Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Why does the mammary gland swell? Is breast swelling normal? How to tell if your breasts are swollen

Why does the mammary gland swell? Is breast swelling normal? How to tell if your breasts are swollen

Swelling of the mammary glands, which ladies often characterize as “full breasts,” is a fairly common phenomenon. And often it can characterize anything - from pregnancy to oncological diseases. Experts recommend that women whose breasts become engorged regularly or remain so all the time, consult a doctor. Especially if the increase in its size is accompanied by pain.

Swelling of the breasts and mammary glands

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An increase in breast size is a phenomenon that women usually do not particularly worry about. Most often they associate it with days menstrual cycle(ovulation has passed - the breasts have enlarged, the phase has changed - they have fallen off). However, it is necessary to monitor very carefully exactly how this breast enlargement occurs. If it's not too much, there's nothing to worry about. But if the dimensions have changed significantly - by 2 or even 3, this is a reason to visit a specialist.

Reasons why breasts may become enlarged

There are quite a few reasons why breasts can become quite engorged. These are: - hormonal disruptions in the body; - adding extra pounds; - pregnancy; - dangerous carcinogens; - sports; - oncology.

If some of the reasons are quite simple and banal, and also do not cause any particular harm to health (such as breast enlargement due to working out its muscles), then in other situations such fullness can serve as a signal of a rather serious disease.

It is quite possible to try to distinguish one reason from another on your own. For example, hormonal breast enlargement is usually attributed to regular fluctuations in the cycle. Breast enlargement during ovulation depends on them. It should be remembered that at this moment the breast increases unprincipled - by half a size or by one. Mild pain or tension in this case may well be noted. But at the same time, the breasts should be uniform, without any signs of compaction. When your period ends, the swelling of the mammary glands will subside and they will return to their normal size.

If you can't associate your increase in breast size with ovulation, try an ovulation test. But then still see a doctor

Very often, ladies diagnose themselves as pregnant based on their plump breasts. This can only be suspected if there are prerequisites - unprotected sexual intercourse (and perhaps more than one), lack of menstruation, frequent urge to the toilet, a constant and painful feeling of hunger, etc. Hormones are also the cause of breast swelling during pregnancy. After all, a pregnant woman’s body is being rebuilt for pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. In this case, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test. In any case, see a doctor.

Being fat and adding extra pounds can also make your breasts appear fuller. This is due to the fact that she for the most part consists of adipose tissue, which is noticeably replenished as the woman’s weight changes. Again, the chest in this case should be filled evenly. After losing weight (if this happens to a lady), the breasts will also fall off.

If a woman develops cancer, an increase in breast size will be accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. For example, the breast will be swollen, and lumps in the form of nodules may be felt in it. The outline and shape of the breast also changes. In addition, peeling of the skin, skin retraction, and the presence of red dimples may appear. Of course, in this case, chest pain will begin.

If you find yourself with at least one of these symptoms, contact your mammologist immediately. Remember that breast cancer is easier to treat in its early stages.

Do not panic. Having these symptoms does not mean you have cancer. But you need to contact a specialist urgently

What to do with swollen breasts

If the problem of breast enlargement occurs to you regularly depending on your cycle, there is nothing you can do about it. You just need to prepare and purchase underwear designed for enlarged breast sizes. And this must be done, because... squeezing the chest does not lead to anything good.

If you suspect that you may be pregnant, you should not knead your breasts, trying to feel certain defects. It is better to immediately contact a gynecologist or do an ultrasound to accurately understand whether you are pregnant or not.

It is worth having your breasts examined regularly. To do this, just raise your hand up and place it behind your head, and with the other carefully palpate the gland to identify any nodules, etc. If you find something that confuses you, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out cancer.

Sometimes at a certain point a woman notices breast swelling and an increase in size. This phenomenon develops under the influence of many reasons, which raises the question: why does this happen?

Most often this clinical severity occurs before ovulation and is associated with physiological manifestation body.

Why do the mammary glands begin to swell?

The process of swelling of the mammary glands is accompanied by a feeling of pressure inside the organ, and in some cases after the appearance of special sensitivity and soreness of the breast.

A woman’s menstrual cycle consists of a complex process and carries with it specific symptoms. Before and during ovulation female body begins intensive preparation for a possible upcoming pregnancy.

