Home roses Blessed Prince Peter, in monasticism David, and Princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, of Murom. Additional day of celebration of the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia

Blessed Prince Peter, in monasticism David, and Princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, of Murom. Additional day of celebration of the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25-26, 2012, an additional day was established for the celebration of the memory of the holy faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom - on the Sunday preceding September 19 (September 6 according to the old style). This year it falls on September 17th.

The emergence of a new day of honoring the holy spouses is due to the fact that old day of their memory, July 8 falls on the time of Peter's Lent, when church tradition not supposed to perform the sacrament of Marriage. In order for believers to have the opportunity to tie the knot on the day of the heavenly patrons of the family, a new holiday has been established.

On Sunday, September 17, 2017, on the day of the celebration of the transfer of the relics of the blgv. book. Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Archbishop of Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka Artemy celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral. His Eminence was co-served by the cathedral clergy. At the end of the Liturgy, Vladyka performed prayer singing to the holy royal martyrs and princes. Peter and Fevronia of Murom. During the prayer service, the clergy together with the parishioners procession went to the chapel of Peter and Fevronia, located on the territory of the cathedral complex.

On the occasion of the celebration of the day of memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the patrons of the family, fidelity and love:

Decree His Holiness Patriarch Cyril as a blessing for childbearing and sacrificial maternal ministry Zavyalova Natalia Valerievna awarded the Patriarchal badge of motherhood II degree.

Family Tolkunov Alexey Viktorovich and Lymaleva Elena Alfatovna who showed an example of spiritual and moral education of children in gratitude and blessing for the feat of serving the family and strengthening family values are awarded thank you letter

Family Baranov Sergey Nikolaevich and Galina Alexandrovna in gratitude and blessing for the feat of serving the family and strengthening family values ​​are awarded a letter of thanks - 22 years of marriage

Family Alpeev Vadim Alexandrovich and Elena Arkadievna in gratitude and blessing for the feat of serving the family and strengthening family values ​​are awarded a letter of thanks - 30 years of marriage

At the end of the service, Vladyka addressed the parishioners with an archpastoral word:

Dear brothers and sisters! Saints Peter and Fevronia, despite slander, people's rumors and contempt for them on the part of the people around them, remained faithful to each other, preserved their purity and are revered in the Church of Christ as guardians and intercessors of the upbringing of children in Orthodox faith. Today, standing on this square, at this chapel, which is dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia, we will pray for our families of Kamchatka, and for faithful marriage.

Today we read prayers and sang troparia to the Royal Passion-bearers, who 100 years ago suffered terrible torment and were executed. They showed in their lives a feat marital fidelity and raising children in the Orthodox faith and are an example for you and me. In the year of the 100th anniversary of the revolution, the memories of these terrible events were not found by people who would glorify their family feat. But on the contrary, we know that there is a film that darkens their memory. This film divides our people and to the depths of the soul makes the heart of a believer mournful. It is very sad that this is happening in our country when churches are being built and monasteries are being opened. But it has always been so, for where grace abounds, there is the power of the enemy at work.

This film is a slander on the last Russian Tsar. Some say if you haven't seen the movie why are you judging it. But it is not at all necessary, if they tell you that there is poison in a glass, to drink it to make sure of this. Therefore, we use the opinion of our esteemed hierarchs: Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) and Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov).

Therefore, we should not participate in this evil deed by watching this film. But I would like to warn you against extremely radical measures. We know the example of our Lord, who, being God incarnate, carried slander and reproach. More than once He was told that the demon is in You, You cast out demons with the power of demons and deceive the people. And more than once hot Peter took out his sword, ready to strike the slanderers. To which the Lord told him to put his knife in its place, for those who took the knife would perish from the knife. Therefore, we will keep the world and trust in the Lord, pray to our passion-bearers, pray to our noble princes Peter and Fevronia, and be an example in our life for all others, in order to fulfill the words of Christ and unbelieving people, seeing our purity and good deeds, glorified our Heavenly Father. Let us glorify our God, our saints of God, we will bring up our children in the Orthodox faith, we will strengthen our families so that they are pure and indestructible.

