Home Trees and shrubs How to fast without harm to health, nutritionists advise. After Maslenitsa, the Orthodox began Great Lent

How to fast without harm to health, nutritionists advise. After Maslenitsa, the Orthodox began Great Lent

When is the beginning of Lent for the Orthodox this year?
The date of this fast (the main test for all Christians) is always floating and constantly changing. So, in the current 2017, it starts on February 27, and ends Great post April 15th. It is known that experts calculate the date of Easter and Great Lent according to a special formula, while referring to the lunisolar calendar.

This forty-day Great Lent is dedicated to Jesus' ordeals in the wilderness, where, as you know, he was tempted by the devil himself for a whole forty days, but did not eat anything all this time. This fasting of Christ marked the beginning of his great work to save human souls. The main purpose of important fasting is to cleanse the spirit.

Then many of us may ask this question: if the main objective to cleanse the soul, why deprive of food? But the answer is simple: every limitation stimulates our spirit. A person, when he stops thinking about food, thinks about something else, turns to God.

The stages of Lent 2017 are as follows:

1.First 40 days - Fourtecost. It starts on Monday, February 27, and ends on April 6, 2017.
2.April 7, 2017 - Annunciation.
3.April 8-9, 2017 - Palm Saturday and Sunday.
4. The strictest fasting falls on April 10-15 - Holy Week.

What is there in these forty days? You need to completely abandon all kinds of animal products throughout the fast. The diet is especially strict in the first and last week... Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, all food is consumed cold. You cannot add and vegetable oil... And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food is allowed without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, it is appropriate to add vegetable oil to food.

Great post (Fourties) - a central post in all historical churches and many Protestant denominations, the purpose of which is to prepare a Christian for the celebration of Easter; also the corresponding period of the liturgical year, marked in the divine service with prayers of repentance and remembrance of the death on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Installed in memory that Christ fasted in the wilderness for forty days. The duration of Great Lent is in one way or another related to the number 40, but its actual duration depends on the calculation rules adopted in this particular denomination.

Dates of Great Lent:

2016 - from March 14 to May 1 (Easter) 2017 - from February 27 to April 16 (Easter)2018 - from February 19 to April 8 (Easter) 2019 - from March 11 to April 28 (Easter) 2020 - from March 2 to April 19 (Easter)


Preparation for Great Lent begins four weeks before its start, which serves the purpose of preparing a Christian spiritually for the main and only meaning of fasting - repentance. Each of the weeks (Sundays) and weeks preceding Great Lent has its own name

The Week of Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10)

In the first week of preparation for fasting, the Church calls on Christians, following the example of Zacchaeus, to show free will in order to draw closer to God. The undersized Zacchaeus is sinful and limited, but his desire surpasses and conquers all this. He effortfully attracts the attention of Jesus Christ, brings Him into his home.

The week of the publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18: 10-14)

Three weeks before Great Lent, the Church recalls the Gospel parable of the publican and the Pharisee. From this day, the singing of the Lenten Triodion begins. At Matins, after the reading of the 50th Psalm, special penitential troparia are read "Open the doors of repentance ..."

The Church calls on the faithful to think about true and ostentatious repentance, when the one who condemns himself (the publican) was justified by God, and the one who exalts himself (the Pharisee) was condemned.

In commemoration of the fact that blindly following the letter of the law (statute) brings spiritual harm, on the following Wednesday and Friday the fast is canceled. The next week is therefore called "continuous", since on all its days, including Wednesday and Friday, according to the statute, it is allowed to eat fast food. The Typicon (Ch. 49) says so about the abolition of fasting in this period: “Befitting vedati: as in this week, those who are wise also contain fasting, the verb artsivuriy. We are monastics every day, behold, on Wednesday and Friday, we eat cheese and eggs, at 9 o'clock. The laity, however, eat meat, corrupting onekh dictate of a fraction of heresy. "

The week of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32)

At Matins, psalm 136 is added to the usual polyeleos psalms, "On the rivers of Babylon ..." with "red hallelujah" (this psalm, in addition to the Week of the Prodigal Son, is also sung on the Week of the Last Judgment and the Cheeseweed Week).

