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Every gardener strives to decorate his plot with beautiful and bright flowering plants. It is desirable that these crops be unpretentious in care, long pleasing to the eye with bright and unusual flowers. Verbena is one of these plants.

Verbena is a perennial herbaceous plant, which in Russia is often grown as an annual, since its homeland is the subtropics of South America, and it is unusual for our cold weather. Previously, it was called cast iron grass, pigeon grass, “tears of Juno”, “blood of Mercury” or “hercules grass”. IN Orthodox world verbena is a sacred plant, since it was its sprouts that appeared on the earth under the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Druids prepared a love potion from flowers, and the Celts believed that the inflorescences of this plant helped protect the house from evil spirits and vampires. In addition, this plant is widely used in folk medicine.

The average height of verbena stems is from 15 to 50 cm. It is a fairly bushy plant. The flowers are small, having 5 petals, formed into inflorescences. The color palette is impressive: verbena flowers can be white, blue, bright red, pink, cream and other colors. The flowering period lasts all summer.

Verbena varieties

There are about 200 species of plants belonging to the Verbenovaceae family. But only a few varieties are grown in garden plots.

Variety / TypePhotoDescription

Enough tall plant, V in some cases reaching a height of 1.5 m. It has jagged leaves of green-gray color, leaf dimensions are about 9 cm in length and 5 cm in width. Blue-violet flowers
A perennial that loves warm climates. The stems are thin, up to 20 cm high, the leaves are oval-shaped with sharp tips. Blooms profusely, flowers are collected in umbrellas, pink, white, lilac and other colors
Very common. It can be erect or creeping with stems up to 50 cm long. The leaves have a pubescent edge. The flowers are collected in umbrellas and emit a pleasant aroma. This verbena comes in two types: mammoth and compact low.
A plant about 45 cm high with large dense inflorescences with red flowers and a cream eye
The bush is shorter than Etna, about 30 cm tall, the inflorescences are also smaller, with velvety flowers, each of which reaches a size of 2.5 cm
Plant about 40 cm high, with flowers of blue color and a white eye, collected in lush inflorescences
Small bushes up to 25 cm high, lush inflorescences, red-violet flowers

How to grow verbena from seeds

It's not difficult to do it yourself. Verbena is grown from seeds both in boxes and outdoors. But verbena is a heat-loving plant, and in Russia it is grown starting from seedlings, and only then planted in open ground. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March.

How to grow verbena from seeds at home?

Video - How to plant verbena seeds correctly

Boarding time

If verbena seeds are sown in the ground in March, then you should start planting seedlings outside only when you are sure that sudden frosts will not damage the plants. Maximum temperature air that young plants can withstand is only -3 degrees.

The seedlings are planted where it will have enough light: verbena is a light-loving plant and is not afraid of direct sunlight. It is better to choose loamy soil; if the soil is different, then dig it up with sand.

Verbena bushes are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other if the variety is compact. If the variety is creeping, then the distance between plants must be maintained at about 28-30 cm. Before planting, a couple of handfuls of drainage (crushed stone) are placed in the hole to avoid water retention at the roots.

When planting verbena after rain, do not water the holes. But if the soil is dry, then you need to pour a couple of glasses of water into the hole and wait a little so that the water is partially absorbed. After this, place the bush along with a lump of earth in the hole, sprinkle with earth and lightly press it against the stem.

Verbena care

Verbena is unpretentious, and therefore special troubles With this plant you won't. The main thing is to feed the bushes and water them in time. She is tenacious and has strong immunity, and therefore withstands attacks from pathogens of various “flower” diseases.

Loosening the soil to provide air to the roots

We found that growing verbena is not that difficult. Take proper care of her and she will delight you bright colors throughout the entire summer season.

Question growing verbena from seeds worries a lot of people, because... Many gardeners really like this flower.

Verbena is a heat-loving flower. It was brought from the territories of South and Central America. In our region it is customary to grow it using seedlings. Seeds are sown at home, and then young seedlings are planted in open ground.

Growing seedlings from seeds

You can start growing in late February or early March.

The more attention paid to this stage, the more likely you are to get a healthy, well-developed plant.

First, prepare a container for growing seedlings. Most often, peat pots or simple wooden boxes are used.

The soil is loose and fertilized. It needs to be warmed up well.

Sowing should be superficial. The seeds are not buried in the soil. You can sprinkle them with a little fine river sand on top.

It is better to throw two seeds into the ground at a time. This will give a higher percentage of seedlings. The sprouts can be thinned out.

Cover the container with glass or thick film and place the seedlings in a warm place, protecting them from temperature changes, dampness and drafts.

The room temperature should be about 19-23 degrees.

