Home Vegetables Neutral products. The principle and products of separate nutrition according to the Howard Hay method. Bread and baked goods

Neutral products. The principle and products of separate nutrition according to the Howard Hay method. Bread and baked goods

Normally, the pH of human blood is maintained within the range of 7.35-7.47, despite the entry of acidic and basic metabolic products into the blood. pH constancy internal environment the body is a necessary condition for the normal course of life processes. Blood pH values ​​exceeding the specified limits indicate significant disturbances in the body, and values ​​below 6.8 and above 7.8 are incompatible with life.

Foods that reduce acidity and are alkaline (basic) contain metals (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium). As a rule, they contain a lot of water and little protein. Acid-forming foods, on the other hand, tend to be high in protein and low in water. Non-metallic elements are usually found in protein.

Increased acidity slows down digestion

In our digestive tract, the pH value becomes the most different meanings. This is necessary for sufficient breakdown of food components. For example, we have saliva in calm state slightly sour. If more saliva is released during intensive chewing of food, its pH changes and it becomes slightly alkaline. At this pH, alpha-amylase, which begins digesting carbohydrates already in the oral cavity, is especially effective.

An empty stomach has a slightly acidic pH. When food enters the stomach, gastric acid begins to be released to digest the proteins it contains and destroy microbes. Because of this, the pH of the stomach moves into a more acidic region.

Bile and pancreatic secretions, having a pH of 8, give an alkaline reaction. For optimal performance these digestive juices need an intestinal environment from neutral to slightly alkaline.

Transfer from acidic environment stomach to alkaline intestine occurs in the duodenum. To prevent the intake of large masses from the stomach (with abundant food) from making the environment in the intestines acidic, duodenum with the help of the powerful ring-shaped muscle, the pylorus of the stomach, it regulates the tolerance and amount of stomach contents allowed into it. Only after the secretions of the pancreas and gall bladder have sufficiently neutralized the “sour” food gruel is a new “receipt from above” allowed.

Excess acids lead to disease

If a lot of acid is involved in the metabolism, the body tries to eliminate this excess different ways: through the lungs - by exhaling carbon dioxide, through the kidneys - with urine, through the skin - with sweat and through the intestines - with feces. But when all possibilities are exhausted, acids accumulate in connective tissue. In naturopathy, connective tissue refers to the tiny spaces between individual cells. All input and output, as well as full information exchange between cells, occurs through these gaps. Here, in the connective tissue, acidic metabolic wastes become a strong hindrance. They gradually turn this tissue, sometimes called the “primordial sea” of the body, into a real garbage dump.

Saliva: long-term digestion

For rough food, mixing food gruel with gastric juice happens very slowly. Only after an hour or two does the pH inside the gruel drop below 5. However, at this time, the digestion of saliva by alpha-amylase continues in the stomach.

Acids accumulated in connective tissue act as foreign bodies, creating a constant risk of inflammation. The latter can take the form of various diseases; The consequences of acidic metabolic deposits in connective tissue are: muscle “rheumatism”, fibromyalgia syndrome, and arthrosis. Heavy deposits of waste in connective tissue are often visible to the naked eye: this is cellulite. This word does not only mean the typical “orange peel” of women on the buttocks, hips and shoulders. Due to the deposition of toxins, even the face can look “erased.”

Peroxidation of metabolism also negatively affects blood fluidity. Red blood cells, passing through peroxidized tissue, lose their elasticity, stick together and form small clots, the so-called “coin columns”. Depending on which vessels these small blood clots appear in, various ailments and disorders occur: myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, temporary disturbances of cerebral circulation or local circulation in the lower extremities.

A consequence of over-acidification of the body, which is only now beginning to be recognized, is osteoporosis. Unlike bases, acids cannot be easily eliminated from the body. They must first be balanced, “neutralized.” But in order for an acid with its pH to move to the neutral region, it needs an antagonist, a base that binds the acid.

When the capabilities of the body's buffer system are exhausted, it introduces mineral salts with an alkaline reaction, primarily calcium salts, to neutralize acids. The main reserve of calcium in the body is bones. This is like a quarry of the body, from where it can extract calcium in case of peroxidation. If you are prone to osteoporosis, it makes no sense to focus only on supplying the body with calcium without achieving the acid-base balance.

Chronic overload of acids in the body often manifests itself in the form of thin transverse cracks in the tongue.

Overacidification protection

There are two ways to protect the body from peroxidation: either limit the intake of acid-containing foods, or stimulate the elimination of acids.

Nutrition. The diet must respect the principle of acid-base balance. However, a slight preponderance of bases is recommended. For normal metabolism, we need acids, but let acid-containing foods simultaneously serve as a supplier of many other vital substances, such as complete flour or dairy products. Which foods contain acids and which contain bases will be discussed below.

Drink. The kidneys are one of the main excretory organs through which acids are excreted. However, acids can only leave the body when enough urine is produced.

Movement. Physical activity promotes the removal of acids through sweat and breathing.

Alkaline powder. In addition to the above measures, valuable alkaline mineral salts can be introduced into the body in the form of alkaline powder, which is prepared, in particular, in pharmacies.

