Home Vegetables Better to be alone than with anyone. "Sneak" vs "It's better to be alone than with just anyone": which strategy is better

Better to be alone than with anyone. "Sneak" vs "It's better to be alone than with just anyone": which strategy is better

Photo: Sergeyjs Rahunoks/Rusmediabank.ru

Everyone knows the hackneyed lines of Omar Khayyam: “In order to live life wisely, you need to know a lot, two important rules remember for a start: you'd rather starve than eat anything, and it's better to be alone than with just anyone. People make them the slogan of their lives. But does it bring happiness, that's the question ...

In my opinion, the statement is controversial. I want not just to argue with the great Eastern sage, but simply to look at this statement from the point of view of today's reality. It's great to be an idealist, to wait great love in which everything will be fine, eat only useful and quality products, but not everyone can afford it, by the way. Let's face it.

It seems to me that there is a need to write a rubaiyat-refutation of this well-worn truth, which is adopted by those who do not want to work on relationships and live in a fictional ideal world. And he suffers from this, by the way, because this world, invented by Khayyam and given out as the ultimate truth, is not at all like what actually surrounds us.

But what really?

When I read this Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, I imagine him. And I understand that he himself probably wrote these lines in a moment of disappointment and pain, from a bitter understanding of the impossibility of changing the world and making it perfect. Maybe even from anger and powerlessness to achieve their unrealistic dreams. But in the end, the ideal formula turned out, which many people have made the principle of their lives.

By the way, the “king of the philosophers of East and West” was born in the family of an artisan and would never go through grubs, and would eat, like all other artisans, “whatever”, that is, what would get if he had not been invited to the palace Sultan Malik Shah as an entourage. The Sultan entrusted the astronomer with the construction of the world's largest observatory and allowed him to study mathematics and poetry. just fabulous ideal conditions! Why not come up with the ideal formula for a wise life.

But Khayyam was “the most learned man of the century”, “the wisest of sages”… Can we boast of the same? Most of us are the same craftsman who makes tents and does not every day have caviar to spread on bread and butter. Face the truth, finally, and stop measuring yourself with the ideal standards of an oriental sage.

What do we really have?
Crowds of completely imperfect, uncomfortable, unpleasant, alien and dubious personalities.
Poor quality food: genetically modified, nitrate, artificial, surrogate, expired, poisoned.
Disgusting ecology.
Difficult relationships with people (almost everyone, even the best ones, at first glance).
Imperfection of the world, people, oneself.
The struggle for survival in the literal and figurative sense of the word, which does not add empathy to people.
The race for money, status, prestige, fame is an eternal competition and clash of interests.

By the way, the Sultan offered Omar Khayyam to become the ruler of his hometown Nishapur. But the far-sighted sage, knowing full well that he would have to deal with everyday urban problems and their solution, with people, simple and imperfect, who were different from his rich and powerful patrons, and refused this offer. Who knows how the life of a sage would have turned out if he had not been lucky to be friends with the mighty of the world this and if he had remained a poet among ordinary artisans.

Categorical and maximalism or tolerance and tolerance?

Even more difficult than with the quality of food, the situation is with the people who surround us. With those whom we do not choose (our relatives) and with those with whom we connect our lives, having once called our loved ones. Unfortunately, humanity has nothing to boast of in the area of ​​improvement. Of course, we are already a little more cultured than the Neanderthals, but there is enough savagery in our life. And at the most ordinary household level. We ourselves can easily be attributed to those whom Omar Khayyam in his poem calls "anyone."

Perfect people don't exist and that's fine, in my opinion. Every person who surrounds us, at least someday, will fall into the category of unnecessary, uncomfortable, uncomfortable for someone. Why don't we live now? Separate from each other and wait ideal partners and perfect relationship? The same eastern sage already in another poem again maximalistly states: “Whoever lives with a titmouse in his hands will definitely not find his firebird.” Thank you, grandfather Khayyam. Printed! “Definitely won’t find it ?!” Pip on your tongue, old man! You cut off all our wings.

