Home Trees and shrubs Rescue squad lisa alert. Search squad "Lisa Alert": why is it called that

Rescue squad lisa alert. Search squad "Lisa Alert": why is it called that

Search and Rescue Team Lisa Alert was organized in 2010 as a result of the search for a lost girl named Lisa. This is a non-profit association of people with common goal- search for the missing in the natural and urban environment. The organization does not accept monetary donations and works on the principle of disinterested mutual assistance. Anyone who needs help in finding a missing person can ask for help. It is enough to leave a request by phone or on the Liza Alert website.

Public Search Squad Lisa alert - official site

On the main page in the header, the user will easily notice the phone numbers by which he can report at any time of the day. important information or leave a request to search for a missing person. Spread important messages in in social networks You can use the buttons below the phone hotline.

Below is the main menu bar of the site. The first section "Movement" contains information about the detachment, the history of its creation and the basic principles of activity. Here you can read the news and view Lisa Alert's photo albums. A separate page "Volunteer LA" will help you understand if you are ready to join this movement, find out how you can become a member of the Lisa Alert volunteer search team, and fill out an application to join the group.

Movement - LA Volunteer

The "Registration" section invites those wishing to sign up to volunteer to choose a group in which they want and have the opportunity to participate. Fill out the application form and enter your phone number in the SMS mailing list.

Volunteer Questionnaire

The materials section contains statistics on the results of searches. Here you can download banners for placement on various Internet resources. The "Recommendations" subsection contains memos and articles that will prompt what to do if you or your loved ones are lost, as well as tips to help avoid such situations.

On the "Squad Needs" page, anyone who wants to help the search squad can find out what is on this moment needs a search party.

Squad needs

You can discuss the activities of Lisa Alert and chat on abstract topics at the Forum.

You can contact PSO Liza Alert and its leader by phone numbers listed on the contacts page. " Leave a request for search" missing you can by clicking on the button that is displayed on each page of the site.

Most home page the site is occupied by news. Banners are displayed to the right, informing about current search operations.

News and current searches

Under the news, you can find announcements about children found and returned home, as well as about those people who have not yet been found.


Three hours is the life time of a child if he was kidnapped by a maniac. Seven to ten years is the age of children who run away from home. Eighty percent of missing children are still alive. You don't have to wait 72 hours to file a missing person's report - it's dangerous myth. More than ninety percent of the children who die in natural environment, drowned. These are the figures of the All-Russian Search and Rescue Squad "Lisa Alert".

Over the past year, the detachment accepted 6171 applications for missing people, 4000 people were found alive, 628 died. total number 1151 applications concerned missing minors, of which 490 people were children under 12 years old.

973 children were found alive, 48 children died (including children under 12 years old - 429 were found alive, 22 children died). Figures are current as of November 2016.

Runners, losers, kidnapped - in this order you can list the children that the LA squad is looking for. The largest percentage of requests from parents are for children who voluntarily ran away from home.

"About five years ago, we thought that mostly teenagers aged 13-15 were running. Then the age of the runners began to get younger - now it is 7-10 years old. Children of this age have no idea what will happen to them on the street. Teenagers usually have some then the plan: where they will go, where they will spend the night, what is there," says Irina Vorobyeva, LA coordinator, director of the Method Center, a fund for the development of the missing people search system.

© Photo: provided by the search and rescue team "Liza Alert"

LA search history: Vladimir region. Two boys ran away from home, hiding in an abandoned factory. One of the children returned, he was not even listed as missing. The second boy was searched for a day. Until the boy who returned told him that a wall had collapsed on his friend.

According to squad statistics, the most common reason for escaping is home furnishings. Parents can not scold the child enough bad relationship between themselves. The child gets the feeling that he is not going home, but into a hostile environment, from which he wants to be further away.

Parents' attitude towards grades Also a reason to run away. As soon as the quarters at school are over, grades are given, and the children run. They are afraid of being scolded. Common cause shoots - relationships at school among peers: offended, bullied.

Search history LA: The boy came home from school. Dad asked to see the diary, the child replied that he forgot it at school. The father sent his son back. The boy left and did not return. The child began to search. It turned out that the boy was sitting in his own entrance two floors above the apartment. As a rule, in winter, children hide in the entrances of their houses or where they often go to visit.

