Home Berries Six famous geyser fields of the world. The most famous geysers of our planet

Six famous geyser fields of the world. The most famous geysers of our planet

Geysers are springs that periodically erupt hot water and steam in the form of a fountain.

For the birth and existence of these "water volcanoes" a complex of three underground factors:

- a special system of cavities and channels.

The water erupted by the geyser seeps underground after rains, snow melt, from the bed of rivers and lakes. It can reach a maximum depth of about 2 km. For the appearance of a geyser, it is necessary that there is a source of heat here. This happens only in active volcanic areas, where molten rocks, gases.

The water heated in the underground “stove” can return to the surface through cracks and pores in the form of ordinary hot springs. But sometimes it accumulates in a cavity, from which one or more narrow channels lead up. Through them, the water is pushed out. Geyser "Old Faithful" (USA) ejects up to 32,000 liters of boiling water in a five-minute eruption. It is not surprising that in Iceland, houses and greenhouses are heated with geyser water.

Many geysers, as colorful and rare natural phenomena, are objects of tourist attention. The pools around the opening of the geysers are inhabited by bacteria that love heat and thrive in very hot water. Geysers gave them a chance to settle far to the North.

What makes geysers erupt?

The opinions of geologists differ here. One theory paints such a scenario.

Underground water accumulates in the fault of dense and durable rocks. They do not allow moisture to seep through them. The way out is possible only through cracks-channels, which narrow upward and open somewhere on the surface.

The water in the channel cools down and, according to the laws of physics, tends to sink. But heating from below creates water pressure and does not allow it to do so. As a result, the water in the middle of the channel is compressed from above and below.

Even having heated up to 100 ° C, it is due to high blood pressure does not boil. Superheated water rises up the channel, then the pressure weakens, and it begins to boil. The steam increases sharply in volume and flies out together with boiling water through the outlet. Then part of the boiling water is thrown out of the tank.

Outside, the vapor instantly cools and turns into a cloud. The foam settles, some of the water flows back into the channel - until the next eruption.

Where can you find geysers?

There are not many places on Earth where all three conditions necessary for the birth of geysers converge at once. Five geyser fields are known: in Iceland, in the “Valley of Geysers” canyon in Kamchatka, in the Yellowstone National Park (USA), in the El Tátio mountain region in northern Chile, near the Taupo volcano on the North Island of New Zealand.

What is the most famous geyser in the world?

Perhaps the one that is located in Iceland and has been active for 10 thousand years. IN time immemorial he was nicknamed Geysir, from the Icelandic "geysa" - to gush. This periodic fountain was the first to be described in a printed book. Already in the 18th century, he was known throughout Europe, and later such phenomena began to be called geysers in his honor.

Initially, the site with this natural wonder belonged to a local farmer, who sold it to a businessman who surrounded the geyser with a high fence and allowed spectators only for a fee. The owners changed, the last in 1935 donated the site to the "Icelandic people for all eternity."

Geysir once erupted every half hour. He survived several earthquakes, which clearly cheered him up. After the earthquake in 2000, the fountain doubled in size and for a couple of days beat in height at the level of a 40-story skyscraper! Now the fountain has become much lower and appears only three times a day.

Experts have learned how to clear the geyser channel when it becomes clogged. Especially a lot of people gather here on June 17 - Independence Day. The day before, geologists are working here on the instructions of the government. Their duty is to provide festive "fireworks" for the old-timer geyser, and he never fails.

1. Valley of Geysers, Russia The Valley of Geysers was discovered 7 years after the foundation of the Kronotsky Reserve. It happened in the summer of 1941 during the expedition of Tatyana Ustinova and Anisifor Krupenin. The inaccessibility of the Valley of Geysers did not allow discovering this unique place earlier. However, even today not everyone can see the Kamchatka geysers. Firstly, you can only get to them by helicopter, and secondly, visiting only with the permission of the administration. The Valley of Geysers is a gorge up to 4 km wide and 8 km long, along the bottom of which the Geysernaya River flows. For 6 km from the mouth of the river, the slopes of the canyon "clung" to about 40 geysers, thermal springs, mud pots and volcanoes. The Velikan geyser is considered the pride of the valley. It erupts infrequently - its cycle is 5-7 hours. But when he wakes up, a jet of boiling water rises 20-30 meters high under pressure, and puffs of steam can reach 300 meters! Five years ago, the youngest geyser in Russia spouted 14 km from the Valley of Geysers. He became unexpected discovery for employees of the Kronotsky Reserve, when on September 28, 2008, a stream of boiling water rose up from under the Kamchatka soil in the middle of one of the most active hydrothermal systems in Kamchatka in the Uzon Valley. It is assumed that the Pulsating source hit this place earlier. The tourists who were nearby at that moment were allowed to name the newly formed “fountain”. If the staff of the reserve did not change their minds in time, the geyser was named "Cool". In the end, they called him "Muddy". At first, it erupted every 15-20 minutes, after a year - about every 12 minutes, in 2010 - an hour and forty minutes. Today, the jet of steam rises 5-6 meters every 2-3 hours, but its cycle depends on the weather. The geyser reacts to strong winds and temperature changes, which is reflected in its activity.

