Home Vegetables How and where to trade with China. Edible and in a small container. Benefits of doing business with China

How and where to trade with China. Edible and in a small container. Benefits of doing business with China

Only a lazy Internet user does not know about Chinese products. Almost everyone knows that by purchasing goods directly from suppliers, you can significantly save money. It is only important to find out where to make such bargain purchases.

If earlier goods from China were associated with non high quality, outdated technologies, second-class raw materials, today it is in the past. Many manufacturers have switched to more high level... On modern Chinese sites, you can easily find good products at an acceptable cost. In terms of quality and service life, they are not inferior to the goods of other manufacturing countries.

On the territory of China, not only their own enterprises are located, but also the production sites of foreign firms. Among them a large number of popular brands, for example, the well-known Apple... Despite the fact that the developments are carried out in the USA, the famous equipment is assembled in China. Thousands of companies have established business with China and have opted for such a system. The main reason for this choice is substantial savings. Thanks to this, manufacturers offer customers attractive prices without compromising on quality.

Many of our fellow citizens have been ordering goods from China for themselves, their relatives and friends for several years already. Others have no idea how to purchase goods on such Internet sites. And some do not even know about their existence. What should those who dream of buying Chinese products do, but do not know how to do it?

Aliexpress.com is one of the most popular Chinese goods websites

In such cases, there are two options for the development of events. The first is to refuse to buy goods abroad and continue to be content with what is in the stores of our country. But this has its drawbacks - a limited selection of products and a significant overpayment. The second option is to purchase the goods you like through intermediaries. They have already established business with suppliers, whose products are sold to the Russian buyer.

Every year the number of finished and component parts made in China is increasing. This practically does not affect prices, they remain low. Therefore, many Russian entrepreneurs prefer this type of business. It is important to decide correctly and how to do it. Then cooperation with China will open up tremendous opportunities for the development of your own business.

Business specifics

Dropshipping is the simplest, most popular and practically no investment option for organizing your own business. If you state simple language, these are dropshipping. This is a relatively young type of entrepreneurship, especially in our country. It began to develop along with the opening of online stores. An attractive fact is that you do not have to purchase goods in advance and pay for it. This is done only after the customer places an order on your website.

Dropshipping scheme

To start a business, you need to conclude an agreement with a specific manufacturer or a foreign online store. It is important to clarify that the order is made after payment for the goods. When your buyer pays for the order, you transfer funds to the seller's account. After receiving the required amount, the Chinese partner sends the parcel to the addressee. Having adjusted the work In a similar way, you will not lose anything and will be able to get your percentage of the transaction. This lightweight scheme has been successfully operating in our market for more than a year.

When ordering products exclusively for yourself or a small batch of cheap goods (up to a thousand euros), you are exempt from registration and payment of customs duties. Those who managed to arrange supplies on a larger scale will have to face taxes and paperwork. If you are new to business, then you will spend a lot of effort and money on it. Therefore, experienced mediators shift such questions onto their shoulders. You just need to find a reliable and proven company.

Clothes and footwear from China

Chinese companies produce beautiful and stylish products at prices well below market prices. Of all the types of cooperation with China, the most popular is the supply of clothing and footwear. These products are especially popular among our compatriots. A wide assortment, high quality, low cost - this increases the demand for products.

Some manufacturers copy products famous brands... They use the same models, fabrics, technologies, but produce a thing under their own name. This makes it possible to purchase clothes, shoes, accessories that hardly differ from branded ones, at a completely "earthly" price. This is especially true for buyers who are not obsessed with the loud name of the manufacturer.

So what should you care about before starting a business with China? To get started, find a supplier with whom you need to conclude a contract for direct delivery in the future. Then open your own online store and engage in customer acquisition. After receiving orders and payment, start shipping products from China. The final and most enjoyable stage is calculating your own profit.

Sale of souvenirs

A less popular, but no less profitable type of business is the sale of souvenir products. These are various amulets, magnets, key rings, interior decor items and much more. On Chinese sites, small goods can be purchased quite cheaply. And in the case of bulk purchases, you save even more. In our country, such products are sold with a wrap of 100%, 200% and even 500%. V in this case the profit depends on the specific supplier, the price of the traded item and the volume of purchases.

