Home Diseases and pests Breathing exercises for children with ENT diseases. Breathing exercises for children: how to do useful exercises

Breathing exercises for children with ENT diseases. Breathing exercises for children: how to do useful exercises

Breathing exercises for the nose allows you to improve the blood supply to all internal organs and enrich the blood with oxygen. Exercises for children should be performed regularly, this should be done in the form of a game or competitions. You should not force the child to perform certain actions, because under the influence of stress factors, the risk of reduced function increases. Further on the page you can find a number of exercises that will help to cope with nasal congestion, as well as teach kids to breathe properly and manage this process.

Breathing exercises for breathing through the nose for children

Breathing exercises for breathing through the nose should begin with the restoration of calm and balance. Breathing exercises for the nose for children can be done in the morning or afternoon.

1. Starting position - standing. The mouth is closed. Close one nostril tightly with your finger, breathe alternately 4-5 times through each nostril.

2. Breathe only through the nose. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward and up with your palms inward - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale. Perform slowly 5 times.

3. Standing, inhale through one nostril, and exhale through the other, 5-6 times through each.

4. Standing, legs together, nose pinched with fingers. Slowly, count loudly to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose, 5-6 times.

5. Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On an extended exhalation, say: “Mmm” slowly, up to 8 times.

6. When walking, breathe only through the nose. Gradually lengthen the exhalation phase: at the expense of 1 - 2 - inhale, at 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - exhale, at the expense of 1-2 - inhale, at 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - exhale (2 - 3 minutes) .

Nose breathing exercises for breathing through the nose

Breathing exercises through the nose allow you to control the process of oxygen saturation of the blood. Most of the movements are accompanied by an extended exhalation - this reflexively causes a deep breath. Sounds are pronounced only with an extended exhalation. Breathing exercises through the nose for proper breathing should be done with the kids.

Complex No. 1

1. "Play the trumpet." The starting position of the child is standing, legs together, arms bent in front of him, as if holding a pipe. Make small movements with your fingers, imitating pressing the keys, and say: “Tu! That! That!" Perform for 15 - 20 seconds.

2. "Mower". The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, slightly bent arms raise forward, fingers clenched into fists. Turn right and left, imitating the movements of a mower, make wide, sweeping movements with your hands and say: “Whoo! Wuh! Wuh!" Repeat at an average pace 5-8 times.

3. "Watch". The starting position of the child is standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Waving straight arms back and forth, say: “Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!" Repeat at an average pace 10-12 times.

4. "Lumberjack". The starting position of the child is standing, legs wide apart, raise your hands up and clasp your fingers above your head. Quickly lean forward, lowering your hands between your legs, imitating chopping wood, exhaling, saying: “B-a-a-h-h! B-a-a-h-h!” Repeat 5 - 8 times.

5. "Catch a mosquito." The starting position of the child is standing. Legs apart, hands down. Clap your hands in front of you at the level of your chest, face, above your head, saying: “F-f-f-f! W-w-w-w!" Repeat 4-5 times.

6. "Flap your wings like a rooster." The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands down. Raise your hands to the sides, and then slap them on your hips, exhaling: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!" Repeat 5-6 times.

7. "Locomotive". Walk around the room, making alternating movements with bent arms and saying: “Whoo! Whoa! Whoa!" Repeat for 20 - 30 seconds.

8. "Let's get warm." The starting position of the child is standing, put your feet apart shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Grab your right hand left shoulder, then with your left hand - the right shoulder, spread your arms to the sides, clasp your shoulders again with your hands, then lower your arms; clasping your shoulders, say: “B-r! Brr! Brr!" Repeat at an average pace 4-6 times.

9. "Pinwheel". The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart wider than shoulders, hands down. Turn right and left, waving your arms freely, saying: “Xrrrr! Hrrrrrr!" Repeat at an average pace 5-7 times.

10. "Pendulum". The starting position of the child is sitting on the floor, cross-legged, put his hands on his belt. Swing the torso to the right and left, repeating: “T-a-k! So!" Repeat at an average pace 8-10 times.

Complex N° 2

1. "Rocking chair". The starting position of the child is sitting on the floor, cross-legged, put his hands on his knees. Swing the torso back and forth, saying on the exhale: “F-r-o-o-x-x! F-r-o-o-x-x!” Repeat at an average pace 6-8 times.

2. "The Christmas tree is growing." The starting position of the child is standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Sit down and straighten up, raising your arms up - wider than your shoulders. Crouching, say: “Fear-x-x! Fear-x-x! Repeat at an average pace 2-3 times.

3. "Bunny". The starting position of the child is standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Squat, bending your arms to your shoulders, palms forward, like a bunny standing on its hind legs. Breathe out: “F-f-r! f-f-r! F-f-r!” Repeat slowly 5-7 times.

