Home Perennial flowers 9 of swords tarot advice. Nine of Swords tarot card meaning. Reverse card position

9 of swords tarot advice. Nine of Swords tarot card meaning. Reverse card position

From the point of view of the intersection of Tarot and astrology, the Nine of Swords points to the Moon or Saturn as a symbol of depression, feelings of guilt and preoccupation with numerous problems. The name of this card says it all - Lord of Cruelty and Despair.

The Earth corresponds to it in the Elements.

The most general meaning of the 9 of swords is fears and bad feelings, but the problem is that they are completely justified. This is where a bad card appears, and remorse also comes. The central image of this lasso is sleepless nights due to depression, in a state of preoccupation. The arcan does not indicate the exact source: it could be one’s own torment of conscience, or a vivid premonition of danger or a loss too painful for a person. The Nine of Swords does not talk about the reasons and does not highlight specifics, but demonstrates exactly the existing state in its entirety.

Nine of Swords: the meaning of the straight card

In its immediate position, this Tarot lasso indicates that there is a feeling of hopelessness, fear of the coming of the future. It can also mean love that does not bring peace, numerous disappointments and suffering. From the point of view of the events symbolized by the lasso, this is a bad feeling or prophetic dreams, also more often about something negative, but not necessarily. It may indicate damage to the Questioner, and also clearly indicates that the person really has something to fear.

In matters of business and work, the matter is facing the possibility of real bankruptcy, and the company is awaiting liquidation. There are very justified threats from competitors, both in words and in action. Psychological attacks and pressure are carried out. There is despondency here and the attitude that the boss, the work, and even the atmosphere at work itself is heavily depressing. There may be fear of the task that has been set, fatigue from the workload, or increased risk work related. This may also be a manifestation of a bad conscience from a mistake made and hidden, the discovery of which the Questioner now fears.

From the point of view of health, this is a situation when a person has been given either an extremely dangerous or fatal diagnosis. This is also the night that awaits before a serious and difficult operation.

In love, the Nine of Swords indicates premonitions that there is only long-term loneliness ahead. This meaning is especially emphasized by the presence of the Hermit lasso nearby in the layout. There is a fear of losing a loved one. Often such a lasso can warn that the current situation in a relationship is the threshold to a very looking heavy breakup of relationships. If next to this card there is another one, which is characterized by the activity of events, this should absolutely be interpreted as a future loss.

But it is also the fear of being “thrown out” by a partner or not accepted by the other gender at all. It can also be an expression of the herd for the fact that the partner managed to find out something that the Questioner tried with all his might to hide, and now may fall in the eyes of his loved one. Another, personal, meaning of the Nine of Swords is a person with hypersensitivity, something like a medium or psychic, clairvoyant, etc. This lasso, in response to a direct question, answers a clear “Yes” and warns of a period of various suspicions and foreboding.

Nine of Swords: the meaning of the reversed card

In the reversed position, the card clearly demonstrates the presence of danger due to illness or as a result of violence, in the sphere of feelings - assumptions with a dubious basis. In this position, the lasso indicates that those premonitions and negative thoughts, fears that overwhelm the Questioner are exaggerated or fictitious and there is no reality behind them. Suspicions and doubts are generated by the subconscious activity of himself and are not a response to real external events.

However, there is a temptation to believe your own fears, perceiving them as a hint from intuition. However, inverted, there is no intuition here, only empty subconscious worries. In the event sphere, the meaning of the Nine of Swords in the tarot is suspicions, but false ones, immersion in negativism, bad emotions and strange fantasies, some mania of the one being asked about.

In relation to business, this Tarot lasso speaks of readiness to surrender without a fight, a complete lack of money as such. In terms of health, there are exaggerated and inadequate fears for one’s own condition, the presence of phobias that need to be treated on their own. If the Moon is nearby, this indicates a manic-depressive state. In love, pathological fear of the beloved or very loved one.

Advice from the map.

Important advice - you need to listen to your dreams, because some misfortunes are possible. Best advice for the reverse position of the lasso, you should just stop being afraid. Moreover, by succumbing to fears, a person can cause their realization.