Sale of consumer goods

  • personal hygiene items for children and adults;
  • bath and shower products;
  • cosmetics and perfumery;
  • plastic dishes;
  • packaging products;
  • stationery (paper, pencils, erasers, notebooks);

Such a business is convenient because the listed categories of goods are in high demand, regardless of the economic situation and season. In China, they can be purchased at a low price and subsequently receive a good income from the resale.

Purchase of placer products with further packaging

This is an equally profitable and promising type of business. To start it, you need to buy food or drinks in bulk, by weight or by bottling in China. If we are talking about wholesale lots, then any site of Chinese goods will offer an attractive price. In Russia, the goods are sold tens of times more expensive, but only after packaging. All products are divided into small parts, each of which has its own packaging. This is how they sell chips, seeds, popcorn, dried fish etc. With this approach, costs are minimal compared to profits.

The most pressing issue facing aspiring entrepreneurs is choosing a conscientious and reliable supplier. This is the case when you don't want to learn from your mistakes at all. Therefore, this point must be approached with full responsibility. There are several ways to find "your" supplier.

  1. The simplest, but not the most reliable, is the World Wide Web. Without leaving your own apartment, you can get the necessary information about the supplier and his products, discuss the details with him, conclude an agreement. But by agreeing on cooperation on the Web, you are buying a "pig in a poke". Photos will not tell about a person in the same way that personal communication will.
  2. Visiting international exhibitions, which are often held in large cities... Before ordering goods from China, you can personally communicate with manufacturers or representatives of a particular company, see and even touch the products. Only after this is the contract concluded.
  3. A trip to China is the most reliable way... There you can find manufacturers, personally visit production, get information about technology, raw materials, volumes. But this option is the most difficult and not affordable for everyone. This requires not only decent funds, but also knowledge of the language. Otherwise, you cannot do without the services of an interpreter.

Price policy

Any business requires a serious approach, so you should not order goods from the first supplier you come across. You may be tempted by affordable prices and good recommendations... But after spending a little more time, you can easily find much better deals. The Chinese market is famous for the fact that you can often find similar products at different prices. Moreover, the range of prices is quite high. The difference can be tens or even hundreds of dollars.

Company size and production time

China has a large number of manufacturers, both large and small. The latter can offer a quality product at a low price. But they have a big drawback. A small firm is unlikely to be able to "jump" over its own bar and produce more products than is physically possible. For example, if a company produces no more than 10 thousand units per month, and you need more than 50 thousand, long-term cooperation is hardly possible.

Small production in China

This is especially worth considering for entrepreneurs who plan to deal with serious supplies. Before concluding a contract, check the maximum volume of production. Otherwise, you will have to wait not only for you, but also for your customers. The client is unlikely to want to waste his own time. After all, it is easier for him to choose a competitor who will bring the goods on time.

Constant control

Unfortunately, even among the Chinese suppliers there can be found not very conscientious ones. As a result, you may face such problems as too long delivery of goods from China to Russia, a delay in a paid batch, and even receiving defective products. To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure one hundred percent control of each stage, from the collection to the delivery of the goods. It is hardly possible to travel to China on a weekly or even monthly basis to monitor the work of a seller. Therefore, it is worth spending a little money to hire a person who will take over control of the Chinese partners. This will save not only nerves, but also time, and in some cases even money.

So, a partnership with China is financial stability and independence, pleasant and useful acquaintances, as well as hundreds of positive feedback from buyers. But success can only be achieved through patience and constant monitoring of the entire work process. Well, you can start by ordering a small batch from Aliexpress or TaoBao websites.

Literally ten years ago, goods from China were not of high quality. They were made from second-rate raw materials using outdated technologies, so such products were not in great demand. Much has changed today, so you can easily purchase quality products at affordable prices on Chinese trading floors. In this article, we will tell you how to start a business in China and how to make good money from it.