4. Tilts to the ball. The starting position of the child is sitting on the floor, legs apart, holding the ball in his hands. Lean forward, put the ball between the feet, straighten up. Bend over, take the ball, saying: “Uh-h-h-h! Uhhh!” Repeat at a slow pace 4-6 times.

5. "How the geese hiss." The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, feet parallel, holding a stick in the fold of his arms. Lean forward, looking in front of you and stretching your neck, say: “Shhhhh! Sh-sh-sh-sh!” Repeat 3-4 times at an average pace.

6. "Push your knees." The starting position of the child is sitting, stretch the legs, lower the stick. Pull your legs to yourself, press your knees with a stick to your chest, saying: “Urr! U-u-r-r!” Straighten your legs, lower your arms. Repeat slowly 5-7 times.

7. "Rowers". The starting position of the child is sitting, legs apart, hold the stick at the chest. Lean forward, touch the toes with a stick, say: “G-u-u-u! G-u-u-u! ”, straighten up, pull the stick to your chest. Repeat slowly 3-5 times.

8. Crossing flags at the bottom. The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands with flags to the sides. Lower straight arms down, crossing them in front of you with the sound: “T-ah-ah-k! T-ah-ah-k! ”, And raise them to the sides. Repeat at an average pace 4-6 times.

9. "Get the floor." The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands with flags raised forward. Lean forward and reach the floor with the flags with the sound: “B-a-a-k! B-a-a-k!” Repeat slowly 2-4 times.

10. "Knock the flags." The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands down with flags. Squat low and tap the flags on the floor several times, saying: “T-u-u-k! T-u-u-k!” Repeat at an average pace 2-3 times.

Breathing exercises for nasal congestion

The following breathing exercises for nasal congestion will effectively narrow the small capillaries and free up the nasal passages for the passage of air masses.

1. "Get warm." The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, to the sides. Quickly cross your arms in front of your chest, clap your hands on your shoulders, saying: “Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhh!” Spread your arms out to the sides. Repeat 8 - 10 times.

2. "Mill". The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands raised up with the hands outward. Make circular movements with straight arms, crossing them in front of you and saying: “Zhrrr! J-r-r-r!” Repeat at an average pace 4-6

3. "Skater". The starting position of the child is standing, legs apart, hands behind the back. Bend the right one, then left leg, and stealing the torso with a half-turn to the sides and imitating the movements of the skater, saying: “Krrr! K-r-r-r!” Repeat at an average pace 5-8 times.

4. "Sit down in a lump." The starting position of the child is standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Squat lower on the entire foot and, leaning forward strongly, clasp your shins with your hands, lower your head, saying: “Hrrr! Hrrrrrr!" Repeat slowly 3-5 times.

5. "The frogs are jumping." The starting position of the child is standing, legs together, hands on the waist. Inhale, then make a jump with two legs forward with a simultaneous exhalation, saying: “K-in-a-a-k! K-v-a-a-k!” Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Lost." The starting position of the child is standing, legs together, folded with a mouthpiece. Inhale and exhale loudly say: “A-u-u-u! A-u-u-u!" Repeat 8-10 times.

7. "Geese are flying." Walk slowly around the room. Raise your arms to the sides while inhaling, lower them down while exhaling with a long pronunciation: “G-u-u-u-u-u-u! G-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!" Conquer 8 - 10 times.

8. "Pump". The starting position of the child is standing, legs together, arms along the body. Inhale, then tilt the torso to exhale, the hand slides down the leg, the other rises up to the armpit, while saying loudly: “S-s-s-s-s! S-s-s-s-s!" Straighten up - inhale; lean to the other side - exhale, also saying: “Ssss! S-s-s! Repeat 6 - 8 times.

9. "Stork". The starting position of the child is standing, legs together. Spread your arms to the sides, lift one leg and bend it - exhale, lingeringly pronouncing: “Shhhhh! Sh-sh-sh-sh!"; slowly lower your arms and legs - inhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

10. "Grow big." The starting position of the child is standing, legs together. Raise your hands up, stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale; lower your hands down, lower yourself on the entire foot - exhale, saying: “Uhhhh! Uhhh!” Repeat 4-5 times.

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Target: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency, and according to these signs - the state of the body.

I.p .: standing, sitting, lying (as convenient in this moment). The muscles of the body are relaxed.

In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:

  • where does the air stream of air enter and where does it come from;
  • what part of the body moves during inhalation and exhalation (stomach, rib cage, shoulders or all parts - wavy);
  • what kind of breathing: superficial (light) or deep;
  • what is the frequency of breathing: often there is an inhalation - exhalation or calmly with a certain interval (automatic pause);
  • quiet, inaudible breathing or noisy.
  1. "Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly"

Target: teach children to relax and restore the body after physical activity and emotional arousal; regulate the process of breathing, focus on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.

