Home Flowers Oatmeal pancakes. Oat cakes: food selection, cooking recipe, digestive benefits. Oatmeal pancakes with zucchini

Oatmeal pancakes. Oat cakes: food selection, cooking recipe, digestive benefits. Oatmeal pancakes with zucchini

Calories: 660.95
Proteins/100g: 11.93
Carbs/100g: 16.33

I am glad to welcome you to my kitchen! This time I will offer you an option delicious second breakfast. And we will cook oatmeal cakes. I prepared a recipe with a photo especially for those who adhere to a healthy diet.
We will serve cakes with bananas. Because of high level GI these fruits can be eaten in the second dose, so we do not miss the opportunity and start preparing oatmeal cakes right now.

If you're ready, let's start preparing everyone necessary ingredients. Namely:
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
- oat flakes- ½ cup,
- salt - to taste,
- banana - 1/2 pc.,
- non-fat cheese - 50 grams,
- olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to cook at home

So, having prepared all the essentials, we will get down to business. Let's start with oatmeal. Since I don't have oatmeal ready-made, I use oatmeal instead.
Send ½ cup of oatmeal to a blender or coffee grinder and grind.

Thus, we will get flour.

Then we take two tablespoons of finished oatmeal and send them to a container for kneading dough.

Add two chicken eggs to the flour.

Mix everything thoroughly, add a pinch of salt.

Add one tablespoon to the pan. olive oil. Spread it over the surface with a special culinary brush. When the oil is hot, pour in the batter for the oatmeal.

While our cake is fried on one side for about 2-3 minutes, prepare the filling. To do this, peel the banana and cut it into circles. Also cut into thin slices. hard cheese not greasy.

On one side the cake is fried, turn it over with a wooden spatula on the other side.

After that, on one side of the oatmeal cake and one side of it, we distribute circles of banana and on top of hard cheese.

We cover the second side of the cake, bending it, as seen in the photo.

Cover with a lid and turn off the fire. When the cheese is a little melted, we take out our breakfast and put it on a dish. Serve warm! Good appetite!
Author: arivederchy
If you eat according to the Dukan system, then cook for yourself

Oatmeal cakes can be safely attributed to diet food . They are satisfying, healthy and do not burden the body with extra calories. To improve dietary characteristics, part of the oatmeal should be replaced with corn or flax flour. And for preparing a full breakfast or afternoon snack, it is useful to serve low-fat cottage cheese whipped with fruit.

  • 200 gr oatmeal
  • 150 ml of yesterday's low-fat kefir
  • 50 gr pitted raisins and dried apricots
  • egg - 1 piece
  • salt - to taste
  • 70 gr - sugar
  • vegetable oil - a little

Oatmeal cake recipe:

  1. Mix the cereal with kefir and leave for at least 30 minutes, but it is better for several hours or overnight, so that the flakes swell well to the consistency of a viscous oatmeal porridge.
  1. Wash and steam dried fruits, drain, dry. Finely chop dried apricots, mix with raisins, pour into kefir mixture. Together or instead of dried fruits in the dough for beautiful color cakes and light piquancy, you can put finely grated squeezed carrots and nuts, but be sure to add a pinch of soda, because there is a lot of acid in carrots.
  1. Shake the egg, pour into the rest of the ingredients, mix, salt, pour a spoonful of butter and pour sugar. Mix everything.
  1. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. With a spoon at a distance of a few cm from each other, lay out the dough in small slides, with a spatula give the shape of a plump circle. Heat the oven to 200-220 degrees, bake cakes for 15 minutes
Oat cakes (Scottish cuisine)

Water - 100 gr.
Butter - 1.5 tbsp.
Drinking soda - 1.3 tsp
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Vinegar - 1 tsp
Oat flakes - 250 gr.
Cooking method

Grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder.
Put the resulting flour in a bowl, add butter, salt, soda, slaked with vinegar, pour hot water and knead the dough well to get a homogeneous mass without pieces of butter. Set aside for a while to let the dough cool down. Then roll up the sausage and cut it into pieces, from which to make cakes 1 cm thick (about 12 pieces). Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and quickly fry the cakes on both sides over high heat.
Preheat the oven, put the fried cakes on a baking sheet covered with paper, and put in the oven for 30 minutes. Temperature 180 °C.

