Home Berries BCA - sports nutrition. Harm and benefits of BCAA, side effects and contraindications

BCA - sports nutrition. Harm and benefits of BCAA, side effects and contraindications

Speaking about BCAA amino acids (as well as sports supplements with other amino acids), it is important to note that these amino acids are only the building blocks of any protein product - from whey protein to meat and even. Basically, the body obtains amino acids from most animal foods.

There are over 200 different amino acids in total, but only two dozen of them are critical for metabolism. Despite the fact that most of these important amino acids are synthesized by the human body from each other, nine must be obtained from food. Sports nutrition with amino acids (including BCAA) contains these nine essential amino acids in their pure form.

Amino acids: health benefits and harms

The daily requirement of a man weighing 70 kg for nine essential amino acids is 10-12 g (1). Fortunately, these essential amino acids are the most abundant in food, and 15-20 g of any protein is replenished. At the same time, in fact, amino acids do not have direct health benefits - it is more correct to talk about the dangers of their chronic deficiency. However, such a disadvantage is very, very rare.

The benefits of taking amino acids in the form of sports nutrition have an extremely controversial evidence base. While it can improve strength performance in professional athletes or reduce hunger, it is completely wrong to think of BCAAs as a weight loss or weight loss supplement - especially for girls.

Amino acidsWhat are BCAAs?

BCAA amino acids ( English: Branched-Chain Amino Acids - branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs) is a combination of three essential amino acids that are most important for human metabolism. The BCAAs contain leucine, isoleucine and valine. The daily requirement for these BCAAs is 5-6 g (1) - that is, half the requirement for all essential amino acids.

Moreover, BCAA amino acids are contained in significant numbers in any protein product. For 25 g of protein contained in 100 g of beef or chicken, there are about 5 g of BCAAs (2) - the consumption of 100 g of meat per day fully covers the daily requirement for BCAAs. Among other things, it is 20% BCAA amino acids.

Effect of BCAAs on muscle growth

On the one hand, BCAAs are three essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and must receive from food. These amino acids stimulate the formation of new muscle tissue, accelerate muscle recovery and slow down the destruction of existing ones, normalize the processes of fat metabolism, accelerate fat burning and normalize metabolism.

On the other hand, sports nutrition manufacturers “forget” to mention that getting your daily intake of BCAAs from regular food is not that difficult. It is also important that if an athlete trains for muscle growth and adheres to a high-protein diet, he will undoubtedly receive enough BCAA for normal metabolism.

How to take BCAA capsules?

BCAA amino acids in the form of a sports supplement are recommended to be taken before and during strength training in a total dosage of 500 to 1500 mg - this will increase the duration of the training and help slow down the catabolic processes in the muscles. However, on non-training days, it is preferable to get the BCAA from your regular diet.

While it doesn't matter how you take your BCAAs (capsules or powder), keep in mind that they are insoluble in water in their pure form - in other words, it is easier to take a capsule during training than to dilute the powder. And the workout powder sports supplement is made up of BCAAs, flavors and ingredients to make it easier to mix with water.

Amino acidsBCAA for weight loss

Speaking simple language, BCAA amino acids "trick" the body into believing that high-calorie food is in the stomach. This activates metabolic processes and triggers the waste of calories - however, in the absence of real food, fat reserves are used. This is the basis of the principle of BCAA influence on getting rid of fat reserves.

However, BCAA amino acids are not at all a fat burner and can affect weight loss exclusively in combination with and active. Their only advantage for weight loss is that taking BCAA capsules on an empty stomach helps to reduce hunger - for which, according to reviews, girls love them.

Benefits of BCAAs for Newbies

Considering that high-quality sports protein consists of about 20% (3) BCAAs, the use of amino acids in the form of separate supplements is recommended only for professionals seeking to increase the duration of strength training to 90-120 minutes. Beginners do not need to take BCAA amino acids (just like any other liquid amino acids).

At the same time, we note once again that most of the advantages attributed to BCAA (increased strength indicators, acceleration of muscle recovery and growth processes, optimization of hormone production, and so on) are a description of the positive effect of any protein (including protein from food) containing these amino acids, and not at all listing the benefits of pure BCAAs.

Despite the fact that the three amino acids hiding behind the acronym BCAA are undoubtedly beneficial for the human body, their use in their pure form (that is, in capsules or in powder) will most likely benefit professional athletes. However, BCAA amino acids can actually reduce appetite, indirectly helping weight loss.

Scientific sources:

Branched-chain are considered one of the most effective and useful additives to any sports nutrition program. Meanwhile, not everyone understands why these substances are needed and how a sports BCAA supplement works on the human body. Although sports, I must say, are far from the only area of ​​application of these amazing amino acids - without them, full-fledged life of any person is impossible.

General characteristics of amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks for those found in our bodies. All amino substances, connecting with each other, form chains, or peptides. And depending on the order of the amino acids in this chain, this or that type of protein is created. So, for example, to create growth hormone, the body will need a different amount and a different order of amino acids than for the formation of food enzymes.