I.p .: standing, sitting, lying down (it depends on the previous physical activity). If sitting, the back is even, it is better to close your eyes.

Slow breath in through the nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then exhale smoothly through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times. The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even the palm held up to the nose does not feel the air flow when exhaling.

  1. "Breathe with one nostril"

Target: teach children to strengthen muscles respiratory system, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

I.p .: sitting, standing, the body is straightened, but not tense.

  1. Close the right nostril with the index finger right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril (successively lower, middle, upper breathing).
  2. Once the breath is finished, open right nostril, and close the left with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, make a quiet long exhalation with the maximum emptying of the lungs and pulling the diaphragm up as much as possible so that a “fossa” forms in the stomach.

3-4. The same with other nostrils.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. After this exercise, several times in a row with one nostril, inhale - exhale (first with the nostril that is easier to breathe, then the other). Repeat 6-10 breaths with each nostril separately. Start with calm and move on to deep breathing.

  1. « Balloon”(Breathe with the stomach, lower breathing).

Target: teach children to strengthen the muscles of the organs abdominal cavity, to carry out ventilation of the lower part of the lungs, to concentrate on the lower breathing.

II: lying on your back, legs freely extended, torso relaxed, eyes closed. Attention is focused on the movement of the navel: both palms rest on it.

Exhale the air calmly, pulling the stomach to the spinal column, the navel seems to fall.

  1. Slow smooth breath, without any effort - the stomach slowly rises up and swells like a round ball.
  2. Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach is slowly drawn in towards the back.

Repeat 4-10 times.

  1. "Balloon in the chest" (medium, costal breathing)

Target: to teach children to strengthen the intercostal muscles, to concentrate their attention on their movement, ventilating the middle sections of the lungs.

I.p .: lying, sitting, standing. Put your hands on lower part edges and focus on them.

Make a slow, even exhalation, squeezing the ribs of the chest with your hands.

  1. Slowly inhale through the nose, the hands feel the expansion of the chest and slowly release the clamp.
  2. On exhalation, the chest is again slowly clamped with both hands at the bottom of the ribs.

Repeat 6-10 times.

Note. The muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle remain motionless. V initial phase training, it is necessary to help children slightly compress and unclench the lower part of the chest ribs on exhalation and inhalation.

  1. "The balloon rises up" (upper breath)

Target: teach children to strengthen and stimulate the upper airways, providing ventilation to the upper lungs.

I.p .: lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between the collarbones and focus on them and the shoulders.

Performing inhalation and exhalation with a calm and smooth raising and lowering of the clavicles and shoulders.

Repeat 4-8 times.

  1. "Wind" (cleansing full breath).

Target: to teach children to strengthen the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, to ventilate the lungs in all departments.

I.p .: sitting, standing, lying. The torso is relaxed, exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and chest.

  1. Take a full breath, sticking out the stomach and ribs of the chest.
  2. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.
  3. Through compressed lips with force to let out air with several jerky exhalations.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Note. Exercise not only perfectly cleanses (ventilates) the lungs, but also helps to warm up during hypothermia and relieves fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out after physical activity as often as possible.

  1. "Rainbow Hug Me"

Target: same.

I.p.: standing or moving.

  1. Take a full breath through the nose with the spread of the arms to the sides.
  2. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.
  3. Stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “c”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. Direct your arms forward again, then cross in front of your chest, as if hugging your shoulders: one hand goes under the armpit, the other on the shoulder.

Repeat 3-4 times.

  1. Repeat exercise 3-5 times
  1. "Breathe with one nostril."

Repeat the exercise “Breathe with one nostril” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

  1. "Hedgehog".

Turning the head to the right - to the left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog), with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

  1. "Lips" pipe.
  2. Full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the abdomen and intercostal
  1. Fold your lips with a “tube”, sharply draw in air, filling it all

light to the point.

  1. Make a swallowing movement (as if swallowing air).
  2. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and

exhale air through the nose smoothly and slowly.

Repeat 4-6 times.

  1. "Ears".

Shaking your head to the right - to the left, take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, but when the head is tilted to the right - to the left, the ears are as close to the shoulders as possible. Make sure that the body does not turn when tilting the head. Inhalations are performed with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx. Exhalation is arbitrary.

Repeat 4-5 times.

  1. "Let's bubble».
  2. When tilting the head to the chest, inhale through the nose, tensing the muscles


  1. Raise your head up and exhale slowly through your nose.

to blow bubbles.

  1. Without lowering your head, inhale through your nose, tensing your muscles


  1. Exhale calmly through the nose with the head down.

Repeat 3-5 times.

  1. "Tube language".
  2. The lips are folded in a “tube”, as when pronouncing the sound “o”. Language

stick it out and also fold it with a “tube”.

  1. Slowly drawing in air through the "tube" of the tongue, fill it all

lungs, inflating the abdomen and chest ribs.

