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Knowledge for the advanced pc user. Computer knowledge, confident pc user

Computers in our lives

It's hard to imagine these days workplace any office worker without a computer. Go to the student's room and you will definitely see this miracle device there. Students carry laptops, netbooks, tablets with them to class.

Hence, computer skills are essential modern man, in order to keep up with life and be able to succeed in it.

Computers and kids

Today computers are used for different purposes: work, communication, games, other entertainment (movies, music, photography). They are mainly used by children for entertainment. If you believe the statistics, then about only 5-10 percent of the time of working on a computer modern schoolchildren goes to preparation for lessons. The rest of the time is games and social networks, advertising. On the other side, school program assumes the presence of computers in children, trying to develop their computer skills from a young age. Here, parents should limit the time their children spend at the screens, leaving only what is needed to prepare the lessons.

Computer skills at work

When applying for a job, much attention is paid to the computer skills of the candidate. The level of proficiency in this technique in office work is very important, since such an employee spends more than 70 percent of the working day at the monitor. Some employers test their computer skills during interviews, others take their word for it, and some, after hiring, conduct employee training in accordance with the specifics of the company's work. When settling for office work, be prepared to be asked about the ability to work with MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), accounting 1C (for accountants), the ability to work on the Internet (quickly search for the right one and do not filter out necessary information, advertising, spam). Some types of work require special computer skills (specialized programs and applications). By default, a candidate programmer must have a high level of computer skills, know at least two programming languages.

Computer skills in resume

Each candidate for a particular position draws up a resume, where it is necessary to describe the ability to work with a computer. You should not exaggerate your capabilities here. Write it as it is. If you feel that you lack experience or skill, and this work is very important to you, then sign up for computer courses, which, fortunately, in recent times more and more. At the same time, if you know how to work with any program that, in your opinion, is not related to the activities of the company, write it down anyway, because you never know where it might come in handy.

Summing up

Thus, at present, computer skills (more or less deep) must be present in every person. They, like others business qualities employee are very important when hiring. However, you need to know that a good employer will give new employees the opportunity to learn all specialized programs on the spot. So, when applying for a job, you should write on your resume about what level of computer skills you have, as well as that you learn quickly and easily.

Information Technology are so firmly integrated into our life that most vacancies involve computer literacy. How to correctly describe your level of PC proficiency for a resume is a simple question, but it is with this level that many job seekers have difficulties.

Resume PC proficiency: examples and classifications

Speaking about the classification of levels of computer proficiency, users can be divided into three groups:

· Novice user - beginner. Basic knowledge PCs imply the ability to start and turn off the computer, understanding the purpose of the mouse and keyboard, knowledge and skill of working with standard programs - notepad, Paint, calculator, MSOffice software package. Novice users should also be able to use an Internet browser, check e-mail, write information to removable media - disks and flash drives.

· Confident user. In addition to fundamental PC skills, he is general outline has an idea of ​​the internal structure of the computer. At least, he knows what a processor and a system unit are, and does not confuse these two concepts.

A person from this category understands all browser settings, easily finds the necessary information on the Web through various search engines. It can find a lost file document or folder in the PC system, is able to create a restore point, defragment a disk and clean up a flash card.

In order to speed up the workflow, he actively uses various "hot" key combinations, uses the function buttons on the keyboard. If necessary, he can install simple programs, for example, Photoshop or Skype, knows why archivers are needed and how to use them.

· An advanced user is one who was not afraid of the above functionality. He can independently reinstall the operating system on a computer, understands the features of each with their today's variety.

Confident user understands and applies in practice backup... Prefers specialized programs to standard programs, for example, using a third-party file manager, Photoshop, etc. Familiar with the principles of cloud storage. When working with the browser, he actively uses the plugins built into it for the convenience of finding information and switching between tasks. In a word, it is not enough for a confident user standard programs and computer functions. He is trying to modernize the operation of the personal computer, equipping its operating system with the best modern developments.

How do I describe my computer skills on my resume?

The main thing is objective, concise, but at the same time as complete and informative as possible! It is necessary to indicate the experience with what programs, office applications and operating systems you have. In this case, the degree of proficiency in each program separately does not need to be indicated. Instead, it is worth noting general level PC skills from those described in detail above.

For clarity, we present to your attention the level of computer skills for a resume - example:

· Basic level of PC proficiency: MSOffice is perfect, work with mail, Internet browser.

· Confident PC user (optimization skills, security settings). You can list the programs, knowledge of which will be useful in a particular position.

· Experienced user (optimization, security, synchronization), mastery of 1C: Enterprise (or any other program / -s).