During the next Meat Week, it is still allowed to eat meat products, except on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Last Judgment Week

The penultimate Sunday preceding Great Lent, the Fall and the expulsion of Adam and Eve (Matthew 25: 31-46) is dedicated to the coming Last judgment- this is the last day when it is allowed to eat meat ("conspiracy" on meat).

The week that follows it is called Meatopust, in the folk tradition known as Shrovetide: throughout the week, including Wednesday and Friday, it is allowed to eat fish, eggs, cheese, dairy products; however, on Wednesday and Friday, according to the Typicon, only one meal is served in the evening and the service on these two days is similar to Lenten: it is not allowed to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, the prayer of repentance of Ephraim the Syrian is recited with bows, etc.

The last Sunday before Great Lent is Forgiveness Sunday, also called “Cheese Week”: after Vespers, on this day, the rite of mutual forgiveness is performed, after which the Holy Forty Day begins.

Lent lasts six weeks + Holy Week, starting no earlier than February 2 (15) and ending no later than April 24 (7) May inclusive, depending on the date of Easter. At the same time, the period from March 8 (21) to March 12 (March 25) always falls on Great Lent.

Each of the six weeks of the Forty-day (ends on Friday of the sixth week, on the eve of Lazarus Saturday) is named in the month by ordinal number: 1st week of Great Lent, 2nd week of Great Lent, etc. - and ends with a Week (Sunday). From Holy Week, the counting of days in weeks begins with the Week (Sunday).

Divine service

The service throughout the entire period of the Forty-day period differs from the usual one mainly in that:

on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays there is no liturgy (if there is no holiday), but hours are read and sung and are pictorial;

on Wednesdays and Fridays, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated;

on Saturdays and at Palm Sunday- the usual liturgy of John Chrysostom;

on Sundays (except for Verbny) - the liturgy of Basil the Great;

each of the six Sundays is dedicated to a special memory.

1st week of Great Lent has popular name"Fedorov week". At church services on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Great Compline, the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read, in parts, and on Friday, after the Ambon prayer, the canon of prayer to the Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone (hence the name of the first week) is read, and the blessing of koliva (kutiya ). Monday is popularly called Clean Monday.

First week fasting - The triumph of Orthodoxy: in the modern practice of the ROC, "eternal memory" is proclaimed to all defenders of the Orthodox faith who have died, and "many years" - to the living faithful. Until 1919, heresies were anathematized, and even earlier in Russia - state criminals. At present, anathematization of heresies is performed in cathedral churches.

Second Week Great Lent - The Russian Orthodox Church remembers one of the great theologians - Saint Gregory Palamas.

Third Week Great Lent - Christ of the Cross: after the great doxology at Matins, the holy Cross will be worn out of the altar and offered to be worshiped by the faithful. The 4th week of Great Lent following the Week is called the Christ of the Cross; its environment is the Prepolation of the Holy Forty-day (in common parlance it was called the Middle Cross); from this day until Great Wednesday, the litany "On those preparing for holy enlightenment" (baptism) is added to all liturgies of the Presanctified Gifts.

Fourth Week- the rolling memory of St. John of the Ladder. On Thursday, the 5th week, in the morning, the whole great penitential canon Andrew of Crete, as well as the life of St. Mary of Egypt - "Andrew's standing" or "standing of Mary of Egypt." Another name for this week has become widespread - "Praiseworthy" from the Sabbath of the Akathist or Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos: on Saturday morning the Akathist is solemnly read to the Most Holy Theotokos. The celebration was established in memory of the salvation of Constantinople from an alien invasion in 626 under the Emperor Heraclius.

Fifth Week- memory of St. Mary of Egypt, the model of true repentance. The sixth week is the week of fringes, on the heel of which the Holy Forty Day ends; Saturday - Resurrection of the righteous Lazarus (Lazarev Saturday).

Sixth week- The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday, the twelfth feast.

Holy Week:

Great Monday, Good Monday- Monday of Holy Week. This day is remembered Old Testament patriarch Joseph, sold by his brothers to Egypt, as a prototype of the suffering Jesus Christ, as well as the Gospel story of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree, symbolizing a soul that does not bear spiritual fruit - true repentance, faith, prayer and good deeds.

