Home Diseases and pests Houseplant business. Indoor plants as a business - growing and selling

Houseplant business. Indoor plants as a business - growing and selling

At present, all over the world, including in Russia, large and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. It is difficult to imagine modern economic relations without private firms, shops, cafes and restaurants. All these establishments are owned by private entrepreneurs. Small business is especially widespread in our country. It includes many various industries, including trade, services and entertainment, farming. Let's take a closer look at the latter. Farming includes not only animal breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping, but also the cultivation of plants, including flowers. Floriculture is very widespread. Almost every woman loves to buy and grow her own flowers. For many, it's just a hobby, and for some, it's a way to make money.

Growing flowers as a business is a simple activity, but it requires a lot of time, nerves and certain skills. The advantage of such an entrepreneurship is that the flowers sell very well, especially in holidays: March 8, February 14, May 9, on New Year. Flowers are good gift or an addition to it, this is a sign of attention from a man. Let us consider in more detail the main directions of the flower growing business.

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Basic flower business ideas

The plan for organizing such a way of making money can be very diverse. Can you grow flowers in a greenhouse? own house or in the country, and then sell them. The second option is to open your own store or flower shop. In addition, you can breed both garden plants and indoor plants. Demand for both is still high. A business plan for growing flowers includes a whole list of provisions, namely: determining the main direction, that is, what you want to grow, determining client base and points of sale proper care for plants, their breeding, a plan for how to grow them in a greenhouse, determining the cost and so on.

The very first step is to make a choice: what to grow. It could be garden flowering plants: lilies, gladioli, dahlias, asters and others. Ornamental perennial garden plants are in great demand. They are called decorative because they do not bloom. Their main decoration is beautiful shape leaves, the ability to grow for decades and reproduce well. In addition to gardening, you can organize the cultivation of indoor plants. Saintpaulias, orchids, cacti and ornamental plants such as ficuses, various palm trees, climbing flowers. It all depends on the preferences of the future entrepreneur. If this is a woman, then the business should be more successful. It is not uncommon to see male flower growers nowadays, but growing flowers is still a female occupation.

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Cultivation of garden flowers

So, the plan needs to start with highlighting land plot. This may be a plot of a private house, cottage or separately purchased or leased land. It is quite expensive to rent land, so flower cultivation usually takes place on the owners' private lands. The area of ​​the site depends on the range and number of flowers. If these are large plants, such as peonies or dahlias, then one ridge is not enough. It will take a few hundred. Flowers can be grown both on open ground (in the ground) and in a greenhouse. The greenhouse should be spacious so that the plants have enough space. The advantage of the greenhouse growing method is that certain microclimatic conditions are created in it: heat, humidity. In addition, the greenhouse protects plants from adverse factors. environment: wind, low temperatures, precipitation, pests. In a greenhouse, flowers will be more comfortable than in ordinary soil.

Depending on what flowers are in the assortment, breeding and cultivation should be different. The business plan also includes the purchase of seedlings or plant seeds. You can buy mature flowers and propagate them. Seedlings can be planted both in spring and summer. Lilies, for example, are best planted in the fall, dahlias and peonies in the spring. Before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole in accordance with the size of the plant, pour water into it, sprinkle fertilizer, you can use manure, and plant it.

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Flower care: fertilizer and watering

Breeding flowers requires constant care for them.

The plan for organizing it is quite simple. It includes watering, loosening the earth, fertilizer, spraying from pests. In the hot season, flowers should be watered as the earth dries, but at least once a week. Otherwise, the flowers may die or they will become weak and will give meager shoots, few peduncles. Breeding flowers is a rather long and hard work. Flowers are very often affected by various pests: mites, flies. The plan for their recovery is the use of modern insecticides that destroy all types of pests. In the greenhouse, such events may not be needed, since the conditions there are somewhat different.

Cultivation of garden flowers implies their reproduction. It can be in the form of cuttings, budding, popular and breeding by shoots. Lilies, for example, are bred by dividing the bulb. If a large bulb is planted in the first year, then in a year it will give babies (bulb embryos), and a year later several bulbs will already appear from one. Dahlias reproduce by dividing their root system. Rose - by cuttings, aster - by seeds. Thus, by planting many flowers at a time, in a couple of years you can increase their number, and then the increase will go exponentially.

