Home Berries Why is autumn dreaming: early or late, beautiful or terrible? The main interpretations of different dream books - why is autumn dreaming. Why is autumn dreaming

Why is autumn dreaming: early or late, beautiful or terrible? The main interpretations of different dream books - why is autumn dreaming. Why is autumn dreaming

For some, autumn is a sad time, for others - a charm for the eyes, and for others - everything together. When a person sees autumn in reality, he knows perfectly well what will happen next. Winter, of course.

But when autumn "red-haired girlfriend" sneaks up in a dream, then one can only guess what such a vision promises. To be fully armed and know your future ahead of time, you just need to look into the dream book. Anyone you like, but for the most part - the interpretations are similar in each of them.

Why is autumn dreaming according to Miller's dream book?

A representative of the weak half of humanity, who saw autumn in a dream, can triumph and rejoice: she will receive an inheritance or some kind of property. But do not think that she will get such a tidbit without any struggle. You will have to fight for your future property with other applicants for it, of which there may be an indefinite number.

The bride, who is going to go down the aisle in the fall (in a dream, of course), in reality will really marry successfully, and this marriage will be very happy in all respects. Big house, prosperity, regular guests, many children and loving husband- all these are attributes of a future happy family life full of kindness, love and understanding.

A man who sees a beautiful autumn landscape in a dream will in reality find that very peace in his soul, which many do not even dream of. If you dreamed about a damp, gray, rainy day, then his activity, most likely, is entrepreneurial, will end in failure. The case will be complicated by litigation, outstanding loans or complete bankruptcy.

Autumn in a dream - Vanga's dream book

If in a dream a person sees some events happening to him in the midst of the golden autumn, then this suggests that the love relationship has cracked, moreover, such that complete break not long to wait. It is possible that things in business will not go very well, and as a result - a complete collapse.

Flocks of birds that fly south in autumn symbolize the return of people who have left or are missing. Such a long-awaited meeting cannot but evoke joyful feelings, so the desire of every normal person is to see similar dreams as often as possible.

Sometimes a dreaming autumn is a clear indication of a specific time when the dream will be fulfilled. It is possible that the dreamer will have to implement some plan only in old age.

What does it mean if you dreamed about autumn - interpretation according to Freud

When autumn is dreaming out of season, then for married woman this is bad. Perhaps she will have to go through the divorce proceedings. In any case, any dreamer will have some changes in his personal life, and, moreover, not always pleasant. Only young girls trying to arrange their fate can be calm: the dreamed autumn promises them an early marriage.

For lovers, such a dream is an alarming sign. It is possible that the two halves will never be able to create a single whole. And anyone who in reality has problems in intimate sphere, can see in a dream a strange weather phenomenon that is rarely seen in reality: an autumn thunderstorm with hail. Zazimye, or late fall, dreamed of by a woman, speaks of her frigidity.

Why is autumn dreaming according to D. and N. Winter's dream book

If you dreamed about autumn in a dream, then it's time to take stock, it is possible that they will be disappointing. But in any case, the matter has come to an end, and requires its logical conclusion, and what it will be depends largely on the dreamer. When autumn dreams at its best time - golden, then this good sign... This means that a person will receive satisfaction from his work and find peace in his soul.

A chilly autumn day, cold and rainy, is a sign of decline. Such a dream may mean that old feelings have faded away and it is impossible to revive them. The pain of loss, the bitterness of defeat, unbearable melancholy and deep sadness - this is what awaits the dreamer. But a positive approach and a view of life full of optimism can make this dream empty and unrealizable.

Why is autumn dreaming according to the Psychoanalytic dream book

When autumn is dreaming out of season, then you need to be prepared for the unexpected. It can be an unexpected arrival of guests, an unexpected acquaintance or a gift, unexpected help or an inheritance that has fallen from somewhere. It should not be ruled out that a surprise may be unpleasant.

Autumn, dreamed of in the fall, promises some kind of change. Perhaps it will be a change in personal life or a change social status... Moving to another city or even a country is also possible, as well as buying a property or a car. But in any case, the changes will be pleasant, which means that you should not be afraid of such a dream.

Autumn according to Loff's dream book

Slushy autumn dreams of someone who will have problems with their soulmate in the future, which will certainly cause bouts of melancholy or cause severe depression... A walk in a gloomy autumn forest, park or even a cemetery foreshadows a scandal, squabble or a fight with unfamiliar people. In any case, the showdown will literally hurt the sleeping person and cause him mental pain.

