Home fertilizers The meaning of daisies in the language of flowers. The language of flowers. magical meaning of a flower

The meaning of daisies in the language of flowers. The language of flowers. magical meaning of a flower

The language of flowers originated in the East, where women were forbidden to communicate with men. Communication took place with the help of flowers. The meaning was given to everything, from the number of flowers in the bouquet and color to the time of presentation of the bouquet.

This tradition of communication was brought later to Europe, where it flourished in the era of romanticism. The symbolism of flowers was described in flower dictionaries, which were very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.

At the court of Catherine II, the "Registry of Flowers" was created, which showed what flowers symbolize and the meaning of each color. So red was a symbol of love, green - hope, blue meant loyalty, black - sadness.

In the last century, the etiquette of flowers was forgotten, but in modern world more and more florists remember him when composing bouquets.

Flowers symbolize various human feelings from love to hate, from joy to sorrow, express respect and gratitude. When composing a bouquet, pay attention to the color scheme.

In Western countries, the most popular flower used in bouquets is the rose. In the East, the most beloved flower that is given is the lotus. These flowers have many symbols.

A beautiful rose is the queen among flowers. According to statistics, the most popular flower on the planet.

This is a multifaceted flower, which is loved for tenderness and a wide variety of shades. Color symbolism roses allows you to create any bouquets that express the whole gamut of human emotions.

The rose as a symbol has many meanings:

  • White the rose symbolizes innocence and purity, virtue. Flowers express recognition of perfection and heavenly beauty. White roses are given to a loved one with the expression of the highest feelings. White Rose It is also a religious symbol. These are the flowers of the Mother of God, which adorn all the temples. White roses express heavenly love and patronage.
  • Burgundy the rose is the flower of ardent lovers who express their feelings with passion and violent confessions.
  • yellow roses are a symbol of happy emotions. The yellow rose symbolizes friendship and deep respect. And do not be afraid to give these yellow flowers, considering them a symbol of separation. On the contrary, yellow roses are given after a quarrel to their soulmate. Such a gift will signify a new beginning in a relationship.
  • Red rose is a symbol of love. The flower is given to express their passion and admiration. This gift shows true love, the unbreakable union of two hearts.
  • Purple the rose is a symbol of prosperity. This is an unusual rose, it consists of symbols of power. And give it to people rich and wealthy.
  • Pink roses are a symbol of the emerging relationship between a man and a woman. Light pink shades show tenderness, love, sympathy. Pink roses dark shades symbolize gratitude, respect, gallantry.
  • Blue roses are a mystery and a mystery. Artificially bred flowers give special people, with mysterious and attractive character traits. Such a rose symbolizes admiration and love when a woman gives a man a bouquet.
  • Black the rose is a symbol of goodbye. Flowers are used as mourning, expressing separation and death. Even hatred and negative emotions are expressed with a bouquet of ink flowers.

In ancient times, many peoples of the world compared the Earth with a lotus located on the water surface. When the lotus blossomed, the earth revived, and the world was filled with life-giving forces; when the lotus closed, everything fell into a dream, life died away. Therefore, the wonderful lotus flower has become a symbol of the spiritual world in many Eastern religions. In Egypt, China and India, the plant is considered sacred, it belongs to the gods. This flower is bestowed by divine powers on mortals as a special favor.
You need to understand what the lotus symbolizes, because spiritual world people are varied. In some countries, it is customary to give a lotus as a sign Great love and disposition towards the person. In other countries, this flower is given as a symbol of longevity. In the language of flowers, the lotus has many meanings:

  • White lotus symbolizes sleep. Through sleep wisdom comes and spiritual perfection is comprehended.
  • Blue lotus is a symbol of new life, so it is placed in last way dead so that they may be reborn.
  • Yellow lotus means a wise life, allows a person to observe purity and chastity.
  • Red lotus symbolizes love and heart, it is given to loved ones.
  • Pink the lotus personifies divine signs, it is given for religious holidays, it means well-being in life.

Many other flowers have no less interesting symbolism than the rose and lotus.

Symbolism of popular colors

Each flower included in the bouquet needs to be given attention. Incorrectly selected flowers according to symbolism will violate the whole meaning of the flower arrangement. You need to learn how to correctly express your feelings in the language of flowers.
What flowers are customary to give, what they will symbolize, we will analyze in detail.