Nine of Swords in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - worry about the child.
With the “Magician” card - futile endeavors.
With the card " High Priestess" - nightmares and premonitions of trouble coming from the subconscious.
With the “Empress” card there is a threat of miscarriage.
With the “Emperor” card - cruelty in the family and at work.
With the “Hierophant” card - fear, shame.
With the “Lovers” card - sleepless nights and worries about relationships; quarreling.
With the “Chariot” card - incessant torment, nightmares; showdown.
With the “Strength” card - powerlessness; lose heart.
With the “Hermit” card - to be left alone with your pain.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card it is an unstable and anxious time.
With the “Justice” card there is a feeling of guilt.
With the Hanged Man card - paralyzing pain
With the "Death" card - an inevitably impending nightmare.
With the “Moderation” card, the pain becomes less acute.
With the “Devil” card - nightmarish experiences, the cause of which is a destructive passion.
With the Tower card - worry about divorce, separation or serious illness.
With the “Star” card - hope that the pain will someday subside.
With the Moon card - worry about betrayal and uncertainty in the future.
With the Sun card, good will triumph.
With the “Judgment” card - worry that you will have to pay for your sins.
With the “World” card - survive the pain and draw the right conclusions.

From other sources:
V.Sklyarova " Great book combinations".

Nine of Swords upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Sick conscience
Priestess - Cruelty in the family
Empress - Discord, persecution
Emperor - Denial of paternity. DNA
Priest - Marriage Rite
Lovers - Cruel Retribution
Chariot - Mortal danger, great destruction. Incomplete victory over the blows of fate
Justice - Participation in an unpleasant scandal, you are a participant. Participation in court as a witness
Hermit pr and per - Taking holy orders
Wheel of Fortune - Reducing despair, reducing pain
Strength - Deprivation of reliability, refusal of a promise is not in your favor. Deflowering
Hanged Man - An undeserved accusation, but everyone believes the other side. Accusation without guilt, investigation error
Death - Disappearance of a person. Funeral rite
Death (trans) - The disappearance of a person one way or another
Moderation - Getting rid of mortal danger. Getting rid of negative influence
Devil - Crime at work. Crime by office
Tower - Loss of ideals, goals
Star - Help in grief
Moon - Vain expectations
Sun - Loss of a foothold in life
Court - Betrayal from children
Peace - "A Feast in Time of Plague"
Jester - Unnecessary cruelty

Nine of swords in upright position with Minor Arcana

Ace of Pentacles - Extortion of money for some service

Nine of Swords Reversed with Major Arcana

Moon - Vain hopes

Nine of Swords – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Nine of Swords corresponds to Saturn in harmonious aspect to the Moon, which denotes depression, deep concern, aggravated by feelings of guilt.

This is the second decade of Gemini. The sign is ruled by aggressive Mars, which requires an analysis of the world and world order through the prism of its own will. Under the influence of this decade, a person develops mental acuity, logical thinking, connecting disparate information into a single whole, like puzzles folding into a whole picture.

The danger is represented by excessive rigidity, and even cruelty of the mind, which clogs the voice of the soul, which gives signals through feelings and sensations. For this reason, a person sometimes has to literally fight with his own mind in order to take the right step and not make a mistake.

Other names for the Nine of Swords : Nine Sabers, Nine Daggers, Nine Blades.

Brief description of Arcana : Despair; Rigidity; Illness in all its manifestations - physical, mental, emotional; Lack of strength, energy and means to change the situation.

Description of the Nine of Swords

On classic map depicts a sick person whose age and gender are difficult to determine. He lies on the bed in a long shirt and with a bandaged head. Everything suggests that his strength has left him. A female nurse sits next to a sick man and gives him a bowl of water.

There are 9 swords above the patient’s bed, which, however, do not touch his body.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot deck, Arkan is represented by a young man who sits in the hall of a stone castle. His posture speaks of extreme despair. Swords are scattered chaotically around him. The young man bowed his head in his hands: he cannot find a way out of the situation, since he sits with his back to the exit.

The sacred meaning of the Nine of Swords

A deep understanding of the Nine of Swords lies not only in the pose and state of the hero, but also in the swords depicted on the card. We see a man who is in such in serious condition, which cannot do without a nurse. He is virtually immobilized, weak and does not have the strength to care for himself.

