Home Trees and shrubs Year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) according to the Chinese horoscope: what are they like people with a double sign? People born in the year of the rabbit

Year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) according to the Chinese horoscope: what are they like people with a double sign? People born in the year of the rabbit

Years of Cat, Hare, Rabbit:

1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999, 2011, 2023

The first year of the cycle, in different traditions under the auspices of various animals. For the Chinese it is a Cat, for the Japanese it is a Rabbit or a Hare.

The hare is wrongly considered a weak-willed, weak-willed, cowardly animal. According to Eastern legends, he defeated the Dragon. The cunning Hare, having conceived to pacify the Dragon, spread a rumor that a terrible monster had started up, claiming to be the king of beasts. When it came to the Dragon, he went to the lake to deal with the "competitor." Seeing his reflection in the water, he rushed into the lake with a roar. The animals gathered around them began to laugh loudly at the unlucky Dragon floundering in the mud, which, out of shame, changed five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Since then, the Hare became proud and began to bully other animals.

Both the cat and the rabbit and the hare have one thing common property- these animals are distinguished by their ability to "land" on four legs after any fall. People born under this sign can rightfully be called the lucky ones. The life of the Cat is easy and calm without sharp ups and downs.

Fortune smiles at him in almost all areas. His intellectual development and erudition can only be envied. With his luck, you can safely gamble.

According to eastern horoscope, the life of Cats depends on the era in which they are born. V times of peace and with a stable life, representatives of this sign thrive. They always have everything, and in abundance. During these periods, everything is smooth and measured for the Cat, he knows how to weigh and calculate, never risks in vain and strives for comfort, coziness and stability.

The cat is a conservative. Wars, revolution, catastrophes are none of his business, he does not like to be anyone's enemy. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Anything that can shake his calmness is unbearable to him. The cat is not so quickly out of balance. He is calm, unperturbed.

The cat can speak and values ​​itself highly. But it has one significant drawback. A cat is a superficial person, and his best qualities superficial too.

The cat loves society, and society loves him. He loves meetings, sometimes gossips, but he does it subtly, tactfully, witty and carefully. However, Cats are very vulnerable, they are greatly upset by personal failures and troubles. But the misfortunes of others do not touch them, unless they themselves suffer from it. Cats can get upset on any occasion, even the most insignificant. They are easy to bring to tears, which come as quickly as they pass.

The cat loves to receive guests. Everything is done with taste at home. Great importance he gives the atmosphere to the house, spends a lot of money and time to make the house cozy. Every thing in his home should be in its place.

Being cautious and partly conscientious, this person does nothing without first weighing the pros and cons - both in work and in entertainment. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

War and hunger in the world touch and touch him only if he personally suffers from it. But this suffering will be so strong that he can not stand it and die.

The cat is gifted, ambitious, moderately pleasant, modest, restrained, refined and benevolent. Exceptional observation, responsibility and efficiency help this person achieve good results in any chosen profession.

Affectionate, helpful with those he loves, capable of love and fidelity, the Cat is easily separated from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He prefers to spend more time with his friends than with relatives.

He will always find the right words for each person, and therefore communication with him causes only pleasant emotions.

With this positive character The cat, oddly enough, has a melancholic temperament.

He is always very worried about the opinion of other people. Elegant, kind and well-mannered, he is an excellent diplomat, since from birth he is endowed with the ability to resolve the most complex conflicts peacefully and find mutual language with any interlocutor. In dealing with Cats, you need to remember that they try not to show their feelings. They would prefer to be born completely devoid of emotions, because they are sure that this would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the Cat's heart is very sensitive, and main reason his success in society is not in good upbringing or tact, but in a sincere interest in the people around him.

Exists ancient belief that sorcerers turn into cats. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, cats were burned alive, accused of collusion with the devil. V Japanese tradition this is also a demonic animal possessing supernatural power and sometimes with vampire features.