Business specifics

Nowadays, anyone can open a business with China in 2018. The most popular types of earnings:

  • Dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • Large wholesale trade.

The easiest way to start a business in China from scratch is with dropshipping or dropshipping. This direction entrepreneurial activity appeared in our country relatively recently, after the first online stores were opened. Dropshipping is attractive in that it does not require any financial investment, since you purchase the product after a customer orders it from your online store.

To open a business with China without investment, you need to agree on cooperation with a specific manufacturer or supplier. When a buyer pays for the item on your website, you transfer the money to the account of the Chinese seller. After that, your partner ships the product to the buyer's address, and you get your commission. This scheme has been in operation for several years and brings excellent profits.

When ordering goods in small quantities (up to 1 thousand euros), you are automatically exempted from paying taxes or customs duties. Deliveries of products on a large scale require paperwork and taxes. If you have never done such a thing, it is most profitable to start a resale business with China without investment, that is, to do dropshipping.

Citizens who are addicted to shopping in Chinese online stores can make good money from it. Organization of joint purchases is great idea small business from China. Help other people place orders for the purchase of various products and get your commission for it. Many Chinese sellers offer good discounts on bulk purchases. From this you can get a good additional income. Thousands of people in different countries of the world save money on joint purchases, so you can easily find customers who want to purchase an inexpensive high-quality product with your help.

Wholesale trade is a fairly profitable business idea from China, but it requires large financial investments and certain knowledge... In addition, you need to find partners who will buy goods in large quantities. At the same time, it great option for those who are looking for,.

Where to begin?

To open light and over profitable business with China in 2018, you must first draw up a detailed action plan:

  1. Choice of direction. Before concluding a cooperation agreement with Chinese manufacturers, objectively assess your capabilities and consumer demand in the market;
  2. Choosing a supplier. Finding a reliable partner in a foreign country is not so easy. At any time, you can run into scammers or unscrupulous suppliers, so before starting work, collect as much information as possible about your business partners;
  3. Take part in exhibitions. Here you can find new business ideas from China in 2018, choose suitable products and conclude lucrative contracts with good discounts;
  4. Wholesale supply. If you are attracted to wholesale, before doing such a business, carefully study the peculiarities of organizing the supply of goods in large quantities. In addition, you need to understand the different ways of transporting goods;
  5. Customs clearance. To avoid any problems with the transportation of goods across the border, you need to understand all the intricacies of customs clearance or find an experienced specialist who will help you with the paperwork.

What to sell?

Now let's try to figure it out,? We present to your attention a list of the most demanded products:
  • Clothes and footwear;
  • Accessories (watches, belts, bags, etc.);
  • Car gadgets (DVRs, audio systems, etc.);
  • Mobile phone cases;
  • Hygiene products;
  • Mobile devices;
  • E-books, laptops, tablets;
  • Industrial equipment from China for small businesses;
  • Crockery and kitchen utensils;
  • Childen's goods.

If you can't decide on your own, check out the rating of the best-selling products on the Internet. This will help you to correctly form the assortment.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are attracted. For example, you can purchase special packaging equipment, purchase a batch of loose nuts, tea or dried fruits and start packing them. Such goods can be purchased from Chinese suppliers in bulk at low prices, packaged in beautiful packaging and sold in small quantities to stores, supermarkets or resellers.

Find a supplier

If you want to open a profitable mini-business with China, you need to choose a reliable trusted supplier who will faithfully fulfill all their obligations. There are several ways that allow you to establish an uninterrupted supply of goods from China:

  • Internet. Thanks to modern technologies you can, without leaving your home, find information on the supplier online, conclude an official contract with him and discuss all the details of cooperation. Resale of goods on the Internet is one of the most. Any person can do such a thing, regardless of his place of residence and education;
  • Participation in international exhibitions... Such events are often held in many large cities of our country. Before agreeing on cooperation with a supplier, you can personally verify the quality of the products, as well as talk with representatives of the manufacturer's company;
  • Trip to China. This is the most The best way, which allows you to visit the production, get the necessary information about the raw materials from which the products are made, the technologies used and the volume of goods produced. But this option is not available to all beginning entrepreneurs, since in order to visit China in person, you need to know the language and have a decent start-up capital.
Modern trends in the development of small business in China open up broad prospects for businessmen. Entrepreneurs who have already built their business on the reselling of Chinese goods are making huge profits from this. If you haven't decided yet, be sure to pay attention to this. profitable direction activities.