Search History LA: Lost a boy of seven years. There were no conflicts at home, he studied well. Nothing was missing from the house. I took a backpack, a book, a loaf of bread and an apple with me. In the summer, he agreed with a friend in the country that they would meet on a certain day and build a cosmodrome. The boy got on the train and went to the country to meet a friend. He made a mistake, arrived at another station, got off. The child was lucky, it was not a summer season, he was quickly noticed locals called the police.

“If the child does not have a friend named parent, then no matter what you do, you will never know how your son or daughter lives. He will not tell you that they are beaten at school, that classmates are bullying, that studying is hard,” Irina believes Vorobyov.

Search History LA: Missing 11 year old boy. Mom raised her son alone, worked all week, there was not enough time for her son. That information about the child, which was given by the mother, absolutely did not coincide with the real boy, who was found by LA. These were two different person Mom didn't know anything about him. His page on VKontakte home computer was open. LA read his correspondence: "we were looking for a child, and his behavior and way of thinking was more suitable for a teenager of 16-17 years old." Found. Alive.

Provided by the search and rescue team "Liza Alert"

© Photo: provided by the search and rescue team "Liza Alert"

“Many people ask whether to ban children from VKontakte. I am against bans, it’s useless, it leads to conflicts, but you need to control it. There are many groups that are simply harmful. The most reliable information should come from parents,” says the LA coordinator.

Lost in the natural environment

The child must know two simple rules: forest and water are always dangerous. You can enter the forest and approach the water only with adults.

“If a child disappears in the natural environment, the first thing we do on the spot is to cut off the child’s access to water. 99.9 percent of the children who died in the natural environment drowned,” says Irina Vorobyeva.

History of LA: Dasha Zh. and Vanya M. from the Yaroslavl region disappeared during a walk. They searched the whole village, all the houses. Been looking for them for almost two years. Vanya was found in May of this year, then Dasha. They fell through the ice.

Search history LA: The child died almost in front of his grandmother. They walked along the steep bank of the river. Grandmother in front, child behind. Suddenly she realized that it was quiet behind, turned around - there was no child.

Searching for children in the natural environment is more difficult than for adults: they do not respond to cries, they cross linear landmarks.

Search history LA: A father and a child are lost in the forest. This is a difficult option, if they split up, you will have to look for people in a panic looking for a friend friend. Dad was in touch. He said that he had lost his son. The phone dies, there is a compass, but he does not know how to use it. We told him what to do. Half an hour later I found the child. We asked them not to move anywhere and to wait for help. Dad replied that now they would go out on their own - the son knows how to use a compass. They went out.

Search history LA: The brothers went into the forest, got lost. They searched for evening, night, the next day they went out onto the road. Then they said that they met adults in the forest and asked where the exit was. They waved and moved on. The children went out to locality and asked where their village was. At night, they heard quad bikes and screams, but while they were running, everyone had already left. In the morning we went to the road.

City: find by pattern

Parents and child must have pre-arranged templates behavior in different situations. These patterns must match.

For example, you are traveling with a child. A lot of people, the child came out, you did not have time. There should be an agreement on the sequence of actions - your general template.

Rescuers together with volunteers conducted exercises in the Odintsovo districtThe people whom the rescuers tried to find were restricted in their movements. Some of them have run out Cell phones, no information was received from others at all. In total, more than 300 people and 100 units of special equipment took part in the exercises.

For example, the subway. The child goes to the center of the station, where there is an information stand (red and blue in Moscow). He should stand near him and wait for you. You will arrive on the next train. If mom does not come on the next trains, you need to press the SOS button at the stand. If this is an electric train, you need to find a person in uniform at the station and explain the situation. In the shopping center, you need to agree where you will meet.

LA search history: A girl calls the Lisa Alert hotline. And he says: on the side of the road there is a child of about five years old, not far shopping center, there are no adults nearby, cars are driving and the situation is dangerous. The girl asked what she should do. We advised her to get out of the car, to approach the child, so that there was no danger for him to be hit by a car. Then ask the child where he came from, what is his name. You don't have to get in the car. If he left the shopping center, go there together, ask the guards to announce the child over the speakerphone. The child was with his mother in the shopping center, lost his mother in the department and went to the exit. According to his logic, mom went home.

Search history LA: One of the Moscow parks. A call from dad - they went skiing with their son for 11 years, dad went ahead, looked back - his son was gone. It was the end of winter, the situation is serious. At some point, the child lost sight of his father and turned onto another ski track. Accidentally reached the finish line of ski competitions.

