Home Vegetables The meaning of the tarot card death in the reading. XIII. Death Major Arcana Rider White Tarot

The meaning of the tarot card death in the reading. XIII. Death Major Arcana Rider White Tarot

In the center of the Death card in the tarot there is a white horse, its rider is a skeleton in armor. The movement is slow and steady. In his hand the rider holds a black banner with a mystical rose embroidered - this is a symbol vital energy and life in general. Looking at the horizon, you can see the shining sun - a symbol of immortality and new life. Environment very bright and colorful.

The rider rides unarmed, but everyone kneels in fear before the depicted image. Only the priest stands with great calm and awareness, submitting to the circumstances. In the image of the priest, peace and humility reign. Only he meets the rider as an equal. In the background there is a river, as a symbol separating the world of the living from the kingdom of the dead.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the Arcanum of Death has the symbolic number 13, to which all negative components are attributed. But you should not regard death literally, as fate or a terrible omen. Just pay attention to what's going on in your life and maybe it's time to sort it all out. Reconsider your views, reevaluate your ideals and change your plan of action. Yes, a proven path is always good, but it is necessary to move on, and to conquer new horizons a new, improved strategy is needed.

Remember, life and death are inseparable from each other. One thing is always a continuation of the other and death is not always the end of something - it can also be the beginning.

More arcana:

Direct position value

Keys: inevitable event, change and transformation. Destruction, ending, separation, forgiveness. Not subject to circumstances. Renewal, creativity, rebirth. Changes in life. The onset of a new period. The completion of one stage is the beginning of another. Transitional state. Development. Changes, both internal and external. Changes in better side. Transfer from lower level to the highest. New cycle. Drastic changes. Apathetic states, depression. Transitional period, intermediate state.

Arcanum Death in the tarot can be regarded as a warning - changes await you. These changes can be either minor or can take place at the deepest levels of your life. Be prepared that you may be required to leave behind a lot of things that previously attracted you and considered important.

In the future, you may experience separation from something: hobbies, activities, housing, environment or team.

The changes will affect not only your everyday life, the sphere of spirituality will also undergo changes. Of yourself you create new identity, more developed and prepared for later life. Your past experience and acquired knowledge will help you with this. As a result, you have new goals, new ideals, and new tactics to achieve what you want.

Changes are inevitable, but you should not be afraid of them, they will bring you good and a new and better period of life. Afterwards you will feel renewed and free from the tormenting past.

Interpretation of an inverted card

Keys: depressive moods, passivity. Stagnation in all areas of life. Resistance and non-acceptance of the situation. Losses, changes for the worse. The collapse of plans and hopes. Inertia. Oblivion. Dream. Stunned. Self-deception. Weakening, restraint, fetters. Restrictions. Fear. Immobility. Inertia. Moral exhaustion. Resources are exhausted.

Rapid change in the situation. You are not ready to accept what is happening, you resist the ongoing changes. All forces go towards resistance, instead of going with the flow and adapting to new living conditions.

Remember that your zeal and negative detachment and refusal to accept changes will only make your life more difficult. You can't stop change now. If you continue to resist, you will get negative results and tragic situations, as well serious consequences, from which it will take a very long time to find a way out.

Disappointments, losses, crisis and old relationships becoming a thing of the past. To soften negative consequences stop being stubborn and resisting, accept your life as it is now. Don't cling to the past. Adequately assess what is happening. Feel free to step forward towards your new life.

Meet new life with dignity and your head held high, and then you will overcome all the adversities and omens of the inverted Arcana. Get ready to enter a new period of your life.

Advice: be patient and avoid spontaneous actions.

Card Death in Health

Dystrophy, changes associated with age. Flabbiness. Problems with joints and skeletal structure. Stiffness of muscles and limbs.

Straight position. Crisis or crucial moment during the course of the illness. Exacerbation after illness.

Inverted position. There may be a need for surgical intervention. Puncture or cutting injuries. A risky state of affairs. Deterioration can occur at any time.

Advice. Watch your health. Remember that the disease is easier to predict and neutralize early stages. Don't be lazy to get examined.

Arcana death - meaning in relationships

Straight position. Emotional and psychological intensity in relationships. Natural rubbing of relationships. The relationship has outlived its usefulness and can no longer give partners anything. Attempts to revive will lead to a temporary truce or the crisis will pass. The most important thing is to find the strength within yourself and make a decision: to fight further or leave everything as it is.

Inverted position. Fear of losing existing relationships. The withering away of feelings, the departure of the spark from the relationship. Partners stop being interested in each other.

No matter what position the Arcanum of Death falls into, for relationships it is always a crisis or a decision to end the relationship. For a clearer understanding of the situation, it is worth looking at the surrounding cards and the position in which the Arcana fell.

Death at work card

Professions for Arcana Death: crematorium or morgue worker. Funeral agency. Orderly, hospital staff, chemist, biologist. Doctor, hotel worker. Specialist in the expert field. Pathologist. Working with medical equipment. Work aimed at purifying something. Excavator, archaeologist. Janitor or lawnmower.

Straight position. Good value to complete any tasks and to sum up the results of activities. The way out, albeit slow, from difficult situations, the crisis has passed.

When the Death card appears, three components of the matter can be noted:

  1. Stable position.
  2. Managed situation.
  3. Controlled position.

As for prospects or development, there is nothing to hope for. The case may not go further or cause losses. There are ideas that are not destined to be realized, or contain a flaw, lifeless plans and poorly calculated strategies - Arcanum Death foresees such ideas and does not recommend even starting to consider them for implementation.

It is necessary to take stock, complete the work started and only after that take on new projects.