Knowledge of PC - example in summary additional information, which increases the applicant's chances of getting the desired job. Depending on the position, this paragraph can be either a couple of lines or rather detailed. The main thing is that the information is true.

PC proficiency level for resume

Problems often arise with this item. It is really difficult to give an adequate description here. Let's turn to the experience of HR specialists. What formulations do they consider to be literate and informative?

Computer skills in resume (example)

What is meant

Erroneous judgments


Knowledge of the basic functionality of the operating system (renaming, copying and moving files, working in a text editor, creating and saving documents)

Turn on (turn off) system unit, the presence of a page in social network

Office ownership Word programs and Excel, work with e-mail, various browsers

Ability to type with 10 fingers


Possession of all programs from the MS Office package, specialized programs, project management systems

Acquaintance with one specialized program


Ability to troubleshoot technical problems, software errors, programming skills

Ability to install the program through the installer

Computer programs: list for resume

It is necessary to list them. So the employer will get an idea of ​​whether it will be necessary to teach a new employee how to use a specific software. It's good if he understands, for example, what CRM is. But what system was he dealing with? Obviously, 1C, Bitrix-24 and Trello have their own specifics.

Therefore, you need to list all known PC programs for a resume: the list can be shortened by grouping:

  • office;
  • professional;
  • additional.

The main thing with additional is not to overdo it. It is worth mentioning those that you may encounter in this field of activity (for example, software for electronic signature useful in trade, and in accounting, and in management). But it makes no sense to tell the translator that, in addition to electronic dictionaries and Translation memory, he owns CorelDraw and creates drawings well.

It is worth mentioning to what extent what programs you own in your resume; example: "Legal entity taxpayer" (advanced user), 1C: Accounting (confident), 1C: Trade and Warehouse (medium).

Computer programs for resumes

Although each specialist knows his own list, we still give the main names for different groups specialties. This is useful in case you have been working with one product for a long time and eventually forgot about another. Nevertheless, the skills remained, and should not be ignored.

PC proficiency in resume (examples)

Computer skills must be indicated in the resume, even minimal ones. After all, few professions today do without him.

The computer has firmly penetrated all areas of our life. We have prepared a list of computer skills that will help you in your work and will reduce the time it takes to complete a particular task.

Before looking for a job.

Dozens of resumes are reviewed by recruiters every day, and most of them are not original. Templates downloaded from the internet, similar phrases such as “ confident user PC "," I can work in Word and Excel "do not surprise anyone.

We recommend that you show before the interview high level owning a PC - create a landing page with a portfolio. This can be done, for example, on WordPress or Squarespace. To do this, you will have to register a domain.
Place a presentable photo on the landing page, indicate contact information, describe your skills, experience, skills and place examples of work - analytical tables (for economists and analysts), sample articles (for journalists and copywriters), drawings (for designers), etc. ... Place the link to your personal page in your resume with the note “my portfolio” or send it by e-mail to the employer.


V present time for successful employment, you must be able to work in several specialized programs. Each profession has its own "crown" program, which you need to know thoroughly.
- Excel - for financiers, analysts, economists;
- "1C Accounting" and "Parus" - for accountants;
- Adobe Illustrator - for designers;
- Adobe Photoshop - for photographers, etc.
Many professionals need to know several programs at once. A striking example to that - Excel, the knowledge of which is needed today not only by economists and financiers, but also by sales managers, marketers, accountants.
We recommend that you study 20-30 vacancies on job search sites and make a list of programs that employers most often require. If suddenly you are not sure of your knowledge, it makes sense to take online training or sign up for courses.
"Advanced" Internet search.
As practice shows, many people do not know how to properly search for information with using google, Yandex and other search engines. As a result, a lot of time is wasted, several dozen pages are looked through before finding something that interests you.
We recommend using simple life hacks to quickly and easily search the Internet.
On Google:
- put text in quotation marks to find exact match phrases such as "website about vegetarianism";
- to find a quote with a missing word, just replace this word with "*", for example, "After the darkest * there always comes a day";
- to search on a specific site, use the site operator, for example "site: job.ru job for young mothers";
- to narrow your search, use the ampersand - it will allow you to quickly find two words that will appear in one sentence, for example, "Flowers & Interior";
- to exclude a word from the search, just put a minus in front of it. The request "Oil prices - rubles" will return price results in different currencies, except for the Russian one;
- for example, you need to find Samsung tablet costing from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles - put between the price "...", for example, "Samsung tablet 10,000 ... 20,000";
- if you need to find a file in a specific format, add the filetype operator and specify the format, for example "Ray Bradbury Dandelion Wine filetype: fb2";
- to quickly translate a phrase, use translate and into with an indication of the language, for example "translate I love creativity into spanish".
It is enough to remember some simple techniques for search engine which you are accustomed to using, and any information will be found quickly and easily. Many of them are universal and suitable for different search engines.