Watering must be done very carefully. It is recommended to do this in small portions no more than once a week. The water must be settled so that the lime can settle to the bottom and the chlorine can evaporate.

Tap water cannot be used.

After the first shoots

There are different opinions regarding the timing of the appearance of the first shoots. Everything is individual and depends on the soil, seed shelf life, temperature, etc. On average - 2-3 weeks.

Then the glass (or film) needs to be removed and the plants moved closer to the window.

If you grow low-growing varieties of verbena, it will begin to branch without pinching. Only in ampelous verbena should the top of the main stem (above the fifth leaf) be pinched.

Now the plants need to be looked after before planting in the garden. Don't forget to water them.

In warm weather it can be taken out open air so that the young shoots breathe oxygen. They need to be protected from cold, drafts and given more sunlight.

Planting in open ground

The best time for planting in the garden is mid-May or early June. The main thing is that there are no frosts at night, and sunny, warm weather prevails during the day.

Verbena loves warmth.

Planting is not difficult.

Plants should be placed so that the distance between them is about 25 cm. They are planted in dug holes and covered with earth and pressed with your fingers.

Choose a warm, well-lit place. Verbena loves the sun.

Soil preparation

If planting is done on a rainy day, there is no need to water the seedlings. If the soil is dry, pour 2 cups of water into each hole dug for planting. The plant is planted in the hole only after all the water has been absorbed.

Verbena care

Caring for verbena is not at all difficult. It only requires proper and timely watering, light tillage and fertilizing. good growth and development. The flower is rarely susceptible to disease.


As a rule, verbena is planted singly or in bushes (in a group).

If the flowers are planted singly, you need to monitor the soil throughout the growing season. Verbena needs frequent weeding.

If the flowers are planted in a group, care will be easier. Weeds are removed only the first time. The bushes develop and grow very quickly, and it will no longer be necessary to cultivate the soil.

Proper watering

This flower originally grew in tropical places, so it is resistant to drought. The plant should be watered moderately.

Only the ampel variety of verbena requires more frequent and abundant watering. Excess moisture slows down its growth, prevents good flowering, and affects the formation of a large number of shoots and shoots.

Fertilizing verbena

The flower loves fertilizers and needs regular feeding. Complex, mineral fertilizers that nourish the plant up to two or three times during the summer season are best suited.

Care after flowering

Beautiful flowers of one of the types of verbena

In our climate, verbena is an annual plant.

When autumn comes and the flowering time comes to an end, the flowers are destroyed and the garden plot is dug up.

Although it is more convenient to purchase seeds at the store, many gardeners collect them from their flowers to grow into next year's flowers.

How to collect seeds?

When almost all the boxes turn brown and dry, you need to cut off the inflorescences and place them on a newspaper or piece of cotton fabric. They need to be turned over from time to time to prevent them from becoming moldy.

When the flowers are completely dry, you can pour the seeds out of the boxes and place them on winter period time in a cardboard box or paper bag.

Don't forget to label, otherwise the seeds may be confused with other plants.

Seeds should be stored in a dry, warm place.

Remember that purchasing seeds in a store is not only convenient. Gardeners are faced with the problem that the collected seeds do not retain the varietal characteristics that their “parents” possessed. When making a purchase in a specialized store, you can be confident in the quality of the purchased product.

Growing verbena at home

Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to improve a country plot or take care of a summer garden. Verbena is wonderful because it can be grown at home.

With it you can decorate a cozy loggia, balcony or apartment windows. If you care for it correctly, it will delight you with beautiful flowering for 7-10 years.

Seedlings are grown in the same way as for garden flowers.

When the sprouts grow and the time for picking comes, they are placed in a separate container. It could be a pot, flowerpot, basket, flowerpot. The container should be spacious and deep.

Drainage is poured at the bottom. A mixture of river sand and peat is suitable for the soil.

You can purchase ready-made soil for indoor plants and add sand to it.

The flower is regularly watered and fertilized.

For good growth, it needs good lighting, but in hot weather it is recommended to diffuse the lighting to protect it from direct sunlight and prevent burns on the leaves.

Once a year it needs to be transplanted into a new container and the soil changed. You can separate the side shoots from the roots during transplantation and plant the verbena. In this case, working with seeds will not be necessary.

Note to the gardener

What to do to make verbena bloom magnificently?

The flower definitely needs a pruning procedure. Dry inflorescences are regularly cut to about 1/4 of the length of the shoot. This will ensure abundant flowering throughout the summer.

How to protect yourself from diseases and pests?

The main rule is not to allow the flower to grow on waterlogged and heavy soil. This will lead to defeat powdery mildew.

It is especially important to pay attention if verbena is planted in cold climates. It is better to do this in greenhouses.

Can verbena be grown as a perennial?