But what brought him to this state? Of course, the swords speak of a difficult situation in his life. They can cause not only physical, but also heartache. However, not a single sword touches our hero's body. It turns out that not a single sword caused him the pain that the man lying on the bed is trying to show us.

Why is he licking? Why can’t he cope with his condition himself, but requires outside help? He does not feign pain, he is his own source of pain! He gave rise to fears, doubts, and feelings of guilt. Trying to get away from the obstacles that inevitably arise in life, he is ready to fall into illness. This state is akin to an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

The man lying on the bed did not die physically, but he died to the world. He is not ready to face him, he is weak. His mind cannot take over his fears, cannot control them. That is why on some Arcana the head of our hero is bandaged.

It is important to note that our patient has a person nearby who is ready to share the pain with him, come to the rescue, lift him to his feet and avert trouble. You just need to not resist this help, but accept the healing potion from the hands of a person.

Mythological correspondence of the Nine of Swords

IN Greek mythology The arcana corresponds to the goddess of revenge Erinyes, and in the Roman goddess - Furies. Familiarity with the images of inquisitors will also help you understand the essence of the Arcana; you just need to transfer this understanding to your inner state.

The meaning of the straight Nine of Swords in the layout

The Nine of Swords is recognized as one of the unfavorable Arcana in the Tarot deck, even though it itself almost never speaks of a direct threat. Here the negativity comes from the psychological state of a person in currently, which affects what happens to him in life. And this condition is extremely difficult and very unpleasant.

A person is haunted by feelings of fear and melancholy, anxiety and guilt, and all these sensations come from his subconscious. In essence, a person subjects himself to severe torture. It is not for nothing that Akron and Banzhaf call this Arcanum the “spirit of the Inquisition.” But this inquisition is internal. When appearing in a reading, the Nine of Swords indicates that the person is currently suffering. What kind of suffering, where it comes from, what makes him react this way - the nearby Arcana in the layout will tell you.

Suffering leads a person to serious psychological problems, one of which may be sleep disturbances - insomnia, nightmares, shallow restless sleep. This is how people with a bad conscience or those who feel a danger to themselves or their loved ones sleep. Often such a card accompanies a serious loss.

If the Nine of Swords appears in the reading, it is worth pointing out to the person that he has something to think about. He definitely needs to understand the motives of his fears. This is important so that a person can move on, because sometimes fears lie in the fact that people are not ready for change or active action.

We see on the Arcana the presence of another character who is caring for the sick. This tells us that a person cannot cope with his pain, his problems and the current circumstances on his own. In order to overcome what is happening, outside help is urgently needed. Someone stronger, more sensible, not subject to fears, guilt or worries.

The meaning of the reversed Nine of Swords in the reading

The inverted Nine of Swords, alas, does not gain any positive meaning. Moreover, it aggravates a person’s situation by the fact that if in the upright position Arkan promises help from the outside, helping to get out of the situation, then in the upright position the person is left alone with his anxiety, pain, fears and feelings of guilt.

Inverted, the Arcanum says that a person not only experiences negative emotions because of his internal problems, but also external circumstances make him suffer even more. Such circumstances may be subject to general court his problems, shame. Thus, the Nine of Swords in an inverted position also implies shame, which destroys the psychological and emotional state.

With such a card, we can talk about the presence of an unreliable person nearby who has the opportunity to somehow influence what is happening. The one to whom the alignment is made is accompanied by suspicion, distrust of to a certain person However, he cannot change anything in life, because he is dependent on him at the moment.

From a psychological perspective, a person may experience causeless panic attacks, insomnia, nightmares, and severe and sudden headaches. This is also enhanced by the fact that a person “winds up” himself, creating unbearable conditions for his own life.

With positive neighboring Arcana, we can say that at the moment a person is emerging from a dead-end state, depression is leaving him, he is beginning to realize his fears and already sees options for dealing with them. This is perhaps the only positive in the inverted Arcana, and it is only given by neighboring cards.


If the alignment is made for professional activities, then the appearance of the Nine of Swords in it does not indicate that there are problems in business, of course, and they arose, first of all, due to indecision, doubts, fears of doing something, and negative emotions. The card predicts a failed business, and if there is some minimal success, it will be associated with severe stress, which can lead to depression, apathy and aversion to work.

