Home Flowers From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history is an academic year. School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history (1) - Document

From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history is an academic year. School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history (1) - Document

Municipal educational institution of additional professional education

(advanced training) specialists


School stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in history

2012-2013 academic year

7th grade


1. Match the name of the ruler with the event. (Write your answer in the form of the resulting sequence of numbers). Fill in the last column.



A country




Qin Shi Huangdi

Highest score: 12 points (for the correct ratio by point and 0.5 points per country).

A comment: 71834625



A country


1. He feasted when the outskirts of his city were already captured by the enemy.



2.His tomb is guarded by thousands of clay warriors.


3. Famous sage, created a special value system



4. One day he ordered the sea to be punished.


5. He tried to introduce the worship of a single god, but after his death he was cursed by the priests.


6. After the Battle of Kadesh, he signed the first international treaty that has reached us.


Qin Shi Huangdi

7. He conquered the country and ordered all the traditions and laws of this country to be written down on clay tablets.


8. It was he who began to be called the “king of kings.”


2. Arrange the events of the history of the Middle Ages according to the century in which they occurred. In the “Russia” column, write down any events in Russian history that correspond to this century.

Middle Ages


Creation of Parliament in England, Verdun partition, formation of the Frankish Empire, split Christian Church, founding of the Duchy of Normandy, Second Crusade.

Highest score: 6 points (each correct ratio is scored).

A comment:

Middle Ages


formation of the Frankish Empire

Verdun section

founding of the Duchy of Normandy

schism of the Christian church

Second crusade

Creation of Parliament in England

3 . Here is a list of events from different historical periods. Determine which of them belong to the 10th century, XI V., XIII V.

1. Baptism of Rus'

2. Battle on the Ice

3. Compilation of “Russian Truth”

4. Battle of Kalka

5. First treaty with Byzantium

6. Invasion of the troops of Khan Batu

7. Congress of Russian princes in Lyubech

8. The reign of Prince Igor

9. Creation of the Kyiv Metropolis

10. Campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav to Danube Bulgaria

In the answer form, draw the following table and enter serial numbers events in the corresponding column of the table




Highest score: 5 points; if a student made 1-2 mistakes - 3 points, if more - 0 points.

Question: Make up definitions from the given words historical concepts and write them down. Write the concepts yourself. Words cannot be used twice. In that linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words by numbers and cases. 1. Chapter, Russian, title, Church, Orthodox. 2. Benefits, degree, renunciation, vital, abstinence, extreme, from. 3. Accumulations, history discipline, development, studying, society, knowledge, human, about, history, historical, etc.

From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts and write them down. Write the concepts yourself. Words cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words by numbers and cases. 1. Chapter, Russian, title, Church, Orthodox. 2. Benefits, degree, renunciation, vital, abstinence, extreme, from. 3. Accumulations, history discipline, development, studying, society, knowledge, human, about, history, historical, etc.


1) title, head of the Russian Orthodox Church- patriarch 2) extreme degree of renunciation, abstinence from the blessings of life - asceticism 3) Historiography is a historical discipline that studies the development and accumulation of knowledge on the history of human society.

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History Olympiad assignments.

1. As is known, at the beginning of the twentieth century in Russian Empire The class system was preserved. In the titles below social groups Russian society contains eight names of classes, enshrined in law. Write down these names.

Commoners, intelligentsia, Cossacks, working class, bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie, clergy, nobility, civil servants, merchants, peasants, serfs, tenants, foreigners, officials, artisans.

2. Match the concepts and definitions:

1. Patrimony 3. Localism

2. Estate 4. Feeding

a) the procedure for holding public positions in accordance with the nobility of the family

b) the procedure for maintaining local authorities at the expense of funds collected from local population

c) land tenure, given on the condition of serving the sovereign

d) land ownership owned by peasants

e) land ownership, inherited

3. Give a short answer.

A. The government that operated at the very beginning of the reign of Ivan IV was called...

B. Large enterprise, based on handicraft techniques, but with a division of labor, is called ...

V. In the Russian state, a semi-regular army performing garrison service, armed with arquebuses and reeds, was called ...

G. Name the Moscow prince who defeated Mamai on the Kulikovo Field.

D. The name of the church hierarch with whom the event is associated church reform and correction of liturgical books.

4. A student prepared a written history paper and asked a high school student to review it. He indicated six mistakes in the work (they are marked and numbered in the work), although the student made only four. Indicate which mistakes were actually made by the student and which were not. Give reasons for your decision in each case. Maximum score – 18.