Although in our region verbena is an annual flower, there is only one perennial variety - Verbena erecta.

It does not need to be dug up when cold weather sets in. She can winter in cold conditions on the site.

When autumn comes, you need to cut the stems straight to ground level, and throw spruce branches over the remains of the bush. This will prevent her from dying if the winter is too cold. On next year After processing the area, verbena recta will begin to actively grow and bloom again.

Verbena is a beautiful, delicate flower that is preferred by many gardeners. Throughout summer period he is able to please bright colors flowering. Verbena will be a real decoration garden plot. The most important thing is to learn how to properly grow it from seeds and give it attention and care.

Be sure to share your impressions of this magnificent flower in the comments! Ask your questions!

Verbena is a flower that has been grown by more than one generation of amateur gardeners. Besides the fact that this is a beautiful plant, it is also useful ( Verbena officinalis), and is quite easy to grow. In nature, there are about 120 species of this plant. Among them there are annuals and perennial species, there are also semi-shrubs and creeping ones, which we readily grow as hanging plants. People often call verbena " Pigeon grass" I have never found a clear explanation for this name. But verbena is credited with a great many different magical properties - from kindling love to the ability to open locks and constipation.

She was revered by the Druids, the ancient Greeks and Romans, and she is also revered by Christians. It is believed that it is watered with the blood of Christ. It is quite difficult to confirm or refute all this, but what is known for certain is that verbena is magnificent medicinal plant, used in both folk and official medicine to treat many diseases.

The most popular view Among gardeners it is considered "". It is the one that can most often be found in flower beds and flower beds.

Growing verbena from seeds

Like most annual garden flowers, it is preferable to plant verbena in open ground as seedlings. But it is also practiced to sow seeds directly into the ground. This method is more suitable for southern latitudes, where spring comes much earlier.

Most the right time for sowing verbena seeds for seedlings - mid-March. If you sow them earlier, then due to the lack of light, the seedlings will not grow evenly, and artificial supplementary lighting will be required. If sown late (in April), it will bloom in the flower garden only by mid-summer.

Preparing verbena seeds for sowing

Verbena care


It is necessary to water verbena only when necessary, but without allowing the soil to dry out for a long time. Otherwise, if the plant does not dry out, it will be frail and stunted due to poor root development. Excessive moisture is no less dangerous for it, which can lead to rot and fungal diseases. The combination of watering and loosening the soil after them will have a beneficial effect on the plant. At the end of summer, regular watering stops.

Top dressing

There is no need for frequent feeding of verbena. 3-4 fertilizing with mineral fertilizer or one organic fertilizer will be enough. Overfed verbena will bloom reluctantly. Especially if the fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.


To achieve long-term flowering of verbena, it is important not only to promptly remove faded inflorescences, but also to trim long shoots (from hanging varieties, in particular). They are cut to about a quarter of the length.

Verbena after flowering and collecting seeds

Verbena can bloom until the first frost. After flowering, fruits remain on it - nuts with seeds. Ripe seed pods are dark colored Brown color. After drying, you can open them and remove the seeds.

Overwintering verbena

This plant is grown here mainly as an annual. It is not able to withstand our winters. But the life of verbena can be extended by converting it into the category of indoor plants. To do this, before the onset of frost, it is dug up along with a lump of earth and placed in a flower pot. If you place verbena in normal indoor conditions, it may continue flowering for some time, but this is usually where its further existence ends. In order to preserve verbena until next spring and, depending on your desire, to achieve its flowering at home or for planting in open ground, it must be provided with a period of rest. It will consist of placing it in cool conditions. The temperature should not exceed +10-12 degrees. With more high temperature the growth of new shoots, or even the onset of premature flowering, is possible. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the inflorescences and trim the shoots.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Usually, verbena preserved for the winter awakens at the end of winter - beginning of spring. This is the best time to get a new plant from cuttings. They are taken from the tops of the shoots. Each verbena cutting must have at least four pairs of leaves, with the bottom pair removed after cutting. The cuttings are planted in separate containers with a mixture of sand and peat, deepening them to the first lower node. Containers with cuttings are covered with a cap made of glass (jar) or a plastic bag. Optimal conditions: good lighting and temperature +20-22 degrees. After about a month, the cutting will grow its own viable roots. After this, the young verbena can be transplanted into more nutritious soil. The advantages of propagating verbena by cuttings are not only that you will get a plant that is stronger and suitable for planting in open ground, but also that all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will be preserved, which is not always possible when grown from seeds.