2. Yellowstone, USA

On the other side Pacific Ocean there is a geyser that erupts above the Kamchatka Giant and all other active geysers in the world. This source is located in the Yellowstone National Park (USA) and is named Steamboat. It throws a jet of water 91 meters up, which is almost equal to the height of the Statue of Liberty (93 m from the ground to the tip of the torch). Its strength is so great that the old pine trees growing nearby were broken and washed away by water during one of the eruptions. By the way, it lasts from 3 to 40 minutes. This geyser is unpredictable: it can wake up every four days, or it can fall asleep for 50 years, as it was in 1911. After a long lull, Steamboat woke up in 1961 - two years after one of strongest earthquakes(magnitude 7.5) occurred in the area of ​​Lake Hebgen. This year, on July 31, the geyser was active for the first time in eight years. The park's other popular geyser, Old Faithful, erupts much more frequently and is renowned for its punctuality. Almost every 90 minutes it throws out jets hot water to a height of more than 40 meters. No less popular among visitors is the Grand Prismatic Spring, a boiling cauldron measuring 91 meters long and 75 meters wide. He is known for his acid colors, which change depending on the time of year due to the pigmented bacteria living in the reservoir. By the way, Yellowstone National Park has a record number of geysers. On square 8983 square kilometers about 3 thousand hot springs pulsate, which is two-thirds of total number all the geysers in the world.

3. Haukadalur, Iceland

The word "geyser" comes from the Icelandic "geysa", which means "gush". The very first documented and known to the world geysers, Geysir was discovered in 1294. He gave the name to all the boiling and gushing springs of the world. Like most of Iceland's geysers, Geysir is located in the southeastern part of the island, in the Haukadalur valley, which literally means "hot spring garden". Unfortunately, the legendary Geysir lost its activity as a result of the 2000 earthquake. But he was replaced by Strokkur. It erupts every 5-10 minutes, throwing out a stream of hot water to a height of up to 20 meters. Due to its restlessness, it is considered one of the most active geysers in the world. It is noteworthy that the Icelandic Valley of Geysers until recently was owned by director Sigurdur Jonasson, who donated it to the state. He purchased the area in 1935. The previous owner, James Craig, a whiskey maker and later Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, fenced off the springs and charged people to enter. Today, everyone can see the Icelandic geysers for free. By the way, there are about 30 active geysers in the country.

4. Waimangu, New Zealand

The northern island of the country has long been known for its geysers, in honor of which the natives called this part of New Zealand "the country of hot water." As a result of the eruption of the Tarawera volcano, which occurred on June 10, 1886, the most powerful geyser in the world, Waimangu, was born, which was active from 1900 to 1904. During the "session" he threw out about 800 tons of water. In 1902, the hot water fountain rose to a record height of 450 meters. But two years later, in 1904, the legendary fountain ceased to exist. It was replaced by geysers of a calmer nature, which you can admire 20 km from the town of Rotorua, in the Waimangu valley. On its territory there is a complex geothermal sources, the most powerful of which is the Pohutu Geyser. Every hour, he splashes a jet of hot water 30 meters into the air. He is accompanied by the no less famous geyser "Feathers of the Prince of Wales", which pleases numerous tourists with a hot show every 20 minutes.

