Home Trees and shrubs Writing is not with all parts of speech table. Spelling particle neither with different parts of speech

Writing is not with all parts of speech table. Spelling particle neither with different parts of speech

"Not With different parts speech" is one of the topics in the Russian language that always cause difficulties. And the point here is not so much the complexity of the topic itself, but the amount of information that needs to be remembered: the rules used for the verb are not always suitable for a noun, but trying to determine the merged and separate spelling of the participle by analogy with the verb is generally one of the worst mistakes!What to do to be confident in your knowledge and not make mistakes?

particle and prefix

First you need to clearly distinguish the particle not and prefix not-. The particle is always written separately, while the prefix is ​​distinguished by the corresponding sign in the morphemic parsing of the word and is its structural part. On the basis of this, general rule: not with different parts of speech is written together, if given word without not just not used hate, bad weather, invincible, unexpected etc.). Finding such words in the text is by no means difficult, so there are usually no difficulties with them.

Spelling with nouns, adjectives and adverbs

In one large group combine nouns, adjectives and adverbs ending in -about (cold, fast). Particle Spelling not with different parts of speech this case matches completely.

So, not written separately:

  1. If there is an opposition with the union a (not hot, but cold; not a friend, but an enemy; not fresh but stale).
  2. With words by no means, at all, far (by no means caution; not cold at all; far from simple).
  3. With a double negative ( is not new to anyone; interesting news to no one).
  4. When denying two signs in a row ( not high and not low).

Consolidated spelling not- with different parts of speech is possible in two cases:

  1. If you can find a synonym without not- (enemy - enemy, near - close, a little - little).
  2. If the union is used but in combinations like shallow but fast. Union but is adversative, but unlike the union a it may mean not opposition, but a comparison of non-mutually exclusive features.


We continue to study the spelling of particles not with different parts of speech. The rule concerning the sacrament can safely be called one of the most controversial, because it is with it that usually the greatest difficulties arise. But let's try to figure it out.

Slitno not- with a participle is written in such cases:

  1. If there is no dependent word ( wet grass; failed task).
  2. If there is no opposition ( unread book; unpublished manuscript).
  3. With adverbs of measure and degree very, extremely, absolutely, almost, completely, extremely, completely, quite (extremely rash decision; almost undisturbed order).
  4. If the participle is formed from a verb with a prefix under- (misunderstood, unwashed).

With separate spelling not It's also easy to understand:

  1. If there is a dependent word ( essay not written (how?) on time; student who did not come (when?) today).
  2. If there is opposition ( not invented, but a real story).
  3. If the sacrament has short form (the story is not fictional, the book is not read).

Only separately!

There are several situations in which only separate writing is possible not with different parts of speech. Some of them are peculiar rules and are memorized by children in primary school, while others are virtually non-existent.

  1. With words that are written with a hyphen ( not friendly, not southeastern).
  2. with adjectives in comparative degree (no better, no worse).
  3. With relative, possessive adjectives, as well as adjectives of taste and color ( not winter; not mother's; not black).
  4. With numerals ( not one, not the second).
  5. with verbs ( did not go, could not).
  6. With gerunds ( not knowing, not thinking).
  7. So official words: prepositions and particles ( not only, not with him, not because of him).

In addition to the fourth point: it is very important not to confuse the participle and the adjective, because in the case of a short adjective, the spelling not will be subject to different rules. Compare: the girl is talented and educated and group formed. In the first case, that the word educated is an adjective, indicates the adjacent word of the same part of speech, moreover, it is clear in meaning that this is not a participle (the girl was not educated, but she is smart). In the second situation, it is clear that someone created the group, formed it, that is, it formed. Therefore, due to different spelling not different parts of speech, which include homonymous words.


Thinking about spelling not with different parts of speech, let's focus on personal and negative pronouns. In the case of them, everything is very simple: if there is a preposition, it is written separately ( with no one), but if it is not there, it is merged ( once).

Under- and not up to

One of the most difficult points of this rule is the spelling of verbs with the prefix under- and verbs with a particle not and prefix before-. They mean words like malnourished and don't eat up, which at first glance are exactly the same, but from the point of view of grammar, they should be written differently.

Console under- denotes a completed action, the result of which does not correspond to the norm (some linguists say that any word with this prefix means something bad): undernourish (eat little), underestimate (not appreciate enough), understate (hide the truth).

In turn, the particle and the prefix characterize the interrupted action: do not finish eating (do not have time to finish the meal), do not finish (do not finish the speech), do not swim (do not finish swimming).