Inverted position. Closing a company or renaming a company. You might also consider moving the organization to another location that doesn't have anything similar.

An unstable position that is difficult to control, but possible with some effort. Work through force, coercion, unloved work. Slow progress, uncomfortable position, delayed decision.

Tip: search favorable conditions, saving money, reasonable spending, calculating steps for the future.

You shouldn't expect to achieve anything in your work. quick results, even summing up takes time. Be patient and attentive to details, and don’t miss the opportunity to double-check everything.

Death in tarot about the current situation

Straight position. Completion of the passed stages of life, summing up. The birth of something new. It's time to clear the way for something more meaningful.

Advice: let go, don't forcefully hold on, let the ending happen. Clean not only your life, but also your place of residence from excess garbage.

Tested patterns, established principles and present ideals are becoming a thing of the past. It's time to act differently and explore new ways to improve situations.

Inverted position. It's time to get rid of false hopes and expectations. You don't want to let go of your past, even though the time is right for this.

Perhaps something similar happened to you quite recently. Changes have been made in your life, but they have not gone through properly and you have not fulfilled the opportunities given to you. In any case, do not rush things, even if you are confident in the result, leave it to fate to make adjustments and changes will happen when the time is right.

Warning. You may fall into a trap. It is inappropriate to insist on lifeless solutions and defend an original failed cause.

The Arcanum shows that the completion of your business may soon come, but either you have not completed something, or you are deliberately preventing the completion of the matter.

Look around, maybe this delay saved you from something more destructive. Take a closer look at what you are going to get rid of.

Advice: you need to think about what it’s time to part with. It is necessary to give an objective assessment of what is happening. It is necessary to use the opportunities provided. Don't be afraid of change.

Warning. You should not take steps that have no development and prospects for the future. Be careful, don’t stumble, watch your step and don’t lose heart.

Ideas for understanding the Arcana of Death:

  • It's not the result that matters, but the quality.
  • It's time to say goodbye to the outdated past.
  • If something dies, it means something is born.
  • Thrills are not always pleasant.

Questions for analysis when the Arcanum Death appears:

  • What is your attitude towards change?
  • What kind of change do you expect?
  • What scares you about change?
  • What is something that should be a thing of the past that you are trying to leave behind?
  • Have you thought about the future? Do you have a desire to develop?
  • What bores you?
  • Habits, foundations - what are you giving up? For what?
  • Do you think the time has come for a new stage?

The meaning of the Death tarot card in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Contrast of environment and situation.

With a magician. You are doing the wrong thing. A solution to the current situation.

With the High Priestess. Absence trust relationships. Dream.

With the Empress. Everything changes, one thing replaces another.

With the Emperor. Changes await you in some area of ​​life.

With the hierophant. Changes regarding family structure.

With lovers. Changes in relationships.

With a chariot. It's time to reconsider your outlook on life and priorities.

With strength. Pull yourself together and overcome difficulties.

With a hermit. Loneliness.

With the wheel of fortune. Change is pushed by fate.

With justice. Drawing up a will.

C hanged. Punishment for contradicting ongoing changes.

With moderation. Getting used to what is happening.

With the devil. Necromancy.

With a tower of lightning. Spontaneous actions intervene in the situation.

With a star. Everything that happens happens for good.

With the moon. Destructive forces. Deception, lies.

With the sun. Recovery.

With the court. Fulfillment of karmic destiny.

With peace. Displaying the result.

Interpretation of the Arcana Death in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Transforming ideas.

With a deuce. Don't cling to the past.

With a three. It is necessary to accept the changes that are taking place.

With four. Restructuring within the family.

With an A. Way out of a difficult situation.

With six. Change your course of action to resolve the situation. It might be worth changing the characters.

With seven. You shouldn’t interfere in someone else’s life and try to put a spoke in someone’s wheels.

With eight. Progress.

With nine. You are afraid of upcoming life changes.

With ten. Crucial moment.

With a page. You may lose incentive to move.

With a knight. You lost the rhythm with which you were moving forward.

With the queen. It is necessary to adapt to surrounding circumstances.

With the king. A change in status is expected.

Death and cups

With an ace. Changes to love front.

With a deuce. Changes in relationships.

With a three. Changes in society, changes in collective groups.

With four. Missed chances.

With an A. An irreparable loss.

With six. To isolate yourself from what remains beyond the line.

With seven. Unleash your fantasies. Look at what is actually happening.

With eight. You were forced to take this step.

With nine. Failure of intentions.

With ten. Break.

With a page. Indicates death at an early stage.

With a knight. Unfortunately, words are worthless.

With the queen. Separation from a woman.

With the king. Avoiding contact with a man.

Card Death and suit of swords

With an ace. Something outdated and outdated goes away, a new period comes.

With a deuce. Not accepting the situation. Not wanting to be in this world.

With a three. Completion of the stage, changes are possible.

With four. Waiting for the completion of something, time to let go of past situations.

With an A. You lose.

With six. Adaptation to life changes.

With seven. You ignore the signs of the Universe, you don’t want to see the consequences of your actions.

With eight. Limited perception. You don't want to see all the chances a new position can bring.

With nine. Cry, tears.

With ten. Unfavorable ending.

With a page. Negative trends in the future.

With a knight. Problems in the situation. This cannot be avoided.

With the queen. There is a possibility of losing your husband.

With the king. Woman's care.

The meaning of the Death card in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. The emergence of the newest in life.

With a deuce. Difficulties.

With a three. The foundation of something that you didn't have before.

With four. You are trying to hold on to something that should disappear from your space.

With an A. Helpless situation.

With six. You won't have what you intended.

With seven. Chagrin, sadness.

With eight. Loss of abilities.