Following this advice, you can chase the mythical crane all your life, without realizing that the titmouse, which was proposed to be held in your hands and which seemed gray and insignificant, was our real crane. Sometimes it happens!

Or maybe we should not chase cranes, but love. For warmth and consonance, for people to whom we could give part of our soul and help to become happy. Let these tits, in someone's opinion, seem not so brilliant, influential and tall, but they will be people close to us.

Love and friendship is not a search for pleasant people, it is a closeness in which everything can be: joy and happiness, pleasant and not very pleasant moments, kind and not too good words and deeds.

Love is not an ideal beautiful fairy tale that brings only joy and lightness, it is life itself with all its difficulties, contradictions, mistakes and doubts. Love is never perfect, but if you have it in your heart, even the greatest difficulties can be overcome.

Love gives us faith in ourselves and people, no matter how imperfect they may be. By the way, sometimes we even love more those who are far from ideal. We love not because they fly like cranes. But simply for the fact that they are in the world. Sometimes it's hard to explain why we love them. But this is the only thing that makes us truly wise and happy.

Poor man, did he think that his rubaiyats would suddenly be adopted by everyone in the literal sense and would use them to justify their inability to communicate with people and be tolerant and tolerant towards them. I would ask Khayyam: “What if a loved one does something unpleasant for me, behaves like “anyone”, offends, plays a fool, splashes the toilet ... Should I write him down in tits right away? Throw it out of your life and starve alone again?”

I wonder what the old man would say...

On the one hand, I always say that it is worth building a relationship only with a person with whom you are comfortable. If in a relationship you have to endure, educate, bend, manipulate - all this suggests that these relationships are toxic, and their participants are deeply neurotic people. But on the other hand, there are back side medals, when all the guys are not good enough for a girl and she breaks off relationships over and over again at the very beginning, because she is sure that she will find someone better. Let's see what's the matter here.

Of course, everyone wants not to drink, not smoke, and always give flowers, to be decent, wealthy, promising, charming, with a sense of humor, caring, courageous ... And who would argue, it's better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick. But it's all "from the head." This is a calculation.

The problem is that no one has ever loved anyone for a particular merit. No one will tell you, "I love my husband because he doesn't drink or smoke." Or: “I fell in love with Vasya when I found out what his salary is.” Dignity can be respected, admired, but not loved.

Nevertheless, many girls prefer to build relationships on the basis of calculation, because they are disappointed in love. Well, they did not meet their love. And they decided that there is no love. Because it's already been years, but Herman is still gone. And they say: "I'll meet a good guy, and we'll be happy." But if you talk heart to heart with such a girl, it turns out that there was love in her life. Well, it does not happen that in 25-30 years a person has never been in love. Something just went wrong: he left her, he didn’t want to get married, he treated her badly, something else. It is especially traumatic if there were several such stories. Such a painful attitude is formed: love is suffering, I don’t want to suffer, which means I don’t need love.


Normal, healthy love, so to speak, will become possible as soon as the girl realizes her problem: for some reason, she chooses the wrong guys over and over again. She is not confident in herself, she grew up in a toxic family, she has complexes - there can be a million reasons. But you have to deal with yourself. A self-confident girl, aware of her needs, respecting her own and other people's boundaries, will definitely attract a person with a similar picture of the world, and they will certainly fall in love with each other. This is how life works: like attracts like. And if aggressors are “nailed” to you over and over again, it means that you need them for some reason, you attract them. Maybe you had an aggressive father, maybe he beat your mother, and this painful family model took root in the subconscious. If you come across indifferent and incapable of empathy dorks, maybe in your childhood love was replaced by provision: well-fed, healthy, there are toys - goodbye, what else do you need. Having dealt with this (perhaps on her own, perhaps with the help of a psychologist), the girl will change her life and find that there are a lot of cool guys around with whom to build healthy relationships. And you don’t have to go over endlessly, or worry that you will be left alone.