Business benefits

The main advantage of doing business with China is the low cost of production. This allows you to set attractive prices and beat the competition. Trade in Chinese goods is the best. You can start such a business literally from scratch by selling products to your family and friends. They, in turn, will tell their friends about your business, thanks to which your business will begin to gain momentum and develop. In order to receive a decent stable income, you need to create your own online store or open a real retail outlet in the market or in a shopping center.

The Chinese make everything from clothing to computers. This means that you can easily choose any product that will be in demand on the market. If you want to open a manufacturing small business, equipment from China can be ordered at very competitive prices, while in terms of quality it is practically no different from expensive European-made equipment.

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In order to work effectively in this direction and get a good income, you need to study all the nuances of doing business with China without investment. There are many pitfalls that hinder small business development in China. If you do not take them into account, you can be left without profit or lose all the money invested.

The following factors influence the success of your business:

  1. Ability to choose a product in demand;
  2. Objective assessment of business profitability;
  3. Reliable suppliers and negotiation skills;
  4. Search for sales markets.
It is desirable that the entire process of doing business be automated. Develop an effective plan of action and don't get distracted by trifles. In this case, new business ideas from China will bring you real profits.

To warn possible risks, follow these simple rules.

Today, China is one of the world's largest manufacturers and in recent years has acquired the status of one of the world's shopping centers... Given this, not only large companies, but also individuals want to directly do business with China - it is profitable, it brings good profit and pays off in a short period of time.

A novice businessman may have questions: how to do business with China, where can you find a supplier and how to establish contacts with him, what specific business activities can you do with China, etc. We will try to consider these questions in detail and give answers to our readers to them.

How to start a business in China from scratch?

In order to start any business, and especially with foreign companies, you must have start-up capital. This is the initial step that will further determine the volume of business, the number of suppliers and possible options supply of goods. This moment will not raise questions - the reader will independently determine their own capabilities. And we will tell you about the advantages of doing business with China and how you can find a supplier.

It is not necessary to go to China to purchase small consignments of goods.

What are the advantages of working with the Middle Kingdom?

To begin with, consider the most important benefits of running a business selling goods from China:

Among the secondary advantages are:

  • The ability to search for analogues... This point is in addition to the previous third point: there are a number of branded goods, the cost of which is very high. In China, you can easily find quality and reliable replicas that differ little from the originals.
  • Possible discounts, bonuses, etc.... In the case of long-term cooperation with suppliers from China, a businessman can receive permanent discounts and other pleasant bonuses.

We are looking for a supplier

Successfully starting a business with China depends a lot on the counterparties. It may seem to beginners that finding suppliers several thousand kilometers away is a very difficult business. We will answer - not today, when everyone has access to the Internet.

There are many search options. For example, you can use international online platforms where they sell goods from China - Alibaba, Aliexpress, etc.

Advanced users who know English or Chinese, can use the search in the largest Chinese search engine Baidu or use the standard Google search engine. For more information on finding partners and suppliers in the PRC, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information in the corresponding article.

Main lines of business

Domestic businessmen can choose any area of ​​business - the assortment and variety of goods allow you to do any business. We will not list all types of activities - we will note only two main areas - import and export.

Import of goods and equipment from China

Imports of Chinese goods are much more popular than exports. Includes the purchase of goods in China and their subsequent shipment to the homeland. In this case, a businessman can choose absolutely any goods for sale - in China you will find what to sell in your country. In addition, there is the possibility of purchasing target equipment. China produces most of well-known tech / technology brands - labor costs in the market are low and quality control in factories is very high.

In order to be engaged in the import of goods, it is necessary to find a supplier and agree with him on the products, which will then be shipped to the Russian Federation. Information is in another article. After that, you need to select the payment instruments with which the payment will be made. Today, entrepreneurs do not need to go to China to purchase small, trial consignments, but when it comes to large amounts, it is necessary to mandatory visit suppliers.