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Growing indoor plants

Currently, in any city there are flower shops selling indoor flowers. It is quite profitable and. The plan for breeding indoor flowers is practically no different from that written above for garden ones. Here, too, you need to buy seeds, layering or seedlings. You can buy it from private flower growers, on the market, in flower shops. Plants should be planted in pots or other small containers. Many people use improvised means for this, such as disposable cups, plastic bottles and more. All this allows you to save some money, because one small flower pot in the store will cost about rubles, and hundreds of them may be needed.

All flowers should be well developed root system. Otherwise, they may not take root and die. Breeding them is slightly different from garden plants. Here, flowers are mainly propagated by leaves, layering, cuttings. Saintpaulias (violets) are bred with leaves. Cuttings - house roses. Layering - many ornamental plants. To do this, you need to break off the sheet and put it for a while in a container of water. From above, you can cover the plant to create an airless environment. This will positive influence for the growth of the root system. You need to wait until the root system appears, then you should plant a new plant in the ground.

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Indoor flower care

The plan for caring for indoor flowers practically does not differ from garden ones, only more are created in the room. optimal conditions. Breeding flowers should take into account their growing characteristics. Some plants are very whimsical: they need the sun, painstaking care. It is best to plant them on window sills or a veranda, that is, in sunny and warm places. Climbing plants, such as ivy, are best hung on a wall or ceiling so that its branches can slide along the surface. All this has great importance, otherwise the cultivation of flowers will be a futile exercise, because the main plan is to profit.

After the number of flowers has multiplied, you need to sell them. You can do it the most different ways. The hardest part is building your own shop. The second is to sell flowers in the market. If they are grown in a greenhouse, this is an indicator of their good condition and care. Another option is to sell plants at wholesale prices to various stores. But here you need to keep in mind that whatever price you ask, the store owner will make a markup on its original cost in order to benefit from it.

You have already read many articles and various ideas related to earnings - it is quite possible that on our website, in the "Business" section. Perhaps even, they have already begun to implement some, it doesn’t matter - their own or others.

The business sequence "" is:

  1. We are looking for specialized resources on the Internet that talk about any exotic flowers, bushes, etc.
  2. Let's take this material.
  3. We are looking for the sale of such plants on the same resources. Or we "rotate" within the framework of our city, region. Suppose you can walk through the greenhouses of the city, choosing the plants you like for yourself.

In general, the first point is clear: we collect large collection different plants, if we want to be in that business seriously. If we are interested in this idea insofar as, then we give an announcement that you have such and such a "super-duper" flower that will just look great in the office of any entrepreneur (at the same time, of course, it is desirable to have some semblance of this super-flower ).

So, the collection of indoor plants is assembled. What's next?

  1. We decide what level we want to reach in this area.
  2. We organize outlet. This point will depend on how high your aspirations are. Nobody bothers you to sell plants in the city market, or you can open a network of specialized stores.
  3. Analyze your region for the implementation of such an idea, find out the cost, assortment of future competitors and go to battle.

I would like to add that the market "Indoor flowers for sale" is poorly mastered. The main reason for the weak implementation of such an idea is low level life and concern of CIS citizens with petty problems. So you can specialize in growing plants of a certain category (office element, home design, events, etc.) and therefore you can easily get into this market - and this is a big plus.

So, such a part of the flower business as growing flowers and plants of a certain category (for the office, home comfort, organizing all kinds of events, etc.) is still poorly mastered. The reason is our low standard of living and eternal concern with some problems. But many people are quite capable of growing flowers at home without spending a lot of time on it.

Indoor flowers for sale, this type of business today has one of the lowest bars to start with. To start, an amount of 3-3.5 thousand dollars will be enough (or even less - it all depends on your aspirations). Of course, not taking into account the cost of renting a room or a plot for a stall. Most importantly, you should have an air conditioner to maintain a certain temperature in the room. The best place to start is in the spring, when there is an opportunity to put up some beautiful flower stands on the sidewalk to attract customers.

It is best to hire people who understand plants so that they can communicate with clients on this topic. Only a knowledgeable, enthusiastic seller can, on the one hand, give sensible advice, qualified advice to the client and make him his friend later, and on the other hand, will not allow him to leave empty-handed.