With nine. Tools that cannot be used.

With ten. Family losses.

With a page. Bad news.

With a knight. Failure.

With the queen. Loss of finances, bankruptcy.

With the king. Loss of position.

On the Arcana of the Tarot we see Death open area - a symbol of life. Leaking calm river- This is the Lethe River, along which the souls of dead people leave. Bright green grass on the Arcana Death shows everything alive. In place of the mown grass, new grass immediately grows, in nature there is a perfect self-healing mechanism and life is endless. On Arcana sunset, evening, indicates extinction, which will certainly lead to cessation, death. Visible along with the mown grass chopped up human bodies . This means that death makes no exception for anyone and mows down everything and everyone who falls under its scythe. Before Death, everyone is equal - rich and poor, men and women, old and young, smart and stupid. But Death takes away only the old and obsolete, that which must die.

Arcana Tarot Death almost never means physical death. Main the meaning of this Arcana- this is purification that occurs through the next “death” (the end of the next life stage) and opening the way for long-overdue changes that renew life. Arcanum Death means another (spiritual or physical) transformation, a transition from one natural state to another. The changes that this Arcanum portends may be painful and unwanted for us, but these changes are natural and necessary.

Meaning 13 Arcana Tarot Death in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Tarot Arcana Death in the upright position: the end of another life stage. Abandonment of the previous way of life. Deep inner transformation.

Arcana Tarot Death on Relationships in the upright position: in most cases it means breaking up with a former partner. A crisis marital relations. Difficult period in relationships with loved ones. Cooled down feelings. Closedness.

Arcana Tarot Death to Work in the upright position: resignation from the current position is possible. End of current activities.

Arcana Tarot Death on Health in the upright position: depression, loss of strength. The patient's condition may worsen.

Advice from the Arcana Death in an upright position: Dramatic changes in life cause pain and a sense of loss, but they are natural and necessary because... entail the beginning of a new life. Believe in ancient wisdom: “Everything that is done is done for the better!” Don’t try to hold on to what is leaving, thank everything old and let go with a light heart.

Meaning 13 Arcana Tarot Death in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Tarot Arcana Death in an inverted position: resistance to urgent changes. Passivity, disappointment. Unproductive lifestyle. The necessary personality transformation is delayed. Fear of the future.

Arcana Tarot Death on Relationships in an inverted position: continuation of outdated relationships, unnecessary connections. Marriage without love.

Arcana Tarot Death at Work in an inverted position: work through strength. Passivity, despair. The soulless existence of a robot - without goals, without desires, without hopes. Fear.

Arcana Tarot Death on Health in an inverted position: deep depression. Mental lethargy. Diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems are possible.

Advice from the Arcana Death in an inverted position: Resistance to the coming changes can lead to even greater difficulties. Remember that there is no life without death. In order for the necessary changes to occur, we must let go of the outdated, the old, and not cling to what is leaving.


So we have come to the most mystical, gloomy and disturbing card of the Tarot deck - Death, the meaning of which we will consider in today's article. Some beginning tarot readers are subconsciously afraid of this Arcana and the events that it brings into our lives. But is his appearance really always bad sign? To understand this, we will need to look in detail at the archetype of Death. Let's begin our journey.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

Before we announce the meaning of the 13th Tarot card, let’s look at its image in different decks. Rider-Waite has a gloomy horseman with a skull hidden under his hood instead of a face. Under the horseman’s hooves there are dying people and only one, still living man in rich clothes, folded his hands as if begging to spare him. With this drawing, Waite apparently wanted to show that before death all people are equal. In the Tarot Thoth is a skeleton with a scythe, as in many other modern decks. Some authors depict Death in a very abstract way. For example, in the Haindl Tarot on the thirteenth Arcana we see the image huge head a peacock - a symbol of immortality in many cultures, and a bony hand rising from the depths of the sea. What all these cards have in common is an archetype that reminds humanity that nothing lasts forever under the Moon.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

If we try to determine the meaning of the Tarot Arcana Death, the following phrases will come to mind first:

  • The end of something
  • Death
  • Saying goodbye to something
  • Transformation
  • Transition to a new state
  • Irreversible event
  • Crisis stage

The meaning of the card Death in an upright position

The traditional meaning of the 13th Arcana of the Tarot, oddly enough, is associated, first of all, not with physical death, as many mistakenly think, but rather with the process of rebirth. Death is not just the end, but also the simultaneous beginning of something new, it is a transformation into new uniform, rebirth. When this card is dropped, some kind of important stage in a person’s life, some inevitable event occurs, which at first is most often perceived negatively. This is due to the fact that a person gets used to being the master of his life, but in the face of death he becomes weak and helpless, since it destroys all his plans without asking. Understanding the archetype of Death is very important for the correct interpretation of the thirteenth Arcana. This card should not be classified as exclusively negative, because after the end of the old, something new always begins.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Death of the Tarot is also associated with the process of dying, the end of something, however, in this case, a person either intensely resists the changes that come into his life, or, on the contrary, tries to complete something that, in general, should not be completed. Under this card, some long-term painful processes often take place, similar to prolonging a trip to the dentist during a severe toothache.

Video about the meaning of the Death card

The meaning of the Arcana Death in love scenarios

Understanding the principle of operation of this gloomy card, you can easily understand what the meaning of Tarot Death will be in a relationship.