Verbena from seeds (video)

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Verbena is a rhizomatous plant that can be a perennial (for example, Tuscani) or annual (for example, Rumba) shrub or subshrub. Its stems are erect, pubescent, dark green, rough or smooth. The inflorescences of this flower are thyroid or paniculate, in the form of a brush or spikes, where there are 30-50 miniature, bright flowers. The size of the flowers may depend on the variety and range from 1.5 cm to 2.5 cm in diameter. The variety of colors can also be very different: cream, white, salmon, red, blue, light blue, cream and even colors with a white eye.

After flowering, a nut consisting of four parts is formed on the branches. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the end of November. Plant the flower in a container and in open ground. For example, if verbena is grown from seeds, then hanging flowerpots are used for planting seedlings, and they also decorate balconies and terraces. Since the plant does not tolerate frost, it is used as an annual.

Previously, verbena was propagated only in warm countries, however today it can be found even in northern regions, but for this they use the seedling planting method. Growing verbena at home begins with sowing seeds, which are planted at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

Since the seeds of the plant are microscopic, before planting them the soil must be heated in the microwave to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria. The soil itself should be nutritious, loose and slightly moist. The seeds are placed on the surface of the soil, and a little sand is sprinkled on top. The first shoots will appear in at least 10 days, taking into account the created conditions. Some gardeners believe that it is better to place the seed boxes in a dark place until the very first shoots appear. It is also advisable to cover each box with polyethylene or glass, only this way growing verbena from seeds will give the desired result. It is very important not to allow the soil to become waterlogged, as the plant can become infected with various fungal diseases. It is advisable to water young seedlings warm water

or spray it. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, various growth stimulants are used. It is also very important when growing seedlings to ensure the most suitable temperature regime for plants. Therefore, the most suitable place

is a cool, but fairly bright room, preferably a greenhouse. Quite often, peat pots are used for planting seeds, thanks to which the plant will take root well in the new soil and will be quite strong. Young plants are placed at a distance of 25 cm. Before planting, humus and nitrophoska are added to the soil.

Popular varieties of verbena

Verbena Ideal Beautiful, bright flower , which attracts with a pleasant aroma on a warm evening. The plant is about 30 cm in height and can be the most different colors

: cherry, pink, blue, red, white, lilac. At the top of the head, the low-growing Verbena Ideal has a mass of spherical inflorescences, which are no more than 5 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in June and lasts until October. Verbena hybrid Ideal is often used to decorate garden beds, flower beds or for cutting. Since the variety is cold-resistant, low-growing verbena is grown from seeds in sunny places where the soil is loose and there is no stagnant water. Planting seeds for seedlings occurs in February or early March, the most optimal temperature for germination about +2 degrees. After 10 days, the first shoots appear. When the young seedlings grow up, they are transplanted to permanent place

, maintaining a distance of 30 cm between them.

Verbena Peaches and Cream Great, which appeared several years ago. Its flowers are numerous and expressed in pastel, soothing tones that stand out against the bright green foliage. To get larger verbena flowers: Growing from seeds must be done correctly. 12 weeks after planting the seeds in the ground, the first flowering begins, which resembles a real carpet.

However, in order for the cultivation of Peaches and Cream verbena to produce good results, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator and then planted in boxes covered with film. The temperature should be at least +24 degrees. The first shoots usually appear after 10-15 days, after which the air temperature should be reduced to +16 degrees. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when there is no threat of frost. The flower loves fertile, loose soil and well-lit areas. Watering should be regular but even. To make the bush more branched, it is pinched, and it is also necessary to remove faded flowers in a timely manner.

Verbena Bonarskaya

A fairly large, branching plant that can reach a height of up to 120 cm. Its long, strong peduncles hold powerful umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which consist of a mass of small, purple flowers.

Since the variety does not withstand frost, Bonarskaya verbena is grown from seeds using the seedling method, that is, the flower grows as an annual.

As an adult, it can withstand light frosts and requires shelter. Thanks to this, verbena can be planted in early spring or leave in the ground until the first frost. When decorating flower beds, the plant is planted in dense bushes that cover the entire space, filling it with bright colors. This hybrid variety goes well with other contrasting plants, emphasizing their beauty and color.

The cultivation of hybrid verbena by seedling method begins in March or April. To speed up the germination of seeds, they are soaked in warm water for 2 hours, and then lay out on a damp cloth. After this, they are placed in the refrigerator for several days, that is, the stratification process is performed. Next, the swollen seeds are sown in the ground and after 2-3 weeks the first shoots should appear. When the first leaves appear on the sprout, they are planted in peat pots.

Young seedlings are pinched and planted in the soil only after hardening. Plants are placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. For planting, it is advisable to choose loose, fertile soil and a well-lit place, waterlogging is not acceptable. During cultivation, watering should be moderate. The tops of the seedlings need to be pinched, it is also very important to remove faded flowers, and complex mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil every 4 weeks. The first flowering begins at the end of June and ends just before frost.