That is, the very problem of “sneaking through” or “marrying the first person you meet” will disappear as soon as “marriage of convenience is better than love” and “I am obliged to marry at any cost and as soon as possible” are removed from my head.

I will say more: marriages of convenience in the vast majority are doomed to disintegration, if this is not a fictitious marriage by agreement of both parties. In another case, it will be physically unpleasant for one of the partners to share a bed with an unloved person, his voice and smell will irritate him, quarrels will inevitably start, and you don’t want to put up either ... Therefore, first of all, you need to “fix” your ability to love and be loved, and secondly, stop considering all men as potential husbands, start just living.

Now about the "picky". This one is good for everyone, but earns little. And that one over there is rich, but the woman changes like gloves. And this one seems to be faithful and devoted, but lives with his mother. Looking for more. What is behind this? Fear. Fear of relationships as such. Because there is no ideal. This is a collective image with which you fence yourself off from real life. It arises because people are not sure that they themselves are able to build normal relationships with a living person.

How to draw a line between pathology and normality? Everything is simple. Your feelings must match your thoughts. As soon as it happened - bingo, you hit the top ten. That is, in a relationship, you should be comfortable on all levels, from emotional to physical and rational. When you are drawn to a person, but you are aware that he objectively suits you. That it’s not just “I can’t live without him”, but “I want to live with this serious, reliable, decent and responsible man, to whom I am very attracted.”

Will you meet him? If you carefully read the fifth paragraph - be sure.

We all get what we deserve in love. And our partner is always our reflection. How Little Raccoon was afraid of the one who sits in the pond. So don't take the stick. And smile.

Sayings of Omar Khayyam: And it's better to be alone than with just anyone: poetic quotes and sayings

Than to suffer uselessly for the common happiness - It is better to give happiness to someone close. Better friend bind to yourself with kindness, Than free humanity from the fetters.
O firmament, I always endure torment from you, You tear the shirt of my happiness without shame. If the wind blows on me, you turn it into fire, I will touch the water with my lips - the water turns to dust!
I swear in mad love only guilt,
And they will call me a reveler - so be it!
“Where are you coming from,” they will ask, “wine barrel?” —
So I will drink the blood of the gracious vine.
To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.
Sometimes it is visible, more often it is hidden. We are watching our lives closely. God spends eternity with our drama! He composes, puts and looks.
Friend, be aware of your poverty! You came into the world with nothing, the grave will take everything. "I don't drink because death is close", you tell me; But drink or don't drink, she will come in due time.
What is screaming, disturbing sensitive hearing, What did the rooster see in the mirror of dawn? Life passes, and this night flashed by, But you are dozing and deaf to the terrible news.
Hey potter! And how long will you, the villain, Mock the clay, the ashes of people? You, I see, put the hand of Faridun himself in the wheel. You're crazy, hey!
Someone else's cooking to inhale the world's fumes?! Putting a hundred patches on the gaps of life?! Pay smiles for the bills of the universe?! - Not! I'm not so diligent and rich!
Be Aristotle, Be wiser Dzhemkhur, Be stronger than God or Caesar, Drink wine anyway. There is only one end - the grave: After all, even King Bahram rested forever in it.

652. "O firmament, I suffer from you..." Translation by A. Starostin
654. "To live life wisely..." Translation by O. Rumer
655. "In moments it is visible, more often hidden ..."
656. "Friend, be aware of your poverty!.." Translated by O. Rumer
658. "Hey potter! And how long will you be, the villain ... " Translation by G. Plisetsky
659 Translation by I. Tkhorzhevsky
660. Be Aristotle, Be Wise Jemkhura...

For many millennia of human existence on earth common human culture accumulated a wealth of knowledge in the field of peculiarities of relationships between members of society. As one of the Eastern sages said, “It is better to starve than to eat anything,” it is better to be alone than to associate with the unworthy.

Who said these words?

