Home Useful tips How to apply for additional payments and salary supplements? Personal salary supplement

How to apply for additional payments and salary supplements? Personal salary supplement

Conditions under which an employee must be paid extra

Limitations on the size of the “bonus” payment

Norm Labor Code RF

The employee is busy at hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions

Not less than 4 percent of the tariff rate (salary)

A man works on a rotational basis

By agreement of the parties

The employee works in areas with special climatic conditions

Here, as a rule, there are two types of surcharges.
1. The regional coefficient is established local authorities depending on the area - from 1.15 to 2.0.
2. Percentage increase from the employer - from 10 to 100 percent

Art. 146, 148, 313—317

The employee performs work of various qualifications

When paying by the hour, you have to pay as for work with more than high level qualifications.
For piecework - according to the prices of the work performed

The combination, expansion of the service area, and increase in the volume of work have been formalized. Performs the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from the main job

By agreement of the parties

The employee was required to work overtime

The first two hours of work - at least one and a half times the rate, the subsequent ones - at least double the rate.
By agreement of the parties, the size may be increased. Read more about this in the next issue.

The employee works on weekends and holidays

Piece workers - at no less than double prices. For employees with daily and hourly tariff rates - in the amount of at least double the rate.
For employees with a salary - in the amount of at least a single daily or hourly rate per day or hour of work in excess of the salary (if work on a weekend or non-working holiday was carried out within monthly norm working hours). And in the amount of no less than double the daily or hourly rate, part of the salary for the day or hour of work in excess of the salary (if the work was performed in excess of the monthly working hours)

Employee works at night

At least 20 percent of the hourly rate

Check to see if there are any of your employees who need to be paid extra by law. And then we’ll tell you how to apply for incentive bonuses and additional payments for additional work.

How to apply for incentive payments

Registration of additional payments and allowances is carried out in accordance with the established procedure. Let's say the management of your company has ordered that some employees receive salary bonuses. So the management decided to encourage employees with extensive work experience or a high level of qualifications. What documents will you need to submit?

To begin with, as you understand, you need to secure somewhere a list of those employees who are entitled to bonuses. This can be either an order (instruction) from the manager, or simply an internal memo. And then you have two options for how to record the change in employee benefits. First: sign an additional agreement to the employment contract with each employee. And this document already states what the premium is charged for and in what amount. Below we have provided a sample of such an agreement.

The company management can name any basis for payment at its discretion. As, for example, for length of service. The same applies to the size of the bonus. How to calculate the bonus is also up to the management. Either it will be a fixed amount, or a percentage of the salary or volume of work.

Of course, do not forget to familiarize the employee with the additional agreement against signature. And give him a second copy.

Here is the second option on how to fix the premium. It can initially be written down in a collective agreement or in some local document, for example, in the Regulations on Remuneration. And if the employment contract contains a general reference to this document, then no changes will have to be made to the contract itself. This was recently confirmed by officials from Rostrud in a letter dated March 19, 2012 No. 395-6-1.

What if the Regulations didn’t say anything about allowances before? This means that you will just correct his text. Fix the changes in the manager’s order.

Additional payment for performing additional duties

Registration of additional payments and allowances is carried out in various cases. Here's another situation. One of your employees is temporarily absent. You can shift his responsibilities to another employee or distribute them among several. Be careful here. If you release an employee performing someone else’s duties from his main job, there is no reason to assign additional pay. Here you will issue temporary transfer to another job. That is, the employee will receive the salary established for this position. But when an employee performs both his duties and the absent employee, we're talking about already about combining professions (positions). And therefore the employee is entitled to additional payment.

Do you arrange a combination for an employee who is just starting a job in your company? Then the conditions extra work and indicate the amount of additional payment in the employment contract.

If you have agreed on a combination with an already working employee, draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract. And on its basis, issue an order on combining professions (positions). But keep in mind that additional responsibilities can be established only with the written consent of the employee (Part 1 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By the way, an option also works here when it is enough to make a reference to the collective agreement or, for example, the Regulations on remuneration. If such documents indicate the conditions and amount of additional payments for additional work.

