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Preparatory courses for admission to medical school. Admission to medical school. How to get started in medical school

Glasgow Caledonian University is one of the largest universities in Scotland, and the only modern Scottish university that has entered the world's top rankings. It has a reputation as one of the most innovative and dynamic universities in the UK. It also ranked second in Scotland (and eleventh in the UK) in terms of graduate employability (Higher Education Statistic Agency, 2013).

Kristina Kovalchuk, who is currently studying at GCU on the MSc Human Resource Management master's program, spoke about her studies at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Kristina entered GCU with a law degree from RUDN University and several years of work experience, so her perspective on admission and study is especially interesting.

You will learn:

– about the specifics of training after changing specialty,
- about how the mandatory internship works,
- advice on finding housing for students,

and many more useful interesting information for those who are planning their admission to a foreign master's program!

What makes this interview unusual is the fact that Kristina started studying in January. Such master's programs less, but they are there, and this may be a good option for those who, for some reason, missed the September programs.

About preparation and admission

Kristina, I remember that at the time of choosing the study program you already had work experience. Tell me, what were your tasks? Why did you decide to go to graduate school?

I wanted to find a job that I would like, but it didn’t work out because I didn’t have experience in this area. I tried to get a job as an assistant in order to develop already in the department, but it didn’t work out, because at my last job I had managerial position. An internship could help, but there were also difficulties with this, since I graduated from the university three years ago. So I decided to continue my education. It also happened that there was an opportunity to study abroad, and I thought that I would regret it later if I didn’t use it.

And you only foreign universities considered? Or Russian too?

I was thinking about Russia, but personnel management is still too young a specialty in our country. And it was also very important for me that practice was included in the training.

Do you think it was possible to do something differently at the selection stage? What advice would you give to those who are now choosing universities?

I think I did everything right. But the advice is this: you need to understand well what you want and why - in the last year, only this will help you pull yourself together and cope with all the difficulties that arise during admission (choose the right universities, prepare all the documents, etc.).

You choosed Scottish university, it's unusual. Most of the guys really want to study in London, although I always say that Scotland is also very good universities and many possibilities. Now, after a few months of study, what do you like and dislike about Scotland?

The people of Glasgow think they have a very Big city, but I'm from Moscow, and I don't think so. One of the advantages of Scotland is that it is cheaper to live here than in London. At the same time, the university's rating is also high and it meets all my criteria - it's not a fact that I could find something better in London.

Tell us how you settled in the city.

I arrived without booking my accommodation in advance. So I had a week left to find some kind of accommodation. It was emotionally difficult, I thought: where should I go to sleep when my days in the hotel are over? I came to one private hostel, but there were only places for September, and they recommended me a neighboring one, where I found a room. I didn’t even regret it, because the difference was 3-4 pounds a week, and I liked the place there more. Therefore, I advise you to find a place to stay in advance. If this is not done, it may turn out that you have to choose between two not-so-good options - for example, a room with a shared bathroom and a studio, for which you have to pay unreasonably much.

In my hostel you have to pay for the year and separately for the summer. It takes about 120 pounds a week, which includes internet, water and electricity. Own bath, kitchen shared by the apartment (there are 5 rooms in the apartment). In the summer there are few people - 4 foreigners. And from July to January I lived with Scottish women.

About studies and classmates

Was there an introductory week at the university? Did you help with any organizational issues?

Yes, we had a welcome party for students of different courses who started studying in January. There were also different meetings - they talked about student clubs, held communication games. It's hard to make friends in my course, because the classes are 3 times a week, the group is small, about 15 people, and it is often mixed with other students (with part-time and full-time students, with those who started in September, etc.). Therefore, apart from these 15 people, people often change.

My classmates are on average my age - 26 years old, there are older. I was surprised myself: usually the age after a bachelor's degree is 22-23 years old, but we have only a couple of such people. Of the foreigners, 4 people, the rest are Scots and British. There are two foreigners in the September enrollment, although the group is larger, so there are not very many foreigners on the course.

Do you have a friendly group, do you manage to establish contacts?

