Home Mushrooms Assignments on azimuth on the ground. Methodological development of the lesson "Movement in azimuth. Exit in azimuth to the control post. Practical techniques." Collection “Entertaining and non-standard tasks in geography”

Assignments on azimuth on the ground. Methodological development of the lesson "Movement in azimuth. Exit in azimuth to the control post. Practical techniques." Collection “Entertaining and non-standard tasks in geography”

, geography teacher, I qualification category, teaching experience 23 years.

CONTEST " Modern lesson»

Topic: “Orientation. Azimuth"

Target: Continue studying the topic “Plan and Map”; introduce new terms and concepts, teach methods of orientation on a plan, map, terrain; measure distances on the ground, plan, map.


1) Introduce the terms and concepts “orientation”, “horizon”, “main and intermediate sides of the horizon”, “azimuth”.

2) Teach to determine the main and intermediate sides of the horizon, azimuth on the ground, terrain plan, map using a compass and by local signs; measure distance on the ground and on the map.

3) Cultivate a love of nature, curiosity, and a desire to explore their native land.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Forms of delivery: lesson-travel; explanation during a heuristic conversation of the concepts of “orientation”, “horizon”, “sides of the horizon”, “azimuth” using pictures in the textbook, images on the multi-video screen; in the process of carrying out practical work, developing skills to work with a compass; determination of azimuth directions for objects in the classroom, in the picture in the textbook; measuring distances on the ground in steps and on a map and using a scale.


1. Repetition on the topic “Scale”.

2. The purpose of the lesson and tasks for students.

3. Explanation of the concept of “orientation”.

4. Determining the sides of the horizon - according to the drawing in the textbook.

5. Orientation based on local characteristics.

6. Determination of the sides of the horizon on the terrain plan and map.

7. Compass.

8. Azimuth.

9. Measuring distances.

10. Rules of behavior in nature.


textbook “Planet Earth” 6th grade; exercise book, atlas, disk with electronic application to the textbook; map of the Shatura district, a card with tasks for each student; disk Shatura region; table showing forest landmarks; compass on every desk.


1. Repetition on the topic “Scale”

Guys, during the autumn holidays you will go with your physical education teacher on a hike to the Polya River. Today in the lesson we will make an imaginary hike-journey, thus theoretically preparing for the hike.

We will find on the map of the Shatursky district our village of Osanovo, from where we will go on a hike, and the Polya River, where we should come (for a fragment of the map of the Shatursky district, see Appendix No. 1).

Let's find out how many kilometers we need to walk if we move along the road that was laid on the site of the old narrow-gauge railway from the village. Osanovo to Shatura. What needs to be done for this?

(Students' answers)

(Look at the map scale, convert linear to named scale, measure the distance with a ruler, multiply by the named scale).

Now complete task No. 1 in the checklist (Appendix).

1. Convert the numerical scale (shatura district map scale) 1:150000 to a named one.

Calculate the distance from Osanovo village to the Polya River.

(answer: 1:150000

1 cm 1.5 km

on the map from Osanovo to the river. Fields are 4 cm, this is 4x1.5 = 6 km)

Checking the completed task.

2. The purpose of the lesson and tasks for students.

But to go hiking, you need to be able to navigate the terrain and the map. Therefore, the main goal of today's lesson is to learn:

1) navigate the area, find out what methods exist for this

2) learn to determine distance on the ground. These questions are precisely answered in § 4 of our textbook.

On the screen of the multi-video page of this paragraph (see Appendix).

3. Explanation of the concept of “orientation”

How many of you know what the concept of “orientation” means?

Displayed on the screen - definition.

“Orientation is determining one’s location relative to the sides of the horizon.”

4. Determining the sides of the horizon

Which sides of the horizon do you know? (North South East West).

Study the drawing in the textbook on page 14 (see Appendix).

What intermediate sides of the horizon did you see in the picture? (NW, NE, SE, SE). In addition to these, there are N-NW, NNE, etc. Display of the same scheme on the multivideo screen.

Now let’s check how you remember the intermediate sides of the horizon.

To do this, complete task No. 2 on the checklist without looking at the diagram.

Exercise: Label the intermediate sides of the horizon. (Answer: NW, SE, SE)

5. Orientation based on local characteristics

Guys, how can you determine the sides of the horizon based on local signs? (There may be answers: by the sun, stars, moss on trees).

Showing slides on the multi-video screen from the disc and the teacher’s explanation:

a) orientation by the sun.

In our (middle) latitudes the Sun:

at 7 am it happens in the east

at 10 o'clock - in the southeast

at 13:00 – in the south

at 16:00 - in the South-West

at 19:00 – in the west.

Now, guys, complete task number 3 on the card.

Task No. 3: If you went hiking in the C-direction early in the morning, on which side will the sun be? (Answer: on the right).

b) orientation by the North Star.

Find the Ursa Major bucket of seven bright stars.

Mentally set aside 5 more such segments to continue the line between the outer stars of the bucket. The North Star is located here.

The North Star is always on the northern side of the horizon.

c) forest landmarks (there is text on the screen, the reading of which is accompanied by a display of relevant examples on the table - Appendix).

Text on screen:

1) On the north side, trees and stones are more abundantly covered with lichens and fungi.

2) A separately growing tree has a thicker crown on the south side.

3) Anthills are located on the south side of the trees; The southern slope of the anthill is gentle, and the northern slope is steep.

4) Berries and fruits turn red earlier on the south side.

5) Snow melts faster on southern slopes.

Guys, when you are hiking, be sure to check these guidelines in practice.

6. Determination of the sides of the horizon on the terrain plan and map

Teacher: on the plans the direction to C is indicated arrow N-S. If there is no arrow on the plan, then it is considered that the top edge of the plan is north, the bottom is south, the right is east and the left is west.

Open the atlas p.9 - area plan (see Appendix).


a) in what direction from Lake Chernoye is the village of Dobrynino (Answer: N-B).

b) White key (Answer: Yu).

c) the village of Voronovo (Answer: N-W).

Now, to consolidate the skill of determining the sides of the horizon on a terrain plan, complete task No. 4 on the card.

Task No. 4: In what direction from the lake? Black is located:

a) the city of Kirpichnaya (answer – C)

b) Andogskaya (answer - N-W)

c) Silo tower (answer - S-B).

Now let’s return to the map of the Shatura region, to our route to the Polya River.

In which direction on the map will we go hiking (Answer: N-W). In which direction will we return (answer: SE).

7. Compass

But for precise definition sides of the horizon on the ground, a compass is required. Its magnetic needle always points north.

a) looking at a compass

b) showing a slide show on the screen. The appearance of various compasses used in navigation, geodesy, military affairs, antique.

c) Reading the historical reference “Geofocus” in the textbook. About the invention of the compass and how to orient the compass.

The magnetic compass was invented in China and was first mentioned in 692. It allows you to navigate anywhere and at any time. To do this, the compass must be installed in a horizontal position so that its arrow does not touch the body and, turning the compass, align the end of the arrow with the “C” (north) indicator. This position means that the compass is oriented.

G) Practical work with compass

The teacher helps you orient the compass on your desk.

Determine which direction on the compass you are facing in the classroom:

A. board (Answer: C)

b. windows (Answer: Z)

V. door (answer: B)

d. stand on the wall (Answer: SE).

8. Azimuth

The compass has numbers on it. These are degrees by which azimuth can be determined.

a) The definition of this concept is displayed on the screen: “Azimuth is the angle, measured in degrees, between the direction north and the direction towards the object, measured clockwise.

b) Examination on the screen of a diagram depicting the sides of the horizon and the corresponding degrees (see Appendix, Fig. 1.11).

c) Practical work on determining azimuth

1) On the multi-video screen there is an image of the area plan (Appendix). According to this plan, the collective determination of the azimuth from the observation point to a bush, a lonely tree, or Belyi spring.

2) Independent work students on the checklist: task No. 5: Determine the azimuth from the observation point to the silo (Answer: - 30o),

to a single standing tree (Answer – 330o).

(use Fig. 1.14 in the textbook p. 154, see Appendix).

3) Let's determine the azimuth of our movement from Osanovo to the Polya River according to the map of the Shatursky district (Answer: -315o)

9. Measuring distances on the ground

At the beginning of the lesson, we calculated the distance from the village on the map using a scale. Osanovo to the Polya River – 6 km.

How can you measure distance on the ground?

Your suggestions? (Answer: measuring tape, in steps). You can use your average stride length. To determine the average step length, measure 10 m with a tape measure. Let's pass. We got 20 steps. Means average length step 0.5 meters. Next, you need to determine the average speed of movement, i.e. calculate how many steps you take in 1 minute. For example, 100 steps, and if there are two steps in 1 m. This means that the average speed V=50 m/min.

Let's solve the problem:

step length – 0.5 m

V – 100 steps per minute = 50 m/min.

We walked for 3 hours.

What distance did you walk?

(Solution: 3 hours = 180 minutes. S = t V = 180 x 50 = 9000 m = 9 km)

Now complete task No. 7 on the control sheet.

Step length – 0.5m

Wed. V = 100 steps per minute. = 50 m/min.

We walked for 2 hours.

What distance did you walk?

(Answer: 2 hours = 120 minutes 120 x 50 = 6000 m = 6 km)

10. Repetition of the rules of behavior in nature

Having solved the problem, we got 6 km.

This means that we will reach the Polya River in about 2 hours. Well, here we are at our destination. See the scenery around the Polya River. (Showing slides from the disc “Shatura Region” - landscapes of the Polya River).

We pitched tents, lit a fire, had lunch, completed orienteering tasks, and played.

Everything is fine!

Well, now tell me what rules must be followed so as not to harm nature?

1) One of the simplest and most important rules is not to leave garbage in the forest.

2) Do not make noise, do not frighten the animals of the forest.