With such a map, we can say that professional activity has turned into real torture. A person has difficulty forcing himself to go to work, looking for any excuse to escape from his responsibilities. A blockage at work, which arose due to a negligent attitude towards it, makes you nervous and even deprives you of sleep.

All plans are shifted, the project will not be completed on time. The person himself is in a state of panic due to complete time pressure. In addition, Arkan points out possible checks, commissions, and speeches that cause fear in a person.

The Nine of Swords suggests that at the moment it is very important to mobilize all your strength to overcome the problems that have arisen. In this case, it is necessary to enlist the support of a business partner, deputy or trusted person. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the negative situations that arise at work alone.

If we're talking about about the employee, then we can say that there is envy on his part, jealousy of his more successful colleagues. He can throw tantrums, heat up the situation in the team, and sometimes even behave inappropriately.

The card has a positive aspect only for people of such professions as psychologists and psychiatrists.

In an inverted position, the Nine of Swords indicates anger on the part of employees or business partners. You need to be careful about your surroundings, since problems may arise due to an ill-wisher who has the ability to influence the business.

A negative situation at work can be corrected, but to do this you need to overcome your fears and take decisive action. Moreover, this must be done immediately, without wasting time on build-up. In any case, Arkan shows that changes await a person and he needs to take everything into his own hands. Although it will be quite difficult to do this due to a lack of faith in yourself and your strength.

Direction of self-development

In the direction of self-development, Arkan shows that the time has come to fight the dark sides of your soul, which have transformed into fears and have now taken over. This is no accident! How can you fight fear if it has not shown its face? It is now that fear comes out and tears off its mask. All that remains is to simply defeat him.

The inverted Arcana shows that fears have already been identified, methods to combat them have been selected, but a decisive step has not yet been taken. It simply must be done, otherwise you will have to fight not only with internal problems, but also with external enemies who will not fail to take advantage of the slightest weakness.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, the Nine of Swords shows a person who behaves rather hysterically, imposes his love, but at the slightest rejection of this on the part of his partner, he begins to worry too much, overwhelm himself, and feel guilty. In addition, the person on whom the card fell is suspicious of the partner, jealous with or without reason, and jealousy sometimes takes the form of obsession. This can manifest itself in surveillance, checking personal correspondence, attempts to provoke a confession of sins in conversation, and taking someone at their word.

Such a person is prone to vindictiveness. He may even cause harm if he does not receive the feelings he expects in return. These people love and hate at the same time.

Do not forget that the Nine of Swords is the Arcana of suffering, and they can be caused as unrequited love, and the destruction of relationships, which is perceived extremely painfully. However, the card also falls to those for whom the union has already become hateful. A person suffers from a relationship, considers himself humiliated, but cannot end such a relationship for various reasons. As a rule, you can often hear from such a person “I want to ask, but I can’t because I love him.” Moreover, we can even talk about the fear of losing a partner, which takes on a panic form.

For single people, Arkan speaks of continued loneliness, the inability to meet a couple due to one’s own fears and doubts. Sometimes they can be caused by pain from a previous relationship.

The Nine of Swords inverted shows that there are problems in relationships, but they are no longer critical. There are still echoes of pain, but it is gradually going away. If positive Arcana appear next to this card, especially Peace (XXI Arcana), then we can say that the difficult time is passing, and the person will learn a good lesson for the future from his shocks.

Personality characteristics

A person under the influence of the Nine of Swords turns into an extremely restless person, staying for the most part in a depressed state. He is worried about absolutely everything: work, relationships, health. He is tormented by pangs of conscience at the slightest provocation, has doubts about the correctness of his actions and deeds, and is afraid of his future. He is haunted by negative thoughts and state of mind close to panic.

Fears dominate a person, becoming all-consuming and uncontrollable. As a rule, he, like an ostrich, hides his head at the slightest difficulty and tries by all means to avoid solving the problem. This leads to physical and mental health problems.

In his thoughts, such a person draws the worst pictures, which drive him into even greater fear. It seems to him that the whole world has turned against him, he cannot trust anyone, he treats everyone with suspicion. Sometimes he even loses the meaning of life and thinks about suicide. He is driven to this by the extreme degree of despair and the torment of his soul.

