Home Useful Tips "a sample of an analytical report on the results of operational control". Analytical information on the results of operational control. Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution

"a sample of an analytical report on the results of operational control". Analytical information on the results of operational control. Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution


based on the results of diagnostic (entrance) tests in grades 3-11

The purpose of the check: check the state of knowledge, abilities, skills of students according to the program material passed in the 2016-2017 academic year, outline ways to eliminate gaps in students' knowledge; track, step by step, the level of mastering by schoolchildren of the basic teaching material, adjusting on this basis the lesson and extracurricular activities of the teacher in terms of the content and organization of the educational process.

Timing: 2-3 weeks of September.

Verifier: deputy. Director for Water Resources Management Turova G.V.

Intraschool monitoring is carried out in 3 stages:

    Incoming control - September

    - intermediate control - January

    - final control - April-May

Diagnostic entrance control was carried out in mathematics in grades 5-11, Russian in grades 5-11, English in grades 5-11, biology in grades 5-11, chemistry in grades 9-11, geography in grades 7-10, physics in grades 8-11, computer science in grades 8-11 and primary school(3-4 grades).

Russian language


Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


Zhemchuzhnikova S.V.

Valiulina R.F.

Valiulina R.F.

Zhemchuzhnikova S.V.

Zhemchuzhnikova S.V.

Valiulina R.F.

Zhemchuzhnikova S.V.

Typical mistakes:

    Grade 5 - unstressed vowels, endings of adjectives, punctuation marks;

    Grade 6 - alternating vowels in the root, unstressed vowels, punctuation marks, spelling of complex adjectives;

    Grade 7 - unstressed vowels at the root of the word, punctuation marks for adverbial turnover, spelling of adverbs in o-e;

    Grade 8 - unstressed vowels at the root of the word, alternating vowels o-e, punctuation marks in complex sentences;

    Grade 9 - spelling of adverbs in o-a, spelling s-z in prefixes, punctuation marks in participial and adverbial phrases;

    Grade 10 - in verbs imperative mood, use uppercase letters, punctuation marks in the introductory word;

    Grade 11 - punctuation marks, spelling of prefixes pre and at, unchecked unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, the performance and quality of knowledge in grades 5-9 became lower, in grades 10 and 11 remained the same.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


Suleeva T.V.

Rassolova S.I.

Rassolova S.I.

Suleeva T.V.

Rassolova S.I.

Rassolova S.I.

Suleeva T.V.

Typical mistakes:

    Grade 5 - actions with numbers, solving an equation written in words, a geometric problem, writing a number by its decomposition into digits;

    Grade 6 - actions with decimal fractions, solution of equations, interest problems.

    Grade 7 - solving equations, actions with fractions, actions with positive and negative numbers;

    Grade 8 - solving equations, operations with polynomials, computational errors, reduced multiplication formulas;

    Grade 9 - simplifying expressions, solving inequalities, matching the function graph, solving test problems;

    Grade 10 - solving geometric problems, solving problems of the second degree, inattentively reading the conditions of tasks, computational errors;

    Grade 11 - finding the derivative at a point along the graph of a function and a tangent to this graph, trigonometric equations, computational errors.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, the performance in grades 5,7, 8, 9 has decreased, and in grades 10-11 it has increased. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in grades 5, 10, 11, decreased in 6, 7-9.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

I.P. Kukushkina

Typical mistakes:

    Grade 5 - the form of the verb to be;

    Grade 6 - the use of the article, temporal forms of the verb;

    Grade 7 - temporal forms of the verb, the use of vocabulary;

    Grade 8 - passive voice, prepositions;

    Grade 9 - the volume and content of the essay;

    Grade 10 - lexical and grammatical material of the section;

    Grade 11 - lexical and grammatical material of the section.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, performance in grades 5-9 has decreased, and in grades 10-11 it has increased. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in grades 10-11, decreased in grades 5-9, and remained at the same level in 8.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU






Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Typical mistakes:

    Grade 9 - drawing up an electronic-graphic formula of atoms, solving problems of finding the volume of a substance by a known mass containing impurities, types of reactions;

    Grade 10 - solving problems on finding the volume of gas by the known mass of a substance containing impurities, qualitative reactions to organic matter, drawing up formulas of organic substances.

    Grade 11 - drawing up an electronic-graphic formula of atoms, changing the metallic and non-metallic properties of elements in the periodic system, solving problems of finding the mass of a substance from a known mass of the original product with impurities.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, the performance in the 10th grade decreased, and in the 9th and 11th grades it remained the same. The percentage of the quality of knowledge decreased.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Savchenko M.N.

Typical mistakes:

They are poorly guided in the systematics of living organisms: by types, by classes.

Characteristics of each class of animals.

Differences between plants and animals, adaptation of birds to flight.

Regulation of the body, definitions: hygiene, physiology; structure of the nervous system, parts of the brain, digestion

driving forces evolution, the essence of heredity, variability, signs of living organisms, species criteria.

Significance of Darwin's theory of the evolution of organisms.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, academic performance has increased in 5, while in other grades it has remained the same. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in all grades from 5-11 grades, decreased in grade 10.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU






Polezhaeva N.V.

Polezhaeva N.V.

Polezhaeva N.V.

Polezhaeva N.V.

Typical mistakes:

Determination of atmospheric pressure, geographic concepts: volcano, lake, earthquake.

Knowledge of the locations of climatic zones, knowledge of the continent of Africa.

Characteristics of individual territories of Russia, the reasons for the change natural areas and characteristics of the river according to the plan.

