Home indoor flowers How is punctuation parsed. Correct punctuation of a sentence

How is punctuation parsed. Correct punctuation of a sentence

This task tests the ability to punctuation parsing sentences complicated by introductory constructions. W o d e words are words or
word combinations that
the speaker expresses his attitude to
what he says:
Of course, we do not have all the shot ducks.
got it. Vladimir, to the great
Yermolai's surprise, he did not shoot at all
Great. Yermolai fired, as always,
triumphantly. I usually -

Introductory words have different meanings:

1. expressing the feelings of the speaker
to joy, to chagrin, to shame, to
unfortunately, to horror, to amazement, to
resentment, etc.
The Bursaks went ahead, and, to the greatest
their joy, barking seemed in the distance.
Luckily, we left the next day.

Different degree of certainty (greater or lesser)

undoubtedly, probably, obviously
seems, perhaps, apparently, perhaps
certainly, unquestionably, apparently
apparently etc.
Of course, all this was childish.
Dad will probably go to the hero right now.
Gottlieb, maybe he will order to harness

Message source

according to (someone's) message, in my opinion, in-
in your opinion, in (someone's) opinion
words (of someone)
According to information from reliable
sources, flood this year on the rivers
will not.
I got tanned like a black man and went wild, in general
the expression of all our friends.

The order of thoughts and their connection

Firstly Secondly Thirdly,
finally, therefore, therefore,
for example, on the contrary, by the way,
so, by the way, besides, etc.
I didn't like the river at first
because all overgrown from the shores
reeds, so that the water was not visible,
and secondly, because the water in it was
bitter. However, the bitterness of water is not
had a bad effect on the fish.

Notes on the Ways of Forming Thoughts

in a word, in other words, if possible
so to speak, so to speak,
so to speak etc.
The year, in a word, was not lived in vain.
At leisure, I gave free rein to my
imagination, or rather
consideration. (Ax.)

A call to the interlocutor in order to draw his attention to the reported

imagine, do you believe, do you know,
do you understand, listen, have mercy,
say goodbye, etc.
Imagine a door opens and
Masha runs! And from where, tell me
mercy, got it!

Introductory sentences are used in the same function as introductory words. Introductory sentences can be impersonal, indefinitely personal

Introductory sentences are used in the same
functions as introductory words. introductory
offers can be impersonal,
indefinitely personal or two-part:
Time seemed to have stopped.
As they said, there must be some
the number of minks, otters and foxes.
In this way, it is believed, as soon as possible and
carry more cargo.
Hired yard, as already said,
was a complete wasteland
littered with all sorts of heaps.

10. Pay attention!

They are not introductory and do not stand out
words and phrases with commas:
allegedly, as if, even, hardly, suddenly,
literally, as if, after all, hardly, all the same, just, besides, by decision, by
representation, therefore, in addition, in
ultimately, as if

11. Word however

if it is in the middle or at the end
proposal is introductory and
separated by commas. At the beginning
sentences it has the meaning of union
but it is not introductory either:
For a long time, however, we had to wait for you.
You are late, however.
However (=but) he never received the letter.

12. Word however

The snow is over
however the clouds are still
hung low over
quiet city.

13. Word at last

indicates the connection of thoughts and completes
enumeration and it can be replaced by the expression "and
A.P. Chekhov was a playwright, short story writer and, finally,
example of self-education.
The word is finally not introductory and is not highlighted
commas, if used in the meaning of "under
end”, “finally”, “as a result of everything”. AT
In such cases, one can finally add to the word
a particle:
He waited a long time for a call from the school, did not sleep, was nervous
and finally waited.

14. Word in general

is introductory and is separated by commas,
if used in the sense of "generally
Actually, I would like to hear this
story from your lips.
If at all it means "generally",
“always”, “absolutely”, “in general”, “not at all
under what conditions”, “in all respects”, then
it doesn't stand out:
You don't wait for me at all. From an invitation
I refused yours. For such
he generally punished his actions severely.

15. Word means

is introductory and is separated by commas if
it can be replaced by the words "therefore",
Over the lessons you rarely sit, so it's unlikely
should wait good results. You mean
didn't make it to the train?
If means replace with the word means or it
stands between the subject and the predicate, then it
not separated by commas:
Your good relations to my children means
a lot for me.
To answer rudely means to show your
bad manners.