For 2 cakes with a diameter of 20 cm: 225 g wholemeal oatmeal, 1-2 pinches of salt, 1 tbsp. lard or lard, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, 75 ml hot water.

mix oat flour, salt, soda, collect in a slide, make a hole in the center, pour melted fat into it, then, carefully dosing, pour hot water(boiling water) and knead a cool dough. Divide the well-kneaded dough into 2 equal parts, roll each into a pancake 8 mm thick, trim the edges. (Oatmeal dough quickly becomes sticky, spreads, so it must be done immediately, in no case should it be allowed to age on a cutting board. For the same reason, hands and board should be sprinkled with flour.) Oven, well rolled in flour, in a pan with a thick bottom over medium heat for about 3 minutes, until their edges begin to curl. Roll again in flour, place on the oven rack, brown at 160°C for 30 minutes. (It should be noted that oatmeal dough does not bake well, so the preparation of oatmeal products requires a lot of patience and skill.) Traditionally, oatmeal cakes are stored in oatmeal in a flour chest. Before serving, warm over moderate heat in the oven for several minutes. Served for breakfast with butter, honey, marmalade.


Ingredients: 1/3 cup natural oats, 1/3 cup wheat flour, a pinch of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tbsp. melted spoon pork fat, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of boiling water, vinegar. Quench the soda with vinegar. Place the tortilla ingredients in a large bowl and mix. If the dough is too thick, add more boiling water - the dough for cakes should be dense and soft.

Sprinkle the table with hercules and roll out the dough on it into a thin circle, which is then cut into 8 parts. Leave them for half an hour. Grease a baking sheet with oil, spread the cakes on it and bake.

Oatmeal is a traditional Scottish treat. Such cakes are served with butter, cheese, pate or custard. A popular snack is oatmeal with fish pate.

Bon Appetit!


There are already several recipes for making oatmeal cakes on the site, but it seems to me that there are none yet. After cooking oatmeal jelly, you can cook healthy oatmeal bread according to the recipe of Lena Olina.
But you don't always want to bake bread, and I wanted to find some other use for oatmeal. On the Internet, I came across Olga Yezhova's recipe. Maybe it will come in handy for someone.
If you do not cook oatmeal jelly, but want to make cakes, then you need to pour 1 cup of oatmeal with whey and leave it on the table overnight. liquid slurry. During the night, the flakes will turn a little sour, and in the morning you can make cakes. If you knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator wrapped in a film for 10-12 hours, then cakes from such a dough will be softer and more magnificent. Bon appetit!

oatmeal recipe

Bread recipe "Yuliana"


Oatmeal - 1-2 tbsp.
Wheat flour
Whey (water)
Salt - to taste
Coriander - 1/2 tsp
Bran -1 tbsp.
Flax seed - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. We knead a rather steep dough, roll out thin cakes at our discretion (or not very thin like mine), the dough should not stick to your hands, be elastic and roll out well.
2. Cut out cakes from a layer of dough in the shape of a plate
3. Fry in a heated frying pan under a lid over medium heat, in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. In the oven, the cakes turn out to be dry and not appetizing.

I also saw this recipe:

Pour dry oatmeal with kefir for 15 minutes, add vegetable oil, salt, sunflower seeds, wheat flour and knead a stiff dough. Fry in a dry frying pan or lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Cook over low heat with a lid on. Bon appetit!

1 cup water-cooked oatmeal (200g)
100 g apple puree
1 egg
50 g flour
2 tsp olive oil
salt, sugar - to taste

Cooking method:
Make apple puree: place them in a blender or grate, mash with a fork.
Mix porridge with mashed potatoes, add salt, egg, wholemeal flour (can be replaced with barley grains ground in a mixer) and butter.
Drop by tablespoon onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Give to cakes round shape(So ​​that the dough does not stick, you can sprinkle your hands with flour).
Bake in the oven at 225ºC for about 15 minutes.

