Home Perennial flowers Dangerous consequences of overeating. What to do if you overeat? Symptoms of overeating in children

Dangerous consequences of overeating. What to do if you overeat? Symptoms of overeating in children

The issue of adequate nutrition is relevant for every breastfeeding woman. A lot is not always good, so a young mother should make sure that her newborn baby does not overeat while latching on to the breast.

Situations when a newborn baby overeats when breastfeeding, are much less common than when the baby receives artificial milk formulas. For safety reasons, attention must be paid to the amount of food consumed by the child.

How to tell if your baby is overeating

Alas, a newborn baby is not yet able to tell his mother whether he is hungry or full, but the baby expresses his desires and needs in other ways. If the child's behavior has changed, he has become moody and restless, then parents should pay attention to the baby's nutrition.

Overeating is indicated by a number of such signs:

  • Weight gain that does not correspond to the age norm. This problem is rare among breastfed babies, but it cannot be ruled out.
  • Profuse regurgitation breast milk after feeding. If the baby receives an excess of food, then when the air leaves, part of the excess milk comes out.
  • Frequent requests of the baby for attachment to the breast, which end in profuse regurgitation.

In most cases, regurgitation is not characteristic feature excessive food intake in newborns. The emergence this feature contribute to the anatomical features of the gastrointestinal tract in children under 1 year of age. The stomach of newborns is located in a horizontal position, and the sphincter connecting the esophagus and stomach is in a reduced tone. That is why even small portions of milk provoke regurgitation.

Reasons for overeating

A common cause of overeating in infants is frequent breastfeeding. Often, young mothers perceive children's whims as a need for food. Crying a child often signals poor health or the need for close contact with mom.

Attaching the baby to the breast at every whim is not a way out, and besides, such actions lead to overeating. If a young mother feeds her baby with breast milk through a bottle, then an incorrectly calculated dosage of milk becomes the cause of overeating.

Overeating can be promoted by hyperlactation in a young mother, when her mammary glands produce more breast milk than a newborn baby needs. This problem is typical for early postpartum period, when female body adjusts to the new function.

What to do

If the cause of overeating is excessive production of breast milk, then the woman is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • 2-3 feedings in a row are carried out from one mammary gland, after which it must be changed to another and the manipulation repeated. It is important to remember that the baby should be fed on demand.
  • The breast, which is temporarily not being used for feeding, needs to be expressed until relieved (but not completely). This will avoid stagnation and reduce milk volume.
  • The amount of milk you pump is decreasing every day. The lower the demand for milk, the less it is produced in the mammary glands.
  • After expressing, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the breast area. A regular towel soaked in cold water is used as a compress.
  • Instead of regular tea, it is recommended to drink mint tea, juices, berry fruit drinks and compotes.

You should not be afraid of serious overeating while breastfeeding. The body of a newborn can independently regulate the required amount of food. To prevent overeating, it is strictly forbidden to restrict the child in food. Lack of breast milk is unacceptable for a newborn, as his body needs this product.

To avoid overfeeding, it is important to observe the frequency of breastfeeding. Given that the baby has a small stomach capacity, the frequency of feeding is 6 to 10 times a day. The duration of food digestion depends on the amount of enzymes, as well as the nutritional properties of breast milk. The average break between feedings is 2-3 hours. Long breastfeeding is also not a sign that the baby is eating more than the norm.

This behavior is due to the desire of the baby to receive not only front, but also rear milk, different in chemical composition and nutritional properties, read more on this link. To get this product, the child spends more time and energy. Don't rush your baby.

In any case, if the baby has eaten more than the prescribed norm, he will spit up the excess when the air is deflated. If a nursing woman suspects that her newborn baby is eating an excessive amount of food, then this is not a reason to form special treatment nutrition and limit the baby's food.

After overeating, weight is added - everyone knows this, why then overeat?

In order not to gain weight, you need not to overeat, but in order not to overeat, what do you need?Why do we overeat when we understand all of the above?

After overeating, we are aware of everything, but we overeat:

Scientists have long concluded that we are addicted to food, like alcoholics or drug addicts. After all, all patients with alcoholism or other addiction will never admit that they are sick.

So it is with overweight, we will go on diets, look for medicines, and the reason is the banal overeating.

Until a person understands and accepts this fact, the lost kilograms will return to him again and again. About correct and healthy eating read “

It's just that after each diet, the weight returns to its original position very quickly, taking with you a couple of kilogram friends.