In China, despite the not too flattering attitude towards the Cat, they still believed in the ability of this beast to drive out (disperse) evil spirits.

And until now, a cat, a hare or a rabbit is associated with evil spirits... But, apparently, so bad reputation not well deserved.

God, a sorcerer or a man, but there is something mystical in the look of the Cat. Whether it's a Rabbit or a Cat, their apparent vulnerability, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous strength ...

Despite the negative associations, these animals endow a person born in a year under their patronage, mainly positive features character.

Male cat. Characteristic

Cats do not differ in desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts they prefer to sit out in safety, rather than enter into discussions.

At the same time, in a calm atmosphere, the Cat is active and hardworking, moreover, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with worst enemies The cat is impeccably polite, however, being a rather cunning person, he is quite capable of avenging an insult with someone else's hands.

Cats are extremely sensual, but they fall in love too easily to be faithful. In addition, the Cat is not inclined to trust anyone, even his partner, and maintains a rather tough distance in communicating with family members. Having decided on an affair with the Cat, do not forget that he is extremely sensitive to criticism. If any of your remarks are considered tactless, the Cat can not only break off the relationship, but also try to take revenge.

The cat loves women, knows how to seduce with words. Although ... he always has a lot of words, but little action. The personality is deceptively calm and seemingly well-bred. In fact, he discovers the qualities of a person with nerves of steel, capable of playing any role - humility, gentleness, enthusiasm.

V financially this person is always happy. He is dexterous in business, and the one who signs a contract with him will never fail.

He is a good speculator, he has a gift for trading. How business man The cat is very lucky. All Cats are good financiers. Yes, and all transactions related to money, they are successful. We can say that they have a "nose" for deals with a profitable outcome. They are dangerous competitors and excellent business partners. Professions in which Cats will be successful: lawyer, diplomat, salesman, owner of an antique shop. The cat will be able to choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life is not at risk.

Such a person is capable, carefully and deftly choosing the right moment, to act toughly in his own interests. And, in the end, he really gets it.

Cat woman. Characteristic

Female Cat, as a rule, have a melancholic temperament, which gives them a special charm. This is one of their main trump cards.

Cats are very dreamy. Sometimes they are so immersed in their dreams that it takes them away from reality.

The woman of this sign can shine in all activities that require taste and hospitality. Politics or

a diplomat should choose a wife born in the year of the Cat - both secular and modest, she will be an excellent partner for him.

Her behavior meets all the norms of social life. A Catwoman can deeply study some subjects, pursuing only one goal - to shine, and at the same time she may not know anything about other more important things.

For a Cat, family is not the main thing, she can easily part with loved ones for the sake of friends or a loved one.

The maternal instinct of this sign is not very pronounced, but the Cat woman always does her duty.

Varieties of Cat

Metal Cat (1951 2011.2071)

Water Cat (1903, 1963, 2023)

Wood Cat (1915,1975, 2035)

Fire Cat (1927,1987, 2047)

Earth Cat (1939, 1999, 2059)

Born in the year of the cat

Epicurus, Walter Scott, Robert Owen, Vasily Zhukovsky, Jozef Pilsudsky, Joseph Stalin, Boris Savinkov, William Harriman, Lev Dovator, Igor Kurchatov, Albert Einstein, Andrey Grechko, Ilya Erenburg, Sergei Vavilov, Julius Raizman, Mikhail, Svetlov, Konstantin Simonov Julius Fucik.

Year A rabbit this is a year that is identified with two animals at once: a rabbit and a cat. In Japan it is the year of the Rabbit, while in China it is the year of the Cat. The attitude towards these animals is not very affectionate, especially towards a cat, which in distant countries (and we, too) long time considered a servant of Satan and the Dark World. But the qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit are not at all satanic. On the contrary, it is peaceful, reasonable, non-conflict people. People born this year strive to live in harmony with the whole world around them. Do not get involved in any disputes, squabbles - distinctive feature Rabbits. Even if they feel that the conversation is not in a very good tone, they will tactfully change the subject. They know how to extinguish a conflict at the very first stage of a fire. Because of this, many consider Rabbits too soft, argue that you need to be able to defend your rights. The Rabbits themselves are sure that life is short, and without that filled with all kinds of "horrors", and if there is an opportunity to keep the positive, you need to use it. Rabbits live with this statement all their lives.

