Home Trees and shrubs Justified separate meals. Basic principles of separate nutrition that you need to know. Opinions of doctors and nutritionists

Justified separate meals. Basic principles of separate nutrition that you need to know. Opinions of doctors and nutritionists

Almost everyone has heard about what separate nutrition is, the founder of which is Herbert Shelton.

Its essence is that supposedly, acidic secretion of the stomach is necessary to digest protein foods, and alkaline secretion to digest carbohydrates.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs are digested in any environment, so they are compatible with meat and fish, as well as with bread, cereals, potatoes and other carbohydrates.

Due to the different digestion environment, proteins are not compatible with carbohydrates and if they are consumed together, some of them are not digested. Supposedly, in this way, putrefactive digestion is achieved and self-poisoning is eliminated.

Separate food, firstly, has no scientific basis, and, secondly, there is a certain harm of separate food, which will be discussed below.

In the process of evolution, nature did not take the path of creating two separate digestive tracts for humans - protein and carbohydrate., due to the inexpediency of such, but created a single protein-carbohydrate digestive tract.

The acidic environment and enzymes of gastric juice do not digest protein food in the stomach, but only prepare it for subsequent digestion in small intestine , which has an alkaline environment.

The main digestion of carbohydrates occurs in the same place where the main digestion of proteins occurs - in the small intestine..

Stay of carbohydrates in acidic environment the stomach turns out to be a forced and useless stage for this process.

In nature, there are no products consisting only of proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

Fruits, greens, vegetables are the same carbohydrates and proteins combined together. Legumes are especially rich in protein.

From the point of view of separate nutrition, all these products should be declared prohibited.

Statements about the need for different digestion environments for protein and carbohydrate foods are extremely incorrect.

The historical conditions for the development of man and his digestive system are such that nature could not provide ancient man some specific nutritional composition.

At any given time, our ancestors had to eat any food, protein or carbohydrate, with any combination of proteins and carbohydrates.

Modern people have inherited this universality of the digestive system, which does not allow any alterations, including according to Shelton.

A person is adapted to eat a variety of mixed foods, and not individual types in turn.

At the same time, Shelton himself writes: “Appropriately prepared varied food guarantees better food than monotonous."

Separate nutrition turns out to be not physiological. A harm of separate food is obvious, since it violates the evolutionarily established carbohydrate-protein universality of the human digestive system, which was mentioned above.

It not only brings a lot of inconvenience into people's lives, but also produces, when used systematically, conditioned reflexes, providing protein and carbohydrate meals in certain time appropriate enzyme content of digestive juices. If you violate the strictest order in your diet, the result can be serious.

U ordinary people the response to food is appropriate according to the enzyme composition, type, appearance, and smell of food.

When eating separately, during the hours of eating protein foods, you cannot take carbohydrate foods, and during the hours of eating carbohydrate foods, you cannot take protein foods.

If you accustom your body to a separate diet of proteins and carbohydrates for a long time and one day break this regime with the usual mixed diet, then the body can respond with a developed conditioned reflex.

G. Shelton did not have medical education. He was often arrested and fined for practicing medicine and giving medical lectures without a license.

He developed the principles of separate nutrition only on the basis of theoretical assumptions.

Hypotheses underlying the system separate power supply, do not agree with the data obtained over many years by medical science.

Shelton was illiterate in matters of gastroenterology and, obviously, having a very rough idea of ​​​​the structure of the digestive tract, did not know that either in the stomach or in duodenum There is no separate digestion in the small intestine.

Turning to the study, we read: “The diet based on the principles of separate nutrition was subjected to randomized clinical trials. For 6 weeks, one group of overweight patients ate separately, the other received the usual balanced diet. In terms of the content of the main categories of products, the diets were almost identical. At the end of the experiment, weight loss in both groups was equivalent, and there were no differences in the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol and insulin in the blood. The waist and hip volumes of patients in both groups also decreased approximately equally. As a result, scientists suggested that additional separation of products during consumption is not important for getting rid of excess weight. The patients succeeded only by reducing their caloric intake."


Hollywood stars who were his patients played a major role in popularizing Shelton’s theory. So separate meals became a business on people’s nutritional illiteracy.

In fact, separate meals are not the same thing at all.