  1. When you finish inhaling, close your mouth. Slowly lower your head so that

chin touched chest. Pause - 3-5 seconds. 4. Raise your head and exhale calmly through your nose. Repeat 4-8 times.

  1. "Pump".
  2. Connect your hands in front of your chest, clenching your fists.
  3. Perform forward and downward bends and with each springy

tilt to take fitful breaths, as sharp and noisy as

when inflating tires with a pump (5-7 springy slopes and

  1. Exhalation is arbitrary.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. When inhaling, strain all the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Complication. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then tilt forward - backward (large pendulum), while inhaling - exhaling. When leaning forward, freely pull your hands to the floor, and when leaning back, raise them to your shoulders.

With each breath, the muscles of the nasopharynx tighten.

Repeat 3-5 times.

  1. “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly.”

Repeat the exercise “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

The purpose of this complex: strengthen muscle tone the entire respiratory system.

It is carried out in the form of a game.

  1. "Wind on the planet".

Repeat the exercise "Pump" from complex No. 2.

  1. "Planet "Sat - Nam" - respond!"(yogic breathing).

Target: to teach children to strengthen the muscle tone of the entire body and the entire respiratory muscles.

I.p .: sitting with the buttocks on the heels, the socks are extended, the feet are connected, the back is straightened, the arms are raised above the head, the fingers, except for the index fingers, are intertwined, and index fingers connected and straightened up like an arrow.

After the words "Planet, respond!" children begin to sing "Sat - Nam".

Repeat 3-5 times.

Note. “Sat” is pronounced sharply, like a whistle, pressing the stomach to the spinal column - this is a sharp exhalation. “Nam” is pronounced softly, relaxing the abdominal muscles - this is a small breath.

Breathing cycle: exhale "Sat" - pause - inhale "Nam". With the pronunciation of “sat”, the muscles of the body are tensed: legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, fingers and toes, muscles of the face and neck; "to us" - everything relaxes.

The exercise is performed at a slow pace. After the children say “Sat - Nam” 8-10 times, the adult says: “I accepted the call signs!”.

  1. “The planet breathes quietly, calmly and smoothly.”

Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage in order to relax muscle tone.

  1. "Aliens".

Target: the same as in the exercises “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”, “Planet“ Sat - Nam ”- respond!”.

The difference in execution: muscle tension on inhalation, and relaxation on exhalation.

I.p .: 3-4 times from a supine position, 3-4 times while standing.

The exercise is performed under verbal accompaniment, for example: "Aliens wake up, tense up."

  1. Breathe out slowly through your nose, drawing in your belly.


  1. Inhale slowly and smoothly, filling the lungs completely.
  2. Hold your breath, straining all the muscles and mentally pronouncing

"I am strong (th)."

  1. Gently exhale air through the nose with muscle relaxation.

Breathing simulation exercises

  1. "Trumpeter".

Sitting on a chair, the hands are clenched into a tube, raised up to the mouth. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound “pfft”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

  1. "The porridge is boiling."

Sitting on a bench, one hand rests on the stomach, the other on the chest. Sticking out the stomach and drawing air into the chest (inhaling air) and drawing in the stomach - exhale. When exhaling, a loud pronunciation of the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

Repeat 1-5 times.

  1. "On the horizontal bar."

Standing, legs together, hold the gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on toes - inhale, lower the stick back onto the shoulder blades - a long exhale with the pronunciation of the sound "ffff".

Repeat 3-4 times.

  1. "Partisans".

Standing, stick (gun) in hand. Walking with knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 6-8 steps - exhale with an arbitrary pronunciation of the word “ti-sh-sh-e”.

Repeat 1.5 min.

  1. "Semaphore".

Sitting, the legs are moved together, raising the arms to the sides and slowly lowering them down with a long exhalation and pronunciation of the sound “ssss”.

Repeat 3-4 times.

  1. "Adjuster".

Standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other laid aside. Inhale through the nose, then change the position of the hands with an extended exhalation and pronunciation of the sound “rrrr”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

  1. "The balls are flying."

Standing, hands with the ball raised up. Throw the ball forward from the chest, pronounce a long “uh-h-h” while exhaling.

Repeat 5-6 times.

  1. "Skier".

Imitation of skiing. Exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound “mmm”.

Repeat 1.5-2 minutes.

  1. "Pendulum".

Standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your back at the level of the lower corners of the shoulder blades. Tilt the body to the sides, to the right and to the left. When tilted to the sides - inhale with the pronunciation of the sound "tu-u-u-u-x-x".

Repeat 3-4 tilts in each direction.

  1. "Geese are flying."

Slow walking around the room. On an inhale, raise your arms to the sides. On the exhale - lower down with the pronunciation of a long sound "gu-u-u".

Repeat 1-2 min.