Rabbits are considered great conversationalists, giving good advice... Their opinion is listened to, their words are considered. They painfully endure any criticism addressed to them, but outwardly they will never show this, remaining imperturbable and "impenetrable."

Rabbits look after their appearance. They are dressed and look impeccable. Rabbits also treat the decoration of their home with special attention... It is important for them that their house has all the best for a comfortable stay. They love order, they tactfully demand from their relatives that every thing should lie in the place allotted to it.

Rabbits are secular personalities, they like large companies, which consist of noble persons. In such a society, they feel like a fish in water. They are not a burden to keep up a conversation on any topic.

Rabbit man

Rabbit men are said to be lucky. Indeed, in life they are often lucky, especially in the material sense. But the point here is not only in everyday luck. Just Rabbit Men very careful and thrifty. They do not tend to take risky trades and waste money. The only thing they do not spare the money they earn is the interior of their home. Home for them is a kingdom, and, according to the Rabbit men, it should be chic.

When it comes to work, Rabbit is diligent in every direction. They often occupy leadership positions, but begin their own career path from the bottom. They are calm about the dirtiest work, knowing that soon they will definitely become bosses. And this really happens quite quickly, thanks to the diligence of the Rabbits, their calmness and endurance.

The personal life of Rabbit men is very stormy. Usually they have several affairs at once, leaving women to literally fight for it themselves. He is too lazy to choose, therefore, the one who "wins" is the best in understanding the men of this Sign. However, if a Rabbit man ties the knot, he becomes a faithful life companion and a wonderful father.

Rabbit woman

Charming, gentle, sexy and with fine manners... She knows how to present herself so that everyone will pay rapt attention to her. Often the Rabbit woman lives for the show. She is even capable of mastering higher mathematics if she needs to make an impression in the society of scientists.

Rabbit Woman dresses beautifully and tastefully. She is not chasing fashion, although she knows about all the changes in this direction. It is not so much important for her that it is fashionable as comfortable and according to her figure.

Rabbit woman not a careerist. She is more suited to be a housewife. She copes with this impeccably. Her house is always clean, every thing in its place. Just like a man, a Rabbit woman loves to own home she was surrounded by luxury. Rabbit Woman is a good wife, mistress and mother.

Rabbit by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Rabbit, careful and well-mannered, however, Zodiac horoscope sometimes makes significant adjustments to this image.


Rabbit is soft and hearty, Aries adds toughness, courage, courage to him ... Rabbit-Aries is a person with a frequently changing mood. In life, they are fixated on themselves, on their own interests. They don't care about the problems of others.

But this does not mean that in difficult moment they won't help. When their help is really needed, they are happy to help. They have a fine sense of the line between a real need and the usual desire to simply go to others. Their sense of justice is well developed. They are worried not only about an individual, but also for the people and humanity as a whole.

Outwardly, they are calm and reasonable. Good workers you can be sure of. They prefer to relax at home. Moreover, they furnish their home so that one can truly relax. The weakness of these people is their inability to say no. It is easier for them to agree, even with internal disagreement, just not to bring the matter to a serious dispute.

Rabbit Taurus

He lives here and now. Prefers a crane in hand than the titmouse offered by life. Material goods are weighty for him. It is to them that he aspires, climbing career ladder... To implement financial stability turns on necessary connections and dating.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Yes, money and earthly blessings for the Taurus Rabbits are of paramount importance. But this does not mean that family and loved ones fade into the background. On the contrary, they work for their happy life as well.