Pansies. It is a symbol of joy and fun. Pansies symbolize good and happy moments in life.
Begonia. Warns against danger. The symbolism of begonia is emphasized by the words: beware, be careful. Begonia speaks of the presence of enemies and envious people.
Cornflower. It is a shy flower given by young men to girls, offering their friendship. Cornflower can express politeness, gallantry and courtesy.
Heather. This is a dual symbol, on the one hand it means charm and delight ( White color), and on the other hand, loneliness and the need for protection.
Hyacinth. Depending on the color, the hyacinth symbolizes the following: white - charm, yellow - jealousy, red - surprises for loved ones, purple - forgiveness, blue - confidence and tranquility.
Hydrangea. The flower is double. Hydrangea can mean modesty, chastity and understanding in a relationship, but can show indifference and insensitivity.
Gusmania (guzmania). Guzmania flower symbolizes masculine energy, so it is given to men as a sign of respect. This is a symbol of nobility.
Cactus. It is a symbol of patience and constancy. A cactus in lovers means that they are two halves. Giving a cactus, a person says: "I understand you better than anyone."
Water lily. This is a symbol of the second half of a lover. A given flower means: "Do not deceive me in love."
Lavender. Lilac flower expresses admiration and charm of a person. White lavender speaks of the fulfillment of desires.
Lily of the valley. The lily of the valley flower symbolizes the path to happiness, consent to the wedding.
Lily. The flower has many symbols. Lilies of different colors symbolize the following: white - purity, yellow - gratitude, multicolor - prosperity.
Magnolia. This is a symbol of nobility. If a flower is given by a lover, then it means assertiveness, such a bang will seek you out.
Poppy. Poppies serve as a symbol of youth and beauty, they are given as a token of admiration.
Myrtle. It is a symbol of hope and a symbol of love. This is a wedding emblem, it gives joy and fun.
Forget-me-not. This is a true flower sincere love, which is given with the words: "Do not forget me."
Orchid. Symbolizes beauty in the west, so it is customary to give them to beloved women. In the east, orchids are a symbol of childhood.
Chamomile. Flower of youth and tenderness. Daisies symbolize romance and fidelity.
Sakura. The favorite tree of the Japanese people, whose flowers symbolize kindness and tenderness, rapid current life.
. It is a symbol of first love and love confessions.
Violet. This is a flower of modesty and caution. White Violet says: Let's try to be together?
Chrysanthemum. It is a symbol of friendship and cheerfulness.
Apple tree. An apple in the language of flowers means peacefulness.

What flowers are usually given in a bouquet

When collecting a bouquet of flowers for special moments in life, pay attention to who the gift is intended for.
A bouquet of flowers can be given to friends, loved ones, parents. Let's see what flowers you can give to whom:

  • Girls - lily of the valley, lavender, orchid, forget-me-not, rose, lilac.
  • Wife - hyacinth, poppy, red rose, twigs of sakura and apple trees.
  • Girlfriend or sister: chrysanthemum, chamomile, rose.
  • Mom: carnations, lilies, lotus, yellow rose, orchids, chrysanthemums.
  • Grandmothers: sakura branches, magnolia, roses, tulips, violets.

The number of flowers in the bouquet is also important. One flower shows attention, three - respectful attitude, five - love, seven - passion, nine - admiration. In our country, it is customary to give an odd number of flowers, but in the world they give an even number. Since 8 and 10 flowers in a bouquet are popular in Europe, such a gift means gratitude.
According to flower etiquette, flowers are given not only to women, but also to men.
What flowers are given to men, you can see in a short video:

But it turns out that with the help of flowers you can say about your friendship, love and even hatred for another person.

Those who possess this knowledge can thus easily communicate with each other. But these days, the language of flowers is already little known to anyone, so you should not attach too much importance to it. After all, the person who gives you a luxurious bouquet may not even be aware that with the help of such a gift he tells you about his feelings. So do not be offended and do not be upset if one of your friends presents you with a petunia, which means anger and irritation.