At first glance, everything is not so difficult, but sometimes situations arise when it is not easy to choose between two options.

Not against neither

Another controversial topic is "Spelling not and neither with different parts of speech". Fortunately, there are not so many nuances here, so it will not be difficult to understand the rules.

Particle not used for:

  1. Negative expressions ( I don't understand, not mine).
  2. Under stress in pronouns ( no one, never).

While the particle neither:

  1. Reinforces denial ( there was no light, no house)
  2. Not used under stress in pronouns ( nobody, never)
  3. Used in complex sentences to reinforce a statement ( wherever we went, we were greeted joyfully everywhere).

In principle, everything is not so difficult, some tasks of such a plan are performed exclusively at the level of intuition, but nevertheless, knowledge of the theory can greatly facilitate the task.

We repeat

In order to consolidate the rule, it is better to repeat the entire material. It is important to understand what combinations are formed with not different parts of speech. The table will help to remember all the most important things.


Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -about

1. Synonym without not-

2. Not consumed without not-

1. Contrasting with the union a

2. Not at all, not at all, far from

3. Double negative


1. No dependent word

1. With adverbs of measure and degree

2. With dependent word

Other parts of speech

1. With words that are written with a hyphen

2. With verbs and gerunds

3. With short participles

4. With possessive, relative adjectives, adjective colors

5. With numbers

6. With function words


In principle, this can end the conversation about spelling not with different parts of speech. This rule includes many sub-items, each of which is divided into several others - you really have to remember a lot. But, on the other hand, in some places there are overlapping points, thanks to which, of course, it will be much easier to figure it out. The main thing is desire, patience and practice, and the rest will come by itself.

Spelling NOT and NOR with different parts of speech

Task Formulation:

Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Seryozha, still (not) strong after his illness, perched on the sofa.

Zakhar passed by, (not) turning his head in my direction.

The sun (not) was visible.

The moon, still (not) hidden by clouds, illuminated the plain.

In the ditches, the water left after the (short) long July rains glistened.

Answer: not long


In the first answer option, NOT is written separately from real communion past tense, since there is a dependent word: not strengthened (when?) after an illness. In the second - NOT written separately with the gerund: what without doing? without turning. In the third sentence - NOT is written separately with the verb: was not. In the fourth example, NOT is written separately from passive participle past tense, since there is a dependent word. Finally, in the fifth case, NOT is written together with the adjective, since it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT: short rains = short; with it there is no opposition expressed by the union A, and the words FAR NOT, NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, NOT ANYTHING, etc.

What you need to know to complete the task:

  • fusion rules and separate spelling particles NOT and NI with different parts of speech;
  • cases of using the particles NOT and NI.

First of all, let's remember:

NOT is written together with any part of speech if the word is not used without NOT: ignorant, adversity, ridiculous, plain, rainy, indignant, unwell, unwell, unbearable, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

NOT is always written separately for words that contain a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; said not in Russian; sing not in the old way.

Continuous and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech

Part of speech

Continuous spelling of the particle NOT

Separate spelling of the NOT particle


If you can pick up a synonym without NOT: a lie is a lie, an enemy is an enemy.

1. If there is an opposition expressed by the union A: not a lie, but the truth.

2. In an interrogative sentence with a logical underscore of negation:

Is not it?


1. If you can choose a synonym without not:

difficult - difficult.

1. If there is an opposition expressed by union A:

not big, but small.

Note: It must be remembered that

opposed words

should be antonyms.

2. If there is an opposition expressed by the union BUT: the pond is small, but fishy.

3. The presence of explanatory (dependent) words, as a rule, does not affect continuous spelling

not with adjectives: unworthy behavior of a comrade,

songs unfamiliar to us, a writer unknown to me, information we do not need, incorrect conclusions in some respects

2. With relative adjectives:

the house is not block, the clock is not gold.

3. With possessive adjectives:

the coat is not a fox, the jacket is not dad's.

4. If there is an adverb of measure and degree:



quite unsuitable,

very difficult task

very imperfect story

absolutely wrong decision

extremely ugly behavior

almost unfamiliar text.

4. With short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written with NOT separately:

The book is not interesting, but boring.

5. In the presence of such explanatory words that reinforce the denial: negative

pronouns (NOBODY, NOTHING, etc.) and adverbs starting with NI (NOTHING, NOTHING): unknown to anyone

writer. no one and nowhere familiar songs. Information that no one needs, an unattractive picture.