Acidic, alkaline and neutral foods

Which foods are acidic and which are alkaline?

Sour foods

Acid for metabolism is provided by the so-called acid suppliers. These are, for example, protein-containing products such as meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, as well as legumes like peas or lentils. Natural coffee and alcohol also belong to acid suppliers.

The so-called base eaters also have an acidic effect. These are products for which the body has to spend valuable bases to break down. The most famous “base eaters” are: sugar and its processed products: chocolate, ice cream, candy etc. Bases also absorb white flour products - White bread, confectionery and pasta, as well as solid fats and vegetable oils.

Suppliers of metabolic acids: meat, sausage, fish, seafood and crustaceans, dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese), grains and grain products (bread, flour), legumes, Brussels sprouts, artichokes , asparagus, natural coffee, alcohol (primarily liqueurs), egg white.

Base eaters that cause peroxidation of the body: white sugar, confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, grains and grain products such as bread, flour, noodles, canned food, ready-to-eat foods, fast food, lemonade.

Alkaline products

Fundamentals are also spent on digesting grain products, cottage cheese and yogurt. The latter, however, supply the body with vital important vitamins and microelements.

Alkaline products are, in particular,

  • potato,
  • goat and soy milk,
  • cream,
  • vegetables,
  • ripe fruits,
  • leaf salad,
  • ripe fruits,
  • greenery,
  • cereals,
  • egg yolk,
  • nuts,
  • herbal teas.
  • mineral alkaline waters

Neutral foods

Neutral products include

  • cold pressed vegetable oils,
  • butter,
  • water.

Balanced diet

For balanced nutrition Your diet should always contain a combination of acidic and alkaline foods.

A breakfast consisting of white bread, jam, sausage and natural coffee can be the first acid attack of the day for your metabolism. The following combination is healthier and less burdensome for metabolism: a small portion of raw grain muesli with milk and fruit, a slice of wholemeal bread with butter and green cottage cheese, herbal or not too strong black tea.

For lunch, instead of the usual combination of meat and noodles, canned vegetables and a dessert containing sugar, you can have an alkaline one first. vegetable soup, a small portion of meat, fish, poultry or game with potatoes, stewed vegetables and fruit curd - these will preserve the body longer good shape. As for acidic foods, you should choose those that do not contain “empty” calories, but biologically valuable ones.

Alkaline soups. An equally simple and effective way to introduce valuable bases into the body is alkaline soups. To prepare them, boil about a cup of finely chopped vegetables in 0.5 liters of water. After 10 minutes, mash the vegetables into a puree. Add cream, sour cream and fresh herbs to taste. Many vegetables are suitable for alkaline soup: potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, zucchini, fennel, broccoli. Calling on your imagination to help, you can combine different types. Maybe you can create a real masterpiece from leftover vegetables stored in the refrigerator?

Ready-to-eat foods contain few vital substances, since many vitamins are lost during the production and storage of such products. In addition, a large number of preservatives and flavoring additives harm the intestinal flora and can cause allergic reactions. If you are not under time pressure, you should prepare food from unprocessed raw foods.

Milk and dairy products. Milk and dairy products are important suppliers of protein for the body. In addition, these products supply calcium, preventing the breakdown of bone matter. Fresh cow's milk is classified as slightly acidic products, but cottage cheese, sour milk, yogurt and cheese as products of lactic acid fermentation are classified as acidic, but they include nutrients valuable for metabolism. But consume only fresh dairy products (no homogenized milk!). If possible, avoid sugar-containing fruit yoghurts (“fruit” here is a drop of jam), instead add to natural yogurt fresh fruits.

Eggs, meat, fish, poultry. You can add to vegetable protein substances of food animal protein. True, one must beware of its excess: it causes rotting in the intestines. There is nothing to object to one or two small dishes of meat or fish per week. When it comes to meat, you need to pay special attention to its quality. Buy meat only from places where it is inspected. Pork comes mainly from fattening enterprises, therefore it contains a lot of metabolic waste; It is better to avoid such meat. Vegetarian food can be varied by dishes prepared using eggs.

Vegetables and fruitsthe most important sources grounds. They also contain many vitamins and mineral salts. True, some types of vegetables are not well digested by everyone. These are, first of all, legumes (peas, beans, lentils) and cabbage. People prone to flatulence and intestinal ailments should prefer more easily digestible vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, fennel.

Acidic, alkaline and neutral foods

Which foods are acidic and which are alkaline?

Sour foods

Acid for metabolism is provided by the so-called acid suppliers. These are, for example, protein-containing products such as meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, as well as legumes like peas or lentils. Natural coffee and alcohol also belong to acid suppliers.

The so-called base eaters also have an acidic effect. These are products for which the body has to spend valuable bases to break down. The most famous “base eaters” are sugar and its processed products: chocolate, ice cream, candy etc. Bases “absorb” white flour products too - white bread, confectionery and pasta, as well as solid fats and vegetable oils.