Verbena Cotton Candy

This is a hybrid variety of verbena, which is an annual and is used for planting in flower beds, borders, borders, balcony boxes or containers. By appearance Cotton candy verbena has the appearance of a compact plant with thin, branched stems. At its tops there are umbrella-shaped, lush inflorescences, which consist of many snow-white flowers. They look great in hanging flowerpots, where they can be combined with other hanging plants.

Regarding how and when to plant verbena, you need to take into account that the plant tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to bad weather conditions, that is, wind, rain, hail. All summer it pleases its owners with abundant flowering. They begin sowing its seeds in March, and after three weeks the first shoots will appear. Since seedlings can get sick due to excess moisture, it is advisable to spray them after the soil dries. Young bushes emerge after the first two leaves appear, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May, the distance between them should be about 30 cm.

Verbena Lucifer

An unpretentious, cold-resistant plant that is grown as an annual. Finely dissected verbena is about 25 cm in height, has many branches and is distinguished by abundant flowering. Its flowers are bright scarlet and have correct form and are collected in large, corymbose inflorescences, which reach 6 cm in diameter. The flower is used as a potted plant and for decorating flower beds; it is grown in boxes and on balconies. Bushes look especially beautiful in a group with other flowers. Verbena can withstand adverse conditions weather conditions and tolerates temperature changes calmly.

The cultivation of Lucifer verbena from seeds to seedlings begins in March or April. When the first two leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate peat pots, and in mid-May they are planted in open ground. The distance between the bushes is about 25 cm. The flower loves loose, fertile soil and an open, sunny place; waterlogging of the soil is prohibited. Pinching the tops is necessary, which will make the bush more lush and flowering abundant. It is also important to remove faded inflorescences and periodically feed the flower with complex mineral fertilizer. The first flowering begins at the end of June and lasts until the first frost.

Verbena Lady Dream

The Lady Dream variety is the best solution for decorating a flower bed. The plant has compact dimensions and many branches; the bush is no more than 30 cm in height. It is covered with bright, pink flowers, from which a delicate, pleasant smell emanates. When compared with other varieties in terms of flowering duration, Lady Dream verbena has no equal, because it blooms from the beginning of June until the very frost, without losing its beauty. It is ideal for decorating flower beds, flower beds, balconies or loggias.

Regarding the peculiarities of growing verbena of this variety, everything is done according to standard scheme. Sowing of seeds begins in March or April, but they are pre-soaked in wet wipe. After two hours, they are sown in boxes and covered with glass. When the first few leaves appear, the seedlings dive into peat pots. In mid-May, young bushes are planted in open ground.

Verbena Quartz

An early-flowering, low-growing, hybrid variety that blooms a week earlier than other varieties and delights with its large inflorescences. Grandiflora verbena is no more than 35 cm in height; its flowers are bright, clove-shaped, large, and have a pleasant aroma. Verbena Quartz blooms from the first days of June until the first frost. Since the bush has many side shoots, it blooms abundantly.

Regarding the conditions of detention, hybrid pink verbena is a light-loving, drought-resistant, cold-resistant plant. It is used for planting in pots, as a potted crop, or for decorating flower beds in the garden. Grows well in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Verbena Blue Night

A beautiful, low-growing plant with bright, abundant flowering and green, openwork foliage. The flower is no more than 30 cm in height and is distinguished by a mass of lush branches. Its inflorescences are blue-violet, no more than 5 cm in diameter and are collected in dense inflorescences. This variety is characterized by long, early flowering, which begins at the end of May. Blue Night verbena is not demanding in terms of care; it tolerates light frosts and drought, so it is often used for planting on balconies, borders or in gardens.

There are some secrets to growing verbena of this variety. For example, you need to plant seedlings in sunny, open areas where there is no wind or draft. It is not advisable to water the first seedlings, but only lightly spray the soil, since this particular variety tolerates waterlogging of the soil the worst.

When the seedling has several leaves, it can be transplanted into open ground, the distance between plants is about 30 cm.

Verbena Bright Sparks

Beautiful annual verbena, which is distinguished by the presence of a mass of branches and long, abundant flowering. This variety is resistant to powdery mildew, unfavorable conditions and unpretentious to the soil. It is often used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, boxes and ridges. Seeds for flower seedlings are planted in March or April, but they are moistened in advance so that they swell. Only after this are they planted in boxes and covered with film or glass. With the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are ready for planting in the ground; planting of seedlings usually begins in mid-May.

When compared with other species, Verbena Bright Sparks is more capricious, as it loves fertile, calcareous, loose soil, moderate watering and well-lit areas. In addition, she needs pinching and regular removal of dry flowers, and she also needs fertilizing mineral fertilizers. Its flowering begins in June and lasts until frost.