Taurus Rabbits love to travel, collecting collections from vivid memories.

Workers at work, honest in relationships. The downside of these people is their inability to lose. During a failure in something, the Taurus Cat withdraws into itself, fencing off from outside world... And it is better to simply calmly analyze your mistakes in order to bypass the "rake" in the future without stepping on them.

Rabbit Gemini

Calm by nature, but active and adventurous. They skillfully make the necessary connections, are not afraid of responsibility, which is not originally characteristic of the Rabbit. Luck will deign to them, also thanks in large part to their perseverance.

They are wonderful and reliable friends. The family for them is like a paradise oasis, where they return after a difficult working day... Although the Gemini Rabbits are given a lot very easily. They have a special gift: they do not invent difficulties where they do not exist.

Gemini Rabbits are calculating. Their every step is well calculated in order to get benefits for themselves.


Nice, kind, friendly, but very careful. They are a storehouse of wisdom. Outwardly they look confident, although they often lack inner confidence. Because of this, there are depression.

They have excellent taste and sense of style, which manifests itself not only in external appearance but also in interior decoration dwellings. Rabbits-Cancer do everything to live in a quiet and calm environment. Regardless of gender, Cancer Rabbits love home and family and can handle all household chores well.

it talented people... They will benefit from the development of a creative streak, since the Cancer Rabbit is the cat that prefers to walk on its own without bosses and leaders.


Intellectually developed people with strong character... They like to take risks, they got it from Leo. In addition, the lion's essence is noticeable in the aggressiveness, which manifests itself when something violates the plans of the Rabbits-Leo. Basically, we can say that the character of the representatives of this Sign is soft and compliant.

These people stubbornly move towards their dreams until they reach it. They do not lack patience. They like to be in the spotlight, they like to communicate.

In personal relationships, they are kind and considerate. Their peculiarity is that they do not like to do something by half. If you have a rest - then on a grand scale, if you work - then to exhaustion, and if you love - then to the depths of your soul.

Rabbit Virgo

Conflict-free people and slightly shy. But they love to communicate. They don't stoop to gossip.

The Virgo Rabbit has everything planned out, and he tries to strictly adhere to the plan. Hardworking, does not like to waste time. He a true expert in the activity that he gave preference to. Rabbit-Virgo is unpretentious, his desires are more than modest. But what he will not be modest about is helping his loved ones. For them, he will go to great lengths. For relatives and friends, he is not stingy with gifts.

As for the second half, the Virgo Rabbit has been searching for a long time and looking closely. He needs constancy in relationships, he prefers not to waste on romances.


Interesting people in every way. They are attractive to the opposite sex due to their sexuality and charisma.

They do not like responsibility, they prefer to quickly do their job, not painfully worrying about the overall result. But well organized. They know how to control their emotions in conflicts they are cold-blooded.

They do not like to sit around, but they also do not allow work to dominate other areas of life. The Libra Rabbit also loves to rest, preferring to spend time interestingly.

The only negative is that, at times, the calmness and composure of the Libra Rabbit is replaced by excessive anxiety, even nervousness.

Rabbit Scorpio

A powerful combination of two horoscopes. People born under these Signs are endowed with great intuition, which helps both in building relationships and in climbing the career ladder.

The Scorpio Rabbit will never do something for nothing. Each of his actions is backed by a benefit for himself. It is impossible to impose something on him, it is useless to make plans on his account if there is no fat for the Scorpio Rabbit.

They are businesslike. They do well in running their own business. However, it should be noted that they are excellent actors and external behavior may be fundamentally different from his inner feelings. It is almost impossible to see the "mask", the Scorpio Rabbit makes an indelible impression.


Such merry fellows with a calm, kind disposition. They have a lot positive qualities... They adore their loved ones and friends. They have so much energy that they manage to combine all aspects of life, and not a single area is deprived of the necessary attention.