Great Tuesday- Tuesday of Holy Week, which commemorates the preaching of Jesus Christ in the Jerusalem Temple.

Great Wednesday, Passionate Wednesday- Wednesday of Holy Week, which recalls Judas' betrayal of Jesus Christ and his anointing with myrrh.

Maundy Thursday- Christ establishes the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the upper room of Zion in Jerusalem. The Synoptic Gospels describe this day as the day of unleavened bread, that is, the Jewish Passover (Passover). Gospel of John and further developments other Gospels show that the Jews of Jerusalem celebrated Easter after the day of Christ's execution, that is, two days later. One of the explanations, also taking into account the Qumran finds, suggests that the Galilee calendar was two days behind the Jerusalem calendar. Thus, at the Last Supper, the Old Testament Passover - the lamb, wine and unleavened bread, is mystically associated with the New Testament Passover - Christ, His Body and Blood;

Good Friday- according to tradition, before the Passover holiday, Pontius Pilate wanted to release one prisoner, in the hope that the people would ask for Jesus. However, incited by the high priests, the people demand that Barabbas be released. John emphasizes that the crucifixion takes place on the day of Passover, since the slaughter of the Passover sacrificial lamb on the Old Testament Passover (Passover) is a prototype of the New Testament Passover - the slaughter of Christ as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. Just as the bones of the Passover lamb (firstborn and without blemish) should not be broken, so Christ's legs are not broken, unlike other executed. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, having asked Pilate for the burial of Jesus' body, wrap a shroud soaked in incense around it and put it in the nearest coffin, a cave, until the Sabbath rest. Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” are present at the burial;

Great Saturday- the high priests, remembering that Christ spoke about his resurrection on the third day, despite the current holiday and Saturday, turn to Pilate to put a guard for three days so that the disciples would not steal the body, thus depicting the teacher's resurrection from the dead;

Enamel miniature "Resurrection of Christ" (shoulder pad of Andrey Bogolyubsky, c. 1170-1180)

Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ:

The Resurrection of Christ (the first day after the Sabbath) - after the Sabbath rest, the Myrrh-Bearing Wives go to the sepulcher. Before them an Angel descends to the grave and rolls the stone away from him, an earthquake occurs, and the guards are thrown into fear. The angel tells the wives that Christ is risen, and will precede them in Galilee. The appearance of Christ to the disciples;

Meals in Lent

With regard to meals, the Church Ordinance prescribes the following rules:

in the first and last (Holy Week) weeks - especially strict fasting;

"fast" foods are not allowed;

on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - cold food without oil once a day (in the evening);

on Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot food without oil once a day (in the evening);

on Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to consume vegetable oil and grape wine(except Saturday of Holy Week) twice a day (in the daytime and in the evening);

there is nothing to eat on Good Friday;

on Great Saturday, many believers also refuse food before Easter, while the Rule allows a single meal of raw food with wine on the evening of this day;

fish is allowed only on the holidays of the Annunciation (if it did not coincide with Holy Week) and on Palm Sunday (Vai); fish is not allowed on Lazarev Saturday, but caviar can be eaten.

On the days of remembrance of the most revered saints, if they fell on Great Lent, it is also allowed:

  • on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - eat hot food with vegetable oil;
  • on Wednesday and Friday - hot food without oil, but with wine.

Lent falls in the spring, so the main products of this fast are salted and boiled vegetables and fruits, as well as carrots, onions, cabbage, beets, canned green pea and other legumes, apples, oranges, dried fruits and nuts. There are many different dishes that can be prepared using these and other foods.

The start date of Shrovetide varies depending on when Lent begins, which lasts seven weeks before Easter. And it is just before Great Lent that Pancake Week is celebrated.

Shrovetide is prep week dedicated to Great Lent in the Christian sense of one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for a repentant path to God - this is the Christian component of Shrovetide. Shrovetide Week, Shrovetide is the colloquial name of Cheese Week - the last week before Lent. During Shrovetide, no meat is eaten, but fish and dairy products can be consumed. Shrovetide is a solid week fasting on Wednesday and Friday is canceled.