The choice of goods on the PRC market is simply enormous.

Export of goods to China

Ensuring the export of goods and raw materials to China is much more difficult than organizing imports. In this case, there are both advantages and disadvantages: it is very difficult to export goods and raw materials - numerous legislative (rather, bureaucratic) restrictions interfere and, of course, it is very difficult to find large wholesale buyers (it makes no sense to engage in this type of activity in small volumes - this is will bring losses).

China is a country where absolutely everything is produced. Overpopulation of the territory affects the attractive cost of the manufactured products. Today, many are wondering where to start a business with China.
The schema is pretty simple:

  • find a Chinese product at the most favorable price;
  • deliver it to your country;
  • choose a way of selling;
  • sell products with interest.

The main thing is to carefully think over all your actions and rely on the recommendations described below.


Starting your own business with Chinese products seems attractive due to the following features:

  • low cost of products. It allows you to set a competitive price when selling in your home country, which will bring a good profit;
  • developed infrastructure. The country has everything available ways shipment of products. It remains only to choose the most profitable one to eliminate high costs;
  • a large assortment. All kinds of goods are produced in China: computers, cosmetics, bijouterie, clothing, etc. Can choose the best option for a certain circle of buyers;
  • trading with China is very easy for beginners to master. It is not necessary to have a large start-up capital; it is enough to start reselling goods to your friends in small quantities.

What to sell?

When deciding how to establish business with China, a person first of all seeks to identify a product with great profitability. The same product is rarely popular for a long time. Therefore, you have to adapt to the situation.

At the initial stage, you need to give preference to goods that will help for the maximum a short time accumulate capital so that cooperation with China will bring good income in the future.

Selection of goods

You can get the most bang for your buck by selling the following products:

  1. Disposable goods. When mass produced in China, such products have a penny cost. During retail, their price increases hundreds of times. People purchase disposable items when they urgently need them. In such cases, they do not think about its cost and the fact that they need to go to look for a product several rubles cheaper. Examples of such products are: medical, bedding and hygiene products, lighters, souvenirs, condoms, telephones, packaging materials, etc.
  2. Brands and their copies. Most of the well-known global companies own production in China or use the services of Chinese workers. The latter often use developments in the manufacture of branded items and produce similar goods, but without frenzied cheating. Clothes, accessories, appliances and much more are produced in Chinese factories. Such resale of goods from China is very attractive, since the production has a low cost, and it can be sold at several times more expensive.
  3. Small-sized branded goods. Small packages, for example, products for beer or cosmetic products are not very cheap in stores. At the same time, the manufacturer spends on their manufacture minimal amount funds. Products are ordered from China in large packaging and are packaged and branded on the spot. The main thing is to correctly adapt the product to the peculiarities of your country. It is necessary to create beautiful packaging, give a sonorous memorable name and carefully monitor the quality of products.
  4. Technological innovations. Advanced technologies are of interest to every buyer. Manufacturers constantly release new technique, which has all the better and better performance in comparison with the previous ones. If you catch a certain moment, then you can make good money on the sale of a new type of equipment. True, this earnings have a short-term effect. After about six months, the cost of the product begins to decline, as demand falls and the number of competitors increases. It is good to start a business with China on resale without investment with this method. It gives an opportunity for short term earn a decent amount to develop your own business.

You can determine the demand for a specific category of goods using the service statistics from Yandex Wordstat. To work with China successfully, you need to take into account the number of competitors selling the selected products. It is desirable that the product is familiar and has the ability to understand it.

Where can I find a supplier?

  • exhibitions in China. They are regularly held in many Chinese cities, so it won't be difficult to visit them. For this purpose, you can contact the regional chamber of commerce and industry and agree to visit the exhibition officially. In this case, the chance of finding profitable proposition and get the maximum discount;
  • the Internet. On the World Wide Web, you can find a lot of information about suppliers, the main thing is to drive the query of interest into the search bar. As a rule, the first items are up-to-date information that helps to establish business in China. Forum and other thematic sites will help in finding suppliers. For small purchases, the time-tested Aliexpress service is suitable.
  • Sometimes it is more convenient to use the services of intermediaries. They have agreements with many Chinese manufacturers and a lot of information about China's business. Hiring outside help will save you time and hassle, but may be less beneficial.