Most amino substances combine to create linear forms. When all the elements necessary to create a protein are in place, the amino chain folds into a 3D shape. This process of assembling amino acids into a single model is called protein synthesis.

In foods, amino acids are also presented in the form of proteins. And these proteins, getting into the body, are broken down again into amino acids, which are then selectively combined and create new proteins - those that the body needs to function properly. What is this protein for? He is the basis for most human body... Skin, eyes, heart, intestines, bones and, of course, muscles are all made up of proteins.

There are about 300 amino acids in nature, but only 20 of them serve as components of proteins, and 8 of them are indispensable for humans. But when it comes about athletes, it is customary to single out three from the list of irreplaceable amino substances that bodybuilders need most of all. We are talking about the so-called branched chain amino acids (BCAA) - and leucine.

BCAA: what is it

Among all the amino acids, there are those that are especially important for making protein. These are BCAAs. Decoding of the abbreviation - Branched-chain amino acids - is translated from English as "branched-chain amino acids". As already mentioned, this group of amino substances includes leucine, isoleucine and valine. And if we make a comparison with other amino acids, then the structure of BCAA is not a line of elements strung one after another, but a branched structure, reminiscent of the crown of a tree.

The BCAA side chain is made up of one carbon and three hydrogen atoms, and this structure, I must say, is much better suited for the production of new proteins. Why? If only because branched-chain amino acids provide much more options for fixing elements than other amino substances. This means that with the help of BCAAs, stronger proteins are created, and the process itself is much faster. And when BCAAs are involved in muscle protein synthesis, the result is thicker, stronger muscle fibers.

Role in the body

Although BCAAs are more often mentioned in the context of sports nutrition, many scientific studies confirm the benefits of these supplements not only for athletes. Consumption of branched-chain amino acids improves concentration, performance and cognitive function of the brain, enhances short-term memory, prevents rapid fatigability and maintains the functionality of the body. BCAAs are beneficial for people with chronic fatigue or concentration problems. These amino acids slow muscle wasting in bedridden people and are useful after surgery, while recovering from burns or other injuries. V postoperative period many patients are given BCAAs intravenously. In addition to building cells and repairing tissues, amino acids are needed to create antibodies, they are part of enzymes and hormones, form RNA and DNA, and are important for transporting oxygen throughout the body. It is also worth knowing that valine accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue, isoleucine stabilizes sugar levels and increases hemoglobin, and leucine stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

In medicine, these amino acids are used as a medicine for headaches, dizziness, depression, irritability caused by protein deficiency.

Weightlifters and athletes who value endurance (such as long distance runners) will undoubtedly benefit from BCAAs. BCAAs are unique amino acids that are concentrated in the muscles, where they are actually processed into energy necessary for the muscles to work.

Other BCAA Benefits:

  • necessary for the synthesis of proteins in general;
  • are useful for homeostasis (that is, maintain a stable level of sugar in the bloodstream);
  • directly regulate muscle protein synthesis;
  • improve physical and mental performance;
  • serve as a "raw material" for and glutamine;
  • regulate the percentage of body fat;
  • affect the secretion of insulin.

What gives athletes

There are various opinions regarding the need for BCAA supplementation. The reason for the debate was the fact that amino acids are available in most foods and are also found in whey protein powders. But in some cases, this is not enough. First of all, we are talking about bodybuilders and people who are struggling with excess fat. So, how is the amino acid complex useful for athletes?

BCAAs are the most important amino acids for bodybuilding as they are able to repair muscle tissue. In addition, these three substances have a pronounced synergistic effect (enhance each other's abilities). In addition, about a third of the muscles are composed of BCAAs.

Unlike other amino acids, which, after entering the body, are first transported to the liver, BCAAs are sent directly to the muscles, where they are used by muscle fibers to repair tissue. By the way, of the three BCAAs, leucine is considered the most anabolic, so the presence of this amino acid in the diet is very important for bodybuilders. Valine and isoleucine are called glycogenic substances, which means they can serve as an efficient source of energy during exercise. physical exercise and thus improve endurance and prevent fatigue. And for this reason, BCAAs are extremely beneficial for newcomers to bodybuilding.

But for anabolic effect it is not enough to take solely valine or isoleucine, for a bodybuilder the presence of all three components is important, moreover, in a certain proportion. Maintaining the correct ratio of components is more important than the total dose of amino acids obtained. The optimal ratio is considered to be a ratio of 2 parts of leucine and 1 part of valine and isoleucine.

Daily rate

In order for the protein synthesis process to work at full strength, the body needs certain portions of amino acids. If we talk about leucine, then the daily rate of this substance is from 1 to 4 g. A more accurate calculation can be made using the formula: 31 mg of amino acid per kilogram of body weight. Interestingly, for infants, the daily allowance is over 400 mg per kilogram.

But even these indicators are just the minimum required amount for, so to speak, completing the tasks of the basic level. In fact, for athletes, especially weightlifters, the dosage of leucine can be more than 5-10 g. But still, for beginners, a more acceptable dose is 2-3 g of the substance (so that the stomach gets used to the new supplement). Then gradually (every 2-3 days) the daily dose can be increased by 1 gram and so on, until the desired dosage is reached. The maximum allowable daily intake of BCAAs for professional athletes should not exceed 80 g. The maximum servings of BCAAs are taken by bodybuilders during the carbohydrate-free period or before the competition. And during the loading phase, BCAA's can serve as a substitute for proteins.