Suppliers of metabolic acids: meat, sausage, fish, seafood and crustaceans, dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese), grains and grain products (bread, flour), legumes, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, natural coffee, alcohol ( primarily liqueurs), egg whites.

“Base eaters” that cause peroxidation of the body: white sugar, confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, grains and grain products such as bread, flour, noodles, canned food, ready-to-eat foods, fast food, lemonade, fruit tea, rosehip tea.

Alkaline products

Fundamentals are also spent on digesting grain products, cottage cheese and yogurt. The latter, however, supply the body with vital vitamins and microelements.

Alkaline products are, in particular, potatoes, milk, cream, vegetables, lettuce and ripe fruit.

This also includes greens, grains, egg yolk and nuts. Butter and cold-pressed vegetable oils occupy an intermediate - neutral - position.

Sources of bases that supply valuable alkalis to the body: vegetables (except for the above-mentioned types), fruits, milk, cream, herbs, “still” mineral waters, herbal teas (except for the above-mentioned types), egg yolk, nuts.

Neutral foods

Neutral products include cold pressed vegetable oils, butter, water.

Balanced diet

For a balanced diet, your diet should always have a combination of acidic and alkaline foods.

A breakfast consisting of white bread, jam, sausage and natural coffee can be the first acid attack of the day for your metabolism. The following combination is healthier and less burdensome for metabolism: a small portion of raw grain muesli with milk and fruit, a slice of wholemeal bread with butter and green cottage cheese, herbal or not too strong black tea.

For lunch, instead of the usual combination of meat and noodles, canned vegetables and dessert containing sugar, you can have an alkaline vegetable soup for starters, a small portion of meat, fish, poultry or game with potatoes, stewed vegetables and fruit cottage cheese - these will keep your body in good shape longer. As for acidic foods, you should choose those that do not contain “empty” calories, but biologically valuable ones.

Alkaline soups. An equally simple and effective way to introduce valuable bases into the body is alkaline soups. To prepare them, boil about a cup of finely chopped vegetables in 0.5 liters of water. After 10 minutes, mash the vegetables into a puree. Add cream, sour cream and fresh herbs to taste. Many vegetables are suitable for alkaline soup: potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, zucchini, fennel, broccoli. Calling on your imagination to help, you can combine different types. Maybe you can create a real masterpiece from leftover vegetables stored in the refrigerator?

Ready-to-eat foods contain few vital substances, since many vitamins are lost during the production and storage of such products. In addition, a large number of preservatives and flavoring additives harm the intestinal flora and can cause allergic reactions. If you are not under time pressure, you should prepare food from unprocessed raw foods.

Milk and dairy products. Milk and dairy products are important suppliers of protein for the body. In addition, these products supply calcium, preventing the breakdown of bone matter. Milk and cream are sources of bases. Cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese, as products of lactic acid fermentation, are acid-containing, but they include nutrients valuable for metabolism. But consume only fresh dairy products (no homogenized milk!). If possible, do not buy fruit yoghurts containing sugar (“fruit” here is a drop of jam); it is better to add fresh fruit to natural yoghurt.

Eggs, meat, fish, poultry. Animal protein can be added to plant protein foods. True, one must beware of its excess: it causes rotting in the intestines. There is nothing to object to one or two small dishes of meat or fish per week. When it comes to meat, you need to pay special attention to its quality. Buy meat only from places where it is inspected. Pork comes mainly from fattening enterprises, therefore it contains a lot of metabolic waste; It is better to avoid such meat. Vegetarian food can be varied by dishes prepared using eggs.

Vegetables and fruits. Along with milk, vegetables and fruits are the most important sources of bases. They also contain many vitamins and mineral salts. True, some types of vegetables are not well digested by everyone. These are, first of all, legumes (peas, beans, lentils) and cabbage. People prone to flatulence and intestinal ailments should prefer more easily digestible vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, fennel.

Acidic or acidifying foods

These are food products that, when broken down in the body, give an acidic reaction, shifting the acid-base balance towards acidification. Sour foods(oxidizing), naturally, you can eat, but subject to the following conditions: percentage The daily diet of acidic and alkaline foods should be 50/50. If you are highly acidified, then 2o/80 (acidic/alkaline) daily diet.

Women especially need to monitor their body's pH levels, because... only in an acidic (acidified) environment do such terrible diseases, such as cancer of the uterus, breast, blood, etc., fibroids, fibroadenoma, infertility, etc.

The same notorious cellulite is a problem of excessive consumption acidic foods nutrition, the problem of acidification of the body (i.e., when all the excess acids of the body accumulate in adipose tissue, where the highest acidity limit is). Many, without knowing this, try to fight it with all kinds of massages, which is practically useless. Because by physical impact on acidified fatty tissue, you drive acids back into muscle tissue, which causes intoxication of the body (body pain, drowsiness). If you tolerate the massage well, then your pH is more or less okay.

Yes, and also, for your information: as soon as acid overload occurs in the body (in adipose tissue and intercellular fluid), lymphatic system, which seeks to release it all out (hence the runny nose, leucorrhoea, pus, phlegm, sweat). In this situation, deodorant is worst enemy. You don't need to use it all the time, it's very harmful. If you don't sweat, poisons and toxins will remain inside. Follow the logic!