The founder of the separate nutrition system is Dr. Howard Hay. For his system rational nutrition The following features are characteristic:

  1. Trying to avoid eating denatured foods (eg), choice.
  2. Limiting the consumption of animal products (fish, meat -).
  3. Preference for plant foods (fruits, vegetables), rich and... It is recommended to consume 4 times less leaves compared to root vegetables. Special attention allocated to raw products.
  4. New option food - separate.

Some scientific justifications for the separate feeding system

Dr. Walb, who spread the separate nutrition system in Europe, having conducted a number of clinical studies, assured the effectiveness of this type of nutrition.

Separate nutrition and kidney disease

There are also documented cases by Dr. Walb showing the effectiveness of this system, especially in the treatment of kidney diseases. Thanks to the use of separate nutrition, more fluid is released, the kidneys and heart are unloaded.

A follower of Dr. Walb, Dr. Thomas M. Heinze in the study “Dr. Hay’s Separate Nutrition System for chronic diseases kidney" notes that by introducing this system When treating diseases in patients suffering from chronic renal failure, it is necessary to take into account the individual factor specific person. In addition, food products should be low in salts.

Separate nutrition and heart disease

Dr. Walb used a separate feeding system in his own clinic as the main treatment for patients with heart disease.

Researcher Sander found that the majority of serious diseases, including stroke and heart attack, develop against the background of hidden peroxidation in the body. Therapist Kern from Stuttgart, who has been dealing with the problem of peroxidation for a long time, refers to strokes and heart attacks as “acid disasters”.

Selye, a Canadian pathologist, says that it can improve and even normalize the condition of arteriosclerotic vessel walls.

Ornizh, a Californian doctor, using cardiac probing, proved that relief from stress, treatment with movement (mechanotherapy), and diet prevent calcification of the coronary vessels of the heart.

In his studies, Dr. Walb witnessed a decrease in blood clotting - the “mercury value” - as a result of using this nutritional system.

Athletes who followed it noted a reduced load on the heart, increased performance, and a shorter rest period.

One of Dr. Walb's studies shows a decrease or normalization higher level in the blood of 90% of patients. Thus, this indicates a reduced risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Separate nutrition and diabetes mellitus

Moreover, clinical experience confirms positive impact separate nutrition on the health of patients with diabetes.

According to research results, Dr. Walb demonstrated that in 200 people suffering from diabetes and treated in his clinic, including through separate meals, after four to six weeks, blood sugar levels decreased by 90%, the amount of sugar in urine decreased by 98 %, standard insulin units were reduced by 37%.

Therapeutic effects of separate nutrition

According to the testimony of Dr. Hay's followers, the positive effects of the separate nutrition system are also noted in cases where it is used as a therapeutic agent. For example, in 1978, Dr. Walb examined 82 women and 51 men with an average age of 53 years. The patients had various diseases: tumors, allergies, kidney disease, rheumatism, diabetes, diseases of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract. After four weeks of using separate nutrition, blood counts were corrected by an average of 80%.

In another study, in which 620 people with various pathologies took part, the following result was certified: in 86% of cases, serum cholesterol normalized within 4 weeks from the moment of switching to this type of diet.

Thus, according to the results of the data scientific works, separate meals in addition to the general beneficial effects on the body, used as complementary therapy in treatment diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney disease.

Science of proper nutrition examines a variety of concepts, debates about which will probably never stop. One of the most discussed areas is the separate power system, which originated almost a hundred years ago and has remained widely popular to this day.

The concept of separate nutrition, which became one of the trends in dietetics, was founded by Herbert Shelton, who was a supporter of alternative medicine, representing such a direction as naturopathy.

The essence of the idea of ​​separate nutrition is the compatibility and incompatibility of different food groups with each other. It has been proven that different foods require different conditions for digestion. According to this theory, it is believed that if food is mixed different types, then digestive enzymes lose their activity, slowing down the digestive process, which leads to fermentation reactions, gas formation and metabolic disorders.

Based on this teaching according to Shelton, it is advisable to refuse the combination of individual products, for example, proteins with fats or carbohydrates, sour foods with carbohydrates or proteins, milk with some other products.

Based on these statements, a Shelton product compatibility table was even compiled.

All these conclusions are based on the theory of separate nutrition.

However, there is other, no less convincing knowledge.