Rabbits-Sagittarius balanced personalities. Communicate with them is a pleasure, they will never start a conflict or even an argument.

Rabbit-Sagittarius will find its place in any professional activity... He knows how to make money. And although money does not have a large-scale meaning for him, he spends it carefully, and, as they say, wisely. But this does not apply to gifts. They love to pamper their family with little surprises. The family values ​​the stability of the relationship. And although Sagittarius is an overwhelming sign, but in combination with the Cat, they no longer want to fight for a leader's place. Equality in this case attracts more.


In this Rabbit, due to the combination with Capricorn, the outside seems rough, callous, unceremonious. In fact, the Capricorn Rabbit is soft and kind. Self-sufficient individuals who prefer to solve their affairs and problems alone without the help of others.

Very sociable. At work, they are not greedy for ideas and thoughts about improving things. Although they do not have so many real friends. A maximum of two, with whom the Capricorn Rabbit shares everything in his soul. He will gladly help anyone who asks for help.

In love, sincere and reliable, they are attentive to the second half. They love to pleasantly surprise. In a word, you will not be bored with the Capricorn Rabbit.


Good-natured romantics - this is how these people can be characterized. They have their own oddities, which, however, are noticeable only against the background of those around them who are constantly striving for enrichment. But the simple fact is that money for the Aquarius Rabbit is secondary. He does not seek to earn a lot, usually content with little.

He is somewhat slow in his work. Diplomatic grasp is not enough, although with age some of them manage to develop this quality. In love, these are gentle, sensual people.

He is attracted by everything unknown and unknown. The dream of many Aquarius Rabbits is to travel around the world.


Charming, gentle, sensitive, with quick response... He is a manipulator, and a skillful one. Not everyone will guess what is happening, as will already fall under the influence of the Rabbit-Pisces. He bypasses "pitfalls", masterly eliminating risk and creating the impression of a good-natured, non-conflict person.

They love peace. They need a job where their minds are involved. They do not swim against the current and do not particularly strain, to provide better life... What is available is fine. If someone breaks them measured life, then certainly collides with the stubbornness of the Pisces Rabbit.

Rabbit-Pisces needs a person next to him who will provide him with comfort and strong relationships without deception and slyness. Having found such a person, the Pisces-Rabbit becomes obedient and pliable with him.

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

The rabbit is the female principle of yin, the 4th triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of wood.

The rabbit embodies generosity and concern for others. A born healer, prefers to avoid confrontation, but not a coward, in extreme situations he is capable of heroism and courage. The rabbit depends on the environment, the conditions of upbringing and birth, success directly depends on the environment and the attitude of others. Differs in sensuality, healthy natural instincts, high sexual temperament. An affectionate partner, rarely ambitious, will prefer to wait for a lucky coincidence, which often happens. Responsive and kind in close relationships, Rabbit is a wonderful lover who appreciates the comfort of a family man who can hardly endure scandals and troubles in his personal life. Rarely poor, the favorite of any society.

Positive qualities of the mark

Good friend and sensual lover, possesses good manners, loves to communicate, knows how to create a subtle connection with another person. Outwardly, he is always elegant, kind in communication, helps people in distress. Lucky and positive sign.

Negative qualities of the mark

A superficial attitude towards people and events, as well as double selfishness, often spoil the character of this sign. Whims and exactingness to the conditions of life interfere with equality in partnership. He is inclined to excesses, indulges his weaknesses and shows weak character where a volitional effort is required.