If the dreamer is busy collecting autumn fruits and vegetables, then he will achieve unprecedented success in commercial activities... The trade turnover will only increase, and the profit, accordingly, will grow. When golden and red leaves fall on a person's head in a dream, such a leaf fall promises him a change in his position in society, due to which he will have to build relationships with family and friends in a new way.

Why is autumn dreaming - options for dreams

  • dreamed about autumn out of season - a surprise;
  • what is the dream of autumn in summer - changes in life;
  • dreamed about autumn in spring (early) - parting with a loved one;
  • which means: dreaming about autumn in spring - an early wedding;
  • dreamed of snow in the fall - new job;
  • what is dreaming about Golden autumn- great joy;
  • the arrival, the onset, the beginning of autumn is a pleasant surprise;
  • rain, thunderstorm in autumn - sexual impotence;
  • picking mushrooms in autumn - a trip to distant countries;
  • November is a gift;
  • after autumn came spring - the enemy will agree to a truce;
  • came after autumn New Year- the dream will come true;
  • collect autumn leaves- good profit;
  • a hurricane tears leaves from trees - for the arrival of guests.

In a dream, you can find yourself in a wide variety of situations with by different people... You can communicate with them, you can depend on them. Why is autumn dreaming, how to interpret such a dream?

What is autumn dreaming about - the main interpretation

If you dream about autumn when it’s summer in reality, try to get ready for the completion of some business in your life. Be prepared for the fact that something in your life does not go as planned. In order to fully interpret the dream, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

· For what reason autumn has come in your dream;

· What emotions did you experience;

· With whom did you communicate in a dream;

· Did autumn end in a dream?

If you dream that you are opening the doors of your house and autumn is behind them, although in reality it is a completely different time of the year - pleasant changes that you deserve are waiting for you. Perhaps we will talk about changing the place of residence, about changing the place of work. In any case, the changes will be long-awaited and positive.

If you have a dream in which you look out of your window and autumn has begun outside the window, such a dream suggests that your dreams and hopes will not come true. Chances are, you will be wasting time and not doing your best to get the results you want.

What will cause the lack of results is your sluggishness. You will simply wait for the right moment and take no action. If you are upset by what you see, if in a dream you cry, in reality you will endure all the trials and will not be upset at all, you will not worry.

If, in a dream, you feel cheerful and joyful, due to the fact that there is autumn outside the window, in reality you will react too actively to something, which will lead to negative consequences... If in a dream you see how autumn began outside the window and this does not cause emotions, you will calmly react to the changes taking place in reality. And that calmness will play into your hands.

If you dream that someone is carrying a bag of collected fallen leaves, good news awaits you. If you yourself collect fallen leaves in a dream, you will try to change your life. But you will do this based on past experience. Try to prioritize correctly, not neglect what you already have.

If in a dream you see from the window of your house how people are saving from the autumn rain, running through the puddles, you should be prepared for unnecessary fuss and temporary inconveniences that can overtake you for objective reasons. If in a dream you see yourself falling under the pouring autumn rain - expect empty tears and empty disappointment. You yourself will be disappointed in everything you do, in the actions and words of others.

Your future in reality depends on what kind of rain fell on you in a dream:

· Cold pouring rain - to troubles that will take you by surprise;

· Warm pouring rain - to unexpected changes;

· Wind with rain that knocks you down - to insurmountable obstacles and hindrances;

· Rain, after which the sun came out and a rainbow appeared - sudden joy after long-term problems;

· Rain out of a clear sky - to empty feelings and resentments.

If you see in a dream late autumn, which turned out to be very unexpected for you, in reality you will receive an offer that will puzzle you at first, but then you will understand that it is not beneficial for you. If in a dream you are walking in the autumn forest and picking mushrooms and berries - in reality you will make a profit with a delay.

You should not complain and be upset about anyone, it is better to accept the fact of what happened calmly and not worry anymore. If autumn in your dream is late and it is already starting to snow, you have taken too long some decision that had to be made much earlier. Now time is lost for you, and you will only be disappointed in the situation further.

If in a dream you are not dressed for the weather and are very cold, someone's words will give you unpleasant troubles. You will be wastedly upset about someone. Do not worry and sound the alarm. Take the problem coolly, and it will soon be resolved.

If you dream that autumn has changed abruptly in summer, your problems and worries will exhaust themselves and you will joyfully celebrate victory over yourself. Don't waste your strength and energy. Try to increase it and everything in your life will work out, by itself.