3) Make a fire correctly: in an old fire pit. If it is not there, you need to remove the turf with a shovel and build a fire in the resulting hole. When leaving, put out the fire: fill it with water, cover it with sand, and put the turf back in place.)


§ 4. Exercises in the exercise book

p.5 no. 11, p.7 no. 1, p.6 no. 2.

Used Books:

1. Textbook “Planet Earth”, 6th grade.

2., “Practical work on geography for grades 6-10”, Moscow “School-Press”, 2001.

3. “Modern geography lesson.” Part 2. Methodological development of lessons.

Municipal budget

educational institution

Average comprehensive school № 5

Geography lesson notes

in 6th grade

Subject: " Orientation. Azimuth »

Completed by: Pavlova E.A.,

geography teacher,



Target : Continue studying the topic “Plan and Map”; introduce new terms and concepts, teach methods of orientation on a plan, map, terrain; measure distances on the ground, plan, map.


1. Educational – studying ways to determine the sides of the horizon.

2. Developmental – development of skills in using measuring instruments to determine the sides of the horizon, measure distances on a map, measure the length of a river..

3. Educational: awareness of the need for the ability to navigate the terrain for safety and health

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Forms of delivery: lesson-travel; explanation during a heuristic conversation of the concepts of “orientation”, “horizon”, “sides of the horizon”, “azimuth” using pictures in the textbook, images on the multi-video screen; in the process of carrying out practical work, developing skills to work with a compass; determination of azimuth directions for objects in the classroom, in the picture in the textbook; measuring distances on the ground in steps and on a map and using a scale.


1. Repetition on the topic “Scale”.

3. Explanation of the concept of “orientation”.

4. Determining the sides of the horizon - according to the drawing in the textbook.

5. Orientation based on local characteristics.

6. Determination of the sides of the horizon on the terrain plan and map.

7. Compass.

8. Azimuth.

9. Measuring distances.

10. Rules of conduct in nature.



    Demonstration protractor

    Distributing protractors

    Wall plan of the area

    Multimedia equipment


1. Repetition on the topic “Scale”

Guys, during the autumn holidays you will go with your physical education teacher on a hike to the Snezhet River. Today in the lesson we will make an imaginary hike-journey, thus theoretically preparing for the hike.

Let's find on the map of the Karachevsky district our city, from where we will go on a hike, and the river. Snezhet, where we should come (fragment of a map of the Karachevsky district.

Let's find out how many kilometers we need to cover if we move along the route Karachev - Mylinka station (railway). What needs to be done for this?

(Students' answers)

(Look at the map scale, convert linear to named scale, measure the distance with a ruler, multiply by the named scale).

Now complete task number 1.

1. Convert the numerical scale (map scale) 1:150000 to a named one.

Calculate the distance from Karachev to Mylinka station.

(answer: 1:150000 in 1 cm 1.5 km, on the map this distance is 10 cm, this is 10x1.5 = 15 km)

Checking the completed task.

2. The purpose of the lesson and tasks for students.

Epigraph to the lesson:
Compass needle north
Showed the direction.
And according to plan you checked
The way forward.

Formulate the topic of the lesson. Define goals, what you need to learn.

Topic: “Orientation. Azimuth"

Teacher: Fragment of the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”

Every person has situations when it is necessary to determine his location and find the right path. What to do? Every person in life needs to learn how to navigate, that is, determine their location in space relative to the sides of the horizon and other objects.
In ancient times, when people did not yet know the sides of the horizon, they oriented themselves relative to familiar objects, left notches on trees, looked closely at objects, remembering the way back. You still use the same method today when navigating in unfamiliar areas. At this time, you already have a mental map of the territory familiar to you in your head. Thanks to a mental map, you can easily find your way and return home. The more you travel in life, the better you become at spatial orientation.
The ability to navigate in space is one of the most important qualities of a person; it ensures the safety and preservation of people’s lives and health. Every person should be able to navigate. At the same time, it is important not only to orient yourself relative to objects and objects; this is not always reliable - a familiar tree broke, a house could be demolished, etc. It is necessary to be able to navigate along the sides of the horizon.

But to go hiking, you need to be able to navigate the terrain and the map. Therefore, the main goal of today's lesson is to learn:

1) navigate the area, find out what methods exist for this

2) learn to determine distance on the ground. These questions are precisely answered in § 4 of our textbook.

3. Explanation of the concept of “orientation”

How many of you know what the concept of “orientation” means?

Displayed on the screen - definition.

“Orientation is determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon.”

4. Determining the sides of the horizon

What sides of the horizon do you know? (North South East West).

Study the drawing in the textbook on page 14.

What intermediate sides of the horizon did you see in the picture? (NW, NE, SE, SE). In addition to these, there are N-NW, NNE, etc. Now let’s check how you remember the intermediate sides of the horizon.

Exercise : Label the intermediate sides of the horizon. (Answer: NW, SE, SE)

5. Orientation based on local characteristics

Guys, how can you determine the sides of the horizon based on local signs? (There may be answers: by the sun, stars, moss on trees).

Showing slides on the screen from the disk and teacher's explanation:

a) orientation by the sun.

In our (middle) latitudes the Sun:

at 7 am it happens in the east

at 10 o'clock - in the southeast

at 13:00 – in the south

at 16:00 - in the South-West

at 19:00 – in the west.

Now, guys, complete task No. 3 on the card.

Task No. 3: If you went hiking in the C-direction early in the morning, on which side will the sun be? (Answer: on the right).

b) orientation by the North Star.

Find the Ursa Major bucket of seven bright stars.

Mentally set aside 5 more such segments to continue the line between the outer stars of the bucket. The North Star is located here.

The North Star is always on the northern side of the horizon.

c) forest landmarks (text on the screen, the reading of which is accompanied by the display of corresponding examples on the table.

Text on screen:

1) On the north side, trees and stones are more abundantly covered with lichens and fungi.

2) A separately growing tree has a thicker crown on the south side.

3) Anthills are located on the south side of the trees; The southern slope of the anthill is gentle, and the northern slope is steep.

4) Berries and fruits turn red earlier on the south side.

5) Snow melts faster on southern slopes.

Guys, when you are hiking, be sure to check these guidelines in practice.

6. Determination of the sides of the horizon on the terrain plan and map

Teacher: on the plans, the direction to the north is indicated by an arrow from north to south. If there is no arrow on the plan, then it is considered that the top edge of the plan is north, the bottom is south, the right is east and the left is west.


a) in which direction the house and the tree are located. (Answer: C-B).

b) hill (Answer: Yu-V).

c) tree (Answer: N-Y).

Now, to consolidate the skill of determining the sides of the horizon on a terrain plan, complete the task on the card

7. Compass

But to accurately determine the sides of the horizon on the ground, a compass is needed. Its magnetic needle always points north.

a) looking at a compass

b) showing a slide show on the screen. The appearance of various compasses used in navigation, geodesy, military affairs, antique.

The magnetic compass was invented in China and was first mentioned in 692. It allows you to navigate anywhere and at any time. To do this, the compass must be installed in a horizontal position so that its arrow does not touch the body and, turning the compass, align the end of the arrow with the “C” (north) indicator. This position means that the compass is oriented.

d) Practical work with a compass

The teacher helps you orient the compass on your desk.

Determine which direction on the compass you are facing in the classroom:

A. board (Answer: C)

b. windows (Answer: Z)

V. door (answer: B)

d. stand on the wall (Answer: SE).

8. Azimuth

The compass has numbers on it. These are degrees by which azimuth can be determined.

a) The definition of this concept is displayed on the screen: “Azimuth is the angle, measured in degrees, between the direction north and the direction towards the object, measured clockwise.

b) Examination on the screen of a diagram depicting the sides of the horizon and the corresponding degrees.

c) Practical work on determining azimuth

9. Measuring distances on the ground

At the beginning of the lesson, we calculated the distance on the map using a scale - 10 km.

How can you measure distance on the ground?

Your suggestions? (Answer: measuring tape, in steps). You can use your average stride length. To determine the average step length, measure 10 m with a tape measure. Let's pass. We got 20 steps. This means the average step length is 0.5 meters. Next, you need to determine the average speed of movement, i.e. count how many steps you take in 1 minute. For example, 100 steps, and if there are two steps in 1 m. This means that the average speedV =50 m/min.

Let's solve the problem:

step length – 0.5 m

V – 100 steps per minute = 50 m/min.

We walked for 3 hours.

What distance did you walk?

(Solution: 3 hours = 180 minutes. S = t V = 180 x 50 = 9000 m = 9 km)

Now complete task No. 7 on the control sheet.

Step length – 0.5m

Avg.V = 100 steps per minute. = 50 m/min.

We walked for 2 hours.

What distance did you walk?

(Answer: 2 hours = 120 minutes 120 x 50 = 6000 m = 6 km)

10. Repetition of the rules of behavior in nature

Having solved the problem, we got 10 km.

This means that we will reach the Polya River in about 2 hours. Well, here we are at our destination. See the scenery in the area of ​​the Snezhet River. (Showing slides from the disc “Shatura Region” - landscapes of the Snezhet River).

We pitched tents, lit a fire, had lunch, completed orienteering tasks, and played.

Everything is fine!

Well, now tell me what rules must be followed so as not to harm nature?


1) One of the simplest and most important rules is not to leave garbage in the forest.

2) Do not make noise, do not frighten the animals of the forest.

3) Make a fire correctly: in an old fire pit. If it is not there, you need to remove the turf with a shovel and build a fire in the resulting hole. When leaving, put out the fire: fill it with water, cover it with sand, and put the turf back in place.)


Finding the azimuth according to the plan.
1. Determine the direction to the north.
2. From the standing point, draw a line that coincides with the direction to the north, and another line to the area.
3.Using a protractor, determine the azimuth value, moving clockwise.

Reflection .

