Home Berries Sweet golden shower. Intimate games - what is "golden shower". Pepper variety Golden Rain

Sweet golden shower. Intimate games - what is "golden shower". Pepper variety Golden Rain

Bell pepper - extraordinary healthy vegetable. It is 91% water. However, calling its juice ordinary water would not be entirely correct. In addition to the pleasant aroma and taste, the juicy pulp of the fruit contains large quantities of vitamins and microelements, which classify paprika as one of the most useful gifts of nature.

Each color not only decorates the fruit, but also speaks about some of its features.

Red peppers contain more vitamin C than lemons, and orange varieties are superior to carrots in the amount of carotene. In addition, the caloric content of 100 grams of pulp is only 27 kcal. In this indicator, green representatives won the palm vegetable crop– 20 kcal.

Yellow pepper - nature's sunny gift

What benefits does the golden vegetable bring? Sun-colored fruits contain a large number of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The yellow color also tells a person that yellow pepper contains a lot of carotene, which is responsible for eye health and good vision. Increased content iron prevents the development of anemia. Iodine is essential for health thyroid gland, “correct” work nervous system, strengthening the immune system. In addition, this microelement prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Without vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, found in yellow pepper, it is generally difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the body.

Pepper varieties: great variety

Breeders all over the world have bred all sorts of varieties: early, middle, late, cone-shaped, prism-shaped, cubic, round, like a ball - the list can be endless. The color range of peppers is also striking in its diversity: green, red, yellow, orange, purple and even black. The seeds of such peppers can be easily purchased at a specialty store.

Pepper the color of the sun: varieties and varieties

Yellow peppers look the most cheerful, looking like the warm sun. Scientists showed creative imagination when creating new varieties of pepper in honey-amber tones and presented the world with a wide selection of yellow paprika.

How The Golden Fleece for Argonauts, yellow Bell pepper became a symbol of prosperity for farmers. The harvest of juicy, sunny fruits represents high value for humans in fresh, frozen and canned form. Numerous varieties of golden-colored peppers help you choose the most suitable option that meets certain requirements.

Pepper variety Golden-maned lion

Golden-maned lion is a medium-early ripening pepper; the fruits ripen within 114-120 days. The peppers are large, weighing 150-210 grams, cubic in shape, thick-skinned (8-10 mm). Many summer residents leave reviews about the Golden-Maned Lion pepper on websites dedicated to this topic. Sharing their impressions of the variety, gardeners note good yield (about 5 kg per 1 m2) and large fruit. In addition, they speak positively about the juicy pulp with a pleasant, subtle aroma. Another advantage of the Golden-Maned Lion variety is its short stature. The bush grows only 0.5 m, so it is suitable for growing without support.

Pepper variety Golden Tamara

Yellow pepper Golden Tamara cannot be confused with any other vegetable - a representative of this “ color scheme" This pepper resembles the sun not only in color, but also in shape. The pepper variety has an average harvest time of 110-135 days. The bushes are medium in height (about 60 cm). The vegetables are large - about 200 grams, round, slightly flattened, the ribs are barely defined. The color of technically ripe peppers is light green, and upon reaching full, biological ripeness, they become bright yellow. The wall thickness reaches 10 mm, the flesh is sweet and pleasant to the taste. The yield is good - about 5 kg per 1 m2.

Pepper variety Golden Miracle

The most successful variety for the temperate climate of central Russia is considered to be the Golden Miracle pepper, which can withstand temperature fluctuations. The advantage of the variety is its long fruiting period, which increases productivity. In addition, reviews of the Golden Miracle pepper emphasize that it does not lose its attractive appearance for a long time and is suitable for long-distance transportation. The variety is mid-season, the fruits reach technical maturity on the 120th day. The peppers are large, cube-shaped, slightly elongated, golden yellow, the thickness of the pulp is 6-8 mm.

Pepper variety Golden Rain

Mid-early pepper Golden Rain begins to produce its harvest on the 116th day after the first leaves of the seedlings emerge. The peppers are initially light green in color, but gradually change color to a yellowish lemon color. The fruits are ribbed, flattened-round, medium in size, weighing 50-60 grams, diameter - 8 cm, wall width - 6-7 mm. The aroma of the pulp is weak, the structure is tender and juicy. Golden Rain is a fairly fertile variety; it can produce a harvest of 2.5 to 5 kilograms from a plot of 100x100 cm.