  1. 80 years ago, Dr. Stuart Baxter proved that pancreatic enzymes necessary for the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates are secreted by the pancreas simultaneously and excreted into the duodenum, regardless of the type of food eaten.
  2. IN gastrointestinal tract a person is constantly exposed to proteins produced by the body. In addition to performing a catalytic function, they also supply amino acids, leveling the composition of the contents of the stomach and intestines. It is possible that when feeding separately, additional secretions are required to correct this composition to ensure optimal absorption. In this situation, not only the digestive system, but also the entire body is subjected to additional stress.
  3. A number of products, such as cereals, for example, contain both 60 and 85% carbohydrates and 7 to 13% complete protein, which does not fit into the natural incompatibility of these substances.
  4. Digestion of food occurs in stages. On different stages digestion, various enzymes are involved. Slow digestion begins in the mouth, where salivary enzymes are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates found in food maximum amount. In the stomach, proteins begin to be digested, breaking down into small fractions - peptides. The most aggressive environment is created in the duodenum, into which the bolus of food enters and is digested by bile. Passes through the small intestine final stage digestion, where proteins are broken down into amino acids, carbohydrates are converted into monosaccharides, fats are broken down into fatty acid.
  5. The human digestive system adapts to the food that enters the body.

By the way, regarding adaptation to different foods, we can recall many examples from life when, from childhood, a person, accustomed to the traditions of a certain cuisine and forced to change them for a number of reasons, initially experiences a certain discomfort, which disappears without a trace over time, and taste preferences change radically .

Thus, separate nutrition, as regards its benefit or correctness, special significance for a person it does not. The body doesn’t care how it digests the foods it eats – all together or one at a time. It all depends on the products to which the body is adapted. It happens that a person is diagnosed with some kind of disease and medical indications It is recommended to exclude certain foods from the diet, or it is suggested special diet, reminiscent of separate nutrition, and the reason is precisely in the state of health.

Separate nutrition is of particular interest to those who want to lose weight. And there are often cases when, by switching to this method of eating, people actually achieved their goal, getting rid of excess weight.

But the reason for the result obtained is not that the person began to eat foods, dividing them into groups.

To lose weight, the main thing is to create the right nutrition system as a whole, and eat at intervals of several hours. Which, in fact, was done.

Even such a seemingly insignificant innovation in the usual rhythm of life, when a person stops without thinking about throwing everything into his mouth all day, and for some even at night, has a positive effect.

Another positive point that contributes to weight loss when switching to separate meals is that the number of foods in the diet, as a rule, increases plant origin, which automatically reduces the calorie content of food consumed.

In addition, Shelton’s followers urge people to stop eating foods that contain ingredients that are incompatible from the point of view of separate nutrition. Such products include sausages, yoghurts, baked goods and much more.

If we compare the calorie content of so-called “wrong” foods and individual meat, eggs, cereals, kefir, then, naturally, individual products are less caloric and devoid of harmful and health-hazardous artificially synthesized fats.

In principle, if you set yourself the task of getting rid of extra pounds, then there is no need to switch to separate meals. Moreover, the results of studies conducted with the participation of two groups of people suffering from overweight and receiving balanced diet the same calorie content, but some using a separate nutrition system, and others using the mixed method they were accustomed to, after two months they achieved the same result both in terms of weight loss and in terms of volume reduction.

Separate meals. What follows from all of the above?

  1. If separate nutrition does not seem more useful than mixed, then why create for yourself unnecessary problems with meals.
  2. The appointment of separate meals is justified only from a medical point of view, in the presence of diseases of the digestive system or problems with endocrine system associated with the absorption of certain substances.
  3. Weight loss with separate meals occurs due to a decrease in calories consumed, rather than dividing foods into groups based on compatibility.
  4. An objectively noted improvement in well-being is the result of switching to small portions of food consumed, giving up trans fats, and predominating in the diet plant products, rather than carbohydrates, improve metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight.

So, if a person is healthy, then natural, well-prepared foods, balanced in quantity useful substances and calorie content will be much more useful and effective than separate meals.

Ancient Roman doctors wrote about unfavorable food combinations. They called for caution in eating salty, stewed, sweet and fatty foods. The outstanding physician and scientist Avicenna did not recommend combining with milk sour foods. He was sure that it was dangerous for health to combine easily and difficultly digestible foods in one dish. In addition, Avicenna believed that a varied diet leads to overeating much more often than a monotonous diet.

World Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov proved that the body for different products food releases different digestive juices . The principles of separate nutrition are based on scientific research and facts. Most modern scientists are supporters of separate nutrition. They believe that all human ailments, as well as a tendency to stress and, interconnected with nutrition person.