Draw a figure using the following data (on the board):
1: 10,000scale: in 1cm -100m
1.Direction (N)-NE, distance (P) = 300m, Azimuth (A) = ?
2.N-SE, P=300m, A=?
3.N - W, P=400m, A=?
4.N - Yu, P=500m, A=?
5.N –B, P=400m, A=?
6. N-C, P=500, A=?


1.Which side of the horizon does the blue compass needle point to?
2. Which side of the horizon is opposite east?
Z. In which direction of the horizon are the rings on the stumps extended?
4. On which side does moss grow on trees?
5. On which side do ants build an anthill?
b. In which direction does the Sun rise?

Bottom line : What goals did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson? How did we deal with them? Where can you use the material you have studied?


§ 4. Exercises in the exercise book

p.5 no. 11, p.7 no. 1, p.6 no. 2

Routing Lesson No. 13 Sides of the horizon

Lesson type

Basic subject skills lesson

During the classes

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Introduces the concepts of “orientation, “horizon”, “horizon sides”.

Presentation "Orientation"

Determination of the sides of the horizon, main and intermediate directions

The ability to navigate the terrain, determine the cardinal directions using a compass, the sun and a clock, the main features of the terrain, the polar star, familiarity with a curvimeter. Formation of skills in working with a protractor to determine azimuth

Work in groups to draw up tasks for determining azimuth

Formation of the ability to navigate the terrain,

Test on the topic Conventional signs Scale

Mutual verification of calculations in homework

Working with a map, compass, determining direction, azimuth, measuring distances on the map

2. Orientation on the terrain using the Sun, stars, Moon, and local signs.

Teacher showing presentation slides Orientation

The ability to navigate the terrain, determine the cardinal directions using a compass, the sun and a clock, the main features of the terrain, the polar star,

The rules of orientation based on local characteristics are schematically displayed in notebooks. the sun

3. Orientation using a compass.

The teacher introduces the rules of working with a compass

Work with a compass and map, orienting it to the north

4. Introduction to the concept of “azimuth”.

5. Determination of azimuth according to the terrain plan using a protractor.

Formation of skills in working with a protractor to determine azimuth

Work with a protractor to determine azimuth

Forming the ability to work with a protractor

6. Measuring distances on the ground.

Introduces the rules of working with a curvimeter

acquaintance with the curvimeter, the rules for measuring distances on a map

They work with a ruler, thread, curvimeter, measure distances on a map, the length of rivers.

Formation of skills for measuring distances on the ground using a map

Summing up the lesson

Samambaeva Altynay Boranbaevna
Geography teacher of KSU "Podgornenskaya Secondary School"


The remarkable Soviet scientist V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “A terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for six hours every day, idleness for months and years. This corrupts, morally cripples a person, and neither the school team, nor the school site, nor the workshop - nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important sphere of thought, i.e. at the lesson"

There is no point in proving the correctness of these words. It is the teacher’s responsibility at each lesson to organize the student’s activities and create conditions for his development. The modern educational paradigm is aimed at the formation of an active personality capable of creative activity. The task of school geographical education is to promote individual development individuals in the process of geographical knowledge of the world. The content of our subject should be aimed at the ability to obtain, rather than memorize, information

One of the factors for activating students’ educational cognitive activity is the variety of forms of educational organization. Non-traditional organizational forms enliven the process of teaching geography, contribute to improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, and developing the personality of students. Given the large volume and variety of information the student receives from television, the Internet, etc. Only a lesson that is truly interesting and different from lessons in other subjects can be competitive. This should be facilitated by the use of non-standard, entertaining tasks, organizing and conducting interesting extracurricular activities.

Quiz for students in grades 6-8 “Geography Experts”
Form of implementation: game-quiz “Geography Experts”

The game consists of 9 competitions. The composition of the team is: 1 student from the 6th grade, 1 student from the 7th grade and 2 students from the 8th grade. The composition of the team is determined by lot (students take out cards with the team number). There are signs with team numbers on the tables.

Three teams are taking part. Each team has 4 participants - 1 6th grade student, 1 7th grade student and 2 8th grade students.

The jury is present at the competition

Game conditions:
In order for all players to take part in the game, tasks for the teams will be given by class, for example: “Members of the 6th grade team answer the question,” etc. If on this question a student in that class did not give an answer or gave an incorrect answer and the team knows the correct answer, the team can answer, but the answer will only be awarded half of the assigned points. At the end of the game, the points scored are summed up, and the winner is announced and awarded. best team geography experts.

Captains, draw lots and determine your team number. The teams have been determined, I wish everyone good luck!

1 task Geographical warm-up:

Team #1 starts the game. Team representatives take turns (grades 6, 7, 8)

go to the map and show the geographical features that they have studied. Students on the team pass each other a pointer and a card with the name of a geographical feature. The team is given 1.5 minutes to complete the task.

For each correct geographical object - 1 point.

Geographical objects for team No. 1:

1. Indian Ocean, Australia

2. Chomolungma (Everest), Congo River

3. lake Baikal, Cordillera (mountain system)

4. Alps (mountain system), Sakhalin Island

Geographical objects for team No. 2:

1. Pacific Ocean, Africa

2. Amazon River, Elbrus

3. lake Huron, Yamal Peninsula

4. volk. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Andes (mountain system)

Geographical objects for team No. 3:

1. Atlantic Ocean, Eurasia

2. o. Madagascar, Mississippi River

3. lake Chad, Kuril Islands

4. Tien Shan (mountain system), m. Dezhneva

Task 2 Smart guys and smart girls:

Teacher. I read the question, each team member answers in turn. For each correct answer - 1 point, if another team member answers - 0.5 points.

Questions for team #1:

Questions for team #2:

1. The largest ocean (Pacific)

Questions for team #3:

1. The most big Island(Greenland)

3. The deepest lake in the world (Baikal)

Task 3 Geography at its best!

If the 1st team cannot answer, then the 2nd team answers and receives an extra point.

Cardinal direction (East.)

Beginning of the river (Source)

The main city of the country (Capital)

State in the Baltics (Estonia.)

The name of the navigator who discovered America (Christopher Columbus.)

Task 4 Cartographer competition.

Teacher. The cards contain outlines of geographical objects that
team members need to identify and show on the map. Three minutes are given to complete the task. For each correct object - 1 point.

5 task In my native country

Teacher. Teams take turns guessing what or what geographical object is about we're talking about. If the 1st team cannot answer, then the 2nd team answers and receives an extra point.

1. 2,724,902 sq. km – area of ​​Kazakhstan;

2. 7 – number of neighboring states;

3. 2 – number of seas washed by it;

Task 6 Young topographers

Teacher. Depict the tourist's path with symbols. To complete this task

2 minutes. For every correct sign– 1 point:

The tourist left the house and walked along the dirt road past the windmill. Then his path to the camp went through a meadow. He approached a mixed forest. A narrow path led him to a crossroads, from where a dirt road leading to the river went to the right, a field road to the swamp to the left, and a path to the spring straight ahead. He walked along a dirt road and came to a small river, which he crossed along wooden bridge. From there, along a dirt road, he approached an orchard, passing through it, he came out to the camp.

Task 7 - Race for the leader

Teacher. The team needs to answer 10 questions in one minute; if you don’t know the answer, speak further. For each correct answer 1 point

1 team

1. Gaseous water... (steam)

2. Time of day after night... (morning)

3. A wind that changes its direction 2 times a year is called... (monsoon)

4. Which continent is washed by four oceans? (Eurasia).

6. Device for measuring azimuth? (compass).

7. The most small continent. (Australia)

8. On what continent does the Limpopo River flow (Africa)

9. Mountains separating Europe from Asia (Ural)

10. The force with which air presses on the earth’s surface and on all objects located on it... (atmospheric pressure)

2nd team

1. The amount of precipitation is measured in... (mm)

2. The period of rotation of the Earth around its axis... (days)

3. The atmosphere is... (the air envelope of the Earth)

4. Solid water... (ice)

5. The movement of air in the horizontal direction is ... (wind)

6. What is the name of the collection of geographical maps? (atlas).

7. The deepest lake? (Baikal)

8. Who made the first trip around the world? (Magellan).

9. All irregularities on the surface of the Earth. (relief)

10. The Sahara Desert is located on the mainland (Africa)

Team 3

1. Which river crosses the equator twice? (Congo)

2. The difference between the highest and lowest air temperatures during the day is called... (daily temperature range)

3. Frost, dew, ice, frost - this is... (precipitation)

4. Which country ranks the most large area? (Russia).

5. Largest island? (Greenland).

6. Fire-breathing mountain. (Volcano)

7. Who discovered America? (Columbus).

8. The hottest continent (Africa)

9. Tallest active volcano in Russia (Klyuchevaya Sopka)

10. What is the longest parallel of the earth? (equator)

Task 8 Solve the problem

Teacher. Teams take turns choosing a card with a task (2 tasks per card), time to complete no more than 3 minutes. For each correct answer 1 point

1 team

1. Calculate the average temperature of the day using the following indicators:

1 hour -+5o C, 7 hours -+7 o C, 13 hours -+9 o C 19 hours - +6 o C…. (6.75 o C)

2. Are the peaks covered with snow? Ural mountains in the summer, if it is known that at the foot of the mountains the average temperature of the warmest month is +15°C? Explain your answer.

(no, because when you rise by 1000 m, the temperature drops by 6°C, and the most high peak Ural city Narodnaya, its height is 1895 m. This means that at the top the temperature will be approximately + 7 ° C, at this temperature snow does not accumulate)

2nd team

1. What is the amplitude of temperature fluctuations if the thermometer showed

at 7 o'clock +1°C;

at 13 o'clock +15оС;

at 19 o'clock +8оС. (14оС)

2. Determine the pressure at the top of the MSU spire if the pressure at its base is 750 mm. Hg Art., and the height of the building is 238 meters. (727 mmHg)

Team 3

1. Determine daily amount precipitation, if measurements showed:

7 hours - 4 mm

13 hours - 7 mm

19 hours - 2 mm (13 mm)

2. Determine the height of the mountain if the temperature at its base is +26°C and at the top -10°C? (600m)

Task 9 - The most attentive

Teacher. I will read three comic poems to each team, you must quickly, without hesitation, find the mistakes. 1 point for the correct answer.