The release of a mature egg gives a signal to the work of female hormones to increase the volume of the milk ducts and the amount of glandular tissue of the mammary gland. This creates a feeling of fullness and pressure inside the mammary glands.

As a rule, before menstruation, these symptoms subside, and the breasts decrease in size again.

In addition, hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body makes its own adjustments and can manifest itself as breast enlargement.

Such disorders may arise as a result of factors:

  • long-term stressful conditions;
  • wrong mode nutrition and lack of organization of work and rest;
  • the appearance of infectious or inflammatory foci in the body;
  • taking some medicines;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent overeating, especially at night;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Start menopause;
  • insomnia and chronic fatigue;
  • hereditary factor;
  • puberty;
  • diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.

Also possible provoking factors for breast swelling before or after menstruation are:

  • wearing a tight bra;
  • abuse of salt or caffeine, which causes water retention in the body;
  • obesity;
  • taking sedatives;
  • swelling due to excessive fluid intake;
  • contraception with hormonal drugs.


After fertilization of the egg, the birth of a new life gradually begins in the woman’s body. Such a process is laid down by nature from the very beginning and implies a change functional features almost all organs. In order for the fetus to fully develop, the woman’s hormonal background changes, namely, the amount of hCG (in other words, the pregnancy hormone) increases.

Also, the female hormones progesterone, estrogen and prolactin are activated and begin their work to prepare the mammary glands for upcoming breastfeeding after childbirth.

If you answer the question, why do breasts enlarge during pregnancy, then you can answer it like this:

  1. The hormone estrogen is responsible for fast growth milk ducts, which is why the breasts begin to swell.
  2. Progesterone is responsible for the enlargement of the alveoli, which are part of the milk lobules.
  3. At the last stage of gestation, prolactin begins to activate, the work of which includes the formation of breast milk. In this regard, the milk ducts are filled with colostrum, and then with breast milk, and the mammary glands become even larger in size.

If before the start of menstruation you feel that your breasts are swollen, your taste preferences have changed, and you feel sick in the morning, then most likely you are pregnant and you need to contact a gynecologist to register with your doctor. antenatal clinic. In addition, it would be useful to contact a mammologist; he will advise you on how to properly care for your breasts during pregnancy and lactation, and will also answer all your questions.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, the reason why breasts begin to swell does not always have a physiological origin.

If such a symptom occurs a week before the onset of menstruation, then in 80% of cases this indicates the development of diffuse mastopathy, which, in addition to heaviness in the mammary glands, is in some cases accompanied by pain. This is due to the proliferation of connective tissue components and the formation of compactions.

Thus, there is a change in the structure of the breast tissue and the appearance of a feeling of pressure inside.

In addition to this disease, provoking factors for swelling of the mammary glands are:

  1. Lactostasis. Occurs after childbirth during the lactation period. With this disorder, blockage of the milk ducts and stagnation of breast milk occurs. Swelling can be observed in one mammary gland or in both at once.
  2. Mastopathy. Diffuse or nodular mastopathy is associated with hormonal imbalance, and, in particular, with excessive growth of estrogen and the predominance of its amount over progesterone.
  3. Fibroadenoma. This is one of the types of benign neoplasms, the growth of which is associated with a quantitative lack of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Enlarging or multiple tumors put pressure on the inside of the breast tissue and thereby create a feeling of breast swelling.
  4. Malignant neoplasms. IN in this case Most often, it is deformation of the mammary glands that is observed, but with metastases in the breast, heaviness can still be felt.
  5. Mastitis. This disease is associated with inflammatory processes inside the mammary gland and the occurrence of swelling.

Breast swelling a week before your period is a warning sign, so in this case it is best to undergo a medical diagnosis and identify any disease on the early stage its manifestations. It is also worth noting that if signs of breast swelling persist during menstruation or after their occurrence, it is worth paying attention to this, since such a manifestation may also carry the pathological nature of the origin of the symptom.

The situation when the breasts are swollen and painful is familiar to almost all women. The reason for this phenomenon may be changes hormonal levels And various diseases. It is very important to know which symptoms are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

What does breast pain and swelling mean? There is probably not a single woman who has not at least once encountered discomfort in her chest. In more than half of all representatives of the fair sex, the mammary glands swell and nipples become sensitive before each menstruation. In medicine, this phenomenon is called mastodynia.

This may be a sign:

  • approaching menstruation;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • the onset of pregnancy.

What is mastodynia?

