Home Useful tips Autumn auction of nodes in the middle group. Summary of GCD in the middle group "Golden Autumn" lesson plan (secondary group) on the topic. Autumn words game

Autumn auction of nodes in the middle group. Summary of GCD in the middle group "Golden Autumn" lesson plan (secondary group) on the topic. Autumn words game

Natalia Dmitrieva

Dear Colleagues! Of course, you are all well aware of the TRIZ technology - the theory of solving inventive problems. In the 30s, this theory made a revolution in our Soviet science! IN preschool education The technology's use peaked in the 80s, but many of us still use it in our work. TRIZ technology helps us develop children's imagination, develop logical thinking, and develop the ability to pose and solve problems. There are many methods for this technology - this is the method of focal objects, the method morphological table and work on the development of word creation, but today I want to focus on how TRIZ technology helps solve the problem of introducing children to phenomena in inanimate nature. If you are already familiar with my publications, then you know that I have such a rule - IF YOU UNDERSTAND, YOU UNDERSTAND, THEN YOU WILL KNOW! It is TRIZ that helps children understand what is happening in the world of inanimate nature: why stone is solid and water is liquid, why snow melts in warmth, and water turns into steam when heated. There is another method in TRIZ technology - this is the method of SIMULATION BY SMALL PEOPLE. Little people, in the understanding of us adults, are molecules (you, of course, all remember this from the course school chemistry). Remembering that everything around us consists of molecules - tiny particles that are interconnected in a certain way, it is easy to explain to children the aggregate states of substances and phenomena in inanimate nature.

I bring to your attention the first lesson in this series:

Topic of the lesson: "The use of modeling techniques by little people when introducing older children to objects of inanimate nature"

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce children to the aggregate states of substances in inanimate nature


Using the Little People Modeling (LMM) method. Explain to children why substances are solid, liquid, and gaseous;

Expand children's understanding of the diversity of inanimate substances;

Teach children to experimentally determine the state of aggregation of surrounding substances;

Teach children to model inanimate objects;

Materials and equipment:

Planar images of “little people” models characterizing such substances as: water, milk, air, wood, fog, stone, juice, caramel, smoke;

Cups of water and milk, a wooden block, a small stone, a piece of plastic, a wooden stick, empty plastic bag small size (all equipment is prepared for each child);

Handout cards with "little people" models;

Bottle of lemonade (plastic);

Progress of the lesson:

1. Statement of the problem - can you draw a bottle of lemonade without USING a pencil or paints?

2. The teacher’s story about the little people living around us

Guys, today I want to tell you that everything that exists

Around us there are stones, a tree, a puddle, and toys, and you and I are made up of tiny particles that can only be seen with an electron microscope. There are so many of these particles that when they combine with each other, they turn, for example, into stone. These particles are very different and they differently are friends with each other.

Some particles, let's call them little people, are very friendly, they always hold hands so as not to get lost, they hold on so tightly that they cannot be separated. Like you and me when we play

"ALI - babu." These little men are called strong, solid, and that’s exactly what they are. live in stones, wood, mountains. I'll show you their photo

See how tightly they hold on - their friendship cannot be destroyed! These are solid people and they form all the solid substances and objects on our planet!

Other little men also do not run far from each other, but they are not so friendly, they just stand next to each other and only touch their elbows. If we remember our game about "Ali Baba", then you will understand how easily you can get through them. Such little people live in liquid substances, so you and I can easily dip a spoon into a glass of tea and stir the sugar!

I'll show you their photo too

Well, the third little men are generally hooligans! They move as they want and don’t hold hands at all! Agree that it’s very easy to walk through such little people! They live in substances such as air, smoke, fog. Such substances are called gaseous. Difficult word, but you and I are already big and need to learn new words!

I'll show you their photo too:

I told you this story about little people, and now let’s find out for ourselves where which little people live.

3. Assignment - experiment "Where do some little people live?"

A. Children are asked to take turns trying to pierce a wooden block, a stone, or a piece of plastic with a wooden stick. As a result of experience, children find out that this is impossible to do! This means that friendly little people live in all these substances! These substances are solid!

B. Children are asked to take turns piercing the water in a glass and the milk in a glass with a wooden stick. As a result of the experiment, children find out that the stick passes through water and milk quite easily. This means that not very friendly people live here! But still, they are nearby, otherwise we would not have seen water or milk! Liquid people live in all these substances and such substances are called liquid.