So, let's move directly to the list of very acidic foods power supply:

· Meat,

· Fish,

· Egg(chicken, quail, etc.),

· Butter,

· Bread(especially white, yeast),

· Refined deodorized vegetable oil(without smell),

· Nuts(everything except almonds)

· All sour vegetables(tomatoes, eggplants - when processed they become acidic foods by reaction in the body, etc.),

· Fermented milk products(sour cream, yogurt, kefir, etc.),

· Sour garden berries(gooseberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants, strawberries, etc.),

· Sour greens(sorrel, rhubarb, onion, garlic, etc.),

· All freshly squeezed juices taste sour– fresh (orange, cranberry, lingonberry, blueberry, apricot, apple, etc.),

· Sugar(any products that have added sugar, even if they have been alkaline products nutrition, become acidic foods).

For example, freshly squeezed or freshly cut lemon has an alkaline reaction (its potential = -50/-100), when sugar is added (after 10 minutes) it becomes an oxidizing product for the body.

· Legumes(peas, beans, lentils),

· Chocolate and chocolate products,

· Dried fruits(everything except dates). Despite their enormous benefits for the body, they are acidic foods. But this does not mean at all that dried fruits need to be removed from the diet; on the contrary, they should be mandatory be present in everyday nutrition. But it is very important to compensate for the oxidizing reaction they give with alkaline foods.

· Cakes, pastries,

· Creams,

· Honey,

· Cheeses,

· Curdled milk,

· Seafood(shrimp, squid, mussels, crabs, etc.) are also oxidizing foods,

· Berries(blueberries, strawberries).

This list includes the most common reactions sour foods foods used in the daily diet.

Acid-forming foods(products that give sour ash, i.e. ash with a high content of phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and/or low content potassium, magnesium or calcium)

Dried peas
Sour cabbage(attention: all other types of cabbage give alkaline ash)
Semolina porridge instant cooking
Grape seeds(attention: all other parts of the grapes give alkaline ash)
Rabbit meat
Corn (cereals, quick breakfast, starch)
Peanut butter
Flour (unsifted)
Oat flour
Rye flour
Cabbage brine
Canadian rice (water tsitsaniya)
Brown rice
Polished rice
Unrefined sugar
Rafinated sugar
Roquefort cheese
Pressed cottage cheese
White beans(attention: all other types of beans give alkaline ash)
Lima beans
Lamb (young lamb meat)

Alkaline-forming foods(products that give alkaline ash, i.e. ash with a high content of potassium, magnesium or calcium and/or low content of phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine).

Bananas (ripe)
Sweet potato
Vegetable broth
Pears (dried)
melon net
Gelatin (vegetable)
Coffee substitutes
Meat substitutes (soy)
Tea substitutes
Kohlrabi cabbage
Red cabbage
Laminaria (brown algae)
Beet leaves
Logan berry (raspberry-blackberry hybrid)
Bulb onions
Alfalfa (a leguminous plant, the most common source of chlorophyll)
Chard (leaf beet)
Olive oil
Soybean oil
Goat milk
Soy milk
Peppermint (leaves)
Olives (ripe)
Turnips (tops)
wheat sprouts
Head lettuce
Endive salad
Vegetable juices
Fruit juices
Soy malt
Ulva (algae)
Beans (sprouts)
Common beans
Green beans
Candied fruit

Related information.

Have you ever felt like your stomach is bloated like a balloon after eating? Or did you feel lethargic and heavy?

Many of us are familiar with this - and although it is quite common, a feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the stomach after eating should not occur.

In fact, after eating you should feel energized, fresh and ready to conquer the world.

So, if you suffer from unpleasant symptoms that make you regret what you ate, your body will benefit from the following: simple rules food combinations.

However, before delving into the intricacies of product compatibility, I would like to make a small disclaimer.

The principles presented here are just a guide to the right food combinations for a healthy diet on the way to improving your digestion, promoting gut health and relieving existing unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore they should not be considered as strict rules, which must be observed for the rest of your life (although, of course, this is your right).

On the contrary, these principles only give an idea of ​​​​the recommended order of eating for better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

These rules are a simple approach to eating and are based on how the body digests certain foods.

The right combination of foods can help improve digestion and absorption nutrients, and can also be useful for poor digestion and a variety of disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Many people also report weight loss and clearer skin only after switching to the combined foods.

This is why these principles of food compatibility are important: each macronutrient (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) is digested at its own speed. In addition, each requires the release of different digestive solutions and enzymes.

Therefore, if with one meal you consume foods that differ in digestive requirements, they are considered a bad combination. And this, in turn, can result in an intestinal “plug”, which is characterized by symptoms such as gas formation, bloating, belching and intestinal cramps.

Acid and alkaline enzymes

Let's look at the proteins and carbohydrates found in a beef burger, for example.

Proteins require an acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin for digestion, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment and the enzyme ptyalin.

Since beef and bread have different requirements for digestion, eating them together results in the release of both acidic and alkaline environments.