This term refers to pronounced swelling in the breasts and increased sensitivity of the skin and nipples. Very strong painful sensations may appear in stressful situations, before menstruation, as well as in girls during puberty.

Manifestations of mastodynia greatly affect a woman’s mood and performance; she becomes irritable and inattentive.

There are 2 types of mastodynia: cyclic and acyclic.

Cyclic mastodynia

It is caused by fluid that is retained in the body. It is for this reason that your breasts hurt a few days before your period. The situation is aggravated by the fact that blood circulates poorly through the veins during this period. Pain syndrome intensifies due to the effect on nerve endings pectoral muscles, female hormones and the release of special substances (histamine, serotonin) that increase discomfort.

The cyclical nature of this phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the body of every woman every month. In the second half of the cycle (from about day 10), estrogen is produced in large quantities, while progesterone is not released enough.

These processes lead to the fact that the breasts swell, become heavy, and the nipples become sensitive. You can notice that the mammary glands have increased significantly in size. In some cases, even gentle touch or contact with rough tissue causes pain.

As a rule, signs of cyclic mastodynia occur in both mammary glands at once. This phenomenon usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 45 years.

Acyclic mastodynia

Acyclic mastodynia is absolutely not tied to the menstrual cycle. The nature and degree of pain varies. In most cases they occur in certain place and clearly expressed.

The pain syndrome often occurs asymmetrically - in one of the breasts, and it can bother a woman constantly or periodically. This phenomenon usually appears after menopause.

The main causes of pain in the mammary gland

The reasons why breasts swell and nipples hurt are very diverse. Such signs are provoked by many external and internal factors:

Chest pain during pregnancy and lactation

One of the first signs of pregnancy is changes in a woman's breasts. It noticeably increases in size, the nipples darken and become very sensitive. The intensity of pain can vary; in some cases, such sensations accompany the woman until childbirth. You shouldn’t be afraid of this phenomenon; it’s quite natural. These changes are necessary so that a woman can fully feed her child.

After the birth of a baby, chest pain occurs due to improper organization breastfeeding. Pumping after each feeding and improper attachment of the baby lead to stagnation of milk, lactostasis and even mastitis. Avoiding lactostasis is quite simple: give your baby the breast at his request, express only when discomfort appears, and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Many women are worried about this sensation during lactation - their nipples tingle a little. There's nothing wrong with that, it's breast milk coming in.

Breast diseases

Very often, pain in the mammary glands is a sign of disease. It could be cancer tumor or simply a neoplasm that does not pose a threat to life. Only a doctor can determine this, so at the first sign you need to go to the nearest medical facility.

Mastopathy in women is quite common. Its signs are discomfort and small lumps in the breasts, and fluid is often released from the nipples. It arises due to hormonal changes, lactostasis or breast injuries.

Breast tumors occur in women over 15 years of age. These are fibroadenomas of different zones of the mammary gland. They are dangerous because they can degenerate into an oncological tumor if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Cancerous tumors are very common in women. This disease is dangerous because it progresses quite quickly.

How to deal with the problem?

Before treating chest pain, you need to find out its cause:

  • visit a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy;
  • If lumps are found in the breast, it is necessary to undergo additional examination - a complete blood test, ultrasound, MRI or x-ray of the mammary glands.

If pregnancy or a neoplasm is not confirmed, you need to reconsider your lifestyle: rest, eliminate fluid-retaining foods and drinks, choose underwear made from natural fabrics and in the right size. Recovery women's health It is necessary to take a course of vitamins, especially group B.

Pain in the mammary glands occurs in many women. To exclude the possibility of life-threatening diseases, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist at least once a year and carefully monitor the condition of your breasts at home. If you notice lumps or severe discomfort, especially sudden, you should visit a doctor.

The female breast is a very sensitive organ, reacting even to minor changes in hormonal levels in the body. Almost all women notice regular swelling of the mammary glands during ovulation and menstruation. But, in addition to natural causes, there are several situations in which a engorged and sore bust is a formidable symptom that prompts a woman to immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of pathological causes of breast swelling

This leaves us vulnerable to an endless number of diseases, whether caused by external agents or inadequate production of certain substances due to changes caused by stress, among other reasons. It is very important for health to lead a balanced life, which when there are inconsistencies, our body starts to fail. And failure at one point in particular can lead to other failures in other areas of the body, which will cause a series of conditions that can be resolved with sufficient rhythm of life, because although the body is unbalanced, it has the ability to result in no serious damage occurred.