Shrovetide 2017- this is the farewell to winter and the joyful expectation of spring, this is a folk festive cycle that has been preserved among the Slavs since pagan times. Shrovetide in villages and cities is always celebrated with mass festivities - noisy, fun and with generous refreshments. We are sure that the festivities on Maslenitsa 2017 will be no less fun. When will Maslenitsa 2017, do not think that the only treat for the holidays is pancakes. As a rule, when Maslenitsa is celebrated, a rich table is laid. In the old days, pancakes and pies with various fillings were put on the table at Maslenitsa: mushroom, cottage cheese, cabbage, and more.

Why is Maslenitsa called Maslenitsa or Cheese Week

Pancake week got its name from the fact that in the last week before Great Lent, eating is allowed butter, dairy products and fish. In the Russian calendar Orthodox Church this period is called Cheese Week, the week (week) following the Motley Week. In the Orthodox Church it is believed that meaning of Cheese Week- reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for Great Lent - the time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and charity.

The temples begin to perform fasting services... On Wednesday and Friday, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated; the Lenten prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian is read. The last Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent is called the Church of Cheeseweed Week (it is on this day that the consumption of dairy products ends), or Forgiveness Sunday... On this day, after the evening service in churches, a special rite of forgiveness is performed, when the clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul, reconciled with all their neighbors.

The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa: Maslenitsa stuffed animal, fun, sleigh rides, festivities, Russians have obligatory pancakes and flatbreads, Ukrainians and Belarusians have dumplings, cheesecakes and a block.

Folk rituals of Maslenitsa

The ritual side of Shrovetide is very complex and dates back to deep antiquity... It includes rituals related to the beginning of a new cycle, and to the stimulation of fertility, and to the cult of ancestors. The main heroine of the holiday was Maslenitsa, embodied in a scarecrow. Shrovetide is not a deity, however, it represents an archaic stage in the development of a dying and resurrecting deity. The Scarecrow of Maslenitsa seemed to be the focus of fertility and fertility, and the rituals of his seeing off were supposed to convey this fertility to the earth. For the peasant, the fertility of the land was extremely important. Another side of Maslenitsa is connected with the stimulation of fertility - the memorial. The departed ancestors, according to the ideas of the peasants, were simultaneously in the other world and in the land, which means they could influence its fertility. Pancakes are the main attribute of Shrovetide. Contrary to popular belief, pancakes are not and have never been a symbol of the sun in Slavic peoples... Pancakes have always been a memorial dish among the Slavs, so they correspond very well to the memorial essence of Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide traditions

Pre-Christian Maslenitsa - celebrated in March, on the days vernal equinox, the pagan holiday of farewell to winter - the comedians. The celebration of Shrovetide was accompanied by rituals that glorified the sun, symbolizing the death of seasonal death and the approach of the rebirth of nature, and lasted for a week. Shrovetide was days of universal fun and revelry, feasting... It was a feast of the stomach, accompanied by drunkenness and food to the point of gluttony. There was also a place for eroticism. In some villages, team-mates were arranged, together, the whole village was brewed beer. Shrovetide is a wide celebration. It was impossible to skimp on expenses.

A characteristic feature of the celebration of Maslenitsa is skating... Specially arranged icy mountains where many people gathered. We rode on sleds and sleighs, creating a "heap of small" on them, on birch bark and on any means at hand. According to tradition, in the villages on Maslenitsa, they certainly rode horses harnessed to decorated sleighs. In front of the sleigh, a shaft was installed with a wheel fixed at the top, symbolizing the sun. Entire sled trains were organized. For all the entertainments and fun, skating and festivities, mummers, buffoons were present and took an active part in them - these are folk traditions on Shrovetide. Harnessing, like riding, was common throughout the week. Fist fights were also widespread. The holidays ended with the burning of Maslenitsa.

Folk traditions at the Maslenitsa

Pancake week is divided into two periods: Narrow Shrovetide and Wide Shrovetide who have their own traditions. Narrow Shrovetide - the first three days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wide Shrovetide - these are the last four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In the first three days, it was possible to do household work, and from Thursday all work stopped, and the Wide Maslenitsa began. Among the people, every day of Maslenitsa has its own name.