5. El Tatio, Chile

There are five large geothermal regions on Earth with active geysers - four of them are located in Iceland, New Zealand, the USA and Kamchatka. The fifth valley of geysers hid far and high. On the border of Chile with Bolivia, at an altitude of 4320 meters above sea level in the Andes, there is the highest mountain geyser field in the world - El Tatio (Spanish: El Tatio). About 80 geysers release boiling water from the depths of the earth, reaching a height of 75 cm to 6-7 m. best time dawn is considered to visit the valley. At a time when the air temperature reaches below zero, each of the sources is surrounded by a special halo of steam. In addition, the springs begin to gush before dawn and cease their activity by nine o'clock in the morning.

6. Beppu, Japan

In the northeast of Kyushu is the hot springs capital of Japan - the city of Beppu. Sacred springs of the same name sheltered about 2800 springs, fumaroles and microgeysers on their territory. Special attention visitors are attracted by the so-called "Nine Circles of Hell" - nine unusual sources, each of which has a certain zest. For example, the Shaved Head Spring (Oniishibozu Jigoku) resembles a large, boiling gray puddle. Unusual name appeared thanks to the bubbles, reminiscent of the shaved heads of Buddhist monks. But perhaps the most famous source is the Bloody Pond (Chinoike Jigoku). The unusual name appeared due to the red color of the reservoir, "painted" with iron-containing minerals.

World of travel


17.08.16 12:12

Nature is capable of sending terrible tests to people - crushing entire villages with tsunamis or eruptions of formidable volcanoes. And she can also be a true artist, painting magnificent landscapes of alpine meadows. Or an inspired sculptor who creates picturesque caves or natural fountains - the most beautiful geysers.

The most beautiful geysers in the world: what you need to see

Giant from Kamchatka

We can proudly admit that in Russia, in Kamchatka, there is an absolutely fantastic area that is part of the Kronotsky nature reserve - the Valley of Geysers. It was discovered by scientists quite recently - in 1941, and in 2007 it suffered from a landslide that destroyed almost half of the geysers. But the largest and most beautiful - the Giant geyser - survived. It erupts daily, releasing a 25-meter fountain of hot water every 6-8 hours.

Stars of the Icelandic Valley

But the Icelandic valley of Haukadalur has been known for a very long time - information about it can be found in printed sources of the 18th century. It was then that the Geysir (or Big Geyser), the pearl of these places, was described. The term "geyser" was first applied to this wonder of Iceland. According to experts, it has been active for 10 thousand years. He throws water jets to a height of 70 meters.

One bad thing is that Geysir eruptions are not frequent, but another Icelandic natural fountain, Strokkur, located next to the Hvitau River, is very “punctual”. It is able to reach a height of 20-40 meters and erupts constantly, taking breaks for 4-8 minutes. Historical information it is said that this geyser was born after the earthquake of 1789, which unblocked its channels. In the middle of the twentieth century, Strokkur's "pipeline" became clogged, but in 1963 it was cleared.

cold fountain

The only cold geyser in the top of the most beautiful geysers in the world is Andernach in Germany. It is located in the nature reserve "Namedyer Werth" (Rhineland-Palatinate) and is one of the most popular attractions of this natural park. Andernach is known not only for its 64-meter cold jet - it is not a natural phenomenon, but arose due to human intervention (after drilling a well in 1903). Water is displaced carbon dioxide like from a soda bottle.

Pearls of Yellowstone

Old Faithful is one of the thousands of geysers discovered in Yellowstone National Park (USA). He was the first to receive a name - this happened in 1870. Faithful erupts frequently - at intervals of an hour (give or take a few minutes), so it is very interesting to watch him. Moreover, the landscapes and landscape of this reserve are amazing, and the Grand Prismatic Spring is one of the most famous natural attractions of the planet.

Among the other most beautiful geysers in the world is the Castle, and it is also located in Yellowstone. The castle gushes out with a powerful 27-meter jet thrown into the air every 10 (less often - 12) hours. But even after the geyser “spit out” boiling water, grandiose clouds of steam curl over it for another forty minutes.

nine circles of hell

The second place on the planet in terms of the volume of hot water in springs and geysers (Yellowstone is the leader) is occupied by the Japanese resort of Beppu.

Its territory (often referred to as the "Nine Hells of Beppu") is home to nine magnificent hot springs, especially active in the spring. Most often, tourists take pictures of the "Bloody Pond", seething with bright red water.

One of the sources is called "Fountain", its jets reach a height of 20 meters. The Golden Dragon Geyser is much lower, but spectacularly designed: it seems that steam is flowing directly from the dragon sculpture.