Pay attention to this point. If the employee’s job description states the obligation to replace another employee, there is no talk of additional payment.

It is believed that he performs the work entirely within the framework employment contract, of which it is a part job description. This position was recently confirmed by officials from the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, issuing a letter dated March 12, 2012 No. 22-2-897.


  1. Any changes in the amount of remuneration must be fixed in the employment contract or in a local regulatory act or collective agreement.
  2. The size of the payment issued at the initiative of the employer can be any.

The practice of using a personal salary supplement is quite common in the territory Russian Federation. Every employee and employer should know what it is, as well as the procedure for applying for a personal bonus to wages or salary and the existence of justifications for its appointment. After all, violation of the established regulations for assigning a personal salary increase can lead to negative consequences for the organization.

Personal salary supplement - what is it?

Current labor legislation provides employers with sufficient opportunities to encourage and. And one of the methods may be the appointment of a personal salary increase. What is it? First of all, a personal increase in salary or wages in general means the assignment of certain additional payments to an employee. In this case, these payments are assigned on an individual basis.

General bonuses paid to the entire team or any types of incentive payments that are received by more than one employee are not personal salary increases. Respectively - key feature Such payments are precisely their individual purpose.

Legal regulation of the possibility of providing a personal salary increase is ensured by the provisions next articles Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The principles of this article consider the concept of local regulations - they may reflect the possibility of providing a personal bonus to an employee’s salary or salary.
  • Article 22. Its regulations discuss the basic rights and obligations of the employer. In particular, the employer has the right to reward distinguished employees for effective management labor activity. However, the employer is not obliged to do this by default.
  • Article 189. The provisions of the said article are considered general principles organization of labor discipline at the enterprise, as well as the concept of internal labor regulations, which may indicate incentives for employees.
  • Article 191. Its regulations directly consider types of incentives for work, the very concept of incentives, and also regulate the grounds for providing personal allowances for employees in some cases.

It is necessary to understand that legal regulation a personal salary supplement may be provided by other standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other legislative acts. In most cases, personal salary bonuses include incentives to employees that are paid by the employer at the initiative of management and are not mandatory from the point of view of law. Thus, additional payments for an increase in the volume of work, overtime or travel payments cannot be classified as personal allowances, even if they were actually paid to only one employee.

The legislation does not separate personal allowances from salary or wages, although they may be regulated in various ways. Thus, a personal salary supplement primarily provides for its use in salary labor systems and its linkage to the employee’s actual official salary. The concept of a personal salary supplement is broader and can affect both salary and be applied when using other remuneration systems. The bonus itself can be set both as a percentage of the salary or wages, and as a fixed amount of money - restrictions in in this case the legislation does not provide.

The procedure for processing the payment of a personal salary supplement

To ensure the payment of a personal salary supplement without any questions from regulatory authorities and in accordance not only with labor, but also tax legislation, the employer should take into account a number of features. Yes, too much big size such payments or discrimination in the labor sphere when assigning them can lead to the employer being held liable or, at a minimum, to inspections that will not have a positive impact on the activities of the business entity.

Therefore, when assigning a personal salary increase, it is better to use a step-by-step procedure for processing the payment, which will definitely allow you to avoid any possible problems:

If a personal salary increase is not a one-time, but a permanent one, then the employer must either ensure full compliance with the above procedure, or change the terms of the employment contract with the employee, providing him with an increase wages.

Justifications for a personal bonus to salary or wages and other nuances of its issuance

The legislation itself does not provide for direct requirements to justify a personal increase in salary or wages. However, there are a number of legal nuances that every employer and manager should take into account. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the following possible legal aspects of this procedure:

Based Art. 135 Labor Code of the Russian Federation the salary is established for the employee by the employment contract in accordance with the current employer’s remuneration system. It is calculated based on the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances. At the same time, various questions arise to which it is quite difficult to find unambiguous answers in the regulatory framework. Incorrect calculation of additional payments and allowances leads to disagreements with the inspection authorities. Therefore, let’s look at what additional payments and allowances exist and how they are calculated.

In collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations, organizations provide a list of additional payments and allowances, the procedure and conditions for their issuance, as well as their amounts.

Additional payments

According to Art. 149 Labor Code of the Russian Federation When performing work in conditions different from normal, the employee may be provided with additional compensation of a compensatory nature, provided for by collective labor agreements:

For heavy, harmful or dangerous work;

For work in areas with special climatic conditions;

For night work;

For work on weekends and non-working holidays;

For performing work of various qualifications;

For combining professions.

The following must be taken into account:

The established amounts of additional payments cannot be lower than those provided for by law;

Additional payments cannot be canceled by the decision of the institution;

Additional payments are established for all employees, without exception, engaged in the relevant work.

Deserves special attention the procedure for calculating remuneration for work of various qualifications, associated with certain difficulties, since it is confused with remuneration for combining professions (positions). Let us consider the features of calculating payment for work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions) and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

Remuneration for work of various qualifications is regulated Art. 150 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It should be taken into account that such work is performed within the framework of one profession or position (one job function) and during normal working hours. In accordance with the Labor Code, the work of an employee performing work of various qualifications must be paid based on rates for higher qualifications. Accordingly, additional payments, for example, for special working conditions, climatic conditions, are calculated based on the percentage rate of additional payment to the salary established for higher qualifications.

Example 1.

According to the staffing table, the salary of a passenger car driver is 6 000 rub., cargo - 7 000 rub. Based on an employment contract, the driver works on both cars and trucks. He is given an additional payment of 20% of his salary for special working conditions.

The driver's monthly salary will be 8,400 rubles. (RUB 7,000 + (RUB 7,000 x 20%)).

The Labor Code does not make the remuneration of temporary workers when they perform work of various qualifications dependent on the amount of labor expended by them to perform work of a higher qualification. If the actual time spent on such work can be counted, and the employee who is paid time-based work, most working time performed work of a lower qualification, regardless of this, payment for his work must be made based on the salary provided for work of a higher qualification. When an employee performs piecework payment labor of various qualifications, his labor is paid according to the rates of the work he performs. In cases where, taking into account the nature of production, workers with piecework wages are entrusted with performing work that is charged below the grades assigned to them, the employer is obliged to pay them the difference between grades.

If an employee performs several job functions during working hours, this is a combination of professions (positions). Thus, the combination of professions (positions) should be understood as the simultaneous performance by an employee of his main work under an employment contract and additional work in another profession (position). A special case of combining professions (positions) is fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee. In this case, the rules for combining professions (positions) Art. 150 Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be applied. Remuneration for combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract is regulated Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, an employee who performs for the same employer, along with his main work stipulated by an employment contract, additional work in another profession (position) or acting as a temporarily absent employee without release from his main job, is subject to an additional payment for combining professions (positions) ) or performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee, the amount of which is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. Thus, the calculation of additional payments depends on the methodology for calculating them, approved in the local acts of the institution, but taking into account the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

However, this article establishes the main criterion that must be taken into account by the parties when determining the amount of the surcharge. This criterion is the content and (or) volume of additional work. In local acts of the organization, it is possible to provide for an additional payment in a fixed amount.

Example 2.

The employment contract with the employee provides for the combination of the professions of a driver (main profession) and a freight forwarder ( additional profession) with a surcharge of 2 000 rub. to wages in the main profession.

In July, the employee in his main profession was accrued the following amounts of money:

Tariff rate (per month) - 7,000 rubles;

Prize for July - 800 rubles.

The employee’s salary, taking into account additional payments for combining positions, will be 9,800 rubles. (7,000 + 800 + 2,000).

In addition, additional payments can be set as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary).

Example 3.