Search history LA: Dad was walking with the kids in the park. I was distracted by my daughter and lost my son. They found out from dad that there was no one at home, and persuaded him to return. He resisted for a long time. I came home, my son was waiting at the entrance.

The child must know and feel that you are one team, this is important. Should know the phone in case of trouble. It can be not only your number, the number of a family friend, a relative who always answers the phone.

Make friends with your children. Otherwise, if trouble occurs, you will not be able to explain what may have happened and tell you where to look. This could save their life.

Continuation of the work of the search and rescue squad

Height 175 cm,
Large build, stooped
Dark brown hair curly to the shoulders
Eyes are blue

Special signs: scar on the left eyebrow, turquoise earrings in the ears

Was dressed:
Down jacket white to the knees without fur
Black boots
Black T-shirt
Gray button down jumper

This year we not only searched, but also carried out a lot of preventive work with children and parents.
Today, for the first time, we are publishing a video that has been broadcast on our installation at VDNKh for several months.

(if you want to help us, click the repost button, this video should look like you can more people!)

Pay attention to these numbers. 481 searches for children in 2015. And those are just the cases we know about. Only those losses where active work was carried out.

picture is clickable

We once again urge parents to be extremely attentive to their children. And talk to them about safety more often.

She was 5 years old.

Her name is Liza Fomkina. Our team bears her name.
5 years ago on this day, Lisa was found dead.
5 years ago on this day, everyone realized that they were late.
She was 5 years old.

It is very important for us that Lisa is remembered.
They remembered how heroically this child fought for his life.
They remembered that Liza was alive for 9 days and every moment gave adults a chance to save her.
Remember how many tragic mistakes these adults made in that September 2010.

Each of our search, we are afraid to be late. Every time we say the name of a squad, we remember what is behind this name.

Her name is Liza Fomkina. And we will always remember this name.

Grigory Sergeev:
“I drive away memories. Lisa turned mine adult life full of confidence, stability.
For the first time in 30 years, I experienced such a shock.
I drive away thoughts of what it was like for her. What was her aunt like?
How heroic do you have to be to give almost all your clothes to a child.
World is not fair. This is a prime example.
This is my personal pain. This shouldn't happen anymore. It hurts to remember, but it is necessary.
Sleep tight, girl."

Irina Vorobieva:
“I wrote this text and erased it, because it is impossible to scream with words with the force with which it is necessary. From September 13 to September 23, every year a metronome works inside. It counts the hours of the life of a child unfamiliar to me. Which 5 years ago at this very time fought for his life. Who was very scared and really wanted to go home. A child who lived 9 days in the forest, hoping that adults would come. That adults will save. What adults can do. Failed. Did not come. Didn't save.
I'm afraid to imagine this death, but I force myself to plunge into it. Because you can write dozens of words about this tragedy. And they all fly by.
I want everyone to shudder in horror at what this little girl has had to go through. I want everyone involved in the search for the missing to be aware of what is at stake. I want all those adults who then let Liza die, now see themselves in this text.
I don't want everything to be in vain. Lisa cannot be returned. Nothing can be prevented anymore. But you can give a crack to this damn device of the world, which allowed Lisa to die so terribly.
"We are for this and we are forever" ©.

In the Moscow region, the search continues for three-year-old Seva Lavrov, who disappeared the day before in the city of Dmitrov.

More than 100 people arrived at the headquarters in the first few hours. These are volunteers Liza Alert, and rescuers from SpasReserve and PSOs near Moscow, local residents and many other caring people who continue to come to the headquarters and help in the search.

To date, dozens of tasks have been completed. These are patrolling, polling, voice notification on the streets, auto and railway stations, posting orientations, including in public transport, inspection of abandoned buildings and military units, control of water bodies within a kilometer radius from the child's home.

The work of the headquarters will continue around the clock. We are waiting for everyone who wants to help at the address: Dmitrov, Zagorskaya st., 64. DK "Constellation".

Hotline Lisa Alert 88007005452.

In the Moscow region, a 90-year-old pensioner disappeared in the forest. Tatyana Lazareva the day before, together with her family, came to the forest near Balashikha to pick berries. When the family got ready to leave, they found that the grandmother was nowhere to be found. At the moment, the search for a pensioner is being organized. Police, emergency services and volunteers are on the scene.

Search party Lisa Alert asks everyone who can join the search and help find the missing person.