In addition, a portion of the supplement after any type of sports load will accelerate the restoration of the amino acid balance in the body. But for optimal results, it is advisable to take BCAAs separately from other groups of amino acids.

Why is BCAA deficiency dangerous?

It is common knowledge that BCAAs are essential for human body... They provide many vital processes, which means that the body must regularly receive the necessary portions of amino acids.

The consumption of BCAAs with food directly affects the concentration of amino acids in plasma and muscle tissue. But during exercise, BCAA's are quickly transformed into energy that fuels the muscles. And the more intense the strength training, the more amino acid reserves are burned. If the balance is not restored in time, catabolic processes are activated in the muscle tissue. Hence the biggest paradox of sports: even the most powerful anaerobic loads against the background of amino acid deficiency will not give muscle gain.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Probably, many men, before taking BCAA, wondered how this food supplement will affect potency. And there is nothing strange in this, since you can often hear that sports nutrition impairs erection and libido. In fact, a supplement containing only amino acids does not affect potency healthy men... Also, adequate portions of amino substances are not capable of causing disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs. But some contraindications do exist. And if you ignore The right way use, additives can cause some side effects.

The use of BCAA can be dangerous for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (in this case, pulmonary failure may develop against the background of consumption of amino acids). In hepatic encephalopathy, BCAA intake may increase plasma ammonia levels. It is also not advised to consume BCAAs 2 weeks prior to planned surgery. The fact is that BCAAs can affect plasma sugar levels, and this in turn affects blood clotting. In some cases (with cirrhosis or other liver diseases), a negative effect on the liver is possible.

Regular consumption of BCAAs reduces the absorption efficiency. Therefore, the rules for taking amino acids require vitamins and minerals to be taken in parallel with sports nutrition. In addition, BCAA overdose affects the production of serotonin (the so-called joy hormone).

There are also known recommendations not to give BCAA powder or capsules to people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating mothers, children, patients with kidney problems or heart problems. Beginners are often interested in how old you can start a BCAA cycle. Coaches and nutritionists answer: like any other sports nutrition, not earlier than after a year of regular exercise in the gym and only after 18-20 years.

Amino acids and catabolic processes

Low calorie diet- a direct path to muscle destruction. And this happens for several reasons. Deficiency leads to the fact that the body uses proteins for energy production, including those contained in muscles. At the molecular level, it looks like this: protein breakdown is activated (a process known as catabolism is triggered), as a result of which amino acids are released, which the body uses for fuel. To prevent muscle loss, it is important to do everything so that the rate of protein synthesis exceeds the rate of its breakdown. If the speed of these indicators is equal, the muscles will not decrease, but they will not increase in size either. A low-calorie diet simultaneously affects two indicators: catabolism is accelerated, and protein synthesis, on the contrary, slows down. The result is that the body is losing muscle faster than under any other circumstance.

And according to sports nutritionists, the only wise decision in this case is the use of amino acids in the form of a nutritional supplement. Many sources advise consuming 4-8 g of amino acids before and after training. This is believed to be the optimal dosage for enhancing performance and protecting against catabolic breakdown.

Benefits of consuming BCAAs before and after training

Consuming BCAAs before exercise has certain benefits for muscle tissue. These substances are able to reduce the level in the muscles produced during strength training... At the same time, BCAA activates the release of growth hormone into the bloodstream, which is of great anabolic importance. In addition, BCAAs affect the concentration of intramuscular enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, thereby improving recovery and reducing muscle fiber damage.

Another quality benefit of BCAAs is its ability to maintain blood sugar levels. And it's also important for bodybuilders, as a healthy blood sugar concentration provides the energy for intense strength training.

Vitamin B12

The process of protein metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids in the human body depends on this water-soluble vitamin.


It is also known as vitamin H or coenzyme R. But no matter how you call this substance, in any case it plays an important role in protein synthesis and glycogen production, which means it is also included in the circle of “friends” of branched-chain amino acids.


Amino Acid & Gainer Combination - a good option for a post workout snack.

Take BCAA with complete proteins practically pointless, since the duplication of amino acids is obtained. But the combination with plant protein is more beneficial for the muscles.


The combination of creatine and branched-chain amino acids is suitable for use on training days (before and after training) and on days off (morning and evening after meals). This combination accelerates growth. muscle mass.


The simultaneous use of two supplements accelerates fat burning.

Enemies of BCAA:

  • milk (as a result of this combination, some people have an increased risk of allergies);
  • alcohol (alcohol disrupts the absorption of amino acids);
  • (Caffeine with amino acids can cause insomnia.)

A few common questions about BCAAs

How are they different from other amino acids?

The first and main difference between BCAA and amino acids is in the structure, which actually determines the ability of the substance. The second difference is that branched-chain amino acids in to a greater extent metabolized in skeletal muscle.

What are BCAAs made from?