For a secretary of an organization with a salary of 10 000 rub. assigned the duties of a personnel department inspector temporarily absent due to illness, whose salary is12 000 rub. By order of the head of the organization, an additional payment of 40% was established for the secretary for increasing the volume of work. (According to the terms of the collective agreement, this interest rate is set to the employee’s salary for the main job.)

In addition to salaries, the secretary is paid an additional payment of 10% of the salary, and the HR inspector - 15%.

The secretary's salary will be 15,000 rubles. (RUB 10,000 + (RUB 10,000 x 10%) + (RUB 10,000 x 40%)).

note: the bonus to the salary of the HR inspector is not taken into account when calculating the secretary’s salary.

Combining professions (positions) should be distinguished from part-time work. If, when working part-time, payment is made in in full in accordance with the concluded employment contract, the employee receives additional payments for combining professions, the amount of which is established by agreement between the employee and the employer. To date, the legislation has not defined minimum dimensions additional payments for combining professions or positions, therefore, local regulations of the organization may also provide for an additional payment as a percentage of the employee’s salary.

Example 4.

Let's change the conditions of example 3. For the month, the secretary was paid a monthly bonus in the amount of 800rub. and financial assistance - 1 000 rub. For an increase in the volume of work, by order of the manager, she was given an additional payment of 40% of her salary.

For increasing the volume of work, the secretary will be paid 4,720 rubles. ((10,000 rub. + (10,000 rub. x 10%) + 800 rub.) x 40%).

The secretary's salary, taking into account additional payments for combining positions, will be 17,520 rubles. (10,000 rub. + (10,000 rub. x 10%) + 800 rub. + 4,720 rub. + 1,000 rub.).

However, the action Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not apply to cases where combined work is provided for in labor cost standards, is stipulated by an employment contract (included in the employee’s duties) or is assigned to the employee in the manner prescribed by law due to insufficient workload based on the current labor cost standards for the main job.

Above, we discussed the calculation of additional payments for work of various qualifications, combining professions performed during the working day. Sometimes it is necessary to replace an employee who is absent due to illness or other reasons, not only on his work time. Payment for hours worked during the absence of a sick employee for the specified reasons is hourly. In this case, the additional payment is calculated based on the amount of payment for one hour of the specified work per month, determined by dividing the employee’s monthly wage rate in accordance with the UTS category by established norm hours in current period, multiplied by the number of replacement hours.

If the standard working time for certain categories of workers differs from that established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the procedure for determining the amount of payment for one hour differs from that discussed above. IN Ch. 5 joint Letters from the Ministry of Education and Science and the Trade Union public education and science no.AF-947/96(Further - Letter no.AF-947/96) For teaching staff educational institutions hourly wages apply:

For hours worked to replace teachers, teachers and other teaching staff absent due to illness or other reasons, which lasted no more than two months;

In hours pedagogical work, worked out by teachers when working with correspondence students and children undergoing long-term treatment in a hospital, in excess of the volume established by them during tariffing;

When paying for pedagogical work of specialists from enterprises, institutions and organizations (including from among employees of educational management bodies, methodological and teaching-methodological offices) involved in pedagogical work in educational institutions;

When paying for teaching hours in the amount of 300 hours per year in another educational institution(in one or more) in addition to the academic load performed part-time on the basis of tariffs in accordance with clause 4.1 of the Unified Recommendations;

When paying for teaching work in excess of the reduced annual teaching load for teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

According to clause 5.1 Letter No.AF-947/96 the amount of payment for one hour of the specified work per month is determined by dividing the employee’s monthly rate in accordance with the Unified Technical Service category for the established norm of hours of teaching work per week by the average monthly number of working hours. The average monthly number of working hours is calculated by multiplying the standard hours of teaching work per week by the number of working days per year for a five-day period working week and dividing the result by 5 (the number of working days per week), and then by 12 (the number of months in the year).

Example 5.