Holy Synod of Russia Orthodox Church established an additional day of commemoration Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Miracle Workers of Murom. An additional day of remembrance of the saints was established on the Sunday preceding September 19 (September 6, O.S.), in remembrance of the transfer of their honorable relics in 1992.
The holy spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom are loved and revered in Russia, since the prayers begin with their prayers of grace. successful marriages, family disputes and troubles are safely resolved, those who do not find their “other half” for a long time find it after a heart prayer appeal to them. The twenty-fifth of June according to the old style, otherwise the eighth of July according to the new one, is the very first of the dates in the year, the day of remembrance of the saints, when we commemorate them with joy and gratitude honest names. On this day, their memory is celebrated, it is considered the day of repose of the holy noble prince and princess, although some historians believe that this day is associated with the first transfer of their relics from the ancient Borisoglebsky, which had fallen into a dilapidated state. cathedral Murom to the new Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin on Voevodskaya Hill, where they were kept under wraps. The existence of the cathedral was already known from the 15th century, around this century it was built and renovated in the 16th century, the relics were kept here until the Soviet era, until it was destroyed in 1930, and the relics were transferred to the local museum.

Later, the honest relics of the saints were transferred to the Annunciation monastery Murom, and in September 1992 they were transferred with honors to the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity convent cities where they now rest openly. During the transfer of the relics, the icon of the saints, previously located on the shrine with the relics, began to stream myrrh, filling everything around with the wonderful aroma of the world. Also from that time, as the sisters of the monastery say, two luminous pillars began to rise above Murom at night and lamps themselves ignite in front of the relics, extinguished at night, and in the monastery it was decided to install an inextinguishable lamp in front of them.

Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, Miracle Workers of Murom
Since the holiday of July 8 falls on the time of Peter's fast, which is strict, and Family Day is now timed to this date, many believers who would like to marry or get married on this day cannot do this, since the holiday falls on fasting. In connection with this decision of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, held in Moscow on February 2-5, 2011, the Synodal Liturgical Commission was instructed to “consider the issue of additional date celebration of the memory of Saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, bearing in mind the desire of many Christians to enter into church marriage on the day of veneration of these patrons of matrimony, ”and in 2013 the Bishops’ Council set another date for the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - in honor of the transfer their relics in 1992. The memory of the saints will now be annually celebrated every second Sunday in September.

On the days dedicated to the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, at the Divine Liturgy on a special - that is, dedicated to the meaning of the holiday - litanies, petitions will be made for the stay of marriage bonds, fastened by God, "in peace and unanimity, piety and purity", for bestowing "their household churches of indestructible strength and advancement in love is more unfeigned”, and about the multiplication of the people - “let your people rejoice at the sight of sons and daughters, and let our people multiply and your blessing be inherited in them from generation to generation”. The Synod also instructed the Synodal Liturgical Commission to draw up “the text of a prayer for reading at the end of the Divine Liturgy on the days of the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, about multiplying love, strengthening families, maintaining marital fidelity, granting chastity to those who have not yet married and about helping them preparing for entry into family life.

Miracles are still being performed from the incorruptible relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, fates are happily changing, healings are being performed, and the sisters of the Holy Trinity Monastery continue to record these testimonies, which are valuable for us and our descendants, for the entire Russian Orthodox Church, for: "Wonderful is God in His saints!"

Due to the fact that the celebration of the memory of the holy faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom takes place on July 8 (June 25, according to the old style), that is, during the period of Peter's Lent. But many Christians wish to enter into a church marriage on the day of veneration of these patron saints of matrimony. The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to establish an additional day of celebration on the Sunday preceding September 19 (September 6, O.S.), in commemoration of the transfer of their venerable relics in 1992.His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent a message in connection with the establishment of an additional day of commemoration of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia, miracle workers of Murom. On this festive day, a charity event was held in the Church of the Sign. There were 16 couples wishing to get married.

Beloved in the Lord, Your Grace archpastors, all-honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters! I cordially congratulate all of you on the day of remembrance of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia, miracle workers of Murom. This additional celebration is set on December 25, 2012 Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, which determined to celebrate it on the Sunday preceding September 19 (September 6, O.S.) in commemoration of the transfer of the honorable relics of the holy princes in 1992. And today we lift up to the Lord, to the faithful Murom princes, solemn prayers for Orthodox families, for the multiplication of love, for strengthening peace, harmony and mutual understanding among spouses, for giving them children, for their well-being and long life.

