Home natural farming Dream interpretation news of death. Why dream of the death of a loved one who is alive

Dream interpretation news of death. Why dream of the death of a loved one who is alive

Human means your subconscious is trying to give you a warning. What is its essence and meaning should be guided by the plot.

funeral procession

If you dreamed of a graveyard, and you are participating in the burial of an already deceased person, then your affairs are bad. You are in trouble with finances or your businesses. That is, you most likely abandoned your job, which will greatly affect your income. If so, your past mistakes will "catch up" with you. The results will be disastrous. But when the graveyard is flooded with bright sunlight you still have a chance to make things right. Hurry up. If it's cloudy around crying people wrapping up from the cold - it means that the decline will be catastrophic.

death announcement

We do not always see death itself. Sometimes in a dream we are told the news of someone's death. If you dream that the deceased has died, and you are told mourning news, this means that a loved one can change you. Most likely, you yourself will become the reason for his (her) behavior. Recent times Relationships have gone wrong, and you do not pay attention to it. Favorite person already for a long time suffer in silence. It cannot go on like this for long. Everyone needs warmth and attention. Do not shy away from the commitments you have made, otherwise you will regret what you did. If you were surprised by the news of the death of a person, on this day you should not take important decisions. You can make a fatal mistake. If you were saddened and upset by the mourning news, then, on the contrary, you have pleasant events ahead of you. To mourn the death of a person who has long since left this world - to a change in the weather. Also tears in a dream - to joy.


Sometimes a fatal event was the cause of his death. Such a plot is significant, it may turn out that you are in danger of the danger from which a person has passed away. If an accident occurred in your dream with fatal, be careful while driving. Don't get into cars with strangers. In general, try to be more careful on the road. If the accident occurred at work (where you work), then this area should be paid attention to. Real failures that threaten your health are possible. To be frightened when you see the death of a dead person is very bad sign. You are in some kind of danger. Your higher "I" already sees it and tries in every way to warn you. Be sure to take this information seriously.

Cause of death - serious illness

If you find out that a person who has already left this world has died of an illness, then you will have trouble. They will be unpleasant and burdensome, but mandatory. You won't be able to turn away. Most likely, your relatives will urgently demand time for them. In a dream, a man died of cancer - to the bad news. From a heart attack - to an unpleasant surprise. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream is good news. Or maybe just a change in the weather. It is impossible only in a dream to follow the dead. He is calling you - it means that the road to another world is already being prepared for you. Don't go - very good! This is for a long life.

It may turn out to be the acquisition of long-awaited freedom and independence.

A boon for the parents themselves (with the rare exception of direct non-symbolic scanning dreams).

True, unfulfilled plans, unrealized missed opportunities can also “die”.

The death in a dream of a familiar person may turn out to be separation from him, his departure, or his success (in reality).

Even sadder when such a feeling as love dies, but the dreamer can always expect new love, new acquaintances and perspectives.

In very, very rare, exceptional cases, the death of other familiar people in a dream turns into their death in reality.

However, it is most favorable to die or die in a dream yourself, because absolute happiness is the complete death of any mental movements, manifestations; it is a complete fateful success, inner non-action and bliss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Dream Interpretation - Death

This is usually not a bad omen.

Very rarely, this sign portends death. loved one or your own demise.

Usually it is a symbol of the dying of old stereotypes and programs and the resurrection for a new life.

Open the way for growth and transformation.

Death can also be associated with anxiety about death.

Remember that your spirit and your essence are immortal.

You also cannot feel truly alive until you face death and accept the idea of ​​your own physical mortality.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of the news of Death in a dream from a dream book?

Good afternoon. I dreamed that my mother came to work with me and in tears told me that my father had died, died in an accident. I began to sob and forced myself to wake up in reality, because. I realized that this was happening in a dream and did not want to continue to see this horror.

I dreamed that my husband was no more, I have several people at home who are relatives of mine, I vaguely remember who, the situation is so calm, I am fully aware that he is gone, but everything seems to be from afar, I don’t see, I don’t hear specifically from anyone, I just realize by for some reason or sign

I see a city unfamiliar to me. On some square there are tents, tall and spacious. I walk past these tents with my mother. The owners of the tents invite us to come in. We're coming in. The furniture there is like in apartments, cleanly cleaned, it is clear that not poor people live. I am surprised and ask the owners why they live here. They begin to answer me, and suddenly my mother (in my opinion) tells me that my youngest has died Native sister. At the same time, my mother somehow takes it easy. I am very worried and wonder why? She is still young. Why? Why? As soon as I start thinking about her children, that I will need to take them to my place, my thoughts immediately jump, and again I think why? Why did she die? This shouldn't have happened! I'm worried! I don't want to believe... I don't remember anything else. I had this dream on the eve of my sister's birthday.