During digestion various products are involved many enzymes. If a person is in one meal together uses proteins and carbohydrates, then the body begins to produce two types of enzymes. Since these enzymes different environment needed, then they begin to neutralize each other. Due to this digestion process food slows down, the digestibility of foods by the body decreases, and the entire digestive system begins to work with increased load.

The degree of digestibility of products directly depends on the environment that is required for the complete absorption of various products.

Protein products are required for an acidic environment: fish, meat, milk, seafood. As well as pome and stone fruits, exotic and citrus fruits, berries, fruit teas and natural juices, wines, champagne, soy products, peanuts.

An alkaline environment is required for the following carbohydrate products: cereals, flour products, vegetables. As well as processed tomatoes, spinach, bananas, dried fruits and beer.

For digestion neutral products acidic and alkaline environment required. Neutral foods include all leafy vegetables, onions, cabbage (except green cabbage), and legumes. As well as fresh tomatoes, rutabaga, beets, melons and legumes. Neutral foods in a separate diet also include garlic, asparagus, mushrooms, dairy products, fats, nuts and seeds.

Those who have decided to switch to a separate power supply system must adhere to the basic principles of separate power supply:

  1. Never do not use in one go food carbohydrate and protein products.
  2. Digestion of such foods requires different enzymes and gastric juices. Don't forget that oil products contain a significant percentage of proteins. Avoid the following food combinations:
  • rice and fish;
  • meat and potatoes;
  • nut cakes;
  • steak with pasta;
  • ham and cheese sandwich;
  • breaded fish;
  • sauces for meat prepared on a flour basis.
  1. During one dose food should only be consumed protein products from one group.
  2. Excess protein stimulates the production of uric acid, which causes rheumatism and gout.
  3. Avoid the following combinations in the menu:
  • omelette with ham;
  • omelette with cheese;
  • fish with meat.
  1. Include in your diet only one flour product at a time food.
  2. One flour product will be enough for full recovery all energy costs of your body. Carbohydrate foods are harmful for people who lead a passive lifestyle. For example, Do not eat bread and potatoes together or pasta with cakes.
  3. Never don't mix sugar-containing fruits and sugar with animal proteins origin.
  4. This combination products causes fermentation processes in the stomach. Sugar also inhibits the process of protein digestion.
  5. Exclude combinations from your menu:
  • chicken with prunes;
  • duck with .
  • watermelon and melon with ham;
  • watermelon and melon with bread;
  • watermelon and sweets;
  • melon and watermelon with fruit salads.
  1. Milk recommended drink separately from other foods nutrition.
  2. But milk can be combined with fresh fruit and vegetables, salads and vegetables in boiled. Milk - protein product, which is poorly digested with other proteins or flour products.
  3. Try to include vegetable oils in your menu.
  4. Vegetable oils are good for health and include fatty acids that are important for the body. In addition, vegetable oils block the formation of cholesterol.
  5. Vegetable oil goes well with proteins and flour products. Main - do not eatboth protein and flour products.
  6. Don't combine fats with proteins.
  7. Cream, sour cream, butter it is forbidden to eat with meat products, eggs, nuts, cheese and other proteins. Fat inhibits the action of the gastric glands and slows down the secretion of gastric juices after eating protein foods.
  8. Preferably dried fruits use in not large quantities.
  9. Dried fruits contain proteins and carbohydrates. This combination does not comply with the principles of separate nutrition. All dried fruits are difficult to digest.
  10. If you cannot do without, then eat them along with fresh or boiled vegetables.

When feeding separately, the following nutrition rules should be taken into account:

  1. Do not overuse processed and canned foods.
  2. Eat plenty of neutral foods. They help normalize acidity levels. An imbalance in acidity levels leads to various diseases.
  3. After lunch, it is not recommended to eat foods of protein origin.
  4. The break between meals should not exceed four hours.
  5. Include in daily diet nutrition sea salt, which contains many minerals.
  6. Do not consume mustard and vinegar in large quantities.
  7. Include more raw foods in your diet.
  8. Do not peel fruits and vegetables before eating.
  9. Try not to overeat, as the person who eats a lot is more likely to get tired and sick.

Rules and recommendations for separate meals exists a large number of . Each person can choose the most suitable for myself option. Make up your diet nutrition in such a way that it best suits your capabilities and taste.

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