  • Monday Shrovetide - MEETING

Traditionally, for the first day of Maslenitsa, places of public festivities, ice slides, booths were prepared; stocks were created for refreshments - pancakes, pies, pancakes, rolls were baked, snacks and drinks were prepared. Young people made a straw doll representing Shrovetide. The doll was dressed, dressed up, taken out on a sled to a high place and called on Shrovetide to come, ride and lie in pancakes. The hostesses began to invite and treat the guests.

  • Shrove Tuesday - PLAY (flirting of young people)

Traditions for this day of Maslenitsa youth in the morning invited each other to pancakes. Boys and girls exchanged visits and after a few treats went out into the streets, on the hills to have fun, to have fun. Youth games were arranged. Guys looked out for brides, girls - grooms.

  • Wednesday Shrovetide - LAKOMKA (at the mother-in-law on pancakes)

On Wednesday, it was the mother-in-law's mother-in-law who traditionally organized a plentiful meal with obligatory pancakes for Shrovetide. She gathered relatives with the first priority of inviting and honoring sons-in-law.

  • Shrovetide Thursday - RAZGUL (wide Thursday)

Traditionally, street festivities on Maslenitsa took on the most widespread character on Thursday. People poured into the streets, converged in certain places for joint treats, drinks. Songs sounded over the villages. Noise, din, laughter and the ringing of bells accompanied the sleigh trains. The buffoons entertained the audience. The ice slides were covered with children and youth. The guys arranged various pranks. Fistfights were growing.

  • Shrovetide Friday - MOTHER'S PARTIES

Traditions at the Maslenitsa ordered the son-in-law to personally invite his mother-in-law to visit him on Friday. Other relatives also gathered to treat their son-in-law, also with pancakes.

  • Saturday Shrovetide - ZOLOVKIN'S SEATING

By tradition, on Saturday, the young daughter-in-law showed her skill in preparing food and invited relatives to her place.

  • Sunday for Shrovetide - WIRES (burning of Shrovetide - ritual of seeing off winter)

At some elevated place, a long pole was installed, at the top of which a wheel was fixed, symbolizing the movement of the sun towards spring, which every day rose higher and higher in the firmament. This building was lined with firewood, brooms, and in the evening a big fire was made. A scarecrow of winter, cold, seasonal death was burned. All this was accompanied by fun, sleigh rides from the mountains, various fun. These lights were visible from village to village.

The celebration of Shrovetide was necessarily associated with pancakes, which symbolized the solar disk. On Shrovetide, weddings were played - both nature and people were preparing for fruiting.

Signs and sayings on Shrovetide

  • The first pancake for the rest (in butter).
  • The first thaw - parents sighed.
  • Eat cheese, sour cream, butter, all troubles - get rid of the generosity of your soul.
  • Porridge is not tasty without oil.
  • Gone Christmastide, sorry to leave, Olive came - to ride (Voronezh.).
  • You are welcome to us about Shrovetide with our good, with an honest belly.
  • Where are the pancakes, here we are; where porridge with butter - here is our place.
  • Damn not a wedge, the belly will not split.
  • Not oily without a pancake.
  • Ride on the slides, roll in pancakes.
  • About butter - you feast for a week, you get drunk for seven.
  • We drank beer about Shrovetide, and with a hangover broke after Radunitsa.
  • The songs about Shrovetide are merry, and more fun than that - about Radonitsa.
  • Maslenitsa is Semikov's niece.
  • Shrovetide obeduha, money priberukha.
  • He called, called the honest Semik the wide Maslenitsa to take a walk.
  • Maslena: honest, cheerful, broad, world-wide.
  • Pancake week - pancake maker
  • Let's pay our respects to a cheese house on Sunday (that is, let's play it off, dress up, etc.).
  • The Maslena River is wide: Great Lent was also flooded.
  • Feast-walk, baba, on Maslena, but remember about fasting.
  • Maslen is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.
  • Blasius will spill oil on the roads - it’s time for winter to remove his feet, the way is led by her, after Prokhor is followed.
  • Son-in-law - pie on the table.
  • The mother-in-law has a son-in-law and a stupa milking (that is, milking).
  • The son-in-law will come, where to get the sour cream?
  • Bad weather on Sunday before the oil season - for the mushroom harvest.
  • Not everything for the cat is Shrovetide, there will be Great Lent.