Typically, milk protein is the raw material for BCAA supplements. Under laboratory conditions, it is artificially split into amino acids using enzymes. Then, different proportions of valine, leucine and isoleucine are blended to create a sports supplement. In addition to amino acids, the preparation may contain additional components: sweeteners, flavors, some useful chemical elements(the instructions for use usually contain information on how much of what is in the composition of the drug).

Which BCAA is Better: Capsule or Powder?

The most common forms for sports nutrition are capsules, tablets and powders. Liquid supplements are believed to be absorbed much faster than chewable tablets, for example. This is true, but not always. When it comes to amino acids, the form of the supplement has almost no effect on the absorption rate. Amino substances in tablets or capsules are absorbed by the body as quickly as a liquid supplement. Typically, the difference in BCAA absorption rate between different forms is no more than 6 minutes.

When choosing between BCAAs from different manufacturers, it is helpful to pay attention to dosage. For example, if one tablet contains only 200 mg of a substance, and for athletes you need 8-10 g per dose, then, of course, it is better to drink a cocktail than a handful of tablets.

The second difference between powders and capsules is taste. Pure amino acids without sweeteners or flavors are generally bitter. And this is more noticeable when taken in powder form.

How to check for quality?

This is where it is difficult to test the quality of a sports supplement. A good amino acid powder dissolves poorly, leaving a film on the surface of the liquid. The instructions for use contain information about what color and odor a certain product should have. Also, before use, you need to pay attention to the expiration date - expired amino acids can harm the body.

How to breed?

The powder containing aromatic and flavoring additives can be diluted with plain water. It is useful to dissolve pure amino acids without impurities in juice or other drinks (this will kill the bitter taste of BCAA). The exact description of the powder, how many grams of the substance are in one portion of the additive and how much liquid is needed to dissolve the additive is always indicated in the product description.

BCAA versus Protein: Which is Better?

And now main question many athletes: "Why is it not enough to consume only proteins, because they consist of the same amino acids?" Despite the many benefits of BCAAs, there are many skeptics who consider the benefits of amino acids to be overstated, and the more useful supplement is called Whey Protein... But while whey is rich in BCAAs, it is not the best source of BCAAs.

The fact is that in serum, BCAA's are linked by peptide bonds with other amino acids. Once in the body, whey protein first passes through digestive organs, and then, being broken down into amino acids, is absorbed into the blood. And even the fastest protein - whey - takes some time to convert to amino acids.

BCAA supplements are a ready-made form of amino acids. These substances do not need to be digested, but immediately enter the bloodstream.

Even a few grams of free-form BCAAs will increase the plasma amino acid concentration better than 30 grams of whey.

Protein powders often contain sweeteners, colors, and carbohydrates. Protein supplements contain more calories than pure amino acids. Typically, a serving of BCAA is no more than 10-20 kcal. And this is good news for everyone who wants to burn as much fat as possible and train muscles.

Finally, in BCAA supplements, amino acids are present in a more bioavailable form than in protein powders, or even more so in food. In addition, BCAAs are exactly those amino substances that muscle tissue needs.

In the course of acquaintance with sports nutrition, bodybuilding beginners have many questions. And one of them: how does the BCAA complex work with other amino acids, in particular with glutamine? Some suggest that either glutamine or BCAAs can be taken. To make it easier to answer this question, you need to understand some of the nuances.

Glutamine belongs to the group of essential amino acids. But despite the fact that the body is able to independently produce this substance, this is clearly not enough for athletes. Research shows glutamine has beneficial effects on work immune system... How is this fact related to sports? Regular vigorous physical activity (for example, weightlifting) can deplete the immune system, and this should not be allowed for athletes.

In addition, scientific studies have shown that the combination of BCAAs, glutamine and whey protein multiplies muscle growth and fat loss, and improves endurance and muscle strength.

Thus, in professional sports there is no question: glutamine or BCAA. Professional bodybuilders combine both ingredients to achieve the best results.

BCAAs for Immunity: What are the Benefits?

The immune system also perceives noticeable benefits from BCAAs. Each power training- this is definitely stress for the body, which also affects immunity. And essential amino acids support immunity and improve health. This is a scientifically proven fact. Thus, BCAAs are beneficial not only for strong muscles, but also for a strong immune system.

Can you lose weight with BCAAs?

It has already been scientifically proven that BCAAs have fat burning properties. But the most pronounced effect of breaking down fats is provided by isoleucine (especially taken shortly before cardio). Meanwhile, one must understand that when consuming excessively high portions of branched-chain amino acids (more than 20 g), the benefits of isoleucine are leveled.

It is generally known that fat loss is accompanied by some loss of muscle mass (due to a calorie deficit). By taking a serving of BCAAs about 30 minutes before training, you can provide your body with essential amino acids, which are actually responsible for muscle protein synthesis.

How to make a BCAA shake at home?