5. With short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written with NOT together:

low - low

6. If there are explanatory

words: FAR, NOTHING, IN-

ALL that, like magnets, attract

pull NOT:

far from famous writer,

6. In verbal adjectives formed with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-:

unfading, inexhaustible, irresistible, indomitable,

indestructible, uninhabited, invincible.

by no means familiar songs,

not an interesting book.

7. With adjectives, denote-

teasing taste and color:

not bitter chocolate,

not salty soup

not blue sky, not a pink elephant.

8. With adjectives in the Comparative Form:

not better, not worse, not higher, not more beautiful.

9. In interrogative sentences with logical underscore negation:

Isn't this the correct answer? Is it a new suit? .

10. With short adjectives, which in full form not used:

should not, is not obliged, does not intend, is not right, is not visible, is not ready, does not agree, is not inclined.


Always written with NOT separately: not three, not the eighth.


1. In indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositions: nothing, no one, no-

how much, something, etc.

1. In indefinite and negative pronouns, when

NOT from the subsequent word from-

divided by the preposition:

no one, no one, no one, no

for what, for nothing.

2. With other categories of pronouns:

not in my class, not on our floor.

3. NOT and NOR with a pronoun can be written separately and without a preposition if it acts as a union in subordinate clauses:

I don't know who you are or where your friends are.

In a verb prefix

UNDER-, indicating a discrepancy with the required norm, a lack or lack of something: underfulfill the plan (perform below the required norm), constantly lack sleep (= sleep less than normal).

1. In verbs with the prefix do-,

having in front of itself a negative

notation of NOT and denoting not before

completed action:

tea, do not watch the play.

2. With all the other verbs

not to be, not to have, not to know, not to think.


Participles formed

In gerunds that can

to be used without NOT:

not thinking, not knowing.

from verbs with a prefix

UNDER-, are written together: constantly not getting enough sleep, not fulfilling the norm.


1. If full participles do not have dependent

words: unopened flower.

2. If the dependent words in the participle are the adverbs of MEASURES, DEGREES:

extremely rash decision

completely inappropriate example

an example that is completely unsuitable for the rule (it is not written separately due to the presence of another dependent word with the sacrament that does not have the meaning of measure and degree).

1. If full participles have

dependent words:

not coming (when?) on time

not written by (by whom?) student


2. With short participles:

the building was not built, the telegram was not received, the letter was not read.

3. If there is an opposition expressed by union A:

not withered, but blooming

1. In adverbs ending in -o, -e, if you can find a synonym for them without NOT:

stupid, smart

close - close.

2. In negative adverbs:

never - never

nowhere, nowhere

nowhere, nowhere

nowhere - nowhere

not at all

1. In adverbs ending

on -o, -e, if there is an opposition expressed by the union A:

not funny, but sad.

2. If with adverbs on -o, -e

there are explanatory words



not funny at all.

3. If the adverb is written with a hyphen:

not comradely

not in Russian.

4. With amplifying adverbs: Not really, not quite, not quite.

5. In adverbs ending not in -O, -E:

not always, not everywhere.

As part of the concession union:

despite the fact that (meaning though).

Not always spelled separately from coordinating conjunctions: not that, not that.

In the interrogative particle really.

The remaining particles, except for really, are written with NOT separately: not only.


In derivative prepositions: in spite of, in spite of (in the meaning contrary to).

With non-derivative prepositions: not from ..., not under ..., not above us.

1. Combinations not one (= none) and not one (= many) should be distinguished; not once (= never) and more than once (= often). Note:

In these examples, the intensifying particle NI is used only in negation (with a predicate, there is always a particle NOT): Not a single muscle trembled on his face. - Not one path in the field ran.

I have never seen this person. “I have seen this man many times.

1. Turnovers should be distinguished by none other than ..., none other than ...

no one else...: nothing else....

1) If the turnover contains the word HOW, then the particle NOT is used in it, which is written separately:

It was nothing but a fire.

It was none other than your own brother.

2) If there is no word HOW in the composition of the turnover, then the particle NI is used in it, which is written together!

Nobody else could say it.

Nothing else could scare me.

The use of particles NOT and particles NI.

1. The particle does NOT give negative meaning the entire offer or its individual members:

Do not be this.

The lake is not big, but small.

2. The particle is NOT written in independent exclamatory and interrogative sentences:

Wherever we went! Why do not you sleep?

3. The particle is NOT used in double negation:

I couldn't help but apply.