Nativity Fast 2017: what date, when starts, food calendar. 28 November 2017

Nativity Fast is a very important time for believers. The time when people are strengthened in their faith, when they are cleared of bad thoughts, do not commit bad deeds, let go of all insults, resolve conflicts. Let's find out what date the Christmas fast begins in 2017, what rules accompany it, and what food can be taken during this period.

We have also collected interesting and useful information about this important period in the life of believers. In addition, you will find several recipes for the fasting period.

When does the Nativity Fast start in 2017. When the Nativity Fast ends in 2017

  • The beginning of the Nativity Fast- November 28, 2017
  • End of the Nativity Fast- January 7, 2018
  • How long does it take- 40 days
  • Nativity Fast 2017: what date, when starts, food calendar.

Each year, the Nativity Fast begins and ends at the same time and lasts 40 days. In 2017-2018, the post will be held on a temporary basis from December 28 to January 6. Believers also know another name for this strict fast - Filippov's fast. The thing is that December 27 is the day of remembrance of Saint Philip, who was one of Christ's disciples.

Initially, for some Christian believers fasting lasted only 7 days, but in 1166 at the council it was decided to fast for 40 days before the birth of Christ. It is necessary in order to spend time in cleansing, repentance, and prayer. And then with a pure heart, soul and body, you can meet the Birth of Christ.

It is known that the establishment of Filippov or the Nativity Fast refers to the period of early Christianity. Post is mentioned in some historical legends from the 4th century.

Advent calendar 2017 2018 by day

During the period of the Nativity Fast, it is customary to give up not only bad thoughts, bad deeds, excessive fun, but also from certain foods. The rules of the Nativity Fast are quite strict, believers refuse meat, eggs, milk, cow's butter and many other products. Nativity Fast believers follow a specific food calendar:

  • in the first half of the fast from November 28 to December 19, every Monday you can eat hot dishes without adding oil to them. You can eat soups and various cereals. On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, seafood or fish can be added to hot dishes. Wednesday and Friday are considered austere days when lean bread or other dry food is eaten. This is called dry eating;
  • From 20 December to 1 January on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food is also allowed without oil dressing. On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this period, the rule for adding fish or seafood will be canceled. But on these days it is allowed to add oil to the dish. Dry eating remains on Wednesday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday are the days when you can eat fish, drink a little wine, and also eat food vegetable origin with olive oil or sunflower;
  • From 2 to 5 January, the strictest half of the Nativity Fast begins. These days there is a strict adherence to the food calendar. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can only eat unboiled food (dry food). For example, various conservation. Hot meals without the addition of any oil can be eaten on Tuesday and Thursday. These are boiled rice, dumplings, jelly. Hot buttered dishes are allowed on Saturday and Sunday. For example, hummus, eggplant caviar, falafel, tomato soup, mushroom potatoes.

Christmas fast sandwich


  • tomatoes;
  • basil;
  • olive oil;
  • vinegar;
  • pepper, salt;
  • bread.

Preparation: First, you need to process the tomatoes with boiling water, then carefully remove the skin. Next, remove seeds from the tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Also chop the basil finely, add it to the tomatoes, sprinkle with a few drops olive oil and wine vinegar.

Cut a slice of bread to the required size and lay out the mass. Top can be decorated with a basil leaf or parsley.

Nativity fast in 2017. Recipes for Christmas fast.

Vegetable Lean Soup


  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • celery (root);
  • leek;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt pepper;
  • water.

Preparation: Vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into medium cubes. Transfer the chopped ingredients to a saucepan, add the spices and bay leaf, cover with water and cook until boiling.

Transfer the vegetables to a cauldron and leave in the oven to soften the vegetables. After that, they need to be whipped with a blender until puree. Before serving, add a few drops of oil to the soup and garnish with herbs.

Nativity fast in 2017. Recipes for Christmas fast.

The original salad for the post


  • spinach;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • fresh champignons;
  • almond;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • spices.