Lazareva Tatyana Petrovna got lost in the forest on 07/06/2015 at about 13:30

Signs: Height 145 cm Slim build Hair dark with gray hair, bob haircut

Was wearing: Burgundy long sleeve sweater Black trousers Black boots

Bring a glass jar for raspberries.

ATTENTION!!! Departure now!!! Dress for the weather. The forest is very damp!
Schelkovskoe sh., turn to the street. Dmitrieva
Headquarters coordinates:
Latitude 55°49′49″N (55.830245)
Longitude 37°55′1″E (37.916999)

Coord: Cat
Inforg: Promotka 89851655658

Dear friends!
We have started a full-fledged forest season.
This means that almost every day there are applications for missing persons in the natural environment. AT different areas, different areas.
If you've been waiting for the moment to join the squad, this moment has definitely arrived.
We learn immediately in practice, we see everything with our own eyes, with great benefit spend free time.

In the Moscow region, the search for the missing girl continues. Search squad Lisa Alert appeals to citizens for help.

Anna Smirnova disappeared in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region on June 22. A 25-year-old girl got into a car near the village of Obraztsovo. Nobody saw her again.

Volunteer search squad "Lisa Alert" is looking for the missing and appeals to citizens for help.
If your DVR recorded a time interval from 12:00 to 16:00 on June 22 at the specified location, please report to the number 88007005452 (hotline for missing persons, the call is free)
Please note that the missing woman got into a silver VAZ car. The exact model is unknown, presumably it was either VAZ-2108 or VAZ-2109 or VAZ-2114.

Update The girl was found. Alive!

In the Ivanovo region, a large-scale search is underway for a kidnapped nine-year-old girl.

The identity of the kidnapper has been established, but so far neither he nor the child has been found.

Now large-scale search activities are being carried out, where all services are working, it helps local administration, volunteers arrived from Ivanovo, Vladimir and Moscow.

There are still very few people, many times more are needed to close all the tasks.

PSO Lisa Alert calls on citizens to join and help find little Yana. On the search there are tasks for both beginners and experienced searchers.

In addition, we ask citizens to actively spread information about the kidnapper and the child.

Recall that nine-year-old Yana Luchkova was abducted on the night of June 12. Law enforcement agencies identified the kidnapper, he turned out to be 50-year-old Valery Konygin. It is known that he is of a thin build, about 170 cm tall.

Child's characteristics: height 120 cm, blond hair middle length, slim build. She is wearing a colorful T-shirt and black pants. When abducted, Yana was barefoot.

We ask everyone who is ready to help in the search or has reliable information about the whereabouts of the child, call the hotline number 8 800 700 54 52 (call from any region is free)

Attention! The children are gone!

Lost Terentyeva Olesya, 05/29/2005 (10 years old), Krylova Maria, 07/19/2007 (7 years old).
Tver region, Konakovo district, Mokhovoe 2.

On June 4, at about 19:00, they carried the hedgehog into the forest, since then their whereabouts are unknown.
Check out now. All details on the link

Search and rescue squad "Liza Alert"
File:LA logo.jpg
Foundation date October 14, 2010
Type of volunteer detachment
Number of participants It is not possible to measure the number of participants as people come and go
Chairman Grigory Borisovich Sergeev
Website lizaalert.org

DPSO Lisa Alert (Volunteer Search and Rescue Team, Search Team Lisa Alert)- non-commercial social organization, consisting of volunteers, and engaged in the search for missing missing people. Also known as the Volunteer Search and Rescue Squad Lisa Alert. The name of the organization comes from the name of 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, whose search gave impetus to the creation of the detachment, and English word Alert(translated as an alarm). The main part of the search takes place on the territory of the Moscow region and nearby regions. Priority is given to the search for children and the elderly, as well as people lost in the natural environment. The detachment is not engaged in the search for missing soldiers and their identification. The detachment does not provide paid services by search; searches are carried out free of charge by the efforts of volunteers.

Squad functions

  • Operational search for missing people;
  • Carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Training members of the DPSO Lisa Alert and state PSOs in the skills of conducting search operations, methods of providing first aid to victims, using search equipment (compass, walkie-talkie, navigator, etc.) and other skills necessary in search work.
  • Dissemination of information about the Liza Alert DPSO in order to attract new volunteers and optimize interaction with government agencies during the search activities.