A phone call, I pick up the phone and some girl who allegedly worked for my husband (he is an electrician) informs me that my husband died due to an accident (fell and hit the bathtub). I don’t want to believe her and I’m going to her house to make sure of this. But I can’t get to her, because on the way I meet some people and talk to them, I ask everyone if what they told me is true. I never got to this woman. In a dream, I was visited by thoughts that I myself wanted this, and at the same time I was frightened, because it was not so.

I was at home and found out that my father had died. Worried about this. Then he told me that my husband had also died. And we were at odds with him. I immediately imagined how he wanted to make peace with me, but for some reason he died. I was very worried, I cried. It really felt like I was making myself cry. I even told this to my girlfriend. We cried together and I woke up. The dream was very realistic.

I dreamed that my father called me and informed me of the death of my mother, after which I was very upset, but despite this I went to the service, there I received another phone call, that was mine best friend expressing condolences to me regarding the deceased mother. The dream left very unpleasant feeling

Hello. I dreamed that I was walking down the street and they told me on the phone that my daughter had died ... I call my mother in shock and tell her about it and start to sob very much, tears pour in a stream, and people are walking around and it’s not convenient for me, and then I see my daughter hugging her, crying and saying that I will be with her until the very end.

Tatyana, I dreamed that I found out about the death of my brother, and I clearly see a photograph of a woman who is allegedly to blame for this. This woman is really offended by him ... Then I dreamed of a bull (cow) that was chasing my whole family. My dad, mom, and I escaped, and my daughter ran into the garden (we were in the village that day), the bull (cow) chased her and I don’t know how it ended there ... But I was visited by thoughts at that moment that if I lose I also have a daughter, I don’t know what I will do ... The bull (box) was light in color, I saw only the head, the horns were very long and curved. Why this dream?

White corridor, the woman said that I needed to bury my mother, that she had died, and I resisted and shouted that I didn’t want to carry out the funeral myself, that I had had enough of the funeral of my brother and father, and she pushed me in the back and repeated everything that was necessary to do the funeral, and I rested and did not move on.

Hello, Tatyana. My name is Ludmila. I am married, but my heart cannot forget another man that I no longer meet. His wife is seriously ill (onco). At night I dreamed that I was at school at some kind of holiday. I am sitting in the back rows. In front of us, suddenly, unexpectedly from the side, children began to dance, among which was my daughter and all three children of the man I love. I understand that if his children are there, then he and his wife are also there. I'm almost sure that I don't care whether they are present or not, and for some reason I get up to show it. And suddenly, through the crowd, I saw a very beautiful sparkling diadem in white, curly hair. I looked closely and it turned out to be his wife. She got up and I saw that she was wearing the same sparkling White dress. I heard from the outside that this is her wedding with her husband. I come closer to see at least out of the corner of my eye my beloved, but the chair where he should sit for some reason is empty. I got excited and began to listen to everyone around me. And then I heard that my beloved had died, and his wife had not canceled the wedding celebration. She celebrates, as it were, both the wedding and his death at the same time. I ask how the beloved died, but no one knew this. They just said that at 2 o'clock in the morning the wife received the news of his death .. I was confused. I need to keep pretending that I don't care. And then I realize that I told him all sorts of nonsense because of resentment, that we are not together, and now he is gone, and the only thing that matters is my feelings for him. I stand. I feel bad. And then his wife comes out, but already in black. I see and feel that she is offended, but also that she is pleased. I follow her with my eyes and after I want to express my condolences to her. This is difficult for me because she guessed about us and I see that his death did not sadden her. She, smiling, takes my hand in hers (like a man takes for a kiss) and puts it on her forehead. In response, I do the same. I understand that this is forgiveness of me. Then she leaves and gets into a taxi. I looked at her and thought that she was very beautiful woman and worthy of love. Both I and she knew that now she had everything ahead and she would still be happy. I admired her beauty and saw that she was wearing brown. beautiful shoes of her husband. And she was wearing his stylish brown leather jacket. I understand that most likely a loved one crashed in a car if she took a taxi and there is no car. She seemed free and happy woman. She left and I stayed. I started to fix something on my shoes and saw that they were dirty. But what do I care now about everything that is considered important if my beloved is not there. I want to scream, but he won't hear... Then I started to panic and woke up. Throughout the dream, I never remembered that I have a husband.

i dreamed of my grandfather who had recently died .. yesterday it was 9 days .. in a dream I saw my husband too .. pale in blood .. I screamed very much and called my grandfather .. he came .. I asked what happened to my husband .. he said ..killed.. I asked when.. grandfather said.. soon.. what does it all mean?

In a dream, I found out about the death of my father-in-law, I saw two corpses covered with a blanket, I realized that one was already a deceased mother-in-law (she died 5 months ago), I don’t know the other. She came to her father-in-law's house, and stands in a basin near the table fresh fish, very big. Then the father-in-law comes in and holds in his hands the carcass of a chicken without a head and cleans off the soot from it.