Words actually, rather, rather, rather
are introductory if after them
you can put a word saying:
What exactly do you need from me?
It was, more precisely, at the end of the past

17. Features of punctuation marks for introductory words.


Between adjacent introductory words
a comma is placed:
True, according to your friend, you led
yourself not in the best way.
If a introductory combination represents
incomplete construction, then instead of one
a comma puts a dash
According to scouts, the enemies settled in
shtetl, according to mine - moving to our


If the introductory word is a word (one word)
stands after homogeneous members before
generalizing, then a dash is placed in front of it, and
after it - comma
Mountaineering, skiing, swimming, tennis
In a word, he was attracted by a lot.


Between coordinating union and introductory
a comma is put in the word if the introductory
word can be omitted. If this
impossible, then the comma is not put
And by the way, I've already cooked dinner.
Not a year, but maybe ten years lived
Ivan Georgievich in one night.
The first frosts have begun
therefore, speeches about rafting on the river are already
did not behave.

21. Punctuation in introductory sentences

22. Commas mark introductory sentences in the following cases:

1) If they are impersonal or
vaguely personal: Missing
detachment, it seems to me, you need to look for
another side of the mountain. Her temper, they assured
me, stopped even the ardent
2) If they are personal uncommon
Suggestions: Rain, I think soon
will end. The diploma, he believed, would open
door to new world creativity.

23. Commas mark introductory sentences in the following cases:

3) If they begin with unions or
in allied words: Against the very gates,
on the wall, hung the image of Nicholas
A miracle worker, as Kovlyaga told me. I
came into such excitement, into such excitement,
as Evseich said, that I was trembling
arms and legs. The time has come for my
fishing, as Yevseich predicted.

24. The difference between introductory words and sentence members

It must be remembered that in some cases
introductory words can be omitted, and the meaning of the sentence
Will not change:
Beavers, right, decided that they were in full
security - the introductory word can be omitted correctly.
She did the right thing - in this case the word is right
cannot be dropped;
introductory words can be replaced by others, close in
Beavers, right (obviously, probably, probably),
They thought they were completely safe.
She did the right thing (i.e. right).


introductory words can be replaced by others,
close in meaning:
The snow is probably over, but the clouds
still hung low over the hushed

26. Place punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be.

When (1) at last (2) the sun appeared and
warmed up the earth, then the trees and grass
covered with such strong dew, such
glowing patterns peered out of the dark
forest branches of fir trees that (3) seemed (4) to this
finishing would not be enough diamonds throughout
our land.

27. Place punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be.

If the moon's orbit for any
reasons (1) still (2) move away from
Land on short distance, then (3) by
astronomers believe (4) life on the planet
catastrophe threatens.

28. Place punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers in the place of which there should be commas.

Fun, carefree childhood (1) anyway
(2) someday it will end, and the adult
life (3) of course (4) will require serious
decisions and responsible actions.

29. Put punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers, in place of which commas should be.

On the one hand (1) were silent
mountains, on the other side (2) the sea roared. FROM
one side (3) cars are useful, and
(4) on the other hand (5) everyone knows that
the harm they cause to the environment

30. Place punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be.

Animals in the forest make you wary (1
there must be (2) even the rustle of falling
leaves. Outlines of a house under construction (3)
seemed (4) like a ship.

31. Place punctuation marks, indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be.

It was assumed that the President of the Russian Federation
talk to the ambassador for an hour (1)
however (2) the conversation dragged on. Minister (3)
however (4) signed the order, oh
need for so long
spoken in society.

In the study of punctuation parsing, it is important to highlight the basic principles:

  • search for a grammatical basis;
  • search for those involved or participle turns;
  • search for introductory structures.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main steps in the algorithm for punctuation parsing a sentence:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. By whether there is a dot at the end of the sentence, question mark or ellipsis, the reader determines the emotional color of the statement. It is necessary that the student could explain in detail and clearly why this particular punctuation mark was chosen.
  • The next step is to define the sentence structure. The number of punctuation marks depends on whether a simple sentence is in front of us or a complex one. In order for students to easily distinguish a simple sentence from a complex one, they must be able to independently determine not only the grammatical basis of the sentence, but also the type of the subordinate clause.
  • Next, analyze the functions of each punctuation mark; we remind you that they can be separating and highlighting.

Students should understand the difference between the use of dividing and emphasizing marks.

To distinguishing marks include dashes, colons, commas, quotation marks, and brackets. With their help, separations, definitions and generalizations, etc. are distinguished.

To separating marks include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Signs are intended to separate homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a compound sentence, etc.

  • Immediately before the punctuation analysis, teachers recommend analyzing the sentence by composition with the obligatory allocation of the grammatical basis, homogeneous members of the sentence, definitions and circumstances.
  • The graphic scheme of the sentence, compiled on the basis of the analysis of the sentence by composition, will greatly simplify the punctuation analysis.
  • The final point is punctuation analysis.