Length of working hours of the teacher preschool is 36 hours. in Week. In addition to his working day, he worked 10 hours for a sick colleague. The teacher's salary is set at 2 958,48 rub., additional payments for special working conditions - 15% of the salary, for length of service - 20% of the salary, governor's additional payment - 10% of the salary. His sick colleague has a salary of 3 200 rub., long service bonus - 25% of the salary, governor's additional payment - 10% of the salary.

Let's calculate the teacher's salary.

To calculate the wages of a teacher when replacing another teacher who is absent during illness, you should use the rules for calculating wages for hourly wages.

Let us determine the average monthly number of working hours for a 5-day week.

In 2007, with a five-day working week with two days off, there were 249 working days, including 6 pre-holiday days (February 22, March 7, April 22, May 8, June 9, December 29), and 116 days off, taking into account 2 additional days rest on January 8, November 5 due to the coincidence of non-working holidays on January 7, November 4 with days off.

((36 hours x 249 days / 5 days) - 6 hours) / 12 months = 148.9 hours, where 6 hours. - pre-holiday hours.

We calculate the salary based on the hourly rate and the number of working hours:

RUB 2,958.48 / 148.9 hours x 10 hours = 198.69 rub.

At the teacher’s main place of work, his salary will be 4,393.35 rubles:

Salary - 2958.48 rubles;

Allowance for special working conditions - 443.77 rubles. (RUB 2,958.48 x 15%);

Long service bonus - 591.70 rubles. (RUB 2,958.48 x 20%);

Governor's bonus - 399.40 rubles. ((2,958.48 + 443.77 + 591.7) rub. x 10%).

A teacher's monthly salary is RUB 4,592.04. (198.69 + 4,393.35).

Types of allowances

The bonuses are stimulating. These include bonuses for class, continuous work, length of service, high quality, tension and intensity of work and various achievements in work. They are installed local acts organizations in accordance with laws and other legislative acts, published on appropriate level, and represent an approved percentage of the employee’s monthly rate (salary) for the main position or an absolute value.

So, in accordance with clause 6.1 of the Regulations on remuneration senior doctors of ambulance stations medical care, doctors, mid-level and junior staff of mobile emergency medical teams are paid bonuses in the amount of 30% of the tariff salary for the first three years and 25% for each subsequent two years of continuous work. At the same time overall size the bonus should not be more than 80% of the salary.

Example 6.

P.N.Kruglov works as a senior doctor of a mobile ambulance team and has the first qualification category. He was assigned the 14th tariff category of remuneration with a salary of 3 434,67 rub. Work experience at an ambulance station - two years. At the same time, P.N.Kruglov got a job with experience entitling him to a 30% increase.

The employee is entitled to a bonus of 55% (30 + 25).

Let us calculate the remuneration of P. N. Kruglov:

a) the bonus for continuous work will be RUB 1,889.07. (RUB 3,434.67 x 55%);

b) total earnings- RUB 5,323.74 (3,434.67 + 1,889.07).

If an employee is provided with an increase in rates (salaries) on two or more grounds (in percentage or in rubles), the absolute amount of each increase, established as a percentage, is calculated from the salary without taking into account the increase on other grounds. In this case, rates are first increased by the size of the increase in percentage, and then by the size of the increase in absolute values.

IN in some cases the employer goes to the extent of establishing personal additional payments (allowances) for its employees. The name of this additional payment speaks for itself - it is established for a specific employee. Is the use of such incentive payments justified? Let's try to figure it out.

When to use individual payments

Quite often a situation arises when, within existing system There is no mechanism or way to establish special payment conditions for any one employee (or several).

The need for such increased pay usually appears when one of the employees shows outstanding results and the employer wants to “fix” such a person in the company.

Another option may be that the employee has some unique knowledge and skills, some know-how in his work. And they are the ones who give some very tangible competitive advantage to a business.

Quite often there is a situation of applying personal additional payments to salaries, when the administration does not want to change the existing salaries and tariff rates or increase them. And then they use the “personalization” mechanism as an incentive tool.