Straight position

The traditional meaning of Tarot Death in love is the end of some important stage. Under this map, long-term destruction usually occurs. love affairs, breaking of old ties, for example, final getting rid of an unrequited feeling that has tormented a person for years, the transition of a couple to a new important stage. If we consider the meaning of the Death Tarot card in relationships in the context of transformation, then it becomes clear that events such as the decision to formalize an official marriage after several years can occur under the Arcanum life together(dying civil marriage and at the same time the beginning of a new life stage), pregnancy and the birth of a child (the old life ends and a completely new one begins, in which the spouses become not just a couple, but already parents) and other similar situations. This also includes divorce, which turns two people connected by marriage into free ones.

Inverted position

Under the reverse card, basically the same thing happens as under the straight card, but there are two options here. If we perceive the meaning of the reversed Tarot Death in relationships as the necessary completion of something, then we can say that the person who received this card strongly resists future changes, for example, refuses to understand that the marriage is hanging by a thread and is trying with all his might to save it , although it’s high time to get a divorce and make way for a new, free life. As a result, we get a long, painful process that does not bring relief to anyone, but only aggravates the already not very pleasant state of both spouses. Reverse Death can also describe clinging to hopeless relationships, when, for example, it is extremely clear that the chosen one is not destined for you, but you still stubbornly do not want to break the connection with him.

The second option for reading the inverted Arcana is a persistent attempt to finish what should not leave your life. For example, a desperate desire to get a divorce, although your spouse is actually your real other half, the desire to have a child from a completely unsuitable person (here by “dying” we mean the end of a childless life) and other situations that we try to transform on our own. In this case, the arrival of the 13th Arcana seems to say to a person: “Stop, think, stop! You are cutting off absolutely the wrong connections!”

The meaning of the card in health layouts

The Major Arcana of Death, which appears when divining health, usually frightens a person very much, because its appearance is most often associated with physical death. But will the card really communicate about death?

Straight position

Contrary to popular belief, the meaning of Tarot Death in health in most cases is not at all connected with the direct process of dying, although sometimes the Arcanum actually speaks of the end of life, but only if there are other confirming cards nearby. Usually, serious operations, removal of tumors, amputations, heart attacks, stays in intensive care and other unpleasant events take place under the Death card. The scope of this Arcana also includes evil eyes, damage and other magical interventions.

Inverted position

A reversed card can mean long-term painful processes that a person cannot complete due to his unpreparedness - for example, an unwillingness to undergo surgery, although it is necessary. Sometimes reversed Death can be interpreted as an erroneous operation, for example, an amputation, which in fact could have been avoided.

The meaning of the 13th Arcana in a reading for personality analysis and psychological state

Let's consider the meaning of the Death Tarot card in matters of analyzing a person's character and determining his state of mind.

Straight position

A person with a difficult fate, who often experiences serious losses in life. He, like the Phoenix bird, seems to die and is born again as a completely different person, and so many times throughout his life. State of mind- prolonged depression, stressful experiences associated with the end of an important life stage or sudden unpleasant changes.

Inverted position

A person who desperately does not allow change into his life is a kind of conservative, confident that the old is always better than the new. We can say that this is a person with incredibly strong ties to his environment, lifestyle, and habits. It is very difficult for him to change anything. If we describe with a map psychological condition, then this will be an aversion to loss, a reluctance to realize that something important needs to be let go in order to move on, depression from which a person cannot or does not want to get out on his own.

The meaning of the 13th Arcana in fortune telling for work, finance, business

It's time to analyze what the Death card means in the Tarot if we are interested in the deck about professional activity and work matters.

Straight position

The direct map usually goes through global changes, for example, dismissal, a radical change of job (when a person leaves one profession for another), bankruptcy or destruction of an established business, a significant promotion or demotion - in a word, everything that greatly changes our lives , taking it to a new level.

Inverted position

Similar to the direct one, but the person seems to be closing himself off from the changes that are already knocking on the door. He doesn’t want to change his life, he’s afraid, so the process can take a long time. Another reciprocal value Tarot deaths in work are cutting off something that should not be completed, for example, the desire to quit a good, suitable position, making a decision to close profitable business, too early retirement and other situations that do not go according to fate, but contrary to it, but the person does not understand this.

Meaning in combination with the Major Arcana

Let's see how we can interpret the combination of the Death card with other Tarot cards. First, let's analyze the Trumps.

  • : Playing with contrasts, frivolous attitude towards death
  • : Gain strength to overcome the crisis
  • : Prophetic dreams
  • : Offensive favorable period after unpleasant, inevitable events, loss leading to something good
  • : Dramatic changes at work or at home
  • : Funeral, change of spiritual worldview, religion
  • : Changes in personal life
  • : Reconsidering your goals
  • : Pull yourself together in difficult circumstances
  • : Inevitable loneliness, breakdown of social connections
  • : Inevitable change of fate
  • : Settle one's affairs
  • : Resist change
  • : Bouncing back after loss
  • Devil: Connection with other world, black magic
  • Tower: Global life disasters
  • Star: Hope that changes will be for the better
  • Moon: Illness, loss and destruction due to deception
  • Sun: Transformation, rebirth
  • Judgment: Closing Karma, Rise from the Dead
  • World: Summing up

The meaning of the Death card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Novice tarot readers raise a lot of questions when reading combinations of the 13th Arcana with numerical and court cards. We give the most common interpretations.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Transformation of ideas
  • : Clinging to what is passing
  • : Embracing change
  • : Changes at home
  • : End of conflict
  • : It is necessary to change the team
  • Seven: Fruitless attempts to interfere with something or someone
  • Eight: Meaning of the 13th Tarot card with the Eight of Wands - progressive changes
  • : Fear of change
  • : “Putting the last nail in the coffin”
  • : Loss of interest
  • : Loss of pace
  • : Adapt to change
  • King: Change of status

With the suit of Cups

  • : Changes on the love front
  • : Changes in the sphere of personal relationships
  • : Change of environment
  • : Missing opportunities
  • : Irreplaceable loss
  • : Leaving the past
  • : Farewell to illusions
  • : Forced withdrawal
  • Nine: Destroying dreams
  • Ten: Separation, parting, divorce
  • Page: Abortion, frozen pregnancy
  • Knight: Empty Promises
  • Queen: Breaking up with a woman

KEYWORDS: Scorpion; death and perception; transformation; scorpio, snake, eagle; liberation from old traps (seductions); external changes.