“The abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861 allowed peasants gain personal freedom for money(1) and redeem your land plot. This same reform entailed a number of other important changes in the field of local government, finance(2), courts and armed forces. Thus, during the zemstvo reform of 1864, all-estate bodies were created local government, to which representatives of landowners could be elected, peasants(3) and educated classes of the city(4). Thanks to the same year judicial reform Russia has gained an adversarial, public trial with the participation of jurors from number of people with higher education(5). In 1874 it was held military reform, the result of which was universal conscription, which extended to all class categories, except hereditary nobility(6)."

5. By what principle are the rows formed? Give a short answer.

    Posadnik, thousand, bishop, prince.

    Freedom from poll tax, the right to trade and establish factories, freedom from conscription, the right to buy villages.

    Hryvnia, rezana, kuna, altyn, ruble.

    A.N. Radishchev, D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, I.T. Pososhkov.

    Baroque, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism.

6. Here are several fragments from the “Course of Russian History” by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Say everyone's names historical figures, which are directly mentioned or mentioned indirectly in each of them.

A. With an abundant supply of majestic ancient images and the latest political ideas he entered into real life; She met him somehow two-faced: he had to rotate between his grandmother and father, and these were not only two faces, but even two special worlds.

B. It was only baked in a Polish oven, and fermented in Moscow. It was not for nothing that the tsar, as soon as he heard about his appearance, directly told the boyars that it was their business, that they had framed the impostor.

7. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”.

1. Polyudye usually began in November, after the winter route was established, the autumn thaw stopped.

2. The kissing cross record that Vasily Shuisky gave upon ascending the throne was called the Conditions.

3. The future Patriarch Nikon and the future spiritual leader of the Old Believer movement, Archpriest Avvakum in the late 1640s. were members of a circle of zealots of piety.

8. Write expressions whose origin is connected with the history of domestic crafts, trade, money circulation and which are used in the sense indicated below.

1. Engage in idle chatter, idle talk.

2. Judging something or someone only according to your own ideas is extremely subjective.

3. Have no value, no meaning.

9. From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. You can add prepositions, change words by case, etc.

A) duty, serfs, products, natural, landowner, or, peasants, give, part, money

B) tribute, prince, s, land, collection, subject

C) public, representatives, Russia, past, believed, and, path, should, original, idealized, develop, thought, Russian, that

10. Write correctly the following words:









11. Who did the poet say about?

In Alexandrovskaya Slobodka

Well done, they drink and party,

All guardsmen are dashing,

Young Chernets.

In their midst is the holy king

He sits in a velvet cassock;

Quietly singing psalms,

He knocks on the floor with his staff. A. Koltsov.

12. Give 1-2 examples of proverbs that confirm that our ancestors were engaged in: agriculture; cattle breeding; hunting; fishing; craft.

13. Read a fragment of the decisions of the Zemsky Sobor of 1649 and answer the questions:

Chapter XI. The trial of the peasants.
1. Which sovereigns of palace villages and black volosts, peasants and peasants, having run out from the sovereign palace villages and black volosts, live for the patriarch, or for metropolitans, and for archbishops, and bishops, or for monasteries, or for boyars, or for okolnichy and for Duma councilors, and for chamberlains, and for stewards, and for solicitors, and for Moscow nobles, and for clerks, and for tenants, and for city nobles and boyar children, and for foreigners, and for all sorts of patrimonial landowners and landowners, and in scribe books , which books the scribes submitted to the Local and in (s) orders after the Moscow fire last year 134, those runaway peasants, or their fathers, were written for the sovereign, and those sovereign runaway peasants and peasants, looking for them, were taken to the sovereign's palace villages and to black volosts, according to their old lots, according to scribe books with wives and children and with all their peasant bellies without prescribed years.

1. What was the name of the document adopted by the Zemsky Sobor in 1649?

2. Based on the document, determine who was the owner of the peasants?

3. What are “lesson summers”?

4. What did the abolition of “lesson years” mean?


1. Answers (the sequence does not matter):

1) commoners; 2) Cossacks; 3) townspeople; 4) clergy; 5) nobility; 6) merchants;

7) peasants; 8) foreigners. For each correctly indicated class - 2 points.