In the year of the Rabbit it is good to travel and relax a lot. New types of recreation, learning and communication will bring joy and rewarding connections. Good year for Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep and Monkey. Busy year for the Rats. Neutral period for Ox, Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Celebrities of this sign

Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Obraztsova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Welles, Marie Curie, Lewis Carroll, Garry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Listyev, Henry Miller , Mikhail Bulgakov, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Elena Blavatskaya, Nikolai Zabolotsky. Actors: Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Jason Isaacs, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Alexander Domogarov, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Mila Jiyovich, Cat Drew Barrymore.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Black (blue) Water Rabbit (Cat)

Differs in the desire for a calm family life, but it is often difficult to comprehend for loved ones. The Water Rabbit is not too constant in his feelings and is not consistent in his actions, therefore it is difficult to understand and get to know him well. He does not like difficulties, prefers to look for workarounds, dodgy when needed.

Green Wood Rabbit

Differs in devotion and desire to serve other people. The Green Rabbit is generous and cares for the welfare of all mankind. The marriage partner must share his passions. Full fusion and unity of goals is the key to a long-term union. More practical and rational than fellow signs.

Yellow Earth Rabbit

Likes to help with practical advice and deed to all those close to him. A wonderful lover, sensual and attentive partner with charm and a developed imagination. He is easy to communicate, easily converges with people on the basis of common interests. Often self-sacrificing, selfless by nature.

White Metal Rabbit

He is interested in the nature of all things, is actively engaged in self-knowledge and improves throughout his life. He strives for wealth, the most successful in his career. A wonderful lover, the Metal Rabbit, however, needs constant emotional response and tenderness from a partner. Understands other people well. Knows how to control his emotions.

Red Fire Rabbit

Differs in an adequate sense of reality, takes a sober view of the world and relationships. Rarely maintains the principle of monogamy, high sexy temperament distinguishes the Fire Rabbit and makes him a good partner for any sign. He is proud of his family, achieves success in the profession, has a variety of talents and interests.

Everyone knows that the Cat always falls on its paws. He's very lucky! Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant to talk to, restrained and modest, despite the fact that he knows his own worth. The Cat has a refined taste and is very virtuous. But among its many advantages, there is one drawback, a small but important one: it is rather superficial and its best qualities are also superficial. The cat loves social gatherings. He is not averse to gossip, although he does it tactfully and carefully. In a word, he loves society and it loves it.
At the Cat's house everything is arranged with great taste - it is clear that a secular person lives here. The cat is happy to receive guests, partly due to the fact that he is pleased to showcase his home. Woman - Cat loves to show her education. In general, her knowledge is shallow, but she studies some subjects thoroughly with the sole purpose of making an impression on everyone. She wants to shine, and she succeeds. One of the main secrets of the Cat woman's charm is her melancholy. She is able to excel in all activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. To a politician can not found best wife- secular and modest.
The cat is rarely out of balance. He is usually calm and unperturbed. A little personal trouble upsets him more than the tragedy of other people. War and hunger in the world touch him only when he himself suffers from it. And he suffers so much that he can not stand it and die. The cat may cry for the most insignificant reason, but quickly calms down.
The cat is conservative to the limit - he hates everything that can disturb the peaceful course of his life. Most of all, he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without weighing in advance all the pros and cons. This caution of his inspires admiration and trust in people.
The cat is lucky in financial matters. Anyone who signs a contract with him will never fail. He can also be a good speculator - he has a gift for good deals. In general, a calm and unflappable Cat is a dangerous and experienced businessman. He will be successful in trading. With exquisite taste, it may well be the owner of an antique store. He will also make a good lawyer (lawyer, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not exposed
The cat is affectionate and helpful with those he loves. But he is easily separated from his loved ones in favor of friends. He has no sense of responsibility towards his family. Often, he treats his family and children as strangers, preferring friends whom he himself has chosen. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited. Woman - Cat does not know what is blind mother's love rather, she is doing a mother's duty.

Rabbit woman - characteristic of the year of birth.