Over time, the body ceases to feel what substances it needs necessary for it.Overeating is not a disease - an eating disorder.

But it leads to the occurrence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, overweight.

Types of overeating:

Binge eating disorder:

People eat voraciously, and lose control over themselves, cannot adequately assess the amount of food eaten.

This type of overeating leads to:

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Boredom.

Psychogenic overeating:

This type of overeating necessarily leads to excess weight, and the reasons for its development are:

  • Accidents.
  • Loss and loss of relatives.
  • Emotional distress, especially in those with a predisposition to be overweight.
  • Postponed or upcoming operations.

Symptoms of psychogenic overeating:

  • Loss of control over the absorption of food.
  • During times of extreme stress, you consume too much food.
  • It is eaten in a short period of time a large number of food.
  • Eat a lot without hunger.
  • Drive to the bone.
  • Food calms you down when you are sad, bored, and depressed.
  • You try to eat alone, realizing that you can't eat like that.
  • Eat alone, trying to hide your insatiable appetite.
  • After eating, you feel guilty, self-loathing.

Reasons for overeating, figuring out where and why :

  • Overeating can be caused by low self-esteem.
  • Violated defense mechanisms organism.
  • Your internal conflicts and the associated nervous tension.
  • Psychosomatics.
  • Banal boredom, from idleness, when you don't want to do anything, you wander from corner to corner. Of course there is an occupation, and this is a refrigerator. You open it, and further in a circle.
  • Stressful situations - they offended me, they don't like me, they don't respect me. It's easier to take and eat something tasty from the heart, and the mood rises, we feel good.
  • Your long-awaited reward for a whole month (week) of diet. After all, it's not in vain for 3-4 kilograms, and it's okay if you eat candy, then two and three. It’s impossible to stop, because it’s so delicious. Scales are best avoided in the morning.
  • Not getting enough sleep is also a cause of overeating.

Overeating symptoms that happen to us:

  • First, the weight increases, or fluctuates up and down.
  • You are overeating and it is difficult for you to fall asleep, sleep is disturbed. The body must rest, but it works. Think about it.
  • The work of the stomach is disrupted (it is full).
  • The work of the pancreas is disrupted, which does not like too much.
  • Bloating occurs due to poorly digested food. Read about the causes of bloating, where everything is described in detail.
  • Uncontrolled eating, even without special hunger, we are not in control of ourselves.
  • Use large portions food, even on time.

What to do? How to break this vicious circle? Is it possible? Yes, maybe, and don't think you can't. You can and how.

Learn to eat right, control yourself, and learn not to overeat. Read how to lose weight. And everything will be all right.

Overeating consequences for the body:

  • Deposition of excess fat and salts in tissues and blood vessels.
  • Reducing the secretion of insulin production when diabetes mellitus overeating is a great stress for the pancreas.
  • Education in.
  • Excess weight, stress on joints, spine, blood vessels.
  • There is literally an excess of food poisoning the body.
  • The formation of various stones in the kidneys and gallbladder from salts.
  • Excessive levels of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the blood.

Overeating is especially dangerous at night. The body has already prepared for cleansing, but we do not want to reckon with this and eat when we want.


  • Often there is evening nausea and this is due to overeating in evening time... Especially if the food was fatty and fried. It is very hard to digest and ruins gall bladder, liver, stomach, etc.

What to do when overeating, trying to solve the problem:

  • When you sit down at the table, try not to think about the bad, concentrate on the food and the quantity and quality of the eaten.
  • Try to stop eating constantly, wait until a certain time when people eat. Try to snack less and endlessly.
  • Don't eat while running. Sit at the table and do not eat quickly, try not to swallow food, but to chew.
  • Stop rewarding yourself with tasty things once and for all, and buy yourself a new lipstick.
  • Do not eat when you are tired. Relax and then eat. It is fatigue that pushes a person to overeat in the evening.

How to outsmart your nighttime overeating:

  • In the evening, do not sit at home, go out for a walk or, better, do any sport. If you don't want to or can't, just walk at a brisk pace.
  • Be sure to have breakfast in the morning, you cannot skip breakfast, it starts the metabolic mechanism.
  • When you eat, don't do anything else (don't watch TV, don't type on your laptop, don't read). You need to focus on food.
  • Dinner should be more protein (non-fatty meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, and whole grains).
  • After a while, turn on the aroma lamp to subdue the appetite, if any (banana oil, orange, strawberry, cherry).
  • After dinner, keep yourself busy with something fun and interesting, and possibly necessary, so as not to constantly think about food and prevent boredom. Fix and sort your clothes, iron your outfit for tomorrow, check your bills, and more.
  • Make a list of necessary things for the house, perhaps something requires global efforts and your participation.
  • If you don't feel like that either, go to the mirror and look at yourself. Perhaps you need a new haircut or new variant makeup, or another combination of your clothes?