Regardless of the size of the collection, all lovers of indoor plants need not only the plants themselves, but also containers for placing them, of different sizes, made of all kinds of materials, suitable for various interiors, as well as fertilizers, soils, gratings for climbing plants, expanded clay for drainage.

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Many people are happy to breed indoor plants, not thinking that this hobby can bring a small profit. You can sell flower sprouts or mature plants, and if you can organize a small greenhouse, you can organize a real business.

Growing flowers for sale is a successful business for all lovers of indoor plants. A dwelling decorated with flowers takes on a more comfortable and habitable look.

This is a piece of wildlife that many of us can afford without being able to have pets.

If you can grow plants at home and enjoy it, why not make it your business? You can choose plants that are more interesting to you than others: exotic (palm trees, pineapples, lemons), ornamental vegetables and herbs (peppers, tomatoes), flowers (violets, geraniums, begonias).

Any of the options has the right to life and each of them has its own characteristics. To grow exotic plants you will need initial capital, special fertilizers, more labor-intensive care, often the creation of a special microclimate.

True, and the profit will be more tangible, though not fast. As a rule, exotic plants reach an attractive look for the buyer for a rather long time. The easiest, fastest and most economical way to grow vegetables. On a balcony, loggia or in a well-lit room, you can grow enough indoor vegetables to make quite a tangible profit.

You can start this business at any time, you just need to buy seeds, and in the future you will not have to do this - you will have your own. In a shallow box or plastic box filled with moistened soil, make small indentations and plant the seeds.

They need a lot of light to sprout, so place the crate on a balcony or windowsill. Dill, parsley, onions, radishes, tomatoes, etc. will sprout in separate boxes. When the seedlings germinate and get stronger, transplant them into an “individual” container - part plastic bottle, flower pot, disposable cup, etc.

Soon you will see the results of tangible efforts - the plant will grow before your eyes, you will only need to loosen the soil from time to time and water the plant.

Suitable for growing at home:

  • Decorative tomatoes "Balcony Miracle", "Pygmy", "Pinocchio", "Minibel", "Florida"
  • Hybrid tomatoes "Beautiful Lady", "Semko-Sinbad"
  • Ampel tomatoes "Peruvian Home", "Yellow Pear", "Yellow Cherry", "Cherry", "Ildi"
  • Pepper "Black Pearl", "Orange Light", "Mandarin", "Little Miracle", "Candle"

Plants can be sold anywhere. Word of mouth works best. Treat your neighbors with a balcony tomato or pepper and, most likely, there will be those who want to buy a plant.

You can advertise in a free newspaper or on a resource on the Internet with a photo of a plant. Mature plants are more expensive than young ones. The benefits of this business are clear minimum investment means and forces you get the opportunity of constant earnings.

Calculations and examples

For example, consider several cost and income options for growing popular plants.

Money Tree

  • sprout - 50 rubles;
  • pots (2 pcs.) - 200 rubles;
  • fertilizers - 100 rubles;
  • time - 2 years.

Income: adult Money Tree can be sold for 800 rubles.

Profit - 450 rubles.


  • sprout - 200 rubles;
  • pots - 500 rubles;
  • fertilizers - 200 rubles;
  • time - 4 years.

Income: a dracaena about one and a half meters costs 3,500 rubles.

Profit - 2600 rubles.


  • sprout - 600 rubles;
  • pots - 1000 rubles;
  • fertilizers - 500 rubles;
  • time - 5 years.

Income: A five-year-old monstera reaches 2-2.5 m in height and costs 10,000-15,000 rubles. This plant is in rather high demand and usually does not stagnate.

The profit will be at least 7,900 rubles.

However, the plant requires a lot of space to grow. Therefore, it is more convenient to breed and sell young plants, although their prices are half as much.

The above examples clearly demonstrate that this business is quite profitable and does not require special efforts. And yet, before starting this business, read the literature to know exactly which plants you can give preference to, and what kind of care these or those indoor flowers need.

For organization profitable business would need separate room– room not less than 20 square meters with good lighting. Up to 150 plants can be grown on such an area. Caring for this farm will take no more than two hours a day. You will need determination, attentive attitude and love for plants.