Blind ten-finger dialing.
Learning to type without looking at the keyboard with the fingers of both hands is not as easy as it seems. This usually takes from two to three weeks to several months. For this, there are special online simulators and programs. Some people study on their own, without going through the same type of tasks and lessons that the training programs offer.
Of course, you can type quickly and efficiently without using the "blind" method, but people who have mastered it begin to type much faster and make fewer typos. This skill is an important advantage for journalists, editors, copywriters, secretaries.


To increase the speed of work and not to jerk the mouse endlessly, it is imperative to memorize the basic keyboard shortcuts. It is very convenient and easy. It is enough to use the combination a couple of times, and it will be remembered. Perhaps the most famous keyboard shortcuts are "Ctrl + C" and "Ctrl + V" (copy and paste), they work in all programs.
On Windows, the following are often used:
- "Ctrl + N" - opens a new window;
- "Win + E" - launches the file manager;
- "Win + D" - collapses and expands open windows;
- "Alt + Tab" - allows you to switch between running applications;
- "Shift + Delete" - deletes files without moving to the trash.
In fact, there are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts in different programs, so we recommend that you study those that will help you in your work. You can find out combinations for a particular program on the Internet.
Working with mail.
You have to work with mail all the time, and many people start their working day by reading new letters and replies to them. For convenience and speed, you need to be able to configure mail, in particular:
- sort letters into different folders... In Outlook, you need to create rules for this, and in Gmail, you need to set categories, create shortcuts;
- set up automatic sending of messages, that is, auto-replies;
- create mailings with big amount addressees;
- put outgoing letters on a timer so that the addressee receives them in the right time
Synchronization of work.

An important computer skill is the ability to synchronize work. Exists great amount options on how to do this. Very often it is required to use a shared folder for several computers in order to quickly exchange information - for this you need to create local area network and share in the required folder. In a shared folder, you can create files in which several people can work at once.
Another option for synchronizing work is to use Google Docs, which includes a text, spreadsheet editor and a service for creating presentations. Several people can work or view it in one document. This eliminates the need to send each file by mail.

Now we will look at what skills a confident PC user should master. After the basic skills are acquired, you can easily cope with more complex tasks.

Confident PC user: what are the requirements for it?

First of all, you need to be able to work with your operating system... This item should include the support of the system in a stable working condition, setting the parameters of the "desktop", correct installation and the organization of the file structure (in which you can easily find any document, folder or and unzip files in order to bring the data to the optimal size. This is the basic knowledge that any confident PC user should get).

It is not about a whim or fashion, such skills are really important, because if, for example, you do not correctly uninstall programs, it is likely that after a few months the computer will completely refuse to work.

Confident PC user cares about security

You need to be completely confident in the security of your computer, as well as all the data that is stored on it. To this end, you will have to master perfectly antivirus software from various manufacturers.

This skill is no exception, since it applies to absolutely all people who want to master a personal computer. It should be noted that if the internet is your field professional activity(you, for example, create various copyrighted materials), in this case, the loss of all personal data is very often comparable in losses to bankruptcy!

Work in the "office" right at home

If we talk about who a confident PC user is, of course, this is a person who knows how to use basic office programs such as Excel and Word. It's not just about typing, but also about making full use of these tools to create fully formatted spreadsheets and documents.

To lead business correspondence, create documents and databases, as well as analyze statistics, you will need Excel programs and Word. Skillful use of these tools will allow you to automatically sort data in tables, count the number of words and characters in the created document, write letters, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidental errors.

What is the Internet?

One of the main skills of any computer user is skillful work in the Internet. It is necessary to learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web without many hours of fruitless wandering around sites with a dubious reputation. You should be able to manage bookmarks to your favorite sites, as well as save all important information that you find on your computer.

The skill of using various modern browsers which include many add-ons designed to make surfing the web fun and comfortable for humans. Confident PC user can apply special software to work with the entire flow of incoming Email, which allows you to save received letters to personal computer, and also to process the received data several times faster.

It will often be necessary to use programs to download files, taking into account possible work according to a given schedule, with its temporary suspension, subsequent resuming of data, disconnection of the Internet, when the process of downloading materials is completed. In addition to the above skills, the main one is the ability to write data to CDs and DVDs, as well as other media.

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