After overeating, what to do, we decide further:

  • If you suddenly feel like having a snack at night, brush your teeth again, they say it helps a lot. Try it.
  • Try to keep your routine a little. Go to bed and get up at the same time. Walk and meet with friends, plan your leisure time. There will be less surprises and less stress.
  • If an overwhelming feeling of hunger comes over, before satisfying it, count to 30 or 10 seconds later, the feeling of hunger will recede. This is verified.
  • If at first it is tight, then in the evening prepare yourself at least a non-harmful snack for the night. This way you can hurt yourself less.
  • Try to go to the cinema in the theater in the evenings, think about it, because besides food there are so many interesting and exciting things.

Reducing Harm After Overeating:

This is only about reducing the harm from overeating, and to get rid of harm, you can only stop overeating. But while we are learning everything, we will reduce the harm from our feasts:

  • Take vitamins C and E immediately after meals. They reduce the harm from fatty foods on the cardiovascular system.
  • It is advisable to make the day following overeating a fasting day. Choose those foods for relief that you like, with the exception of unhealthy ones.

This could be:

  • 1 kg. poultry or fish meat.
  • Vegetables - 1.5 kg.
  • Fruit 1.5 kg.
  • Dairy products 6-8 glasses.
  • Necessarily pure water in the amount of 1.5 liters.
  • Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  • In the morning after overeating, drink a glass of kefir.
  • During the day, after overeating, drink at least 5-6 cups of natural green tea.
  • After overeating, do not go to bed, force yourself to go for a walk. You will have to walk for at least an hour.

It is forbidden! Induce vomiting after overeating. Why? Your body will get used to emptying the stomach after eating and then you will not be able to hold anything in it. Once you induce vomiting from overeating, you've taken the huge first step towards bulimia.

But if you yourself cannot cope with overeating, you may have food addiction at the mental level.

The difference between signs of food addiction after overeating:

  • Constant thoughts about food: you savor recipes, discuss only food and nothing else.
  • Continuous focus and attention on food: you are always aware of where and what is delicious, where what is cooked and what is eaten. Only food is in your field of attention. You are always ready to eat.
  • Uncontrolled stock of products: you buy food in large quantities or require it from your family.
  • Can't get enough of your regular meal: you try to put food in large plates, eat up the rest of the food for your family and children. The need to always be near food, savor its cooking, take a sample, etc.
  • Uncontrolled eating: problem with self-control at the sight of food does not stop and even violation of ethical behavior.
  • Feelings of guilt over overeating: after all this, remorse, a constant feeling of guilt and shame for oneself. But the worst thing is that you suffer and suffer.

Possible greed for food lies in your difficult and hungry childhood, difficult material conditions.

In such cases, you can help:

  • Psychologist.
  • Psychotherapist.
  • Psychiatrist.

This is addiction and do not delay treatment. I have no right to advise anything from medications.

Understand that in order to establish the cause of the dependence on food, a thorough examination is needed. But you can help yourself after a one-time overeating after my advice.

A video on how to avoid overeating will help you:

Overeating, no matter what caused it, is not uncommon these days. It can be caused by some somatic reason, or it can be trivial. compulsive overeating... Although in fact, it can be called banal only at first glance. It often happens that an upset girl, after breaking up with a young man, begins to strenuously "seize" grief with cakes and marmalade. Or an employee, annoyed by frequent quarrels with his superiors, in the evening lays on chips with beer and other dubious delicacies.

It is this kind of overeating that doctors usually call the term "compulsive". Simply put, you do not eat when you are really hungry, but in order to distract yourself from the problems that annoy you, with the help of food. Over time, the desire to eat can become permanent. The patient can completely forget that life is filled with some other things: books, theater, cinema, work and loved ones. Basically, if a person falls into a trap running form it is compulsive overeating, then it can be very difficult for him to get out of it without the help of relatives and without medical support.