Typically, the Death card does not mean physical death. It usually indicates a radical external transformation. Old relationships demand to be destroyed. This process may be associated with painful experiences. However, if you draw this card, it means you are ready. The act of “letting go,” as difficult as it may be, will set you free. Death shows two faces; one is destructive and crushing, the other is freeing you from old shackles that have become limiting and inhibiting Life. Which of these aspects will dominate depends on your attitude. Any attempt to hold on or cling to the old bonds will make their death just as more agonizing. Hesse says we must allow ourselves to fall. When we renounce everything that sustains us, even the ground under our feet, so that we listen only to the guidance of our hearts, then all is won. No more fear, no more danger when we "let go".

Most of the picture is occupied by a skeleton with a scythe, ready to mow. He is extremely tense, compressed like a spring, ready to set in motion change and transformation. The scorpion below holds its tail, ready to sting. Water lily and holy lily flowers lie dying in the dirt where they once grew.

Next stage: the snake, symbol of transformation. She is ready to deliver a fatal bite when the opportunity presents itself. Fish - a long time ago - can become its victim. The Phoenix can only rise when the fire of transformation has consumed everything, turning it to ashes.

The skeleton has a funeral head covering on its head, used in ancient Egypt. This is a reference to the need now to take old ideas and concepts to their grave and bury them. Connections and paths must be broken, the souls imprisoned in them must be freed. The eagle, the final stage of transformation, opens its wings and takes flight.

INSTRUCTIONS: Would now be ready to produce necessary changes In my life. Accept the pain that can come with losing something old.

QUESTIONS: What past connections or situations are you clinging to?

OFFER: "Die before you die." This traditional Sufi saying encourages us to study the art of dying. As long as any fear of death or "letting go" remains completely, we cannot live life to the fullest. Every clinging, every “no” prevents us from being in the natural flow of Life.

STATEMENT: Now I say: Yes to Death, Yes to myself.

General value: Death is a parting, a farewell, an end. Thus, she turns out to be a herald of the new, the future, although at first glance you cannot tell this from the map itself. Nevertheless, the map is rather good, because this end is natural, we have been waiting for it for a long time, because it is liberation, although accompanied by grief and pain. In contrast to the Ten of Swords, which signifies a violent end, that is, a premature end, this card symbolizes a natural end, indicating that the time has come to part with someone or something. So it is completely in vain to associate it with grief alone. Or, on the contrary, they consider it only the beginning of something new, not understanding the meaning of the symbolism of Death as the beginning and the end at the same time, as the bitterness of parting and the joy of expectation. “We have separated life from death, and filled the space between them with fear,” wrote Krishnamurti. - “However, life without death does not exist.”

Job:Here Death most often means the end of our present activities. She recommends finally saying goodbye to the job or position to which we are so accustomed, to internally free ourselves from them in order to prepare for the new that awaits us ahead. However, we should not rush things: this card advises us to give ourselves some quiet time to take stock and ask ourselves whether we have accomplished everything we should have. Only after making sure that we no longer owe anyone anything can we take the next step.

Consciousness: The completion of the next stage in development, it is time to part with previous ideas about the world around us or about ourselves. Most often, these are certain psychological attitudes that we did not develop within ourselves, but adopted from parents, teachers or other people whom we did not know how to treat critically. However, these could also be our own patterns of behavior or masks that now have to be discarded so that our true self can come to light. In a deeper sense, this card may mean that we have developed a new understanding of death - perhaps in the same sense as it was said by C.-G. Jung: “Death, if you approach it psychologically correctly, is not the end, but goal, and therefore a person, having passed the peak of life, begins to live for the sake of death."

Personal relationships: The end of the next stage in the development of this relationship, which in most cases means separation from the former partner. Even if it is painful, it cannot be avoided. Therefore, you should neither delay this separation, nor, on the contrary, sharply break all previous ties, because when you break, it breaks you too. It is better to thank your partner for everything that he has given you during this time, and wish him good luck on the next stage of the journey.

Arcana Death in an inverted position. You are trying to resist inevitable change. Perhaps you are delaying or completely avoiding completing something, thereby deceiving yourself, prolonging pain and suffering and preventing yourself from growing further. This card can show worries and mental anguish about something you are expecting or anticipating - especially if you consider this event to be bad or harmful - regardless of whether your fears have a chance of materializing or not.
By refusing to change for fear of losing your cozy, established little world, you doom yourself to stagnation, inaction and failure to realize your hopes and plans.

Quintessence: If the sum of the numbers of all cards is 13 and, accordingly, the sum of the digits of the number is 4, then Death is the Quintessence and leads to the Master. The cards advise you to say goodbye to the past (Death) in order to build a new structure (Master) at another level.