1. Used to reinforce negation in sentences without a subject:

Not a tree around.

There was not a single person in the class.

2. It is written in subordinate clauses to strengthen the affirmative meaning after the words WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, etc.:

Wherever I go, I meet friends everywhere.

Wherever we turned, they helped us everywhere.

3. It is written to strengthen the negation, which is expressed by the particle NOT or the word NO:

Not a sound is heard. There isn't a cloud.

4. Negative particle NI with a noun in genitive case and with a verb in the form imperative mood(or infinitive) is used to express a categorical command or prohibition:

Stay and don't move!

5. In stable turns (in these phraseological units, a comma is not put before the second part of the repeating union):

neither alive nor dead, neither light nor dawn, neither day nor night, neither back nor forth, neither here nor there, neither one nor the other, neither horse nor foot, neither to the village nor to the city, neither this nor that, nor fish nor meat, not two, not one and a half, for nothing, for no reason, no more, no less, no more, no less, no hearing, no spirit, no need to sit down. no matter what. as if nothing had happened.

76. Spelling particles NOT with different parts of speech, NOT and NI.

1. Written separately:

  • particles would (b), same (g), whether (l) (would read, went, the same),
  • particles here, after all, they say, as if, etc. (He is supposedly not; local. You know that!);

2. They are written with a hyphen:

  • particles something, some, something, either-, -something, -ka, -de, -s, -tka, -tko, -the same (yes, somebody, give it, he-de, enough),

Particle spelling NOT with different parts of speech

Part of speech


1. if it is not used without (ignorant, adversity),
2. if you can choose a synonym without not (untruth is a lie, an enemy is a friend),

1. if there is or is implied opposition; not a friend, but an enemy),
2. in an interrogative predzhenin with a logical underlining of negation (Your father arranged for you here, didn't he?

1. if the bases are not used (sloppy, nondescript).
2. if you can choose a synonym without not (rather big - big, gvmslodoy - old),
3. if there is a contrast with the union but (the river is not ugly, but cold),
4. with short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are written in a non-continuously low - low)

1. if there is or is implied opposition with the union a (not big, small),
2. with relative adjectives (the sky here is southern),
3. with short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed are not written separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)

with indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)

always written separately (not three, not the seventh)

pronoun with other categories of pronouns (not in my class, not on our floor)

if without not not used (to hate, to be perplexed)
note: verbs such as oversight are written together, since they include a single prefix under-,

with all other verbs (not to know, to cry

if without not not used (hating, perplexed)
note: gerunds formed from verbs with a prefix are underwritten together, just like verbs (overlooked)

with all the other participles (not knowing, on crying)



if full participles do not have dependent words with them (non-coming student)

one . if full participles have dependent words (a student who did not come on time),
2. with short participles ( test papers not verified)
if there is or is supposed to be a contrast (not finished, but only started work)

one . if without is not used (absurdly, carelessly),
2. adverbs in -o, -e, if you can choose a synonym for bel not (not stupid - smart)

1. adverbs in -o, -e, if there is or is meant to be an opposition (not funny, but sad),
2, adverbs in -o, -e, if they have explanatory words not at all, not at all, far from not at all (not at all funny).
3. if the adverb is written with a hyphen (not in Russian)

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling particles NOT with different parts of speech, NOT and NOR."

  • Particle as a service part of speech - Particle Grade 7
  • Particles - Morphology. Service parts of speech Grade 10

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 9 Tests: 1

We often encounter the problem of confluent separate writing particles " not" and " neither with other words. The easiest rule to understand and remember here is that:

1. The particle "not" is written together with all the words that are not used without "not"(fiction, unsociable, ignorant, absurd, dislike, perplexed, impossible, really). In other cases, the spelling " not» is subject to the following rules.

2. With verbs and gerunds, the particle “not” is always written separately, except:

  • the cases referred to in the first rule;
  • prefixes under- in verbs that have the meaning of “lack of action” (undernourished, underbaked, underripe).

Note. Not to be confused with verbs with prefix do- and particle " not", denoting "incompletion of the action" (do not finish the book, do not watch the movie).

3. With nouns, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if you can find a synonym for the word with “not” without this particle (untruth is a lie, an enemy is an enemy). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative shade of the meaning of the word indicates a continuous spelling.
  • in the formation of a word denoting persons, with the meaning of opposition (professionals - non-professionals, Russian - non-Russian);


  • when there is or should be a sense of opposition with the union a (not a friend, but an enemy, not happiness, but grief);
  • if the word with " not” means not people (elephants are not elephants, a story is not a story, cold is not cold).