In general, yes, but it turned out that everyone has their own life. We communicate at school, we can go somewhere, but friendship does not work out very well - after all, such people are already adults. I mainly communicate with those whom I met in a more informal setting, at university meetings.

How many days a week do you study?

In the first trimester there were three days of three modules, one module takes three hours - that is, almost the whole day is busy. And in the second trimester, one subject is Research Design, this is the methodology for writing a dissertation. They talk about what approaches there are to building a study, how to make such and such a strategy. Classes are once a week, and I combine this trimester with practice - I go to work 4 days a week. In the third trimester we will again study 3-4 days a week.

And how do you training program and teachers?

Everything is interesting. A bit difficult just because of my English (it's not as good as I think), otherwise it would be easy to learn.

Teachers are practitioners, but not invited from the company, as sometimes happens. I like that they interact with us in the classroom. For example, a teacher gives a lecture where there are several functions, but she does not open them, but asks us - what are these functions? And you get involved in the process, participate if you are interested. I almost never talked at the institute, I just listened, and here I am even surprised at what an active student I turn out to be.

Do you have any educational projects, case study?

Yes, we have workshops - for example, assignments in computer class. The very first module on the course was personal development, and there were interesting trainings, similar to team building. We were there with MBA students. The workshop went on all day, it was interesting - we talked, there were cases and psychological tasks.

How do you like the GCU business school itself? Do you use any additional resources, opportunities?

There is a Learning and Development Center where you can bring your coursework and work on the language. They can give recommendations on the structure, point out errors. There is also a career center, but it is consultations there - they will not send you to the company and will not help you get to an interview. But they tell you which sites you need to register on and how best to write a resume. All this was very helpful.

Generally University of Glasgow Caledonian Do you like it?

Yes. Especially the fact that there you can easily achieve changes if you don’t like something in the learning process. For example, labor law we were taught by a teacher from another faculty, and this is the only subject in which we did not have presentations. The presentation helps a lot, if you have lost the thread, you can understand what it is about, or at least to which point you have already moved. Therefore, without presentations it was difficult, and not only for me. We talked about it, and almost immediately they began to give us lectures with presentations. That is, they listen very carefully to the opinion of students.

About the internship

Please tell us about your internship. Where do you train and how did you find this place?

I started thinking about it back in the spring, because in May it was necessary to hand over the lists of who was training where. Our tutor told me that foreign students are being helped to find a place because we don't have connections. After he sent my resume to companies, I was invited for two interviews. The first time - from a company that is engaged in charity, helping people with serious illnesses. I really didn't want to be taken there. I didn’t like it there - the company is small, the department is small and they hardly knew what they wanted from me at all. And it was hard to refuse. As a result, a Scot was chosen out of 11 people.

The second time I got into transport company which is engaged in bus transportation. It turned out that this was a factory - and I had never been to a factory, so it was interesting.

And how is everything going? Do they give you a real job, set tasks?

Yes, I was very lucky with my boss. He explains everything to me, and when I have finished my work and sit down next to him, he tells me exactly what task he is currently performing and how. I do an internship in HR in the Training and Development division, and at meetings they also ask my opinion: “How do you think it should be done?” They are interested in my view on the issue and ideas.

Is there a problem with a Scottish accent?

At work, no, because, it seems to me, they try to speak to me more clearly: they answer “yes” to me, and among themselves - this is their “ay”. I can understand teachers, employees at work, but I, for example, cannot order a taxi or get a delivery - it is very difficult for me. I almost don’t understand couriers and drivers, they don’t understand me either))

How long is your internship?

Mandatory were 20 days, this is 4 weeks, but more is possible.

About plans for the future

What are your future plans? Can you stay on a visa for some time after graduation - for an internship, for example?

My visa ends in May, and the course - in March. If I have the opportunity to stay for an internship, then I will stay, of course, but in general I do not plan to work here. The main reasons are language and visa. For example, Italians from our course can work here without a visa, and my employer will have to deal with this problem. And while I'm not like that good specialist to justify such a hassle. But let's see how it turns out - if there is another internship, then I would stay, of course.

Do you like Glasgow?

Yes. But it is cooler here than in England, and the weather is very changeable.