Combinations of Arcana Death

Death + Fool (XIII + 0)

Numbness. Stop.
Doesn't know what to do. Maybe after death loved one.
Take care of your head.
Circumstances will make you smarter.
Death + Magician (XIII + I)
You started doing something wrong. Try something the opposite of what you started.
A barely noticeable way out of the crisis.
Death + High Priestess(XIII + II)
You should no longer trust your secrets to someone who was previously dumb as a fish.
Prophetic dream.
Just go forward.
Changes in the material side of your affairs.
Death + Empress (XIII + III)
The old economy no longer exists. The hostess's attitude towards life changed dramatically.
Difficult changes.
But after the harsh winter comes summer.
Death + Emperor (XIII + IV)
The former owner, leader, manager is no longer there. Something dramatically changed his attitude towards life.
Difficult changes.
Changes at home or at work.
Lifestyle changes.
The king is dead, long live the king.
Death + Hierophant (XIII + V)
Inability to continue education or work.
Change of teacher, mentor. Change of leadership.
Changes in the family.
Difficult changes await you, but you will get help.
Death + Lovers (XIII + VI)
Changes in relationships.
Dead end. It is necessary to start all over again.
The death of old relationships and the birth of new ones.
Death + Chariot (XIII + VII)
You won't reach your goal.
Reconsidering your aspirations.
Premonitions that cause anxiety.
The desire to change something about yourself.
Death + Strength (XIII + VIII)
Getting out of the situation will require maximum rigidity. If you want to survive, prepare to die.
Pull yourself together in the face of a crisis.
Something will appear or something new has appeared for you.
Death + Hermit (XIII + IX)
Inevitable loneliness.
Radical changes.
Slow process.
Death + Wheel of Fortune (XIII + X)
In a favorable situation, expect troubles, and serious ones.

Conversely, if your affairs are at their worst, life will present you with a pleasant surprise.
Intensifying change.
What has already begun cannot be stopped.
Death + Justice (XIII + XI)
In this situation, there is no time for rules or law. Of course, if you want to survive.
Seeking protection in the face of impending events.
It is necessary to look for another way to solve the problem.
The denouement will be very painful.
Death + Hanged Man (XIII + XII)
The desire to change something.
Inevitable punishment.
Resistance to change.
Very difficult way out from the situation.
Death + Temperance (XIII + XIV)
Time cures. And this wound will heal.
Adaptation after loss.
Troubles will pass quickly.
A chance to recover from failure.
I took care of myself.
Rapid changes.
Death + Devil (XIII + XV)
In this situation, it is not you who are playing, but you who are being played.
A setup.
Serious karmic problems.
Consider in detail.
Severe torment that will cause pain.
Death + Tower (XIII + XVI)
“Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that’s the trick!” (c) M. Bulgakov
A sudden collapse of hope.
The blow can be fatal.
Mortal danger, threat of death.
Death will affect you.
Death + Star (XIII + XVII)
Hope that everything that happens is for the better.
By giving up one, you will gain another.
A turn for the better.
Change in profession.
Death + Moon (XIII + XVIII)
If you don’t return to reality, if you don’t give up ghostly fantasies and fears, then the ending can be disastrous.
The problem with alcohol is hereditary.
May end his life badly.
Can not sleep!
We learned the secrets of the occult sciences.
Magical influence.
Discovery in medicine.
Danger, the end of something.
Death + Sun (XIII + XIX)
You will have to make serious changes, no matter how much you want to.
New opportunity.
Died. Risen.
New stage.
The operation was successful.
Has begun in your life new stage.
Death + Judgment (XIII + XX)
Closing karma.
Change of world view. You need to reconsider a lot in your life.
Strong personality transformation.
Change of image.
Long trial.
Death + Peace (XIII + XXI)
You knew what you were getting into.
Summing up.
If a person is sick, he may die.
Revival for everything else.
Can change country.

With the Ace of Wands card - transform an idea; clear the road.
With the “Two of Wands” card - cling to what has become obsolete.
With the Three of Wands card - accept change.
With the Four of Wands card - changes in the house.
With the Five of Wands card - put an end to the conflict.
With the Six of Wands card - the need to change the approach; change team.
With the Seven of Wands card - futile attempts to interfere.
With the Eight of Wands card - fleeting changes.
With the Nine of Wands card - be wary of changes.
With the Ten of Wands card - break; resign; dump.
With the Page of Wands card - lose interest.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - lose momentum.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - adapt to the influence of time.
With the “King of Wands” card - a change in status.

V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Death upright with the Major Arcana

Magician - New worldview, A New Look for life
Magician (trans) - Demotion, demotion
Priestess - Waiting for an opportunity
Priestess (transl.) - Business stoppage
Empress - Achievements in the fine arts
Empress (trans) - Losses
Emperor - Awaiting Protection
Emperor (trans) - Promiscuity and Desire
Priest - Separating from her husband
Priest (trans) - Lack of moral principles
Lovers - New Union
Lovers (transl.) - Wandering in the dark. Lie. Gynecology. Paired female organ
Chariot - Defeat in battle
Chariot (trans) - Changing partners
Justice - Feud
Justice (trans) - Dishonest path to the goal
Hermit - Silence / carelessness, often fatal
The Hermit (trans) - The Cessation of Spiritual Freedom
Wheel of Fortune - Unexpected happiness
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Time to Throw Stones
Strength - Sudden Passion
Strength (trans) - Lack of energy. Leo is "oppressed"
The Hanged Man - The search for a way out dragged on
Hanged Man (trans) - Track
Moderation - Changes in health
Moderation (trans) - A restless time. Prank
Devil - Kiss of Judas
Devil (transl.) - Playing with fire seriously
Tower - Anarchy
Tower (trans) - Collapse, collapse, agony. World oncology
Star - Dog star Sirius, star of "Lucifer"
Zvezda (trans) - Death from suffocation, gas poisoning, etc., asthma
Moon - Sympathetic magic i.e. magic of suggestion
Moon (trans) - Probability of drowning
Sun - Change in aura, light
Sun (trans) - Instant death, most often in a dream. Myocardial infarction
Court - Liberation from the captivity of fears
Judgment (transl.) - Eternal guilt
World - Time for change for the better
The World (trans) - A failed partnership
Jester - Antichrist, jester and clown of the underworld
Jester (trans) - "Inner Child"