Overeating symptoms

By their very nature, the effects of binge eating and binge eating on your body are the same. The only significant nuance is that with a compulsive type, you are most likely doing it on permanent basis... In addition, a psychological and stress factor is added. Even if strangers are able to notice that you lead the lifestyle of a person who periodically overeats, then you can be sure that your body is also being significantly harmed. overeating. Symptoms persistent overeating can usually be seen from the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Organs that are directly involved in the process are usually affected. It is, of course, about the gastrointestinal tract. Among clear signs Overeating cravings can be called an appetite that doesn't go away even after you've eaten. You also usually want to keep eating even when you feel full and heavy in your stomach. In such cases, stomach pain, vomiting and general weakness may also occur. Some sufferers thus become bulimic by eating exorbitant amounts of food, vomiting, and re-eating. In fact, this is the destruction of your own body. Inattention to yourself and denial that you need help becomes a ticking time bomb.

Constant overeating will lead to bloating, stool problems, polydipsia, vomiting and nausea. Being overweight is not a direct symptom of overeating, as many other conditions can trigger it.

First aid for overeating

We usually overeat when the food is delicious or when we are a compulsive eater. What if we are in again overeat, being at a party or in a new bout of bad mood? How to help yourself and minimize harm from compulsive overeating or just the impossibility of stopping for festive table? Of course, the ideal would be an option when you would not have to suffer from problems of this nature at all, but such a misfortune can happen to anyone. Who hasn't had enough food or drink for New Year's table or at a birthday party?

First of all, remember that if you already overeat, then you should not execute yourself and you just need to give yourself a rest, giving the body the opportunity to actively solve your problem.

Lie down on the sofa and relax. Unbuckle the belt of trousers or skirts that are too tight. Most likely, in forty minutes or an hour it will become much easier for you. Of course, you should not lie and wait if you feel unusual weight and discomfort when you overeat. It may be worth seeing a doctor if things are really bad. Do not lie on your stomach, as this will make it more difficult for you to digest food. If you feel that you need some kind of medication, then you can try one of the available tools: mix a little ginger, honey and lemon in a glass of water and drink. Ginger is excellent for helping to fight various gastrointestinal disorders, relieving the condition. It will also help fight overeating, symptoms which is usually extremely unpleasant. Herbal tea or green hour, drunk after a meal, will also help to optimize digestion processes. Sometimes you can find a recommendation to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this solution, which will help a full stomach. However, be careful as this can cause internal bleeding! If you have binge eating problems all the time, you probably need professional help.

Physical health, emotional condition and nutrition - these three concepts are inextricably linked. If a person does not eat well, the functioning of vital organs and systems is disrupted, as a result - feeling unwell, and the mood too. And when you're in a bad mood, it's hard to have a good appetite.

It turns out vicious circle... But on the other hand, it is often stress and nervous breakdowns cause uncontrolled overeating, which can seriously damage your health.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called binge eating disorder. What is it, is it a real disease, do you need special treatment, what is dangerous and how to deal with it?

Disease or habit?

Binge eating is the uncontrolled absorption of food even when there is no appetite. At the same time, it is not especially important for a person what exactly, where and how he eats. The main thing is to get full and faster, and satiety never comes, even if you overeat to vomiting and diarrhea.

Important: the patient, as a rule, feels guilty about his actions, but cannot stop. And he continues to overeat, often secretly from others, hiding in entrances, doorways, locking himself in the toilet.

The need for food is not so much physiological as psychological, it develops into addiction. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by both a nutritionist and a psychotherapist.

Naturally, this is extremely harmful and dangerous for the body. The patient himself understands this, as a rule, willingly agreeing to treatment. It is important to start it as early as possible, correctly establishing the root cause of the disease, before irreparable damage to the body has been caused.

Reasons why binge eating disorder occurs

Binge eating is not viral disease, which overtakes a person suddenly and turns into a flu or cold in a few days. The reasons for its development can be very different, sometimes very old, layering one on top of the other, thereby complicating the treatment.

  1. Physiological disorders. Violations hormonal background and metabolism - including diabetes mellitus - can cause physical need in the absorption of food. A person does not feel appetite, on the contrary, he does not want anything. But the body demands immediate filling of the stomach - and it does it. Besides, constant thirst, a frequent companion of diabetes mellitus, is often mistaken for hunger. Although in reality, instead of a thick sandwich with sausage, butter and cheese, it would be enough to drink a glass of water or herbal tea.
  2. Emotional condition. Often, compulsive overeating is a reaction to parting with a loved one, conflict with parents or children, a difficult situation at work. This stereotype came from melodramas and women's novels: “I feel bad - I have to feel sorry for myself - to feel sorry, then eat something tasty”. And the gnawing on cakes, sweets, pizza, sandwiches begins. This is partly correct: in times of stress, the body requires more carbohydrates. But for this it is enough to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate bar or drink a cup of cocoa with milk. Overeating is not a cure for depression at all; this condition must be fought with completely different methods.
  3. Social factor. Binge eating can be a form of protest against generally accepted standards... Tall, skinny girls are in fashion, and I am plump and small. That means I'll be even fatter and uglier to spite everyone. This is how some patients reason and with manic persistence they absorb everything from the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets. Also, the chain laid down by parents or grandmothers from childhood is often triggered: ate well means an obedient child, get a reward for this. Eat bad - bad child, stand in a corner.