Sometimes the question arises: "What can replace a certain sports nutrition supplement, for example, BCAA?" This can be done in two ways. Method one: knowing which foods contain maximum amount BCAA, revise your diet and create a menu rich in healthy amino acids. Method two: buy at the pharmacy necessary ingredients and prepare the supplement at home. The correct recipe Homemade BCAA drink is a mixture of leucine (2 parts), valine (1 part) and isoleucine (1 part). You can also make an amino acid drink from glucose and maltodextrin (25 g each), leucine (16 g) and whey protein (33 g). To enhance muscle growth, this drink should be drunk immediately after training.

Top 5 BCAA Supplements

But what BCAA supplements are most often purchased by advanced bodybuilders, which foods should you look out for first? Here is a short list of the most popular branched chain amino acids on the sports nutrition market.



The supplement is created according to the classic BCAA formula (2: 1: 1) and is considered one of the highest quality sports nutrition on the market. One serving contains 7 g of amino acids. In addition to valine, leucine and isoleucine, the preparation contains glutamine and citrulline malate. No added sugar. Prevents catabolic processes in muscles, improves protein synthesis, and also acts on the body as a fat burner. Suitable for use during training (helps to extend the session, increase efficiency) and after (for effective recovery). The manufacturer offers different flavors, as well as flavorless BCAA powder.

In addition, SciVation's line of amino acid supplements includes other products. In particular, Xtend Free, which is free from colors, sweeteners, artificial flavors, and Xtend RTD is a ready-made amino acid drink.


It is a BCAA powder with glutamine. The formula of the supplement consists of leucine, isoleucine and valine in a unique ratio - 12: 1: 1, which is well suited for muscle gain and weight loss. The supplement has a beneficial effect on the immune system, does not cause unpleasant side effects, is suitable for girls and men who go in for sports professionally, as well as for beginners. The powder dissolves well in liquid. It happens with the taste of strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, blueberries, raspberries.

Optimum Nutrition

Mega Size

In capsules of this supplement, leucine, isoleucine and valine are optimally combined (in the classic ratio of 2: 1: 1). The supplement is suitable for men and women to build quality muscle mass and restore energy reserves. Benefits include an advantageous dosage (1 serving is 2 capsules). Suitable for use before, after, or during a strength program.

Ultimate Nutrition


It is the most commonly used 2: 1: 1 combination of BCAAs in bodybuilding. The additive is produced in powder form with different flavors. To prepare a serving of a drink, you will need 1-2 scoops of powder and about a glass of liquid. Suitable for use during the day and after workouts. Improves protein synthesis, prevents muscle breakdown, has fat burning properties.


Premium BCAA Powder

One of the best BCAA supplements made in Germany. The special formula and texture of the powder allows the additive to dissolve easily in liquid. For beginners and professional bodybuilders, it is suitable as a good source of energy, prevents destructive processes in the muscles, has anabolic properties, accelerates recovery, burns fat, and improves muscle relief. In addition to BCAAs, the preparation contains glutamine, a small amount of fats and carbohydrates.

Other popular supplements on the market include:

  1. USPlabs: Modern.
  2. Dymatize: Complex, Recoup.
  3. Olimp: Xplode, Mega Caps, Extreme Shot.
  4. MyProtein: BCAA Unflavored.
  5. BSN: Amino x.

Also, the attention of athletes deserves: Scitec Nutrition (Xpress, Complex, BCAA X, Mega), Universal Nutrition (Stack, Atomic, BCAA Pro), Unflavored (5000 Powder), BPI Sports (Best), Mutant (BCAA), Maxler (BCAA) , Sportline (BCAA), USPlabs Modern (BCAA).

However, these are just examples of available amino acid supplements. Everyone has the right to independently choose what is right for him, especially when he has knowledge of what branched-chain amino acids are, why they are needed and how to choose the right BCAA supplement.

Hello my dear readers. Today we will talk about whether the amino acids bcaa harm the body? I think it was fear that stopped many people from buying sports nutrition. side effects... Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. Let's look for answers together. First, let's figure out what btsaa is and what it is for.

BCAAs are amino acids with a branched side chain. Our body cannot synthesize these substances. They are irreplaceable. There are only three of them in this complex: valine + leucine + isoleucine

  • Leucine regulates protein synthesis in the body as well as nitrogen balance. It is this amino acid that makes up the bulk of all proteins;
  • Valine is a source of energy in muscles, as well as one of the important components of tissue synthesis;
  • Isoleucine is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin, regulation of blood sugar. Also, this amino acid is essential for the metabolism of leucine.

All of these substances are involved in the construction of new muscle fibers. And also, they play an important role in the recovery process. They enter our body exclusively with food or supplements. The amino acids bsaa are most commonly found in sports nutrition.

Harm myths

There are many myths about these nutrients. At the same time, there are no clinical trials confirming their harm. I want to go over the main "horror stories" in a few words. I hope this will finally dispel your doubts.

In sports nutrition, you just get a concentrated set of BCAA. Those. the daily intake of such amino acids in the diet corresponds to several measuring spoons. Because the product is concentrated, it does not become chemistry. These are still natural ingredients.

Myth number 2: BCAA amino acids cause ulcers, gastrointestinal upset... Studies show that even if you exceed the daily allowance, you will not get poisoned. If these substances are systematically abused, only the kidneys can be harmed. In this case, for a long time it is necessary to exceed the daily consumption rate by 10-15 times.