I dream about how a girl of 18 years old (my age) says that she is a telepath (or a witch) that she will find me in reality and come to me and take my soul (kill me) to save the life of her friend. She wanted to do this back in the fall, when she dreamed for the first time, I was scared and I agreed with her that this would happen after the New Year. She said that no one would save me, that it was useless to turn to a psychic, relatives.

in a dream, they told me that the person whom I loved died. His grandmother said. We talked with her, discussed his life, but I didn’t see a person or a coffin. And it didn’t really turn out that they deceived me in a dream or not.

in a dream I hear the news of the death of my good friend. I begin to feel very strong heartache and I wake up from it. Further, I understand that this is only a dream and my friend is alive. Why is this a dream?

I dreamed that my husband and I were walking on the street and then my grandmother's neighbor called me on the phone and said that my grandmother had died. And I have a shock and I start to fall to the ground on my knees, screaming “no” and roaring, just a tantrum began. My husband immediately began to pick me up and calm me down.

Hello. I dreamed that my mother said that her mother had died. Those. my grandmother. I cried very hard. Then my mother came up and with a smile, without tears, said: - Do you know who left with her? My mother, your grandmother. I don't have a mom. And then I find out through someone that my grandmother took my mother with her. Apparently my mother also died.

I dreamed that in a dream I heard that my good friend, whom I had not seen in Java for about half a year, was pouring to death in a car. At first I did not trust this information and began to check with other people and it turned out to be true. I don’t know why, but I didn’t sob in my sleep and took this information calmly. As it turned out later, he divorced his wife and starred in the lead roles in the movie. (in Java it has nothing to do with cinematography)

I dreamed about the news of the death of my grandmother. she is sick now. but as if she told me how it was. that she fell hard and she had a break internal organs. She will soon be 90 years old. and in a dream she seemed to have died at 96

Hello. I dreamed about how I tell someone about my emotions, feelings, memories when I found out about death ex boyfriend. He is in another country. I found out about this through correspondence with him on VKontakte, there was news of his death. When I found out about this, I didn’t want to believe in it, that nothing could be fixed and that it was no more, I thought it was a joke. very realistic and strong feelings experienced. Even in a dream, I remembered that I had a dream about his death and now I'm just talking about this dream. But then it turned out that I was talking about real death.

This dream had a dream from Friday to Saturday. AT this dream I dreamed that I would find out that my mother had died. And the first minutes I do not believe it. But since my mother and I are very close and constantly together, in a dream after a while, after the news, I understand that my mother is no more. And I understand that everything. And we dreamed about a lot and made plans ... And I scream and ask my mother to come back.
I am very worried because my mother is pregnant and she will give birth soon, and I am very afraid because they will do a cesarean

Good afternoon! Today I dreamed that my dad called me and informed me of the death of my younger brother(11 years old. I'm 20), whom I love madly. Moreover, he somehow didn’t worry much about this, but I was overwhelmed with terrible emotions and I refused to believe it until the last, cried in a dream and woke up from the fact that I was very nervous and worried

Good afternoon. I dreamed about the death of a friend. At first she called me herself. I don’t remember the nuances of the conversation, but the bottom line is that everything is bad. Allegedly got into an accident. Then (like a day later) I was informed that she was gone. I began to find out where she was buried ... and it seems that a day later my relative gave the address ... the address is Shchukino 4.
I have never had a dream like this before.

I decorate the room, I cook something for a lot of people around and a policeman comes and says that your Valera is dead! I asked who... and he once again says Valera! this is my son and I woke up in horror

I don't remember exactly everything. I remember fragments. I remember trying to get close to the person I like. And somehow we are sitting in the classroom, a girl comes in and says that she (the one with whom she wanted to get close) died .. Everyone started crying, including me .. What is it for?

Hello. Tell me what a dream can mean, I really woke up almost in tears. Sleep - I'm pregnant and have to give birth, a friend and her aunt somehow end up with me in the hospital, I'm lying on the couch, there is no doctor and labor begins, it turns out that it’s not a big infection / warts or something else in the “causal place, but they say it’s okay. The birth is going well, the friend’s aunt and she, along with the doctor, for some reason, have been nearby all this time, the child is being carried away, healthy. After some period they let me go home, and they ask me to come for the child on the next day, I agree, I leave, and relatives and friends ask about the child, I say that tomorrow for him. I go to the hospital, the doctors lower their eyes, they say that everything was fine, bathed , moved, and then the boy stopped breathing and your Vasya is said to have died. I get hysterical, they offer to take another child, a girl for some reason, I roar and wake up abruptly.