Azalea means meekness, femininity, fragility, devotion and restraint, and at the same time - sadness and passion. It is given before an unwanted parting. If they give you an azalea, they want to say: "I believe you, wait for me and save yourself." A man, presenting this flower, admits that you are the only one for him.

Acacia blossoming- loneliness, secret love, chastity. This is a flower - recognition of one's mistakes and regret. The acacia giver says, “You are the best thing I ever had. How bad that we are not together now, let's start all over again.

White acacia means platonic love. The giver, as it were, asks: “Why is my love not mutual?”

Acacia yellow- "What a pity that love is gone."

Acacia pink- charm, elegance.

Ambrosia- expectation of more, indiscreet hints. The giver of ambrosia says, “Let's live for today. Be brave, I'm waiting."

Amaryllis- masculinity, impregnability, pride. If you want to tell a man that he is more than a friend to you, give him this flower.

A pineapple means perfection. If you were presented with a bouquet in which there is a pineapple, you are understood and appreciated.

Pansies- entertainment, fun, air kiss. They say to you: "I miss you!"

Aralia- intimacy, closeness. "You are my dear!"

Asparagus- gullibility, innocence.

Aster There are about 600 types of these flowers. They are a symbol of love, sophistication, grace, and, in addition, memories and accuracy.

Aster white“I love you more than you love me. Tell me again that you love. I can't think of anything else."

Basil- hatred, disgust. If you don't want to tell the person you don't like everything you think about him, give him a basil.

Begonia“Not everyone likes you the way I do. Beware, you are envied."

Bouquet of dry flowers means rejected love. If you want to make it clear to a person who is persistently caring for you that you do not need his attention, give him such a bouquet. Even if he is not familiar with the language of flowers, such a gift will make him think: “Apparently, I am not very welcome.”

cornflower- elegance and delicacy, simplicity, gaiety and fidelity. It is customary to give these flowers to girls. This is a sign of sympathy and an offer of friendship. The giver, as it were, says: "I dare not express my feelings to you."

Bindweed- they are often given by experienced womanizers. He tells you, “Look closer at me. I can decorate your life." However, the life of a bindweed is as short as the feelings of the giver.

Carnation - female love, charm, freedom and honor, passion, fidelity. In the language of flowers, carnations can say a lot. It all depends on the chosen color.

pink carnation- "I will never forget you". This is a symbol maternal love. The person who gives these carnations expresses his gratitude and assures you that in any situation you can count on him.

carnation red- success, victory, leadership. It is customary to congratulate respected and authoritative people with large bouquets of red carnations. They are given to lovers in mixed bouquets.

carnation white- a wish of success and good luck in everything. If you received white carnations as a gift, then you are considered a very bright, charming and positive person.

carnation yellow- they say: “I want you to be more attentive. Are you avoiding me? Are you offended?"

Dahlia - passing infatuation, inconstancy, whim. The one who gives you these flowers says: “Yes, I like you, but why complicate things? I do not promise you anything and am not ready for a serious relationship.

Geranium- recklessness, stupidity. "You are very frivolous, it's time to settle down already."

Hyacinth- curiosity, play, unpredictability, wisdom. With these colors you can express very wide range their emotions. It all depends on the shade of the flowers. But one thing is certain - you will not be bored with the person who gave them. Your life with him will become much brighter.

blue hyacinth- poise, self-confidence, calmness. "I have no doubt that we are suitable for each other, and I know why I like you."

Hyacinth pink or red“I know what you want. You will have many pleasant surprises, our whole life is a game.

Hyacinth white means constancy. "I'm always fascinated."

Hyacinth yellow- an attempt to hide distrust and jealousy.

Gladiolus- "Do not be afraid of anything. I'm really sincere." This is the flower of the gladiators. The one who gives gladioli is a strong and reliable person who does not recognize compromises.

Gloxinia is love at first sight: "My feelings are much stronger than me."

Hydrangea- hope, modesty, sincerity. You are told: "Remember me." Many peoples have a belief that hydrangea drives away misfortunes and illnesses.

Sweet pea- "Remember me. Thanks for the great time. Goodbye".

Jasmine- femininity, sensuality, attractiveness and elegance.

Honeysuckle- generosity and generosity. "You make the world a better place."