Since the causes are complex, the treatment of the disease also requires a long and complex one. Not only physicians, but also relatives should participate.

A successful prognosis largely depends on their support and understanding.

How to recognize

Recognizing the disease is already half of curing it. But for this you need to know the main symptoms of the disease. People with a predisposition to diabetes should be especially attentive to their habits - overeating can become an impetus for drastic change blood sugar levels.

For those who have already been diagnosed with this, it is vital to keep track of the number of meals and their calorie content.

The most common signs of binge eating disorder are:

  1. Irregular diet, regardless of the daily routine and time of day;
  2. The inability to give up a tasty, forbidden dish in favor of a healthier one;
  3. Adequate eating habits in the company of other people, and uncontrolled overeating, when a person is left alone - food is absorbed, as a rule, in huge chunks, with the gluttony of a hungry person, although he could have just had a hearty lunch;
  4. Eating food very quickly, without proper chewing
  5. Continuing to eat foods even when colic and abdominal pains, nausea and bowel disorders begin.

The problem of convulsive overeating is similar to anorexia, but exactly the opposite. After an episode of binge eating, the unfortunate person feels a deep sense of guilt.

But he does not get satisfaction from the food he has eaten. In a stressful state, a person often provokes vomiting or diarrhea himself in order to get rid of the consequences of his actions.

But then he starts eating again. Moreover, even the largest portions are not enough for him.

If at least two or three signs coincide, we can talk about the development of compulsive overeating - urgent and adequate treatment is needed. This state can be compared to what is called.

Consequences and treatment of the disease

The main danger is that the body cannot cope with the processing of all incoming and outgoing nutrients... There is a serious malfunction of all internal organs, up to the complete failure of the stomach, pancreas, liver.

Repeated vomiting and diarrhea lead to dysbiosis and inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Obesity, disruption of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, skin rashes, hormonal imbalance- all these are the consequences of the habit of eating a lot and indiscriminately.

With diabetes mellitus, a person urgently needs the help of doctors: a systematic violation of the diet, despite a dangerous diagnosis, can lead to death.

Appetite suppressants are used nutritional supplements with fiber, body-cleansing compounds and, of course, psychotherapy. Only working on yourself every day will help you completely and permanently get rid of the problem.

How often do you eat an extra portion of hot or drink tea with unlimited sweets? Compulsive overeating occurs in every second person, but not everyone has the strength to cope with an unbridled appetite. Excessive food consumption leads a person to serious illness and stress.

More than half of humanity suffers from compulsive overeating. All because great amount stress during the day provokes a feeling of unbridled appetite and desire for "something" tasty. It's safe to say that everyone overeats from time to time.

This manifests itself in different ways: an extra portion of the additive, a hearty lunch with three positions, cookies and tea rolls, and unobtrusive snacks throughout the day. Binge eating is not justified by hunger and therefore makes you feel unwell.

Binge eating disorder and bulimia

Bulimia is a disorder of human digestive behavior. It is very easy to recognize it, as it is characterized by a sharp increase in appetite. Simply put, the sudden feeling of hunger does not disappear and provokes gluttony.

As a result, a person feels weakness and pain in the pancreas. Of course, some diseases of the central nervous system can provoke bulimia and even nervous disorders... Most often, a person suffering from bulimia suffers from obesity and other endocrine diseases.

Causes of binge eating disorder

Overeating compulsive and binge eating in an adult can be closely associated with poor parenting in childhood. This is because, turning a family meal into a food cult, people do not know any other way to express love for each other:

  • holidays with lush tables
  • delicious gifts
  • regular visits to restaurants and cafes
  • "Grandmother's care" with pies, buns and buns

Food is a method of reward and approval in such cases. It is worth thinking about how you act in this moment and don't you “please” your child with a candy for a good deed?