How to find a supplier?

A future entrepreneur needs to think over a business with China from A to Z. supplier search scheme:

  • Supply-demand is drawn up. Based on it, you can search for a Chinese partner. Be sure to indicate the volume of the required product in it.
  • The method of finding a supplier is determined.
  • It is recommended to fill in the table along the way. As a result, thanks to her, it will be easy to determine the conditions of which future partners are most suitable. It will be with them that it will be possible to start negotiations.
  • If the intermediary has the most profitable terms, then you need to find out if he has entity in Russia. He must be ready to conclude an agreement on our legal terms. After collecting necessary documentation and agreeing on the terms, you can conclude an agreement.
  • If the supplier is only interested in working in China and he wants to sign a contract there, then he will have to use the service of an interpreter. In this case, the documentation is prepared in two languages. It is recommended to use Chinese and Russian lawyers for drafting the contract.

Always try to determine through dialogue whether the future partner is adequate and professional. At the first stages of online communication, an online translator will help.

How to sell?

Initially, it is better to start cooperation with China using one of the following business models:

  • joint purchases. For this purpose, people are looking for who also require products from official suppliers from China. If you order the goods with them, then the delivery costs are significantly reduced;
  • dropshipping. It is necessary to find buyers and take an advance payment from them, then order the product. Its supplier ships directly to customers. After receiving the products, the businessman receives the remaining amount. This option is ideal for those who are racking their brains - how to start a business with China from scratch. It does not require an initial investment;
  • online store. This type of business cannot be started without start-up capital... Funds need to be spent on creating a website and promoting it. In this case, the choice of a supplier, product and delivery method is taken as seriously as possible so as not to waste money;
  • wholesale. This model similar to dropshipping, but differs from it in volumes. In this case, not ordinary buyers are looking for, but local businessmen. For them, after prepayment, an order is made from direct suppliers. They get good interest for this service.

It is not enough to have an idea of ​​how to set up a business with China in order to get a solid income. The main thing is to come up with and implement good idea, and for this you need to have certain abilities. Even if you start your own business without financial investment, you shouldn't take it lightly.

Many are worried about where to start a business with China in order to make big profits. This is considered an easy way to make money.

Seasoned market players, mainly private traders specializing in the resale of goods from China, unanimously declare that the business on Aliexpress if he has not outlived himself, then his days are certainly numbered. And it's hard to disagree with them.

First, the majority of users have learned to independently purchase goods abroad without the help of intermediaries.

Secondly, waiting for delivery lasting 1-3 weeks is almost completely leveled by the desire to save money, and this is the main driving force, which provides Chinese online shopping with an uninterrupted flow of orders.

Meanwhile, if you visit any of the currently available online trading platforms in your country, then at least 90% of the goods will be imported with the mark “Made in China”. Therefore, we can affirmatively state that reselling goods from Aliexpress is still capable of generating stable profits.

The main thing is to organize an effective business model that can correspond to trends, take into account seasonality, purchasing power of potential customers, take into account loyalty to Chinese brands, and also work strictly according to the rules of supply and demand. Otherwise, you will not succeed in the foreseeable future. But first things first!

Recommendations for doing business on Aliexpress

In order to start making real money on the resale of Chinese goods without any problems, it is enough to find a high-quality and rather popular commodity item on affordable price, which for a certain time will be absent from competitors. Can you imagine how much profit was deposited in the wallets of the first sellers of spinners ?!

And if now the idea of ​​selling the aforementioned toys has lost all meaning, then the most nimble businessmen who track the latest trends among the youth YouTube audience on the wave set the margin on average from 100% to 1000% apiece.