St. John's wort talking about militancy. "Victory will be mine."

strawberry flower- you are hinted that happiness is near.

Iris- wisdom, trust and faith, fearlessness and hope. "I greatly value your friendship."

Cactus- focus, perseverance, self-sufficiency. “We are very similar to you. I understand you the best. Aren't you tired of being alone?"

Calendula (marigold)- fear and anxiety. "I'm waiting for an explanation from you. Why are you doing this?"

viburnum- painful attachment, uncontrollable emotions, dependence. "Do not leave me! If you leave, my heart will break!”

Calla- worship. "You are gorgeous!" If a man gives you callas, this is a real gentleman and a very extraordinary person.

Camellia- gratitude, admiration, perfection. "You are an unearthly being!"

camellia pink- "I miss you!"

Camellia red- "There is a fire in my heart, and it's you!"

camellia white- "You are awesome!"

Potato (inflorescence) is the desire to be original. "You eclipsed everyone!"

Chestnut- straightforwardness, independence. “Learn to love. You need to be a little kinder."

Cypress- mourning, mourning.

Bell- humility, humility, constancy. “Why do you torture me with your whims? I will always be with you."

Nettle- dislike, slander. But, if you were brought young nettles, do not worry about it. Most likely, they just want to use it in cooking.

Crocus- freshness of feelings, revival. You have been told that you give unforgettable moments.

Corn- wealth, abundance, generosity. "You can have anything you want with me."

Lavender- loneliness, admiration. “No one will replace you for me, and I will never forget you.”

Lily orange- coquetry, curiosity. “Tell me, is your heart still free? you are a mystery to me."

white lily- purity, purity, nobility, majesty. "Being next to you is divine!"

lily yellow- brightness, extravagance, as well as capriciousness, frivolity. "I'm not like others. I want you to finally notice me.”

tiger lily- abundance, pride, prosperity, prosperity, arrogance.

palm leaves- a wish for success and victory. In a mixed bouquet, palm leaves mean: “You are the best always and in everything!”.

Lotus- health and happiness, wisdom and long life. It is given exclusively to close people as a sign of friendly and kindred feelings.

Magnolia- perseverance, perseverance, nobility. “You will still be with me. I am your destiny."

Poppy- dreaminess, imagination, sociability, youth, desire for pleasure.

Daisy- innocence, purity, true love. "I am very happy if you are happy." The giver of daisies deserves reciprocity.

Mimosa- modesty, shyness, sensitivity, as well as mediocrity, banality. "I hide my feelings."

Nasturtium- victory in the struggle, conquest. The nasturtium giver is really happy about your success, but we are not talking about any romantic feelings.

Narcissus- unrequited love, strong feelings, chivalry, deceived hopes. “Be always as beautiful as you are now. When we are together, the sun always shines."

white narcissus- humility, meekness, attention.

yellow daffodil- Attention. “When you are near, the sun always shines. You're my only one".

forget-me-not - true love, memories, constancy, sincerity, fidelity.

Dandelion- smile, happiness, joy of life. Dandelion givers are sociable, cheerful and a little frivolous.

orange flowers- respect, friendship. Great business gift.

Nut- an admission of guilt. “I must have been rude. If I offended you, please forgive me."

Orchid- tenderness, love, intimacy, refinement. These flowers are usually given exclusively to loved ones.

Fern- magic, charm, patronage, grace. It is better to give it to a mysterious, extraordinary girl. "When you're around, life is beautiful."

Petunia- anger, irritation. “I'm not happy with you. Do you hear me".

Pion- happy life, happy marriage. "I have nothing more to dream of."

Snowdrop- tenderness, hope, youth. "I really like your naivety." The snowdrop giver emphasizes your femininity and fragility.

Pprimula- "Lets be together. I can not live without you".

Red rose- passion, love. "I love you and can't live without you. You must be mine!"

rose white- innocence and purity, tenderness and modesty, mystery. "You are an angel and I will get you!"

rose yellow- joy happiness. "You are my sun!" this flower expresses the most positive emotions. Yellow roses, according to the language of flowers, are not related to jealousy and treason, although such an interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very widespread.

rose cream- harmony, elegance, constancy, perfection. "We perfect couple with you! I always remember it."

rose pink- the highest happiness. "Believe me!"

chamomile- innocence, youth, romance, incredulity.