Borders of the central region of Russia, names of economic sectors associated with the development prospects of the Central Black Earth Region.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, performance in grades 7-10 remained the same. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in the 7-10 grades, the percentage of SDU decreased in the 9th grade.



Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Typical mistakes:

    Grade 8 - the concept of force, basic concepts of optics, properties of solids;

    Grade 9 - basic concepts of thermodynamics, Ohm's law, Joule-Lenz's law, mathematical errors;

    the equation of motion of the body, units of measurement, finding the acceleration of the body;

    Grade 10 - the concept of impulse, the law of conservation of energy, computational errors;

    Grade 11 - basic concepts of mechanics, electrical phenomena, computational errors.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, performance in grades 8-11 has increased. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in the 8th and 10th grades, decreased in the 9th and 11th grades.

Computer science


Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU


Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Volikova N.N.

Typical mistakes:

    Class 6 - PC input devices, operating system concepts;

    Grade 7 - PC input devices, concepts operating systems, file;

    Grade 8 - types of PCs, the concept of a program, the main components of a PC;

    9-11 grades - types of PC, the concept of a program, the main components of a PC.

Compared to the 2015-2016 academic year, performance in grades 8-11 has increased. The percentage of the quality of knowledge increased in the 8th and 9th grades remained the same, and increased in the 10th and 11th grades.

Grade 3. Teacher Kozmenko T.V.


Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU

Russian language


    Unstressed vowel.

    Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

    When adding and subtracting within 100.

    When comparing named values.

    Solving equations.

    Geometric problems.

    Solving problems to decrease or increase several times.

Compared to the 2015-2016 school year, classroom performance has declined. The percentage of the quality of knowledge has increased in the Russian language, in mathematics has decreased.

4th grade. Teacher Mironenko T.A.


Number of students

Did the job


% of progress

% quality / SDU

Russian language


Typical mistakes in the Russian language:

    Unstressed vowel.

    Skipping, replacement, distortion of letters.

    Spelling of prepositions, prefixes.

    Paired consonants.


    Case endings of nouns and adjectives.

Typical mistakes in mathematics:

    In actions with numbers.

    When solving problems

    When finding the area of ​​a rectangle and its length.

Compared to the 2015-2016 school year, classroom performance has declined. The percentage of the quality of knowledge in mathematics and in the Russian language decreased.

1. For subject teachers:

a) analyze the results at meetings of the Ministry of Defense input controls;

b) to prevent instability of the quality of knowledge, to use multilevel tests or assignments to increase the objectivity of control over the ZUN of students, not to allow cheating;

c) not to allow students to overestimate their grades, to objectively assess knowledge according to normative data and grades.

d) pay attention to the decrease in indicators in grades 8 and 9.

2. Outline specific corrective actions typical mistakes and closing the gaps in learners' knowledge.

3. The second stage of in-school monitoring (intermediate control) should be carried out in January (responsible - Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Turova G.V.).

September 2016

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management: Turova G.V.

Analytical reference based on the results of operational control "Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution"

This material will be interesting and useful for senior educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution. This is an example of compiling an analytical report.

Analytical reference
based on the results of operational control
"Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution"

In accordance with the annual work plan of MADOU in the period from 24.11 to 05.12. In 2014, operational control was carried out.
The purpose of the check: Increasing the effectiveness of the educational process by organizing a walk. Compliance by educators with the regimen of physical activity of children in the fresh air.
Questions for analysis:
1. Planning a walk
2. Formation of self-service skills in children.
3. Availability of portable material for the season;
4. Organization of the motor regime of children during a walk;
5. Organization of gaming activities
6. Organization of observation of nature and weather conditions;
7. Organization of labor activities of children for a walk;
The audit revealed:
- The walking mode is observed and implemented by teachers in accordance with the daily routine of each age group and weather conditions.
- All educators are conscientious about planning walks. The plans include all kinds of children's activities on the walk. All groups have files of walks and observations in nature.
- Children of all groups have developed self-service skills according to their age.
- In all groups there is a sufficient amount of reference material for the seasons.
- Educators will organize labor activity... In the warm season, garbage collection on the verandas, in the winter, helping the teacher in cleaning snow and building snow towns.
- Buildings made of snow have appeared on the sites of the groups, work is underway to equip ice slides.
- Group teachers organize feeding of wintering birds.
- The motor regime during the walk is generally observed. Based on weather conditions, teachers organize active and sedentary games. Nevertheless, it was noted that in groups No. 9, 4, 5,13, ​​the organization of the motor regime requires more thorough training of the teacher.
- It requires special attention of all teachers to conduct didactic games and role-playing games. It was not possible to see the role-playing games and individual work with children organized by the teachers.
- Little attention is paid to the formation in children of ideas about the usefulness and expediency physical activity, attracting the attention of parents to this issue.
Disadvantages in organizing walks:
- There is no system in the sequence of organizing a walk, the structure of a walk is not always observed.
- The duration of physical activity in the fresh air does not meet the SanPin standards, because:
1) in all groups except for No. 10 there is no walk in the afternoon;
2) teachers are not carried out physical education outside;
3) there are no sports activities.
Recommendations and suggestions:
1. For teachers of all groups, to ensure optimal physical activity of children in the fresh air, organize walks in the afternoon.
Terms: constantly, in accordance with weather conditions

2. For educators of all age groups, conduct didactic games according to thematic planning.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group educators
3. Teachers should carefully organize the labor activity of children for a walk.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group educators
4. All teachers should pay more attention to the formation in children of ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity, to draw the attention of parents to this issue.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: teachers of MADOU
5. Educators of groups No. 9, 4, 5.13 to diversify the motor regime during a walk, to carry out active and sedentary games based on the age characteristics of children.
Timeframe: until the end of the academic year
Responsible: teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5.13
6. For educators of all age groups, guide the independent activities of children during a walk, organize role-playing games using attributes and portable material.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: educators MADOU

Annex 1.