Thunder from the abyss of the sea

The largest "gas shell" in North America created the most beautiful geyser in Mexico - the sea geyser La Bufadora, a fountain that literally explodes with a thunderous sound almost every minute. Amazing spectacle! Tourists watch him from the equipped on the shore observation deck. 30-meter jets, splashing directly from the sea, sometimes reach the audience - cool salty spray, especially pleasant on a sunny day.

At an altitude of 4320 meters

The next participant in our rating - El Tatio - is also one of the highest, located in the Andes (in Chile and at an altitude of 4320 meters). This is not a single geyser, but a whole plateau with eight dozen natural fountains (the third largest deposit in the world and the largest in the Southern Hemisphere). Although the height of each geyser on the plateau is not very impressive, the steam from them rushes into the sky, and it looks mind-blowing!

colorful cones

The most beautiful geyser in the world is a small, but one-of-a-kind geothermal geyser, Fly, which scored in 1964 on a private ranch in Nevada. American farmers decided to get some water and drilled the ground, as a result, this miracle was born. The main thing in it is not water jets (reaching only one and a half meters), but a bizarre cone-shaped travertine mound, formed as a result of the dissolution of colored minerals (they still rise from the depths and are deposited on these “hills”). The geyser got its name in honor of the ranch on which (Fly) is located.

A hundred years ago, after the terrifying eruption of the Taravera volcano, a geyser of impressive size formed on one of the islands of New Zealand: a column of ejected water from the bowels of the Earth exceeded four hundred meters. The fountain was black, it either rose up, then calmed down for two days - and again set to work. So, it went on for several years, until a huge boiling lake was formed. This is where the relationship arose - volcanoes and geysers.

Naturally, not all geysers are active. In a similar way and create miracles of this magnitude, but the fact that volcanoes and geysers are interconnected is a fact, since they are manifestations of the late stage of volcanic activity and can only be seen where fire-breathing mountains are located.

A geyser is a source that, as water accumulates in it, with an explosion and a roar, throws out a column of water above the earth's surface, the temperature of which often exceeds 100 ° C (at the same time, it can be either very low or spewing a stream of as much as 80 meters up). This fountain beats for a while, then calms down, the steam disappears, and almost nothing reminds of past activity. The big geyser operates only in those places where volcanoes are either still active or were active until recently.

Its name is amazing phenomenon nature received in honor of one of the oldest known to people Icelandic geysers Geysir (in translation means "break through") from the world-famous Haukadalur Valley, (Valley of Geysers).


A geyser is not always a tall fountain, sometimes the jet splashes low or appears in the form of splashes, and some are ordinary pools of boiling water. They are usually surrounded by stony, often multi-colored formations, somewhat reminiscent of beautiful artificial lattices. The source is lined with silica (geyserite), which falls to the surface of the earth along with a hot turbulent stream.

Such stony formations can often take several tens of square meters, or start growing up. For example, around the Velikan, the largest geyser in Kamchatka (whose fountain is several tens of meters), the size of the geyserite site is no less impressive, like its name, and occupies about a hectare, while the streaks on it extremely strongly resemble small gray-yellow roses.

Such rocky springs can take a different form:

  • Basin;
  • Crater;
  • bowls;
  • Low, very flat dome;
  • Rocky formation in the form of cones with truncated contours and steep slopes;
  • In some cases, the form is completely unusual and bizarre, for example, when minerals form a flower or crystals.

Before the water begins to erupt, it slowly fills the rocky formation, seethes and splashes. After the fountain calms down, the pool is completely free of water. If you know for sure that the geyser will not throw out a new stream now, you can take a chance and (with the permission of the guide) look inside - then the curious will be able to see the vent, which goes far into the bowels of the Earth. These springs are located not only at the bottom, but also on the walls of rocky formations.


A geyser is formed only where the magma that has not cooled down after the eruption is located as close as possible to the surface of the Earth. Hot magma constantly emits great amount gases and vapors that rise up through all the cracks accessible to them, thus falling into the caves created when the volcano erupted. These caves are a whole labyrinth, the grottoes of which, filled with underground waters, are connected by tunnels or cracks.

Magmatic gases and vapors, mixing with deep waters, heat them up and at the same time not only become part of the boiling water themselves, but also dissolve minerals and other substances in it.