Lilac- falling in love, beauty, first love excitements.

Lilac white means first love. "Let's love each other!"

purple lilac- "My heart is only for you!"

lilac lilac- "Do you still love me?"

Lilac pink- recognition and love.

Tulip- a symbol of great happiness and pure love, pride, glory, harmony.

Tulip red- they declare their love to you and congratulate you. "I wish you happiness."

Tulip motley- "I am proud of you! Life is Beautiful!"

tulip yellow“Your sweet smile is like a ray of sunshine to me.”

Violet- secret love, innocence, modesty, dignity.

White violet- sincerity. "Let's try to be happy. Let's take a chance!"

Violet blue- loyalty, vigilance. “I will always be faithful. I am always right".

Violet blue- modesty.

Freesia- confidence.

Fuchsia- benevolence.

Chrysanthemum ordinary- openness and joy, relaxation and fun. "You are a wonderful friend!" In Europe and America, chrysanthemums are suitable for congratulations on any occasion. In Italy, they are used only at funerals.

Chrysanthemum red - best wishes, luck. "You are my best friend".

Chrysanthemum white- "Believe me!"

Chrysanthemum yellow- gratitude. "Thank you for being who you are!"

Cyclamen- resignation. "How tired I am of you! Goodbye".

bird cherry- joy. “I want to see you as soon as possible. I have so much to tell you!”

Garlic- courage, strength, courage. It is not accepted to give it to women. If you are nevertheless presented with garlic, treat it with humor.

Rose hip- poetry and spring. The rosehip giver confesses to being a romantic. "I can make you happy! I am sure about that".

Colors have great importance in our lives, they surround us every day and every second, but we are so used to them that we hardly notice. But each of the flowers has its own specific meaning, in its own way affects a person, changing his mood, or even having a healing effect.

A special role is played by the color of the flower when it is given. After all, it is not without reason that it is customary to present red roses to lovers. Consider the meaning of colors in more detail.

What do flowers mean?

Each of the flowers has its own meaning, the language of flowers can tell about the most intimate feelings. Having met him, you can always unravel the intentions of the giver or choose flowers with a hint as a gift.

An orchid, for example, can serve as a wish for luxury to the one you decide to give it to. It is customary to give this flower to the closest people.

Lilies in the language of flowers speak of nobility and purity. In ancient Rome, these flowers were depicted on coins. The Bourbon lily, or, as it is also called fleur-de-lis (French fleur de lis - “lily flower”), traditionally flaunted on the coats of arms of monarchs.

Tulips are a symbol of pure love. Often they are given in order to be able to explain their feelings.

Gerberas carry a mystery, a kind of reticence, they can symbolize flirting, a smile. These flowers can be presented as close person as well as a casual friend.

Chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of wisdom, health and longevity. If someone gives you a bouquet of chrysanthemums, he wants to show that you and your friendship are very dear to him.

What do yellow flowers mean?

Bouquet of yellow flowers can be regarded as a wish for well-being, joy, wealth, sunny days.

Often girls are upset when they receive yellow flowers, because they consider them to be harbingers of separation, but this is not at all the case. Psychologists say that many men like bright colours, which they associate with warmth and the sun. Yellow bouquets are a sign of joy and fun, just such flowers are suitable as a birthday present.

Why give white flowers?

White flowers symbolize purity, purity and light. This is a neutral color that only enhances the festive decoration of the room or the sound of other colors.

If a girl receives white lilies as a gift from her lover, this means that he is very in love and strongly attached to her. White flowers are perfect for wedding bouquets.

How not to make a mistake when choosing flowers?

1. Girls are given white roses, mothers - red or burgundy. Little girls choose small bouquets of daffodils or violets.

2. You can not give older women flowers in dark colors. They seem to remind of aging and age. It is better to choose pink roses or light-colored chrysanthemums.

Pleasant aroma and decorative appearance made the lily a favorite of florists. Bouquets with this flower look elegant, gentle and romantic, and besides, they can be given for completely different reasons. White, pink, yellow, purple, red, purple and orange buds can decorate any flower arrangement. But when composing a bouquet, it is important to remember that each shade of a lily has a special symbolism - for example, white means purity and purity, and brindle means wealth and greatness.