Acidic and alkaline environments neutralize each other, which slows down digestion and causes bloating and fatigue.

The wrong combination of foods can also confuse the body, requiring the release of several types of digestive enzymes at once. This further slows digestion and causes the infamous post-meal laziness, using more of the body's energy for digestion than necessary.

Understanding the rules of proper food combinations also helps maintain intestinal health. When digestion is slow, food can sit in the digestive tract for a long time and begin to rot, leading to the formation of toxins.

If food is poorly digested, undigested particles can also enter the bloodstream, causing increased sensitivity to food.

Undigested food also feeds “unfriendly” gut bacteria, such as fungus, which is the cause of a variety of diseases, such as candidiasis.

On the other hand, there are products that go well together, we will talk about them below.

So, do you still think that food combinations are a fantasy?

Let's discuss in more detail so that you can make a more informed decision on this matter.

How to start combining foods correctly to improve digestion

The following basic food combining principles go hand in hand with eating right for energy and are designed to help you avoid discomfort due to poor digestion.

1. Eat fruits separately

Combining fruits with each other is not a problem. While there's nothing better than a fruit dessert after a meal, combining fruit with other foods is a recipe for digestive disaster. This happens because fruit is pure sucrose, which is absorbed very quickly, within about 20-30 minutes.

Since fruits are digested faster than other foods, it is better to eat them separately.

Let's say you decide to eat fruit salad with eggs. Eggs are a protein that takes 3-4 hours to digest. Since fruits only need 20-30 minutes, combining them with eggs will create a “plug” in the digestive tract.

For the same reason, it is better not to eat fruit after meals.

Listen to your body

The next time you have digestive problems, try to remember the foods that were on your plate to see if bad combinations are to blame.

If you follow the rules of food combinations, you will begin to notice an increase in vital energy, improved digestion and overall well-being.

So, why not try the right food combinations and see if it has a positive effect on your health?

With rare exceptions (beans, peas), nature offers humans products consisting either mainly of proteins or mainly of carbohydrates. The third group of foods contains neither an abundance of proteins nor an abundance of carbohydrates. For this reason, Dr. Hay designated this group as neutral.

System separate power supply strives to avoid consuming foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates together. Yet absolute separation of these products is neither possible nor useful. The separation of extremes already significantly relieves the digestive tract. According to the teachings of Dr. Hay, the bloating and feeling of fullness that occurs when consuming legumes is explained precisely by the high content of proteins and carbohydrates in these crops.

The separate nutrition system recommends that when eating protein foods, choose only foods rich in protein (either meat or fish). The same should be done when consuming carbohydrate foods, that is, take a product with a high concentration of carbohydrates (either potatoes, or rice, or pasta), since such food is better absorbed.

Below we present the separation plan and table proposed by Dr. Heintze in the book “Encyclopedia of Health. All about separate nutrition according to Dr. Hey’s system.” They give an accurate idea of ​​which foods belong, according to the separate nutrition system, to the carbohydrate group, which to the protein group, and which to the neutral group.

Dividing plan

During one meal, it is undesirable to eat foods belonging to the carbohydrate group and the protein group. However, the following combinations are possible:

  • products of the protein group with products of the neutral group;
  • products of the carbohydrate group with products of the neutral group.


  1. all types of grain (wheat, spelled, rye, barley, oats, green grain, maize, natural rice);
  2. all products made from wholemeal flour with bran (bread, buns, pies, pasta);
  3. vegetables and fruits: potatoes, pears, kozelets, bananas, fresh dates and figs, sulfur-free dried fruits: apricots, bananas, figs, raisins (cinnamon - small raisins and sultanas - seedless raisins);
  4. sweets: honey, maple syrup, apple and pear condensed juices, frutilose (gently evaporated condensed fruit juice). Tip: Ideally, sweets should be consumed in moderation. Although they belong to the group of carbohydrates, they can be combined in small quantities with foods from the protein group;
  5. beer;
  6. other products: carob (chopped fruit carob, used as cocoa), baking powder with cream of tartar.


These products can be combined either with carbohydrate group products or with protein group products.

  1. Vegetables and salads: artichokes, eggplants, leaf salads, cauliflower, watercress, chicory salad variety, Chinese cabbage, valerian, fennel, cucumbers, carrots, garlic, kohlrabi, lettuce, pumpkin, green onions, dandelions, magold (leaf), red Bell pepper, parsnip, bell pepper, radish, radish, Brussels sprouts, beets, red cabbage, rutabaga, sauerkraut, celery, asparagus, red spinach, fresh tomatoes, White cabbage, savoy cabbage, zucchini (a type of zucchini), onions;
  2. any sprouted grains, sprouts, shoots;
  3. mushrooms: all edible varieties (champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms);
  4. any fermented dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, low-fat cream and kefir, molcosan (fermented whey concentrate);
  5. sweet cream;
  6. cheese 60% fat: cheese from whole milk with cream, cream cheese, Camembert;
  7. all varieties curd cheese: feta cheese, sheep and goat cheese, mozzarella, coarse cheese;
  8. fats: vegetable oils and fats, vegetable oils cold working from seeds and germs, for example vegetable oil from wheat germ, sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, sesame (camelina) oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil or peanut butter and butter;
  9. any nuts and seeds (except for groundnuts - peanuts, which have an acid-forming effect);
  10. egg yolk;
  11. avocado (fruit);
  12. olives;
  13. yeast;
  14. spices (condiments), such as sea salt, vegetable (herbal) salt, wild and garden herbs, garlic, ground pepper, Chernobyl, caraway seeds, nutmeg, horseradish (the basic rule is: add spices in small quantities);
  15. any jelly, for example agar-agar (ground seaweed: the powder is dissolved in cold liquid, brought to a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees Celsius and left to harden), vegetable astringent products from carob bean flour;
  16. beverages: mineral water, herbal teas and diluted vegetable juices.

