Home Berries The uterus is tense at 34 weeks, which is prescribed. It's better to hold off on sex

The uterus is tense at 34 weeks, which is prescribed. It's better to hold off on sex

Braxton Hicks contractions become regular. The baby has grown another 1 cm and is now the size of a butternut squash. There is less and less space for activity, so the baby does not make sudden movements and somersaults, but only stretches and tosses and turns in his mother’s belly.

Feelings at 34 weeks of pregnancy

A woman may experience strong contractions this week, and their frequency is increasing every day. The spasms occur in the upper part of the uterus.

Everyone also continues to experience pain in the chest and pelvic area. The uterus grows upward, pressing on the stomach and neighboring organs. The woman still experiences heartburn and belching. It is difficult to breathe and shortness of breath occurs after physical activity. Another week or two and the stomach will go down - the woman will feel much better.

As a result of impaired intestinal motility, the expectant mother experiences constipation. The child is pressing on bladder and the woman has to go to the toilet often. For the same reason, her sleep is disturbed, and a comfortable position is becoming increasingly difficult to find. You cannot sleep on your back; it is advisable to lie on your left side.

The baby no longer pushes his mother so hard - there is less and less space in the uterus. He has his own daily routine. When the mother walks, she rocks the baby in her tummy and he sleeps. Conversely, the child prefers active actions at a time when mom is resting.

Changes in the mother's body at 34 weeks of pregnancy

The figure of a woman at 34 weeks of pregnancy has changed a lot. The expectant mother is getting fatter every day, gaining 300-400 grams weekly.

The uterine fundus is determined 13 cm above the navel and 34 cm above the symphysis pubis. The uterus is preparing for the upcoming birth - more and more often the expectant mother feels false training contractions. It is useful to perform Kegel exercises - they will help prevent ruptures during childbirth and make them less painful.

As a result of a shift in the center of gravity, your back and legs may hurt, especially in the evening. Some mothers are also concerned about swelling of the legs at the end of the day, which during the normal course of pregnancy disappears by the morning.

The doubled breast already contains colostrum, which will become breast milk. The expectant mother already has more than 5 liters of blood, which is 1 liter more than usual.

The baby is at 34 weeks. Fetus 34 weeks

At 34 weeks of gestation, the gestational age of the fetus is 32 weeks. His organs and systems are finishing their active development. The child becomes more and more well-fed - folds and cheeks appear. The fat layer has not yet accumulated enough under the skin. It makes up only 8% of total weight child. Such babies are not yet able to retain heat.

The child is no longer as active; he has less and less room to move. He quickly gains weight, taking it from the mother's body. The primary fluff on his body rolls off, the amount of vernix lubrication increases, and the baby’s skin becomes paler.

Every week the child gains 200-400 grams. Now his weight is about 2200-2400 grams, and his height is about 43-44 cm. Most children are finally located in their mother’s stomach in exactly the position in which they will be born.

What's new?

The baby has most likely already taken its final position - head down. Also happening this week are the following events:

  • all systems are functioning;
  • internal organs are fully formed;
  • the baby develops a daily routine - most often he is active when the mother is sleeping, and rests when the mother is awake;
  • the child reacts to the sounds of music, distinguishes the intonation of voices;
  • the baby’s visual and taste perceptions are improved;
  • the child dreams.

If the child were born at this time, he would no longer be considered premature. Rather, he would have been recorded as born prematurely. These children can already breathe on their own.

External development of the fetus

TO external signs The development of the child at 34 weeks includes the following events:

  • all parts of the body are proportional to each other;
  • skin color becomes pale, redness disappears;
  • baby accumulates subcutaneous fat, cheeks and folds of skin appear.

All children develop and grow differently, so all the above signs are relative.

Internal development of the fetus

Internal signs of fetal development at 34 weeks include the following:

  • the brain is fully formed;
  • all body systems are also formed;
  • the lungs have matured;
  • In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The child’s bones become denser, and the child intensively takes calcium from the mother’s body. Therefore, it is very important for mom to consume enough of it.

Weight gain at 34 weeks of pregnancy

At 34 weeks, a woman can gain about 400 grams weekly. By the end of 34 weeks, the expectant mother gains weight up to 10-11 kg. At the end of pregnancy, she may weigh 15-16 kg more than her pre-pregnancy weight.

Find detailed information about all types of discharge during pregnancy!