Q. Guys, how can we find the third men? Where can we get, for example, smoke or air? (children's answers, perhaps they will say that the air is around us) I suggest you catch the air! Take the package. Is it empty? Now, take the bag by the upper corners and try to twist it. Oh, what did we get in our package? (the package is inflated like a balloon). Yes guys, you and I caught the air! Air is all around us! Try piercing it with your hand - will it work? And it’s very easy! Because those same unfriendly little people live in the air!

4. Outdoor game "Games of little people"

Children act as little people and show in which substance which little people live. The teacher says: stone - children hold hands, juice - children stand next to each other, touching their elbows, air - children run away from each other, dangling their arms and legs, etc.

5. Didactic exercise "Recognize the substance"

The teacher shows the children models of various little people - the children’s task is to find out what substance they are talking about.

For example:

This is milk

This is caramel, lollipop, candy

This is water (transparent men)

This is a tree

This is air (transparent men)

You can come up with your own little people. I hope the idea is clear.

6. Didactic exercise "Show me a bottle of lemonade"

I think, guys, that now we can show you a bottle of lemonade when we learned about little people.

What is the bottle made of? (made of plastic) Plastic is a solid substance, so some of the children will hold hands and pretend to be a bottle. What kind of substance is lemonade? (liquid). Other children will pretend to be lemonade - they will stand next to each other, touching their elbows. What else is in lemonade that is especially visible when we open the bottle? (bubbles) Yes, they add it to lemonade for effervescence. carbon dioxide. Let's choose who will show the bubbles. ?

Children, with the help of a teacher, pretend to be a bottle of lemonade.

Our lesson has ended, I praise you for your attention and hope that today you have learned a lot of new things from the life of inanimate nature.

Dear Colleagues! Don't be afraid and try this activity with your children! I assure you - it's interesting!

Abstract of GCD on the topic "Autumn" in middle group


To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about characteristic features autumn and autumn phenomena.


To form in children ideas about autumn as the most beautiful time of the year;

Foster interest and respect for nature;

Continue to expand children’s knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest;

Teach children to see and feel the beauty of nature;

Progress: Educator: - If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If to a distant land
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
If it rains,
Guys, what time of year is this?
Children: - Autumn

Educator: - What are the autumn months?

    Is autumn now early or late? Why?

    What happens in the life of birds in autumn?

    What happens in autumn in the lives of animals?

    What is the weather like in autumn?

Guys, let's play!I will ask questions, and you answer!

Game "Yes or no"

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Are the clouds covering the sun?

Do animals close their holes?

Is everyone getting the harvest?

Are flocks of birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should you do?

Should we wear jackets and hats?

Educator: - Well done! You can do everything, you know.

Educator : - What color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children: - Leaves are colorful: orange, yellow, red, brown. The grass is yellow, brown.Educator : - Guys, why do animals store supplies for the winter?
Children: - So as not to remain hungry, since in winter there will be no mushrooms, no berries, no spikelets under the snow.

Physical education lesson “Leaves”
Autumn leaves are quietly spinning
(spin in place, arms to the sides)
Leaves fall quietly under our feet(squats)
And they rustle and rustle underfoot
(movement of hands right - left)
It's like they want to get dizzy again(they spin around in place, on their toes).

Educator : - Each season has its own signs. Now we will remember the signs of Autumn. (Children guess riddles and answer the teacher’s questions)

What kind of invisible thing is this? Slamming the gate in the garden, Flipping through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with rustling sounds, Ripping off grandma’s scarf, Rocking Dimka in the stroller, Playing with the leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is...(wind)

The autumn rain walked through the city, the rain lost its mirror. The mirror is lying on the asphalt, The wind will blow and it will tremble.(puddle)

He is walking, and we are running, He will catch up anyway! We rush into the house to take shelter, There will be a knock on our window, And there will be a knock and a knock on the roof! No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!(rain)


Educator: - Guys, you are so grown up, smart and answered all my questions! Did you like it?
Children: - Yes
Educator: - What do you remember most?
What were we doing?

MDOBU "General developmental kindergarten" Khrushchevo"

Summary of GCD

On cognitive and artistic-aesthetic development

in the middle group on the topic:

« Golden autumn»

Educator: Sitnikova N.P.

Tula 2014

Theme: “Golden Autumn”

GCD by content -integrated.

Goals :

1) summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn; consolidate the ability to clearly answer questions and describe plot scenes; teach an unconventional drawing technique - printing on paper with half an apple;

2) develop children’s coherent speech, logical thinking, memory; develop creative imagination when making collective crafts;

3) cultivate observation, accuracy, love for the nature of the native land.


FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Sample general education program preschool education(pilot version) / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Equipment :

Tree branch; reproductions of paintings dedicated to autumn; cardboard maple leaves with riddles; a large envelope with a letter; dummies of vegetables and fruits; two baskets; “can” made of cardboard; gouache (red, yellow, black); brushes; rags; a jar of water; a piece of fabric; ribbon; DVD of Walt Disney's Fantasia, 1940; musical accompaniment; bunny costume; apples.

Preliminary work:

studying the topic “Autumn phenomena in nature” on cognitive development; observing changes in nature on walks and excursions around the site; observations of human activity in autumn; examination and discussion of illustrations and reproductions of paintings by artists dedicated to early and late autumn; vocabulary work with the definition of “golden autumn”; learning poems and the game “Bunny”.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal (conversation, reading poems, riddles);




Forms of organization:




GCD move

I . Motivation for activity.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. There is a tree branch nearby. Suddenly the door opens, the teacher, playing the role of a postman, brings a large envelope , which contains a letter and cardboard maple leaves with riddles.

Guys, I wonder who this envelope is from. Let's see (opens the envelope). It says here: “From the hares from the forest to the children of the middle group.” There is a letter in the envelope.

“Hello, dear guys. It's golden autumn time in our forest. How beautiful it is all around! But we had a dispute in the forest. Please tell us what time of year will replace autumn: summer or winter. Thank you in advance. Hares."

II. Main part.

What should we say to the bunnies? What time of year will replace autumn? (Winter will come soon, it will become very cold and hungry outside, frost will hit, the ground will be covered with snow).

That’s right, that’s how we’ll write it. (Takes an envelope, cardboard leaves with riddles fall out of it). Oh, what is this? Yes it is maple leaves with riddles. These are probably the hares reminding us of the passing autumn. Let's guess these puzzles .

1. The leaves are yellow all around.

Everything got wet from the rain.

The kids are bored

What a boring time? (Autumn)

2. Gold coins fall from the branch. (Leaves)

3. I am a squirrel, I live in the forest.

I have fluffy fur.

I bring the fungus into the hollow,

Cone and forest... (Nut)

4. It stood on a strong leg, now it lies in a basket. (Mushroom)

5. The gray bunny rejoiced,

He praised himself:

That's how clever I am

I got hold of... (Carrot)

Well done, you know how to solve riddles. Let's decorate this tree with bright leaves (5 children go out and hang leaves).

Look how beautiful it turned out. A real golden autumn! I wonder why early autumn is that what they call it? (leaves are red, yellow, orange, brown - looks like gold).

Yes, that's right. Look at the autumn pictures (showing illustrations about autumn).

Many poems have been written about golden autumn. Which one of you can recite a poem? (The child recites a poem.)


Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors.

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples began to glow.

Even the oak is green in autumn purple.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,

Look, the grove is dressed in gold!

Well done!

Guys, how well do you know the signs of autumn? To find out, we'll play the Yes or No game. You have to answer “yes” or “no” to my questions.

Game "Yes or No"

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Are the clouds covering the sun?

Is the cold wind blowing?

Are the leaves falling?

Well, do birds build nests?

Do insects fly?

Do animals close their holes?

Is everyone getting the harvest?

Are flocks of birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should you do?

Get the jackets and hats!

That’s right, it means that the trees have prepared for winter: they have shed their leaves and fallen asleep until spring. But there are trees that are green even in winter. What kind of trees are these? (This is a Christmas tree and a pine). The birds flew south. Did all of them fly away? (Only migratory ones: swallows, swifts, geese, swans, cranes). What birds are left? (Wintering: crows, jackdaws, magpies, sparrows. They flew closer to human habitation).

What do animals do in the forest in the fall? (Preparing for winter) How does a squirrel prepare for winter? (I prepared a warm hollow, stocked up on nuts, pine cones, and mushrooms. I exchanged my red fur coat for a thicker gray one).

How many of you remember the poem about the squirrel? (The child recites a poem).


Red squirrel with red tail

I found a little saffron milk under a bush.

She salted the little saffron milk cap:

I put it in a large jar.

The squirrel is no longer afraid of the cold:

She has food for the whole winter.

Good girl! What do a hedgehog and a bear do in the fall? (They go to bed until spring).

Right. Do the wolf and the fox sleep too? (No, they walk through the forest and look for food).

Right. Do hares somehow prepare for winter? (They change their gray coat to white so that they are not visible in the snow.)

III. Dynamic pause.

Well done. I suggest you play game "Bunny"

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this (sitting in a circle, moving their fingers).

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his little paws.

Like this, like this (clap hands).

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this (they jump on the spot).

The wolf scared the bunny, the bunny immediately ran away. (Run to their seats).

So, nature has prepared for a long winter. What did people do in the fall? (They harvested bread, vegetables and fruits. They collected mushrooms, nuts. They made preparations: jams, compotes, pickles, etc.)