The words "It's better to starve than to eat anything," "it's better to be alone than among people unequal to you" belong to the famous oriental poet Omar Khayyam.

He was originally from Persia, lived about a thousand years ago, glorified himself as a famous mathematician and astronomer. Throughout his life, Omar Khayyam wrote short quatrains, which were called rubai.

In these verses he expressed his life philosophy. Being a poet of Muslim culture, he did not share some of the doctrinal provisions of this religion: he was skeptical about the divine plan of Allah, indulged in pessimism, observing examples of injustice and vice in front of him.

Philosophy of the Eastern poet

In its own way life position he, most likely, is close to the figures of the Renaissance, who also sought throughout their lives to prove the right of a person to independently build his own destiny and change the world around him.

As a matter of fact, the poems of Omar Khayyam received a kind of “second birth” precisely in Western world when the century before last they began to translate into English language one of the Western poets. Thanks to the interest in the personality of the distant Persian author, his mathematical and astronomical achievements were rediscovered, so today the name of this person is known to any educated lover of literature.

“It’s better to starve than to eat anything”: better, it turns out, alone? What does this phrase mean?

The small rubaiyat of O. Khayyam, which states that you need to carefully choose your circle of friends, has been the subject of a dispute for quite a long time. After all, a person is a social being, he lives in communion with his own kind, therefore, loneliness is often unbearable for him.

Why does the poet of antiquity offer solitude as a saving island of peace for each of us?

Let's try to answer this question.

Note that this poem (as a work of a true philosopher) contains a logical dilemma: “to be with anyone” or “to be alone” (we quote the last line of the poem: “It is better to be alone than with just anyone”).

Of course, a worthy alternative: than to communicate with those who will never understand and appreciate you, isn't it better to stay in silence and reflection? After all, this option will be the best for everyone, right?

Sometimes O. Khayyam is accused of excessive arrogance, because his phrase: “It is better to starve than to eat, whatever” does not make anyone better. What? Does the poet urge us to abstain from food?

No, he most likely teaches us to be picky in food (which is generally very relevant for us, the people of the 21st century). It is better to starve than to eat GMO foods, it is better to abstain from food than to eat McDonald's products.

In food and in choosing friends, you need to be picky, then serious illnesses will not await you and people who are close to you will not betray you in difficult times.

The poet is right after all. And this is wisdom coming from the depths of centuries.

How relevant is Eastern wisdom today?

And aphorisms are always relevant - both 1000 years ago, and today, in our century computer technology. A man remains a man, and therefore the quiet rubies of O. Khayyam will always find their reader. And in our time, when brief statements are perceived much better than the multi-volume works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, even more so.

So read immortal Persian poet and enjoy his creations! And most importantly - look for a circle of real friends who would understand and appreciate you!

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
It's better to starve than to eat anything;
Being alone is better than being with just anyone!

We read the poems of Omar Khayyam, not suspecting that this amazing person stood at the origins of algebra, developed astronomy and its sister, astrology. His great discovery was the astrology of nutrition: he was the first to write a cookbook for the signs of the Zodiac and invented many amazing recipes.

The only child in the family of a wealthy artisan, Omar, whose name translates as "life", was the raison d'être for his parents. His life until the age of twenty was free and pleasant. In the madrasah he was taught the best teachers- mathematicians, philosophers, physicians, astronomers and astrologers, he was happy to study the sciences, wrote the first, still inept verses and, like all poets, neglected the prose of life. If at home he sometimes happened to look into the kitchen, it was only to get from his mother tasty treat. But as they say, all good things come to an end sooner or later. After the death of his parents, Khayyam had to flee from Nishapur, leaving his father's rather significant fortune to be plundered...