Myth number 3: Proteins and BCAA Lead to Impotence... I always found it strange to read about it. Millions of men around the world use sports nutrition. At the same time, none of them spoke about its harmful influence. Moreover, there are no clinical trials to support this.

When buying a nutritional supplement, just pay attention to the ingredients. Various dyes, sweeteners, preservatives that are found there cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also provoke allergies, negatively affect the functioning of the liver. It is better to buy BCAA amino acids from well-known companies and with a minimum of additives.


The mechanism of action of these amino acids is well understood. Unlike different myths about harm, has an evidence base. I want to familiarize you with the most important beneficial properties.

For building muscle

One third of the amino acids in muscle proteins are BCAAs. Therefore, it is this complex that is the main material for muscle growth. If there are not enough free amino acids in the body, muscle growth stops. For an ordinary person enough of the protein that he gets from food. For athletes, during and after training, the need for BCAAs increases dramatically.

During and after strength training, the concentration of BCAAs decreases. The amount of leucine in the body changes especially dramatically. To restore the concentration of amino acids, metabolic processes are activated.

As a result, muscle proteins are destroyed. They are the main source of replenishment of leucine, isoleucine and valine.

No muscle protein breakdown occurs when taken post-workout and during BCAA supplementation

Scientists also believe that leucine is one of the main sources of energy. Its oxidation gives more ATP molecules(adenosine triphosphate) than glucose in the same amount. But ATP is a universal source of energy for the body.

Also BCAA amino acids cover increased consumption glutamine during exercise. This substance not only plays a large role in muscle growth, it regulates protein synthesis. It also increases the production of growth hormone.


Taking BCAAs stimulates the production of leptin. It is this hormone that regulates our weight, appetite, fat consumption and fat storage. Leucine, which is part of sports nutrition, quickly saturates the body. Appetite suppression occurs. When playing sports, calorie consumption increases, because fat is burned along the way.

How to drink and who needs it

These three amino acids are significantly different from the rest. They are metabolized exclusively in muscles, therefore they are irreplaceable for sports people. In addition to influencing muscle growth, they have other benefits. BCAA intake improves endurance and physical indicators... These substances have been clinically proven to strengthen the immune system. In addition, btsaa contribute to quick recovery organism. If your lifestyle is heavy physical labor, reception btsaa also does not hurt.

For mass growth

The effectiveness of any sports nutrition depends on its quality and correct intake. This amino acid complex can be taken in the morning. And also during and after training. The following energy drink is considered optimal:

One to two scoops of amino acids + a few spoons of sugar + a glass of water

All ingredients are mixed. The body receives the carbohydrates necessary for energy. Due to the liquid, it is restored water balance... BCAAs replenish the amino acid balance. If you're looking to build muscle, this shake can be taken immediately upon waking up. This will help avoid morning catabolism (muscle breakdown).

To reduce weight

If you are losing weight without sports activities, its reception is inappropriate. To cover daily allowance protein is better to use whey protein. The supplement itself will not burn fat. Although it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. If your weight loss is complex and you go in for sports - feel free to buy this product.

It is especially necessary if you combine a strict diet with physical activity. In this case, the body will cover the deficiency of amino acids, destroying the muscles. That is why it is recommended to take BCAA in between meals. This will prevent catabolism, reduce appetite and preserve muscle.

Whether you are losing weight or gaining muscle mass, a single dose of BCAAs should be 1-8 grams. The frequency of admission is on average 3 times a day

As for which supplements to choose - first of all, pay attention to the composition. Manufacturers sometimes make small doses of BCAAs. At the same time, the price remains quite high. Food runs out quickly. Because for the daily dose, you need to eat almost 1/3 of the can.

Also note the solubility. In pure form, such amino acids do not completely dissolve in water. A thin film forms on the surface. Also BCAAs have a bitter taste. This supplement can be combined with almost all types of sports nutrition.

Many interesting topics await us! Until next time.

BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids) is a complex that consists of 3 amino acids that are not synthesized by the body: valine, leucine, isoleucine. They must enter the human body in large volumes, especially with intense physical activity. The BCAA amino acid complex is especially in demand among athletes, because it protects against muscle breakdown, reduces the percentage of fat and increases the effect of other sports supplements. Let's find out more similarly what BCAA is and what it is for.

The mechanism of action of amino acids on the body

As already mentioned, the bcaa consists of three essential amino acids which have a branched chain structure and cannot be replaced by others. Their effectiveness has been proven by experimental research and solid scientific work... A deficiency of three amino acids leads to a decrease in body weight and impaired metabolism. If you regularly take a complex of BCAA, then the process of recovery and building of muscle fibers starts, the release of insulin increases, which regulates glucose consumption. The mechanism of action of amino acids:

  • Valine... Is an energy source for muscles, maintains a high level of serotonin, which long time supplies energy.
  • Leucine... It is responsible for the formation of protein compounds in the liver and muscles, therefore it is important for the construction and growth of muscles.
  • Isoleucine... It takes part in cellular processes, also performing the function of an energy source.