I dream that I go pregnant, and somehow find myself in the hospital with a friend and her aunt. I lie on the couch, childbirth begins, there is still no doctor, and then it turns out that I have some kind of infection / warts / or something like that on “in a causal place, but they say it’s okay. The birth is going well, and the friend and her aunt and the doctor are all together, the child is healthy. and friends ask about the child, I say that tomorrow for him. I come to the hospital, the doctors hide / lower their eyes, they say everything was fine, they bathed, the boy moved and then suddenly stopped and your Vasya died. I start to get hysterical, the doctors for some reason they offer to take Dima, but Dima is actually some kind of girl (I don’t remember her name), the doctor says, I roar and wake up abruptly. In reality, there are no children, I find it difficult to answer about whether she is pregnant or not.

Hello, Tatyana! my mother had a dream that I was hit by a car and she saw my coffin! but did not see me in this! and she said that she cried a lot and for a long time in her sleep! why dream like that! my mail

I was at work and the phone rang. I picked up the phone and after a long pause a male voice told me that my husband had died, supposedly a tree had broken his head, at first I cried a lot, and then woke up

a dream that I am sitting with a girl whom I love in an institution where my mother comes and asking me to go out begins to tell that I should not devote so much time to her and so on, but I see that she is worried about something else and then she tells the news of my death grandmothers, all

hello. I dreamed that my mother, sitting in the kitchen, tells me now you will cry and informs me about the death of the actor (I don’t name my last name because such an actor exists in reality and he is well known to fans of musicals) I asked my mother again who she repeated her last name, this news touched me, but I didn’t cry . In real life, this actor is not my idol.


hello! I dreamed that they were knocking on the door. when I looked through the peephole, I saw my mother. She said open it. I opened it and saw my mother and several more women in black clothes and scarves. Mom said that dad had died

hello, I dreamed that I was visiting my grandparents, I was talking with my grandfather, and at that time the news of his death came, please tell me, what could it be for?

I was traveling with my husband, apparently I already knew, I went to the mother of my real lover, whom I recently broke up with, he returned to ex-wife, and in a dream I hugged her, we roar, then my sister blah turned out to be here, his mother gave me shoes to change, my legs were swollen, some white soft boots like felt boots, we drove our car to the store, I told her that I’ll go to the store and come, and she had a good time with us, she also said there were no products. I closed the apartment myself, the last to leave. She told me that he hanged himself. I don’t remember how I bought the groceries, then we’re already at home, I can’t roar anymore, I’m screaming it in the back, I’m still screaming, but I knew something was wrong, I felt, I wanted to call and didn’t, I knew that it happens that he will never live with her, and roar, my cousin says for some reason, I didn’t even think that you had such feelings for him, somewhere there was a discussion about how he hanged himself, his mother said she was sitting in the hall when she came in, but I think the pose is connected with the fact that the cousin of this sister hanged himself while sitting 6 years ago.
They immediately say when they will bring where to say goodbye, but I didn’t see the coffin and the corpse,
When I got into the car, I told his mother so that she would not say that we were with her, in reality, my daughter and I, the daughter is not from her husband, we spent the night in her village, but in a dream she is in another apartment and not even in his, but lives she is in the cottage
For some reason, I was also going to the bus, I came to the bus stop and climbed over the fence to climb up and get to the bus stop faster, two buses came, I understand that either both roofing felts are one of mine and I’m going to jump off, from the back of the bus stop, I understand that I can jump not very high, there is still a groove closer to the stop and a path and how the railings had to be jumped over, I just changed my mind about going and jumping, I think it’s like a fool, but I tell people there the hole will fall again, and with some familiar women I went up to the store right there somewhere on the stairs, or to the pharmacy, I don’t remember to buy flowers, probably for valerian, she always helps me at a real funeral, and when in a dream we were sitting with his mother, it means his apartment then they said that we should endure from here he lived here, and instead of a tablet of valerian, his mother gave me some kind of white strip, thin, small, this is what valerian says, too, one strip is needed

but how to be with her or what I don’t remember

Good afternoon! I’m dreaming as if mine had died, how to name the person with whom I have been living for 4 years and have a child from him, nevertheless, the marriage is not registered with us. as if my colleague is calling me and, crying, informs me that Kolya has died. unexpectedly! drowned, it seems, in a dream. and now everything that would have happened in life begins: all relatives are announced - mother and sister, and even his wife. So in a dream, all this funeral fuss begins, so I’m going to Taganrog (he’s from there) from Rostov-on-Don (where we lived) by taxi and with some fear that they won’t even let me say goodbye to him now, I arrived, I’m sitting at the table, his mother is here, she poured this funeral soup for me, everyone is not happy with me (as always). I didn’t see the body in a dream. That's all.