Growing indoor flowers - current and promising business, since this direction of the flower business is quite profitable. Today, flowers in flowerpots can be bought not only in flower shops, but also in supermarkets. Indoor flowers can be chosen for every taste - from orchids to cacti, from bonsai to tangerine trees. And if for 10-15 years many types of indoor plants were imported from abroad, today Russian entrepreneurs have begun to successfully master the business of indoor plants as a promising and profitable business. Forecasts for the development of small businesses in Russia indicate that flower business, showing good growth rates, will continue to develop, attracting new entrepreneurs who want to enter this market.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:from 100 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 30 thousand people
Situation in the industry:average competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 6 – 12 months

Plants in high demand

Houseplants are diverse. Among them there are constantly blooming and attracting with the beauty of flowers, their originality, coloring. There are also rare flowering ones that open their buds once a year. There are practically no flowering plants, although they are flowering. Each group of potted flowers has its admirers. Before going into the flower business, the most popular houseplants should be considered first. As practice shows, constantly flowering plants are in great demand among buyers. These are the top sellers among potted flowers:

  • anthurium, brightly colored leaves, which everyone takes for a flower. The inflorescences themselves are inside the red leaf.
  • Phalaenopsis orchid, it can be found in the homes of almost all lovers of indoor flowers.
  • Begonia, has many varieties, is unpretentious in content, can be used to decorate interiors at any time of the year.
  • Azalea, it is often given instead of a bouquet to women for holidays, anniversaries and other celebrations.
  • Geranium, a popular plant in Russian homes, is unpretentious and constantly flowering.

This list is endless. Many flower lovers like tree-like ficuses and dracaenas, others are attracted to cacti. The range of indoor plants is quite wide, which gives the entrepreneur scope in his selection. The more variety in the products offered, the more the novice businessman will attract buyers.

Necessary knowledge for doing business

Floral business only at first glance seems simple, not requiring special knowledge and skills in floral design. This is far from true, because successful business on indoor flowers requires some preparation:

  • reliable knowledge about indoor plants, features of maintenance and reproduction;
  • design abilities in interior design with the help of indoor plants;
  • knowledge about the floristic business, its features, flower marketing, economic issues of profit planning, accounting, forecasting, etc.;
  • great diligence, combination creativity and prudence.

What is required to organize a business

In the organization of the flower business, there is the same algorithm that can be applied to the organization of any other business:

  • development of a business plan, with financial calculations.
  • Business registration;
  • Selection of premises for a flower shop (maybe a flower kiosk, florist boutique, online store). For a shop or boutique, you need a suitable, walk-through place.
  • Purchase of equipment and consumable. As equipment, it is necessary to purchase floristic racks, display tables, shelves in different options, office equipment. You also need a special tool - knives and secateurs, shovels, pots and flowerpots. One of the main components of the equipment is the air conditioner, as it provides a certain temperature in the room necessary for the plants.
  • Access to suppliers of plants, seeds, soil and other materials for the flower business: exotic and tropical houseplants blooming and undemanding. They are grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, with which it is necessary to establish cooperation. In addition, plant lovers grow indoor flowers at home. Wanting to get small income from their passion, they can also become suppliers of products for sale.
  • Personnel selection. This issue should be given great attention since dealing with flowers better for professionals. A seller with knowledge and experience in working with plants will be able to give good advice and attract buyers.
  • Marketing, promotion of products on the market.
  • Ways to sell products;
  • Formation of assortment and prices of products.

Do you need to formalize your business

In order not to complicate the relationship with Russian legislation, you need to register your activities related to the flower business as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax service. What taxes an individual entrepreneur pays can be found here -. A license to open a flower business is not required, but permits from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological service are required.

Where to grow indoor flowers

In order for the indoor flower business to be successful, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. This also applies to the premises. The best option space will be rented flower shop. Or you can organize a floristic boutique - a novelty in the flower business.

Building a store will require large financial investments, which may be irrational, as there is a risk that the business will not work and then financial investments may be lost. If the business organizer is very constrained in financially, then for growing indoor flowers you can allocate a room in your own house. It is important that optimal conditions for life are created for plants, corresponding to the conditions of their growth in natural conditions:

  • illumination - diffused lighting is important for some, shading for others, bright sunlight for others;
  • temperature regime;
  • humidity level;
  • certain type of soil.