The sun gets tired during the day,

It goes to bed at night

To the clearing, behind the woods,

Exactly, exactly east. (Not to the east, but to the west.)

Everyone knows for sure from childhood:

The Angara flows into Baikal. (It doesn’t flow in, but flows out.)

The land of snow, frost, blizzards

We call it south. (Not south, but north.)

Every captain knows:

The Volga is an ocean. (Not an ocean, but a river.)

The sun and sky are crimson.

The night begins after dawn. (Not after dawn, but after sunset.)

Guys, it's time for you to know

That Baikal is a mountain for us. (Not a mountain, but a lake.)

From ancient times to the present day

It rains like buckets in the desert. (Not in the desert, but in the tropics.)

Tall pines on the left and right,

Their forest family is called oak grove. (Not an oak grove, but a forest.)

There is entertainment on the pond:

Go with the flow on your back. (Not on the pond, but on the river, because the current is only there.)

Geographical KVN "Club of Erudites" for 6th grade

Purpose of extracurricular activities:

Expand students' horizons. Foster collectivism when making decisions common tasks, the ability to distribute tasks for each player. To intensify students' interest in studying the subject of geography.


Team members are selected from the class - 6 people each. Each team has a name, motto and emblem.

Progress of the event:

I competition – presentation of teams: name, motto and protection of the emblem.

2nd competition - recognize the continent by description.

Each team receives a description of the continent on a piece of paper.

1 team.

This continent is one of the small continents. All points of this continent have southern latitude and eastern longitude. West Side his are plains and deserts. In the east there are low mountains that stretch along the entire coast. This continent is washed by the seas of two oceans. The first inhabitants from Europe were prisoners of English prisons. The local inhabitants of this continent - the aborigines - have no equal in hunting with a boomerang. The inhabitants of the continent are different from the inhabitants of other continents. They live here flightless birds and many different marsupials.


2nd team.

The continent is washed by the seas of three oceans. All points of this continent have western longitude and northern latitude. This continent was discovered by a traveler who sailed to India. But he died, not knowing that he was not in India, but had made the discovery of a new continent. After this, the local inhabitants of the mainland began to be called Indians. They have reddish skin color. This continent is the birthplace of potatoes, corn, tomatoes and beans.

(North America)

III competition - determine the point by coordinates.

1 team: 42 S, 146 E. O. Tasmania

Team 2: 11 N, 9 E Sardinia

IV competition - create a poster using Paint or MS Word, calling for the protection of nature.

V competition - recognize the animal by the drawing, identify the continent and tell about them (presentation with drawings of animals)

1. zebra (Africa), kangaroo (Australia)

2. koala (Australia), hippopotamus (Africa)

3. echidna, platypus (Australia)

4. elephant (Africa, Asia), bison (North America)

5. penguin (Antarctica), polar bear(Arctic)

6. muskox (North America), seal (Antarctica)

7. panda (Asia), armadillo (South America)

VI competition – Find out the continent by drawing

Extracurricular event in geography for 6th grade students on the topic “Land plan and geographic map

This event is held in the form of a game as part of school geography week, based on the scenario of the game “Lucky Chance”.
The class is divided into 2 teams (7 people each). The composition of the team is determined by lot (students take out cards with the team name)
There are signs on the tables with the names of the teams: “PLAN” and “MAP”
Team members choose a captain
The jury is introduced. (High school students)

Goals: consolidation of the studied material, testing knowledge of terminologies on the topic “Terrain plan and geographical map”, consolidation of skills in solving geographical problems.
The game consists of 6 games.

Tasks for 1 team:

1. Creator of the first globe? (M. Beheim)

2. The scientist who first calculated the circumference of the Earth and distinguished geography from other sciences? (Eratosthenes)

3. Conventional line connecting the poles? (Meridian)

4. Image on a plane of a small section of the earth’s surface in a reduced form using symbols... (Local plan)

5. Distance in degrees from the equator to any point on Earth? (Geographic latitude.)

6. The totality of the unevenness of the earth’s surface is called ... (relief)

7. Is one point on the earth’s surface higher than another along a plumb line? (Relative height)

9. Is there an imaginary straight line passing through the center of the Earth and intersecting the earth's surface at the poles? (Earth's axis)

10. The “address” of any object on the surface of the Earth is determined by... (geographic coordinates)

Tasks for team 2:

1. Sun and celestial bodies, revolving around it form... (solar system)

2. Who made the first trip around the world? (F. Magellan)

3. A circle conventionally drawn along the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator? (Parallel)

4. Reduced image of the Earth’s surface on a plane using symbols? (Geographic map)

5. Distance in degrees from the prime meridian to any point on Earth? (Geographic longitude)

6. An imaginary line that divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres? (Equator)

7. The height of a point on the earth’s surface above sea level is called... (absolute height)

8. A device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass)

9. At what points do all meridians “meet”? (North and South Pole)

10. What is called the second language of geography? (Map)

Game 2 “Troubles from a barrel”

Teams will receive 4 tasks, taking turns choosing numbers from 1 to 8, time for the task is 2 minutes. for each correct answer - 1 point.

1. In what direction is the ship moving if, as it moves, only the latitude changes and the longitude remains unchanged; if only the longitude changes and the latitude remains unchanged. (N-S or W-E)

2. During the hike, tourists recorded all the geographical objects that they encountered on their way. Read the tourist's path

(From the station our path followed the highway to a metal bridge over the river. Then we walked through a meadow, where we encountered a swamp and bushes. In the evening we entered a mixed forest, walked 2 km along a country road along a power line and made a stop at the forester’s house halt.)

3. Replace the highlighted words with symbols:

“Hello, Misha!
We recently moved in with a forester. His hut is located to the left of a country road that crosses a birch forest. At the edge of the forest, the country road turns into a dirt road. On both sides of which there are thickets of bushes, behind them - Orchard and our school. We swam in the lake all summer. You can come to us by rail"

4. Match:

in 1 cm –10 m
in 1 cm – 100 m
1:75 000 000
1 cm – 750 km
1:25 000
in 1 cm – 250 m
1:8 000 000
1 cm – 80 km
1 cm – 750 km
1 cm – 80 km
1:75 000000
1 cm – 10 m
1:25 000
in 1 cm – 250 m
1:8 000000
in 1 cm – 100 m
5. Match: (a – 5, b – 3, c – 2, d – 1, e – 4)

1. North
a – 270°
2. Southeast
b – 180°
3. South
in – 140°
4. North-west
g – 0°
5. West
d – 310°
6. Determine the scale of the plan if a road 3 km long has a length of 10 cm.

A) In 1 cm 3000 m
B) In 1 cm 30 km
B) In 1 cm 300 m

7. Write down in the table the numerical scales corresponding to the indicated named ones.

in 1 cm - 5 m
in 1 cm - 450 m
1: 45 000
in 1 cm - 500 m
1:50 000
1 cm - 25 km
1:2 500 000
1 cm - 1 km
1:100 000
1 cm - 50 km
1:5 000 000
in 1 cm - 25 m
1:2 500
8. To determine the sides of the horizon, we usually find the direction north. Where on globe our eyes will always be turned to the north, no matter how we turn. (South Pole)

Game 3 “You for me - I for you”

Team captains choose tasks for their opponents, calling numbers from 1 to 6, for each correct answer 1 point.

1. One of Jules Verne’s heroes committed fantastic trip to the center of the Earth through the crater of an extinct volcano at 64° N. latitude, 21°w. d. Tell me the name of the island on which the volcano was placed by Jules Verne’s fantasy. (Iceland)

2. In 1856, the English traveler David Livingston made the discovery of a remarkable object. Find it on the map at coordinates 18° S. latitude, 26° east. d. (Vdp. Victoria)

3. This island has several names: Rapa Nui, Vaigu, but more often it is designated under a different name. Find it on the map (27°S, 109°W). (Easter Island)

4. The tallest waterfall in the world falls from a height of 1054 m. Indicate its name if its coordinates are 6° N. latitude, 61°w. d. (vdp. Angel)

5. On January 10, 1821, a Russian expedition on the ships “Vostok” and “Mirny” discovered the island. Its coordinates are 69o S. and 91o W. find and name this island (Peter I Island)

6. The ship is located at point 30°S. w 70 o east crashed, the radio operator transmitted the coordinates of his ship and asked for help. Two ships “Nadezhda” (30o S 110o E) and “Vera” (20o S 50o E) headed to the disaster area. Which ship will come faster to the aid of a sinking ship? ("Faith")

Game 4 “Dark Horse”

Who can decipher the message faster and more accurately (max 5 points).

Game 5 “Captains Competition”

There are 3 tasks given of varying complexity the captain receives a number of points depending on the task completed; if several tasks are completed, the points are summed up. You have 7 minutes to complete the task.

5 points. What type of transport can you make a “round the world” trip faster (with a return to the point of departure): by plane along the equator (average speed 800 km/h), by sea vessel at 60° S. w. (average speed 40 km/h) or skiing at 89° S. w. (average speed 12 km/h). How long will each of these journeys take (not including stops)? (By plane – 50 hours, by sea – 500 hours, on skis – 58 hours)

3 points. Which place on the globe is closest to the center of the Earth? Why? (At the poles, because the Earth is flattened at the poles)

Simultaneously with the competition for captains, a competition is held for the remaining team members. For each correct answer 1 point.

Fill out the table by identifying geographic objects using these coordinates.

Coordinates of geographical objects
Geographical objects
20° N
30° N
34° S
9° N
56° N
16° S
11° S
100° W
Vlk. Orizaba
Cape Town
Panama Canal
O. St. Helena
m. York
Game 6 “Race for the leader”

Before the competition, captains choose an envelope with tasks, for each correct answer 1 point.