TIPS: Salad sauces consumed with protein foods should be prepared from vegetable oil, cream (in small quantities), herbs and lemon juice.

Sauces for salads combined with carbohydrate foods should consist of fermented dairy products (kefir, curdled milk, yogurt and molcosan).

The main thing is that foods rich in fats and vegetable oils are consumed in small quantities. Conversely, vegetables, fruits, and green salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities.


  1. Any types of cooked meat, except pork, for example beef: roast, entrecote, goulash, roll, minced meat dishes, minced meat;
  2. veal: schnitzel, roast, minced meat;
  3. lamb: roast, cutlets, rump (all types of meat should be consumed in small quantities);
  4. any type of cooked pizza, such as schnitzel, turkey breast, stuffing, roast rolls, poultry sausage, grilled chicken (poultry should be consumed in small quantities);
  5. any type of cooked sausage, such as beef ham, beef salami, game sausage (sausages should be eaten in small quantities);
  6. any varieties of fresh fish, as well as shellfish and crustaceans in cooked form, such as flounder, cod, salmon, trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, herring, pike;
  7. milk;
  8. any types of cheese with 50% fat content, for example Harz cheese - soft, Tilsit, Gouda;
  9. eggs;
  10. tofu (soy products);
  11. prepared tomatoes, including those from tin cans;
  12. cooked spinach;
  13. drinks: fruit teas, fruit juices, apple wine (cider), dry and semi-dry wines, champagne, sparkling wines ( alcoholic drinks should be consumed in small doses);
  14. stone fruits such as apricots, cherries, mirabelle plums, peaches and plums;
  15. berries such as lingonberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and gooseberries;
  16. pome fruits such as apples and pears;
  17. wild fruits: rose hips, elderberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn;
  18. Exotic fruits, except bananas, for example pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya, passionfruit, melon, watermelon;
  19. citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, sweet lemons (clarification: although lemon juice belongs to the protein group, it can be combined with a small amount of carbohydrates).

THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS SHOULD BE AVOIDED: white flour products (pasta), polished rice, legumes, packaged ready meals, canned food, sugar, sweets, table salt, mustard, packaged ready-made soups and sauces, pork, sausage, ham pork, raw meat, raw egg whites, hardened fats, store-bought mayonnaise, vinegar, peanuts, marmalades, smoked and salted meat products, coffee, black tea and cocoa, as well as strong alcoholic drinks.

Product table

Protein-Rich Foods
Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
Veal 21 3 +
Beef, lean 21 7 1
Pork, lean 21 7 +
Chicken meat, fatty 20 6 +
Turkey breast 24 1 +
Goose meat 15 31 +
Salami (Italian) 13 45 +
Game sausage 16 5 +
Salami 18 50 +
Trout 20 3 +
Herring 17 15 +
Cod 17 0,4 +
Salmon 20 14 +
Sea salmon 18 0,8 +
Fish sticks (frozen product) 13 4 20
Chicken eggs 20 12 1
Bottled milk 3,3 4 5
Cow's milk 1.5% 3,4 1,5 5
Eden cheese 30% fat 26 16 +
Neutral products
Eggplant 1 + 2,7
Cauliflower 2 + 3
Broccoli 4 + 3
Chicory 1 + 2
Chinese cabbage 1 + 1
Salad chicory 2 + 0,3
Field salad 2 + 3
Savoy cabbage (boiled) 2 0,4 3
cucumbers 0,6 + 1,5
Carrot 1 + 5
Kohlrabi 1 + 3
Head lettuce 1 + 2
Green onions 2 + 3
Chard beets 2 + 1
Pepper pods 1 + 3
Radish 1 + 2
Red beetroot 2 + 9
Kozelets 1 + 2
Celery 2 + 2
Asparagus 2 + 2
Grunkol ( green cabbage) boiled 4,5 1 4
Spinach 3 + 1
Tomatoes 1 + 4
White cabbage 1 + 5
Zucchini 2 + 2
Champignon 3 + 3
Hazelnuts (hazelnuts) 13 61 11
Almond 19 54 9
Butter 0,7 84 0,7
Dietary 0,2 80 +
Margarine 0,2 80 0,4
Olive oil - 100 +
Sunflower oil + 100 -
Chicken egg yolk 16 32 +
Buttermilk 3,5 0,5 4
Whole milk yogurt 3,3 3,5 4
Cream 10% fat 3 10 4
Baker's yeast 12,1 0,4 11,0
Camembert cheese 60% fat 18 34 +
Carbohydrate-rich foods
Natural rice 7 2 73
Cereals 14 7 63
Cornflakes 8 1 80
Pasta 13 3 70
Coarse flour bread 7 1 41
Bread made from mixed rye flour 7 1 45
Wheat flour type 405 11 1 71
Pineapples 0,4 0,2 14
Apples 0,3 0,4 12
Apricots 1 + 10
Dried apricots, apricots 5 0,5 56
Bananas 1 0,2 21
Pears 1 0,4 13
Strawberries, strawberries 1 0,5 6
Kiwi 1 0,6 10
Peaches 1 + 9
Plums 1 + 12
Prunes 2 0,6 53
Cherries 1 0,4 14
Grape 1 + 16
Potatoes (boiled) 2 + 15
Bean grains (dry) 22 2 48
Peas (dry) 23 2 53
Lentils (dry) 24 1,4 52

+ presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates
- lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Explanations for the table:

This table shows how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in 100 g of individual foods. This way it is easier to understand why some products are categorized as protein, carbohydrate or neutral. Here are some examples from this table for clarification.

Meat, fish and eggs contain a lot of protein and to some extent fat, but have almost no carbohydrates. Therefore, they belong to the protein group.

Full-fat cheese, as opposed to low-fat cheese, contains more fat and, accordingly, less protein. Therefore, full-fat cheese belongs to the neutral group, and low-fat cheese belongs to the protein group.

Grains and grain products are very rich in carbohydrates and relatively poor in protein. They belong to the carbohydrate group.

Fruits contain more carbohydrates than protein. But since they usually contain a lot of fruit acids and can harm the digestion of carbohydrates, they are classified as a protein group. This distribution is not due to high protein content.

In terms of energy expenditure for digestion of foods: some vegetables, fruits and dairy products are refrigerated. Fats and carbohydrates (such as oils and honey) provide warmth. Since the food temperature is generally close to the ambient temperature, it thermal effect on the body is not significant. You can feel its warming or cooling properties only long time taking the same product. Energy (warming or cooling) effect in to a greater extent characteristic of spices.

Unrefined vegetable oils are well absorbed by the body. In addition to containing vitamin E, they have positive influence on cells and capillaries.

The lack of fat is especially pronounced during the cold season: feet and hands freeze, potency weakens, stress and dermatitis occur, children grow more slowly. But fats in small quantities are necessary, in large quantities they are harmful. The norm for an adult is one teaspoon of oil per day. The best unrefined oils are flaxseed, olive, sesame, cedar, etc. So it is better not to exclude oils during the transition period of a raw food diet.

When choosing vegetables, pay attention to carrots, rutabaga and parsnips. They are well absorbed by the body, bring warmth and provide a lot of energy. This is the perfect winter food. Pumpkin is also a good source of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It gives a feeling of satiety and warmth during the cold season.

Cabbage and fresh herbs are an excellent source of vitamin C, calcium and alkaline minerals. But, try not to eat vegetables that contain slightly toxic alkaloids - tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes and some herbs. They contribute to blood acidification, slow down the absorption of calcium, and weaken bones and teeth.

Cooling Products

There are foods that have a cold taste. They bring cold energy into the body. These are products such as:

  • Amaranth, broccoli, peas, zucchini, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, potatoes, lettuce (leaves), seaweed, cucumbers, tomatoes, radish, rhubarb, lettuce, celery, fennel, zucchini, spinach, sorrel.
  • Quince, oranges, cherry plum, watermelon, bananas, black grapes, cherries (sweet), pears, melon, blackberries, strawberries, coconut, lemon, raspberries, tangerines, peaches, rowan, plum, black currants, apricots, apples (sour).
  • Coriander (grains), saffron, mint.
  • Oats, millet, millet, rye, barley.
  • Soybeans, green peas, beans, regular lentils.
  • Sunflower oil, coconut oil, cow's milk, cottage cheese, granulated sugar, dry wine, egg (white), cheese (especially young).
  • “Morning” medicinal plants (taken 30-40 minutes before breakfast and lunch): aloe* (for long periods of pregnancy), marshmallow, bergenia, barberry (pregnancy), elderberry, initial cap, three-leaf watch, geranium, knotweed, strawberry ( leaves) (pregnancy), coriander (cilantro), mullein, burdock, raspberry (leaves), shepherd's purse(pregnancy), plantain, senna (Alexandria leaf), bearberry (pregnancy), yarrow (pregnancy), green tea.
  • “Evening” medicinal plants (taken 30-40 minutes before dinner and before bed): birch, gentian, elecampane (pregnancy), oak (bark), jaundice, corn silk, madder, dandelion, motherwort, sophora, horsetail, chicory.

Warming products

These include:

  • Walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, dried fruits, lentils, spelled, grains.
  • various cabbage, green onions, pumpkin, beets and onions.