It should be noted that among others negative feelings, such a person experiences guilt and shame. Moreover, for this he tries to punish himself, and then feels sorry for himself, believing that he has become a victim. He is focused only on himself, but sees himself at the center of negativity.

In an inverted position, the Nine of Swords aggravates the condition Direct Arcana. At the same time, the person feels extremely lonely. It seems to him that no one understands him, and no one, in fact, is able to understand the depth of his pain. He will perceive any help with suspicion, because he does not want to see the positive in it.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Nine of Swords shows that at the moment a person is powerless to change anything. This is due to his internal problems: self-doubt, doubts, fears, negative thoughts. Everything that happens puts him in a painful state, and he is still fixated on his experiences.

In everyday situations, Arkan means loss - money, something important and worthwhile. Coping with these losses will be extremely difficult. For some time you have to endure a nervous shock, which is also aggravated by self-flagellation, a feeling of guilt and sometimes shame for what happened.

The Nine of Swords suggests that someone who treats our hero very positively and with empathy can turn the situation around. He will put feelings in order and resolve problems that have arisen.

Inverted, the Arcanum shows that a person in a stalemate is left alone with his problems. He cannot find the strength within himself to resolve them, but he understands perfectly well that there is no one else to solve the issues except him. Such an understanding can force him to mobilize his forces and take decisive steps to level out the situation that has arisen.


The lasso gives a direct indication of the disease, in all its manifestations. Here we can talk about serious physical problems, literally leading to strict bed rest and even immobilization. Also with such a card they come psychological problems: hysteria, depression, apathy, insomnia, nightmares.

In the most severe cases, if negative cards fall nearby, especially Death ( XIII Arcana) – we can talk about death mainly at night or in a dream. With the Tower (XVI Arcana) and with the Moon (XVIII Arcana), the Nine of Swords indicates a serious mental disorder.

In an inverted form, the Arkan shows the impossibility of providing help for illness at the moment due to various reasons: there are no funds, suitable doctors, or medicines.

Card of the day

The day ahead is problematic: everything that happens will make you very worried, and often all the worry will come down to the fact that the person has simply screwed himself up. Fears will arise out of nowhere and be easily subdued. You need to call on a loved one to help you deal with the oppressive demons of your soul.

The reversed Nine of Swords indicates that you will have to deal with problems on this day in splendid isolation, and this will be extremely difficult to do due to your own insecurities.

Card of the Year

The Year of the Nine of Swords is an anxious time, during which fears and indecision will prevail. All this will create current problems that will have to be solved together with a loved one.

Inverted, Arkan says that this is not only a year of problems, but also loneliness in the fight against them. In addition, you need to be very careful about your surroundings: here someone will try to create too many difficulties.

Arcana Council

The Nine of Swords recommends stopping succumbing to your internal problems - fears, melancholy, lack of self-confidence and feelings of guilt. All this prevents you from acting decisively and forces you to give in to emerging obstacles. Nothing is impossible for someone who can overcome their personal demons, because they are the most strong enemy. A good helper may become sane.

The main meaning of the 9 Swords Tarot card is fears and experiences, however, if we consider its detailed interpretation, we can find out that the card is fraught with a more multifaceted prediction.

In the article:

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot card in a broad sense

The 9 Swords Tarot card indicates that the fortuneteller’s life has turned into a nightmare. In his understanding, now the usual way of life is collapsing and falling into the abyss. The fear and number of current problems are so great that it would seem that there is no point in living.

However, the swords drawn on the map do not touch a person. The problems are not as big as you might think, and they do not directly affect you. You worry too much about problems that have no obvious relation to you, but you have enough worries of your own. Don't worry and take care of yours everyday affairs, don’t think about imaginary problems, and your condition will return to normal. You shouldn’t burden yourself with other people’s problems, especially regardless of your ability to cope with them.

The Nine of Swords Tarot can also indicate residual experiences after serious difficulties. Bad mood and pessimism in this case can be perfectly treated with everyday activities, work, and creativity. But more often this card indicates preoccupation with imaginary problems, and also expresses despair, doubt, and hopelessness. Sometimes she talks about the shame that gnaws at the questioner from the inside. It will have to be recognized and overcome.