Similar situations happened at one time:

  • with fluffy rabbits-key chains;
  • with "selfie sticks" (monopods);
  • with credit card knives;
  • with "radioactive" headphones Beats by Dr. Dre;
  • with copies of Swiss watches;
  • with frankly unsuccessful, but very popular fakes of the IPhone and other goods.

TOP-5 rules for the formation of a product range

As you might have guessed, it is very difficult to find a product that is in demand and inexpensive for its price, which is not available from competitors. Either very lucky or very experienced salespeople are capable of this. But we will talk about this in the next sections of our article, because now it is necessary to dwell in detail on the current rules on the formation of the product range.

Rule # 1. Can't organize high-quality warranty service? Refuse to sell expensive electronics!

For example, a batch of defective Chinese smartphones, DVRs or action cameras, if it does not question the profitability of your business on Aliexpress, will significantly hit your income.

Naturally, you have the right to open a dispute and return the invested funds in the damaged product. However, the procedure for such a return may take several weeks, and in our case, B. Franklin's statement that “time is money” should be considered as a common truth.

Rule # 2. The most profitable topics in the Internet business: "construction", "car accessories", "baby products", "trends", "electronics" and more.

If you may have problems with the resale of building materials from China, then you can and should earn on everything else (from the above).

Rule # 3. It is not necessary to purchase a wide range of goods on Aliexpress.

Sometimes it is enough to specialize in certain commodity items, for example, on copies chargers for laptops, since original accessories cost an incredible amount of money.

Or you can also open brand store a specific brand that is not yet officially represented in your country. One of these trade marks can be Tauren company, which produces, judging by customer reviews, leather goods of exceptional quality at affordable prices.

Rule # 4. The assortment of goods you sell in in full should always be in stock.

Otherwise, buyers will prefer to order the necessary item on Aliexpress on their own. Or worse, they'll buy something from your competitors. Hence, there is a high probability of losing, though potential, but, possibly, regular customers.

Rule # 5. Scrupulously monitor the quality of goods, even if they are outright consumer goods.

Do you want to sell cheap products that have a significantly limited lifespan? No problem! Just make sure that your customers receive purchases that are free from factory defects.

Torn clothes, bent monopods, broken children's toys, a broken watch will probably bring you a penny or two, but no advertising will help in the future of the tarnished reputation of an irresponsible seller.

Preliminary testing of commodity items

Have you already decided on the product ?! Do not rush to make a purchase on Aliexpress! First, test your niche by posting relevant ads on OLX or Avito. Also try creating a thematic social media group that you can use to organize sales.

If the orders have gone, then you are doing everything right. Inform interested people that the first batch of goods has sold out, and if they pre-order, they will receive a tangible discount as a result.

The situation is much more complicated with the one-page “Landing Page” sites. To check their effectiveness, you will have to buy contextual advertising on Yandex.Direct and / or.

Full-fledged online stores may not need to contextual advertising if their SERP positions are capable of attracting organic traffic.

Advertising of the goods being sold

How to follow trends?

YouTube is an ideal platform, thanks to which it will not be difficult to follow trends even for users who are completely far from the Internet.

The technique is outrageously simple. Do you sell toys? Subscribe to children's entertainment channels and watch what the younger generation is playing, as well as remember what is now heard by the children's audience. If you manage to consider the potential of some trinket, we recommend that you immediately order it on Aliexpress for further resale.

Note! Keeping track of fashion trends is much easier if you subscribe to English-language YouTube channels, since most of the popular trends come to us from abroad.

We do the same with other channels. Do you do cosmetics? Then you go to beauty bloggers! Selling clothes? See fashion vlogs!

Use cashback services

Enjoy the benefits without fail cashback services in the process of doing business on Aliexpress. This will help you not only reduce the cost of purchasing goods, but also give out discounts or organize promotions without sacrificing your wallet.

What is profitable to resell with Aliexpress?

Quality leather goods

High-quality leather products, primarily bags and wallets, are good because, unlike smartphones and some products from the “Electronics” category, they practically do not depreciate. Therefore, even if you do not succeed in selling out right away, then you should not worry, you certainly will not have to calculate the losses.