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 34 weeks

Many women at 34 weeks may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain in the pelvis, chest, back;
  • indigestion;
  • constipation and other digestive disorders;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent urination;
  • dyspnea;
  • headache;
  • varicose veins;
  • short sleep;
  • increase mammary glands, leakage of colostrum.

Many mothers may feel numbness and pain in the pelvic area while walking at this stage. This is explained by the fact that the child puts pressure on the nerve endings. There is also a weakening of the pelvic ligaments and joints before childbirth.

What happens to the belly at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

The belly is quite large. Child propping up chest and sometimes it’s hard for mom to breathe. Soon your stomach will go down and it will become much lighter.

A dark line on the abdomen clearly divides the abdomen into two halves. The navel protrudes outward.

The skin on the abdomen is a little itchy, as it is very stretched. To reduce itching, lubricate the skin olive oil or moisturizer against stretch marks.

Many mothers clearly feel how and what the baby is pushing. Now he is positioned upside down and hits mom in the ribs. His movements are no longer so active due to the small space. You can feel the baby hiccup. Usually by 34 weeks the baby is finally placed in the position in which he will be born.


At 34 weeks, the size of the uterus reached 30-32 cm. It increased 500 times and became 10 times heavier than before pregnancy. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises 34 cm and its upper point is located 14 cm above the navel.


As a result, a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the abdomen increases the load on the legs and back. By week 34 there may be pain in the perineum and sacrum. In this way, the body prepares the woman for childbirth, the pelvic bones slowly move apart and soften. In addition, a child who is positioned head down and pushes his mother in the ribs can cause minor pain to the mother.

You should be careful about pain. Preparatory contractions - pulling in the lower abdomen, not intense and not frequent, which pass quickly, should not bother you. In the case of cramping and frequent contractions, you should call an ambulance, as most likely this is the beginning of labor.

Pregnant women often experience constipation, as the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines. For this reason, there may be pain in the pubic area and, in rare cases, hemorrhoids may develop. The main symptom of hemorrhoids is pain in the anus.

Discharge at 34 weeks of pregnancy

It is important to control the discharge. They are normally moderate, without a pungent odor, and have a light or milky tint. At this stage, the discharge may become more mucoid. There is no need to worry about this, as the vagina may secrete mucus that covers the uterus throughout pregnancy.

A change in color to yellow or gray, curdled, and even with a pungent odor should be a reason to consult a doctor. A genital tract infection may occur. Most common reason such symptoms are thrush. After the examination, treatment will be prescribed. It is imperative to get rid of the infection, since there is a high probability that the child will become infected while passing through birth canal.

If you experience bloody discharge, you should go to the hospital, as this may indicate placental abruption. This condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of hypoxia in the child. Another reason for the appearance of blood from the vagina is the onset of premature labor.

Watery discharge in copious amounts at the 34th week indicates rupture of amniotic fluid. Immediate ambulance doctor.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

At 34 weeks, an ultrasound is usually prescribed if the woman has not already had one. Ultrasound will give full information about the ongoing pregnancy and child development. The examination determines the presence or absence of developmental defects and pathologies. They may also prescribe Doppler ultrasound and cardiotocography, which will provide complete information about the development of pregnancy.

As a result of the examination, the doctor takes the necessary measurements of the fetus, determines its location in the uterus, listens to the heartbeat, and sets the expected date of birth. All the baby’s organs are examined and the blood supply system is assessed. Based on the examination, it will be determined whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The doctor will measure the parameters of the uterus and determine the amount and composition of amniotic fluid.

Before your scheduled visit antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman must take clinical tests blood and urine. If necessary, test urine for the presence of protein and sugar. At the doctor's appointment, the woman will have her uterine height, weight, arterial pressure, abdominal circumference.


Sexual relations at 34 weeks of pregnancy are quite possible, but they must be very, very careful. Of course, it’s better to hold off on sex during this period. There is no need to disturb the child, especially since the uterus is already in full swing preparing for the upcoming birth. The genital tract is now very vulnerable and infection can be caused even if a woman uses protection.

Male sperm has the property of relaxing the cervix, being a stimulant of labor. Therefore, during sexual intercourse you need to use a condom to prevent ejaculate from entering the vagina.

Sudden movements are also excluded, and the position must be safe - pressure on the stomach should not be applied. It is considered safest when the partner is behind. Any painful sensations and discomfort are excluded.