The meaning of the 9 of Swords Tarot also concerns insomnia. It is she who is depicted on this map. It may imply pangs of conscience that do not allow one to fall asleep, as well as anticipation of the consequences of a certain action, anxiety for own life or the life of a loved one or the excitement of performing a difficult or dangerous task. In addition, the card can mean nightmares and sleep-related problems.

Turning over this card suggests that troubles will not end instantly, however, the end of a bad period in life has already appeared on the horizon. The future promises hope and an end to problems, as well as good news.

Nine Swords Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for business and work

There are many options for the meaning of the Nine of Swords Tarot when divining for work, business and affairs, but they do not contradict the main meaning of this card. It can mean despondency and oppression by the team or boss. Work does not bring you pleasure; perhaps you made a mistake when choosing a specialty or workplace.

In addition, the card may mean overwork after high loads or fear of not being able to cope with the task. When fortune telling about studies, this can be used to express jitters before an exam or admission, fear of public speaking or other matters that will have to be dealt with soon.

There is a possibility that the questioner has made a serious mistake or acted dishonestly in the past. Now the awareness of this fact, the expectation of consequences and attempts to find out whether the misconduct was discovered or went undetected, do not allow him to sleep peacefully at night.

Nine of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 9 Swords Tarot is fear of separation. This card can also reveal concerns about the life and health of the spouse - both justified and far-fetched by the questioner. You are afraid of losing your loved one. Perhaps you have done something that could greatly disappoint him, and now you are terrified that he will find out about it, and the consequences will be serious.

The meaning in a relationship of the Nine of the Swords Tarot suit, if this card falls to a single person, means depression due to loneliness, a desire to find a couple and at the same time the inability to believe that it is quite possible to improve your personal life.

Reversed card speaks of good news related to your personal life or a loved one.

Nine of Swords Tarot - people and places

Upright The Nine of Swords means a person who is in a depressed, anxious state. He has someone to worry about, but these worries may well turn out to be far-fetched. This person may suffer from insomnia. There is a possibility that he is ill, perhaps currently preparing for surgery. Often the Nine of Swords signifies bachelors, virgins, monks and clergy, as well as hermits. This may also be the enemy of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position This card suggests that you are dealing with someone who has experienced grief or a truly terrible situation in life. He is sad, but has hopes for a good future. Perhaps this person is suffering chronic insomnia. It is unreliable and a bad influence on what you ask the tarot cards about.

Sometimes during fortune telling there is a goal to find out a certain place, and this is quite realistic. The Nine of Swords in such fortune telling will mean a church, monastery or other sanctuary associated with any religion.

Nine of Swords + Ace of Swords and other combinations of this card with others

One of the most unpleasant combinations in the Tarot is the Nine of Swords and. It means betrayal and tears, disappointment and the inability to put aside suffering. In combination with this card, it promises divorce and life alone, sleepless nights thinking about how to live after a breakup.

Several combinations of the Nine of Swords with other cards promise problems. So, for example, this card foreshadows difficulties that will grow like a snowball. The Five of Wands near the Nine of Swords promises not only problems, but also enmity. The Six of Wands near this card guarantees defeat for the fortuneteller.

There are also combinations that can specify the fears of the questioner. For example, the Page of Wands or the Jester says that fears are associated with a child, the Queen of Wands - the questioner is worried about a woman, the King of Wands - about a man. Arcanum Lovers says that experiences are associated with a quarrel with a loved one and a relationship with him.

In general, despite the fact that the Nine of Swords cannot be called a positive card, the forecast may not be so gloomy. Despite the difficulty of the fortuneteller's current position, his problems may turn out to be much less than it seemed at first.

The Nine of Swords Tarot is a card associated with the spirit of despair and is called the lord of cruelty and depression. The meaning of the card, alas, does not carry a powerful positive load, which is reflected in the image of the Nine Swords itself. How is the card interpreted in different layouts, and should we expect good news from it? The answers have already been formulated by professional tarot readers - you just need to study new data and apply them through experience.