Can you distinguish between vegetables and fruits? Or maybe someone will cook cabbage soup from apples and jam from cabbage?

No? Now we’ll check this with the help of the game!

Game "Two Baskets"

You need to quickly and correctly arrange vegetables and fruits into two baskets. One of you collects vegetables, and the other fruits. Let's start.

Well done, you completed the task. I suggest you make your own preparations for the winter - prepare “apple compote”.

IV. Independent activity.

« Apple compote»

We will need a “jar” made of cardboard; red, yellow, black gouache; brush; half an apple; a piece of fabric and a ribbon. We smear half an apple with red and yellow paints and make prints on the “can”. Then we’ll draw in the grains. We will wrap the neck of our jar with fabric and tie it with a ribbon. “Apple compote” is ready! Beauty!

V. Surprise moment. Summarizing. Activity analysis.

(A boy dressed as a hare runs into the group and distributes apples to the children - a forest treat. He says: “This is from us, hares, to you in gratitude for the answer to our letter. And here’s a surprise gift - a cartoon”).

Thank you, bunny. Let's get a look. (View snippet cartoon)

What is this cartoon about? (A cartoon about how winter imperceptibly replaced autumn.) Let's tell her: “Hello, winter-winter!”

Well done! So we will write to the hares in a letter.


Educational : consolidate children’s ideas about autumn as a time of year. Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting and digital designation within 5. Strengthen the ability to compare objects by size, draw up a serial series, the ability to distinguish between right and left side. Develop coherent speech, the ability to express your opinions, and answer questions. Strengthen the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

Educational: develop imagination, visual attention, motor skills of hands and fingers.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards animals and a desire to help them. Foster a culture of behavior ( ability to say hello and goodbye).

Material for GCD:

Dressing sequence cards, ribbed board, mushrooms different sizes, cards with a drawn outline of a sheet and a number written next to it (up to 5), a diagram card for memorizing a poem, circles made of red and orange cardboard.

Educator: Guys, today I'm in our mailbox I found a letter. Would you like me to read it to you? ( I open the envelope and read):

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

The little animals are writing you a letter.

We live in the forest, on the edge.

Now we are preparing for winter,

But we are already tired.

You guys hurry up

Come to our aid!

Guys, do you want to help the forest dwellers? ( children's answer). What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? ( wild animals). Let's remember what time of year it is now? ( autumn b)

What do wild animals do in the fall? ( preparing supplies, changing coats)

And now it’s early or late fall? (late)

Well done. Let's remember what kind of weather happens most often in late autumn. And this will help us remember the ball. Stand in a circle, and I will throw you a ball and whoever it lands on will tell you what the autumn weather is like ( rainy, windy, cloudy, damp, gloomy, etc..)

Right. Therefore, before we go on a trip, we need to dress warmly. Get dressed! And so that you don’t forget to wear anything, look at the hint pictures ( dressing sequence).

(Children imitate the process of dressing to the music )

Have you put everything on, haven’t you forgotten anything? What was the first thing you wore? What's the third? Fifth? Have you put warm boots on your feet? Did you put a boot on your right foot? Show ( children show right foot y). Did you put a boot on your left foot? Show(d) kids show left leg ). Well done!

In the autumn forest for a walk

You and I will go now.

And probably a lot

We'll find something interesting.

Stand next to each other

And hold on to your shoulders.

(Children stand next to each other )

Educator: We've got a train. On it we will go into the forest. There will be many tunnels on our way, so you need to be very careful. Tunnels can be high or they can be low. If the tunnel is high, the train will pass freely, but if it is low, and if it is low, what do you think we should do? ( bend over, sit down).

So, let's hit the road! (P to the music, the children walk like a snake, the first pair makes high and low collars, the children go through the collars)

So we arrived at the forest. Let's say hello to him. To do this, we all need to say together:

Hello forest, autumn forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

(Children say hello to the forest )

Guys, there are many paths and paths in the forest.

Along the paths and paths

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

Maybe forest animals

We will find you somewhere!

Who knows how a path differs from a path? ( the path is wide and the path is narrow).

Now we will walk along the path. The path is narrow, so we will walk, placing one foot to the other.

(Children walk along the ribbed board, putting their heels to their toes, and all say the words together ):

We walk along the path,

One two three four five.

We put the leg to the leg,

One two three four five.

Oh guys, look:

We walked along the path,

Found the squirrel's house. ( Tree with hollow)

What is the name of the squirrel's house? ( Hollow)

And here is the squirrel herself. Let's say hello to her.

(Children greet a squirrel ).