Preparation: Cut the cherry in half, tear the spinach with your hands. Wash the mushrooms well and cut them into wedges. Now you need to fry the almonds a little, and then chop, adding spices, balsamic vinegar and oil.

Combine all the ingredients and season the salad with the peanut sauce.

Nativity fast in 2017. Recipes for Christmas fast.

Pilaf with dried fruits


  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • walnuts;
  • salt.

Preparation: Boil rice in slightly salted water. Fry nuts in a pan. Now you need to add pieces of dried fruit to the rice, boil again, add honey and nuts. Let the pilaf brew for a while.

Rules of the Nativity Fast

In addition to spiritual cleansing, cleansing the body, during the period of the Nativity Fast, it is customary to go to church, pray, and be cleansed of sins. At this time, people give up marital duty, entertainment, reading fiction.

On the Nativity Fast healthy people must adhere to a reasonable framework in the use of food. If a person cannot pray due to exhaustion, this means that the reasonable framework is behind and the situation needs to be corrected. The primary purpose of fasting is not hunger, but feat.

Children under the age of 14 are exempted from fasting, as well as people over 60, seriously ill, pregnant women, mothers who are feeding a child, wandering people, homeless people, and those who work hard also do not observe fasting.

Is it possible to celebrate the New Year? Believers are not forbidden to gather for festive table, observing the rules of a lean meal. It was ordered only not to replace Christmas with this celebration. Even though New Year- this is not a church holiday, nevertheless, a prayer service is held in many churches, and then parishioners sit down at the Lenten festive table.

Interesting facts and useful information about the Nativity Fast

  • The Armenian Apostolic Church did not obey the rules of the cathedral of 1166 and still holds the Christmas fast for 7 days.
  • It is known that the holy Apostle Philip could not go to heaven for 40 whole days, because he asked punishment for his tormentors.
  • The Catholic Church during the period of the Nativity Fast is called Advent. This is the period when people prepare for important holiday Nativity of Christ.
  • Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days after his baptism, which is why the Nativity fast lasts 40 days.
  • Nativity Fast is the last fast of the year for many days.
  • After fasting, they break their fast gradually, otherwise you can harm the body, stress it. It is believed that for several weeks after the end of the fast, you need to adhere to special treatment nutrition, do not overeat, do not pounce on fatty meat, but choose diet types, consume only a small amount of alcohol, preferably red wine. It is advisable not to eat anything spicy or fried. Give preference to steamed dishes.
  • It is known that in the 17th century monks wanted to drink beer even during Lent and sent a messenger with a keg to the Pope. While the messenger carried him, the beer turned sour and the Pope allowed him to drink it even during fasting, calling the drink terrible.
  • In some families, it is customary that children start fasting from about 7 years old. They accept their parents' rules and fast. Although there may be indulgences for children.
  • In fasting, first of all, it is customary to think about the soul, and not about the state of the body. Therefore, during the Christmas post, they refuse to do sports and watch sports TV programs.
  • During the Nativity Lent, there are two main holidays for the Orthodox Church. Introduction to the temple Holy Mother of God falls on December 4 and the day of memory of St. Nicholas - December 19.
  • The Nativity Fast has another name - cereal, because porridge becomes the most important dish on the Lenten table.

Nativity Fast is special time for believers. These days they do not baptize children, do not marry or get married, do not go to various fun events. These days they try to think about their behavior, about their life and deeds, strengthen their faith and pray. Fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing, so if you constantly think about food, then you shouldn't even start fasting. Before fasting, they visit a priest, talk about their thoughts and feelings, and ask permission to fast. For people who are fasting for the first time, it is better to start limiting themselves in food in advance, although for many it is more useful to immediately keep a strict fast so that the body gets used to it. Think good things, focus on spiritual things, and get ready for Christmas!

Religion imparts fasting mystical meaning... The essence of this period in the life of an Orthodox Christian is the acquisition of greater spirituality, deliverance from all evil in a person and repentance for sins. This is also true from a physiological point of view, as reducing meat consumption contributes to greater calmness and tranquility. Here we can draw a parallel with the humility to which the clergy are called. V Orthodox tradition there are four long fasts and several one-day fasts. Below we will consider the main posts in 2017, as well as give recommendations related to the consumption of food during these periods of the spiritual life of Orthodox believers.