Woman - Rabbit wants to please people and always strives to please them. She is characterized by diplomacy, optimism and delicacy. A woman of this type really needs friends, although she is unlikely to be able to take risks for them. In communicating with others, she is careful and at all costs tries to observe all decency. The opinion of other people is very important to her.
Rabbit woman has a real talent to achieve high social status... Not being ambitious, she seeks to do this at the expense of a successful marriage. Dreaming of a perfect home, a friendly family and good husband, she is unlikely to tie the knot with a person who does not show much promise. The snobbery inherent in her gets fertile ground for development if her husband turns out to be really successful. In this case, this lady will have the opportunity in all its glory to demonstrate from birth her inherent ability to stay in public and will be a worthy company for her spouse.
The Rabbit woman is strong with her modest femininity. She is unassuming in clothes, she is alien to any pretentiousness, her manners are impeccable, and she always knows what, to whom and when to say. This Woman is a wonderful listener who knows how to instill in the interlocutor a sense of calmness and comfort, which is probably why she is often popular and respected.
A woman of this type is possibly the greatest materialist of all ladies. chinese zodiac, she excels at adapting to almost any environment. She is characterized by caution, prudence and excellent intuition, and a highly developed instinct for self-preservation very rarely allows even simple discontent to break through. Aggression and arrogance are absolutely alien to the Rabbit Woman.
Woman - Rabbit of the element of the Wood, with her mind and insight, perfectly knows how to hide her own true feelings and ambitions. Despite this, she could become an example of an ideal citizen - altruistic, generous and very diplomatic, this lady honors traditions. To win her favor, communication with her should be strictly coordinated with decency.
The woman - Rabbit of the elements of Fire looks outwardly more restrained, indifferent and arrogant than other Rabbits, but in fact she is endowed with excellent organizational skills. She firmly goes to her goals, resorting to the most cunning tricks to achieve them. You shouldn't even try to play games with her - she is an unsurpassed expert in them! This lady is able to trample you, glowing with a pleasant smile, and you will not even understand what the matter is.
The woman - the Rabbit of the elements of the Earth - is a real lady. She is elegant and has a humble charm in everything she does. She has a talent to convince people of her sincerity and often uses this ability for selfish purposes, without arousing the slightest suspicion in anyone. This lady has the most sexuality among all Rabbit women, however, she is able to leave you, even if she loves.
The Rabbit Woman of the element of Metal is not characterized by impulsiveness, she always thinks over her actions and words. In order to create the impression of a diplomatic and modest person, she uses her truly iron will. You should not try to unravel her secrets - you can get along fine with her without it.
The Rabbit Woman of the Water element definitely has a taste and a sense of style. She looks as calm and respectable as the rest of the Rabbits, but less inventive and dexterous. In the depths of her soul, fear and insecurity almost always live, so she really needs material confirmation of safety. A woman of this type really needs care, and she will never give up her own orderly lifestyle.

Rabbit man - characteristic of the year of birth.