Noble flower that conquered mankind

Lily - a flower with a rich and interesting history, known since 1700 BC. It is believed that its name comes from the ancient Galic word "li-li", meaning "white-white" in translation. The flower, which has gained fans due to its aesthetics and pleasant aroma, is second only to the rose in popularity and competes with it in the number of symbolic meanings. The image of a lily is a favorite theme of artisans in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. In Persia, royal palaces were decorated with snow-white buds.

The history of this wonderful flower is associated with many legends and traditions. For example, in one of the myths of Ancient Greece, it is said that the lily grew on the spot where the milk of Hera, the wife of Zeus, spilled. When the goddess wanted to breastfeed the newborn Hercules, he roughly pushed her away, and the milk splashed onto heaven and earth. So, loomed in the sky Milky Way and the ground was covered with beautiful white flowers. On this Interesting Facts the mysterious plant does not end there, it was also mentioned in ancient Germanic mythology. According to legend, each inflorescence has its own elf, who is born and dies with it. The buds serve it mythical creatures call to prayer.

Symbol of innocence and vice

During the Middle Ages, the lily, which served as an attribute of power, acquired a Christian meaning. The snow-white flower began to symbolize purity, purity and chastity; its image can be found on coins of the 11th-12th centuries dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Since the 13th century, the bell bud has become an indispensable element of the image of the Madonna.

Lilies of orange-red hues are a symbol of the blood of Christ. Giving says that the white petals changed color on the night before the execution of the Savior. It is believed that the flower blushed with shame, unable to withstand the meek gaze of Christ. The ancient Jews believed that "li-li" grew in garden of paradise and was the first to know that Eve had succumbed to temptation. Despite what they saw, the beautiful lily remained pure and undefiled, and they began to decorate altars with it. There is a version that the six-pointed star - a famous Jewish symbol - was created in the likeness of this particular flower.

The Egyptians discovered healing properties plants of the lily family. From them fragrant oil was obtained, which was highly valued by local beauties. Hippocrates also mentioned the properties of this sedative in one of his treatises. In ancient Rome, the flower was used to weave wreaths, which were worn on the feast of the goddess of spring Flora.

In France, the lily had special meaning, at the end of the Middle Ages, it became a symbol royalty and was used as an emblem by representatives of the Bourbon family. Later, this flower, in addition to purity and innocence, acquired another meaning. He began to be considered a symbol of promiscuity. A brand in the form of a lily marked the bodies of thieves and women who got rid of an unborn child.

Lilies: the language of flowers

As you know, any flower arrangement has a special meaning, and it must be taken into account when giving. With the help of a well-composed bouquet, you can express own feelings and evoke emotion in the recipient. Lily is a multi-valued symbol, so it can be given on various occasions. This flower represents purity, grace, beauty, luxury. In addition, snow-white buds symbolize justice, compassion, kindness and mercy. Red lilies mean love and passion, yellow - treason, pink - sophistication, and white - purity and sincere intentions.

The value of donated lilies

And in ancient times, and now this flower is given as a sign of respect and goodwill. Although most of the values ​​in different time attributed to plants of the genus Liliaceae, today they have lost their relevance, they are still presented as a gift to express sympathy and confess sincere feelings. Snow-white buds often become a highlight wedding bouquets. They go well with traditional wedding dresses and give the image of the bride femininity and tenderness. You can also give such a bouquet for a birthday, and to anyone - a woman or a man, a close friend or colleague. Unlike a rose, this flower is universal, and you can give it even on an official occasion.

Combination with other colors

Due to their elegance, decorativeness and variety, lilies are often used by florists to create original compositions. They can be "main" in a bouquet or combined with other plants. When composing a flower arrangement, remember that white buds have a strong aroma that can cause headaches or cause allergies. Therefore, you need to put them in a spacious room. If you cannot stand strong odors, choose varieties with a more delicate aroma.