1 team

1. A reduced model of the globe is... (globe)
2. A conditional line on the plan that connects points with the same absolute height? (Horizontal)
3. Azimuth is measured in ... (degrees)
4. Latitude can be... (northern and southern)
5. A conditional measure showing how many times the distance on the ground is reduced when depicted on a map or plan. (Scale)
6. Which round-the-world trip will be shorter: along the equator or along 60°C. w.
7. A device for determining the sides of the horizon. (Compass)
8. The map legend is... (symbols)
9. All parallels have the same... (shape - circle)
10. Horizon side with azimuth 270o (West)

2nd team

1. The angle between the direction north and the direction towards the object, measured in degrees clockwise? (Azimuth)
2. Longitude can be... (western and eastern)
3. The path along which the planets move. (Orbit)
4. A point that has only one coordinate. (Pole)
5. What is the name of the line that cannot be reached? (Horizon)
6. The side of the horizon with an azimuth of 90°. (East)
7. The ability to find the sides of the horizon. (Orientation)
8. Longest parallel. (Equator)
9. This pole on the globe is at the bottom. (Southern)
10. 510 million sq. km is... (surface area of ​​our planet)

Chemical geography of miracles. Integrated Tasks

Why can't you drown in the Dead Sea?
The amount of salts contained dissolved in water Dead Sea, measured in tens of billions of tons (the order of numbers is amazing). In this sea, due to the phenomenally high density of water (or rather, solution), the Archimedean force is so great that the liquid simply pushes a person to the surface, preventing the body from completely plunging into it.

Task: Prepare messages " Chemical composition sea ​​water", "Salt lakes of the world".

Why do the sands of the Singing Dune make sounds?
The length of the Singing Dune is up to 3 km, height - 150 m. The dune is located in the corridor between the ridges of the Dzhungar Alatau - the Big and Small Kalkans - on the territory national park Altyn-Emel in Almaty region. Kazakhstan, 180 km NE from Almaty.

From the dune in the south you can see a thin strip of the Ili River, the purple mountains of Sogety and Boguty, behind which the white peaks of the Ketmen ridges peek out. From the west, the horizon is covered by the steep side of the Big Kalkan, from the east - by the Small Kalkan. And in the north behind it you can see the lilac-blue ridge of the spurs of the Dzhungar Alatau, the mountains Chulak, Matai and Altyn-Emel. At their foot lies a foothill valley, cut by thin strips of dry channels of rain streams. The southwestern slope of the dune is smooth, while the opposite, in the northeast, has several ridges with gentle slopes.

The dune was formed as a result of sand blowing out from the shallows of the Ili River. In this part of the Ili River valley (between Kalkan and the Boguty and Syugaty mountains) a strong wind blows, which raises clouds of sandy dust from the river shallows. At the Big and Small Kalkans, standing at a slight angle to each other, the wind encounters an obstacle and, weakening, leaves sand. So, over many millennia, a huge sand mountain grew. The dune does not wander across the plain, despite the unsteadiness of the sand and strong winds, but remains in place.

In Kazakhstan, in the valley of the Ili River, not far from Almaty (Almaty), there is a singing dune. Sound is created when many grains of sand rub against each other. The grains of sand are covered with a thin coating of calcium and magnesium compounds. The sounds arise approximately as if a bow rubbed with rosin is drawn along the strings of a violin. Only dry and very clean quartz sand can sing.

Exercise. Install molecular formula quartz, if mass fractions elements in it are: 46% (Si), 53% (O).

Answer: SiO2

"Geography + Cooking"

– What city is served for tea? (“Prague” – cake, Prague – the capital of the Czech Republic)

– Where did corn, beans, and potatoes come from to the Europeans? (from Central and South America)

– What did the ancient Greeks call the deified light wind? For us, this is an oriental sweetness. (Zephyr)

– In which country does the candy tree, govia, grow? The fruits of this tree look like soy bars and have a raisin flavor. (In the mountains of Azerbaijan)

– Coffee is so called because the plant on which its beans grow was first discovered in 875 in the province of Kafa. What country is this province in? (Ethiopia)

– What complete and tasty “taiga lunch” can be prepared in summer or autumn from just one plant – fireweed? (from the roots of fireweed you can get flour for bread. If you boil its roots, you will get a second dish. Young shoots of fireweed will replace cabbage. Fresh leaves will be used for salad. Dried leaves will give a most aromatic brew - it’s not for nothing that the plant is called fireweed)

– What will replace carrots, parsley, jam in the taiga? (burdock roots. The method of preparation is simple: boil the roots and you will get a vegetable substitute, boil them and you will eat jam, dry them and you will have flour in reserve, fry them and drink coffee)

– What famous lake in our country is named after a tonic drink? (Baikal)

– Which country’s flag depicts nutmeg? Which country is called the "Spice Island"? (Grenada is a state in the West Indies, located on the island of Grenada. Nutmeg, vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon are produced there)

– Name the homeland of watermelon (Tropical Africa)

– Where does the milk tree grow? (IN South America. This tree is a “dairy plant”. If you cut its bark, a juice will flow, the taste reminiscent of cream with sugar, and the composition is close to cow's milk. Local residents have been drinking this juice for a long time)

– What German city is it named after? beef cutlet, enclosed in a crispy bun cut in half? (Hamburg - hamburger)

– What city does mayonnaise sauce get its name from? (Mayon, France)

– What city does ice cream sundae get its name from? (Plombières, France)

– The Brazilian Indians call this fruit “nana”. What do we call it? (A pineapple)

– What is the name of a resident of the country - the birthplace of Krakow sausage? (Pole)

– What dishes can you get 7 years in prison for cooking since 2003 in China? (for previously traditional Chinese dishes and drinks made from snakes, lizards and other reptiles caught in the wild. To prepare such dishes, snakes will now have to be specially bred in captivity. But before this environmental law in China, 10,000 tons of snakes were eaten annually)

- Which National cuisine leads in quantity delicious dishes from potatoes? (Belarusian)

– Which country gave the world its open pie– pizza? (Italy)

– Which of these cities is the only tea-growing center in Russia? (Krasnodar)

– Name the traveler, thanks to whose efforts tea began to be brewed in Russia. (A.N. Krasnov)

– Which country is the birthplace of peach? (China)

– A product is being imported from Mongolia to Japan that prevents atherosclerosis and premature aging. (Horsemeat)

240 and 450 varieties of cheese known in the world are produced in…..(France)

– In which country does the Kitchen Academy exist? (France)

– What is the name of the traditional Moldavian dish? (hominy)

– What “spicy” mountains exist in this world? (Cardamom, in southern Italy)

– In the name of the company “Hershey Chocolate Company” the word Hershey is .... (name of a city in the American state of Pennsylvania)

– What kind of cabbage did the Chinese eat by order of the emperor to strengthen the health of the nation? (sea. By order of the emperor, carts loaded with seaweed reached the most remote corners of the country so that everyone could eat the prescribed dose of this healthy seafood. The health of the nation was expensive in the 13th century!)

– Pushkin’s friend Sheremetev complained to him when he arrived from Paris: “It’s bad, brother, to live in Paris: there’s nothing to eat; you won’t be questioned…” What is it that our compatriots consume daily, according to Sheremetev, that cannot be questioned in Paris? (black bread)

– What nation’s national dish is yogurt? (Bulgarian. Yogurt – special spoiled milk. The secret of its preparation has been known in Bulgaria for a long time. Only here, mainly in the foothills, is the bacterium Lactobacterium bulgaricum found. Strains of this bacterium are the basis of the starter culture for making yogurt. It is curious that outside of Bulgaria the strains quickly degenerate. That is why foreign companies producing yogurt under a Bulgarian license must regularly receive fresh batches of starter cultures)

Geographic map

Which river banks are located - the right one in Europe, the left one in Asia?
Answer: Ural

Which goal can't you score a goal into?
Answer: Tide Kara Gate

Which lake has 336 rivers flowing into it and only one river flowing out?
Answer: Baikal and Angara

What city don't people go to with their own samovar?
Answer: Tula

In which city in Ukraine are people imprisoned for robbery?
Answer: Ostrog

In which lake is half the water fresh and half salty?
Answer: Balkhash

Where on the globe is day equal to night all year round?
Answer: Equator

If you add a letter to the cry of victory, you get mountains in Eurasia.
Answer: Ural

When and where can we observe “dry” rain in Kazakhstan?

Answer: In the summer, rain clouds sometimes gather in the desert areas of Kazakhstan. Thunder rumbles, it rains. But not a single drop falls to the ground. They evaporate into the air. This is “dry” rain.

Rainwater is generally tasteless. But sometimes the drops of rain that fall in our republic taste salty. Why?

Answer: “Salty rains” are a rare phenomenon. Such rain occurred in 1971 in the area of ​​Lake Balkhash; a liter of this precipitation contained about 100 mg of salts. These showers can form when a cloud or rain passes through air clogged with dust. In which of the cities of Kazakhstan can residents, on the same day, see the time of year they like best?

Answer: The city of Almaty is located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Its height reaches five thousand meters, and therefore in July, when it is summer in the city, it is spring in the alpine meadows that have just been freed from the snow, and even higher, where there is snow and glaciers, it is eternal winter. Thus, during one summer day, Almaty residents can experience three seasons. What “colored” names of rivers in Kazakhstan do you know?

Answer: Aksu, Karasu, Koksu, Sarysu) Without the letter “m” - I am an important river in the south of Kazakhstan,
And with it - an Indian state almost in Hindustan.

Answer: Assa - Assam

Each of you, going into stores, sees counters there, but do you know a city in Kazakhstan whose residents see “counters” without leaving their apartment

Answer: Almaty is located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau, the foothills of which are called “counters” here. These stalls are visible from any part of the city.
Geography on wheels (Geography + Cars)

1. In which country was the first inflatable tire for a car invented?

2. What cars are produced by the company that was the first to cooperate with our country in the automotive industry. Does its name reflect the location of the company and its type of activity?