Expectant mother on long term should not overeat. You should distribute your diet so as to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is recommended to eat little by little, in small portions 6-7 times a day.

Consumption should be minimized following products food: muffins, sweets and flour products, cakes and pastries. A pregnant woman's menu should be the same as children's diet food - no fried, smoked or too salty foods. Cannot be consumed allergenic products: dark chocolate, nuts (peanuts), citrus fruits in large quantities. Seafood is also undesirable. Otherwise, the child may develop an allergy to them after birth. You can't eat spicy food, Exotic fruits. You should eat foods that are known to your area of ​​residence.

It is recommended to consume as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht on vegetable broth. It is recommended to drink compotes, not strong tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. It is advisable to give preference to dairy and fermented milk products, low-fat varieties fish and meat and other healthy foods.

Mom needs to watch her weight. It is better to plan the whole day so that there is time for a walk in the park, visiting a antenatal clinic and pregnancy and childbirth courses. It’s better to entrust your loved ones to buy groceries.

What to do this week

  • do the last planned ultrasound, if the woman has not had one before;
  • attend courses for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth;
  • choose a maternity hospital and admission procedure;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed in the maternity hospital;
  • collect things and documents for the maternity hospital.

Dangers and complications

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the following complications may occur:

  • toxicosis, which are characterized high pressure, headaches and dizziness;
  • spotting from the vagina (placental abruption or placental previa);
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy is anemia in the expectant mother, kidney and vascular diseases, as well as smoking during pregnancy, too much weight gain or, conversely, malnutrition.

Weight at 34 weeks must be carefully monitored, the maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. Large weight gain can cause toxicosis or gestosis. The amount of liquid you drink should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.

If the above pregnancy complications occur, you should consult a doctor. Most likely you will have to go to an inpatient department or maternity hospital.

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • you should protect yourself from stress and irritation;
  • it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude;
  • monitor the number of movements of the baby (10 times in 12 hours);
  • control your weight;
  • monitor the condition of the arms, legs and abdomen;
  • not worth it last week x have sex to avoid infection of the birth canal;
  • try not to get colds and other infections;
  • wear a bandage - a belt holding the stomach;
  • visit fresh air;
  • It is recommended to make a list and prepare the necessary things and items for the maternity hospital.

In a normal pregnancy, there are only 5-6 weeks left until its end. There's almost no time left, so to the expectant mother it is necessary to carefully prepare for the upcoming birth.

34 weeks pregnant how many months?

34th week of pregnancy - just a few more weeks, and one of the most significant events in a woman’s life: meeting her baby. By this time, when the countdown has already begun by almost days, many mothers are lost, calculating: 34 weeks of pregnancy, how many months it still is. If we count according to the usual “traditional” calendar, the 34th week of pregnancy is “part of” the ninth lunar month. But since in obstetric practice it is customary to count the weeks of pregnancy, “folding” them into obstetric months, the 34th week of pregnancy, according to obstetric calculations, corresponds to the end of the eighth month of pregnancy. Thus, an obstetric month consists of four weeks. Accordingly, pregnancy, according to the “obstetric” calendar, lasts 10 months.


The third scheduled ultrasound should be done between 32 and 34 weeks, and usually by the 34th week of pregnancy a woman will have had an ultrasound scan. But it happens that an ultrasound at 34 weeks of pregnancy is required for indications - to assess the condition of the fetus, eliminate the risk of the baby developing hypoxia, and determine presentation. Also, an ultrasound at 34 weeks of pregnancy makes it possible to assess the condition of the placenta, identify low or polyhydramnios, and exclude the possibility of entanglement in the umbilical cord. Assessing the condition of the fetus and its location in the uterus become important indicators, based on which the doctor determines many important points for childbirth, including the possibility of labor occurring naturally.

Childbirth at 34 weeks of pregnancy

And although the moment for the onset of childbirth, according to the laws of nature, has not yet arrived, childbirth can still happen at 34 weeks of pregnancy due to some factors. And in this case, to the great happiness of the mother, the probability of the baby’s survival is almost one hundred percent. Thus, children born at the 34th week of pregnancy and later are no longer included in the category of “premature”, but those born prematurely. They already know how to breathe on their own, all their organs and systems are working, and therefore the baby gets a huge chance for full development. Of course, the baby will be kept in the neonatal center for some time, providing him with the necessary care. But after discharge, the baby, if born healthy and healthy, will develop in the same way as other children.