In the canvas shoulder bag of the fugitive were only a few of the most valuable books and a small supply of food. He set off on his journey, relying only on his strength and endurance. When the knocked down legs begged for a halt, and the head was spinning from the heat, a lonely house near the road appeared in the distance. On his doorstep sat an old man who strongly reminded Omar of his father. “Come in, wanderer,” the old man said, not expecting either participation or refusal.
- Do you have water, father? Omar sat down next to him on the threshold.
- I have everything. But I don’t have the strength to support my poor life,” the old man said slowly.
Omar carefully looked at the interlocutor and realized that he was dying of exhaustion. The young man grabbed the old man under the armpits, carried him into the house and laid him on the couch. He ran to the ditch, brought water, gave the old man a drink, and then went to the kitchen... And then for the first time he regretted that he had no idea how to cook food!

But there was nothing to be done - the fear that the old man might die from exhaustion before his eyes forced him to act without delay. Omar found a heavy piece of beef in the pantry, cut it up, glad that the strips were thin. He built a fire and put a heavy copper cauldron on to heat. Remembering that in the parental home meat was served without fail with vegetables, he went to the garden.
Omar suddenly felt a strange inspiration - as if he always knew what he should do, only forgot a little. Returning to the kitchen, he confidently set to work ... He remembered the teachings of Ibn Sina, who claimed that a mixture of garlic, wine and soy sauce quickly restores lost strength to a person, realized that meat - the most nutritious product - aged in this healing mixture, will turn out even tastier and healthier and will become a real medicine for an exhausted old man. Soon the beef was ready...
Salting, tasting a piece of meat with a pinch vegetable garnish Omar himself was amazed at how delicious it turned out! With a proud smile, he put the meat and vegetables into a small bowl and took them to the old man. He tasted:
- Oh-oh-oh, son! Yes, you have a real gift! - and, shaking his gray head, looked significantly at the young man.
- I'm cooking for the first time, - Omar lowered his eyes. - Well, I saw a couple of times how mother and maids are busy with meat ... But I liked this activity!

The old man greedily, without dropping a single bite, ate the treat. Omar, too, emptied his bowl in a jiffy, clasping his hands, short prayer thanked Allah for shelter and daily bread and turned to the owner:
- I studied a lot of medical treatises in the madrasah. And the thought often visited me that food - the best medicine from all diseases. The great Ibn Sina did not have time to give this science a worthy development, but it seems to me that I will be able to continue and complete the work he started...
May Allah bless you, son!
A few months later, Khayyam left the hospitable house by the road, leaving the surprisingly strong and rejuvenated old man in good health, and continued on his way. Having settled down in Isfahan, he continued his studies in mathematics, wrote his first rubai and at the same time enthusiastically learned to cook, collected and improved old recipes!

Rumors about Omar Khayyam, a man who knows how to cook amazing dishes, spread throughout Isfahan. Once the great Sultan Malikshah himself sent his vizier to the poet with a proposal - to become a court nadim.
For the next ten years, he arranged magnificent receptions for the ruler, various entertainments, invented new amazing recipes and developed tables of astrological nutrition, in which he described in detail what kind of food representatives of various signs of the Zodiac should eat. (This work brought him truly worldwide fame - even today astrologers of many eastern countries use his tables!)
After the death of the ruler, Omar Khayyam left the palace and went to Bukhara, where last day engaged in the construction of an observatory, observing the luminaries, refined his calculations in the new science- food astrology. He died at a ripe old age with a happy smile on his lips, writing comments on therapeutic diets...

Beef from Hayama

  • beef tenderloin 450 g
  • sunflower oil 4 tbsp. l.
  • radish 10 pcs.
  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • dark soy sauce 8 art. l.
  • dry sherry 4 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar 4 tsp
  • grated ginger root 1 tsp
  • salt to taste

Peel the garlic, pass through a press, lightly salt. Mix crushed garlic, soy sauce, add sherry in a bowl. Pour sugar into the resulting mixture. Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Wash, dry and chop the meat thin stripes. Pour the prepared marinade over and leave for 12 hours. Heat oil in a deep frying pan and add meat. Fry over high heat, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. Cut into thin strips fresh cucumber. Mix cucumbers with radishes, salt, sprinkle with ginger and serve as a side dish with meat.

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