Memo for teachers
"Conditions for the correct organization of the walk"

1. Compliance with the walking time to the group regime.
2. Planning a walk: theme and basic observation techniques, outdoor games, individual work with children, work assignments, organization of free activities for children.
3. Organization of dressing and undressing children.
4. The level of self-service skills development in children corresponds to this age group.
5. Observance of the motor regime of children during a walk.
6. Outdoor games and their number correspond to the age of the children.
7. Variety and a sufficient amount of external material.
8. Organization of observation: the topic of observation corresponds to the age of the children, the teacher uses different methods and techniques, the content aspect of observation is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children.
9. The use of educational and didactic games by the teacher during joint and individual work with kids.
10. Leadership by the teacher of the independent activity of children during a walk (organization of role-playing games).

Sheikina Inna
Approximate reference on the results of thematic control


on the results of thematic control

"The effectiveness of educational and educational work on social communication development preschoolers "

Thematic control was carried out in accordance with the annual work plan of the institution, on the basis of order No. 21-UD dated January 12, 2016, in the period from January 13 to January 18, 2016.

Target: Determine the effectiveness of educational and educational work in a preschool educational institution for the social and communicative development of children; to reveal the level of formation of social and communication skills in children; to find out the reasons and factors that determine the quality of work on the social - communicative development of children in preschool educational institutions.

During control was viewed: planning educational work; creating conditions for social development children ( methodological support, the presence of a variety of games, manuals, tables, diagrams, layouts, models, etc., illustrative material, photo albums, s / r games; the presence of thin. and educational literature, appropriate to the age of children; corners of duty; corners for boys and girls; corners of experimentation)

the knowledge, skills, and abilities of children were examined in accordance with the program requirements (culture of communication, sex-role socialization, national culture, norms and traditions in the life of the group);

an assessment of the professional skills of the educator, methods, techniques, forms of work used by the educator through observations of GCD, games, regime moments, conversations with children and educators was carried out.

V the result checks identified following:

1. Planning educational work with children meet the requirements.

2. Groups are equipped various games, benefits. Schemes, layouts are available only in senior group (tutors Suchkova L.I., Filatova I.V.)

3. All groups have: various illustrative material, photo albums, selection of fiction and educational literature in accordance with the age of children, corners of acting, experimentation, corners for boys and girls.

4. ICT and design are underutilized in working with children.

5. There are no privacy corners in all groups.

6. Educators of all age groups use a variety of forms and methods of working with children for social and communicative development.

1. Use ICTs, projects for the social and communicative development of preschoolers, schemes, models in work with children.

2. To arrange privacy corners in all groups.

3. Continue to replenish research centers.

Related publications:

Analytical report on the results of the thematic control "Interaction of teachers with families of pupils" Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Interaction of teachers with families of pupils" In MDOU ___ in the period from.

Analytical report on the results of the thematic control "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in children" In the MDOU "Kindergarten" Firefly "in the village of Peleduy" in the period from 13 to 24 November 2017, a thematic control was carried out on the topic: "Organization.

Analytical report on the results of the control "Adaptation of children 2–3 years old to the conditions of kindergarten" Based on the Order of the Head No. 68 dated 06.10.2017 and in accordance with the Annual Work Plan for the 2015-2016 academic year by the senior educator.

Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic education of children in older groups" Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic education of children in older groups" (theatrical.

Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Fostering patriotic feelings in preschool children" Analytical report on the results of the thematic control “Fostering patriotic feelings in preschool children in integration.

"Fulfillment of the program requirements for the section" Speech development»»

Timing: from 21.11.16 to 25.11.16


Head of MBDU "Sun" - N.A. Varenik

senior educator - A. N. Leshukova


  1. To assess the knowledge of teachers on the methods of speech development in preschool children.
  2. Analyze the level of work planning.
  3. Assess the conditions for the speech development of children.
  4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of classes on the development of speech.
  5. Analysis of the examination of the speech development of children.
  6. Application. Questionnaire for parents.

Basic forms and methods of control

  1. Express survey of teachers.
  2. Analysis of the scheduling of educators.
  3. View activities.
  4. Overview study of the developing environment in groups

Evaluation toolkit

  1. The level of mastering by teachers of theoretical and practical issues on the speech development of children.
  2. Literacy in writing work plans.
  3. Compliance of the topic of the lesson with the topic of control.
  4. Literacy of the design and filling of the developing environment.
  5. Creative construction of work with parents.

6 groups took part in the thematic check:

  • 2nd group early age"Drop"
  • 2 junior group "Stars"
  • 2 junior group "Fireflies"
  • Middle group "Sun bunnies"
  • Senior group "Smeshariki"
  • Preparatory group "Bees"


Thematic control aimed at studying the work of teachers with preschool children on the development of speech showed:

  1. Competence of teachers in the speech development of children (express survey)

It is impossible to form the personality of a child without mastering a good one, competent speech... Without specially organized learning the development of speech will be spontaneous, poor. Targeted learning provides classes, games, individual communication. It is important to remember that the main thing is the word of an adult: how literate, expressive, rich the speech of the educator, teacher will be, so much the child will imitate the speech of an adult.