We propose to consolidate the information received in practice. Students need to have an accurate understanding of what the teacher is asking them to do, so it is important to provide them with a sample debrief.

Example 1

[Halfway through open window the trapezoid was pushed sunlight], 1 (the upper corner of which touched the edge of the mirror cabinet).(D. Rubina)

  • Grammatical bases: the trapezoid is pushed in, the angle touches.
  • The main clause and the subordinate clause are separated by a comma.

[The boys looked at each other and, 1 |without taking their eyes off me|, 2 began to back away slowly and cautiously]. (K. Paustovsky)

  • Grammatical basis: the boys looked at each other and began to back away.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • In the sentence, two commas highlight the adverbial turnover.

| Straining and turning purple |, 1 (the sun plopped down behind the stanitsa cemetery), 2 (and twilight swirled blue over the brushwood behind me). (M. Sholokhov)

  • Grammatical bases: the sun plopped down, twilight swirled.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • The sentence has two punctuation marks. In the first case, a comma separates two homogeneous gerunds, and in the second case, a comma separates parts of a compound sentence.

It should be summed up. If the student is able to remember this simple algorithm, then he will master the punctuation analysis of the sentence to perfection.

Knowing the rules of punctuation greatly contributes to the ordering of spelling and the elimination of illiteracy. Punctuation is a science whose priority is the correct formulation (the term came to Russian from Latin and literally means “point”), is closely related to syntax (the concept comes from the Greek word “military system”) - a section of grammar that aims to study speech structure, parts and components, its components. In the complex

these disciplines are studied and punctuation analysis is performed.

Following the linguist A. A. Shakhmatov, modern syntax scientists recognize the central
syntactic unit sentence, which is the minimum model in speech communication. It has the form of intonation-closed syntactic construction expressing the actual situation or the process of thinking, imagination. And simple, and fit this definition.

The main object of attention in the syntax of a sentence is its positional components (this includes phrases, word forms at the level of interpositional and intrapositional syntactic connection, the formal indicators of which include the presence of conjunctions, inflections, prepositions). The main principle of the language structure is not to complicate the use of punctuation marks unnecessarily (which at the same time facilitates punctuation parsing), but at the same time, the need to preserve the flexibility of the syntactic system is taken into account in order to express the semantic shades and features of the text as fully as possible. Hence, a variation in the formulation of A inevitably arises, if we also take into account the possibility of an individual author's arrangement, then the punctuation analysis becomes noticeably more complicated.

To accurately put this or that punctuation mark, you must follow certain rules. And for this, in turn, you need to be able to distinguish (know the features of the use of each of them and basic information on them), find a predicative center, have an idea about minor members sentences, feel intonation pauses, understand the difference in the expression of the author's emotions and highlight them appropriately in writing. This includes the concept of "punctuation parsing", and also explains the close interweaving and interconnection of syntax, punctuation, and morphology.

Which can be used in the text: dot (expresses the completeness of thought), interrogative (contains a question), exclamation (transmission method

special emotions, feelings) signs, ellipsis (in case of understatement, incompleteness), comma (set in order to divide, highlight, separate homogeneous members, introductory constructions, direct speech, appeals, separate constructions, parts complex sentence), semicolon (characteristic for the most part for non-union complex sentences), dash (used in both simple and complex sentences, in dialogues, direct speech), colon (similar to a dash), quotation marks (characteristic of direct speech), brackets (to provide additional information).

That is, generalizing the above, we can imagine an algorithm by which the punctuation parsing of a sentence is performed:

  • Designate according to the purpose of the statement, according to intonational features.
  • Define simple or complex.
  • Find predicative structures and minor members.
  • If simple - characterize from this point of view (two-part / one-part, complete / incomplete, common / not common, complicated or not).

For complex - to identify the type of connection (subordination / composition / non-union / with various types) and the means of its transmission (intonation, union, allied or correlative words).

  • Explain the appropriateness of all punctuation marks (periods, commas, dashes, colons, etc.), both at the end of the sentence and within its parts.
  • Make a diagram.

Acting In a similar way, you can analyze any offer.

What is punctuation parsing and how to do it, believe me very urgently!?

  1. Perform punctuation analysis - this means explaining the punctuation (graphically + analysis).
    An example of parsing a sentence according to the model adopted in school practice:
    1. Write a sentence, underline the punctogram.
    2. Briefly state the punctuation rule for this case(for this you need to run graphic works, characteristic of punctograms: underline grammar basics, select a number of homogeneous members of the proposal, etc.)
    3. Draw a sentence outline, including in a non-graphic designation the need for (or lack of) a punctuation mark.