Non-dangerous causes of breast enlargement

Monthly cycle

During the menstrual period, during regular ovulation, a woman’s body is preparing for possible conception. IN more The hormone progesterone begins to be produced, which is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for the period of feeding the baby, the breasts begin to fill up and even ache. But when pregnancy does not occur and menstruation begins, the level of hormones in women returns to normal, and the condition of the glands after menstruation becomes normal.

Stress increases our heart rate and causes our muscles to contract, and the body generates chemicals associated with fear when we need happiness. On the other hand, patients who have received radiation therapy to the chest often experience this syndrome, which can occur after therapy, even years later.

It is important to know that Tietze syndrome occurs more often in adolescents than in adults, which we do not expect, since we believe that most attachments related to the heart are always related to age and this is a health condition.

Tietze syndrome and costochondritis are often referred to as the same disease. It has similarities, but they are not the same. Tietze syndrome affects the same region of the chest as stolochondritis, but has several differences.

Only severe chest pain, redness and changes in structure should cause concern. skin, clots, nodules in the tissues of the gland and other disorders of women's health.


If fertilization of the egg does occur, then during the first trimester the bust hurts and can gain 1-2 units of size - the body prepares the breasts for the time of feeding the baby. The mammary glands also swell because additional fatty tissue appears - a way to protect a woman from external negative influences.

Swelling of the mammary glands in children and adolescents

While Tietze syndrome causes inflammation, swelling and pain, it is typically associated with Mayo Clinic inflammation in stochondrosis.

Costochondritis is often short-lived, whereas Tietze syndrome can last for many years, becoming a chronic condition.

Other criteria for breast swelling

Many patients often confuse the pain of Tietze syndrome with myocardial infarction. Although the symptoms may be similar, after clinical examination, doctors rule out that the patient is suffering from a heart attack. You will need pain treatment. The syndrome in some cases can be so painful that it represents a temporary disability for the patient.

During this period, it is very important to take care of the good condition of the bust, for example, increase the size of the bra so that its cups do not squeeze the swollen mammary gland. Some discomfort can be caused by pain in the chest and lower back, an increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees, but these phenomena are considered natural for the woman’s position and therefore not dangerous.

How to get rid of breast swelling?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and cortisone injections have been used to treat the pain and inflammation associated with joint codonchondritis in Tietze syndrome. Ice packs applied locally to the inflamed area can sometimes help reduce both pain and inflammation.

Lidocaine spots with analgesic effect. Another most effective treatment is magnesium chloride. Many experts prescribe the following: Fill a water bottle with an envelope of magnesium chloride and wait a whole day. Then drink a glass of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach. This is one of the best ways to reduce bone pain, not just stochondrosis or Tietze syndrome, but also for other bone pains.

Age-related changes during menopause

Other treatments that may help Tietze syndrome are those based on massage, physical therapy, or natural acupuncture. In fact, more people with this condition are turning to natural or traditional medicine. There are also various sprays that can be used in the area. On the contrary, they are not recommended as long-term treatment if the disease has become chronic. You can also perform treatments to reduce this pain. One of them is to do exercises that strengthen the chest area.

Violation of a healthy lifestyle, bad habits

Sometimes swelling of the mammary glands is associated with non-compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and dietary habits. Breasts may become engorged due to:

  • Excessive amount of fluid consumed;
  • High content of caffeine and salt in food (more than 5 g per day) - these substances retain fluid in the tissues and contribute to their swelling.
  • Excess weight – excess fat cells accumulate in the bust, abdomen, and thighs, causing the volume of these parts of the body to increase.
  • Very tight underwear, squeezing and even injuring the delicate tissue of the breasts.

It will be very painful at first, but in the medium term it helps strengthen the area, reduce pain and improve mobility. Of course, we are talking about exercises that are aimed at increasing mobility, and which do not involve lifting heavy weights or sudden movements, because the patient simply will not be able to due to pain and swelling.

Relationship between Tietze syndrome and stochondrone

In either case, the condition goes away on its own, usually over 6 weeks, although there are times when it can become chronic.

Costochondritis and two diseases that have many characteristics and are therefore often called vaguely. However, although they have similar characteristics, they also have some differences.