3. In which country was the General Motors Corporation founded in 1908?

4. In which country in the 30s of the XX century did the idea arise to create a “people's car”, as simple as possible and accessible to every family? The cars produced looked like ladybug, for which they received the nickname “bug”.

5. In what city is the Volkswagen car plant located?

6. In which country's cars did seat belts appear in 1956, the idea of ​​which was borrowed from aviators?

7. In which country was Citroen founded in 1919?

8. In what country was Ferrari founded?

9. In which country in 1895 did auto racing take place for the first time in the history of the automobile industry?

10. Are trucks of the MAZ and BelAZ brands compatriots?

11. What is the name of the resident of the city where the car of the same name is produced?

12. Which Soviet passenger car was produced in Poland under the name “Warsaw”?

13. Which automotive manufacturing center was called Stavropol-on-Volga until 1964?

14. Which car was named after the leader of an Indian tribe?

15. Name the homeland of Mercedes.

16. Which company produces Landrover jeeps?

17. In which country was the largest and strongest dump truck built?

18. What is the birthplace of the longest passenger car?

19. Where were modern ambulances - RAF cars - produced?

20. Name the automotive capital of the United States and the world's largest center of the automotive industry?

21. Which Italian city has no cars?

22. The brand of this car is translated from Latin as “I roll.”

23. Which car was called the “Swedish suitcase”?

24. Name the carriage and the body of a convertible car that bear the name of a German city.

25. Automotive “elasticity” in French.

26. Which tributary of the Kama River is the namesake of the Russian car?

27. Which tropical cat gave its name to an imported car?

28. Which car is as symbolic of Bavaria as the world-famous beer and football club?

Geographical tasks.

Topic: “Orientation on the ground, orientation on the map”

The guys left the village in the evening on skis. It got dark quite quickly and the small detachment began to think that they were lost. The sky was filled with haze and the stars became invisible. The guys wanted to find the north and determine their location, but even the North Star was not visible. How can the kids get back to the village?

Answer: to find a way means to find the right direction, and for this you need to set the sides of the horizon. You can determine them using a clock and the moon. Know. That the moon is at 18 hours in the east and at 24 hours in the south. You need to point the hour hand at the moon. Divide the angle formed by the arrow and the number 12 in half and determine this way. Direction north and south.

By standing alone trees we can determine the sides of the horizon. Is it possible through these same lonely trees? Which grow on the plains, determine the prevailing wind direction in a given area. if possible, then how?

Answer: Lonely trees that grow on the plain. Very often slightly tilted.

This suggests that, no matter how bizarrely the strength and direction of the wind changes every day and from hour to hour, on average in each area one direction or several winds characteristic of this area always prevail. In the leeward direction of the total action of the wind, old trees usually receive a slope.

Theme "Hydrosphere"

What exactly did the geographer M.F. describe? Mori in his book: “There is a river in the ocean: it does not dry up during severe droughts and does not overflow during the greatest flood. Its banks and bed are layers cold water, between which her warm waters quickly flow blue waters. Nowhere on the globe is there such a majestic stream. It is faster than the Amazon, faster than the Mississippi, and the mass of both rivers taken together will not amount to a thousandth of the volume of water that it carries”?

Answer: this is the warm Gulf Stream.

The theme is “atmosphere. Weather and climate"

In M. Ilyin’s book “100,000 Whys” you can read the following question: “why does a fur coat keep you warm?” Anyone who has read this book carefully. It is easy to answer this question: What serves as a “fur coat” for planet Earth? After all, the earth is rushing through space, where freezing cold reigns.

Answer: The “coat” for the earth is the atmosphere. If our planet were deprived of it, then the average t on the surface of the earth would become not + 15, – 23, as much as 38 degrees lower, since most of The solar heat that the Earth receives would not be retained by the air envelope, but would immediately be given back to outer space. As a result, during the day the surface of the planet would be greatly heated by the burning rays of the sun. And at night it would cool down very quickly. In this case, planet earth would, to some extent, become similar to its satellite, the Moon.

Is it possible to bake egg without starting a fire?

Answer: An egg can actually be cooked without any heat. In this case, the “oven” will be sand heated by the sun in the desert. To bake an egg, simply place it on the sand on a hot summer day, lightly pressing it in and sprinkling a thin layer on top. Protein substances in the egg they begin to coagulate at a temperature of +50 C. Considering that the air temperature in the desert in the shade rises to + 49- +50. and the sand in the sun heats up to +70 C. And sometimes even higher, then it will not be difficult for us to cook an egg.

Theme "Relief"

Task 1. Name two rivers, one of which flows in Europe and the other in Australia. These rivers remind me of names famous writers. Two authors of everyone's favorite adventure novels?

Answer: In Europe - Main (Reed), in Australia - Cooper (Fenimore).

What river in China and why was it called “the river that causes thousands of sorrows”, “the disaster of China”, “the river that breaks the heart”?

Answer: This is the Yellow River, its water level is higher than the surrounding area; on this in the past. When it broke through dams during the rainy season, it caused numerous disasters to the surrounding population. In addition, the river changed its course many times.

Geography at 100!

Guess words that are geographical concepts, names and names that contain the numeral 100.

Ø _ _ STO _ – cardinal direction.

Ø _ STO _ – the beginning of the river.

Ø STO _ _ _ _ – main city countries.

Ø _ STO _ _ _ – a state in the Baltic states.

Ø _ _ STO _ – the city of the “Golden Ring” of Russia.

Ø _ _ _ _ STO _ _ _ _ is a heroic city in Crimea, which gave its name to the famous waltz.

Ø _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STO _ – city of the Russian Federation, port on the Pacific Ocean.

Ø _ _ _ _ STO _ – the capital of Jamaica, a port on the Caribbean Sea.

Ø _ _ Service Station _ – US city, port Atlantic Ocean

Ø _ _ STO _ – a city in Germany, a port on the Baltic Sea.

Ø STO _ _ _ _ _ _ – the capital of Sweden, a port on the Baltic Sea.

Ø _ _ _ STO _ _ _ – the name of the navigator who discovered America.

Ø _ _ _ _ _ _ STO _ is the name of the researcher who discovered Victoria Falls, a city of the same name in Zambia.

Geographic anagrams

Ø FOOT -> T _ _ (rock).

Ø ARBA -> A _ _ _ (nationality).

Ø CHOICE -> O _______ (steep slope along the river bank).

Ø PORTIC -> P _______ (river flowing into another)

Ø SUPPLY ->B______ (falling water flow).

Ø NOSE -> O _ _ _ _ (mineral, a type of agate).

Ø WALL ->C _ _ _ _ (House of Parliament in the USA).

Ø ROD -> G _ _ _ _ (atmospheric phenomenon).

Ø LASKA -> S _ _ _ _ (steep stone mountain).

Ø KARE -> R _ _ _ (reservoir).

Ø GODS -> G _ _ _ (desert in Asia).

Ø SPARKLE -> TO ______ (island in the Mediterranean Sea).

Ø ENEMY -> G _ _ _ (port city in France).

Ø VARAN -> V _ _ _ _ (city in Bulgaria).

Ø ISLAND -> R _ _ _ _ _ (city of the “Golden Ring”

Ø SHIRT -> B _ _ _ _ _ (city in Uzbekistan).

Ø SUSHAK -> K _ _ _ _ (city in Turkmenistan).

Ø GAME -> R _ _ _ (capital of Latvia).

Ø KOLOS -> O _ _ _ _ (river in the Russian Federation and Ukraine).

Ø SOFA -> D _ _ _ _ (river in the north of the European part of the Russian Federation)

Ø PLUM -> V _ _ _ _ (river in Poland).

Ø SPRING ->S _ _ _ _ (lake in Armenia)

Ø PAIR -> A _ _ _ (river in Armenia).

Ø NADUI -> D _ _ _ _ (international river in Europe).

Ø MAP-> K _ _ _ _ (state in South-West Asia).

Ø JURA MAL -> Yu _____ (city in Latvia).


1.To solve charades,

You need to know geography!

You will read the word from left to right,

Then you will find protection from the rain.

If you read it from the end,

You will find a mountain lake right there

2. The music in the first one plays nicely,

People are drinking juices and beer.

The Mongolian title gives us the second,

We sometimes meet him in fairy tales.

Camels see the whole in the deserts,

This is a pile of sand deposited.

3. The first one can be made from snow,

A piece of dirt could also be one.

Well, the second thing is passing the ball,

This is an important task in football.

Whole people take them on hikes,

After all, without him they will not find the way.

4. One of the notes is the initial syllable,

The second is a three-digit number,

Preposition - charade ending.

All together - the name of the city

Anyone who knows Ukraine

It's easy to solve the charade

5. We have all heard about the first since childhood,

After all, it is a planet in the solar system.

In winter, the second one in the spruce forest is cut down,

Then they dress up brightly for the holiday.

And the whole is a city, a large port,

In France, where the Rhone flows.

6.First, guys, this is a forest,

The one where there are only pine trees up to the sky.

And the second - who cares -

There is a preposition, prefix or note.

Yet together it is a city,

But not Russian,

Not English, not German,

And French.
7.Here's an easy charade for you:

You need to add “H” to the note.

The note no longer sings

And it flows like a river.

8. Find a tree in the oak grove,

Place the attachment at the back.

This is the given condition.

Otgadka - a city in the Moscow region

9. Three words are in order:

The first is a hundred-acre garden bed.

Secondly, in a natural cell there is

It preserves the signs of its ancestors.

Third - in a pond and in a swamp,

If you get stuck up to your ears, you will find it.

All these concepts together -

Name of a country in the New World.

10. My beginning takes place in the field,

You learned the second and third at school,

When was the grammar lesson:

One of them is union,

The other thing is a pretext.

Then, after making an effort,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose battle glory we are proud of.