How to organize the sale of products

It is quite difficult to deal with the sale of flower products, since flowers cannot be in demand daily. Great demand for indoor plants occurs during the holidays, they are bought at floristry exhibitions, when decorating offices and other premises.

To accelerate the sale of products, you need to engage in marketing. The main marketing methods that are acceptable in the flower business are:

  • various types of advertising using various media (ads in the media, billboards, business cards, etc.).
  • Market research, competitor experience. This is a pretty important point in a business project. Houseplant market research in this region, in a particular area makes it possible to correctly select a range of products. Analyzing the activities of competitors allows you to avoid the mistakes that they made in their commercial activities.
  • Range expansion. A large assortment of the store attracts not only ordinary lovers of indoor plants, but also many organizations involved in landscaping indoor spaces and public areas.
  • Introduction of additional goods and services (flower soil, pots, houseplant care tools, mineral and organic fertilizers, free shipping goods, creative design of gift plants).

How much can you earn on growing and selling indoor

The minimum financial investment in the flower business makes it attractive for businessmen who want to create profitable business from scratch. It does not require large areas and special expensive equipment. The attractiveness of the business in high profitability - up to 100%.

It will take about 100 thousand rubles to open your own store, which includes rent for the premises, the purchase of plants from a wholesale supplier, and the purchase of equipment. The sale of indoor plants gives a certain profit, which is 30-50% from each plant. Based on existing practice, this can amount to up to 20 thousand rubles per month.

income depends on specific situation, it can be more if the initial capital invested is more significant. When promoting a business, income increases if additional services, the presence of a large number individual orders, participation in fairs, exhibitions and other events. Payback business on indoor plants can come within six months, or 8-12 months.

Summing up, we can conclude that the houseplant business should be mastered by plant lovers who know how to properly maintain them, beautifully design and integrate them into modern interior residential, office and public spaces.

What plants are suitable for growing in a city apartment

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Another business option for women is growing indoor plants for sale. It is worth mentioning right away that this option is mainly suitable for those who are fond of floriculture and have certain knowledge in this area, and also do not pursue quick earnings.

Such a business is associated with many difficulties, the main of which is high competition. Today, indoor plants can be bought anywhere: from large hypermarkets to small stalls or private traders selling in the markets.

Therefore, it is worth mentioning right away that selling what is already sold everywhere is a dead end. “It is necessary to interest the buyer in rarity or appearance few people need ordinary plants, ”says Denis, an entrepreneur from Lipetsk. At the same time, what exactly your customers need will have to be determined only empirically, and this will take a lot of time, and you will have to grow a lot of flowers.

Don't count on quick profit either. Mainly because growing indoor flower- it's not fast, and there is no way to speed up the process. You can, of course, sell very young plants, but this is not so profitable. The larger the plant, the higher its price: between a plant with a height of 70 cm and 90 cm, the difference in price is more than 500 rubles.

But a houseplant business can be started with minimal investment. To expand a full-scale business on indoor flowers, you will need enough free space to accommodate them, as well as various devices that will help create needed by plants atmosphere: fluorescent lamps, air humidifiers, fertilizers. And of course, you will need pots, soil and sprouts.

At first, it is not necessary to get down to business so seriously: it is enough to sell only 2-3 plants, and gradually expand the assortment with the proceeds. This approach at the same time will allow you to understand which flowers are in the greatest demand.

True, one has to rely on solid revenue in such a business only with enough in large numbers clients - from several tens of people. And this means that you will have to grow several dozen plants.

Together with plants, you can also sell all kinds of related products: pots, soil, suitable fertilizers. This will increase average check without a lot of time.

By the way, it is highly desirable to attach care instructions to each flower put up for sale. Remember that in addition to the rarity of the plant big role for this business, its quality plays a role, as well as the quality of the soil and capacity.

Sell rare plants can be directly from home, while buyers will take them out on their own. You can also negotiate with flower stalls and give them your plants for sale. Although such resellers prefer to work with more or less large flower bases.

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