You can correct the situation by changing some lifestyle habits and taste preferences. What should make a woman wary and visit a doctor is that her mammary glands are enlarged and painful, breast asymmetry has appeared, the color and structure of the skin of her bust have changed - these signs may indicate that the gland is damaged or that tumors of varying degrees of malignancy have appeared in it.

How to relieve symptoms at home

The similarities are at the beginning of the chest pain, usually on the left side, usually in the cartilage of the higher vertebrae, in the area where they connect to the vertebrae. In the case of stochondrosis, this condition is usually reserved mainly for women around 40 years of age. This is not a common occurrence in children.

It is also characterized by the appearance of sharp pain in the second or third vertebra, on the left side of the chest, where the cartilage connects the vertebra to the sternum. However, unlike stochondrosis, in this case it is also accompanied by swelling in the area. On the other hand, it is a disease that usually affects adults between the ages of 20 and 30 and is more common in men than women. Like confozonditis, it is rare in children, although not impossible.

Taking contraceptive and hormonal medications

Pills that protect against unwanted pregnancy contain synthetic or plant analogues of the hormones estrogen and prolactin. The mammary gland reacts to these substances by increasing in volume. Specialized creams and gels operate on the same principle, causing the bust to swell, become voluminous and sexy. But the effect of this technique lasts only as long as the woman uses the product. After the supply of hormones from the outside stops, the breasts return to their natural appearance.

Natural Treatment for Tietze Syndrome

There is no evidence to prove the onset of this condition, although it is thought that it may be due to the presence of residual influenza viruses. So treatments to try to eradicate it often rely on anti-inflammatories and the like. which do not achieve the desired effect. Keep in mind that if pain and swelling persist over time, it can become chronic.

Also, many of these inflammatory drugs do all they can to soothe the pain, but not cure the disease that remains hidden. In the most severe cases, surgery is chosen. However, it is not always necessary to go to these extremes, and this problem can be solved using natural remedies.

Diseases affecting the size of the mammary glands

If the swelling of the mammary glands is accompanied by severe pain, changes in the shape and violation of the symmetry of the bust, inflammation of the lymph nodes and other negative symptoms, these signs most likely indicate the development of benign or malignant tumors. It could be:

As we say, given the lack of success or risk of medical methods, natural remedies such as traditional medicine are used in many cases. In some cases, he resorts to acupuncture, homeopathy and other energy therapies. Generally, those who choose this route usually perform a combination of procedures. Suction cup treatments are often used to drain accumulated blood and homeopathy and even more conservative treatments consisting of applying heat to the area.

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet

Of course, before using any of these natural methods or substituting treatments for these natural treatments, you should consult a professional. He will be responsible for diagnosing whether our disease is associated with Tietze syndrome, and if homeopathy or traditional medicine may be useful for its treatment.

  • Various types of mastopathy. There is a whole list of tumors that are not cancerous, but some of them tend to degenerate and become malignant. So, any nodule or clot found in the tissues of the breasts will require the attention of a mammologist, because timely treatment can not only completely restore a woman’s health, but also save her from mortal danger.
  • Breast cancer (carcinoma or sarcoma). Its symptoms are changes in the shape of the nipples (wrinkling and retraction), lumpiness and discoloration of the skin over the tumor, uneven breast shape, the presence of one or more lumps that are detected by palpation.

Diagnosis of breast swelling

Male breasts are structurally and functionally different from female breasts due to hormones that cause them to become larger and more mature. Normal male or female breasts have. Before puberty, boys and girls have a small amount of breast tissue, consisting of some tubes located under the nipple and areola.

During puberty, female hormones in girls cause the breast tubes to grow, the formation of lobules at the ends of the tubes, and an increase in the amount of connective tissue. In boys, male hormones made from the testicles keep breast tissue from growing as much as in women. There are tubes in the fabric of a man's chest, but only a few, if any.

Only one doctor, a mammologist who uses modern equipment and techniques, can determine the nature of the tumor and treatment methods or accurately answer why breasts swell. It is unwise to self-medicate and try to get rid of the tumor on your own.

No woman is immune from breast diseases. But negative state can be minimized by adjusting your lifestyle and monitoring the state of the body on your own or with the help of a specialist.

Most common male breast cancer Symptom

The most common symptom of breast cancer in men is a severe, painless lump over one of the breasts or a clear or bleeding discharge from one of the nipples. The shape of the affected breast and nipple may differ from the other.