I dreamed that a man I didn’t know at all came to me and when my husband saw this, he just left. Then I see that this man is lying with me in bed, I didn’t sleep with him, but there was a feeling of betrayal. I’m trying to expel this absolutely not for me the right man and at this time someone comes and says that it will be necessary to sing my husband. I got scared and woke up

in a dream I’m talking on the phone with my sister, she tells me that almost all the invitees are poisoned at some event with “herring under a fur coat”. I ask her if there are fatalities. She says there is and it's me and mom

they told me in a dream that my mother would die. I asked when ?? and they answered me today. I say how? she's healthy. I had a shock in my dream and I fearfully waited for the whole dream when this would happen .. everyone was preparing for the funeral while the person was still alive. and at the end of the dream this did not happen .. there was some kind of misunderstanding and my mother was confused with someone. they said that she would live and would not die today. I cried in my sleep and could not come to terms with it that she could die.

Dreams had a dream in the morning from Friday to Saturday.
The first dream is about a false church. I don’t remember where I was going, on the way a crowd of people appeared, going to church for a holiday, I didn’t want to go, but the crowd carried me away. I got into a room where for some reason people were dancing a cheerful dance, I didn’t like it and I went out into the corridor, where I was horrified to see an armchair in the form of a throne made of bones and quickly ran to the exit, to the gate. But I could not get out, because the exit was guarded like at the border. But then one of the guards told me that everything was fine, at that moment I woke up with a bad feeling.
The second dream came a few minutes later. About the news of the death of his father.
I don't remember who called and said that my father had died. The house is in a dead end, for some reason at that moment when I arrived, the whole road was full of cars, but I made my way. Entering the house already with tears, he asked his mother where dad was, to which she replied that he had been taken to another city to be buried.
I began to get very nervous, why didn’t they wait for me, and I couldn’t see and say goodbye to him in last time. He began to smash and beat whatever came to hand. At this time, I observe a strange picture, in one of the rooms there are a mother, a terrible sister and her teenage daughter, for some reason they have good mood they smile, they joke. I became even more nervous and woke up.
Thank you in advance for interpreting my dream.

Hello, I had a dream where I receive news of the death of my little sister (9 years old, I'm 14). I get it from a woman I seem to know, definitely not a relative, when I wake up. We are sailing on big ship, perhaps, a steamer or a liner, it's dark around, it's night. There we inform all her friends, my acquaintances, who for some reason are more often from her favorite cartoons. In a dream, I somehow don’t feel too sad, I laugh, but it’s definitely difficult for me to tell such news to others. That's probably why I joke and laugh. At the end, everyone who sails on the ship sits at a large, white table, which is set with crockery to match. A woman stands up - who told me about her sister's death - blonde, with glasses, dressed in a white blouse and black skirt, I want to note that we are also dressed in light clothes; the woman sighs and tells the news to those sitting at the table, she is not very sad either! she does it rather so that everyone should know about it. Apparently, everyone present knows my sister. I leaned against my mother to show that I was sorry, mother leaned against me. After that, everyone raised their glasses, they contained a clear liquid, most likely water. I want to note that throughout the whole dream I did not cry, I just made a sad face. But when the clinking of glasses was heard, I closed my eyes, also holding my head on my mother’s shoulder, and began to cry, after which, waking up, I felt that I was already crying.
I would also like to note that the ship itself, the hall in which we sat, were white color, but there was also some incomprehensible, dark color(black or dark green), but the cabins we slept in were dark, like the furnishings behind the ship, they were in shades of blue.

Dreamed in a dream elderly woman who said that I would soon die. I left, and then came back and asked when. She replied within a month. I cried a lot from this lime. The woman was completely calm, did not even try to calm me down. I woke up in some confusion. I think about it all day. What does it mean?

My whole family was there. Mom, Dad and me. This dream is already repeating. We learned from my mother that we would die, it’s like a disease of this kind, but it doesn’t manifest itself in any way, we just found out that we were finished. In the last dream, my brother was still there, in this one he was no longer there. Mom said that the next me. Dad will still live, since only half of his body is affected.


i dreamed it was as if the war had begun, they wounded me and took me to the hospital. I was then told that my children died .. I have three of them. I cry sobbing in my sleep then I ex-husband I ask and the son died, he says yes. Then I see my son and tell my husband why I lied. And I cried for my daughters

Hello! I dreamed of some kind of party where I got without my desire, I was drawn into it. I was with my child (6 years old). Almost immediately they gave me some kind of drink to drink, after which I fell into a dream, and woke up only in the morning. When I woke up, the party was already over and of course I rushed in search of my child. I ran and asked everyone. Along the way, the circumstances became clear that while I was sleeping, my friend “gave” me to some kind of psycho-pervert who took me to his closet in the attic. I tried to find out where my child was at that time, with me or not, but no one could answer. As a result, that same friend stopped me, and said that my child died that night. I did not have time to find out how this happened, because. I immediately woke up with horror and heaviness in my chest.