  1. Verification of documentation of teachers

An analysis of the scheduling of work on the development of speech indicates compliance with the requirements of the program, taking into account age characteristics, and the consistency of the material being studied. Teachers are always ready for classes, they conduct them regularly. In the morning, teachers plan articulation, finger, breathing exercises, phonetic rhythm, lexical exercises, logorhythmic exercises, word games, aimed at expanding and activating the vocabulary of children, individual work is planned. For the manifestation of creativity by children, role-playing games, theatrical activities are planned, and evenings of riddles are organized.

Planning analysis in 2 younger group"Stars" (educators Tantseva E.M., Voronina S.A.) showed that educators have built a system of work to teach children their native language, familiarize them with fiction, but work to improve the sound culture of speech, the grammatical correctness of speech is not always effective. Vocabulary work should be closely carried out with work on improving the grammatical structure of speech (word formation, inflection, etc.)

It is necessary to constantly monitor the correct formation of sound pronunciation when preparing:

Articulating apparatus;

Clarifying the pronunciation of the sound;

Consolidation of sound in words, phrasal speech.

The whole way of life in a group should contribute to the constant development of the children's speech.

In the second junior group "Fireflies" (tutors Turbovskaya I.S., Gupalik A.A.) the organized and systematic activity of educators on the development of children's speech is traced. Work on the development of speech is carried out in classes of various types and outside of classes - in the morning, on walks, in the process of individual lessons. Game, health-preserving technologies (theatricalization, didactic speech games) are actively used. Children are quite successful in mastering the everyday vocabulary, which helps them to communicate. It is necessary to turn Special attention on games for the formation of phonetic hearing and sound culture of speech. Children need to be helped in the formation of correct and clear sound pronunciation.

Analysis of plans in middle group"Sunny Bunnies" (tutors Rukhlyadko A.A., Voronina S.A.) showed that educators are planning work on the development of speech in children of this age.

Educators should teach children to answer questions clearly and meaningfully, therefore, the development of coherent speech should be carried out in conjunction with the formation of a vocabulary and grammatical correct speech through a variety of speech games.

A special place in working with children of middle preschool age is teaching storytelling. Insufficiently disclosed in the plans is the work of teaching children to compose stories about the subject, according to the picture; come up with your own picture using handouts that concretize the topic set by the teacher (meetings in a forest clearing, on the seabed, etc.).

In this group, educators prepare children for retelling, conduct dramatization games, improvisation games, and reciting poems by role.

Systematic work is underway to educate the sound culture of speech in children of this age, games are held to form phonemic hearing and the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, especially whistling, hissing and sonorous, but the child's pronunciation in Everyday life and remind him that he must monitor his speech. Educators also need to educate children in the sonic and intonational expressiveness of speech, the ability to measure the volume of the voice, speak at a measured pace, pronounce words correctly and clearly, put stress in them, and improve speech breathing.

In order to please the children and check if they have forgotten familiar fairy tales, stories, poems, tongue twisters, educators conduct literary quizzes.

Analysis of planning in the senior group "Smeshariki" (educators: Tikhonyuk A.M., Kaiser A.V.) showed that, basically, the specific planning of the controlled topic in the GCD, on walks, in the independent activities of children, in the individual and subgroup form of work, didactic and outdoor games is traced. Insufficient attention is paid to role-playing games, leisure and entertainment, the plans do not always include work with parents on the development of children's speech abilities, which should be given special attention. When planning, educators need to reflect and carry out work on retelling artistic works, composing stories from a picture, from a series of plot pictures, from experience, about what they saw. It is necessary to diversify speech games on ZKR and preparation for literacy training.

In the plans for educational work, various games are planned, work in a corner of nature, conversations about the signs of autumn, the use of an artistic word; individual work on the development of speech - learning poems, songs, conversations in the morning and evening time.

V preparatory group"Bees"(educators: Bogdan I.Yu, Kaiser A.V.) during the check it was revealed that verbal games, games-exercises for children are planned for the formation of the skill of using the correct intonation in their own speech, for the development of perception of the timbre color of the voice, education of strength, height and the timbre of the voice "Who is shouting how?", "Who is louder, who is quieter?" on the ability to coordinate the tempo of movements and speech during phonetic rhythm, on the development of coherent speech, to use cognitive and speech games. It is necessary to recommend these games and exercises to parents. But there is no retelling work in the plans.

There are few planned role-playing games, games of a new generation (Ministry of Emergencies, Bank, Polyclinic for animals, Family budget and others, director's games, fantasy games.)

Recommendations: Show daily in the schedule vocabulary work with children, individual work on the sound culture of speech, pay attention to speech education, staging and working out the necessary sounds. Constantly plan speech games in the section "Phonetic exercise + speech game", did. Games for speech development; indicate in the section "Art Literature" the author of the work under study, according to the program "From birth to school."

In all age groups, it should be periodically checked how well the children know the programming. When carrying out cut-off work, one should avoid such questions as: "What fairy tales (stories) do you know? Name them", "What poems do you remember?" It is advisable, focusing on the list of works for a particular age group, to take selectively 5-6 works of different genres and remind the children of the beginning of the work or an excerpt from it. If the child knows a fairy tale (story), then he will remember its name (in its own edition) and content. If it comes about the poem, then the adult should start reading it himself, and then invite the child to continue reciting.

When planning role-playing games, plan prior and subsequent work (conversations, viewing pictures and pictures, etc.). Think over the planning of new generation games related to the phenomena of social life and wearing elements of novelty. Actively guide the role-playing game: teach role-based actions, help carry out dialogues in the development of games, etc.

It is necessary to talk with parents, explaining to them the importance of speech development of children and find a timely solution to correct violations in speech. Organize thematic exhibitions for pupils and parents aimed at improving the speech of children. Show great creative initiative in working with parents on the speech development of pupils.