A set of breathing exercises of a gaming nature

  1. Walking.

Stand up straight, do not lower your head, legs together, shoulders lowered and laid back, chest deployed. Check your posture. normal walking; walking on toes; walking on heels; walking on the outer arch of the foot. Repeat all types of walking, changing the direction of movement around the hall. Follow your posture. Walking time 40-60 s. The teacher says verses, directing the children to the necessary movements:

We checked your posture

And brought the shoulder blades together.

We walk on socks

We walk on our heels

We go like all the guys

And like a clumsy bear (verses by E. Antonova-Chala).

  1. "Chickens".

The children stand, leaning lower, freely hanging their “wings” arms and lowering their heads. They say “tah-tah-tah”, at the same time patting their knees - exhale, straightening up, raise their hands to their shoulders - inhale.

Repeat 3-5 times:

Chickens mutter at night,

They beat their wings tah-tah (exhale),

We raise our hands to our shoulders (inhale),

Then we omit it - so (E. Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "Airplane".

The children are standing. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms up. Raise your head up - inhale. Make a turn to the side, saying "zhzhzh ..." - exhale; stand straight, lower your arms - pause.

Repeat 2-4 times on each side:

Spread the wings of the plane

Ready for flight.

I look to the right:

I'll look to the left

Zhu-zhu-zhu (E. Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "Pump". Children soy. Sliding your arms along the body, bend alternately to the right and left. Bending over, exhale with the sound "sss ...", straightening up - inhale.

Repeat 4-6 times:

It's very simple -

Pump up the pump.

Right, lean...

sliding hands,

back and forth

You can't bend over.

It's very simple -

Rock the pump you (E. Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "The house is small, the house is big."

The children are standing. Sit down, clasping your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale with the sound “shhhh” (“the hare has a small house”). Straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your hands - inhale (“the bear has a big house”). Walking around the hall: "Our bear went home, and the little hare."

Repeat 4-6 times:

The bear has a big house

And the bunny is small.

Our bear went home

Yes, and little hare (E Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "Let's blow on the shoulder."

Children stand, hands down, legs slightly apart. Turn your head to the left, make your lips a tube - blow on your shoulder. Head straight - inhale. Head to the right - exhale (lips with a tube). Head straight - inhale through the nose. Lower your head, touching your chest with your chin, - again make a calm, slightly deep exhalation. Head straight - inhale through the nose. Raise your face up and again blow through your lips, folded with a tube.

Repeat 2-3 times:

Let's blow on the shoulder

Let's think about something else.

Us the sun is hot

Hell during the daytime.

Let's blow on the stomach

How the tube will become the mouth.

Well, now to the clouds

And let's stop for now.

Then we repeat everything again:

One, two and three, four, five (E. Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "Mower".

Children stand, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. Move your hands to the side to the left, back, right. Return to initial position. Slightly lean back - inhale. With a swing, again move your hands over the front to the left with the sound "zz-uu". The teacher reads poetry, and the children repeat the syllables “zu-zu” with him, doing the exercise. The poem, accompanied by exercises, is read 3-4 times:

The mower goes to mow the stubble:

Zu-zu, zu-zu, zu-zu.

Come with me to mow together:

Swing to the right, and then

We'll swing to the left.

And that's how we handle the stubble.

Zu-zu, zu-zu together (E. Antonova-Chaloy).

  1. "Flowers".

Children stand in a circle. The teacher reads poetry to them:

Each bud would be glad to bow

Right, left, forward and backward.

From the wind and heat these buds

Hidden alive in a flower bouquet

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

At the command of the teacher, the children rhythmically, while reading the verse, turn their heads (“buds”) to the right, to the left, tilt it forward, take it back, alternating inhalation and exhalation. When reading the last line of the verse, the children raise their hands up, bending their hands over their heads: the “buds” (heads) are hidden.

Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

  1. "Hedgehog".

Children lie on their backs (on the carpet), arms straight, stretched out behind their heads. In this position, at the command of the teacher, the children take a deep breath through the nose while reading the couplet:

Here the hedgehog curled up in a ball,

Because he's cold.

Children wrap their hands around their knees and press their bent legs to their chest, making a full, deep exhalation while reading the verse:

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Children take the starting position and stretch like a hedgehog, become “big, grow up”, and then, relaxing, take a calm breath and exhale through the nose. Repeat the entire exercise 4-6 times.

  1. "Trumpeter".

Children stand or sit. The brushes are compressed and, as it were, hold the pipe; bringing the "pipe" to the mouth, the children say:

Tru-ru-ru, boo-boo-boo!

Let's blow into our pipe.

  1. "Bug".

The children sit with their arms crossed over their chests. To lower the head. Rhythmically squeeze the chest with both hands, saying "zhzhzh ..." - exhale.

