest to expose his deception as soon as possible.

The meaning of a dream about Bleeding Teeth (Dream Interpretation of Wangi)

  • Why do teeth dream, according to the dream book - if they are milky and fall out, then this is for a new life stage, development. If a milk clove falls out from your own child- you will do something stupid.
  • See even, healthy teethgood events... Staggering, curves dream - troubles, and not only small ones.
  • Why dream of falling and crumbling stumps - you will start complex relationships with loved ones, you cannot avoid constant conflicts and quarrels.
  • Loose tooth - now in your life crucial moment... This is a difficult situation when a lot will be decided, and it depends on you in which direction. If he looks unspoiled, healthy, then in your situation everything can be resolved safely, it is not too late to fix something. Staggering in front is a misfortune with one of the children.
  • To brush your teeth - according to the dream book, seeing a dream means that you are calm and adequate in relation to troubles, you are confident in your abilities.
  • To clean yellowed, dirty, with a touch - you want to "whiten" your spoiled reputation. What was the result of your actions in the dream?
  • Brushing your teeth in a dream for a person in love - get ready for a romantic date.
  • Heal - You have the strength to deal with any challenge. You react to them in time and deal with them.
  • If they put a seal on you, put things in order in your affairs. This is the interpretation of what the images are for.
  • To dream about how your teeth are treated or whitened - to new acquaintances or a new stage in life.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Teeth

Teeth symbolize health and vitality. In the east, a person's age was determined by the condition of the teeth. In ancient tribes, a person could not go to the valley of death as long as he had strong and healthy fangs. According to the dream book, this symbol has several meanings and is interpreted depending on its appearance in dreams. Sometimes they are perceived as a symbol of cruelty, pain.

  • If you see or feel that someone is biting you painfully, it means that someone will inflict severe mental pain on you.
  • Seeing how your tooth grows is a sign of your wisdom, which will allow you to cope with many of life's difficulties.
  • Why do rotten teeth dream - the dream book defines this as a disease.
  • If you lost a tooth in a dream, this is a sign of unfulfilled hopes and promises.
  • Why do artificial teeth dream - means that in reality you too often rely on someone else's opinion. This can cause the collapse of your personal plans.
  • If you saw how a bad tooth is removed for you, then in reality you will finally make a difficult, but very important choice for you.
  • You are trying to dodge someone's sharp fangs, which means that the person you consider your friend is preparing a trap for you. People say: "They drowned the pike, but the teeth remained."

Small Velesov dream book

Teeth in a dream

  • if the tooth falls out by itself - death, illness;
  • if you often see teeth in a dream, your children are short-lived;
  • teeth fall out without blood - a relative will die (distant relative), who among men;
  • teeth fall out with blood - illness, the child will die, a close relative;
  • the front upper tooth is the death of a man in the family;
  • front lower tooth - death of a close relative;
  • lateral tooth - death of a distant relative;
  • the tooth on the left is a close relative;
  • the tooth on the right is a distant relative;
  • pulling out a tooth - you will die yourself, you will get sick, your friend will die, rupture;
  • broken tooth - true friend will die;
  • dream of teeth in general - talk, gossip;
  • molars - parents will die, man; incisors - children; fangs - brothers and sisters;
  • why dream of having white teeth - health, good luck;
  • beautiful, strong teeth - joy;
  • why are knocked-out teeth dreaming - failure;
  • to brush your teeth is a welcome guest // to lend money;
  • new tooth grows - wait for the child, you will clarify the misunderstandings;
  • loose teeth - a disease;
  • black, empty teeth - success in business // avoid misfortunes, quarrel, illness;
  • to be toothless is a loss;
  • toothache - wait for the guest (if you sleep in the morning) // whoever else will die (if you sleep in the evening), illness;
  • artificial - cheating in love;
  • why do wax teeth dream - death;
  • insert - profit.