After that, the water does not stop its movement, since the hot lower layer becomes less dense - and rushes up (at the same time, cooler water sinks down, where it also heats up). There are two options for ejecting boiling water, since exactly how a geyser will erupt depends largely on the size of the caves, the shape and location of cracks / channels, and how fast they move through them The groundwater and, of course, on their number: through a wide channel correct form a stream of boiling water is easily brought out, and if the source is narrow, winding, then:

  • Water is heated unevenly, because of which it becomes too hot below, but due to pressure from above, it is not able to turn into steam, and it is also unable to go upstairs.
  • This situation cannot continue for a long time, so the water vapor takes the form of bubbles.
  • Bubbles, squeezed from all sides, try to increase, and begin to squeeze out the upper layer of water from below, literally pushing it to the surface, thus, a series of small fountains, symbolizing the approach of a larger eruption.
  • When the water splashes out, the upper layer of water on the lower one does not press as hard as before - and allows the excessively hot water to be converted into steam. Therefore, after some time, huge jets of hot water fly up above the ground, surrounded by puffs of steam.

The geyser stops spewing water only when the underground caves are completely empty of water. The next eruption will not occur until the groundwater fills the underground labyrinths again and does not heat up there to the desired temperature. At the same time, it is worth noting that a geyser is regular - the duration of the eruption, both as a whole and at its individual stages, is constant each time and it can be predicted and irregular - the period between emissions of the same geyser can last from a couple of minutes to several days, at the same time, the duration of individual stages, as well as the size of the fountain, will be different each time.

Possible dangers

Despite the fact that this phenomenon from afar is an extremely beautiful spectacle, it is advisable to observe it from a distance and not get closer, unless there are appropriate instructions from the guide.

The earth around them is so hot that, having entered in the wrong place, it would seem, on green grass, it is quite possible to find yourself in the middle of a scalding slurry - and the leg, without meeting any support, will easily go down (and not all boots can protect you from burns).

It is dangerous to come close to a geyser filled with boiling water, because with any careless movement you can fall into it and get boiled alive, as often happens with careless animals. Or another trouble may befall when a person looks into the source, and water suddenly splashes out from there.

The theory that everything that nature has created is useful for man, in this case does not justify itself at all - water in geysers not only does not carry human body no benefit, but also dangerous for him, because it contains various toxic elements, such as mercury, arsenic, antimony.

Why is this phenomenon useful?

Many countries have learned to use the geyser for good. For example, in Iceland, with its help, they not only receive electricity, heat houses, but also equip greenhouses in which flowers, tropical fruits and vegetables are grown, and some greenhouses, to the delight of the inhabitants, were turned into parks (there are extremely few trees in this country, and greenery on the street is not typical even in the summer).

Geysers are incredibly beautiful and mysterious phenomena nature, manifestations of its deep power and processes hidden from us. I bring to your attention a selection of famous geyser fields of the world.

Beppu, Japan

In the northeast of Kyushu is the hot springs capital of Japan - the city of Beppu. Sacred springs of the same name sheltered about 2,800 springs, fumaroles and microgeysers on their territory. Particular attention of visitors is attracted by the so-called "Nine Circles of Hell" - nine unusual sources, each of which has a certain zest. For example, the Shaved Head Spring (Oniishibozu Jigoku) resembles a large, boiling gray puddle.

The unusual name came from bubbles resembling the shaved heads of Buddhist monks. But perhaps the most famous source is the Bloody Pond (Chinoike Jigoku). The unusual name appeared due to the red color of the reservoir, "painted" with iron-containing minerals.

El Tatio, Chile

There are five large geothermal regions on Earth with active geysers - four of them are located in Iceland, New Zealand, the USA and Kamchatka. The fifth valley of geysers hid far and high. On the border of Chile with Bolivia, at an altitude of 4,320 meters above sea level in the Andes, there is the highest mountain geyser field in the world - El Tatio (Spanish: El Tatio).

About 80 geysers release boiling water from the depths of the earth, reaching a height of 75 cm to 6-7 m. The best time to visit the valley is dawn. At a time when the air temperature reaches below zero, each of the sources is surrounded by a special halo of steam.

In addition, the springs begin to gush before dawn and cease their activity by nine o'clock in the morning.