The term is constantly, the responsible ones are the educators of the groups.

  1. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in groups

In the groups, a subject-spatial environment was created for the speech development of children. There are sets of plot pictures for the development of speech, a variety of didactic material, a library for children.

Availability of speech corner equipment

2gr wounds. age



2 ml Fireflies "




Availability of fiction, its competent selection (several books of the same name and author of different publishing houses,

in illustrations by different artists);

Illustrations on the topics of GCD for familiarization with the outside world and

familiarization with fiction;

· Thematic exhibitions;

Interchangeability of material

Children's encyclopedias

· Books introducing the culture of the Russian people: fairy tales, riddles, nursery rhymes, games.

albums or a selection of illustrations by topic (pets, birds). ...

Local lore textbooks: symbols native land, countries, map, postcards.

· Portraits of poets, writers.

Handicrafts (books - babies, books - toys, books - homemade), drawings

· Mnemonic tables for composing stories.

· Reproduction of paintings, illustrations.

Fiction selected correctly, there are several books by one writer and one illustrator, there are homemade books.

For a given age, the availability of fiction is not enough. Illustrations on the themes of GCD for familiarization with the outside world and familiarization with fiction are available. Thematic exhibitions not traceable (due to insufficient number of books). There are no books introducing the culture of the Russian people .. There are no portraits of poets and writers. There are no manuals on patriotic education in the group. ... Checkout the folder "Mnemotables"

Art literature in sufficient quantity for a given age. Books have an aesthetic appearance. Thematic exhibitions in the book corner can be traced. Supplement the corner with books, albums for acquainting children with the culture of the Russian people, homemade books. Checkout the folder "Mnemotables"

Fiction is selected competently, there are several books by one writer and one illustrator, there is a catalog of children's books. There are no materials introducing the culture of the Russian people (riddles, nursery rhymes, proverbs in pictures) Checkout the folder "Mnemonic tables"

Art literature is available, but not systematized, the books require "treatment" in the "Book Hospital." To arrange portraits of writers for the exhibition.

Mnemonic tables do not correspond to visual perception. Not decorated. There is a corner for patriotic education in a separate area.


· Card file of subject pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds.

Color cues for sound analysis words (preparatory group)

Materials for sound, syllabic analysis words, sentence analysis.

· Traffic lights to determine the place of sound in a word.

Didactic games for automation and differentiation of sounds, sound analysis

There are not enough card files of subject pictures for the automation and differentiation of sounds. Necessary

update and replenish.

There are not enough card files of subject pictures for the automation and differentiation of sounds. It is necessary to update and replenish the indicated benefits.

Refill corner

didactic games for the automation and differentiation of sounds

There are not enough card files of subject pictures for the automation and differentiation of sounds. It is necessary to update and replenish.


  • Breathing exercises
  • Benefits (soap bubbles, whistles, Balloons, light scarves, fluffs, snowflakes; for the game "Storm in a Glass" straws and cups).

Breathing exercises and playing material are available in sufficient quantity

There are no breathing exercises.

Sufficient breathing equipment is available

A card file of breathing exercises and game material is available, but needs to be varied.

A card file of breathing exercises and game material is available, but needs to be varied.


  • Card file for vocabulary enrichment games
  • Thematic albums
  • Object pictures
  • Game "Name in one word"
  • Didactic games

There are, but they require replenishment and variety.

Did. games need to be replenished,

are in insufficient quantity.

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

Articulation gymnastics:

  • Card file of articulation exercises in the form of pictures
  • Visual material for articulation exercises.

Supplement visual material for SKU.

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

There is no material for the art anthem, card index and visual material.

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

Replenish visual material for carrying out articulation


Equipment for theatrical activities:

· Various types of theater;

· Elements of costumes, masks, attributes for staging fairy tales;

· Card index of theatrical games.

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

Screen in the manufacturing process,

Replenish with various types of theater, elements of costumes, attributes.

Equipment for theatrical activities is available according to age and requirements.

Replenish with various types of theater, elements of costumes, attributes

Screen is missing

Equipment for theatrical activities is available


· Small mirrors for working with children, massagers for fine motor skills.

· Card indexes of games;

· Games and manuals;

Card index of speech five minutes on the topic

· "Phonetic rhythm"

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

There are no mirrors, there are massagers.

Equipment for the development of fine motor skills

Needs to be refilled with mirrors,

Equipment for the development of fine motor skills

needs to be refilled with mirrors,

massagers for fine motor skills.

Equipment for the development of fine motor skills

It is necessary to replenish and diversify

massagers for fine motor skills.

Didactic games(presence, variety, age-appropriateness, design: name, purpose and rules of a didactic game for the development of speech.

Replenish the speech environment with did games

"Look at the toy and pick up the picture"

"Where did the dog jump?"

"Put it near"

"Collect the picture"

"Who where?"

"Big small"

"Who lives with whom?"

"Tell me what's in the picture"

Available in sufficient quantity for a given age.

"Show me the toy,

"Find a picture"

"Tell me what I'll show?" a series

“Name it in one word”);

“Name it in one word”;

"Whose kids?"

“Show who is shouting how?”;

"Show the picture" (scythe-goat;

"Catch the sound";

"Tell me about the picture";

Tell a Poem;

" Repeat after me"

(monosyllabic, two-syllable,

three-syllable words).

They are available in sufficient quantity for a given age, but require renewal and variety.

Speech and did.play games (required):

"Show me the toy,

which I will name and do as I ask ”; " Show picture"; "Hide the toy" (-v; -na; -under; -za;);

"Find a picture" (where is the apple, where are the apples, show);

"Tell me what I'll show?" a series

“Name it in one word”);

“Name it in one word”;

"Whose kids?"