Why did Teeth dream about spiritual sources ( Biblical dream book Azara)

  • Why dream of teeth, white and clean - health, well-being.
  • Dentures are dreaming - A dream that you had on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will be suffering from loneliness; - Seeing in a dream on Saturday or Sunday night is a sign of illness.
  • To break a tooth - A dream that was dreamed on Monday night predicts a refusal after a long and anxious wait. A dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle. In a dream, to see on Saturday or Sunday night - this dream means that you will be faced with rudeness and inexplicable anger.
  • Suffering from a toothache A dream that you had on Monday night is a sign of longing for the good times that are irrevocably gone.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Teeth

  • Usually, a dream in which you see teeth, according to the dream book, portends illness and collisions with ill-wishers.
  • Losing teeth in a dream is a terrible burden that will hurt your pride and destroy your
  • work.
  • If you dreamed that you were knocked out - you should be more careful about your affairs.
  • Why dream of teeth that are decaying or broken - your work or health will suffer from excessive stress.
  • Spitting out your fangs in a dream is a disease that threatens you or your family.
  • If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth, a serious, lingering illness is possible.
  • According to the dream book, to see someone else toothless is evidence of the powerlessness of your enemies, who want to discredit you.
  • If you dream of healthy and white teeth, your discomfort will soon pass.
  • To clean in a dream - to a hard and long struggle for your happiness.
  • False teeth in the mouth portend a severe test.
  • Wrong teeth with some kind of flaws are a very negative sign that predicts many misfortunes. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

Analyzing the vision in which the dropping incisors dreamed

  • Teeth - An image of active or passive aggression, attack and defense. Indicates the validity and reliability of the defense system, as well as the validity and reliability of friends and family.
  • Loss of 2-3 teeth means loss of vitality or loss of positivity.
  • Removal - symbolizes death: as a falling tooth leaves a gap inside, so a dying person leaves a gap in a family. Similar image can symbolize the desire or fear of this death.
  • If you dream that another person has lost a tooth, this indicates an unconscious desire or fear of this person's death.
  • The image of filled teeth means fear that someone might face an unpleasant situation, sometimes it is a symbol of a desire to become a parent. In the latter case, the sealed forelock is like a female uterus filling with contents.

The meaning of the dream of Bleeding (Gypsy dream book)

  • Why do teeth dream in a dream book mean family and best friends. Front means children or relatives in the nearest knee; the upper ones mean men, and the lower ones mean women; ocular with right side marks the father, and on the left the mother; large indigenous means next of kin or good friends.
  • To see beautiful, stronger and whiter teeth in oneself means joy, health, prosperity, friendship and good news from relatives.
  • Seeing your teeth are uneven, some are longer than others means a family quarrel and a lawsuit over inheritance.
  • Brushing your teeth means giving money to your family.
  • Seeing a growing new tooth means multiplying a family through the birth of a baby.
  • Having a rotten or otherwise damaged canine tooth means the death of someone from family or friends.
  • Seeing teeth shaking portends illness or grief from family or friends.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

What is the dream of Teeth in a dream

  • Teeth - talk, chatter, gossip.
  • Pain is weakness.
  • Teeth fell out, and bleeding- death of a loved one, blood.
  • Why dream of falling teeth - a dead man from a family.
  • All the teeth fell out into the palm and turned black, then the one to whom the dream came will die. And if you dreamed about one black person, then one of your acquaintances would die.
  • Why dream of wax teeth - to die.
  • As you dreamed that the corner tooth was pulled out, then there will be a big dead man, and if you dreamed that the front one was pulled out, then there will be a small dead man.
  • They dream of teeth that hurt, and a dream in the morning - it is someone who will be nailed, there will be a guest.
  • They dream of teeth that hurt, and sleep in the evening - someone else will die.
  • A hollow tooth will fall out - the old man will die.
  • The fang will fall out without pain, without blood - someone will die not very dear.
  • A tooth broke - you will lose a faithful friend, a new one has grown - you will clear up misunderstandings.
  • Loss of one side - before death.
  • White teeth - health.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What are the dreams of teeth in a dream?

  • You see white and healthy teeth, portends you good health and success in business;
  • Staggering or dropping out is a sign of impending trouble or unforeseen problems.
  • To insert teeth in a dream - to well-being, to lose them - to love adventures, especially for women.
  • Why do torn teeth dream - for the upcoming joy, broken - for a quarrel with a friend.
  • Seeing a person without teeth from a dream book means that your enemies will not be able to discredit you or cause losses in business.
  • If you see yourself toothless, this portends you difficulties in professional growth or health problems.
  • A toothpick seen is a symbol of an upcoming resentment, from friends or relatives.
  • Clicking your teeth in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon have to correct the results of your rash actions;
  • Hearing someone clicks - to receive an unpleasant news or message. This is the interpretation of what the images are for.
  • Seen Toothpaste- you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpreting Teeth from Your Dream

  • White and clean teeth dream - good health; luck.
  • Bad, loose teeth in a dream - failure; disease; losses.
  • To see loss of teeth in a dream is the loss of a loved one, a relative or a break, alienation with them.
  • Pulling out a tooth in a dream is a painful break in a relationship.
  • They dream of artificial teeth, according to the dream book, a fake in a relationship.
  • I dreamed of inserting a tooth - profit.
  • Feeling a toothache in a dream is reconciliation and harmony in a relationship.