Haukadalur, Iceland

The word "geyser" comes from the Icelandic "geysa", which means "gush". The very first geyser documented and known to the world, Geysir was discovered in 1294. He gave the name to all the boiling and gushing springs of the world. Like most of Iceland's geysers, Geysir is located in the southeastern part of the island, in the Haukadalur valley, which literally means "hot spring garden". Unfortunately, the legendary Geysir lost its activity as a result of the 2000 earthquake. But he was replaced by Strokkur. It erupts every 5-10 minutes, throwing out a stream of hot water to a height of up to 20 meters. Due to its restlessness, it is considered one of the most active geysers in the world.
The beginning of the eruption of the Strokkur geyser:

Like any geyser, Strokkur's work consists of several stages: filling the basin with water, soaring, ejection of a hot jet of water and a rest stage:

In this picture, you can see in detail all the phases of the eruption.

The largest and most powerful geyser in the world was located in New Zealand - the height to which it raised boiling water sometimes reached 400–450 meters. Waimangu was active for only 4 years, starting in 1900. A photograph from the 1913 book Picturesque New Zealand shows its impressive eruption:

It is noteworthy that the Icelandic Valley of Geysers until recently was owned by director Sigurdur Jonasson, who donated it to the state. He purchased the area in 1935. The previous owner, James Craig, a whiskey maker and later Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, fenced off the springs and charged people to enter. Today, everyone can see the Icelandic geysers for free. By the way, there are about 30 active geysers in the country.

Yellowstone, USA

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean is a geyser that erupts above all other active geysers in the world. This source is located in the Yellowstone National Park (USA) and is named Steamboat. It throws a jet of water 91 meters up, which is almost equal to the height of the Statue of Liberty (93 m from the ground to the tip of the torch). Its strength is so great that the old pine trees growing nearby were broken and washed away by water during one of the eruptions. By the way, it lasts from 3 to 40 minutes. This geyser is unpredictable: it can wake up every four days, or it can fall asleep for 50 years, as it was in 1911. After a long lull, Steamboat woke up in 1961 - two years after one of the strongest earthquakes (magnitude 7.5) that occurred in the area of ​​​​Lake Hebgen. This year, on July 31, the geyser was active for the first time in eight years.

The park's other popular geyser, Old Faithful, erupts much more frequently and is renowned for its punctuality. Almost every 90 minutes, he throws out jets of hot water to a height of more than 40 meters:

No less popular among visitors is the Grand Prismatic Spring, a boiling cauldron measuring 91 m long and 75 m wide. It is known for its acidic colors that change with the seasons thanks to pigmented bacteria living in the pond.

By the way, Yellowstone National Park has a record number of geysers. On an area of ​​8,983 square kilometers, about 3 thousand hot springs pulsate, which is two thirds of the total number of all geysers in the world. See also the article "Journey through national park Yellowstone".

Valley of Geysers, Russia

The Valley of Geysers was discovered 7 years after the foundation of the Kronotsky Reserve. It happened in the summer of 1941 during the expedition of Tatyana Ustinova and Anisifor Krupenin. The inaccessibility of the Valley of Geysers did not allow discovering this unique place earlier. Clickable, 1600×1060 px. (Photo by Dimarik):

However, even today not everyone can see the Kamchatka geysers. Firstly, you can only get to them by helicopter, and secondly, visiting only with the permission of the administration. The Valley of Geysers is a gorge up to 4 km wide and 8 km long, along the bottom of which the Geysernaya River flows. About 40 geysers, thermal springs, mud pots and volcanoes “clung around” to the slopes of the canyon for 6 km from the mouth of the river.

The Velikan geyser is considered the pride of the valley. It erupts infrequently - its cycle is 5-7 hours. But when he wakes up, a jet of boiling water rises 20-30 meters high under pressure, and puffs of steam can reach 300 meters!

Five years ago, the youngest geyser in Russia spouted 14 km from the Valley of Geysers. It became an unexpected discovery for the employees of the Kronotsky Reserve, when on September 28, 2008, a stream of boiling water rose up from under the Kamchatka earth in the middle of one of the most active hydrothermal systems in Kamchatka in the Uzon Valley. It is assumed that the Pulsating source hit this place earlier. The tourists who were nearby at that moment were allowed to name the newly formed “fountain”. If the staff of the reserve did not change their minds in time, the geyser was named "Cool". In the end, they called him "Muddy". At first, it erupted every 15-20 minutes, after a year - about every 12 minutes, in 2010 - an hour and forty minutes. Today, the jet of steam rises 5-6 meters every 2-3 hours, but its cycle depends on the weather. The geyser reacts to strong winds and temperature changes, which is reflected in its activity.

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