2. Answer: 1. d. 2. c. 3. a. 4. b.

3. Answer: A. Elected Rada. B. Manufactory. V. Streltsy. G. Dmitry Donskoy. D. Nikon.

4. Answers and explanations:

1. No, the peasants received personal freedom without any conditions or payments.

2. Yes, during financial reforms The State Bank was created, the position of state controller was introduced, the state list of income and expenses (budget) began to be published, and the poll tax for the urban population was abolished.

3. Yes, peasants received the right to vote and be elected to zemstvo councils.

4. No, urban population received the right to vote not by virtue of education, but by owning real estate or paying taxes on trade.

5.No, education (and higher education in particular) was not a prerequisite for participation in court as a juror.

6. No. Military service also extended to the hereditary nobility.

One point each for a correct “yes” or “no” answer to the highlighted error. Up to 2 points for each correctly identified motivation, depending on the completeness and accuracy of the answer.

5. Answer: officials Novgorod Republic; provisions of the Letter of Grant to the nobility; monetary units Rus'; writers and poets of the second half of the XVIII century; styles in art.

6. Answer: A. Alexander I, Catherine II, Paul I. B. False Dmitry I, Boris Godunov.

7. Answer: yes, no, yes.

8. Answer: sharpen lasses; measure to your own yardstick; not worth a penny.

9. A) quitrent - a natural part of the serfs’ duties, transferred to the landowner in products or money; B) polyudye - collection of tribute by the prince from subject lands; C) Slavophiles - representatives of Russian social thought who idealized the past and believed that Russia should develop in an original way.

10. Contribution, liberalism, militarism, monopoly, protectionism, secularization, favoritism, metropolitan

11 Ivan IV the Terrible;

12. Sample answers:

Farming: “The first pancake is lumpy”, “Eating rolls - don’t sit on the stove”, “Bread is father, water is mother”; “Shchi and porridge are our food” (other answers are possible)

Cattle breeding: “The sheep is not worth the candle”, “The wolf took pity on the mare - he left the tail and the mane”, “A whole herd is a joy for the shepherd”, “And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe”, “They let the goat into the garden”

Hunting: “Go hunting and feed the dogs,” “If you don’t kill a bear, you don’t sell the skin.”

Fishing: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty”, “Don’t teach a fish to swim”, “Don’t threaten the pike with the sea”

Craft: “Like the spinner, so is the shirt she wears”, “It’s not the gods who burn the pots”, “Forge the iron while it’s hot”, “Without an ax you’re not a carpenter, without a needle you’re not a tailor.”

13. Answers:

1. Cathedral Code

2. church, palace, private owners

3. the terms established by royal decrees for the search and return of fugitive peasants to their owners (from 5 to 15 years)

4. cancellation means that the investigation has become indefinite

Explanatory note to the tasks of the History Olympiad.

Total number tasks 13.

12 tasks with an open short answer (indication of dates, facts, names; the ability to correlate an event with a century, consideration of events in chronological sequence; definition characteristic features; comparison of events, phenomena, explanation of causes and consequences.)

No. 13 task with an open, detailed answer (extracting information from historical sources.)

Answers are attached to the Olympiad tasks.

Municipal educational institution additional professional education

(advanced training) specialists


School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history


1. Explain on what basis the chronological series is compiled, briefly indicate what events, according to your logic, occurred in the indicated years. Continue the series:

1463, 1474, 1478, … .

Highest score: 6 points (2 points for determining the principle and one each for determining the date).

A comment: These are the dates of the annexation of new territories to the Moscow Principality.

1463 - Yaroslavl Principality, 1474 - Rostov Principality, 1478 - annexation of Novgorod lands.

1485 – annexation of the Tver Principality

2.Arrange the events of the era Palace coups in their chronological order.

A. Foundation of Moscow University

B. Creation of the Supreme Privy Council

B. Acceptance of “standards”

D Capture of Berlin by Russian troops

D Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf

E Arrest of Menshikov

Highest score: 4 points (For absolutely correct sequence 4 points, if 1 mistake is made - 3 points).

A comment: B E V A D G

3.Identify the battle based on the diagram. Write down the event and its date.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/103/images/image002_119.jpg" width="296 height=203" height="203">

Highest score: 4 points (2 points for identifying events and 2 points for identifying dates).

A comment:

A) Battle of Kulikovo. 1380

B) Battle on the ice. 1242

4.From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words by case (they are given in the nominative case), etc.

1) khan, Russian, control, principality, representative, tribute, Horde, local, power, collection.

2) population, Rus', official, content, person, account, local, system.