Have you traveled somewhere, traveled around England and Scotland?

I have been to Manchester and Edinburgh. It can be seen that the British are so calmer, and the Scots are active, sociable. Russians are well treated - I had no problems with this, neither in the group, nor on the street. There are almost no Russians in Glasgow itself, I have not yet met anyone from Russia, although I know that there are some among the students at the university. But in Edinburgh, I heard Russian speech both in the store and on the street.

(Some photos courtesy of Christina!}

Many thanks to Christina for communication, a lot useful tips and interesting information!

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(3 key steps)

If you want to get a higher education in Scotland, it's time to prepare today. Students from Russia do have the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree in one of the Scottish universities. To do this, you need to resolve issues with a visa, residence in Scotland, but the most important thing is to achieve the desired language level.

Education in Scotland for foreigners involves studying in top universities countries. Some of them are on the list best universities peace. These include Edinburgh University, University of Glasgow, etc. Everywhere is given not only an excellent knowledge base, but also the ability to apply them in practice. Therefore, with a diploma from a Scottish university, there will be no problems with employment.

Higher education in Scotland for Russians, as well as for other foreigners and residents of Scotland, involves a four-year bachelor's degree program. If you want to continue your studies, you can enroll in an intensive one-year program and become a Master. To be a Doctor of Science, you need to choose an in-depth three-year program.

The cost of education in Scotland at a prestigious university starts from about 5 thousand pounds. Also, do not forget about the issues of food and accommodation. This requires 500-800 pounds per month.

Now consider the question of how to get an education in Scotland:

  • Pass an international test IELTS;
  • You need a good knowledge base and decent academic performance;
  • Be sure to start preparing 1-2 years before admission;
  • Timely execution of all documents is required.

Specialists will help you get a higher education in Scotland LogosStudyGroup . We regularly provide services for sending students abroad. Let us help you find the right university training courses in Scotland or Russia.

How to apply to a Scottish university

The conditions for admission to universities in Scotland differ little from those in England. The admission of Russian applicants to universities in Scotland is practiced constantly. and company LogosStudyGroup Assists with admissions and preparation. The admission process is carried out through the service UCAS . In the case of a master's program, this issue is resolved through specific faculties directly. Before you go to study in Scotland, you need to prepare well. This can be done in Russia, but in Scotland it will be much more efficient.

Training courses

To understand how to enter a Scottish university, consider the main difference from English university. There you need to complete a one-year training program, International Foundation . In Scotland, this is not practiced everywhere, and there is an opportunity to enter with a Russian certificate of secondary education. But many prospective students are still being trained to be confident and know how to get into a Scottish university without any problems.

So, before you go to study in Scotland, you can take courses on the Scottish program SIFP . It can be either standard (one year) or accelerated - 9 months. You can also improve your English and choose language school to help you prepare for the test IELTS . How to enter Scotland and successfully pass all the entrance tests - you will learn about this in the courses. test result IELTS should be from 5.5 points. And to study in Scotland in English, you need to start language training much earlier.

Master's degree

Now consider the question of how to enter a master's program in Scotland. You will need a bachelor's degree. You can enter after studying both at a Russian university and a British one. This issue is resolved directly at the institute, and with UCAS Usually you don't need to contact. The master's program can be accelerated and last 1 year. Bachelor's degree in Scotland - 4 years.

So, we list the most necessary for admission to a Scottish university:

  • Higher Certificate or Certificate of Secondary Education of the Russian Federation;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Recommendations of teachers;
  • In the case of a master's degree, a bachelor's degree.

All other documents that are needed to study in Scotland, you will be helped to issue in LogosStudyGroup . Get in touch and you'll be learning soon prestigious university Scotland!

Medical education in Scotland

In Scotland they teach medicine really well. Universities provide an excellent knowledge base, students undergo internships in large research laboratories and medical institutions. Higher medical education in Scotland can be obtained with the proper level of training. And LogosStudyGroup will definitely help you with this.

To study medicine in Scotland, you need to excel in entrance examinations. For example, a higher test score is required for admission IELTS . Terminology is very important in medicine, any misunderstood word can turn into a fatal mistake. Therefore, the passing score is not less than 7.