These vegetables also supply us with important vitamins and secondary plant substances that strengthen the body's resistance.

Warming ones, in particular, also include:

  • Eggplants, mustard, coriander (cilantro), onions, green onions, olives, carrots, garlic, red pepper, parsley, tomatoes, turnips, rhubarb, beets, celery, pumpkin, dill, red beans, horseradish, wild garlic, garlic.
  • Apricots, cherries, pomegranate, pear, sweet cherry, sweet apples, walnuts, raisins, figs, dried ginger, chestnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, nutmeg, dates, pistachios, hazelnuts.
  • Cloves, mustard seed, cardamom, cinnamon, sesame, turmeric, fenugreek (seed), black pepper, celery (seed), cumin, garlic.
  • Buckwheat, corn, wheat, bran.
  • Lentils are red and black.
  • Natural vinegar.
  • Mustard oil, corn oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, olive oil.
  • “Morning” medicinals: anise, aralia, star anise, hawthorn, cloves, joster laxative, calendula, viburnum, cardamom, meadow clover, cinnamon, nettle, flax (seed), rosemary, chamomile (pregnancy), cumin, fennel, sage (pregnancy ), rose hips, eucalyptus.
  • “Evening” medicinal plants: calamus (pregnancy), arnica, basil, valerian root, elecampane (pregnancy), oregano (pregnancy), St. John's wort (pregnancy), flax-seed, coltsfoot, lemon balm, juniper berries (pregnancy), mint, wormwood (pregnancy), chamomile (pregnancy), licorice (pregnancy), pine buds (pregnancy), thyme, black tea, celandine, saffron, tarragon (tarragon ).

Note: * Contraindications to the use of medicinal plants only during pregnancy are indicated in parentheses.

Warm and cold foods from the point of view of Chinese medicine

In some sources Chinese medicine products are divided into hot, warm, neutral, refreshing and cold. Energy processes in the body are very important from the point of view of Chinese medicine. It proceeds from the fact that each product, despite the number of calories, has a certain effect on the body’s energy balance and on its internal and external energy pathways (meridians). According to this philosophy, breathing, movement and nutrition act on the individual electromagnetic force field of the body. They change the frequency and amplitude of oscillations of this field, inhibiting or accelerating recovery. There are foods that charge the body with energy, warm it in the literal sense of the word and strengthen it. vitality. Such products are designated in the table as “hot”, “warm” and “neutral”.

All other products fill the body with juices and liquids, and also cool it: such products are designated as “refreshing” and “cold”.

You need to know that energy in this sense has nothing to do with calories and calorific value. On the contrary, it may be that, in our opinion, a substance with a high thermal capacity, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, takes away our energy. For example, sugar from the point of view of Western teaching is high-calorie product, and from the point of view of Chinese medicine it is a very cooling product.

This approach can explain a lot. For example, many do not understand why citrus fruits, despite their high content of vitamin C, do not stop, but instead intensify the symptoms of a cold. The energy table of Chinese medicine explains this: such fruits are cooling and are least needed by a cold body.

The table by Barbara Temeli, who disseminated this teaching in the West, shows which foods can replenish or balance energy.

Together with the energizing spices, all products automatically rise to the "warm" mark.

Cold foods (southern fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers, yoghurts, mineral water, soft drinks, black tea) cool the body and lead to a lack of Yin or Yang energy.

During pregnancy, many women who are prone to excess Yang energy can thus reduce it. Refreshing food can distract you from worries in adolescence. You can try to correct the Yang energy of many hyperactive children in this way.

  • HOT: cinnamon, pepper, curry, tabasco, nutmeg
  • WARM: buckwheat, oats, onions, horseradish, apricots, peaches, raisins, basil, dill, bay, caraway, marjoram, garlic
  • NEUTRAL: millet, corn, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, peas, plums, grapes, figs, saffron, grape juice
  • REFRESHING: rice, spelled, wheat, sauerkraut, asparagus, spinach, zucchini, cauliflower, celery, apples, pears, melons, oranges, strawberries, sage, fruit juice, rosehip tea, mint
  • COLD: cucumbers, tomatoes, lemons, bananas, mangoes, watermelons, kiwi, salt, sauces, seaweed, mineral water, green tea, black tea.

Neutral products include mainly grain crops, except barley and rice (these products are included in the cooling column). This also includes cucumbers and sweet rice. Neutral food restores qi energy, harmonizes Yin and Yang energy and should be the basis of nutrition.

Hot foods, as well as cold ones, should not be overused, especially curry, red and black pepper. Such food protects against internal cold and is a good addition to winter time of the year. In large quantities, they increase Yang energy.

So, increase the amount of hot seasonings in cold weather, and decrease in summer. The same rule applies to onions, garlic, mustard, ginger - they all warm food. All Yin foods can be turned into Yang foods by adding spices!

Sometimes they ask if it is possible hot tea. Very cold or very hot food is not beneficial: both require additional energy expenditure for thermoregulation. In addition, hot food and water have a very negative effect on taste buds.

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