Autumn bolt from the blue - promises you quite disturbing news, which you, no matter how hard you tried not to accept - accept and accept with deep frustration. But your troubles won't last forever. Soon you will quickly find a way out of this situation, and it will no longer weigh you down.

A dream in which you watch the seasons change for several days in a row promises you long journeys and global life changes. Perhaps you have long dreamed of going somewhere on the road and now finally decided to do it. Life will help you with this, all your undertakings will be brought to the end.

Why is autumn dreaming according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that autumn is a dream when you are looking for the right solution and it will soon become known to you. Perhaps you still cannot decide to break off a relationship or change a partner. Now in your life the moment has come when it's time for you to make a long-awaited decision.

If in a dream you see that autumn is rather cold and you are chilled from dampness, you will even feel lonely and gloomy in a relationship. You will be upset, you will constantly look for an opportunity to throw out your negative emotions and this will lead to quarrels with loved ones.

Why is autumn dreaming - she dreams of significant changes in her personal life. If autumn is warm and makes you happy in a dream with warm days, something pleasant will come from your past. Perhaps it will be memories, perhaps it will be some forgotten emotions that you recently decided to revive.

If you dream about someone trying to hide from the autumn weather, and you help him in this, you will actively influence someone's life, you will actively give another person happiness and joy, he will repay you in kind.

If a pregnant woman dreams of deep autumn, she is tired of routine and hassle. She lacks energy and lacks emotion. She really wants to find the right solution, but it will be very difficult to do it alone - the dream book advises to get her support and help, then everything will work out for her.

Why is autumn dreaming according to the Esoteric dream book

V Esoteric dream book it is said that autumn is a dream when it is time to finish one thing and start another. If you dream of a snowy and cold autumn - a period of freezing will come in your life, you will try to build something new for a long time, but you will remain at the same level.

Sunny and warm autumn promises pleasant chores and positive changes. You will be given a chance to look at your life differently and find a lot of positive things in it. If you are happily traveling in a dream along an autumn street unfamiliar city- in reality you will learn something new that will bring you experience. This will be exactly the experience that you have been missing for a long time.

Why is autumn dreaming according to other dream books

Medea's dream book says that autumn can dream of the completion of one path and the beginning of another. life path person. This is a kind of transition from the past to the future, which you still have to go through. Sooner or later, you would be faced with a choice and it is better to make it now.

Also, dreams of autumn are dreamed before important decisions. A person may in reality doubt the correctness of actions and this will be reflected in the decisions made by him. After such a dream, any doubts will lead to negative consequences, any even possible delays in decisions will lead to the impossibility of implementing them.

Aesop's dream book says that autumn is a dream as a symbol of the end of a negative period in your life. If you have been experiencing difficulties for a long time, you have not been able to solve anything for yourself for a long time - now is the time to realize that changes will come to your life. You may not yet understand this, but you have been ready for the best for a long time.

Autumn, rich in vegetables and fruits - promises a favorable period in life, new opportunities. You just have to use them and never put off again. important decisions for later. It is important to remember that a dream carries only important clues, but you make decisions yourself, based on personal experience and on personal convictions. Dreams are only able to help in making decisions, to direct.

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    For what dreaming Autumn according to the dream book: Autumn- If a woman had a dream autumn- then she will receive help in buying a home. If a woman saw in dream that she has a wedding in the fall- then she will have a wonderful wealthy spouse. Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev.If you dreamed gold leaves falling from trees in the fall, then you should be prepared for material spending, and not always mandatory and often not for the intended purpose - in general, unsuccessful purchases for you in the near future will cease to be a rarity.

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    Dreamed /had a dream Autumn. Autumn in dream- sign of summing up. This dream portends the end of some big business. Gold autumn- a very auspicious sign that promises great satisfaction from successful work and peace of mind. Sad, slushy autumn- a sign of mental decline. Often such dream talks about the fading of feelings or despondency, which can cause great losses and worries.

    Dream interpretation "DomSnov"

    Interpretation (meaning) sleep Autumn. Dream, in which you see that it has come autumn it's time and dry leaves are crumbling from the trees, it's cloudy outside, puddles have appeared, you feel in dream what has come autumn then this dream predicts the coming of a period in your life when you need to focus all your efforts to achieve what you want. Otherwise, everything you have done before will go to waste.