    By nature bashful and timid, she (subject) was annoyed (predicate) at her shyness.

    Scheme: / isolated definition /, subject predicate.
    Characteristic: simple, complicated by a separate definition related to a personal pronoun.

  2. Thanks
  3. Perform punctuation analysis - this means explaining the punctuation (graphically + analysis).
    An example of parsing a sentence according to the model adopted in school practice:
    1. Write a sentence, underline the punctogram.
    2. Briefly formulate the punctuation rule for this case (for this, you should perform graphic work characteristic of a punctogram: emphasize grammatical foundations, highlight a number of homogeneous members of a sentence, etc.)
    3. Draw a sentence outline, including in a non-graphic designation the need for (or lack of) a punctuation mark.

    By nature bashful and timid, she (subject) was annoyed (predicate) at her shyness.

    Scheme: / isolated definition /, subject predicate.
    Characteristic: simple, complicated by a separate definition related to a personal pronoun.

  4. Explanation of punctuation marks

    10 A comma separates a separate definition expressed participle turnover and standing after the defined word

  5. Punctuation parsing of a sentence
    Sentence punctuation scheme
    1. Name and explain the punctogram at the end of the sentence (period, question mark, exclamation point, ellipsis, combination of characters).

    2. Name and explain punctograms at the level of a complex sentence (punctuation marks between simple sentences as part of a complex one).

    3. Name and explain punctograms at the level of a simple sentence.
    Sentence Punctuation Parsing Sample

    Asking, (which is more peaceful), Pierre climbed on the horse, grabbed the mane, 4 pressed the heels of his twisted legs to the horse’s stomach and, 5 feeling (that his glasses were falling off) and (that he was unable to take his hands off the mane and reins), galloped after the general, arousing the smiles of the staff members who were looking at him from the mound. (L. Tolstoy)

    Explanation of punctuation marks

    1. Period at the end of a sentence; a period is placed at the end of the sentence, as it is a declarative, non-exclamatory sentence that contains a complete message.

    2. Punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence; This is a complex sentence with three subordinate clauses:

    1 and 2 commas highlight the subordinate clause inside the main one;

    6 and 8 commas highlight the subordinate clauses inside the main one;

    7 the comma is not put, because homogeneous clauses are connected by a single connecting union and;

    3. Punctuation between homogeneous members suggestions; isolation of circumstances and definitions:

    3 and 4 commas separate homogeneous predicates, connected without union;

    5 comma separates isolated circumstance, expressed by a single gerund;

    9 a comma separates a separate circumstance expressed by a participle;

  6. Punctuation analysis - an explanation of the conditions for setting punctuation marks.
    (grammatical, semantic ..)
  7. I don't know
  8. Perform punctuation analysis - this means explaining the punctuation (graphically + analysis).
    An example of parsing a sentence according to the model adopted in school practice:
    1. Write a sentence, underline the punctogram.
    2. Briefly formulate the punctuation rule for this case (for this, you should perform graphic work characteristic of a punctogram: emphasize grammatical foundations, highlight a number of homogeneous members of a sentence, etc.)
    3. Draw a sentence outline, including in a non-graphic designation the need for (or lack of) a punctuation mark.

    By nature bashful and timid, she (subject) was annoyed (predicate) at her shyness.

    Scheme: / isolated definition /, subject predicate.
    Characteristic: simple, complicated by a separate definition related to a personal pronoun.

  9. Sentence Punctuation Parsing Sample

    Asking, (which is more peaceful), Pierre climbed on the horse, grabbed the mane, 4 pressed the heels of his twisted legs to the horse’s stomach and, 5 feeling (that his glasses were falling off) and (that he was unable to take his hands off the mane and reins), galloped after the general, arousing the smiles of the staff members who were looking at him from the mound. (L. Tolstoy)

    Explanation of punctuation marks

    1. Period at the end of a sentence; a period is placed at the end of the sentence, as it is a declarative, non-exclamatory sentence that contains a complete message.

    2. Punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence; This is a complex sentence with three subordinate clauses:

    1 and 2 commas highlight the subordinate clause inside the main one;

    6 and 8 commas highlight the subordinate clauses inside the main one;

    7 the comma is not put, because homogeneous clauses are connected by a single connecting union and;

    3. Punctuation marks between homogeneous members of the sentence; separation of circumstances and definitions:

    3 and 4 commas separate homogeneous predicates, connected without union;

    5 a comma separates a separate circumstance expressed by a single gerund;

    9 a comma separates a separate circumstance expressed by a participle;

    10, a comma separates a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover and standing after the word being defined.