If you commit some kind of violation, you will be left without “staff.” You can often see exactly this approach to employee management. Subjectively, it is ineffective, but this approach is used very widely. And the employee is powerless to do anything, because he is paid a salary or tariff, and according to the law, no one has taken away bonuses. And wages have fallen sharply, since personal allowances are usually quite significant in amount.

Amount of personal salary bonus

The amount of such additional payment depends entirely on the employer’s decision. Of course, he tries not to make it too big. If the amount of such additional payment exceeds, for example, the salary or tariff rate per month, there are risks legal proceedings in case of conflicts. The employer will in no way be able to justify the need for such an additional payment or the legality of its non-payment in the event of any violation on the part of the employee. The court may well recognize the personal supplement as a permanent part of earnings and oblige the employer to pay in full.

Usually you can find additional payments such as 20% - 50% of the salary or tariff. It rarely happens that the size of the “staff” can be comparable to the size of the salary. But such a case is not entirely desirable for the enterprise administration, as I wrote above.

There is another option to determine the amount of personal payments through the “unofficial” KTU (labor participation rate). In this case, the management of the enterprise allocates a certain amount to a group of workers (shift, site or workshop) for the payment of personal additional payments.

The amount of this amount can be set for a quarter, a year or indefinitely. Or it may be dependent on some KPI of the department’s performance, an efficiency indicator.

In this case, the decision on how to divide this additional payment among employees is made by the manager of the shift, site or workshop. He can objectively or subjectively evaluate the contribution of each employee to the work and assign him his own amount of personal additional payment.

In most cases, the amount of personal allowance is set immediately at absolute value, in the salary currency. For example, in rubles.

How to apply

Personal additional payment is rarely included in the remuneration section of an employment contract with an employee. This is not some kind of violation of labor legislation, since such additional payment refers to incentive payments.

However, the employer must necessarily include the procedure and conditions for assigning such additional payments in the wage regulations or in collective agreement. Otherwise, his expenses for paying such additional income can be expensed from profit and will not reduce the tax base.

But the presence of such provisions in the documents of the remuneration system does not oblige the administration to anything special. The fact is that it is usually enough to write in the provision that the decision on such payment is made taking into account economic situation at the enterprise or under some condition. And then you have every right not to pay such personal additional payments in case of any difficulties with financing or unwillingness to bear such expenses.

In cases where it is necessary to establish a personal additional payment for a specific employee, a motivated memo is usually sufficient. immediate superior addressed to the manager who has the right to make such a decision (director, HR director, financial director, Chief Accountant and so on.).

The memo must indicate the reasons why such an additional payment is necessary, indicate its amount in rubles and the validity period of such an additional payment. It is recommended not to make such an allowance indefinite, but to set it for a certain period (for example, for six months or a quarter). In the future, you can write a second request to extend the validity of such additional payment.

It would also be a good idea to indicate the source of funding for this additional payment. For example, by saving wages due to the current shortage. Or due to increased revenue from the sale of goods or services.

After such a document has been endorsed by the manager, it must be transferred to a labor organization specialist or to the accounting sector (accountant). This document will be the basis for them when preparing a draft order to establish a personal allowance for an employee.

The order to establish a personal surcharge is drawn up in any form. The preamble of the order must indicate why such additional payments are established. The motivation must show production or economic feasibility so that when audited by the tax service, such costs are legally charged to the cost price.

For example, you can write like this:

In order to stimulate the site personnel to fulfill the production program on time and reduce the number of defects in the 1st quarter of 2018,


  1. Set the amount of personal additional payments to the site team for the 1st quarter of 2018 in accordance with Appendix 1.
  2. In case of violations of labor and production discipline by a site employee, personal additional payment in the month when the violation occurred shall not be paid.
  3. Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the chief accountant.

How to cancel

The personal allowance is also withdrawn at the request or memo of the immediate supervisor. Also, the decision to remove the allowance can be made directly by the official who has the right to establish such an additional payment.

In the case of a personal allowance, there is no need to comply with any warning periods regarding changes in wage conditions. Since this bonus is stimulating and is not included in the list of mandatory payments.