Verbena Garnet Star

A cold-resistant, drought-resistant variety that is distinguished by long-term flowering, decorative appearance and unpretentiousness to the soil. Many gardeners choose to grow verbena seedlings from the seeds of this variety in order to decorate flower beds and add new, bright colors to existing flowers. Quite often, Pomegranate Star verbena is used as a container crop, as it is able to adapt to growth in a limited space. The only condition for its abundant flowering is feeding and regular watering. Very often, flower stems are used for cutting and making bouquets.

Seeds of this variety are planted in March for seedlings, and after three weeks they germinate. Moisturize the seeds only by spraying, otherwise they will quickly rot. The seedlings germinate after the formation of several leaves, and are planted in open ground in May, the distance between the bushes is at least 30 cm.

Verbena Tango

There are so many flowers that give us beauty while remaining little known. So is verbena. It was known in ancient times, but even now few people know it as a medicinal plant. Gardeners began to pay attention to it in the 19th century, when several species of verbena were introduced from tropical and subtropical areas of America.

It can be assumed that when these types of verbena were grown in gardens, cross-pollination occurred and the new kind- hybrid verbena. This is a perennial plant cultivated as an annual plant.

Verbena is a highly branched plant up to 45 cm high with tetrahedral stems and elongated opposite leaves. triangular shape, jagged along the edges. All green parts are covered with hard gray hairs.

Verbena roots are fibrous. The flowers are carnation-shaped, fragrant, collected 30-50 in corymbs with a diameter of 6-10 cm. The color is white, pink, fiery red, carmine, light blue, deep purple, single-color or with an eye of a different color.


Reproduction of the crop occurs by seed and cuttings. Growing verbena at home begins with sowing seeds for seedlings. They are usually sown in early March in pots with humus-rich light soil. The crops are covered with a small layer of humus. To germinate, the seeds will need a place protected from the sun and drafts with a temperature of at least +18 degrees. The first loops of seedlings appear after 20-30 days. You can speed up the germination process by soaking the seeds in a growth stimulant.

Attention! Verbena seeds are very reluctant to germinate in January and February. At this time they lack lighting. And those sown in March-April give dense shoots

Seeds verbena bonarensis for germination at home stratification is required. Before sowing, they are moistened with water, placed on a damp cloth, and wrapped plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Seeds that have undergone stratification germinate better, and the seedlings are more viable. Canadian verbena seeds germinate much better 2-3 years after collection. Hybrid verbena seeds have the lowest germination rate - out of 100 seeds, only 30 plants grow.


When caring for verbena seedlings it is important to comply correct mode glaze. In excessively moist soil, newly emerged seedlings are affected by blackleg, fungal diseases, and rot. Watering the seedlings is carried out by spraying from a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out.

After a month, the seedlings need to be planted in separate pots or containers for seedlings. Two weeks later, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizer, and the tops are pinched above the fifth leaf for better bushiness. Low-growing varieties, as a rule, branch well and can be dispensed with without shaping. Verbena seedlings are planted in open ground when it is known for sure that there will be no return spring frosts. Seedling verbena, growing from seeds at home which is not difficult, will require some hardening before planting in the ground. For several weeks in good weather, young plants are taken outside, onto a balcony or loggia, and put indoors at night.

Varietal and hybrid verbena plants are best propagated by cuttings. In addition, cuttings take root easily and quickly and bloom earlier. With this method of propagation, the mother bush should be dug up in the fall, planted in a flowerpot and stored all winter in a cool, bright room with moderate watering. With the onset of March, cuttings are cut from the mother plant and rooted in a nutrient substrate. Caring for cuttings is the same as caring for plants grown from seeds.

Planting verbena

When to plant verbena.

Verbena seedlings are planted in the ground only after warm weather has finally settled. Verbena will withstand light short cold spells down to -3 ºC, but a strong and prolonged drop in temperature can damage young plants irreparable harm. Any place for verbena is suitable, but it grows best in a well-lit area, and even direct sunlight does not harm it. The best soil for verbena - fertile loam, but it grows well on other, even heavy soils, if you lighten them by digging with sand.

How to plant verbena.

Verbena is planted according to the following principle: the distance between specimens of compact varieties should be about 20 cm, and between creeping bushes - 25-30 cm. But before planting verbena, place a little drainage material - broken bricks or crushed stone - in each hole so that water did not stagnate in the roots of plants. If the soil is dry, pour two glasses of water into each hole, wait until it is slightly absorbed, dip the verbena with an earthen lump into this liquid slurry, fill the hole with soil and squeeze it around the bush. If you plant verbena in rainy weather or after rain, then there is no need to additionally moisten the soil.

Verbena care

How to grow verbena.