Pepper variety Golden Key

The bright and extraordinary Golden Key pepper will not leave vegetable lovers indifferent unusual flowers and forms. The sunny-golden fruits are elongated and cone-shaped, really reminiscent of a key from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Vegetable diameter – 5 cm, weight – 200 g. The walls are not thick, but they are very delicate in structure. The plant is early, produces a harvest on the 95th day after the seedlings “hatch”. True, these will be fruits of a soft green color. But already on the 108-110th day the peppers will begin to acquire their characteristic golden hue.

Pepper variety Gold bar

The advantages of the Golden Ingot pepper include its resistance to low air temperatures. Increased cold resistance makes this variety suitable for cultivation in temperate climates. The variety fully corresponds to its name, since its fruits are weighty and square, like gold bars, and their color vaguely resembles a precious, yellow metal. One vegetable weighs from 160 to 500 grams, its massive walls reach 10 mm in width. From a plot of 100x100 cm, provided the plant is well cared for, it is possible to get up to 3 kilograms of harvest.

Pepper variety Golden Jubilee

Another variety adapted to cool temperatures Russian summer– Golden Jubilee pepper of medium ripening period. After seedlings emerge, it will take about 115-120 days to produce a harvest of bright yellow, round, slightly flattened fruits. One pepper weighs about 110-180 grams, the walls are thick (9-10 mm), the diameter of the fruit is 8-9 cm. From 3.5 to 4 kilograms of “golden” vegetables are collected from 1 m2. Plants do not exceed 55 cm in height. High resistance to such “pepper disease” as verticillium wilt is noted.

Pepper variety Golden Calf

An ideal option for planting in the central parts of Russia, characterized by a temperate climate, is the Golden Calf pepper with an average harvest period.

Technical ripeness occurs approximately on the 110th day, at which time the peppers are dark green in color. Starting from 113–115 days, the phase of biological maturation begins, when the color of the walls acquires an orange-yellow tint. The variety is considered large-fruited. Having created ideal conditions for a plant, you can grow fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg. The average weight of the fetus is 150-300 grams. The vegetables are fleshy, with thick walls - 8-10 mm. The yield indicators of the Golden Calf variety are 1.5 kg/m2.

Pepper variety Yellow Cube

Mid-season yellow cube pepper belongs to the hybrid group. The fruits are large (200-300 g), with thick walls (8-10 mm), cubic in shape. Green color technically ripe fruit turns into a bright yellow hue at the stage of full ripeness. The bushes are tall, reaching 0.8 - 1 meter in height. In general, the yellow cube is a fertile pepper; one Yellow cube bush bears 5-7 fruits.

Pepper Yellow cube

Pepper variety Yellow bell

The Yellow Bell pepper is distinguished by its extremely early production of yellow vegetables, producing a harvest already on the 70th day after the first two leaves of the plant emerge from the soil. The fruits are large, prism-shaped, golden in color, with a thick rind (about 8 mm); peppers can reach 8-9 cm in diameter. The variety is excellent at resisting diseases, especially the tobacco mosaic virus. Grown in closed, greenhouse conditions, as well as under open air" Very productive variety: under suitable conditions and good care gives about 8 kilograms per 1 m2.

Pepper variety Yellow bull

The large-fruited Yellow Bull pepper lives up to its name, as its fruits weigh 200-300 grams, are thick-walled (8 mm), and have a diameter of up to 9 cm. The shape of the fruit is cone-shaped and elongated. At first, the color of the vegetable is green; fully ripe peppers are juicy yellow. Mid-early pepper Yellow Bull is a heat-loving plant, so it will best grow in the south of Russia and middle zone. Although some gardeners managed to get good results and in colder ones, northern regions, but subject to film covering of plants.

Pepper variety Bugai

TO early forms Yellow paprika includes Bugai pepper, which produces large vegetables with “meaty” walls. The variety lives up to its name, since the bushes produce large, yellow fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg. Bugai is a thick-walled pepper, the width of the pulp reaches 1 cm. Taste qualities Bugai varieties are not as pronounced as other “yellow-skinned” representatives, but it appears one of the first, gives good harvest(4-5 kg/m2), therefore characterized as one of the best super early varieties bell pepper.

Pepper variety Earley Sensation

Among productive varieties separate place occupies the Earley Sensation pepper with medium ripening periods. Vegetables are ready for consumption 110-114 days after the appearance of young shoots of the plant. The bushes grow small - 50 cm, green peppers are tied to them, and as they ripen, they acquire yellow. One vegetable weighs 100-150 grams, the thickness of the pulp reaches 8 mm. The yield is high - 4.8 kg from a plot of 100x100 cm.