Spread your arms to the sides, straightening your shoulders, keep your head straight - inhale.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 times:

Zhzh-u, - said the winged beetle,

I'll sit and buzz.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The nervous system, digestive tract, brain are not the only parts of the body that need a constant supply of oxygen, especially in babies. To this end, pediatricians and speech therapists advise to conduct breathing exercises for children of different age groups- sets of exercises can be selected for both preschoolers and the smallest. However, how not to harm the child, and is such a healing technique available to everyone?

What is breathing exercises for children

System special exercises, created to enrich the body with oxygen, is present in several health systems such as "body & mind": Pilates, yoga. Separately, doctors single out Strelnikova's gymnastics - a set of breathing exercises, initially focused on restoring the voice, but later Strelnikova's technique began to be used in other areas of medicine, including pediatrics.

What is needed for

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for preschool children, among other methods, stands out for its ability to be useful for the immunity of babies, without affecting it negative impact as drug treatment regimens. In the process of performing breathing exercises, not only air is supplied to the lungs, but also the blood and tissues are enriched with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the condition:

Children who regularly practice breathing therapeutic gymnastics are less likely to suffer from frequent colds, better tolerate physical / mental stress, develop more harmoniously, get a well-developed respiratory apparatus, correct posture. Separately, doctors distinguish beneficial effect some breathing exercises on the speech apparatus, which will help to do without the intervention of a speech therapist in case of problems with pronunciation.

Indications for implementation

Doctors advise doing breathing recreational gymnastics not only for the treatment of existing pathologies - it can also be a prevention of diseases, or a way to strengthen the children's body and strengthen the respiratory apparatus located in imperfect form. Pediatricians especially recommend gymnastics for children who have:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • weak immunity;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • speech disorders;
  • congenital heart problems.

Contraindications to exercise

Breathing exercises for children of any age should not be done without medical supervision if you have recently suffered trauma to the brain or spine. Experts include in the list of contraindications to breathing exercises:

  • osteochondrosis, other pathologies of the cervicothoracic region;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with intraocular pressure.

Respiratory gymnastics complexes

All the exercises listed below are recommended to be performed at a moderate marching pace, be sure to monitor the uniform ratio of the duration of inhalations and exhalations. Classes should be regular, ideally these exercises are complemented by traditional morning exercises . Parents need to monitor the well-being of children - classes are stopped if there are complaints of: cough, dizziness, nausea.

When coughing

In order to treat bronchitis and other diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, doctors advise focusing on upper breathing with the obligatory pronunciation of hissing sounds and active exhalations.

  • Sit the child in a chair. When turning the torso to the right, take your hand back and inhale. Returning to the starting position, exhale and make a buzzing sound.
  • Standing straight, while inhaling, slowly raise both hands. As you exhale, lower at the same speed and make a lingering sound "u-u".
  • Continuing to stand, lower your arms along the body, palms towards you. Move the right one forward, the left back. Swing like a pendulum and say "tic-tac" softly.

Breathing exercises in verse

Combining speaking, moving and breathing cleanses the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, helps to strengthen general endurance and heart. Such breathing exercises are effective for coughing in children, seizures bronchial asthma, problems with the speech apparatus. The exercises are simple:

  • On the line "The bear has a big house" stretch up, spread your arms with a breath. Following on “and the bunny has a small one”, squat down, exhaling and clasping your knees. With the line "our bear went home" walk with clubfoot steps with noisy breaths, and with "yes, and little hare" jump in the same way.
  • Reading "Each bud would be glad to lean to the right, left, forward and back," the children make similar head movements with short breaths. With the line “From the wind and heat, these buds hid alive in a flower bouquet”, first the head turns left and right, and then you need to cover it with a “house” from your hands.
  • Closing their hands at their mouths and rounding, the children read: "Tru-ru-ru, boo-boo-boo, let's blow our pipe."

To strengthen immunity

General recovery will give the use of any respiratory gymnastics complexes, since they all conduct oxygen well into the body. Below are the 3 most used by pediatricians, even in infants. All these breathing exercises are performed for about a minute. The list is like this:

  • Close one nostril with your finger, take short breaths with your nose (free part), counting to 8. Change sides, repeat.
  • Put a jar of water in front of the child, lower the straw there. On exhalation, let it blow through it for a long time, provoking bubbles, and inhalation should be done through the nose.
  • Exhale alternately long sounds "O" and "A", alternating and at the same time drawing circles or triangles with arms spread apart.

For the development of the speech apparatus and speech

The smallest children rarely need such gymnastics - correct speech breathing is developed mainly in the older preschool age, working on the strength of the air jet. Training of the respiratory apparatus and speech is carried out with the following exercises:

  • Blow the fluff off the dandelion without rounding the cheeks.
  • Try to blow on a sheet of paper lying on the table for a long time without taking air into your mouth.
  • Throw a piece (small) of cotton wool into the air and try to hold it with your breath - blow it up.