Growing verbena and caring for it are very simple rules, compliance with which is mandatory, but not tedious. The plant needs to be watered regularly during active growth and flowering; in the second half of summer, watering of verbena is reduced. It is necessary to loosen the area only in conditions of extreme heat after abundant watering to ensure air circulation for the root system. If verbena bushes are planted in a group, then weeding will only have to be done the first time after planting, until the bushes grow. Single plants need to be kept free of weeds all the time. If, after planting, you mulch the area with rotted leaves or decorative material, then you will not have to either loosen the soil or fight weeds.

The soil

To prevent the soil from compacting, it is advisable to regularly loosen the soil near each plant, especially after heavy rainfall. Single plants must be freed from emerging weeds in a timely manner. If verbena bushes were planted at a distance of no more than twenty-five centimeters from each other, then they are not afraid of weeds. The plants will grow in width very quickly and simply will not allow weeds to grow.


At the initial stage of plant formation, watering is carried out more often, and over time it is gradually reduced (from about mid-summer). It is recommended to water verbena sparingly and as needed. As soon as the soil around the bush has dried out, it’s time to water. Avoid lack of moisture, as it affects the development of the verbena root system.


You can feed verbena bushes with mineral fertilizers (about four times during the entire season) or organic fertilizers (one application is enough). Excessive fertilizing will not be beneficial for this plant. Instead of abundant flowering, you can get active growth culture. Therefore, do not get too carried away with fertilizing.


Pruning shoots and removing faded inflorescences is necessary for plants to increase the flowering period. If you remove dried flowers in time, then verbena will not have to waste energy feeding them. It is recommended to trim the shoots of the plant by about 25 percent of its entire length.

Verbena flowering.

If you feed verbena correctly, without overusing the nitrogen component in fertilizers, nothing will stop it from decorating your garden with its beautiful flowers, especially since the delicate aroma of verbena is additional bonus to her enchanting beauty. And if you remove faded flowers in a timely manner, then wonderful holiday Verbena blooms will last in your garden almost until frost.

Verbena after flowering

How and when to collect verbena seeds.

Verbena, grown in our climate as an annual, is destroyed in the fall and the site is dug up. But if you want to collect seeds from your own plants, do so when most of The boxes will dry out and take on a brown tint. Place the cut inflorescence with capsules on paper or fabric and let it dry, turning it over from time to time so that it does not become moldy, then extract the seeds from the nuts, pour them into a paper bag or box and label them. But keep in mind that the seeds you collect will not retain the varietal characteristics of their parents, so it is better to purchase planting material in the store in the spring - thank God, there is no shortage of verbena seeds.

Verbena in winter.

There is only one type of verbena that can be grown as a perennial in our climate - straight verbena (Verbena stricta), and if you are the happy owner of this rare plant in cultivation, then before the onset of winter, cut the stems of the plant to the ground level and cover the remains of the bush with spruce branches in case the winter is too frosty or snowless.

Types and varieties

Best known in ornamental gardening, this name includes numerous garden forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin that arose after 1830. The main varietal differences of hybrid verbena are the size and color of the flowers, the presence of an eye in the center and its shape. The flowers are regular, of various shades of color, from white to purple-red or dark purple, fragrant, often with a light eye in the center. The inflorescences are complex, consisting of 30-50 flowers, umbrella-shaped, stretching into a multi-flowered spike. Blooms from June to October.

Different species and varieties look different. Verbena rugosa can have lilac-purple flowers, and Canadian verbena can have fragrant red flowers. The most famous plant varieties " The Snow Queen"with white flowers, as well as 'King of Blue' with dark purple flowers. No less interesting is the “Defiance” variety with bright red flowers and a cream eye in the center, and in the “Etna” variety they are decorated with a white eye; the flowers of the “Novalis F1” variety attract with unusual dark blue flowers with a snow-white neck.. (photo of verbena flowers "Lanai Royal Purple")

Among the numerous varieties and hybrids of verbena, the most interesting are:

  • 'Etna' ('Etna') - compact bush, 40-50 cm tall, dense inflorescences, umbrella-shaped, 5-6 cm in diameter, contain 45-55 scarlet-red flowers with a large cream star-shaped eye, 2-2.7 cm in diameter.
  • ‘Cardinal’ is a compact bush, 40 cm tall, inflorescence 4-5 cm in diameter, bright red flowers.
  • ‘Julia’ - violet-purple flowers with a white eye, blooms in June, plant height 40 cm.
  • 'Defiance' - creeping bush, 25-30 cm high, dense inflorescences 4-5 cm in diameter, bright red flowers, 1.5-2.3 cm in diameter, with a creamy-greenish star-shaped eye .
  • 'Schneekenigin' ('Schneekеnigin') - compact bush, 40-50 cm high, umbrella-shaped inflorescences, 4-6 cm in diameter, contain up to 40-65 pure white flowers with a barely noticeable fuzzy light green eye, 1.5- 2 cm in diameter.
  • ‘Danebrog’ is a compact bush, 25 cm tall, bright red inflorescence, 5.5 cm in diameter.
  • ‘Crystal’ is a compact bush, 20 cm tall, white inflorescence, 6.5 cm in diameter, blooms from the end of June.
  • ‘Amethyst’ - blue flowers, blooms from July, plant height 30 cm.