I can say that she does not dream of me at all. Mom has been gone for a long time. I had a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday. I myself was born on Monday.
i dreamed of the old apartment where we all once lived. and so the excerpts from the dream themselves: I’m standing at the window in the kitchen behind my mother and asks or says something (I don’t remember, but for some reason it seems to me something about a song (music)
and as soon as I remember another picture appears. I’m already standing in the hall in front of the window and I see three young people as they quickly enter our entrance. For some reason, I went to the door and I see how they are trying to open it. When the door opened, they started to run away, I chased them and caught one of them. when I started asking where the keys came from, he said they took from her, she was lying and that she was dead. I caught him and for some reason they dragged him into the apartment. When they walked, I asked to give me the keys from the one I caught, for some reason I mentioned the keys to the garage.
in the end, he didn’t give them to me. the last picture I go into the room there is a little son sitting there crying all over in saliva (and it seemed to me like blood from the nose) something screaming woman died she is no more, and I took him to the bath
I wanted to wash him, but I didn’t even cross the threshold of the bath, when the silhouette of a man appeared on the threshold of the apartment door. And I said father. And woke up.

From somewhere they were walking with friends, went to the store and saw a familiar guy, he is the son of one of my husband's partners. And then one of her friends drooped and wanted to ask him how to connect with his mother, to find out what happened and why my husband died. And I behaved very calmly, as if I didn’t care. I thought to myself, it's better to be a widow than a divorcee.

I dreamed about the news of my imminent death, and my aunt on my mother’s side told me this news, and at the same time I didn’t believe it and didn’t take this news seriously, please tell me why I have such a dream?

Good morning. So the dream itself:

My brother's wife and I were told that my brother must die. Then he leaves. A tear-stained friend comes to us and we understand what he will say about the death of his brother. But then the brother comes and says that he was given a few hours to say goodbye to his family. Everyone is crying a lot. I remember he hugs me, and his hand seems to become transparent, after that my brother says that it's time for him to leave.

Hello! I'm worried about today's dream. i dreamed that my husband and I flew to another country and there I ended up separately from him, and after a while a representative of the Russian consulate found me and said that my husband had died and we needed to organize the sending of his body to his homeland (previously neither in life, nor in I haven't experienced this with my friends. In the dream, I behaved completely detached, as if I wanted to completely distance myself from trouble. For a long time, problems with flying home were solved, then already in Moscow I suddenly see that my husband is next to me at home and I ask him: what should we do, because the death certificate will not be valid ...

Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was informed that my loved one was shot (killed), I cried a lot, my mother came and said that my beloved was shot and that now I can’t live without him. (in reality, my loved one and I do not live together, we broke up 2 years ago, so 2 months ago we wanted to restore the family, but something has not yet worked out). Tell me what the dream about the news of the death of a loved one meant! Thank you.

Hello! i dreamed that my mother called me and said that I had died, but at that time I was with my husband and talked to him and began to cry and at that moment I was rolling a roll of wallpaper. what could this mean? Thanks!

hello, when my husband and I started discord in the family, I had a dream that I was with my parents, I went out into the street and they told me that my husband had an accident and died in the hospital, I was going to go to him but woke up, after this dream he went to another , we haven’t lived for 2 months now and today I’m having a dream again, supposedly they tell me again that my husband has died and I’m going to a wake, I didn’t see my husband in the first nor in the second dream and this time I also woke up.

I dreamed that my mother called me and said that my grandfather (her father-in-law) had died. I arrived at my grandfather's house, all the relatives are there, everyone is crying, mourning. I took my mother aside and said: “They say you are completely crazy here, grandfather has been gone for three years.” Mom replied that it was necessary. I didn't see the deceased.
Grandfather has actually been gone for several years.

I dreamed that I was working for previous work. There are goods on pallets and I either accept them or count them, I don’t remember. An employee comes running and says that your husband has died. I faint and think about how I will live on

the season was summer. I see my mother-in-law and other relatives choosing a place for a funeral. moreover, they were not mournful, they were in beautiful clothes, they were joking. she meets me and takes me to some house, or rather to the attic, and says that she liked the place here for the grave. I start asking why, I say that it will not be possible to bury normally in the attic, I ask for whom there is a place? and she tells me that this is for my husband (her son). And then I object, how are you going to bury him if we have a wedding today? I realized in a dream that this was our second marriage. then we all go together to our house to prepare for the holiday. I ask my mother-in-law how I should be, get and put on my Wedding Dress or maybe sew something different fluffy dress? in a dream, I understood that the dress would be pink. she told me that it is better in the wedding. I take out the dress and there is a dirty stain on it (like from rust), but not strong. And I say that I will go and wash it. In general, I had the impression that I was in my white dress.

I dreamed that I was very upset about the news of the death of my little granddaughter. She roared very strongly, fell to the floor in grief. The broken bottle of her perfume did not allow anyone to wipe it, she tried to stroke the spilled liquid with her hands.