The meaning of 9 swords describes real threats

Traditional interpretation of a straight map

The 9 of Swords Tarot, whose meaning rarely describes real threats, often leads to complex and unpleasant psychological state, because the card is considered one of the most negative among the others. The card is compared to an uncontrollable whirlwind, which includes: anxiety, melancholy, fear, guilt, horror. Seeing the Nine of Swords in any scenario, one can draw a conclusion about the suffering of the questioner, a difficult life situation, a crossroads.

Relying on ancient interpretations, the card can symbolize a certain number of enemies. Sometimes the fortuneteller himself becomes his own enemy, which is associated with many influences. The card is associated with severe anxiety, insomnia, and anxiety. The questioner is on a path full of trials, losses, disappointments. Such a “black streak” turns a person into a deeply puzzled and depressed person. Wakes up often bad conscience, fear of life appears.

The Nine of Swords card is a harbinger of nightmares, painful night thoughts. Such a period is extremely depressing, because it is quite difficult to find the cause of the torment.

And also common interpretations are:

  • a difficult test that can come out of nowhere;
  • powerless experiences of failure;
  • the emergence of a real danger to life;
  • prolonged despair, melancholy, darkness, pain, suffering;
  • the need to “be alone with thoughts”;
  • fatigue, which is a prerequisite for the beginning of a new life period;
  • the end of the torment, the solution to problems in the near future.

The card advises the questioner to begin the path to correcting reality. Try to stop inactivity in all ways, not forgetting about decent behavior, sound responsible actions, and firm decisions. In order to free yourself from the power of oppressive shackles, it is enough to have patience and endurance. If your life is now characterized by serenity and cloudlessness, then you should think about possible problems in future.

The 9 of Swords warns that abstaining from dubious adventures and thoughtfulness of actions is the only sure path to a positive outcome. Otherwise, you will have to regret what you did for a long time. Don’t let life take its course, deal with urgent matters that require your attention, and stabilization of your condition will not take long.

Interpretations for love relationships

Of all the Tarot cards, the Nine of Swords is characterized by increased anxiety about the other half, which is often unnecessary. This type of behavior is akin to hysteria and importunity. The card is associated with unconditional, fanatical faith, but with suspicion, even some kind of distrust and doubt, mania. At love scenarios The card mainly talks about:

  • heartless passion, love and hatred in one moment;
  • a sphere that is poisoned by sick love;
  • suffering associated with relationships, or lack thereof;
  • mental suffering, humiliation, insults in marriage;
  • inability to forgive;
  • psychogenic impotence;
  • bachelor life and lonely state.

The Nine of Swords is associated with marriages and marital quarrels

Despite the fact that the Nine of Swords is a “loners” card, it is associated with marriages and marital quarrels. It is often interpreted as constant torment in a couple, tears, torture. The card attracts obsessed people who are capable of creating an idol, a fetish, an ideal. Sometimes the meaning is associated with any form of tyranny, violence, rudeness, and unceremoniousness.

9 of Swords in the professional and financial sphere

The card clearly characterizes a person who is unable to cope with doubts and emotions, which leads him to negative consequences at work. There are often cases when the place of work becomes like torture, which is unbearably difficult to endure. Deciding professional issues, 9 of Swords can signal:

  • about unplanned actions in professional activity, penalties - your business may fail, and you will be defeated;
  • on the way to promotion you will experience extreme stress;
  • about a state of panic, lack of concentration;
  • about fear of all kinds of tests, exams, speeches, meetings;
  • about encounters with envious, selfish people, discomfort in the work environment.

The card calls on the questioner to mobilize, strict rationality, regular rest and sleep. In the pursuit of success, many people forget how to rest. The 9 of Swords is connected at a deep level with specialists in mental anguish - psychologists, priests.

All sorts of unrest are happening in the monetary sphere - and for good reason. More often, financial position the fortuneteller is in a shaky, unstable state. There is a risk of losing property, failing in business, going bankrupt, indebted a large sum, be a victim of deception.

Health Importance

The traditional understanding of the card is illness. The 9 of Swords is associated with considerable suffering at night, with poisoning and post-operative pain. Sometimes it can talk about wounds, both physical and moral, as well as the shock that the person has recently suffered. A fortuneteller may receive an unpleasant diagnosis: receive news of a pregnancy that you did not plan, or a miscarriage. Often the card describes long-term insomnia, sleep disorders, and the occurrence of panic attacks. In rare cases, it signals death.