For resale, we recommend taking a closer look at a leather wallet made in retro style under the rubbed skin of the aforementioned Tauren... With a purchase price of $ 11.5, one of the Kiev online stores set a price for such wallets about $ 25 per item. Double Profit!

Alternatively, a similar solution will work perfectly at a more democratic price from BoLoons store... But keep in mind that at the same time you will lose quality. In this instance, albeit natural, but less wear-resistant raw materials are used.

Car accessories

Motorists are a solvent public that constantly spends a lot of money on maintenance Vehicle... So why not take advantage of this?

Seat covers, polishes, brushes with scrapers - this is not a complete list of goods from China that can be resold profitably using the benefits of free message boards.

An inexpensive abrasive composite suitable for removing minor scratches on the body of a car is sure to be a hit.

Kitchen utensils

Despite the fact that picky housewives continue to be skeptical about Chinese cutlery, many of them have already appreciated the benefits of universal graters, vegetable peelers, shredders and slicers.

Baby accessories

There are enough children's accessories on Aliexpress, thanks to which it will not be difficult to organize a profitable business. There are diapers, undershirts, toys, as well as a lot of inventive items that can help our mothers raise and educate their children. For example, on the eve of the winter season increased demand once again began to use the wrapping blankets with buttons.

Now your little ones won't just open up!

China Brand Electronic Accessories

V recent times We can be aware that Chinese hi-tech brands are gradually gaining the trust of users, in particular thanks to such companies as Huawei, Meizu and Xiaomi. The latter, for example, produce absolutely everything: from smart plugs to bicycles.

Paradoxically, even the Chinese themselves are not averse to counterfeiting the products of the above companies, and all because their products are willingly bought all over the world.

And if we recommend that you refrain from selling smartphones, due to their intense depreciation, then branded headphones, power banks, fitness trackers and other portable accessories will always find their buyer.

The trend of recent months is wireless bluetooth headphones Xiaomi Sports.

Mobile Phone Cases

Smartphone cases still remain hot commodity on the market. However, if you want to get more profit from the sale of mobile accessories, buy ordinary silicone blanks, make sublimation or ultraviolet printing on them, placing the latest trend images on the cases, and earn tenfold!

Electronics and spare parts

The category "Electronics" includes great amount devices differing in completely different purposes, and even more so in cost. Here it is advisable to trade exactly those devices with which you had direct experience of operation.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following positions:

  • wireless gsm alarms;
  • baby sitters;
  • wireless car radios and mp3 players ;
  • game controllers;
  • Bluetooth speakers etc.

At the same time, it is not necessary to invest in expensive goods, it is also profitable to resell all kinds of small things for soldering, for example, 3.5 mm headphone jacks.

Seasonal clothing and accessories

It is quite profitable to work with clothes on Aliexpress, but it is difficult due to a completely prosaic reason: the constant search for things corresponding to the size, quality and objective value.

Before making a purchase of seasonal clothing or accessories, be sure to visit the heading "Buyers say"... There you will find a lot of valuable and useful information.


Chinese online stores, including Aliexpress, are full of huge assortment lighting fixtures. Here you will find designer garlands, outlandish chandeliers, and high-tech energy-saving smart lamps. However, let's put all of the above aside, since we have something to really surprise you with.

LED lighting of beds or any other furniture in the house, which is activated by your movements. It will not only protect your sleep from having to turn on the lights, but will also help your children fight their fear of the dark.

With effective promotion of the product, you can achieve high sales, a democratic price will contribute to this.

Trending cosmetics, watches and other popular items

Trendy cosmetics, watches (including children's watches with built-in GPS-navigators) and other hype accessories are selling very well. But the problem with such products is that the peak in sales of specific brands or models of headings passes just as suddenly as they gain popularity.

Business on goods from China on video

To get acquainted with the ins and outs of organizing a business with China, we recommend watching the vlogs from trips to the Celestial Empire by headliner of the famous Kitai Rulit YouTube channel Igor Braga in 2017, 2016 and 2015.

In this video, you will learn how to search for highly profitable products and make money on them. Watch everyone: both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs!

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