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Autumn in dream dream in the fall, then a happy future awaits you. Gold autumn autumn: a sign of mental decline.Read More

    Dream interpretation "magickum"

    Dreamed that my mother called me at home ex-boyfriend, at first she spoke with my parents (in real life they do not know each other), and then I answered the phone. The boy's mom asked if I was wearing the chain that they (the boy's parents) gave me for the New Year. Gold autumn in dreams Read completely

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Autumn in dream portends the successful completion of what was started or the acquisition of property. if you dream that you made some kind of deal or some important event happened in your life in the fall dream portends the end of some big business. Gold autumn: a very auspicious sign that promises great satisfaction from successful work and peace of mind. Sad, slushy autumn: a sign of mental decline.Read More

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Autumn in dream portends the successful completion of what was started or the acquisition of property. if you dream that you made some kind of deal or some important event happened in your life in the fall then a happy future awaits you. dream portends the end of some big business. Gold autumn: a very auspicious sign that promises great satisfaction from successful work and peace of mind. Sad, slushy autumn: a sign of mental decline.Read More

    Dream interpretation "magickum"

    Gold autumn in dreams symbolizes calmness and happy old age or the second half of life. Very often - the successful resolution of important matters, projects, undertakings. A woman, like a man, big fish dreaming to monetary profit. Can dream small fish, fry are a symbolic reflection of sperm cells (especially if they are in a vessel), and if a woman dream that she caught a small fish, be it in a vessel or a river - dream also to conception, fertilization.Read more

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream interpretation Autumn foliage of the soul dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Autumn foliage of the soul? To choose an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams letter free alphabetically) .This dream portends the end of some big business. Gold autumn: a very auspicious sign that promises great job satisfaction and peace of mind.

    Dream interpretation "magickum"

    Gold autumn in dreams symbolizes calmness and happy old age or the second half of life. in dream you saw an aquarium with fish, which means that your wish will come true, happy event... Small fish, especially if they are in a vessel - this is a symbolic reflection of sperm, and if a woman dream that she caught a small fish, whether it is in a vessel or in a river, this is to conception, fertilization.

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Autumn at the wrong time, rain in dream... to me had a dream dream: I am in the office where I work. I see my colleagues at least, the two of them (women) I like the most. dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams may be able to explain to you why dreaming Gold rain in dream... Order for free online interpretation dreams!Read completely

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    Autumn in dream portends the successful completion of what was started or the acquisition of property. if you dream that you made some kind of deal or some important event happened in your life in the fall then a happy future awaits you. dream portends the end of some big business. Gold autumn: a very auspicious sign that promises great satisfaction from successful work and peace of mind. Sad, slushy autumn: a sign of mental decline.Read More

    Dream interpretation "sunhome"

    This way, you can easily find out what they mean. dreams Gold wedding rings, or what does in dream see Gold wedding rings. Strange wedding in dream... to me had a dream dream, in which I marry my friend (we have known each other for a year and a half). in dream. Dreamed autumn, night. After work I take the subway. The train is strange 1 or 2 carriages, the seats are lying.Read more

    Dream interpretation "magickum"

    Pectoral cross in dreams symbolizes the so-called line of fate, certain events in life a specific person... Cross can dream in cases where some important events follow in the near future. Gold autumn in dreams symbolizes calmness and happy old age or the second half of life.

For a woman to dream about autumn means that she will receive property after some struggle with others. If in a dream she is going to get married in the fall, this dream portends her a happy marriage and a cheerful house full of love and prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does Autumn mean in a dream

Seeing her out of season means you can count on a friend to help you.

Sometimes a dream about autumn foreshadows the end of some business or relationship.

Autumn in a dream portends the successful completion of what was started or the acquisition of property. If you dream that you have made some kind of deal or some important event for you happened in your life in the fall, then a happy future awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

What does Autumn mean in a dream

If a girl dreams that she is getting married in the fall, this portends her a successful marriage and obedient children. It is very auspicious and good dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

The meaning of sleep Autumn

If the events in your dream occur in autumn time, this means some disharmony in love relationship and a possible downturn in business. A dream in which a young girl plans to get married in the fall foreshadows a successful marriage and well-being in the family.

Seeing the autumn harvest in a dream - to achieve success in trade, commerce and entrepreneurship. A leaf fall seen in a dream portends a change in relations with loved ones and people you just know due to a change in your position. Seeing flocks of birds flying away to the south in the fall means the return of the absent and the joy of a long-awaited meeting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

Dream interpretation Autumn

If a woman has an "autumn" dream, it means that after some struggle she will receive some property. If in a dream she is going to get married in the fall, she will have a happy marriage and a house full of love and prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What Autumn predicts in a dream

If a beautiful landscape is for good luck, good, peace of mind; damp, gray ... unsuccessful completion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see Autumn in a dream

Your hard work will be rewarded. It won't be long to wait.