Florists advise not to put "innocent" flowers next to cornflowers and poppies. Lilies go well with, phlox, and white daisies. The composition can be decorated with various ornamental plants. It is advisable to combine yellow buds with red, purple and blue. For a bouquet, as a rule, one inflorescence is enough. Some varieties look interesting in combination with chrysanthemums; it is customary to give such compositions to the closest people. When placing flowers in a vase, it is worth considering that their stamens shed pollen and can stain clothes and tablecloths with it. The stamens, of course, can be removed, but they give the buds a special sophistication. To design a bouquet, it is advisable to use transparent or translucent packaging - for example, foil, film or mesh, so as not to hide the beauty of sophisticated and delicate buds.

Few of us modern people know that flowers can speak. The language of flowers can convey the most different characters feelings, emotions, send messages. And it's more romantic than a regular text message. A flower instead of you confesses love, passion, jealousy, hatred. What kind of flower is a symbol, for example, of joy? You know? And then, following the usual logic, you will say that he is definitely yellow color. But no. The bird cherry flower has the meaning of joy. Many plants also convey opposite meanings. For example, a yellow tulip. It means both admiration and hopeless love. But if you combine the two meanings of the yellow tulip flower, you get this sentence: “I admire your smile, but I understand that this is not mutual.” Poetic, right?

The language of flowers has been created over the centuries. People observing plants, assigned them certain meanings-symbols. Many flowers got them through legends, myths. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, China, Japan, India, Egypt, Ottoman Empire, the Incas and the Bible are the main sources of flower symbolism. Over time and progress, the language of flowers was only slightly adjusted to the times, but the basics remained the same. We will not tell in this article the legends and myths associated with the appearance of certain meanings in one or another flower, but we will point them out.

Meaning of colors

Acaciasecret love
Azaleaequanimity, self-control, balance
Aconitealienation, hatred
Ambrosiareturn of feelings
Aloebitterness, mourning
Amaranthundying love, hopelessness
Anemonerenunciation, sickness, abandonment
Astervariety of love, sadness
Azaleasadness caused by loneliness
Pansiesfidelity in love

Meaning of colors

Gloxinialove at first sight
Gardeniasecret love
witch hazelconspiracy
Dahliasophistication, self-esteem
Heliotropedevotion, passion
Hibiscusrare, graceful beauty
Hydrangeacoldness, indifference, heartlessness
pink carnationfemale love, innocent, first love
carnation whitecontempt
carnation purplewaywardness; unpredictable inconsistency
carnation redpassion, obsession with love
carnation yellowneglect, disappointment, rejection
Carnation stripedrejection
pear flowersstrong friendship
Sweet peagratitude
oak leavesstrength
Arbutusthe only love

Meaning of colors

Jasminefriendship proposal
Honeysucklesingle disposition, bonds of love, fidelity to the beloved
Iriswisdom, fearlessness
Irish bluebellsluck
Hyssopcleansing, humility
camellia japonicamodest superiority
Bell mediumgratitude
viburnum evergreensymbol, sign, distinction
Coreopsischeerfulness and fun
clover redzeal
white cloverthe oath
Corianderburning desire
Cloverburning desire
callasthe beauty, highest degree admiration, respect, admiration
Calendulagrief, cruelty, pangs of jealousy
Mulleingood nature

Meaning of colors

lily scarletlofty intentions
lily yellowfun and gratitude or lies and frivolity
Lily orangehatred and disgust
tiger lilyabundance, prosperity, arrogance, pride
white lilypurity, innocence
Lily of the valleyreliability, credibility
lime flowersfornication, betrayal
Lobeliamalice, unkindness
Lotuspurity, chastity, eloquence
Buttercupinnocence, wealth
lemon leafparting
Lavenderpiety, doubt
lemon flowersfreedom, sanity
Laurel wreathtriumph