On the other hand, uncontrolled overeating can be emotional in nature. Binge eating from stress serves as a localizer of negative feelings and bad mood... The basis for stress is:

  • sexual trauma
  • heredity
  • emotional shake-up
  • complexes

Who is more prone to bulimia and binge eating disorder?

  • Statistics show that most people suffering from bulimia and binge eating are in the United States. It was there that the cult of food and fast food reached the highest degree popularity. Affordable prices food supplies provide all degrees of obesity to Americans and, as a result, serious illnesses
  • Most often, this problem affects adolescents who have no idea about proper nutrition and using junk food: chips, hamburgers, sodas, sweets, chocolates, ice cream and pastries. But women between the ages of 20 and 40 are no less vulnerable, whose nervous system not as stable as in men
  • Numerous data indicate that about 20% of overeating people are obese. The rest are overweight, which they cannot cope with on their own.

What is the difference between bulimia in groups of people of different ages?

Based on the total suffering from bulimia, then you can determine the following statistics:

  • 20% are children and adolescents
  • 30% - men
  • 50% - women

Children's bulimia is provoked by an immature psyche and the inability to cope with psychological stress. Also, most often bulimic children appear in those families where the parents themselves suffer from this problem. Unbalanced baby food and a violation of the general diet - lead to the manifestation of the disease, and the constant compulsion of the child to eat in those cases when he is not hungry - only aggravate the situation.

Another reason increased appetite children have constant stress: dissatisfaction with themselves, divorce of parents or their bad relations, misunderstanding with peers, violence and conflicts in society. Causes of childhood bulimia:

  • wrong metabolism
  • unbalanced psyche
  • the habit of consuming food in excess
  • imposition by society and advertising of food

Women's and men's bulimias are almost the same. It is quite easy to determine their signs:

  • obesity and overweight
  • depressed mood, apathy towards the outside world and depression
  • close dependence on food
  • regular stress and increased anxiety
  • constant medication

It is not for nothing that the "stronger" sex has such a name and is often more resistant to various factors, therefore, its percentage of suffering is lower. Men also do not differ in a special desire to follow dietary diets or to induce vomiting reflexes in themselves. Women are more likely to take laxatives, while men are involved in sports and physical activity.

The consequences of binge eating

Of course, this disease significantly worsens the condition of the digestive tract, puts stress on the heart and blood vessels. Impaired metabolism depletes the protective functions of the body, as a result of which a person is prone to frequent illnesses and suffers from a weakened immune system. Obesity interferes with normal functioning.

Bulimia often provokes the appearance of another disease - anorexia (exhaustion of the body and refusal of any food). Whatever the reason for the appearance of bulimia in a person, it seriously injures the human psyche and aggravates its symptoms. Therefore, it is urgent to treat binge eating disorder when even the smallest symptoms are detected.

Who can you turn to for help with bulimia and binge eating disorder?

You can eliminate many of the causes of your disease on your own, but only a qualified doctor can provide quality treatment with an effective result. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • drug treatment
  • psychological assistance

Individual or group psychotherapy has an effective impact on a person and solves many of his problems. Plunging into the depths of consciousness, an experienced psychologist finds the reasons for your overeating and tries to eliminate them. The medication side includes taking antidepressants as needed and hormonal drugs... Not unimportant is the advice of nutritionists who can adjust your diet and diet.

The result of getting rid of binge eating disorder

If you are worried about your health and want to be fully active, then a timely visit to a doctor will allow you to enjoy life without restrictions. Healing from a disease will allow you to experience many benefits:

  • rejection of constant "hungry" diets and exhaustion of the body by constant restrictions on food, as well as trauma to the psyche
  • a well-chosen diet will not only save you from excess weight, it will eliminate it forever and will not allow the "unnecessary" kilograms to accumulate
  • after treatment, you will be able to accurately recognize the feeling of physical hunger from the desire to "seize stress" and will only eat food when necessary
  • obsessive and ghostly thoughts about food will disappear and stop dreaming
  • not overeating will eliminate other problems associated with being overweight

It's never too late to take care of your health and appearance... Fighting bulimia and binge eating is a long process, but if you decide to do it, you can feel the fullness of life and significantly improve your well-being. Finding strength in yourself is not difficult, it is more difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and insecurity.

If you cannot cope with your problem on your own, a qualified doctor is always able to make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Positive emotions and joy every day are much better than flour buns and a fatty portion of hot!

Video: Overeating. How to get rid of a bad habit?

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