"Tell me what object" (color, shape); “Find the same one”; “Tell me, what is he doing?”;

“Show who is shouting how?”;

"Show the picture" (scythe-goat;

mustache-ears; duck-fishing rod; mouse-bear, bowl-mouse, saber-heron);

"Catch the sound";

"Tell me about the picture";

Tell a Poem;

" Repeat after me"

(monosyllabic, two-syllable,

three-syllable words).

There are, but require replenishment, renewal and variety.

Speech and did.play games (required):

"Show me what subject I'm talking about"


Catch the Sound;

“Name what I’ll show”;

“What is it and what can it do?”;

"Echo"; “Name it in one word”;

"Name it affectionately";

“Say the opposite”;

“Repeat a word”;

"Name the word in the picture" (Difficult words);

" Let's talk…";

"Tell me about the picture";

Tell a Poem;

"Hide the toy" (- in; -na; -under; -za;); “Name a lot”;

"Guess what is not"

"Guess who is not."

"Tell me which one, which one, which one?"

"Tell me a word"

Available, but require updating,

complication and variety.

Speech and did.play games (required):

" What does this word mean?"; "Come up with the ending of sentences";

“Say the opposite”;

"Echo"; "Repeat a series of words" ( cat-year-code); “Name it in one word”; "Who moves how";

"Whose children?";

“Who has whom?”;

“Repeat the sentence after me”;

"Tell me what subject"; "Think and tell me why ...?" ( The snow is melting because ...);

"Guess what is not .."

(item.pictures bucket-bucket; no bucket, no buckets);

"Guess who is not."

"Name it affectionately";

"Name it correctly";

"Story by a series of pictures"; “Retell the work”;

"Catch the sound in the word"; "Sound beads"; "Tell me a word";

“When does this happen? Prove it. ";

"The fourth extra",

All educators should arrange didactic games in accordance with the requirements: (name, purpose, rules of the game).

In the book corner, place a fairy-tale character or a hero of a children's cartoon, or a cheerful Petrushka.

REMEMBER that reading aloud to children every day is a must and is considered a tradition.

Replenish the speech area with postcards, children's magazines, homemade books, and artistic works of various genres.

Carry out a PROMOTION "Help to design a children's library in our group!" ( educators familiarize parents in advance with the list of artistic literature and materials for replenishing the speech development zone)

For educators of all groups to make a “Catalog of Art. works "of his children's library.

Methodical literature.

The created subject-development environment is competently used by teachers for collective and individual work with children to develop coherent speech.

Each age group has a book corner, where books by the age of the children are placed on the shelves. Fiction is selected by educators competently, there are several books by one writer and one illustrator. Children love to look at illustrations and "read" books in the corners. Educators of the groups periodically organize exhibitions of books by one writer.

But not in all groups in a sufficient number of didactic, developmental, board-printed and creative factory games, there are more do-it-yourself ones.

In the zone of plot - role-playing games, appropriate conditions have been created for the emergence and development of the plot of the games. All games are pedagogical and appropriate for the age of the children. The educators have done a lot of work to create a play and theatrical zone in the groups, in which there are attributes for different types of theater.

In the zones of plot - role-playing games of almost all groups there is a sufficient amount of play equipment and attributes. Not every group has a flannel and screens for playing around and showing fairy tales.

All groups have methodical literature and textbooks for the speech development of pupils.

  1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of classes on the development of speech

The main purpose of attending speech development classes was to study the level of development of a coherent monologue speech, the formation of a sound culture of speech, the identification of methods and techniques for working with children.

In the preparatory group there was a literacy lesson on the topic: "The syllabic structure of the word" Educator Bogdan I.Yu. the lesson was constructed methodically correctly, the teacher's speech is clear, emotional. The program content was appropriate for the age and knowledge of the children. The lesson was aimed at developing the ability to divide two-syllable and three-syllable words into syllables, pronounces each part of the word clearly; teach to establish the sequence of syllables in words, enrich the vocabulary of children, activate coherent speech when answering the questions posed. In the lesson, elements of health preservation were used (exercises for the development of breathing, relaxation) ..

The teacher reminded the children of the rules of conduct in the group during the lesson. At each stage of the lesson, the teacher effectively used playing techniques. The children coped with the tasks and play exercises on the development of speech, but sometimes they were confused with the answers, due to a vague explanation of the rules of the game, and made speech mistakes. If speech errors are made, correction by an adult is necessary. In the preparatory group, it is necessary to more often use methods and techniques that increase the cognitive activity of children, to encourage them to reason. Handout(diagrams, signal cards, etc.) When summing up the lesson, think over the questions

- What did we teach him?

- And what have you learned yourself?

What was incomprehensible about the syllables?

Assessment of the activity of children with the help of the character - the Kitten, who came to the lesson.

Recommendations: Pay attention to the posture of children throughout the lesson, involve passive children in communication. The teacher should use more effective techniques motivation, interest of inactive children.