Hello, this vision was from Sunday to Monday. , I just closed my eyes and I hear a voice that says that Dima has died, I immediately jumped in a cold sweat. Please tell me what is it for?

Historically, people's attitudes towards death have varied. Why dream of the death of a person who is alive: today we are discussing a dream of just such content.

With the emergence of various religious movements, the relationship with death has become more complex. People began to fear death, sought to drive away thoughts of a possible death from themselves. This attitude was also reflected in the interpretation of dreams in various medieval dream books.
However, if we analyze the general orientation of dreams about death, they carry not only negative forecasts, but also quite life-affirming motives.

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of a dream about the death of a person who is still alive has not died?

Since dreams about death are a reflection of our daytime fears, the subconscious mind gives us a reassuring thought that such dreams are simply harbingers of changes in our lives.

In fact, rarely does anyone see themselves dead in a dream. As a rule, we dream of other people, relatives and friends, about whom we know for sure that they are alive.

In general, a dream that a person who is now alive has died promises him a long and happy life. That is, such a dream is rather a good harbinger, and not a sign of illness, death and trouble.

For someone who has seen the death of his acquaintance, relative or friend, such a dream promises an improvement in relations with the living, the restoration of broken ties, a new round of friendship or love.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive, what such a dream warns about

If you were in a quarrel and your relationship left much to be desired (except when you saw your enemy or ill-wisher dead), such a dream will restore lost trust and show you how small your grievances are and how great this person is for you.

In fact, death in a dream means some kind of life change for the dreamer. They don't have to be negative. Very often, a dream about the death of a friend or acquaintance promises a change of job or place of residence. Unmarried or unmarried can meet their fate and tie the knot - there can be a lot of interpretations.

If you see one of your friends dead, this may mean a close separation from them. Maybe you or they are ready to leave for another city or even another country, and your separation will be long, and your meetings will be rare. In any case, such a dream promises changes not only to you, but also to those whom you saw in a dream.

A dream about the death of one of the relatives also, as a rule, promises them health and longevity. Your anxiety about their condition in this case will be redundant.

If you see a stranger in the coffin, this is a sign that in real life you have done something that you want to forget. Having buried a stranger, you bury unpleasant or shameful memories with him. You just need to take such a dream for granted, reassuring your conscience that everyone has the right to make a mistake and you have already drawn conclusions from your own.

If you see one of your colleagues in the coffin, then such a dream means your desire to part with your current job. Apparently, it does not cause you positive and does not bring you moral or material satisfaction. You should think about changing employer or even type of activity. Such a dream pushes you to make a difficult decision for you, which in the future may turn out to be correct and reasonable.

Dreams about the death of loved ones differ somewhat in their interpretations.

  • You may dream of your mother's death;
  • You can see the death of a living father;
  • You may dream of a dead living grandmother;
  • You can see in a dream that the grandfather died;

If you dreamed about the death of your mother

It is very painful to lose loved ones. What will the dream tell about the death of a mother in a dream

Why did you dream about the death of your mother if she is still alive? Seeing such bad dream, many people rush to the phone in the morning to make sure that nothing bad has happened to the closest person.

In fact, for your mother, such a dream promises cheerfulness, happiness and long life.

But for you, if you are a woman, such a dream predicts not entirely bright prospects - you may have difficulties and misunderstanding with your partner, the first crack may appear in marriage. If you do not take action, the crack will grow and the marriage will be difficult to save.

You should take such a dream carefully and think about your own personal life. Your role in creating and maintaining hearth cannot be delegated to someone else and all responsibility for the family climate lies with you.

If you are a man and have a dream about the death of your mother, for you this may mean the need to finally take responsibility for the prosperity in the family and the happiness of your loved ones.

If you didn't give of great importance your role in a partnership or family - now is the time to reconsider it and draw adequate conclusions for yourself, otherwise you risk being left alone.

In addition, if you had a dream about the death of your mother, you should take a closer look at the lives of your children.

Perhaps they need your help and support, but they just don't know how to say it directly.

If you do not pay attention to a possible crisis in their lives, a person may appear whose opinion will outweigh yours. Attachment to such a person will sooner or later lead them out of your influence.

If you dreamed of your father's death

Why dreamed of the death of his mother if he was still alive? A dream about the death of a living father means longevity for him, and for a woman portends changes in her personal life. Such a dream can promise a change of partner, a divorce or a wedding - and carry both positive and negative potential.

If you dreamed about the death of a dad who had not yet died. This means that your dad will live a long time.

In fact, if a woman is unhappy existing order things, if her marriage or relationship has exhausted itself - the best way out will be the end of the negative connection.

However, it may also turn out that the woman herself is not ready for such radical decisions, but her marriage is collapsing.