  • Almond- Promise
  • Melissa- mutual understanding or sympathy
  • Daisy- innocence, purity, modesty, fidelity, devoted love
  • Daisy red- the beauty of an unknown owner
  • rejuvenated- frugality, economy
  • Mimosa bashful– sensitivity
  • Magnolia- nobility
  • minionette- value
  • Mint- suspicion
  • Common poppy- eternal sleep, oblivion, fantasy
  • poppy red- pleasure
  • poppy white- consolation of dreams, peace
  • poppy yellow- wealth, success
  • forget-me-not- true love
  • Marigold- despair
  • Nasturtium- patriotism
  • Narcissus- renewal of feelings
  • Pale yellow narcissus- meekness, humility, nobility, respect or unrequited love
  • Nivyanik- patience
  • Orchid- diligence
  • Dandelion- coquetry
  • Oleander- warning
  • Olive- peace
  • oats– musicality
  • Fern- charm, magic, refuge, trust
  • Petunia- anger, resentment
  • Pion– wishes happy life, longevity, love
  • Scilla- fun mood
  • Snowdrop- consolation, hope
  • Arabian poultry farmer- hope
  • Sunflower- sublime pure feelings, thoughts
  • Weeping willow- rejected love

  • Wheat
    - wealth and prosperity
  • Ivy- dependence, trust
  • Primrose- conquering grace
  • Broom- modesty or humility
  • Burdock- gratitude
  • cattail- peace, prosperity
  • chamomile- peace and love
  • Rosemary- memory, memories
  • Ruta- sorrow, regret
  • sakura flowera good education, transience of life, female beauty
  • boxwood- loyalty
  • Resinous pine flowers– philosophy
  • Straw- unity
  • Salad- frozen heart
  • purple lilac- first love
  • Lilac white- innocence
  • Arbor vitae- eternal friendship
  • Tymyan- economy
  • tulip tree- glory
  • Tulip red- declaration of love
  • tulip yellow admiration, hopeless love
  • morning glow- unrequited love
  • gorse- patient affection
  • Zinnia white- courtesy
  • Zinnia red- constancy
  • bird cherry- joy
  • Thistle- nobility
  • Rosehip red-brown– simplicity
  • Rosehip flower- heal wounds
  • Hollyhock- ambition
  • Freesia– innocence
  • Violet blue- loyalty, fidelity
  • White violet- modesty
  • Fennel- impregnability, resistance
  • Chrysanthemum red- love
  • Chrysanthemum white- truth
  • Chrysanthemum yellow- rejected love
  • Celandine- joy
  • apple tree flowers- preference
  • Epigea repens- best wishes

What else can the language of flowers say? One flower conveys what meaning you have for your loved one. The flower symbol is a silent romantic poet. Once, having written a message, they put a flower in an envelope and thereby conveyed the hidden meaning contained in dry words on paper.

  • Malva - "tormented by love"
  • Azalea - "free for a new relationship"
  • Ambrosia - "Love is mutual"
  • Strawberry tree - "I love only you"
  • Begonia - "Beware!"
  • Hawthorn - "I like the way you sing"
  • Cornflower - "be simple like him", "trust me"
  • Heather white - "your wishes will come true"
  • Gardenia - "you are beautiful"
  • Geranium - "I need to talk to you"
  • Carnation bright red - "my heart is sick with you"
  • White carnation - "I will never forget you"
  • Carnation yellow - "you disappointed me"
  • Striped carnation - “I want, but I can’t be with you”
  • Gerbera - "only your look will console me"
  • Hyacinth - "the number of buds will indicate the day of our meeting"
  • Gladiolus - "I'm sincere, give me a chance"
  • Hydrangea - "Thank you for your understanding"
  • Adonis - "you are beautiful"
  • Honeysuckle - "forever yours"
  • Iris - "my compliments", "your friendship means a lot to me"
  • Camellia white - "you are gorgeous"
  • Camellia red - "my heart is on fire"
  • Camellia rosea - "I long for you"
  • Lavender - "I remember you"
  • Lily of the valley - "you decorate my life", "I love you long and secretly"
  • Malva - "forgive me"
  • Daisy - “I wish you the best”, “I will never tell”
  • Cyclamen - "we part"
  • Zinnia yellow - "I think of you every day"
  • Chrysanthemum red - "I love"
  • Bell - "thinking of you"

Collecting flowers of certain meanings in a bouquet, you can tell about your feelings. You can say goodbye to daisies, hydrangeas, white carnations and white heather. It will turn out not only beautiful, but also fragrant. Such a bouquet will definitely be preserved and will always be remembered. The language of flowers is an international language and if you do not speak the language of the object of love, respect, appreciation, it will help you convey the emotions associated with it.

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