Highest score: 6 points.

A comment:

1) Baskak - representative of the Horde khan in the Russian principalities to control local authorities and collecting tribute.

2) Feeding is a system of maintaining officials in Rus' at the expense of the local population.

5.A historian must correctly write historical concepts and terms. Fill in the correct letter or letters in place of the blanks (where necessary). Give definitions to the resulting concepts.

1) m...tr...p...lit

2) month...n...h...st

Highest score: 6 points (1 point for a correctly spelled word and 2 points for a definition).

A comment:

1) metropolitan - the second most important rank in the Orthodox Church church hierarchy(after the patriarch). Appeared in Rus' in the 11th century. and were before late XVI V. Initially, Metropolitans were appointed to Rus' from Byzantium.

2) localism - the procedure for distributing official places in medieval Rus', taking into account the origin and official position of a person’s ancestors.

6.Indicate the extra name in the row and briefly explain your choice.

1) a) Andrey Bogolyubsky; b) Vsevolod Big Nest; c) Yuri Dolgoruky; d) Yaroslav the Wise.

2) a) V. Shuisky; b) G. Otrepiev; c) M. Skuratov; d) B. Godunov.

Highest score: 4 points.

A comment:

1) g, since this is the prince of the heyday Kievan Rus, the rest are princes from the period of appanage fragmentation in Rus'.

2) c, since he is a guardsman close to I. the Terrible, the rest are politicians period of Troubles.

7.Journalist writing on historical topics, tried to talk about Ivan’s activities III. It so happened that Ivan III he attributed some qualities and actions of two other heads of the Russian state - Ivan IV and Boris Godunov.

The article contains 10 sentences. They are numbered. Divide them into three groups. Draw such a table on the answer form and enter the sentence numbers in the appropriate columns.

Boris Godunov

1. He was born when his father was already over fifty, so he was a very desirable child, and the whole country was awaiting his birth.

2. He inherited from his father, Vasily the Dark, who was blinded by rivals in his youth, a large Muscovy, whose territory was 400 thousand square kilometers.

3. In the seventeenth year of his life, he announced to Metropolitan Macarius that he wanted to get married, and he also made a speech that he wanted to take the title of king.

4. His election as king took place on Zemsky Sobor, so he became the first elected tsar in the history of the Russian state.

5. The royal court was likened to the Byzantine, since he was the son-in-law of one of the Palaiologos and wanted to restore Greece to us in compliance with all the rituals of its church and courtiers: he surrounded himself with Roman eagles and received foreign ambassadors in the Golden Chamber, which was reminiscent of Justinian.

6. During his reign, a terrible famine broke out due to unfavorable weather conditions for two consecutive years.

7. During his reign, famous Italian architects built magnificent churches and the Chamber of Facets in the Moscow Kremlin.

8. During one of his attacks, he accidentally killed his son by hitting him in the temple with an iron-tipped staff.

9. He stayed on the Grand Duke's throne for 43 years. He left his heir a huge power, its area during his reign grew fivefold and exceeded 2 million square kilometers.

10. A famous poem and an opera of the same name are dedicated to the period of his reign.

Highest score

A comment:

Boris Godunov

8.Before you is a list of historical sources and literary monuments of different historical periods. Determine which of them are XVI century, XVII century, XVIII century

1. Life of Archpriest Avvakum

2. “Cheti-Minea”

3. "Apostle"

4. "Undergrown"

5. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”

6. Vedomosti newspaper

8. "Domostroy"

9. Magazine “All sorts of things”

10. “The Legend” by Abraham Palitsyn

In the answer form, draw such a table and enter the serial numbers of events in the corresponding column of the table

XVII century

XVIII century

Highest score: 5 points (for each answer – 0.5 points).

1. As is known, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the class system was preserved in the Russian Empire. The following names of social groups of Russian society contain eight names of classes, enshrined in law. Write down these names.

Commoners, intelligentsia, Cossacks, working class, bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie, clergy, nobility, civil servants, merchants, peasants, serfs, tenants, foreigners, officials, artisans.

The maximum score is 16.

2. Match the concepts and definitions:

1. Patrimony 3. Localism

2. Estate 4. Feeding

a) the procedure for holding public positions in accordance with the nobility of the family

b) the procedure for maintaining local authorities at the expense of funds collected from the local population

c) land tenure, given on the condition of serving the sovereign

d) land ownership owned by peasants

e) land ownership, inherited

1 ______ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ____

Maximum score - 4.