Imagine the pictures of autumn - golden forests, harvested fields, harvested fruits. Imagine how you harvest a crop, put it in cellars, canned vegetables and fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Sleep interpretation Autumn

A woman who sees autumn in a dream will receive some kind of property.

If in a dream she is going to get married in the fall, then she will have a wonderful family: a loving husband and obedient children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What Autumn Dreams Predict

Summing up sign. This dream foreshadows the end of some big deal.

Golden Autumn: A very auspicious sign that promises great job satisfaction and peace of mind.

Dull, slushy autumn: a sign of mental decline. Often such a dream speaks of fading feelings or despondency, which can cause great losses and worries. try to look at life more lightly and do not forget that sooner or later spring comes after autumn.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

To see Autumn in a dream

A dream about the onset of autumn for a man signifies happiness, peace of mind.

For a woman - getting some kind of property, a lasting marriage, mutual love.

Dreamed of Oskn out of season, autumn landscapes as a decoration for a dream - in reality, unexpected help, new friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

Autumn is a time of wilting and sadness. But how can you be sad if outside the window is a warm red-yellow time ?! In a dream, everything is exactly the same as in reality! Sunny weather is a symbol of smiles and fun, a gloomy gloomy landscape is a sign of sadness and loneliness. Everything that you want to know about what autumn is dreaming of, knows the dream book. Knows and will help protect yourself from troubles and increase your joy!

Autumn according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream of a golden autumn - in reality, such a dream means some kind of property that she will receive, but for this she will need to fight for ownership.

The girl dreamed that she was going to get married in the fall - in reality, great happiness, love and prosperity await her.

Sad time - sadness and sorrow will come to your house

Seeing gloomy slushy weather outside the window - in reality you may face problems in relationships with your loved one, which will cause you to have bouts of blues and sadness, predicts Loff's dream book.

In a dream, you are walking in a gloomy autumn forest - in reality, you will not be able to complete your affairs the way you wanted. Everything will fall out of hand and cause irritation.

She dreams that a cold wind is raging outside the window, tearing leaves from the trees - for the arrival of guests who will bring troubles with them, or even troubles.

Seeing that you are wandering through the cemetery on a cold autumn night and hiding your face from the wind and rain - you will soon be offended by an unfamiliar person. Despite the fact that the offense will be trifling, this incident will hurt you very much to the quick.

Yellow-red fairy tale or Happiness is already very close

I dreamed of a beautiful golden autumn with bright sunny days and warm nights - great joy and happiness awaits you. Everything will delight you: family, work, friends, Vanga's dream book promises.

To dream that you are buying new autumn shoes for new clothes and good mood. Perhaps you will have a desire to update your image, feel free to act - you will succeed.

Walking through the autumn forest and picking berries and mushrooms - you have to interesting journey or a calm and quiet weekend in nature, the Women's Dream Book predicts.

Collect colorful leaves falling from autumn trees- a dream like this promises an entrepreneur good profit and doing business successfully.

Out of season is a sign of life change

Autumn dreamed in summer - to a change in life. If the weather pleases with warmth and sunshine, changes will be for the better, but if the dream is cold, damp autumn - be prepared for unpleasant changes, Tsvetkov's dream book warns.

If in reality it is winter, and you are dreaming of late autumn and dreaming of snow, there is a chance that you will be offered new job with better conditions and salary.

Seeing autumn in spring in a dream means changes in your personal life. If a dream dreamed in early spring- sad events will occur, for example, parting with a loved one. But if spring is blooming outside the window - to a new stage in a relationship - a marriage proposal, a wedding, the birth of a child.

The year on the contrary as a symbol of surprises and surprises

Snow on golden foliage in a dream - for pleasant, memorable and joyful events.

To dream that September is on the calendar, and snow has already fallen and snowdrifts lie everywhere - a very pleasant surprise awaits you from your loved one, Miss Hasse's dream book predicts.

To dream that yesterday it was autumn on the street, and today it is already winter and the New Year - to bright events, on the verge of magic. Something that you never dreamed of will happen.

Snow is dreaming on a flowering tree, and on the calendar - November - for gifts from friends and relatives, and for no reason, the Slavic dream book promises.

To see that after autumn spring has come to the city, and lilies of the valley are blooming everywhere - a person who yesterday considered you his enemy will offer you peace and friendship.

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