Verbena straight(Verbena stricta)
Homeland - North America. Perennial up to 150 cm tall with lush grayish-green foliage and fancy blue-violet flowers. The plant is usually noticeably pubescent. The leaves are sessile, oval, with a jagged edge, up to 9 cm long and 5 cm wide. Inflorescence up to 40 cm long. Blooms from July to September.

Verbena beautiful "Moon River"(Verbena "Moon river")
The unique variety “Moon River” (Verbena “Moon river”) deserves special attention. Numerous verbena flowers are beautifully collected in umbrella-shaped small inflorescences of rich purple color, the stems are branched and creeping. In general, the stems and flowers resemble a Christmas tree or larch in appearance. The height of the plant is up to 30 cm. “Moon” verbena is used for planting in flower beds, borders, borders, as well as for landscaping balconies and growing in pots and hanging baskets.

Verbena Buenos Aires(Verbena bonariensis L.)
Homeland - Central and South America. A very promising perennial plant grown as an annual. It grows in the form of large, up to 120 cm tall, erect bushes with a well-defined main stem and lateral shoots extending from the base. The leaves are lanceolate, elongated, serrated along the edges, arranged oppositely. The flowers are small, amethyst in color, collected in spikelets, which in turn form numerous umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Verbena blooms profusely and continuously until late autumn. Mass seed ripening occurs in the second half of September. The fruit is a nut.

Ampel Snow Queen- a unique mixture of ampelous verbena, including plants with inflorescences of five colors. Effectively fills flowerpots and balcony boxes.

Beneficial properties of verbena

The medicinal plant contains glycosides that have a wide range of actions, including:

  • fight against germs,
  • expectorant, included in many cough lozenges,
  • vasodilator,
  • as a prophylaxis for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis,
  • calms the nervous system, often used for insomnia,
  • diuretic,
  • disinfectant property.

Thanks to verbenamine content The plant is used as an antispasmodic and antiseptic. Verbena also works as a diaphoretic, choleretic, antipyretic and expectorant. It fights inflammation, allergies, and promotes expectoration. Thanks to verbenamine, appetite increases, metabolism and digestion are stabilized.

Preparations containing the bitterness of verbena (as well as the bitterness of wormwood) are indicated to improve appetite and digestion. They help cope with exhaustion after serious illnesses and neurasthenic syndrome. Verbena also contains silicic acid, mucus, steroids, flavonoids, tannin, and carotene.

Verbena helps in getting rid of many skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis and furunculosis, and disorders nervous system, for the treatment of the oral cavity. Eliminates a large number of female and male diseases; cleans blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the blood; fights hepatitis, ARVI, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Tea from this plant (2 teaspoons of flowers per glass of boiling water) stimulates the production breast milk, promotes recovery menstrual cycle, reduces PMS symptoms.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Sandy-peaty soils are used for rooting. At first, it is better to cover the cuttings with film. The roots form within a month. Verbena can also be propagated by cuttings, which are carried out in the spring. To do this, carefully cut off the upper shoots of the plant so that at least 4 pairs of leaves remain on the cuttings, while the lower pair is removed - it is at this level that the cuttings are buried in the ground.

Verbena diseases and preventive measures

With proper care, the plant is resistant to various diseases. If overwatered, it can be affected by powdery mildew. The symptom of this disease is purple leaves. The affected leaves are removed, and the bush is sprayed with means to combat plant diseases.

Also, with excessive watering, the plant may begin to wither and wither - there are signs of rotting of the roots, stems, and leaves. You should stop watering and treat the plants with fungicides.

The use of verbena in landscape design

Among the many varieties of this crop is verbena officinalis, which is used in official and folk medicine in some recipes. But most often verbena is decorative decoration. Floral designers use gorgeous inflorescences to create bouquet arrangements. And landscape designers - when designing garden plots, flower beds, and various group plantings. Verbena can be found on loggias and balconies, on verandas and in gazebos. Pots with verbena look impressive as decorations in summer pavilions.

The big advantage of verbena over other flowering plants is its wide range of colors. This plant can be combined with absolutely any representatives of the flora. Various color shades Verbena is easily combined with both wildflowers and more solemn and exotic ones.

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