Medical education in Scotland can be obtained in many universities. One of the most famous is the University of Aberdeen, where they began to train future doctors in the 15th century. No less popular is the University of Glasgow. They are in the top of the best universities in the world. The University of the West of Scotland and many other universities also offer quality study programs in Scotland medicine.

The cost of studying in Scotland

Studying in Scotland is not cheap. And compared to next Russian universities, the price may seem considerable, it is influenced by the pound exchange rate. For example, at the University of Glasgow, the price ranges from 11-24 thousand pounds per year, in others - from 4 thousand. But if you live in Scotland, this amount ceases to seem unbearable. And every average student can study there. In addition, there are various international scholarships and grants for certain merit. And this good motivation. Studying in Scotland for Russian students is one of the best options for self-development.

While studying in Scotland, you must also pay for accommodation and meals, this should not be forgotten. It all depends on the type of accommodation. In general, up to 700 pounds per month is required. You can try to combine study with work if you have time for it.

All those who have studied in Scotland have only positive reviews. These are people who, like you, dreamed of studying at a British university, speaking English fluently and having a decent profession. There are no problems with employment, a diploma from a Scottish university is recognized by leading international organizations.

What are the features of studying in Scotland? To begin with, it is worth noting that the Scottish system is similar to british system education. However, the Scots are sure that their education system is much better. Like it or not, the judge, perhaps, will have to be judged by those who intend to study there or educate their children. We can only state with certainty the following generally accepted facts and advantages of a Scottish education.

Advantages of education in Scotland

  • Scottish diplomas are recognized in all countries of the world;
  • high quality education;
  • teaching a number of specialties: oil and gas industry, engineering, information technologies and different kind applied sciences, universities in Scotland are among the top leaders;
  • affordable cost of education and living in the country;
  • high quality of teaching languages ​​in linguistic courses.

If you think objectively, then there are still differences in the Scottish education system compared to the British education program. They are already noticeable from elementary school, which lasts up to 12 years. At the end elementary school guys pass tests and enter high school, training in which lasts another 3 years. This is followed by admission to colleges and universities. The student chooses what to do: study for 2 more years in high school to get a certificate of higher education or at the age of 15, after passing the exams, enter one of the country's colleges.

If, however, the student decides to graduate from higher secondary school, then with the certificate he received, he will subsequently be able to enter any university in the country. Students from the CIS countries or from other countries will also need to have an appropriate certificate for admission. In addition, the applicant must be fluent in English language. Total score TOEFL tests must be at least 550 or 5.5 on the IELTS test program. And for admission to medical and legal specialties, at least 600-700 points or, respectively, 6-7 points in IELTS.

Language courses in Scotland

To learn the language perfectly, it is recommended to pass national linguistic courses. The result of the training will exceed your expectations, as the quality of language teaching is given great attention. The Department of Education maintains strict control over the effectiveness of training in these courses, not only local residents but also foreign citizens.

College admissions in Scotland

Another optimal the best option college admissions is college admissions. At the end of college, you will study the features of local educational programs, learn the language more thoroughly, as a result of which you will have a number of advantages upon admission, compared with others foreign students. The advantage of studying at a college is that after graduation you can enter any university with confidence. You will be enrolled immediately in the second or third year in the chosen specialty without any problems. This is possible due to the fact that the leadership of universities and colleges made an agreement in advance on the possibility of entering universities after graduating from colleges, bypassing 1-2 years of study.

After graduating from a university or institute, a student can continue their studies to obtain a master's or doctoral degree. For a master's degree, you need to study for a year, and for a doctoral degree - 3 years.

Features of educational programs in Scottish universities

Features of educational programs in Scottish universities are that they are characterized by flexible teaching schemes. Students, in addition to the subjects that should be taken according to the program, can choose any subjects from parallel training programs. While studying Special attention practice is given, as a result of which students develop practical work skills.

The success of training is determined by the small number of students in groups, the multinational composition of students and the high qualification of teachers. The process of filing and sending required documents in Scottish universities it is worth studying in advance, about 1-2 years before admission.

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