3. Give a short answer.

A. The government that operated at the very beginning of the reign of Ivan IV was called...

B. A large enterprise based on handicrafts, but with a division of labor, is called ...

V. In the Russian state, a semi-regular army performing garrison service, armed with arquebuses and reeds, was called ...

G. Name the Moscow prince who defeated Mamai on the Kulikovo Field.

D. The name of the church hierarch with whom the implementation of church reform and the correction of liturgical books is associated.

4. A student prepared a written history paper and asked a high school student to review it. He indicated six mistakes in the work (they are marked and numbered in the work), although the student made only four. Indicate which mistakes were actually made by the student and which were not. Give reasons for your decision in each case. The maximum score is 18.

“The abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861 allowed peasants gain personal freedom for money(1) and redeem your land plot. This same reform entailed a number of other important changes in the field of local government, finance(2), courts and armed forces. Thus, during the zemstvo reform of 1864, all-estate local government bodies were created, to which representatives of landowners could be elected, peasants(3) and educated classes of the city(4). Thanks to the judicial reform carried out in the same year, Russia gained an adversarial, public trial with the participation of jurors from number of people with higher education(5). In 1874, a military reform was carried out, which resulted in universal conscription, which extended to all class categories, except hereditary nobility(6)."

5. By what principle are the rows formed? Give a short answer.

    Posadnik, thousand, bishop, prince.

    Freedom from poll tax, the right to trade and establish factories, freedom from conscription, the right to buy villages.

    Hryvnia, rezana, kuna, altyn, ruble.

    A.N. Radishchev, D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, I.T. Pososhkov.

    Baroque, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism.

The maximum score is 10 (2 for the correct answer).

6. Here are several fragments from the “Course of Russian History” by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Name all the historical figures who are directly mentioned or mentioned indirectly in each of them.

A. With an abundant supply of majestic ancient images and the latest political ideas, he entered real life; She met him somehow two-faced: he had to rotate between his grandmother and father, and these were not only two faces, but even two special worlds.

B. It was only baked in a Polish oven, and fermented in Moscow. It was not for nothing that the tsar, as soon as he heard about his appearance, directly told the boyars that it was their business, that they had framed the impostor.

The maximum score is 10 (2 for the correct answer).

7. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”.

1. Polyudye usually began in November, after the winter route was established, the autumn thaw stopped.

2. The kissing cross record that Vasily Shuisky gave upon ascending the throne was called the Conditions.

3. The future Patriarch Nikon and the future spiritual leader of the Old Believer movement, Archpriest Avvakum in the late 1640s. were members of a circle of zealots of piety.

The maximum score is 9 (3 points for a correct answer).

8. Write expressions whose origin is connected with the history of domestic crafts, trade, money circulation and which are used in the sense indicated below.

1. Engage in idle chatter, idle talk.

2. Judging something or someone only according to your own ideas is extremely subjective.

3. Have no value, no meaning.

9. From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. You can add prepositions, change words by case, etc.

A) duty, serfs, products, natural, landowner, or, peasants, give, part, money

B) tribute, prince, s, land, collection, subject

C) public, representatives, Russia, past, believed, and, path, should, original, idealized, develop, thought, Russian, that

The maximum score is 6 (2 for the correct answer).

10. Insert the dates of the named events and solve the chronological equations. What event national history happened in year X?

A) (the first chronicle mention of Moscow + decree on the founding of Moscow University): 2 + 29 = X

B) (Russia’s signing of the Nystadt Peace Treaty with Sweden + the year to which the Tale of Bygone Years refers to Rurik’s calling - 99): 2 = X

The maximum score is 6 (3 for the correct answer).

11. Write the following words correctly:









The maximum score is 10 (1 for the correct answer).

12. Who did the poet say about? Maximum score – 9 (3 for correct answer)

A) You know

like a pagan king

announced to another

He said:

My face is scary

and the anger is deep.

To one of us -

God knows! –

don’t cut off heads in battle…. R. Rozhdestvensky.

B) In Alexandrovskaya Slobodka

Well done, they drink and party,

All guardsmen are dashing,

Young Chernets.

In their midst is the holy king

He sits in a velvet cassock;

Quietly singing psalms,

He knocks on the floor with his staff. A. Koltsov.

B) So majestic

In gold barm.

Pushkin glory

Manuscript - cut.

Polish region

Brutal butcher. M. Tsvetaeva.

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