The questioner needs to be prepared for mental trauma, shame, horror, and guilt. The disease can manifest itself as retribution for something done. Sometimes the card exposes problems with bedwetting, discomfort due to magnetic storms, shifts climate zone. 9 of Swords appears during allergic reactions, during the premenstrual period. Old interpretations associate the card with a notification of the death of a friend or loved one.

The traditional understanding of the card is illness

Reverse card position

The Nine of Swords reversed also does not have a positive meaning, describing the same fears and violence. The inverted position is an indicator of shame, fear of disgrace. Kkarta always carries aggression and destructive energy. The main interpretations of the inverted Nine are:

  • the appearance of an unreliable person in life who affects the overall situation;
  • doubt, no trusting relationship, constant suspicions and remorse on the part of conscience;
  • oppressive jealousy;
  • being in an atmosphere of gossip and slander;
  • the appearance of difficult thoughts, unreasonable fears;
  • denial of pain and fear, external calm, accompanied internal struggle and panic;
  • gradual acceptance of pain, purification through it;
  • a long-awaited release from the shackles of depression.

Rarely, a card can be associated with relief from feelings of guilt, the emergence of new hopes and faith.

Combinations with other cards

Basically, even when found with clearly positive cards, 9 of Swords does not promise positive transformations.

  • The combination with the Hierophant can be a symbol of marriage (as evidenced by ancient research).
  • Being next to the Justice card, Nine describes the bitter truth, retribution.
  • The 9 of Swords with Death or the Six of Swords, alas, unanimously means a funeral, being in deep depression.
  • Compatibility with the Devil warns of despair, joylessness, wicked and dubious proposals.
  • Being with the Star and the Three of Cups carries the only positive meanings - relief of suffering, faith, peace of mind, the end of trials by fate.
  • The court relieves the questioner of guilt and frees him from obsessive responsibility.
  • Being near the Ten of Wands, 9 of Swords describe a state of anxiety, the appearance of panic attacks.
  • The Three of Swords warns: soon your heart will be broken.
  • The Ten of Cups assures that the fortuneteller has the strength to pass the tests with the help of his family.

Deep Understanding of the 9 of Swords

Ancient tarot readers associated the card with purity, purity, virginity, and sanctuary. The 9 of Swords are cards of retribution for past sins. The period of testing that awaits the questioner will free him from depression and give him enormous power and merciless energy. A mental crisis will regenerate the soul. This is a cruel card that contrasts reason and feelings. A person should independently figure out whose influence is closer to his essence. Relying on reason, believing in its omnipotence, one can regret such recklessness.

9 of Swords - cards of retribution for past sins

The 9 of Swords speaks of severe night restlessness, a state of depression, thoughts about all sorts of problems, plans for work that seem burdensome. A person is tormented by fears of future events and constant doubts about the correctness of his choice. Uncertainty and remorse do not allow the questioner to clear himself of problems. Unfounded anxieties, a powerless state, fear of failure, an absolute lost state characterize a person faced with a Nine. From concentrating on the negative, his life becomes like a protracted nightmare.

Nine is the only Arcana that concentrates on feelings of shame and guilt, which is why the card demands special attention. Life period the questioner is full of inner monsters, gnawing anxiety, primitive violent fantasies, shameful defeats. Personal condition the fortuneteller is reminded of being on the verge of extreme despair, and also:

  • a period of torment and loss of loved ones;
  • a time of grief and lack of money to solve problems;
  • a period of self-flagellation, self-punishment, self-pity.

The questioner is in prolonged fear and even panic; before tests, he experiences fear, which is difficult to control through work, exams, sex. It is extremely important to endure this period and not succumb to weakness. Having given up on troubles, you can wallow in the abyss of fear and mental anguish. There is no need to focus on possible problems, otherwise your world will slide into a deep hole. Constantly thinking about fears and worries, there is a risk of resorting to suicide or acquiring psychological trauma. What causes such fears? First of all, sudden events, excessive concentration on one’s personality. The fortuneteller is so afraid of change that he is ready to sit in the “cocoon” forever. Often such behavior leads to the loss of loved ones and friends: few of them are able to tolerate such a selfish person.

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