Functions of squad members


  • hotline operators round the clock receive, process and transmit appeals to PSO units, advise applicants on primary actions in the event of a missing person.
  • the information coordinator provides the necessary data to the headquarters, sends volunteers;
  • the infogroup is engaged in the dissemination of information in the media, attracting volunteers;
  • the cartographer prepares maps of the search area.
  • the coordinator directs the search and rescue operations;
  • the operational cartographer puts the necessary information on the map;

In the search area:

Organization of search activities

Applications for searches are received in the form of a call to the round-the-clock telephone number or to the site of PSO "Lisa Alert" by filling out a special form. Anyone can apply. Usually this is done by relatives and friends of the lost or official services. The only condition is that the person must be officially listed as missing, i.e. should be a police report.

Upon acceptance of the application, the coordinator and information coordinator of the search are determined. Members of the squad are notified by posting a relevant topic on the forum, sending SMS and e-mail newsletters to subscribers from among the members of the squad, posting information on Twitter. At the same time, calls are made to the Central Reference Ambulance, the Accident Registration Bureau, as well as hospitals in the corresponding region. Volunteers ready to leave notify the search coordinator of the time and place of the search, with the help of the information coordinator, depending on the territorial location of the search engines, vehicle crews are formed.

Maps of the search area are prepared and printed. Orientations are compiled and replicated with a photograph of the missing person, a description of the main signs and an indication of the date and place where the person was seen in last time. Information about searches on the Internet and the media is being disseminated.

Upon arrival at the search site, the relatives and friends of the lost person are interviewed, contact is established with the official services involved (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations). A field headquarters is organized, including: a headquarters tent and / or a car, workplaces for a radio operator and a cartographer, a medical officer on duty, a kitchen, and parking. All available and emerging information in the search process flows to the coordinator. The territory is divided into squares and zones.

The coordinator, taking into account the skills, abilities, capabilities of volunteers, divides them into groups and directs them to perform tasks on the ground. The data coming from the search groups are brought together, the surveyed territories are marked on the maps. When conflicting information appears, all possible versions are worked out. The search coordinator is responsible for analyzing all the information obtained in the course of the search and making decisions regarding the conduct of further search activities. Searches begin and are carried out at any time of the day and are conducted until the discovery of the lost one or until all available versions are worked out. Further, active searches can move into a passive phase until new information appears.


In addition to direct search activities, the detachment is engaged in the following activities:

  • attracting and training volunteers in first aid, working with a navigator, radio station, compass, cartography, leading a search group, leading a search in general, etc.;
  • conducting training trips, where all kinds of search activities are practiced;
  • work with the media;
  • establishing contacts with formal and informal organizations;
  • carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Carrying out promotions aimed at updating the attention of society to the problems of the missing.

The detachment took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the flood in Krymsk ( Krasnodar region) in the summer of 2012.

The detachment is the Winner of the ROTOR award in the nomination "Internet Community of the Year".


The detachment is built on the basis of goodwill, mutual assistance, selflessness. PSO "Liza Alert" does not accept financial assistance, does not have current accounts and virtual wallets. This is the principled and unchanging position of the detachment. Those who wish can help with the dissemination and / or collection of information, assist in providing or donate to the detachment the equipment necessary for conducting search operations (a public list of equipment is available on the Organization's website), as well as food for catering to searchers during search operations.


The detachment consists of people of different nationalities, professions, views, religions. The main thing that unites them is an indifferent attitude to someone else's misfortune, enthusiasm, willingness to spend their time, effort and money for the benefit of the victims. Minors are not allowed in the group.

Regional divisions and colleagues

The Moscow detachment is the most numerous and active. Squad units, varying degrees organization, were formed in more than ten regions of Russia: Tver, Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Leningrad, Kostroma, Rostov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Altai, Kursk, Tatarstan ... In a number of regions, local search and rescue teams are emerging: Tula, Perm, Vologda, Vladimir , Khabarovsk, Omsk, ... The structure of the detachments is networked, there is no coordination from the center, interaction takes place with the aim of exchanging information, training (including remote) and assisting in the creation of an independent, capable regional structure.

Why do people disappear?

People who are unable to independently navigate in space and left unattended are easily lost. This category includes young children, people with mental disabilities, memory disorders, including senile ones. The detachment has to look for victims of accidents and crime. A separate category is the so-called. "runners" - people hiding of their own free will.

History of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating a squad to search for missing children came in the fall of 2010 after searching for little Sasha, who got lost in the forest near Chernogolovka, and 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, who, along with her aunt, got lost in the forest near Orekhovo-Zuev. The prototype of the name of the detachment was the international warning system

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