BCAAs are a major component of sports nutrition that normalizes overall well-being and improves muscle tone. But it should be remembered that taking the supplement does not give any guarantees of muscle growth, since in each organism, catabolic processes occur purely individually.

What are BCAAs for?

The main BCAA action on the human body is muscle building, so an athlete who takes amino acids after training gives the muscles construction material, provoking them to growth. There is still a mass useful properties an amino acid supplement that is taken in the following cases.

Slimming (burning fat)

Taking BCAAs for weight loss allows you to saturate the blood with amino acid molecules, as a result of which muscle breakdown does not occur during a low-carb diet and strength exercises. Indeed, during a diet, losing weight has a low level of glycogen obtained from glucose, which gives rapid fatigue. Therefore, the body breaks down for energy muscle fiber... If carbohydrates are removed from the diet, fat is burned along with muscles. BCAA amino acids give you the opportunity not to be afraid of catabolism during weight loss.

For building muscle mass

Taking BCAAs to build muscle provides the athlete with the necessary energy reserves, which he wasted during strength or aerobic training. Also, without the right amount of amino acids, there will be no muscle gain, which is important for bodybuilders. To improve the training process, athletes to build muscle on non-workout days take protein shakes, gainers and fat burners, and drink BCAAs before and after workout.

For immunity

Great benefit of BCAA and for boosting immunity. Every workout is stressful for the body. The more intense the classes, the bigger organism needs amino acids, the lack of which reduces immunity. The BCAA complex is essential for post-workout recovery, especially during mid-season weather fluctuations. Scientists have proven that taking a dietary supplement will strengthen the immune system even in people who do not play sports.

To release glucose

Taking BCAAs is necessary so that amino acids help the body produce the hormones leptin and insulin, which are involved in metabolism, control appetite, and regulate glucose levels. After the conversion of amino acids into glucose, they become for the athlete alternative source energy. Since BCAA amino acids increase the release of insulin, protein synthesis after their intake begins even in the absence of it in the body.

As a source of glutamine synthesis

Taking the supplement allows the body to produce glutamine, which affects anabolic processes. Without glutamine, high-quality recovery of muscle tissue after strength loads is impossible. Thanks to the intake of a complex of amino acids, the glutamine necessary for an athlete is synthesized directly in the muscles.

BCAA rules - timing and frequency

Newbies are wondering how to take BCAAs? The rules for taking amino acids at rest and during training are significantly different. When active exercise stress, then the effect of BCAA sports nutrition on the body is to inhibit catabolic processes and stimulate anabolic ones. Therefore, during training, the body needs nourishment so as not to seek energy reserves within the body. Amino acids are involved in the fat burning process, and an active set of muscle mass occurs. On days of strength training, BCAAs are taken immediately before training and immediately after training. It is allowed to take the drug during strength training.

The effect on the body of amino acids on non-training days is not performed, so its intake is not required. But it is believed that athletes do not have enough protein from the diet for a good anabolic process, especially during drying, so some nutritionists recommend taking the supplement in the morning immediately after eating. The catabolic processes are strong just after the rise. Summing up, we can say that the frequency of admission on training days is 3-4 times, and on rest - 1 time in the morning after sleep.

How much to take (dosage)

The optimal portion of BCAAs, according to the manufacturer, is calculated as follows: 33 mg of leucine for each kilogram of body weight. Therefore, if you have 75 kg, then on the day of training you need to take 5 grams of BCAA. Knowing this versatile formula, you can easily calculate what portion of BCAA intake for muscle growth you need, regardless of the form of drug release.

Release form

There is a myth that the rate of assimilation of amino acids depends on the form of release. This is not true. It does not matter in what form the supplement is purchased, it will dissolve in the stomach after 5-10 seconds. The only difference is the method of administration: powdered BCAAs should be mixed with water and consumed, while capsules / tablets should be swallowed and washed down with water.

  1. Capsules... This is the most popular form, with which the release of the drug began. The main advantages are ease of use and neutral taste. They are easy to carry with you, and thanks to the packaging, when taking them, you can not feel the bitter taste of the powder. The disadvantages of the form of release include the high cost of the additive in comparison with the powder packaging.
  2. Pills... It is a compressed powder that is slower to digest than capsules and otherwise has the same benefits. Finding and buying pills is easy at a lower price than capsules.
  3. Powder... Economical packaging ideal for those looking to save money. When you buy the powder form, you get 1.5 times more BCAA. The disadvantages include a specific taste, although recently a powder with a pleasant fruity taste has appeared on the sports nutrition market, but more expensive in price.
  4. Liquid... It is produced in the form of a concentrate that dissolves quickly in water and in single doses. This form of release has a high absorption rate, but also an expensive cost.