Death upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - An attempt to end everything at once. Suicide attempt
2 of Wands (trans) - Dependence on circumstances and environment
2 of Cups - Love Game
2 of Cups (trans) - Intemperance in love
2 of Swords - Divorce
2 of Swords (trans) - False Evidence
2 of Pentacles - Confusion in affairs and thoughts
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Failures in the material field

3 of Wands - Receiving a new assignment
3 of Wands (trans) - Prolonged failures
3 of Cups - Healing with unconventional methods
3 of Cups (trans) - Exaggeration of danger
3 of Swords - Fluctuations and instability
3 of Swords (trans) - Madness
3 of Pentacles - Choosing business over love
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Death of a Child

4 of Wands - Disturbance of peace
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Tendency to drink
4 Cups (per) - Unsuccessful attempts
4 of Swords - Coffin, grave. Funeral services. Troubles associated with a funeral
4 of Swords (trans) - Misalignment
4 of Pentacles - Failed treatment, victim
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Death in Exile

5 of Wands - Attempts to make a career, but more effort is needed
5 of Wands (trans) - Discord
5 of Cups - The will is not in your favor
5 of Cups (trans) - Metamorphoses in love affairs
5 of Swords - Damage. It won't work out
5 of Swords (trans) - Meaningless losses
5 of Pentacles - Material losses, negatives from karma
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Divorce

6 of Wands - Darkened joy
6 of Wands (trans) - Fear. Ghosts
6 of Cups - Need amulets from evil spirits
6 Cups (trans) - Herbal medicine. Holy Herb "Angelica"
6 of Swords - Funeral road, funeral
6 of Swords (trans) - Self-Sacrifice
6 of Pentacles - Instant retribution for harm done to someone
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Mortal danger

7 of Wands - Completing what you started
7 of Wands (trans) - Inability to accept what comes into your hands
7 of Cups - Trampling in one place
7 Cups (transl.) - Martyrant
7 of Swords - Deliberate Change
7 of Swords (trans) - Waiting for instructions
7 of Pentacles - Rejected Lover
7 of Pentacles (trans) - Dishonest Leaders

8 of Wands - Fatal ending
8 of Wands (trans) - Remorse
8 of Cups - Parting with your lover
8 Cups (per) - Huge distance
8 of Swords - Crisis
8 of Swords (trans) - Fatality
8 of Pentacles - Change of activity
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Unjustified stupidity

9 of Wands - Slowing down with change
9 of Wands (trans) - Delay. Unnecessary pregnancy
9 of Cups - Intuitive right step
9 of Cups (trans.) - Naivety. Ostrich hiding its head in the sand
9 of Swords - Loss, celibacy, farewell ritual
9 of Swords (transl.) - Death of a loved one
9 of Pentacles - Defector
9 of Pentacles (trans.) - “Black” teacher, false guru

10 of Wands - Catastrophe
10 of Wands (trans) - Unforeseen losses
10 of Cups - Holy Water
10 of Cups (trans) - Luck built on the misfortunes of other people
10 of Swords - Death in the house
10 of Swords (trans) - Misfortune with someone close to you, very rarely - profit, inheritance in your favor
10 of Pentacles - Material problem
10 of Pentacles (per) - Lack of help

Ace of Wands - Eternal Jew Agasfer; crystallization
Ace of Wands (trans) - Losing the meaning of life
Ace of Cups - Funeral
Ace of Cups (trans) - Overshadowed Party
Ace of Swords - Inevitability of the end, death
Ace of Swords (trans) - Challenge. Conquest
Ace of Pentacles - The End of Prosperity
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Loss of capital abroad

King of Wands - Danger to an older relative, serious illness
King of Wands (trans) - Death of an Elder Relative
King of Cups - Bravado, theatrical activities
King of Cups (trans) - Losses due to a woman
King of Swords - Killer “under pressure” of base feelings
King of Swords (trans) - Poverty of the soul. Unbelief
King of Pentacles - Success in scientific career, Professor
King of Pentacles (trans) - Barren Field

Queen of Wands - Means that one of the older relatives is facing misfortune or serious illness
Queen of Wands (trans) - The most severe consequences of abortion
Queen of Cups - Loss of Prudence
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Dissipation
Queen of Swords - Mischief for Power (Lady Macbeth)
Queen of Swords (trans) - Trickery in the female line
Queen of Pentacles - Loss of Wealth
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - A Dubious Relationship

Knight of Wands - Loss of property, real estate
Knight of Wands (trans) - Don't expect change!
Knight of Cups - Great offer
Knight of Cups (trans) - A clever trickster
Knight of Swords - Enemy, enemy
Knight of Swords (trans) - Crazy courage. Ram
Knight of Pentacles - Player
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - The Reluctant Embezzler

Page of Wands - Constant Admirer
Page of Wands (trans) - future troubles
Page of Cups - Explanation with the enemy, disappointing diagnosis
Page of Cups (trans) - A rival who will build an accusation against you
Page of Swords - Tormentor
Page of Swords (transl.) - “Was there a boy?” Rejection
Page of Pentacles - Sexual Deviations
Page of Pntacles (trans) - Seduction