In such cases, a dream about her father's death may reflect her feelings of insecurity and expectation of meeting someone who will be able to take care of her.

If you saw such a dream, take a closer look at existing relationships - do you need to change something in your life, do you need to revise your life priorities or try to save existing relationship. Is your partner so dear to you that you try to smooth out all the misunderstandings and problems.

If a man dreamed about the death of his father, this is most likely a warning about an unreliable position in his career growth. It may turn out that his business was put under attack, and a time of crisis has come for him.

If you had such a dream, you should put your finances in order so as not to incur critical losses. A well-thought-out investment strategy will help you protect your capital and create an airbag for your business.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandmother

Why dreamed of the death of a grandmother if she was still alive? If you have an old grandmother who is sick and you saw her in sleeping dead, this portends her recovery and long life. For yourself, such a dream means a change in status and personal relationships - if you were a lonely person, then you will meet your soul mate.

A dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather who has not yet died carries positive energy.

If you are a family person, such a dream portends an improvement in the climate in the family, and maybe even the appearance of a child in it.

In any case, such a dream is positive for both the dreamer and the one whom he saw in a dream.

If you saw your grandmother in a coffin, it means that you will find prosperity and wealth that you will spend to provide for your family and relatives. Worries about people close to you will not seem heavy load but will bring real satisfaction and joy.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandfather

Having seen such a dream, you can safely decide to change jobs - the future place of service will be the beginning of a new, successful career for you. Job growth will be rapid, and material rewards will increase significantly and will allow you to fulfill your cherished dream.

For your grandfather, a dream about his death does not pose any threat to life and health.

If we analyze such, at first glance negative dreams about death, one can see that for the most part they promise significant and positive change for all involved.

In any case, such dreams carry an element of warning - you can always correct the situation in time if you listen to your subconscious.

If, for example, the bride or groom dreams of a partner lying in a coffin, this portends the emergence of difficulties and misunderstandings in their relationship. Having seen such a dream, the dreamer should think about the reasons for the discord and, if the partner is really dear to him, take all measures to correct the situation.

Enemies or enemies seen dead are a promise that everything will turn out well in your life, intrigues directed against you will not harm you, and those who wanted to give you trouble will suffer sooner.

The human mind during sleep gives rise to many symbols, the meaning of which is often the opposite of the effect they produce. For example, the answer to the question of why a person who is alive is dreaming does not at all promise someone an early death.

Why dream of the death of a living person?

Having seen a dream in which there is the death of a loved one who is still alive, you should not be upset and wait for difficult events. Even in the old days, it was noted that the one seen in such a dream usually lives safely and long. But to the dreamer himself, such a vision can promise both good and bad.

When the death of a living father was dreamed, a person can expect the dangers associated with business. The dreamer should be especially careful in business, because. his colleagues or associates most likely conceived a financial scam or other deception. Death in a mother's dream means that some shameful memories oppress a person. The death in a dream of a sister or marriage reminds that this relative needs support and care.

The loss of a spouse in a dream means fear of society and its condemnation. If in reality the husband or wife is sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. The dream of the death of a lover or beloved may portend a possible betrayal or separation, as well as the onset of a new stage in a relationship and an early wedding.

To the one who saves a person from death in a dream, the interpreters of dreams promise the emergence of a difficult situation in reality, in which it will be necessary to take on serious responsibility. If the saved person is familiar, there is a high probability that this particular person will be at the center of events.

The death in a dream of a boss or another person on whom the dreamer depends means that positive changes await him at work. Most likely, the one who sees the dream is waiting for an increase, they will listen to him more, but you should not relax - positive changes will not happen on their own, you need to work hard. The death of a colleague in a dream can mean how to remove obstacles on career ladder and improving the atmosphere in the team.

Dream books explain the death of a stranger in a dream depending on the sensations that this vision caused. If the one who saw the dream sympathizes with the deceased, it means that big, but not very pleasant changes will occur in his life, for example, a break in a long relationship. More similar dream warns that one should not rely too much on routine - a transitional period will come very soon, leading to renewal and improvement.

Negative emotions for a person dying in a dream mean that the dreamer seeks to get rid of the burden of guilt, unpleasant memories, obsolete relationships. Horror at the sight of death is experienced by those who are waiting for trials and obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Relief from the death of a stranger means that all the affairs of the dreamer will end successfully.

How do psychologists explain a dream about the death of a person who is alive?

The dream of the death of any close or dear person is a signal of the loss of emotional and psychological connection with him. To get rid of the painful, re-establishing contact, it is recommended to pay more attention native person, listen to him, help.

In some cases, the death of a living person is dreamed of due to the dreamer's mental problems. A person who has a dream needs to analyze his life and determine the events that suppress, cause bad memories. Freed from the painful past, reassessing the events of the present, a person usually stops seeing dreams in which death is present.

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