But this does not mean that the 34th week of pregnancy can be considered favorable for childbirth - after all, for some time the baby must gain weight and develop in the mother’s tummy. True, even now he has grown significantly: the fetus at 34 weeks of gestation weighs more than 2 kg, and reaches a length of up to 45 cm.

By the 34th week, the baby acquires individual traits that will now be unique to him. The original lanugo fluff gradually disappears, and with it the original lubricant. The baby's skin becomes increasingly pale and smooth, and her cheeks become rounder. This happens not least because the baby sucks his thumb for a long time and with pleasure - this is how he trains for the upcoming sucking of his mother’s breast. At the same time, he trains and gastrointestinal tract baby: due to the baby’s constant swallowing of amniotic fluid. In this regard, the kidneys are also being adjusted in parallel, returning about 0.5 liters of clear urine to the amniotic fluid every day.

By the 34th week of pregnancy, the fetus usually takes the position from which its journey to new world. Ideally, the baby is positioned head down - the bones of the skull are now soft and mobile, which is provided by the so-called fontanelles, free areas between the bones of the skull. This structure of the baby will make it easier for him to pass through the birth canal, but in the future, as he grows up, the fontanelles will “close”: the bones will harden and the baby’s skull will become perfect shape.


Since the baby has grown significantly by the 34th week of pregnancy, he has even less space for free “movement” in the uterus. Therefore, the sensations at the 34th week of pregnancy change: the baby’s movements become not as active as in previous weeks, but he pushes harder, even sometimes causing discomfort to the mother (for example, resting his foot under the ribs).

The movements of the fetus simply cannot be ignored, they are especially noticeable in moments of calm of a woman, for example, when the mother lies down to rest on the bed or even prepares to go to bed at night. It is important to record the number of movements even now: within 12 hours the baby should move about 10 times. You can also count the baby’s movements during the daytime rest, lying on the bed: in one hour the baby moves on average at least 4 times.

You need to listen carefully to the baby’s movements, because in this way the baby lets his mother know about his joy or dissatisfaction, signals his well-being, and “shows” his character. Sharp jolts usually become a baby’s reaction to something that scares him - loud noise, bright light, nervous state of the mother. It is advisable to avoid such situations, because sudden movements there is a possibility of the fetus turning over and the baby taking a position unsuitable for natural childbirth.


Pain at 34 weeks of pregnancy, manifested in the abdomen, lower back, and back, in most cases is classified as normal. They are explained by the constantly enlarging uterus and growing abdomen, which contribute to a shift in the center of gravity. And also - the gradual softening of the supporting ligaments and joints under the influence of certain hormones: the mother’s body prepares for childbirth and does everything possible to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Hence the pain at 34 weeks of pregnancy not only in the abdomen and lower back, but also in the pubic area, in the sacrum, and thighs. Nagging pain, similar to menstrual pain, may appear in the abdomen.

However, it should also be taken into account that pain in the abdomen and lower back may also indicate high risk premature birth. Therefore, if pain at the 34th week of pregnancy is not a temporary phenomenon and does not go away for some time, and even appears when it did not make itself felt in the previous weeks, it is still worth seeing a doctor. The likelihood of premature birth, in addition to pain in the abdomen and lower back, will also be indicated by prolapse of the abdomen, involuntary bowel movements, passage of a plug, rupture of amniotic fluid, and increased frequency of uterine contractions that become regular.

By the way, about contractions of the uterus: it can also contract as a “training” before childbirth - in this case we're talking about about Braxton-Higgs contractions (they are also often called “Braxtons”). At 34 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may be painful, but they are irregular in nature, starting in the upper part of the uterus, gradually moving to the bottom, after which the pain goes away. If contractions at the 34th week of pregnancy become regular, cause noticeable pain and are accompanied by other unambiguous signs of the onset of labor (rupture of water, rupture of the plug), you should immediately call an ambulance.

Some swelling is also possible at 34 weeks of pregnancy: slight swelling of the face, hands, feet or ankles plagues almost every pregnant woman. But if the swelling does not go away for more than a day, and is also localized in the abdominal wall, on the legs, you should see a doctor: such swelling may indicate dropsy in pregnancy.