Princes Peter and Fevronia showed us an example of a truly Christian family. Fulfilling the gospel commandments, growing in faith, hope and love, they achieved holiness, living godly in marriage. The couple remained faithful to each other until last day enduring all trials with the help of God, rejecting all temptations. By the special grace of the Lord, they passed into the other world at the same time and were buried together. Thus, the All-Wise Creator, by death itself, glorified his faithful saints who fulfilled His command: “A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, whatever God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt. 19:5-6).

Today, our families, especially young married couples, in addition to being tested by everyday life, material problems are exposed to another, even more serious danger: modern world offers us a completely different model of behavior, a different way of life, different from the one to which Christ calls us and which the pious princes of Murom followed.Marriage - the legal union of a man and a woman - is often no longer seen as a necessary norm governing relations between the sexes.The only norm that is offered by the secular consciousness, ignoring the Divine regulations, is a momentary whim, a thirst for novelty, a search for vicious pleasures. The life of such a person, enslaved by instincts, being a prisoner of his passions, ultimately turns out to be empty and bleak, lonely and unhappy. True joy, the fullness of being, we gain only when we live in accordance with the immutable moral laws established by the Creator, when with all our hearts we strive to be with Christ and love our neighbors.

May the example of the holy life of princes Peter and Fevronia help all those who are married to keep their house church(see Phm. 1:2) in peace, love, godliness, chastity, and purity.

I call on the archpastors, pastors, other church ministers, as well as the laity, to provide all possible support Orthodox families, especially those with many children.

Prayerfully I wish everyone generous mercies from the ever-flowing Source of grace - the Lord. Glorifying the Triune God, the care of His people who have, I turn to you with an apostolic appeal:

“Watch, stand in the faith, be courageous, strong. Let everything be with you in love” (1 Cor. 16:13-14). Amen.


Valery Konovalov:
They lived happily ever after and died on the same day. It's about them holy spouses from Murom(the day of their memory is celebrated July 8), which, oddly enough, are becoming more and more popular with us over time.
Strange, because their history may seem very out of date. After all, the main thing that they managed in life is to save their family, love and loyalty to each other. Can such a plot attract modern man? Even Leo Tolstoy noticed that all happy families are similar to each other. The unlucky ones are another matter. Here the most unexpected turns are possible. In addition, the traditional family today in general seems to be going out of fashion in the world. And this married couple from the 13th century seems to be hopelessly behind modern trends. But not everything, it turns out, is so hopeless. Somehow, the history of the Murom saints and today's youth still attracts to itself ...
Recently, the Church Synod adopted a very unusual solution. , which is prescribed to be celebrated on the Sunday preceding September 19, this year it is September 15. This decision is explained by the fact that a lot of young couples in last years wish to marry precisely on the feast of Peter and Fevronia, and the current date, July 8, falls on Peter's fast, when weddings are not allowed. So another holiday was established for this.
Created and special prayer Peter and Fevronia - as patrons family life And conjugal love. It will be read in all churches. Surely it will come in handy for many believers for home prayers. After all, reasons to ask for help in family problems, it happens a lot, perhaps, for every married couple. In fact, the situations here are very diverse.
However, about similarity happy families you can argue with the classic. Something, but unexpected turns and adventures in family history Peter and Fevronia were enough. Their very acquaintance turned out to be unusual. Prince Peter of Murom fell seriously ill, and ordinary girl Fevronia, the daughter of a beekeeper, managed to cure him. To celebrate, Peter promised to marry her, but, having recovered, was in no hurry to fulfill the promise. And then the disease returned.
Then Peter understood: this is fate. But the prince’s entourage opposed him in every possible way. unequal marriage. A fierce struggle began against the young family. Intrigues, blackmail, threats were used.
The matter ended with an ultimatum: either the wife, or the power. Peter gave up power, wealth, position in society. Together with their beloved on a boat, they set off into the unknown. But their journey was short-lived. Discord began in Murom. The messengers found the travelers and persuaded them to return to the throne.
And after that began their long happy life, at the end of which they took monastic vows and died at the same time.
Their holy relics are still open for veneration in the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.
And in some Moscow churches, for example, in the church "Small Ascension" on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, there are also icons of Saints Peter and Fevronia with particles of their relics. The icon painters in Lately more and more orders for the image of Murom spouses. This is because parishioners are increasingly asking priests where to pray for family happiness. So, there is a request for such a family - the model of Peter and Fevronia.

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