In the older group there was a lesson on the development of speech on the topic: "Kindness". (voiced by Tikhonyuk A.M.) The lesson is structured methodically correctly, the teacher's speech is clear, emotional. The program content was appropriate for the age and knowledge of the children. The teacher thought out in advance the organization of children in the lesson (alternation of various types of children's activities: sitting, standing on the carpet), and also used pedagogical technology problem learning, which forms the ability for analytical and synthetic activity. The lesson was aimed at enriching the vocabulary of children, activating coherent speech. In the lesson, various methods and techniques were used: examining a picture, working with artistic words, working on sound culture speech, grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary activation. Organized activities began in the locker room using elements of health and phonetic rhythm with vowel pronunciation. In the organizational moment, there was motivation and stimulation of the interest of children - to do good around! Be affable and benevolent towards the world around you. It is advisable to use a fairy-tale character during the lesson. Children are free to use grammar and vocabulary when expressing their thoughts. Basically, the children in the lesson were active, followed the instructions of the teacher, showed interest in the activity, but often the teacher does not have enough patience to listen to the answers of the children, he himself gives ready-made answers and requires exact repetition from the children. Throughout the lesson, the teacher made sure that the children answered full sentences... Children know a lot of poems, proverbs (this work is carried out systematically, children have well-developed memory and auditory perception).

Many children have a fairly developed active vocabulary, but at the same time, many have difficulties in building complex sentences... The kids have done a lot speech tasks, the educator constantly stepped up speech activity leading questions which were of a search nature.

Recommendations: To correctly select and think over the questions when conducting the outcome of educational activities. There should be full reflection at the end of the lesson. one of the main requirements for conducting classes is to analyze the activities of children after each type of child's activity. (can be carried out in the form of a game: "Continue the sentence")

  • today I found out ...
  • it was interesting to know ...
  • it was difficult to do ...
  • now I can decide ..
  • I learned…
  • I managed…
  • I was able to ...
  • I'll try it myself ...

All educators get acquainted with the consultation: "Development reflections in preschool children "

The teacher needs to achieve a clear pronunciation of the practiced sound using the alternation of choral and individual responses, a combination of verbal responses with practical actions, develop the ability to accurately express their thoughts and feelings. Not all children answered the questions. It is necessary to pay attention to all children, to seek correct and complete answers. Children answer in one word, are distracted, do not hear the teacher.

Recommendations: Timely and thoroughly prepare for classes, think over the course of classes, and necessary equipment and materials, think through the questions asked to children. When familiarizing yourself with sounds, practicing them requires preliminary preparation.

In 1 junior group(teacher Myakaeva AA) a lesson on the development of speech "Goat and kids" was held. Educator Myakaeva A.A. The program content was appropriate for the age and knowledge of the children. The lesson was aimed at developing the ability to understand the speech of an adult, answer the questions posed, enrich the vocabulary of children, and activate coherent speech. In the lesson, the following methods and techniques were used: creating motivation, using artistic words, playing around with a fairy tale, consolidating the skill of a certain tempo and rhythm, imitating an adult. Children in the lesson were active, followed the instructions of the teacher; showed interest in the events taking place around and from joint activities, expressed speech and non-speech means: joy, delight, sadness.

R recommendations: For the teacher, throughout the lesson, involve passive children in communication, and call himself by his patronymic name. In each lesson, use the elements articulatory gymnastics, exercise for the development of facial muscles, speech breathing, singing vowel sounds.

In order to improve the level of work of educators, we recommend:

  1. Educators avoid their own monologue in the classroom, actively develop dialogical speech children, giving them the opportunity to engage in casual conversation with adults. Constantly
  2. Do not limit the activity of children in the lesson, giving the child the opportunity to think about his answer, bring it to its logical conclusion, providing for variability. Avoid stencilled answers. Constantly
  3. Systematically carry out work to enrich the monologue speech of preschoolers, compose descriptive stories based on the teacher's model, stories on a planned topic, retellings of works, using innovative technologies... Constantly
  4. Avoid the predominance of direct methods of influencing the child, widely use active and interactive forms, methods of working with children, handouts, taking into account the capabilities of children.
  5. Educators of all groups to update, make didactic games, handouts and demonstration aids for the formation of speech creative competence in children. until 09/01/2017
  6. Plan and conduct events (holidays, literary evenings, fairy-tale plays in senior preschool age for showing to kids) dedicated to the work of writers, poets, book illustrators;

to intensify the forms of work to involve children in reading: organizing a GCD to familiarize themselves with the biographies of writers, creating a Knizhka hospital, homemade books, decorating layouts based on favorite fairy tales, celebrating the name day of a work, creating family libraries, a competition for baby books, a competition for readers, holding a speech motor gymnastics, phonetic rhythm, logo rhythm.

  1. To intensify, in part of the regime moments, in the free communication of adults with children, work on the formation of motivation for speech actions, planning verbal games, games-exercises for children to form the skill of using the correct intonation in their own speech "What who needs to work", to develop the perception of timbre coloring of the voice "Guess", education of strength, height and timbre of the voice "Who is shouting how?", "Who is louder, who is quieter?" on the ability to coordinate the tempo of movements and speech "Round dance", "Who is your neighbor?", to work on speech breathing, use the exercises " Windmill», «» Bubble"," Storm in a Glass ", use cognitive and speech games to develop coherent speech. Recommend these games and exercises to parents.

responsible: group educators; term: permanently

  1. To diversify the forms and methods of working with parents to develop the speech activity of children. Systematically and concretely plan work with parents.

responsible: group educators; term: permanently

9. It is obligatory for all educators of the MBDU "Solnyshko" to view and study the Program and guidelines for working with children 2-7 years old "Speech development in kindergarten"Author VV Gerbova.

  1. Analysis of the examination of the speech development of children

Young children

The analysis of the examination of the speech development of children showed that it is necessary to systematically and in depth work on the speech development of young children.

Children of older groups:

  • develop the intensity, depth, duration of speech breathing;
  • skill: distinguish between hard and soft sounds in pairs of words, listen and understand what is perceived by ear, observe the articulatory apparatus and highlight the position of the lips, tongue when pronouncing individual sounds, catch rhymed endings and choose rhymes for the given words ourselves, distinguish and convey the intonation coloring of a phrase depending on the character or behavior of the partner, fairy-tale characters, speak in different pace and with different strength voices, to distinguish by ear a tongue twister, counting rhyme, riddle, proverb.