Death Reversed with Major Arcana

Magician - Stagnation in business. Venous insufficiency
Magician (trans) - Trials. Job. Black magic, illness, stagnation, bad luck in business/trials
Priestess - Magic circle. Protection
Priestess (trans) - False prophets. Python
Empress - Decline in creative affairs
Empress (trans) - Negatives. Analysis
Emperor - Unpredictability of the situation
Emperor (transl.) - Lack of Hope
Priest - Loss of a man (partner, teacher, husband, brother, uncle, etc.)
Priest (trans) - Difficulties with studies. Failing exams
Lovers - Difficulties on the way
Lovers (trans) - Useless Expectations
Chariot - Rash impulse, jerk
Chariot (trans) - Overestimating your own influence
Justice - Freedom from the past, severance of relationships
Justice (trans) - Actions beyond logic and common sense
Hermit - Rash actions. Lady of Shalott
Hermit (trans) - Absence inner rod. Bone marrow
Wheel of Fortune - That separation that is for the benefit of both parties
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Slowdown. Dystonia. Nihilism
Strength - Violence, criminal case
Strength (trans) - No time for change
Hanged Man - Fatigue. Antidepressants
Hanged Man (trans) - Indifference
Moderation - Change for the worse
Moderation (trans) - Careerism
Devil - Hiding dark tendencies
The Devil (trans) - Bravado of the Gallows
Tower - Shock, shock, cardiology
Tower (trans) - Destructive changes. Drug den
Star - Difficult circumstances
Star (trans) - Black sky. Pluto - Proserpina
Moon - Dismissal. Imbalance. Urology
Moon (trans) - Gloomy Predictions
Sun - Shadow. Stagnation. Work under duress. Bile
Sun (trans) - Difficulties in achieving success
Court - Shackles
Judgment (trans) - Internal chains, shackles of the spirit
World - Discomfort
Peace (transl.) - “There is no peace under the olive trees.” Nobel. Literature
Jester - The new one lingers at the door. Fear of change
Jester (transl.) - The unpredictability of stupidity

Interpretation of the tarot card death in the upright position

The end of an old situation and the beginning of a new one. New business, new challenges, new beginning of life. Even if these changes entail sadness and grief, they must happen, because what will happen next new situation, new opportunities, new starts, new victories.

  • change for the better, internal rebirth, completion of something
  • natural changes, transformations, changes, a new beginning, an end to the current state of affairs

Correct Tarot Card Death Means Big changes in a person's life, a complete distance from the existing state of affairs. Such dramatic changes may cause pain and a sense of loss, but in the end the person accepts them and even welcomes them because... they entail the beginning of a new life. The death of the Tarot may indicate a break in friendships, marriage, divorce, career changes, or moving. All these events are not necessarily negative.

Death Tarot is not such a terrible card as it might seem at first glance. It means that your worldview is expanding. You refuse restrictions, and for you “Death” does not mean a physical end, but speaks of the end of the existing situation, which involves profound changes in the psyche and outlook on the world. Tarot card Death is a symbol of change. The following cards will tell you what changes await you. But in any case, you will have a chance for a new start in life. In general, the card foreshadows the end of the old life and the inevitable losses associated with this. The reason for the appearance of the card may be a change of job, marriage or divorce.

Interpretation of the tarot card death in reversed position

Stagnation, difficulties, disappointment. Unsuccessful relationships, loss of position. There are people waiting for you to fail. Monitor the situation carefully and do not allow yourself to become depressed.

  • temporary inactivity, inertia, sleep, apathy, loss of faith or hope
  • stagnation, stagnation, resistance to change, collapse of certain hopes
  • destruction, loss, collapse of plans, change for the worse

The reversed Death Tarot card also indicates big changes in the way of life. The questioner tries to resist, which leads to even greater difficulties. He does not recognize the true state of affairs and does not want to give up his old stagnant positions.

Tarot card Death in an inverted position means fear of change, stagnation in business, working through force, slow changes in life and associated inconveniences and troubles.

Description of the map

In many Tarot decks, Death is traditionally depicted as a skeleton with a scythe. In some decks she is depicted as a skeleton in black armor riding a horse. The figure sometimes laughs, sometimes looks angry or vindictive.

The background also changes. Sometimes the landscape looks bare, as if the earth itself has died. Sometimes the background is parts of bodies: heads, arms, legs, bones. Sometimes people of various ranks are depicted (king, girl, child, priest), either already dead or facing death. Image: there will be no mercy for anyone, neither higher nor lower.

Inner meaning. Given for understanding straight position cards

A big change is about to happen in your life. Good or bad, it cannot be avoided. Please note that the Death of the Tarot, although it symbolizes a positive transformation in spiritual improvement, can be unfavorable in fortune telling. A person faces a drastic change in his previous life, and almost nothing can stop it. Carefully interpret the other cards in the spread to determine what the change is. IN material life it could be anything from divorce or job loss to actual death. If the change concerns material status or personal life, get ready to save at least something or, at least, been through.

Death Tarot Means complete break with the past; the end of your life as it is. The card can be interpreted as a rejection of old ideals and previous actions. Another interpretation is a complete change in life, a transition from one way of existence to another. It also symbolizes the end of previous relationships, either due to your relocation or the relocation of others.

The Death Scythe symbolizes the harvest: you have sown your seed, it has sprouted, and it is time to reap the fruits. You receive what you have learned and move on to the next, higher (if you have studied properly) level of existence.

In any case, there is not only real death here, but also the beginning of a new life. Allegory of Death Tarot - the end of the person you were. But this shouldn't be scary. This is what you deserve; in fact, what they worked for. The end of who and what you have been comes because of the sacrifice you have made and all that you have learned. Now you will begin a completely different, new life that you could not even imagine before.

The number 13 in itself is neither lucky nor unlucky. It symbolizes transformation - in material terms, usually a change for the better - and rebirth: the connection between what is and what will be.

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