Symptoms of breast cancer in men

Symptoms of breast cancer in men can be referred to as:

Comparison of breast cancer in men and women

The nipple may appear retracted on one side or under or depressed, and there may be a loose discharge or bleeding at the tip of the nipple. The mass can be reduced to the underlying tissues, muscles and rib cage or can move freely by touch, sliding under the fingers. There may be dimples or wrinkles of the skin if the mass is attached to the skin on the chest. Breast cancer can spread to the lymph nodes under the gun or around the neck bone, and sometimes to a lump or swelling. This may occur before the original swelling in the chest is large enough to be felt. Very rarely, gynecomastia or enlargement may be seen male breast. In patients with gynecomastia, the danger signs of breast cancer are swelling in the chest, hard or irregular breast tissue, rapid enlargement and recent onset, massive and fixed changes in the nipple or skin, pain, size about 5 cm in diameter and swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits. Common symptoms include weakness, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, anemia, etc. in advanced cancers that spread to other parts, other features include bone pain, shortness of breath, nausea, jaundice, etc.

  • Mass firm below the nipple.
  • Pain or itching of the nipple may occur.
  • There may be redness or sticking of the skin of the nipple or breast.
  • The mass itself is painless and may feel difficult to touch.
Breast cancer in men is similar and different from breast cancer in women in various ways.

Swelling of the mammary glands can have a variety of causes, from regular ovulation to serious cancer. If you notice breast swelling, it is important to use several basic principles: pay attention to other symptoms, do not panic, but do not sit idly by, and at the slightest suspicion of illness, consult a doctor for advice and examination. Today we will tell you why the mammary glands swell and hurt.

Why do breasts fill up?

Plumps, swells, swells - all these are different ways of saying that the size and volume of the breast is increasing. In a healthy woman, breast size usually increases slightly. Swelling of 2 and 3 sizes is a reason to visit a doctor.

In total, all the reasons why breasts swell can be divided into two groups: healthy and unhealthy.

Normal physiological factors for swollen breasts

  • Hormonal changes

The breasts respond to the period of a woman's menstrual cycle, which is associated with the production of estrogen and progesterone. Conventionally, the cycle can be divided into periods “before menstruation”, “during menstruation”, “after menstruation”.

Estrogen is most actively produced in the middle of the cycle. Its amount may cause the breasts to swell in the middle of the cycle, because at this time the chest canals and ducts increase, and the connective and adipose tissue grows, which can also cause discomfort in the woman.

Swelling of the mammary glands before menstruation occurs up to a change of 1 size. In this case, sensitivity and soreness of the breast may occur. Before the onset of menstruation, progesterone is produced in the body of women with the greatest intensity, as a result of which the breast lobules fill with cellular fluid, the breasts hurt and swell before menstruation. In this way, the body prepares for pregnancy, but since it often does not occur, the symptoms gradually disappear with the onset of menstruation. It is hormonal fluctuations, repeated every month and aimed at readiness to bear a child, that are the main factor why breasts swell before menstruation.

If you notice that your breasts are swollen after your period, this is a reason to at least take a pregnancy test, because for some women, menstruation continues for the first months after conception, and the only symptom indicating pregnancy may be swollen breasts.

If pregnancy is excluded, the reason why the mammary glands swell not before menstruation, but after it, may be hidden in one of the diseases described a little further.

  • Pregnancy;

It is very difficult to name the exact period from the moment of conception when the breasts begin to swell during pregnancy, because all girls are individual, and some breasts do not bother them until childbirth. But in most cases, breast swelling is one of the primary signs of pregnancy, appearing already in the first days after conception. In general, as already mentioned, when breasts swell during pregnancy depends on the intensity of hormone production.

Other symptoms, in addition to breast enlargement, include the following: darkening of the nipples, enlargement of the nipples, heaviness of the breasts, the appearance of tubercles on the nipple halos, and on the breast itself - a network of veins caused by increased blood circulation.

If you are very worried about whether your breasts are swollen during your period or pregnancy, take a pregnancy test. Although this is inaccurate, it is a quick and inexpensive way to clarify conception.

At the moment when the delay in menstruation reaches two weeks or more, and you doubt the presence of pregnancy, try pressing your nipples. If conception has occurred, there is a high probability that a small amount of liquid will be released from them - colostrum.