You will need

  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - employee documents;
  • - job description;
  • - agreement to the contract;
  • - local normative act;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - order form for additional payment.


In each company, in accordance with the requirements of the law, a local regulatory act or collective agreement should be drawn up, which sets out the amount of payments for the performance of certain labor functions when increasing the volume of work or combining professions.

Draw up an agreement with the employee to whom the additional payment should be assigned. Let’s assume that during the lead accountant’s vacation, his responsibilities are assigned to the chief accountant. This should be considered the scope of work. If his work function is performed by a deputy director or chief engineer, then this will be called a combination. Write down in the additional agreement with the employee a list of responsibilities that are assigned to him, having familiarized him with the instructions in advance. Indicate the period for which the volume of work should be increased or combined. Certify the document with the signature of the head of the company or another authorized person, seal of the organization, signature of the employee.

Based additional agreement make an order. At the top of it, indicate the full and abbreviated name of the company, assign a number and date to the document. The subject of the order in this case will correspond to the purpose of the additional payment to the employee (indicate his position in accordance with the staffing table, last name, initials). The reason for drawing up the document may be an employee going on vacation, illness, or a business trip.

In the administrative part, indicate the start and end date of the additional payment, the list of labor functions that the employee will perform. It must be taken into account that combining and increasing the scope of work is permitted to be formalized no more than and only with the consent of the employee. Certify the order with the signature of the director and the seal of the company. Familiarize the specialist to whom the additional payment is assigned with the document. He needs to put his signature and date of acquaintance.


  • order for additional payment for increasing the volume of work

Sometimes it is easier to get a part-time job in your “home” organization than to completely rearrange your schedule by working in several places. Employers are usually not against this either, especially if the employee has proven himself positively in his main position. How can an employer register order on combination positions?


Please also note that combination positions is not directly related to the performance of work on the basis of another employment contract. Part-time work usually involves performing other duties in your free time from your main job and at different rates.

If an employment contract has already been concluded with the employee, then the terms of the positions must be stipulated in an additional agreement to the existing one. If a part-time position is vacant, then after a permanent employee has been assigned to it, you and the employee must, together with the new employee, draw up an additional agreement on the combination of positions.

Familiarize yourself with the forms according to which the order about combining positions. The order must be formatted as follows:
- indicating the name of the organization (ideally such order is issued on the organization’s letterhead);
- indicating the position of the employee who will combine the performance of job duties;
- indicating the position for which the duties of the employee are assigned;
- indicating the date from which these duties become the responsibility of this employee;
- with confirmation that the employee has been assigned an additional payment in the amount specified in the additional agreement. The date of its preparation must be indicated at the end or beginning of this document. Sign order. Besides, order must be certified by a seal and also agreed with the chief accountant of the organization.

Familiarize the employee who will be holding multiple positions with order ohm

The head of the organization, like other employees, has the right to an annual salary. It is provided to him on the same basis as to other employees. HR staff may have a lot of questions regarding registration. After all, as everyone knows orders to provide vacation and signed by the director himself. Who will sign it for him?


Initially, when determining a general director, it is worth looking into the organization. The thing is that some people in this document prescribe the conditions vacation and to the main person. If you see that vacation is provided with the permission of the meeting of the company's participants, then the application for vacation must be addressed to the chairman of the meeting.

In the case where such a situation is not stated anywhere, there is no need to write a statement to the manager. But, nevertheless, he must sign that he has been notified of the start vacation Yes, this must be done two weeks before its onset. After which the notification is transmitted to personnel.

The CEO, like any other employee, must be included in the schedule vacation ov. When leaving for the required rest, it is advisable to appoint a deputy. It’s good if the organization has a person replacing him, but what if not?

In this case, by order of the General directors a responsible person is appointed. Remember that the choice of such a person must be approached responsibly, because when going into vacation, you trust your business to a person.

If the decision to vacation If the meeting does not accept it, then it is the participants who choose the deputy. All this is documented in a protocol (decision), where everyone signs.