Continue to shape and intensify vocabulary through the development of skills to understand and use words to denote names, features and actions associated in all spheres of life

  • the ability to grammatically correctly combine words in your speech; using the form of addressing peers and adults, in particular using the respectful pronouns you, you, you; agree on numerals, adjectives; change verbs, action names;
  • Ability to express a request, apology, gratitude, sympathy, persuasion, proof, defending, guessing, etc .;
  • Exercise in the ability to say your name, the street where the family lives, the names and surnames of their parents, brother (sister), grandmother, grandfather, their profession, place of work, talk about themselves, about a friend (girlfriend), their favorites (animals);
  • Learn to work in detail with a children's book: find the location of the author's surname, title, examine the picture on the cover and make attempts to guess the content of the work, listen carefully to poems, small stories, legends, fairy tales and answer the questions: what was told about? about whom? who is what? etc.; use the library in the group room.

When working with parents, caregivers should also plan activities ( parenting meetings, consultations, offer information in parenting corners) on the issues of sensitivity of speech development in preschool age.

The analysis of the examination of the speech development of children showed that it is necessary to systematically and in-depth work on the speech development of children of the MBDU.

Thus, thematic control showed that the speech development of children in the MBDU "Solnyshko" corresponds to a sufficient level of program requirements. Many children have not formed a coherent speech, the signs of which are content, consistency, consistency. Most children have a problem of the development of the sound side of speech, which is not only a prerequisite for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, teaching literacy, but also an indicator of the child's speech development as a whole. Therefore, some children experienced difficulties in presenting the material.

It is necessary to build all classes on a play basis, to strive for developmental learning. The impact of a particular game on children largely depends on the personality of the educator, on his interests and inclinations.

There can be no country of childhood without an exciting game. The more varied more interesting games babies, the richer and wider the world around them becomes, their life is brighter and more joyful.

In conclusion, let us recall the wonderful words of A. S. Makarenko: “Play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like in play, so in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future doer takes place, first of all, in the game. And the whole story an individual as a doer and worker can be represented in the development of the game and its gradual transition into work. "

The reference was made by:

senior educator Leshukova A.N.


Parents questionnaire

65 parents took part in the survey "The importance of speech development in the full development of a child"

  1. Who do you think should be involved in the development of the child's speech?Parents - 13 - 20%

Detsky garden - 2 - 3.1% Jointly - 50 - 76,9%

  1. What do you think is the main goal of speech development in kindergarten:

Teach children to listen literary works different genres; - 7-10,7%

Develop speech in children; - 18 - 27,7%

Learn to retell and dramatize small literary works; - 8 - 12,3%

Develop thinking, memory, attention, imagination? - 39 - 60%

  1. How important, in your opinion, are speech development classes in preschool age? What is their importance?

Important - 57 - 87.7% - the child expresses his thoughts well, at preschool age the correct pronunciation of sounds is formed, speech is directly related to thinking, perception of the world around, important for the child's confidence when communicating with peers and adults, for obedience, skill, perseverance, the importance is in teaching a child, the alphabet, teaching a child to count, skills and abilities are formed.

Didn't answer - 6 - 9.2%

Don't know - 1 - 1.5%

  1. In your opinion, have the conditions for the child's speech development been created in the kindergarten?

Yes - 60 - 92.3%

Did not answer - 2 - 3.1%

Possibly created - 1 - 1.5%

At first glance, no, but I could be wrong, because I do not see what is happening during the day - 1-1.5%

  1. Does your child often show interest in the book at home?

Often - 47 - 72.3%, infrequently - 16 - 24.6%, 2 - did not answer

  1. What are you doing to keep this interest alive?

We read, look at pictures, learn poems, read, retell, remember, buy books, read aloud by roles, talk about the material read, conduct joint family readings of literature of different genres, a strange question - maintain interest, read, retell, study; interactive books; I ask her to read something to me; change books periodically; I sit with him, help, read;

  1. What books do you have at home?

Children's classic collections; R. n. fairy tales; ABCs, books about animals, primer, children's bible, encyclopedia, novels, detectives, historical, science fiction, all kinds of anthologies, we go to the children's library, collections classical literature; poetry, stories, coloring pages, cutouts.

  1. How often do you devote time and attention joint reading together with the child?

Often - 47-72.3%

Rarely - 10 - 15.4%

Didn't answer - 3 - 4.6%

We do not read together, because he still does not know how to read, he looks at, comments on pictures, from the desire of the child, on weekends, we rarely read due to lack of interest in reading - 5 - 7.7%

  1. Does your group have visual information on the development of children's speech? How useful is it for you
  • Information is absent; - 1 -
  • There is information, but the educator never pays our attention to it; -1
  • Information is available, but extremely scarce;
  • I ignore her; - 5
  • The information is interesting, but has no practical significance for me; - 3
  • There is too much information, it is difficult to choose something useful; - 1
  • Visual information is interesting and useful to me. - 50

It is worthless, it is worth paying the attention of parents

  1. What kind of help do you need from a kindergarten teacher on the problem of your child's speech development?

- setting some sounds; correct pronunciation of some letters; the child puts letters in words incorrectly; give home assignments so that there is more responsibility; conduct individual sessions; a speech therapist is aware of my child's problems; teach to pronounce the letter "p"; speech correction; correct pronunciation of words containing the letters "l, p, x, f"; misinterprets words.

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