  • Playing sports to strengthen the chest muscles;

There is a set of exercises for the chest muscles, thanks to which you can not only visually tighten and lift the chest, but also increase its size due to the accumulation of muscle mass under the fat mass. At the same time, the chest may “ache”, like other muscles from playing sports, but no more. If you experience sudden worsening, severe pain, or other suspicious symptoms, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

  • Adding mass;

Some representatives of the fairer sex can boast that when they gain weight, their breasts gain weight first, while for others, weight gain usually begins with the hips, buttocks and abdomen. If you notice breast enlargement along with a change in weight, without other unpleasant symptoms (for example, breast heterogeneity), do not worry about it: the mammary glands are mostly composed of adipose tissue, the amount of which is proportional to the overall change in body fat.

Painful factors for breast pain and swelling

  • Mastopathy

This disease does not depend on the cycle and may be the reason why the mammary gland swells in the middle of the cycle, at its beginning or at the end. However, it is also associated with hormones, or rather with an imbalance in them and the formation of benign tumors.

Signs of mastopathy: the mammary glands are swollen and painful, heaviness is felt, the pain can radiate to the arm and axillary region, lumps appear in the mammary glands, liquid may begin to be released from the nipples (transparent, yellowish or even interspersed with blood), the surface of the nipples changes (cracks) , retracts), the lymph nodes in the armpit become inflamed.

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Oncology

The most terrible factor that can cause chest pain is a tumor, especially a malignant one, that is, breast cancer. It is accompanied by some symptoms characteristic only of it, such as palpation of swellings and nodules in the chest, heterogeneity of breast volume, peeling of the skin, the appearance of red dimples on the chest, lack of cyclicity and regularity of chest pain.

Feel your breasts lightly, lifting your hand on the same side up, and with the other hand check the uniformity and absence of lumps in the breast.

If you notice one, or especially several of the listed symptoms, immediately contact a mammologist. But don’t torment yourself in advance with thoughts about the worst: tumors often turn out to be benign.

Breasts are swollen, but no periods

This may happen in one of the following situations:

  1. Crick

Remember if you have recently had any physical activity. This is not necessarily an activity in gym, we can also talk about lifting weights.

  1. Pregnancy

Moreover, it is ordinary, not ectopic

  1. Mastopathy

It is considered a disease of the 21st century, because it occurs in more than half of girls of childbearing age.

  1. Inflammatory processes in the chest

Why do nipples swell?

Swelling of the breasts and nipples can occur either simultaneously or separately from each other. The reasons for nipple enlargement lie in the following factors:

  • Puberty

During adolescence, breasts grow rapidly and their shape changes, so there is nothing to worry about if the nipples swell.

  • Excess weight;
  • Taking medications

Some medical treatments can cause nipple swelling, this is a kind of protective reaction, you should point this symptom out to your doctor.

  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic diseases

Sometimes the fact that your breasts are swollen and your nipples hurt may be a reason to consult a doctor, where it turns out that the real reason lies much deeper in the body. However, sometimes the reason lies in wearing uncomfortable or low-quality underwear, which causes problems with the breasts and nipples. defensive reaction and pain.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the growth of breast volume, as well as unpleasant sensations in it, it is important to distinguish between healthy processes in the body and deviations from the norm. It's better anyway once again play it safe and attend the examination.

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The breast is made up of different tissue structures. One of them, fat, is subject to fluctuations in fluid volume. This may cause breast swelling, accompanied by increased sensitivity and pain. But there are other reasons that lead to breast swelling. We'll talk about them in the article.

Main symptoms of breast swelling

The main symptom is a visual increase in breast volume and swelling. Veins located on the chest may become more visible. There are other symptoms that accompany breast swelling. These include:
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • tenderness or discomfort in the area around the chest and armpits;
  • changes in the texture of the skin on and around the chest.
In some cases, the breasts may become warmer or even hot to the touch. Swelling may also be accompanied by the appearance of lumps in the chest.

These symptoms are not always a cause for concern, but they may be a sign of breast cancer. Therefore, they cannot be ignored.

Why do breasts swell?

There are many reasons that cause breast swelling. These include both harmless causes and dangerous ones. The most common:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • consuming foods and drinks high in salt and caffeine;
  • reception medicines(for example, hormonal contraceptives);
  • mastitis and milk duct infections (particularly during breastfeeding);
  • fibrocystic mastopathy (benign formations in the breast);
  • mammary cancer.