Man - Rabbit gives the impression of a pleasant and easy-going person. Always tactful, even and flexible, he even involuntarily almost never creates problems for others. He prefers not to get involved in disputes and conflicts and rarely speaks badly about anyone. In this he is helped by the unique innate talent of a diplomat and his inherent courteous manners. This well-groomed and correct person can literally "evaporate", barely feeling the slightest trouble approaching.
Man - Rabbit builds life according to own plan that does not involve impulsive actions. He carefully develops his survival strategy and plans in detail each next step. This person knows how to turn any situation in his favor and knows how to achieve the location of people who can help him.
The true intentions of the Rabbit man are always hidden under the guise of courtesy and friendliness. He is extremely quick-witted and capable of cooperating with other people. A man of this type appreciates an external impression more than content, so he pays a lot of attention to the material attributes of success: the right clothes, a decent circle of friends and appropriate manners. He consistently creates and strengthens his own image of an even, charming and pleasant person in all respects. Man - Rabbit in any situation remains a refined gentleman.
Man - Rabbit of the element of the Wood - a true gentleman, rational, correct and stable. He is easy-going and kind. A man of this type cares very much about the well-being of his loved ones and is capable of much for the sake of harmony and peace in his home, but this must be appreciated. In return, he needs support and decency. He will leave without regret the one that undermines the respect of others or puts him in an uncomfortable position.
The man - Rabbit of the elements of Fire is less secretive than his brothers, he loves to joke, but at the same time he is sarcastic. In general, he is as positive and affable as other Rabbits, but his inherent self-centeredness can make him arrogant, detached and indifferent. If this person succeeds, he can turn into a real snob, but with all this he will be just as kind to those who can be useful to him. The Fire Rabbit is a recognized master of hypocrisy, which invariably helps him survive in this cruel world.
The man - Rabbit of the elements of the Earth has a deep and cunning mind, which is rarely noticeable from the outside. The insight of this person is hidden under the pleasant appearance and smooth handling. He often looks a little detached, although he has a more pronounced style than his brothers. A man of this type is an ardent adherent of conformism in all areas of life and usually neglects those who tend to violate established social norms of behavior.
Man - Rabbit of the element of Metal is receptive, noble and purposeful. Possessing a strong character, he always achieves the fulfillment of his plans and is able to achieve serious success. However, he has good manners and excellent taste. A man of this type can raise his companion to the top with him if she is extremely honest and loyal with him.
Man - Rabbit of the element of Water is charming and sophisticated. This gentleman is often well educated and well-read, has broad interests and exudes self-confidence. He can give a lot to his chosen one, including loyalty and the fruits of his hard work, but she must observe decency.

Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

The first sign denoting various animals in different readings. In the Chinese tradition, it is a Cat, in the Japanese it is often a Rabbit. And he and the other are good in the ability to "land" on four legs after any fall.

Distrust of both animals in Asian countries quite large, however, like ours. There are beliefs about the transformation of sorcerers into cats; that the cat, that the rabbit is associated with evil spirits.

In Japanese tradition, this is also a demonic animal ( it comes about a cat), possessing supernatural powers, and sometimes the traits of a vampire.

In China, despite not being too flattering towards him, they still believed in the ability of the beast to drive out (disperse) evil spirits.

Whether it's a rabbit or a cat, their apparent vulnerability, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous strength ...

Despite the negative associations associated directly with the animal itself, the characteristics of the qualities of a person's personality and his character are generally positive.

The rabbit was born under the sign of virtue and prudence. This is an intellectual who prefers a quiet and peaceful existence. Perhaps more than others, it needs comfort and safety. He tries to avoid disputes and disputes, but in communication he is witty. He is a pleasant and tactful interlocutor, his advice is usually taken into account, but the Rabbit himself is very sensitive to criticism.

Being cautious and partly conscientious, this person does nothing without first weighing the pros and cons - both in work and in entertainment. It delights those around you and creates trust. The rabbit is always tastefully dressed and looks great. He attaches great importance to the atmosphere in the house, spends a lot of money and time to make it cozy (partly due to the fact that the representative of this sign loves to receive guests). Every thing in his home should be in its place.

The rabbit loves society, and society loves him. A secular person in the full sense of the word, he knows how to put himself. Perhaps this "secularity" is the reason for some of his superficiality.

In the role of a boss, he is quite loyal to his subordinates, but before certain boundaries. Financial position these people will always be great: they are smart in business and always feel a good deal (however, their luck often depends on external circumstances).

In general, the Rabbit is almost always calm and calm, very rarely anything can unbalance him. Exceptional observation, responsibility and efficiency help this person achieve good results in any chosen profession (especially where communication skills are important).
These are lawyers and diplomats (provided that their lives are not in danger), politicians (Fidel Castro, Eva Peron, Queen Victoria) and owners of antique shops (Rabbit has excellent taste), people of science (Albert Einstein) and art (Henry Miller, Ingrid Bergman, Georges Simenon, Frank Sinatra).
Despite the fact that Rabbit is a fairly loyal boss, a lot of power concentrated in his hands can turn into tyranny (Joseph Stalin).

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