Note. The exceptions are the words-terms that are written together: metals - non-metals.

4. With adjectives, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if you can replace the adjective with " not"Synonymous without this particle (unmarried - single, unfriendly - hostile, short - low). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative shade of the meaning of the word indicates a continuous spelling.


  • when there is or should be in meaning an opposition with the union “a” (not bitter, but sweet; not affectionate, but rude);
  • if the adjective is relative (the vase is not crystal, the chain is not silver) or qualitative, denoting color (the sea is not blue, the towel is not yellow);
  • (not at all a short path, far from useless advice);
  • if the particle not» is emphasized in the interrogative sentence (Is this statement true? - Is this statement false?);
  • if the adjective is written with a hyphen (not commercial and industrial enterprises).

Note 1. Short adjectives are written with " not", as well as the complete ones from which they are produced ( incurable disease- the disease is incurable, a person is not smart, but stupid - a person is not smart, but stupid);

Note 2. If a short adjective does not have a full form, then it will always be written separately with the particle " not(he is not happy to meet).

5. With adverbs, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if the adverb ends in -o, and it can be replaced by a word with a similar meaning (unhappy - sad, low - low);
  • if the adverb is formed from a pronoun (nowhere, nowhere, once, nowhere);


  • when there is or should be a sense of opposition with the union "a" (not bad, but good, not weak, but strong);
  • when reinforcing the negation with explanatory words such as "far from", "not at all", "not at all"(not at all difficult to do, being near is far from accidental)
  • with adverbs in a comparative degree (work no worse than others, get no more than others);
  • if the adverb is written with a hyphen (act unfriendly, dress un-summerly).

Note 1.“Not” with the following adverbs is written separately: not today, not quite, not like this, not otherwise, not quite, not here, not really.

Note 2."Not"

”is written separately with adverbial expressions: not for good, not to the inside, not in measure, not in a hurry, not from the hand, not to taste, not as an example.

6. With participles "not" is written together:

  • if the sacrament is complete and there are no words dependent on it (dry linen, undelivered book, unwashed floor)

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, “not” with the participle is written together: (extremely thoughtless decision, completely inappropriate example, but: an example completely inappropriate for the rule)


  • if the sacrament is complete and has dependent words (These works remained unpublished during the life of the writer);
  • with short participles (the debt is not paid, the fire is not lit);
  • when there is or should be a sense of opposition with the union "a" (not printed, but a handwritten text, not fictional, but a real story).

7. Particles "not" and "neither" with negative pronouns are written together(no one to ask, nothing to be surprised, no one is forgotten) with everyone else separately (not to me, not everyone, not me, not you).

8. The particle “ni” is also spelled together with some adverbs(not at all, not at all, nowhere, not at all).

With all other parts of speech, the particle "ni" is written separately.

Not is written together: 1) with all parts of speech that are without not not used: ignorant, inclement, absurd, to hate, indignant, perplexed, impossible, reluctantly;

2) with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in - oh, - e, if they can be replaced by synonyms: enemy(enemy), small(small), near(close);

- oh - e if they have adverbs of degree: very, extremely, quite, completely, absolutely, extremely, completely(in meaning "absolutely", "completely"): an extremely unpleasant incident, a completely unexplored area, speaks very inexpressively;

not with full adjectives it is written together: not a short way - the way is not close;

5) with verbal adjectives formed from not transitive verbs or transitive verbs perfect look with suffixes for - my: irresistible, immeasurable, indestructible.

Note: not it is written separately if these verbal adjectives have negative pronouns or nouns as dependent words, pronouns in the instrumental case: objects indistinguishable to the eye, inexplicable facts;

6) in verbs with a prefix under-, indicating something is missing: five books are missing from the pack(but: child not gets before table);

7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs: no one, nothing, someone, once, nowhere, reluctantly.

Not written separately:

1) if there is or is implied opposition: not luck, but hard work; lives not far, but close; not read, but only viewed book. Is the pond deep? - No, not deep.

Note: one should distinguish between opposition with union a (particle not written separately) and contrast with the union but (particle not spelled together: river not deep but shallow - river shallow but wide;

2) with relative adjectives (not summer rain), With quality adjectives denoting color (not white, not black) and also with adjectives: not better, not worse, not more, not less;

3) with adjectives, participles, adverbs in oh e if they have negative pronouns and adverbs, as well as particles far from... not at all... not at all... not at all... (in the meaning of "not at all", "not at all").