Pepper Early Sensation

Pepper variety Sun

The name of the variety fully corresponds to the shape and content of the vegetable - the Sun pepper both in shape and shade resembles a celestial body. Farmers write numerous reviews on websites about the Solnyshko pepper, in which they point out the excellent taste of sweet pepper. Bright yellow fruits are medium-sized (the weight of one vegetable is 70-100 g), round, without ribbing, perfect for stuffing. The juicy, tender flesh of the Solnyshko pepper will improve the taste of any salad. One of the advantages of the variety is its short stature. Low bushes (30-50 cm) will not take up much space in the garden.

Pepper variety Emelya

Early ripening Emelya pepper belongs to hybrids and is characterized by high productivity.

By growing a plant under film, you can get a yield of up to 7 kg/m2. One pepper weighs about 120 grams, the wall thickness is 6-8 mm. At the beginning of ripening, the cylindrical fruits are green; the fully ripened vegetable is orange-yellow.

Pepper Emelya

Pepper variety Gladiator

Among the varieties with medium harvest dates is the Gladiator pepper, bred in Holland. The variety is low-growing, spreading and large-fruited. After 110-120 days, the peppers will ripen on the bushes, weighing 160-250 grams, with a flesh thickness of 8 mm. The fruits are shaped like a truncated prism, yellow-orange in color. By following the rules of agricultural technology, you can get up to 9 kg per 1 m2. The name of the variety speaks not only about the strength and size of the fruit, but also the ability to fight such an enemy of bell pepper as verticellosis. The taste of the variety is excellent.

Pepper variety Oriole

Early ripening Oriole pepper will bear its first fruits 105 days after the “friendly” seedlings sprout. The fruits of the plant resemble golden hearts, and they grow upwards rather than downwards. During technical ripening, vegetables are green and become bright yellow as they ripen. Average weight one pepper 65-85 gr. Oriole gives a high harvest of sweet pepper - up to 14 kg from a 100x100 cm bed. Distinctive feature This variety is considered easy to care for.

The variety of varieties of yellow peppers cannot but surprise: Bison, Cockatoo, Giant, spicy Hungarian yellow, Yellow Bouquet, Elephant, Sweet Banana, Asti, Ramiro, Yellow Prism, Yellow Cream, as well as many of those varieties that were described in this article. Farmers who prefer sunny-colored vegetables can easily select seed material for any growing conditions. In addition, golden-hued peppers will become a real panacea for people suffering from allergies to red varieties of vegetables.

Golden shower is a sexual game in which pleasure is associated with the partner's urine. The phenomenon refers to and occurs much more often than you might think. For example, watching a partner urinate also refers specifically to this intimate game.

Natural "golden shower"

This fetish is complex in nature, and its manifestations vary quite a lot. For example, according to research, it turned out that during orgasm, not all women are able to control the muscles of the urethra. It happens that during relaxation, which is associated with highest point pleasure, you can lose control over these same muscles, and urine appears. Some people cannot even get an orgasm for this very reason, because they are afraid to relax properly and embarrass their partner with the release of this physiological fluid.

This is due to the fact that the width of a woman’s urethra is much larger than that of a man, it is shorter, and there are fewer muscles there. During orgasm, the pelvic muscles first contract sharply and then relax; naturally, this process also affects the urethra.

As a rule, the smell of urine scares people away, and their desire to have sex immediately disappears. But some men who have encountered this feature, on the contrary, get special pleasure from it. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that they like the smell or other properties of urine, they simply experience pleasure from the fact itself, associating it with their partner receiving an orgasm.


Some people enjoy watching their sexual partner relieve themselves. Some people imagine something, while others are simply pleased with this degree of intimacy, when they can see such intimate things.

As a rule, both partners experience pleasure when observing urination. The reason is that sexuality, even from childhood, is often labeled among people as something shameful. Perhaps someone was caught by their parents during masturbation, and someone was even caught during their first experiences with a sexual partner. A significant number of people associate urination, like sexuality, with shame. People sometimes find some overlap here, which becomes the reason for the fetish.

Some even deliberately do not allow their partner to go to the toilet in order to cause him to urinate involuntarily, enjoying the shame that the person feels at the same time.

Other forms of golden shower

In medicine, a deviation when people experience special pleasure from urine is called urophilia. According to the official definition, this includes cases when a person urinates on himself or does it on a partner, receiving pleasure from the process. The forms can be very different, some just want to be described, others want to do it in a specific place on the partner’s body. And some people really like the taste or smell of urine.

This article will touch on a slightly extravagant topic - wet sex, or the well-known “golden shower”. In sex, the exchange of urine helps to reveal some facets of the relationship and bring them to the surface. new level due to new sensations. In general, this is usually officially called urophilia, because, in fact, such an act has little to do with the concept of sexuality (although this, of course, is a controversial statement).