To avoid edema, it is also necessary to eat rationally and carefully monitor weight gain. Thus, weight at 34 weeks of pregnancy can already exceed the initial one by 11-12 kg. Moreover, from this time on, weight gain may slow down somewhat. It should be remembered that weight control in the last week of pregnancy is one of the priorities. So, if you exceed the norm in terms of gaining kilograms, you should choose suitable diet, allowing you to “contain” weight. Its main condition is limiting the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats.

Belly at 34 weeks pregnant

Normally, no swelling of the abdominal wall should occur. But at the 34th week of pregnancy, the belly has, of course, grown very, very significantly: now it rises about 32-34 cm above the womb and ordinary clothes will no longer suit a woman.

Due to the growth of the belly, the woman’s movements become smooth and careful; the mother is especially careful when getting out of bed - from a position lying on her side. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, you must continue to care for your skin by lubricating your belly regularly. by special means from stretch marks for pregnant women. By the way, women who are pregnant for the first time may experience a feeling of discomfort associated with pressure in the lower abdomen as early as 34 weeks of pregnancy. The fact is that in some cases, even at relatively early at 34 weeks the baby may begin to slowly descend, preparing to take up initial position before childbirth. At the same time, its head moves towards the birth canal, pressing against the entrance to the pelvis. But not all women experience such changes at this particular time: often they occur already or at a later date (2-3 weeks before childbirth), and often even during labor or in the first stage of labor.


It is still important to control discharge at 34 weeks of pregnancy, which normally should be moderate, light milky in color and with a slightly sour odor. It is also possible that a small amount of mucus may appear in the discharge, which is a consequence of the gradual softening and opening of the cervix.

At 34 weeks, pregnancy can still be overshadowed by the appearance of an infection, which will be indicated by curds, purulent discharge, changes in their color towards a gray or green tint, a burning or itching sensation. In this case, a doctor’s consultation and subsequent treatment are necessary: ​​when passing through the birth canal, the baby can easily “pick up” the infection.

You should also urgently seek specialized help if bloody formations appear in the discharge. Blood in the discharge most likely indicates placental abruption - this phenomenon is dangerous due to the development of hypoxia in the fetus due to oxygen limitation. Bloody issues can also be a symptom of placenta previa, however, at 34 weeks of pregnancy it is usually excluded by the method of repeated studies carried out the day before.

Watery discharge at 34 weeks of pregnancy is most likely associated with premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Water can pour out in a stream, but it can also leak in small portions, and the latter is more typical for depletion and defect of the membranes. In any case, the appearance of watery liquid discharge becomes a reason for an early appeal for medical care.

Sex at 34 weeks pregnant

If earlier intimate life was not particularly prohibited (in the absence of contraindications from the doctor), then sex at 34 weeks of pregnancy is better to be “excluded” from life for a while. The fact is that now the birth canal is actively preparing for the baby to travel through it and is most susceptible to infection of any kind. In addition, sex at 34 weeks of pregnancy may well “disturb” the baby and cause him to roll over.

During this period, expectant mothers become distracted and self-absorbed. Anxiety often manifests itself, worries and fears associated with the upcoming birth appear. Now it is important for you to carefully monitor your well-being and mood, avoid physical activity, stress and worry about little things. Although 34 weeks is not the right time for long trips, completely refuse walks in the fresh air and any physical activity not worth it. It is important for you and your baby to get enough oxygen, and moderate exercise stress will help you cope better with childbirth.

The stomach becomes heavier and because of this it is difficult to climb stairs, move around the house and even find a comfortable position for resting and sleeping. Special pillows for pregnant women will help you cope with the latter problem.

“Training” contractions are felt more and more often. Your calves may experience cramps that will bother you mainly at night. During fetal activity, the stomach does not pull so much. Pay attention to your legs, arms and abdomen, because swelling is possible, which are signs of dropsy in pregnant women.

They can also “visit” you painful sensations in the back, abdomen and lower back, the reason for this is the growth of the abdomen and enlargement of the uterus. During this period, the body begins to produce a large number of hormones that help soften some ligaments. Urination becomes more frequent as the fetus puts pressure on the bladder. The abdomen sinks as your future baby moves to the pelvic area and takes the position for childbirth.

Closely monitor natural vaginal discharge. Should be paid Special attention to liquid, watery discharge. This means that you may experience premature labor, which is highly undesirable, because it is too early to give birth at this stage.

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