One cannot avoid drawing up an order (instruction) to provide vacation a (form No. T-6). The order may be signed by the meeting. In another case, no matter how absurd it may sound, the manager himself must sign, and put the second signature in the “ ” line.

All documents are transferred personnel workers, and then to the accounting department, where the accruals are. Like any other employee, vacation New payments to the general director must be issued three days before leaving for the required rest.


When an employee is hired for a job, an employment contract is drawn up, which specifies the salary regulated by Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and all working and rest conditions. Any changes in wages are documented in a clear sequence specified in the Labor Code.

You will need

  • - written notice;
  • - additional agreement;
  • - order;
  • - notification to the accounting department.


To arrange a salary increase, notify the employee two months before the event. Although in practice, the employer increases salaries only by verbally warning the employee on the eve of the increase, since due to the increase in salary, it is unlikely that anyone will join the labor inspectorate. However, for failure to comply with the requirements for changing wages specified in labor legislation, administrative penalties may be imposed on you, so it is better to give written notice to everyone to whom you plan to change wages.

You can increase the salary and indicate its increase in the form of a monetary amount or indicate how much the salary is increasing. More often percentage justified by increased inflation in the country and rising consumer prices for goods.

After the expiration of the two-month period, draw up an additional agreement, indicating all the changed clauses of the employment contract and justify the reason for the salary increase. If you additionally change the name of the position or labor functions, then describe all this in detail, point by point, in an additional agreement (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

After both parties have signed the additional agreement, issue the order unified form T-5. In it, indicate the date of the salary increase and the reason. If the changes affected the job title, then also describe this in the order. If you increase your salary due to rising prices for consumer goods and inflation in the country, then to justify it it is enough to indicate Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

After increasing your salary, submit a notification to the accounting department to calculate your salary in a new way.

Give the order to the HR department. Responsible persons are required to make all changes to the employee’s personal card in the unified form T-2. If you have changed the job title, the entry is written in work book.


  • how to make a salary change

Staffing table implies a reporting form legal entities, an organizational administrative document that displays the structure of the company, the number of departments, employees and the amount of their salaries. In addition, it includes accounting for all kinds of additional payments to employees - bonuses, compensation, depending on their position.


Print at the very top of the sheet: “Order for an allowance.” Place below serial number of this document, and even lower, on the left side of the sheet, indicate the date the order was drawn up.

Indicate the city and name of the order. For example, the title may be as follows: “On the formation of a commission to establish differentiated surcharges and allowances.”

Write the reason for the increase or on what basis such an order is created. For example: “Based on the Decree of the Government of the city of Moscow dated March 30, 2001 No. 543” or “Based on the Regulations of the Commission on the consideration of establishing allowances for employees.” Next, indicate the name of the company, the name of the document on which the decision on allowances was made and its date.

Type the word "I command" in capital letters on the left side of the document and add a colon. Next, write down what bonuses should be added to your wages. At the same time, note the positions of the employees who are entitled to these accruals and the size of the allowances themselves. Then indicate from what date, month and year these accruals will take effect. For example:

“I ORDER: To the heads of the company’s district departments from November 11, 2011:
1) Establish 30 percent of the salary for all specialists for five years of work. At the same time, young specialists with an honors degree will receive an additional payment of 45 percent of their salary.
2) Other employees who have been awarded an honorary title should be given an incentive monthly bonus in the amount of 20 percent of the salary.
3) Entrust control of the execution of this order to the deputy director of the company (company name must be indicated) in the city of Moscow K.I. Pivovarov.”

Write on the left side of the document who issued this order. For example: “Director of the company (indicate the name of the company) I.T. Trunin.” The signature of the above person must appear nearby.

Seal the document. In this case, it must be placed next to the signature of the manager or director.


  • apply for an allowance

When implementing economic activity Some heads of organizations are forced to use official travel. It follows from Article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that an employee is sent to the country by order of the head of the organization. But what if the director himself is traveling on an official assignment, because it turns out that he sends himself on an official assignment.

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