From stuttering

To treat this type of disease, you need to know its root cause. For problems with speech breathing, a specialist can prescribe the above options for gymnastics. If the child copes with them, and speech goes astray due to the tense nervous system, the exercises selected by the doctor contribute to its relaxation:

  • Put your palms forward, squeeze on inhalations and unclench on exhalations at a fast pace, gradually slowing down.
  • V vertical position make a noisy exhalation, lowering your head and throwing it back. Inhale quietly between these movements.
  • Similarly to the previous exercise, tilting your head, reach your ear to your shoulder. At each lower point exhale noisily through the nose, inhale quietly.

Breathing exercises for children 1-3 years old

In the smallest, it is important to monitor proper breathing in order to prevent colds, improve lung function, and stimulate the activity of the digestive tract, for which the above options are suitable. If we combine respiratory complexes physical exercises (take simple gymnastics), this will also contribute to gaining correct posture. A few exercises that are performed while standing:

  • Stretch your arms up, inhaling slowly. At the expense of "2" relax, making a noisy exhalation.
  • Spreading your arms to the sides, slowly inhale, and on a quick exhale, hug yourself by the shoulders.

Breathing exercises for preschoolers

For children over 3 years old, experts advise paying more attention to gymnastics, which helps to strengthen the speech apparatus and immunity, and develop respiratory muscles. Some pediatricians recommend buying soap bubbles for a child - they contribute to correct breathing and especially well help to learn how to make long blowing exhalations, which are useful for the development of speech.

In the younger group

For a warm-up, experts advise giving kids a simple imitation breathing exercise: let them pronounce the sounds that a train, a car, a dog make, or draw out vowels in a chant. A minute and a half is allotted for this task, and after that you can go to the main complex. Pair effective exercises breathing exercises for the little ones:

  • Children need to portray a pump: stand up straight, put your hands on your waist. Squatting down, you need to inhale the air, and rising - exhale.
  • Take in air through the nose as much as possible, round the cheeks. Exhale it in portions from the mouth collected by the tube.

In the middle group

Breathing exercises for children aged 4 years involve the primary development of different types of exhalations. Before the main gymnastics, you need to teach the kids to breathe silently: take smooth breaths in and out with your nose, raising your palm to it to control the air stream - it should not be felt. After doing the following breathing exercises:

  • While inhaling, stretch your arms up, stand on your toes. On exhalation, in the same position, bend to the side, freeze. Return with a breath to the starting position.
  • Feet hip-width apart, arms bent and pressed to the sides. As you exhale, bend your legs alternately, turning them back, imitate the sound of skates “s-cr-r”.

In the senior group

Breathing exercises for 5-year-old children are already combined with motor activity, then it not only enriches the body with oxygen, but also strengthens the muscles. The child must learn to alternate short and long exhalations, different types breathing. A few exercises:

  • Rise, inhaling, on toes. Hands up, close your palms above your head. Lower yourself sharply, exhaling with the sound “u-u”, sit down.
  • Collect fingers in the lock, bend your arms, bring them behind your head. Sharply on the exhale, unbend your arms, lowering them down with the sound "woo-hoo!".

In the preparatory group

Children approaching a younger school age, you can give less game exercises, and ideally give a lung for each breath physical exercise(preferably from Pilates). This complex will be useful for strengthening the abdominal muscles:

  • Lying on your back, take a breath. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Exhaling slowly, make springy movements with arms extended forward. After counting to 10, lie back, relax.
  • Lying on your back, slowly draw air into your lungs. Release from the open mouth in torn portions, with the sound "x-ha".


Seek the wind.

I.p. standing. Imitate the sound of the wind - pull a long sound "ssss ..." until the exhalation ends. The same with sounds - "shhhhh ... z-z-z ... w-w-w ... w-sh-sh ...". Each time justifying that noise in this particular case. Either this is a mosquito, or the noise of foliage, etc.


A long snort, when both lips vibrate, a strong air stream comes out of the oral fissure. This is what small children do when they pretend to drive a car. The task is to lengthen the exhalation. This exercise trains the diaphragm well.


I.p. standing. We train another skill: active movements of the diaphragm. The sound "s" is pushed out with force. You need to inflate a bike tire. We have an imaginary hand pump in our hands. We make characteristic movements with our hands down, along with the sound.


I.p. standing. In this exercise, the air comes out even shorter and sharper at the sound “f”. Hands squeeze an imaginary pear, and it "splashes" with water. You can put one child in the middle of the circle - let it be a palm tree or some kind of southern plant. At first he is stuffy, sultry. On command, everyone picks up spray guns and, with the sound “f”, sprays “stem, leaves” from all sides. The "plant" comes back to life.