More: http://vitaportal.ru/

Everyone has heard about the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss, that's right, this cereal:

  1. Contains a lot of fiber and keeps you feeling full for a long time.
  2. Perfectly cleanses the body and removes free radicals from it.
  3. Contains B vitamins and minerals.
  4. Contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels when consumed regularly.

Advice! Be sure to choose unprocessed oatmeal, it is in it that all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Diet cakes in a pan


  • Oatmeal - 4 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 yolk and 3 proteins.
  • Milk - 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal into flour, mix with eggs and milk. Salt.
  2. Fry without oil in a pan, turning over.
It turned out very tasty…..

I think if you add a sweetener, then you can do sweet option cakes. Or you can add some fruit)))

And they say that proper nutrition It's disgusting (and I've said it before). Well no - it is very tasty and healthy!!!

Bon Appetit

Alenchik, in again bravo, smart girl! Oatmeal pancakes - a great way to diversify your diet menu.

I could not resist and baked yesterday, just SUPER! We just ran out of them oh-oh-oh-very quickly, so next time I'll make a double portion.

Friends and guests of our blog, who also want Alena to decrease in volume while eating delicious food! Write, we will help, we will tell, we will advise!


  • 150 ml liquid oatmeal;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • vanillin;
  • vegetable oil for frying;

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar to oatmeal and add flour little by little.
  2. Mix thoroughly after each addition of flour. Then add baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Add oil. Mix well. The dough for pancakes from oatmeal turns out like thick sour cream.
  4. Grease a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and fry oatmeal pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Oatmeal pancakes are ready, they are best served with honey and sour cream!
  6. Look how fluffy oatmeal pancakes are inside!


  • oatmeal - 300 ml glass of finished leftovers;
  • oatmeal - 250 grams;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • sour apple - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • kefir (fat content 1%) - 1 cup;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon .;
  • vegetable oil for frying;

Cooking method:

  • To begin with, let's take part of the cereal, namely 150 grams and grind them with a submersible blender into wholemeal flour. We advise you to use a deep container so that the flakes do not scatter all over the kitchen.
  • Grind oatmeal with an immersion blender. Leave the second part to add texture and viscosity to the pancakes. Flakes should be used fast food class "Extra", but, in the absence of such, you should not be upset, because you can cook pancakes from oatmeal. For this ready porridge you just need to grind it with a blender, and since we are preparing oatmeal pancakes on kefir, the amount of kefir needs to be reduced to the desired density. Following our photo instructions, it will not be difficult to achieve the desired consistency. Wash and peel the apple. It will add sourness and juiciness. ready meal. If you replace the apple with a banana, you will get no less tasty and fragrant oatmeal-banana pancakes!
  • Peel the apple. Grate the sour apple on a coarse grater.
  • Three apples on a coarse grater. Combine prepared ingredients. Egg be sure to wash before use. Since we are preparing oatmeal pancakes without flour, we should let the prepared mixture stand for about 20 minutes - so that the oatmeal and flour swell, thereby making this mixture more viscous.
  • Combine oatmeal, oatmeal with sugar, soda and kefir. Add the grated apple to the prepared mixture.
  • Add an apple. ready mix it should be warmed up a little so that the kefir activates the soda and makes the oatmeal mass lush, and the finished pancakes more airy. To do this, heat the oatmeal mixture, stirring constantly, in a saucepan on the stove for 1-2 minutes.
  • We heat the oatmeal mixture on the stove until small bubbles appear in the mass. Oat pancakes should be baked in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Add oil as needed. The pancakes cook very quickly, so be careful not to burn them! After turning, the fire should be reduced - this will give time for the pancakes to rise and fully cook.
  • Fry the pancakes in a pan until cooked. Ready pancakes to serve with natural yogurt And fresh fruit and berries. You can diversify the dish by preparing banana-oat pancakes or by adding nuts and dried fruits to the base mixture. Oat pancakes are dietary and quickly digestible, therefore they are complete and healthy breakfast, especially since you can prepare the mixture for pancakes in the evening and refrigerate. In the morning, just take out the mixture and bake pancakes in a pan.

  • You can also cook these recipes in the oven if you prefer.

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