Guys, the squirrel worked hard and collected a lot of mushrooms. She hung the mushrooms on the branches, and she wants to put the ones she has left in the pantry. But they need to be arranged in order - from largest to smallest. Let's help the squirrel do this.

(Children make up a serial row, one of the children tells how the mushrooms were laid out: first they put the largest mushroom, then a smaller mushroom, then an even smaller one, etc. )

Squirrel: Thank you guys, you helped me a lot. And now I want to see how you can count. Look carefully at the tree on which the mushrooms hang. Use your eyes to count how many mushrooms are hanging on the right. Now clap your hands the same number of times. How many times have you clapped your hands? Why?

Count how many mushrooms are hanging on the left. Jump the same number of times. How many times did you jump? Why?

Where are the most mushrooms? Where is less? What needs to be done so that there is an equal number of mushrooms? ( Children's answers)

Squirrel: Well done guys, now it’s time for me to get on with my business. Goodbye, come again.

Educator: The squirrel ran off to do its own business, and you and I will go further.

One, two, three, one, two, three,

We walked along the path.

Oh, guys, who's that rustling there? Let's get a look. ( A hedgehog sits under a bush).

Hedgehog: Hello guys!

(Children greet the hedgehog ).

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful hedgehog. Let's praise him. And to do this, let’s say it all together:

You're very good, hedgehog

You just can’t pick it up!

(Children pronounce words in chorus )

Hedgehog: You don't have to pick me up. You better help me. I decided to insulate my hole for winter, I carried leaves into it, but I was very tired. And I need a lot more leaves.

Educator: Guys, can we help the hedgehog pick up some leaves? Let's show with our pens how we can do this.

Finger game"The wind was walking through the forest"

The wind was blowing through the forest,

The wind tore off the leaves:

A leaf from a birch tree,

Rowan leaf.

Leaf from a maple

A leaf from an aspen.

We will collect leaves from the oak tree,

To mom beautiful bouquet We'll bring it.

Educator: Well done! But today we will collect leaves not for mom, but for the hedgehog. He prepared cards that indicate how many and what kind of leaves you will bring him. ( I hand out cards to the children on which a number is written and the outline of an oak, maple or birch leaf is drawn next to it. Children find required quantity leaves and bring them to the hedgehog).

Hedgehog: Thank you guys, now I won’t be lost in winter. Goodbye!

(Children say goodbye to the hedgehog )

Educator: Oh guys, look!

Someone's ears, someone's tail,

Someone's paws are sticking out there.

Someone is looking from behind the tree

For me and the guys.

Who is this? ( Hare)

Whose ears were peeking out from behind the tree? ( bunny ears)

Whose tail was peeking out? ( bunny tail)

Whose paws were peeking out? ( hare's feet)

You and I saw how a squirrel and a hedgehog prepare for winter. Tell me, are hares preparing for winter? ( hares change coats)

Why do they change them? ( to be warmer, to hide from the enemy V)

Educator: Of course, a bunny in a white fur coat is not so noticeable in the snow, but a fox has a very good sense of smell. The fox goes out hunting, sniffs the air with his nose and smells where the hare is hiding. Let's show how a fox sniffs the air.

(Children take a deep breath) .

The fox will run according to the smell, and then what should the poor bunny do? ( We need to run away from the fox)

The hare runs quickly, and in order to outwit the fox, he confuses his tracks. Let's remember the poem, how the hare knows how to confuse his tracks. And a hint picture will help us remember it ( the cloaked poem by V. Berestov “The Hare’s Trail”)

It won't be long before trouble is in the forest,

But the hare is not a simpleton.

Know how to confuse your tracks -

Like this!

The trail winds here and there,

Forward, backward and sideways.

Where the hare was, there is no hare.

Jumping gallop!
Bunny, did you like our poem?

Hare: I really liked it! And now it's time for me to run away. Goodbye, guys.

(The hare hides under a bush).

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that someone is calling us. Just wait, I'll go and have a look ( I bring out a teddy bear, the children say hello to the bear). Mishka saw how you helped the little animals and decided that you could help him too. The bear is also preparing for winter. He found a place for a den and laid a path to it from multi-colored pebbles, but someone scattered these pebbles, and only a few pebbles remained. ( I show the drawing and invite the children to continue the row.).

(Children lay out a path of circles).

Bear: Thank you guys! You helped us a lot, and my friends and I prepared a treat for you - hazelnuts. Eat for your health!

Guys, our walk is over. It's time for us to say goodbye to the forest inhabitants and return to kindergarten. Stand behind each other, our train is ready to depart. ( Children leave the group to the music ).

teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 16,

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg, Russia.

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