Miller's dream book

Why do teeth dream in a dream

  • An ordinary dream in which you see teeth portends an unpleasant encounter with an illness and restless people that disturb you.
  • If you dream of teeth that you have lost, misfortune awaits you.
  • The doctor pulled out your canine tooth - a terrible, lingering illness awaits you.
  • You observe the number of teeth that a person is entitled to in your mouth - after numerous trials, the lost jewelry will return to you.
  • You brush or rinse them means that it will take a tremendous struggle from you to preserve your happiness.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you have artificial prostheses in your mouth means you should expect severe trials that will fall on you, and you have to overcome them.
  • You have lost your teeth - a heavy burden awaits you that will crush your pride and destroy your work.
  • You have knocked them out - you should be careful about your business, since the enemies are not asleep.
  • Why dream about teeth that are decaying or broken - it means your work or health will suffer from excessive stress.
  • The teeth that you spit out are dreaming - the disease threatens you or your family.
  • Wrong teeth with some kind of flaws is the most terrible dream. He threatens with many misfortunes to the one who sees him. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.
  • In a dream, one tooth will fall out - means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence.
  • If three are rolled out, very serious disasters will follow.
  • According to the dream book, if you have a dream that you have lost everything, this means that misfortunes are coming.
  • Spoiled teeth dream, and you pulled them out - hunger and death await you.
  • To see that plaque is flying off your teeth, making them healthy and white means your discomfort is temporary; when it passes you will change your mind, and the awareness of the accomplished duty will delight you.
  • You admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that can only be given by the fulfillment of desires await you.
  • Having pulled out one of your fangs, you lose it, and then you look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, without finding it, and you leave this mystery unsolved - this means that you will meet with some person whom you do not want at all and which you will want to neglect. And, nevertheless, this meeting will take place. And in the future, you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, you will receive exciting pleasure from these meetings.
  • Why see that your dentist has perfectly cleaned your teeth, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again - it means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but you will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some clever deceiver.

A Handbook of Dreams by David Loff

Psychological analysis of sleep, where I dreamed of Loss

Dreams of tooth loss are widespread. Sleep is often unsettling, although it does not carry the same fear or ANXIETY as NIGHTMARE. In a dream, they often concern only the dreamer. Other characters sleep either do not notice the loss, or do not attach importance to it. Loss dreams often come with us about embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations.

A similar experience in reality can be summarized in the expression of losing face in public. Another possible reason dreams of loss can be physical sensations such as teeth grinding or hypersensitivity... Are your teeth knocked out or do they fall out for no apparent reason?

The meaning of the tooth loss dream (according to Nostradamus)

  • Healthy teeth dream - a symbol of the loss of vital energy, experiences.
  • To dream of pulling out teeth - in reality you are afraid of losing loved ones.
  • I dreamed that a tooth fell out - confusion and inaction interfere with the implementation of the goal.
  • Rotten and decaying teeth dream - diseases, health problems.
  • You saw an empty space in the mouth instead of a tooth or several teeth, the dream book warns of the loss of vital energy and premature old age.
  • A sore tooth means you have to deal with personal problems.

Esoteric dream book

Teeth in night dreams

  • Why dream of even teeth that stand out on the face - to small acquisitions.
  • Seeing crooked teeth means bad purchases. Separately for trade workers - to losses, shortages; for the rest, your household chores can be spoiled (mold, bugs).
  • Teeth dream, fall out without pain - insignificant connections will disappear imperceptibly.
  • Painful parting of teeth falling out with blood.
  • Pulling out teeth is also parting, but on your initiative.
  • Why do you dream of clean teeth - some kind of acquaintances, obviously superfluous, take your time and energy.
  • Holes in teeth, rotten among your acquaintances there are "snitches" and informers.

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