I.p. standing. Bend your arms at the elbows, elbows down, palms turned away from you. Take a short noisy breath with your nose (sniff) and at the same time clench your palms into fists and unclench. Make such breaths-movements without stopping 4, then rest. Repeat 4 more times. The mouth is half open, an inaudible exhalation occurs through the mouth, but do not focus on it. Happens by itself.

Shoulder straps.

I.p. standing. Squeeze the fists and lower them to the level of the belt. During a noisy inhalation through the nose, the arms unbend, the fists, as if pushing off from the abdomen, go to the floor and unclench. Then they return to their original place to the stomach and shrink again. Do it quickly. In one breath, the arms should straighten and bend. Do not raise your arms above the waist. Do with rest for 4, 8 movements-breaths.

Breathing exercises for children (7-12 years old)

1. I.p. lying on the stomach. The head is set aside and the cheek is pressed against the rug on the floor. The whole body is aligned. Put the right hand with the back of the hand on the lower back. Lie down and observe the breath and the sensations under the palm of your hand. Especially do not suck in or let out air, do not strain. Lie down freely. You will surely feel the undulating movements under your hand.

2. Also. But move your hand a little lower, put it on the sacrum. Do you feel the same movements? Stronger or weaker? Or have they disappeared?

3. On the count of times - close the right nostril with the finger of the right hand, inhale through the nose. On the count of two, hold your breath while changing hands. On the count of three, exhale through the right nostril. Repeat in reverse order. Do the exercise 4 times.

4. On the count of times - pinch the right nostril with the finger of the right hand. Turn your head to the left and inhale at the same time. On the count of two - exhale through the mouth (it comes out warm air warming vocal cords) and return the head to its original position. The hands are lowered. Then repeat everything in the opposite direction. Do the exercise 4 times.

5. Inhale through the nose and at the same time, with the screwing movements of the fingers, draw a line from the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose. Exhale to the sound "f". Do the exercise 4 times.

6. “As on a hillock on a hillock, thirty-three Yegorkas (dumping, taking in air) stood. And in the same breath, say: “One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas, four Yegorkas, five Yegorkas ...”, etc.


I.p. standing. Legs shoulder width apart. "Cut" the room from ceiling to floor with a fixed exhalation. At the end of the exhalation, on the remaining breath, say "Amba!" (meaning: "I cut the room").

Wrap with breath

With a fixed exhalation, “wrap” the partner from head to toe. On the remaining breath, say "Basta!" (which means: "You won't break out anymore"). And then also "unwind" it.


An impulse in our brain gives the command "Sound!", And, as at the behest magic wand, the chest diverges, the diaphragm descends, a portion of air is sucked in, on the outgoing breath (exhalation) the vocal folds tremble - an initial faint sound occurs. You can speak on this sound, but not for long. The folds do not withstand the load. And when you need to speak louder, a person strains his throat with all his might, thinking that the volume of his voice depends on it.

In fact, the ligaments only give rise to sound. Further, the task of other areas of our body - resonators - this quiet sound transform into a strong, flying, filled with overtones. Vibrations spread throughout the body, causing cavities - voids to vibrate with an increased frequency.

"Resonance - the maximum concentration of sound waves" (from " stage speech» ed. Kozlyaninova, Promptova).

Resonators include: chest, trachea, bronchi, hard palate, pharynx, nasal cavity and accessory cavities, teeth. To train and test the operation of the resonators, sonorous sounds are used - m, n, l, r. When pronouncing them, if you put your palm on your chest, nose, maxillary sinuses, forehead, crown of the head, back of the head, then you can feel the vibration. These feelings are about correct work resonators. Sonorant sounds release the vocal cords from overstrain. The tension is relieved from the muscles around the throat. The strength, sonority, flight of the voice increase.

To keep children healthy, parents are ready to go to great lengths. Rehabilitation in sanatoriums,trips to the sea, sports sections, walks on fresh air - all this, of course, strengthensbaby's immunity, but sometimes taken away no Parents have a lot of energy and time.

We all understand that in our time every minute counts and leaving the city with a child for a week is a rare opportunity. At the same time, if the child gets sick, then the sick leave will cost the same week, but the time spent will be extremely sorry.

How does breathing exercises affect the child's body?

Breathing exercises for children are mainly aimed at strengthening the respiratory system of the body. When exercising, the respiratory muscles develop, the habit of inhaling and exhaling correctly and rhythmically is developed.

Since exercises are for children younger age are playful in nature and include the pronunciation of sounds, the work of the speech apparatus also improves. By improving the blood supply to the body, the local immunity of the child is enhanced.

Protect your child from harmful factors environment it doesn’t always work out, so it’s important not to “hide” him from external threats, but to teach him how to defend himself. Breathing exercises are one of the ways to protect the child's body. Regular activities will help the child to cope with viral diseases and not to waste precious childhood on the flu and SARS.

To learn more about protecting children from disease, visit our blog. We will send useful articles once a week.

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