Breast swelling due to premenstrual syndrome

Breast tenderness and swelling often accompany premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms usually appear a week before menstruation and disappear almost immediately after it begins.

Breast swelling due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is more of an inconvenience than a serious medical problem. But it may indicate fibrocystic disease. Women with this condition may feel it between periods. The lumps may move when you press on them, and with the onset of menstruation they usually shrink or disappear altogether.

Causes of breast swelling during PMS

An increase in estrogen and progesterone levels in the second half of the menstrual cycle can lead to hypersensitivity, swelling and pain in the mammary glands. Usually these symptoms disappear with age, with the onset of menopause. Read more about chest pain during menstruation -.

Medicines containing estrogens may also cause breast swelling and tenderness. These include contraception and drugs prescribed during menopause.

While premenstrual breast swelling is harmless in most cases, it can sometimes indicate an infection or other medical condition. Be sure to consult a doctor if, in addition to swelling in your breasts, you notice:
  • the appearance of many new or changes in old, benign lumps in the breast;
  • nipple discharge, especially brown or bloody discharge;
  • chest pain that interferes with sleep and daily life;
  • unilateral lumps that appear in only one breast.

An examination by a doctor and answers to his questions will help determine the cause of breast swelling. If any pathological changes are detected, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography.

The discomfort that accompanies premenstrual breast swelling can be relieved with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen sodium, Acetaminophen). The doctor may also prescribe diuretics to relieve swelling.

Diet can also help with breast swelling associated with PMS. Discomfort increases with caffeine, alcohol, and foods high in salt and fat. Accordingly, eliminating these foods from the diet or reducing their consumption in the middle of the cycle will help relieve chest discomfort.

Other causes of breast swelling

Hormonal causes of breast swelling and tenderness also include pregnancy and menopause.

During PMS, discomfort in the chest appears in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappears after or during menstruation, because. progesterone levels decrease. At the beginning of pregnancy, these symptoms can be mistaken for premenstrual syndrome - they usually appear in the first or second week after conception. And they continue for some time, due to an increase in progesterone levels.

In the absence of other pathological symptoms described above, breast swelling during pregnancy is considered normal. A diet will help low content salt, as well as a supportive bra.

Breast swelling during menopause

As a rule, breast swelling is associated with. During menopause, hormone levels fluctuate, which causes discomfort in the chest. Also during menopause, fibrocystic changes in the tissues of the mammary glands may begin, which also cause swelling and tenderness of the breast.

Hormonal causes of breast swelling can manifest as a feeling of heaviness, pain when touching the breast, as well as an increase in its size.

If these symptoms persist for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, ask questions and, if necessary, refer you for additional examinations. Based on the results of the examination and examination, hormonal drugs, vitamin complexes(with the obligatory content of magnesium and vitamin E), as well as diet.

What will relieve discomfort in the chest during menopause:

  • Reduce caffeine and salt intake. These substances can cause fluid retention, including in the chest.
  • Taking vitamin E. This vitamin effectively helps with swelling and tenderness in the breasts.
  • The right bra. This is the simplest and most effective method reducing unpleasant breast sensitivity.
  • Warm compresses. They will relieve soreness and swelling in the chest, especially in the evening before bed.

Pathological causes of breast swelling

Swollen breasts can also be a symptom of breast cancer. There are several types of cancer. The inflammatory type can occur as a result of blockage of the lymphatic vessels, which leads to breast swelling. In this case, the skin on the chest may resemble an orange peel, and hard and painful lumps may be felt inside the breast.

When to see a doctor

Hormonal breast swelling, manifested during PMS or in other cases, should not cause too serious inconvenience that interferes with leading a normal, familiar life. If the swelling is accompanied by severe pain, discuss this with your doctor.

Be sure to consult a doctor if swelling has the following symptoms:
  • cracked nipples;
  • changes in the color of the nipples or breast skin;
  • dimples or wrinkles on the chest;
  • the appearance of solid tumors in the breast tissue that do not disappear or change in size during the menstrual cycle;
  • wounds on the chest that do not heal;
  • nipple discharge.
If you have other symptoms that do not go away over time, it is best to consult your doctor.

Unobvious symptoms of breast cancer (video)

A mammologist talks about non-obvious symptoms of breast cancer on early stages. Symptoms that should alert you and cause you to consult a doctor.

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