BCAAs in food

Essential amino acids are also found in food, therefore, if they are present in the athlete's diet, they should be taken into account when calculating the dose of powdered BCAA. It would seem that there is nothing easier than swallowing a pill with a portion of amino acids, but the athlete should not eat only supplements. To increase the restorative potential of food intake, find out which protein foods contain high levels of BCAAs:

Which BCAAs are better - 2017 ranking

Choosing a BCAA amino acid manufacturer is an important consideration when purchasing. To help with the choice, we suggest studying the ranking of the best bcaa in 2017, according to professional bodybuilders:

  1. Modern BCAA USP Labs, available in powder and tablets. In addition to the main three, the composition contains alanine, lysine, sustamine, taurine, glycine. This supplement was also # 1 in the 2016 bcaa ranking.
  2. BCAA Xtend by Scivation being bright representative amino acids with a powerful anti-catabolic effect. It participates in the production of growth hormone, promotes the recruitment of a large amount of muscle mass.
  3. Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder Contains 5 grams of the purest amino acids in a traditional 2: 1: 1 ratio per serving. The big plus of the supplement is the complete absence of flavors.
  4. Dymatize BCAA POWDER possesses the highest level absorption. Due to its affordable price, excellent composition and high quality, the product is mega-popular among non-professional athletes.
  5. Olimp BCAA Xplode Is a complex containing, in addition to amino acids, glutamine and vitamin B. It is able to improve strength performance, suppress catabolic processes, and reduce fat deposits. An indisputable plus of the product is the complete absence of sugar in the composition.

Are there any contraindications for admission?

BCAA amino acids are natural product, given that its source is dairy products, eggs, meat. But if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause allergic reactions, chills, and intestinal upset. To avoid belching and heartburn, do not take the supplement on an empty stomach, but take it strictly as directed.

Avoid combining BCAAs with alcohol, which blocks the activity of the powerful anabolic growth hormone in your cells. Small dose alcoholic beverage will destroy weekly gym achievements.

The muscle tissue of every person consists mainly of water, protein and a small amount of other substances. In total, muscle fibers contain a set of 20 amino acids. Due to the complex physiological processes of the body, natural reproduction of 12 of them is possible. The need for 8 more can only be met from food and supplements.

For the athlete, the highest biological value represent the 3 amino acids that are consumed in the sports nutrition complex.

Among the most popular questions are whether the bcaa amino acids are harmful, do they negatively affect internal organs and if so, under what conditions.

In order to answer whether the use of bcaa is harmful or not, consider the role of each component of the complex:

Isoleucine. Synthesizes hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar, participates in energy metabolism and controls a healthy state skin... Also, isoleucine helps in muscle recovery and growth, optimizing the central nervous system.

Leucine. Promotes effective pumping and synthesis of natural protein molecules. It inhibits the breakdown of glucose, participates in energy and water exchange, as well as insulin stimulation. Full assimilation of dietary protein is impossible without leucine. In medicine, this substance is used to treat the liver and increase hemoglobin.

Valine. Participates in building, enhancing endurance, as well as muscle regeneration, enhancing the body's immunity. Helps in regulating energy exchange. Improves the condition of the central nervous system.

Together, these substances have a pronounced anabolic effect and contribute to effective growth, development and post-workout recovery of muscle fibers.

Almost all food products contain them in small quantities, therefore, it is in principle impractical to discuss the harm of bcaa amino acids for the body. We eat eggs, milk, meat, cereals, herbs, fruits, vegetables and we know that without them, the optimal functioning of our body is impossible. Athletes drink milk in liters precisely in order to obtain amino acids, including essential ones, so why should concentrated extracts of these components be dangerous?

However, some forum reviews about the dangers of bcaa on the human body, written by ordinary consumers, can shake even an athlete who has basic knowledge of biology and anatomy. People write about the harm of bcaa to the liver, intestinal disorders and even full-fledged poisoning, up to hospitalization.

BCAA - harm or benefit?

Consider the cases when the use of this supplement is really fraught with danger:

  • The use of clandestine supplements from unknown manufacturers. Most of the athletes who describe the harmfulness of bcaa use cheap supplements of dubious origin.
  • Violation of storage conditions.
  • Irregular consumption of drugs.

The harm of bcaa to the stomach is also often noted by people consuming the supplement along with substances that cause them allergies or intolerances. So, for example, every hundredth person suffers from lactose intolerance. It goes without saying that if BCAA, such a person drinks together with a concentrate, and not a protein isolate, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. In this case, a person may mistakenly believe that the reason is precisely in BCAA.

But are the BCAA amino acids harmful for the liver? pain syndrome in the area of ​​this organ? With the unrestrained consumption of the supplement, the absence of control of the daily protein intake - 2 g-2.5 g / kg of body weight, taking into account severe liver and kidney diseases, such side effects are indeed possible. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and develop an individual program for taking the amino acid complex.

By themselves, amino acids do not pose a danger to the liver, as it was already written above, on the contrary, they are used in its treatment.

A completely unacceptable myth about the harm of btsaa for men. They supposedly lower potency. In fact, such an effect is possible only in one case - the athlete works in shape without rest. As a result, commonplace fatigue, overtraining, lead to a decrease in libido. The athlete may not feel fatigue at first, therefore, he mistakenly believes that it was the additive that had a negative effect.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that from taking the supplement can only benefit and harm bcaa, due only to insufficient knowledge and misconceptions of individual consumers in the field of sports pharmacology.

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