For example: no one is interested details; never freezing lake; far from smart human; nothing like chance meeting;

4) with short adjectives, if the particle not with full adjectives written separately: path is not close and distant - the path is not close, but far.

5) with some short adjectives that are rarely used in full form: not needed, not obligated, not intending, not agreeing, not happy, not supposed to, not right, not seen, not heard, not located;

6) with verbs, gerunds: did not recognize; not recognizing.

7) in negative pronouns with prepositions: no one to talk to, nothing to reproach; in combinations none other than…; nothing more than: none other than the commander; nothing but a spark;

8) with full participles in the presence of dependent words, including adverbs more: not all day long rain; not yet blossomed rosebud;

9) with short participles (things not sent) with numerals (not two kilometers); unions (not that rain, not that snow); particles (Not only); pretexts (not with me); personal pronouns (not with me, not him); with adverbs in the comparative degree (not better); as well as with adverbs acting as a predicate (not sorry, not necessary, not scary, not visible); with words hardly (almost the first from athletes) in interrogative sentences (Isn't there a clear argument? ).

How to distinguish between spelling particles not and neither

Writing particles not and neither depends on semantic meanings that they carry in a sentence. Particle not used like:

Negation (wind not subsided);


a) in exclamatory or interrogative sentences (Where has he been!);

b) in subordinate tense with a union until (Wait until I come);

Twice no (Not can not object). Particle neither used like:

Strengthening the negation in sentences with a negative predicate, participles, gerunds (wind did not subside for a minute);

Strengthening the statement in subordinate clauses; As a rule, such subordinate clauses begin with combinations: whoever, whatever, wherever, wherever, from wherever, no matter how, no matter how much (Wherever Look, there are forests everywhere.

Note: it is necessary to distinguish between spelling combinations: not alone (a lot of) - no one (nobody); many times - many times (a lot of) - not at all (not at all).

Task 38. Expanding brackets, insert particles not and neither. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

1. As (not, not) I tried to drive away from myself the memory of the (un)acquaintance, of her companion, of my meetings with them, it continually returned and pestered me.

2. Who (not, neither) cursed the stationmasters, who (not, nor) scolded them!

3. It seems (not, neither) the driven force has picked you up on the wing to itself and you fly and everything flies: ... the whole road (not, nor) flies to the unknown where into the disappearing distance.

4. (No, no) so (whether) and are you Rus, that brisk (not, nor) overtaken troika (not) sesh? ... everything that (not, not) is on the earth flies past and sideways step aside and give it the way other peoples and states.

5. There was a lot of life and truth in his sketches, but (not, neither) one of them (not, neither) is finished and the drawing seemed to me (not, neither) careless and (not, nor) true.

6. (Not, not) one mother (not) cared for her child, as Gerasim cared for his pet.

Task 39. Write the words by opening the brackets. Divide them into groups: 1) words that are without not are not used; 2) words that are combined with not have only a negative value.

(Not) hatred, (not) satisfying, (not) to hate, (not) false, (not) cue, (not) taken, (not) duty, (not) tolerable, (not) she, (not) himself, (not) to fill up, (not) to build, (not) seeing, (not) although, (not) I will find, (not) a friend, but a friend; (not) negligence, (not) clean, (not) touchy.

Task 40. Rewrite the sentences by opening brackets. Explain the spelling of the particle not with participles and participles.

1. In an extraordinary, never (un)heard silence, dawn is born.

2. On the long (not) swept streets, the wind rustled rusty foliage.

4. We wander along those paths where the grass is (not) cut.

5. At the top of the (un)extinguished fire, the Stozhary smoldered.

6. Memories are (not) yellowed letters, (not) old age, (not) withered flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry.

7. Someone knocked on the (in)visible, carpeted door.

8. Any hunter will understand my (un)controllable desire to grab the beast.

9. Only one (not) compressed strip.

10. Silence, (not) broken by either movement or sound, is especially striking.

11. Tatyana loves (not) jokingly.

12. And everyone stopped, (not) wanting to alleviate the fate of the one who did evil to them, (not) wanting to kill him.

13. He turned around, surprised and (not) perplexed.

Task 41. Make up sentences using the adjectives below. following words: by no means (not), at all (not), far (not).

Cheerful, kind, interesting, noble, funny, intelligent, fat, young, rich, famous.

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