  10. I didn't understand a bit
  11. Instruction
    Start parsing a sentence by explaining why a particular punctuation mark (period, exclamation mark, question mark, ellipsis, etc.) is chosen at the end of the sentence. To do this, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the statement in the sentence and its emotional coloring.
    If the sentence contains a complete message, then it is declarative. If something is asked about, then the sentence is interrogative, and if there is an incentive to act, a request or an order, then it is an incentive. Exclamatory intonations require an exclamation mark. When the speech is interrupted by a pause or there is an understatement in it, then an ellipsis is put.
    Next, determine whether the construction of the sentence is simple or complex. If the sentence is complex, find out how many parts it consists of and what is the relationship between them, coordinating, subordinating, allied or non-union. In this way you will be able to explain the reason for choosing the signs that share all these parts.
    Analyze the functions of punctuation marks in simple sentence or characters in each of the parts of the complex sentence in turn. Find and explain the distinguishing and separating signs in the sentence or its parts.
    Emphasizing or highlighting marks (comma, dash, colon, double signs- brackets, quotes) are used to highlight components that complicate a simple sentence. These are introductory words, phrases and sentences, appeals, homogeneous members of a sentence, separate definitions or applications, circumstances and additions, clarifying and explanatory members of a sentence.
    separating, or separating marks are used to separate homogeneous members of a sentence in a simple construction or to separate simple sentences in a complex one (comma, semicolon, dash, colon).
    In the event that the sentence contains direct speech, find and highlight the words of the author and, in fact, the direct speech itself, which can be in any position before the words of the author, after them or interrupted by them. Remember that if direct speech is before or after the words of the author, four punctuation marks are placed (in displaying the construction of direct speech). If direct speech is interrupted by the words of the author, the law of seven, that is, seven punctuation marks in the display of direct speech, is observed.
    To facilitate the punctuation analysis of a sentence, perform its punctuation graph graphically. If your sentence has several punctuation marks, explain each one separately.
    Underline the grammatical foundations, highlight the homogeneous members of the sentence. Outline the sentence, making a graphic designation of the places where you need to put punctuation marks.
  12. Perform punctuation analysis - this means explaining the punctuation (graphically + analysis).
    An example of parsing a sentence according to the model adopted in school practice:
    1. Write a sentence, underline the punctogram.
    2. Briefly formulate the punctuation rule for this case (for this, you should perform graphic work characteristic of a punctogram: emphasize grammatical foundations, highlight a number of homogeneous members of a sentence, etc.)
    3. Draw a sentence outline, including in a non-graphic designation the need for (or lack of) a punctuation mark.

    By nature bashful and timid, she (subject) was annoyed (predicate) at her shyness.

    Scheme: / isolated definition /, subject predicate.
    Characteristic: simple, complicated by a separate definition related to a personal pronoun.

  13. parse the sentence
  14. pygakpgFTsPA
  15. It is necessary to explain why this or that punctuation mark is in this place
    For example: I drink. It is necessary to explain why there is a point.
  16. It will be easier and clearer to simply underline all the commas and periods (exclamation mark! Or question mark?).
    And Sun.

Russian language
Grade 5 (Part 1)

§ 45. Punctuation analysis of a simple sentence

Order of punctuation parsing

  1. Completion signs for simple sentences.
  2. Separating signs in a simple sentence: between the subject and the predicate dash (if any); commas between homogeneous members (if any); before homogeneous members, after the generalizing word, a colon (if any).
  3. Distinguishing marks when addressing (if any).

Sample punctuation parsing

Along the mossy, marshy shores blackened huts here and there. (A. Pushkin)

Oral analysis

At the end of the sentence, a completion sign is placed - a period, since the sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory.

A separating comma is placed between the definitions mossy, swampy, since they are homogeneous, the connection between them is unionless. Between homogeneous circumstances no comma is put here and there, since they are connected by a non-repeating union and.

Written analysis

230 . Perform oral punctuation analysis of sentences.

  1. The autumn wind rises in the forests,
    It goes noisily through the thickets,
    Dead leaves pluck and fun
    In a frenzied dance carries.
  2. Winter blizzards are the forerunners * of spring.

231 . Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Perform oral punctuation analysis of sentences.

1. Bird voices rang everywhere in the field in the forest in the grove. 2. So (?) nce it seemed because of the clouds, but soon disappeared .. s. 3. Flies wasps and bumblebees take refuge in dry shelters. 4. How beautiful the autumn forest is. 5. Guys, have you ever seen century-old mighty ship pines

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