11. The first two syllables are a flower. My third syllable fell into the “tub”.

And if you read them together,

Then you will end up in the Volga city.

12. Beginning - statement,

In the middle is denial

The end is a pronoun,

And everything is the name of the country.

13. The first syllable - in England they will pour,

Dwarves drink it, people drink it.

Second - in construction you will find:

You can't build a house without it.

But overall, it’s a proud mountain,

What's in the Caucasus, kids?

Quest “In honor of the kings...”

Geographical feature
Queen Charlotte Bay

Prince Edward Island

O. Queen Elizabeth

O. Prince - Edward

O. Lord Howe

Eric's Ridge

Alexander Land 1

Princess Elizabeth Land

Queen Louise's Land

King William's Land

King Christian's Land 9

King Frederick's Beach 6

King Frederick's Land 9

Queen Maud's Land

Prince Charles Mountains

Port Elizabeth

ARCH. Bonaparte

Hall. Joseph Bonaparte

O. Prince of Wales

King Leopold Mountains

Hall. King

Marquesas Islands

Assignment: use the world atlas and find objects (except for those listed above) named after royalty.

Geographical feature
Queen Charlotte Bay
East Coast of Canada
Prince Edward Island
Canada. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence
O. Queen Elizabeth
Canadian architect
O. Prince - Edward
Ind. Ocean. 50°N
O. Lord Howe
Tasman Sea
Eric's Ridge
Underwater. Along the south Gr. Greenland
Alexander Land 1
Antarctica (near the Antarctic Peninsula)
Princess Elizabeth Land
Antarctica. Antarctic Circle, between 80° and 90° East
Queen Louise's Land
King William's Land
King Christian's Land 9
King Frederick's Beach 6
King Frederick's Land 9
Queen Maud's Land
Prince Charles Mountains
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
ARCH. Bonaparte
NW coast of Australia
Hall. Joseph Bonaparte
North of Australia
O. Prince of Wales
North of Australia
King Leopold Mountains
NW Australia
Hall. King
NW Australia
Marquesas Islands
Fran. Polynesia
Task 2. “Straits”

Object No. 1
Object No. 2

Cook Strait
O. Yuzhny ( New Zealand)

O. Tasmania

O. New Guinea

Red Sea (Somalia)

Adensky z. (Arabian Peninsula)

Africa (Morocco)
Japanese architect
La Perouse

Tsugaru (Sangara)

O. Shikoku

O. Honshu

Japan (Sea of ​​Japan)

Malacca Peninsula

O. Sumatra

Sumatra and Java


Sri Lanka

India (Hindustan)

Oman plant


Tierra del Fuego


O. Haiti

O. Cuba



Caribbean Sea
Gallipoli Peninsula (Türkiye)

Asia Minor Peninsula
Hudson Bay

Sea Labrador
Baffin Sea

Sea Labrador
Beaufort Sea

Baffin Sea
O. Newfoundland

New Scotland
North Sea (Norway)

Etc. Kattegat (Denmark)

Etc. Kattegat
Baltic Sea (Sweden)
O. Sicily

Apenninsky Ave.
O. Corsica

O. Sardinia
France (Bay of Biscay)

England (North Sea)

Pas de Calais (Dover Ave.)
England (north sea)
Celtic Sea

Irish sea

Northern Ave
Irish sea
O. Vaygach

New Earth
Chukchi Sea (Russia

Beging Sea (USA)
O. Sakhalin
Tatarsky Ave

O. Iceland

O. Greenland
Keys to the tasks "Straits"

Object No. 1
Object No. 2
O. Severny
Cook Strait
O. Yuzhny (New Zealand)
O. Tasmania
O. New Guinea
Red Sea (Somalia)
Bab el Mandeb
Adensky z. (Arabian Peninsula)
Europe, Spain
Africa (Morocco)
Japanese architect
La Perouse
O. Sakhalin
O. Honshu
Tsugaru (Sangara)
O. Hokkaido
O. Shikoku
O. Honshu
Japan (Sea of ​​Japan)
Malacca Peninsula
Malaksky Ave.
O. Sumatra
Sumatra and Java
Sri Lanka
India (Hindustan)
Oman plant
Sea of ​​Marmara
Aegean Sea
Tierra del Fuego
Windward Ave
O. Haiti
USA (Florida)
O. Cuba
Caribbean Sea
Gallipoli Peninsula (Türkiye)
Asia Minor Peninsula
Hudson Bay
Hudson Ave.
Sea Labrador
Baffin Sea
Devisov Ave
Sea Labrador
Beaufort Sea
Etc. Viscount Melville or Lancaster
Baffin Sea
O. Newfoundland
New Scotland
North Sea (Norway)
Etc. Kattegat (Denmark)
Etc. Skagerrak
Etc. Kattegat
Baltic Sea (Sweden)
O. Sicily
Messinsky Ave.
Apenninsky Ave.
O. Corsica
Etc. Bonifacio
O. Sardinia
France (Bay of Biscay)
English Channel
England (North Sea)
France (English Channel)
Pas de Calais (Dover Ave.)
England (north sea)
Celtic Sea
Etc. St. Peter's
Irish sea
Hebridean Sea
Northern Ave
Irish sea
O. Vaygach
Etc. Kara Gate
New Earth
Chukchi Sea (Russia
Beringov Ave.
Beging Sea (USA)
O. Sakhalin
Tatarsky Ave
Primorsky Krai
O. Iceland
Danish Ave.
O. Greenland


In geography drawing

It looks like a big carpet.

And on it is my country

Visible from end to end.

The cards in it are one to one

Sewn at the printing house.

He is always with you now -

Geography guide.

Stands on one leg

He twists and turns his head.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Everyone knows: old or young,

What is the point on the map -….

I'm sitting under glass

I look north and south.

Will you come with me

You can easily find your way back.

He is both in summer and winter -

Between heaven and earth.

At least go to him all your life -

He will always be ahead.

You can't see her roots,

The peak is higher than the poplars,

Up and up she goes

But it doesn't grow.

If the mountains are in disarray,

Many mountains, not just one,

Remember that, guys,

This is a mountain...

Dust and heaps of ash fly up,

The god of fire is raging in the earth.

What Mount Etna? Hekla? -

This is a question for you from me.

Listen, friend,

There is a circle -

Just an ordinary circle,

And there is another circle on the map,

What is this circle called?

Let's tell you what's in the North,

Behind this very circle

Reindeer running in the tundra

After each other.

In the North, in the North,

Behind this very circle -

Expanse for the narrow sledges,

Expanse of snow blizzards.

Many years in the mountains in a row

It's snowing and hailing.

The layer of sediments is large,

And his name is….

Snow mass from the summit

Instantly he runs from the mountain to the valley.

Don't get in her way

And hurry to leave quickly.

There was a noise among the rocks,

And an avalanche rushed down.

And the ridge became lower.

What, guys, is the reason for this?

Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support.

Shakes a little in the breeze

Ribbon in the open

Narrow tip in the spring,

And wide into the sea.

Milk floated over the river,

There was nothing to be seen.

The milk has dissolved -

It became visible far away.

This is interesting

1. The smallest state is the Vatican – 44 hectares

2. A state that occupies an entire continent - Australia

3. The biggest Island state– Indonesia

4. Mainland the largest number borders – Africa-108

8963 km, between the USA and Canada

6. India is the most multinational and multilingual state - more than 500 nationalities and tribes speak more than 800 languages ​​and dialects

7. The most high level fertility in Africa

8. Highest death rate in Africa

10.The richest monarch of our time is the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Muda Hassanal Bolkiyah Muizzaddin Waddaulah

(his palace has 1778 rooms)

11. In 1974 in Argentina, after the death of her husband, the world's first female president became

Maria Estela Martinez de Peron

12.The oldest constitution in the world, still in force today, is the US Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789

13. Countries that do not have a constitution at all are Israel, Lebanon, New Zealand, Oman and the UK.

14. The North Pole is the only point in the northern hemisphere that does not participate in daily rotation Earth around its axis. There is no change of day and night, no longitude, no east, west and north directions.

15. At the equator, day is always equal to night, and the Sun is at its zenith twice a year (on the day of the spring and on the day of the autumn equinox).

16.On the edge of the Sahara local residents build their houses underground. Here they find fresh water and a reliable shelter from sandstorms.

17.You can travel from end to end in Singapore by metro. The territory of this country stretches from north to south for 23 km, from west to east for 42 km. The total length of metro lines is 67 km. The local metro is the most modern in the world.

18.White night is observed at latitudes where the midday altitude of the Sun above the horizon is less than 18*, i.e. less than the altitude at which the end of astronomical twilight occurs. Particularly bright nights are at latitudes from 59 to 66.5 *, where the midnight height of the Sun is less than 8 degrees.

19.450 km. Just north of Namibia's capital lies Hoba, the largest meteorite on Earth. Its weight is about 50 tons.

List of used literature:

1. Erdavletov S. R., Rutkovsky O. O. Interesting geography of Kazakhstan. –A.: Mektep, 1989.

4. UMP Petrova E. A.
5. Bondarenkova T. N., Tkachenko I. V. “Mysteries of nature and man”

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from the spring at an altitude of 142.0 to the forester’s house.

Write the answer in numbers.


To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from the spring at an altitude of 142.0). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from the spring at an altitude of 142.0 to the forester’s house)

Answer: |133|134|135|136

Answer: |133|134|135|136

Source: Yandex: Training work Unified State Examination in Geography. Option 1.

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from the forester’s house to the geodetic sign 162.0. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from the forester’s house). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from the forester’s house to the geodetic sign 162.0). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 270.

Answer: 268|269|270|271|272

Source: Yandex: Training Unified State Exam work by geography. Option 2.

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from the school to the well with a wind turbine located on Mount Golaya. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from the school). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from the school to the well with a wind turbine located on Mount Golaya)

We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Since on the map the north line coincides with the direction of movement, the azimuth will be zero or 360 degrees.