Posts in 2017: dates

  1. Great post. Lasts 40 days, but compliance period varies based on church canons... The next section will tell you what date Lent is in 2017.
  2. Apostolic fast - dedicated to the memory of two apostles: Peter and Paul. Hence another name for this period - Petrov post. Fasting period in 2017: from 06 to 11.07.
  3. Assumption post. Fasting period: from August 14 to August 27.
  4. Filippov post (also called, since it is timed to coincide with the bright holiday of Christmas). Fasting period: from November 28 to December 6.
  5. One-day fast on 18.01, which falls on Epiphany Christmas Eve.
  6. One-day fast on September 11 in memory of the death of John the Baptist, who was executed by order of Herod.
  7. One-day fast on September 27, associated with the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the memory of the suffering of the son of God on the cross for the sins of all mankind.
  8. Every Wednesday and Friday. However, during the Christmastide period and for continuous weeks, the Church Charter introduces separate rules for a meal on Wednesday and Friday.

The period of Great Orthodox Lent in 2017

Lent 2017 is considered the most important for a believer, as it refers to the time when Jesus did not eat anything in the desert for 40 days. Of course, for ordinary mortals, a complete refusal of food for the entire period of the fast is not provided, but several fasting days do recommended. This period begins spiritual growth and cleansing forty days before. Lent in 2017 will begin on February 27 and end on April 15. The beginning of the fast is preceded by five preparatory weeks, each of which has a sacred meaning:

Nutritional Charter during Great Lent

On the first day of the first week of fasting orthodox christian completely refuses to eat in favor of spiritual life. The second day allows you to break your fast with bread and water. On Wednesday and Thursday food is supposed to be eaten raw and without oil, and on Friday - cooked without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food boiled with butter may be supplemented with moderate consumption of wine.

From the second to the fourth week inclusive: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays eat food without oil and raw; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - without butter, but boiled; and on Sunday they eat food boiled with oil and supplement the meal with wine. The fifth week is distinguished by Thursday, which allows the use of cooked food seasoned with oil. The sixth week differs from the second in that the Charter allows fish to be eaten on Sunday.

The seventh week is called passionate and involves the following diet:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - food without oil and raw;
  • Thursday - boiled food with the addition of oil, wine is allowed;
  • Friday - complete refusal of food;
  • Saturday - the food is raw and without oil, but wine is allowed;
  • Sunday is the day when meat is allowed.

Charter of nutrition during the period of Petrov Lent

The use of dairy and meat products is prohibited. On Wednesday and Friday, this ban is supplemented by fish. And on Saturdays and Sundays, the meal is complemented by wine.

Food Charter for the Assumption Fast

Food on the Dormition Fast 2017 is completely identical to the diet from the second to the fourth week in Lent. The exception is the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, when Orthodox Christians can diversify their gastronomy with fish dishes, wine and oil.

Food Charter for the Nativity Fast

  1. Period from November 28 to December 19: Mon. - cooked food without adding oil; Tue, Thu, Sat and sun. - it is allowed to eat fish dishes; Wed and Fri. - dry eating.
  2. Period from December 20 to January 1: Mon. - hot food without oil; Tue and Thurs. - hot food with butter; Wed and Fri - dry eating; Sat. and sun. - a fish.
  3. Period from 02.01 to 06.01: Mon, Wed and Fri. - dry eating; Tue and Thurs. - hot food without oil; Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

This information will allow all Christians to approach as responsibly as possible in order to observe all fasts in 2017 in accordance with the Church Charter, and no longer waste time looking for information when they will Orthodox posts in 2017.

Fasting from the perspective of medical practice

Many nutritionists and endocrinologists also find it useful to fast. The main advantages of fasting are the ability to rid the body of accumulated toxins. This is especially true for days of complete refusal to eat. This circumstance is extremely relevant, especially in modern world when a person is constantly faced with an unfavorable environment and food that is not healthy. Fasting helps to normalize metabolism, remove harmful substances from the body, and lose weight.

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