According to people who practice this action, “golden shower” during sex is not anything repulsive or unnatural. On the contrary, “raincoats” (as they like to call themselves) quite adequately perceive the smell of urine during sexual intercourse.

Such people claim that only those men do not understand the beauty of the “golden shower” who have never had to completely satisfy a girl in bed in their entire lives. The fact is, they say, that good intercourse necessarily leads to an involuntary golden shower in a woman. There are no perversions in sex, say experienced "raincoats", there are only stiffness and principles that prevent people from truly enjoying each other.

It is this act that can be the culminating moment of female orgasm. But how many men really think about this? The fear of seeming strange and indecent fetters a woman’s whole nature, and now she no longer enjoys it, but only torments the “play” with artificial oohs and oohs. It's no wonder that so many women fake orgasms almost their entire sex lives. Many people are not even aware of the importance of “golden shower” in sex. For them, this is just another perversion, and not a way to open up to each other as much as possible.

As is known, female body copes with urination easier. The female structure is different from the male one - in the path of the urethra there are only a couple of sphincter gates that cover the free flow of urine. In men, the “unit” is equipped with additional valves, erection tubercles-constipations, sluices, and so on, because accidental entry of urine into the ejaculate can lead to modification of the fetus.

If you really delve into the question, it turns out that the last stage of sexual intercourse, that is, orgasm, in women is accompanied by light urination, which, of course, can repel a guy in the future. And a man’s fear will subsequently affect the entire sex life representatives of the fair sex - she can easily turn into a frigid doll that maintains control over her body at moments when she needs to completely relax, and not squeeze her pelvic muscles as hard as she can. We send all those who have doubts to interview their friends: many discoveries await them.

What is “golden shower” in sex?

This phenomenon is quite common if a man is good in bed and knows how to please a lady. Naturally, the “golden shower” in sex still occurs due to the partner’s excess in drinking liquid before the sexual act itself. That’s why it’s so important for a lady to monitor her diet and physical fitness. Of course, sexaholics have exaggerated the meaning of “golden shower” in sex. Anal penetration can cause, for example, a whole wave of pleasure, and not a single drop of urine will wet the partners’ bodies.

Concept and term

Once upon a time, fashionistas called this phenomenon “golden shower”, but in fact, speaking in scientific language, it is the purest kind urophilia, as it is associated with the act of urination itself. Of course, urination does not guarantee consumption, that is, swallowing urine, but the fact remains: the sight of spilling urine is not a very young trend.

Variants of urophilia include urophagia (the desire to taste, drink, and swallow urine) and urolagnia (excitement from watching a partner defecate). There are different variations: some like the taste of urine, some like its smell, some like the aesthetics of urination, some get real pleasure from the “golden shower” in group sex. However, despite the strong place of “golden shower” in intimate games, it does not have many fans: not everyone is ready to put up with urine in their bed.

Golden shower chips

The first and main property of this phenomenon is the immense gratitude of a satisfied woman. Having received such an orgasm, the partner will give herself to you completely and completely and will repay you a hundredfold through the efforts of her partner. The second attraction for many is the very contemplation of “erupting” genitals. Some people enjoy the sight of them, while others, such as masochists, feel the maximum dominance of the dominant.

The appearance of "golden shower"

Real sex lovers consider “golden shower” not a cause of high, but rather a consequence of quality sex, taking into account individual characteristics the structure of the female genitourinary apparatus, of course. Special meaning"golden shower" began to exist thanks to the culture of sadists and masochists. They were the first to experiment with this fetish with the role-playing implications of “humiliated-dominant”. Ordinary people those who do not suffer from a mania of dependence on subordination or power find in this niche the opportunity to try something new, perhaps to experience previously unknown sensations.


Of course, the one who allows himself to relax and literally describe his partner receives undoubted privileges. These include:

  • The maximum degree of orgasm - the lack of control at the climax allows the body to achieve complete release, practically plunging into a state of prostration. This certainly helps to reset the entire nervous system.
  • The degree of highest dominance is a kind of mental side of sex, when the dominant receives pleasure through humiliation of the partner.
  • The degree of highest fusion.

The one who is exposed to this action also receives some benefit:

  • Childhood reorientation - someone whose childhood was spent in humiliation will be happy to be humiliated in adult life to feel protected in the shadow of their dominant patron.
  • A test of the pen - curiosity rules the world, not everyone who tries the “golden shower” becomes its fans, but those same experimenters are a dime a dozen.

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