Answer: 0 or 360.

Answer: 0|360

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point M to a separate tree. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees.

To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point M). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from point M to a separate tree).

We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 310.

Answer: 310|315


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from point B to C). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 180.

Answer: 178|179|180|181|182

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from the school to the spring located at an altitude of 140.5 m. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from the school). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from the school to the spring). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by combining the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 30.

Answer: 28|29|30|31|32

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from point A to point B.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from A). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from A to B). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 87.

Answer: 87|88|89|90

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to point A.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to A). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 0 or 360.

Answer: 0|360

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to the well. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to the well). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 288.

Answer: 288|289|290|291|292

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from the forester’s house to the spring at an altitude of 142 m. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from the forester’s house). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from the forester’s house to the spring at an altitude of 142.0). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 313.

Answer: 313|314|315|316|317


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point M). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from point M to a separate tree at a height of 180.4). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 303.

Answer: 303|304|305|306|307

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from point A to point B.


To complete the task, you need to use a protractor to determine the angle between the direction north and the direction to point B. The direction north on the plan corresponds to the vertical frame of the plan. IN in this example correct answer: 90 degrees or east.

Answer: 90.

Answer: 88|89|90|91|92

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to point A. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to A). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 268.

Answer: 268|269|270|271|272

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point M to a separate tree at an altitude of 180.4. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from M). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from M to a separate tree at a height of 180.4). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 320.

Answer: 320|330

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to the well.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to the well). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 288.

Answer: 288|289|290|291|292

Determine from the map the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to the mill.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to the mill). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 223.

Answer: 223|224|225|226|227

Determine the azimuth along which you need to go from point B to point C. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to C). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 178.

Answer: 178|179|180|181|182

Determine the azimuth from point B to the forester's house.

Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point B). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from B to the forester’s house). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 208.

Answer: 208|209|210|211|212

Determine the azimuth from point A to the forester's house.

Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point A). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from point A to the forester’s house). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Answer: 179.

Answer: 179|180|181

Determine the azimuth from point A to the well. Write the answer in numbers.


To complete the task you must use a protractor. When determining the azimuth of movement, we must remember that azimuth is the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to the object of movement, measured clockwise. The azimuth changes from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the azimuth of movement, it is necessary to draw a line showing the direction to the north from the starting point of movement (from point A). Then connect the objects of the beginning and end of the movement with a straight line (from point A to the well). We measure the resulting angle clockwise by aligning the zero of the protractor with the direction to the north.

Summary of the open tourist lesson “Local orientation”

Perevezentseva Galina Evgenievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD Center for children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists) Lukhovitsy.
Description of material: I present to your attention an open lesson “Orienteering”, which is aimed at teaching students how to navigate independently and work with a compass. This material will be useful for additional education teachers and geography teachers. The boys are 12-13 years old.
Target open class- formation of terrain orientation skills.
Tasks:- teach how to navigate.
- develop the ability to use a compass.
- cultivate discipline and hard work.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Hello guys and dear parents!
Today, guys, we will conduct an unusual lesson. Today we will show our parents how we know how to navigate the terrain. As the lesson progresses, we will review the material covered and complete assignments.
1. The concept of orientation.
For a person who finds himself in an unfamiliar area, orientation is one of the the most important conditions life support. Oriens – from lat. East. To navigate the terrain means to be able to find the point of your standing (location) and the direction of movement relative to the horizon. Orientation on the ground can be carried out using a map, compass, celestial bodies, as well as various signs and objects on the ground.
2.Tree navigation

Most often, on the north side, trees, stones, roofs (wooden, tile, slate) are covered earlier and more abundantly with a greenish coating of algae and moss;
- resin accumulates on the side of the trunk of coniferous trees that faces south;
- stumps of isolated trees usually have rings that are wider on the south side;
- tree bark, which is usually darker and rougher on the north side;
- in spring, snow holes at the roots of trees are located on the south side, and snow sticks to the stones on the north side.
3. Orientation by the stars.

The main thing in this method is to be able to find the North Star. Polaris is the outermost star of the handle of the Small Dipper ( Ursa Minor). First find Ursa Major, it is usually closer to the horizon. Then put up five segments equal to the distance between the two outermost stars of the Big Dipper. Stand facing the North Star, it will almost exactly point you in the direction of the north.
4. Orientation based on local signs.

Blocks in forestry are most often numbered from west to east and from north to south. With this numbering, on the northern side of the quarter pillar there are smaller numbers indicating the numbers of the quarters, and on the southern side there are larger ones. In the west-east direction the size of the numbers increases;
- clearings in large forests are usually laid in the direction of orientation along the quarter posts north-south and west-east;
- crosses on domes Orthodox churches located in a north-south plane, and the raised end of the lower crossbar pointing north;
- anthills are located on the south side of trees, stumps, stones, bushes;
- berries and fruits turn red and yellow faster on the south side;
- mushrooms grow mainly on the north side of trees, stumps, and bushes;
- Birds fly south in the fall and north in the spring.
Task No. 1. Determining the direction of the sides of the horizon.

The sides of the horizon are located in a certain order relative to each other, therefore, knowing just one, you can determine any other. The presented tasks indicate one of the directions. 3 minutes to complete the task.
Task No. 2. Determining the direction of the sides of the horizon using quarter pillars.

In large tracts of cultivated forest, the direction to the north can be determined by the quarter posts. On the quarter pillar there are numbers on four sides indicating the numbers of adjacent quarters. The edge between the smallest numbers will indicate the direction to the north. 3 minutes to complete the task.
5. Orientation by clock and sun.

Place the clock with the hands on your palm and turn it so that hour hand was directed towards the Sun. The angle formed between the hour hand and the number one (summer local time) will be divided in half by a bisector. The direction of the bisector will indicate the approximate direction of the south-north line. In winter, the angle between the hour hand and the number 2 is determined. But remember: the error with this method of orientation can be up to 25 degrees.
Task No. 3. Determining the sides of the horizon using the clock and the sun.
It should be remembered that before 12 noon the south is to the right of the Sun, and after 12 noon it is to the left of it. 3 minutes to complete the task.
6. Orientation by compass.

The simplest and most common devices for orientation are compasses. The dark end of the arrow always points north. A degree scale is marked on the dial (a circle with divisions). On the divisions, 90 degrees will be east, 180 degrees - south, 270 degrees - west. The angle between the direction north and the direction towards a given object (landmark) laid clockwise is called azimuth.
Task No. 4. Azimuth determination.
To determine the azimuth on the ground:
- you need to: stand facing the direction of the object to which you want to determine the azimuth.
- orient the compass, that is, place its zero division (or the letter C) under the darkened end of the compass needle.
- by rotating the compass cover, point the viewfinder at the object.
- read the azimuth value against the viewfinder pointer facing the object. 3 minutes to complete the task.
Teacher: You guys did a great job. But don't relax, here's your last task.
Task No. 5. Test on the topic.
Test "Terrain orientation"
Question: What is terrain orientation?
1. Determining the sides of the horizon, determining your location on the ground relative to local objects and choosing the direction of movement
2. Determining the sides of the horizon, determining your location on the ground relative to local objects and choosing the direction of movement relative to selected landmarks
3. Know the direction of travel and the map of the area.
4. Using a compass and map to determine your coordinates
Question: What is a compass?
1. Device for determining the direction of movement
2. Device for determining the sides of the horizon
3. Determination device. using the Earth's magnetic field.
4. A graduated device dividing space into 360 divisions and 4 cardinal directions.
Question: What is a landmark?
1. An object to which one is guided when moving on the ground.
2. Local object used as the beginning of the direction of movement
3. A local object, noticeable from afar.
4. A characteristic local item marked on the map.
Question: What is a card?
1. Image of the area on a reduced scale.
2. Site plan.
3. A reduced image of a section of the earth’s surface on a certain scale.
4. Reduced image of the area using symbols.
Question: What is azimuth?
1. The angle between the direction north and the direction towards the landmark.
2. An angle measured with a compass on a circular 360-degree scale.
3. Angle pointing to a landmark.
4. The angle between the direction north and the direction of movement.
Question: Basic methods of orientation
1. By compass, map and local items.
2. By stars, compass, local objects, moon and linear landmarks.
3. By map and compass.
4. By compass, local objects, Sun, stars, Moon and clock.
Question: What is a linear landmark?
1. Standing alone tall tree or elevation.
2. A characteristic local object located in a straight line.
3. Local item clearly marked on the map.
4. An artificial structure indicated on the map.
Question: How many landmarks are needed to choose the right direction?
1. At least two: initial and control.
2. Three: initial, intermediate and control.
3. Two main and several intermediate ones.
4. One landmark to which the direction of movement is chosen.
Question: What does it mean to link a map to a location?
1. Find your location on the map.
2. Mark landmarks on the map.
3. Position the map according to the compass readings and the position of the landmark.
4. Establish a correspondence between the symbols on the map and local objects.
Question: Set the direction of travel to 100 degrees in azimuth.
1. Northeast.
2. East.
3. Southeast.
4. South.
Question: Set the direction of travel to 200 degrees in azimuth.
1. Southeast.
2. West.
3. South.
4. Southwest.
Question: Select reference points:
1. A lonely tree.
2. Swamp.
3. Car.
4. Group of bushes.
Question: What constellation is used to determine the sides of the horizon at night?
1. Constellation Southern Cross.
2. Milky Way.
3. Constellation Moscow-Cassiopeia.
4. Constellation Ursa Major.
Question: What is scale?
1. The relationship between the size of the area and the images on the map.
2. The amount of reduction of the image on the map compared to local objects.
3. Shows how many times it is necessary to enlarge the image on the map so that it matches the size of local objects.
4. The size of the image of the object on the map and on the ground.
Focus on the main points of the lesson. Pay attention to errors.
Results of the lesson. Reflection.
What new things have you learned and learned?

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