Home natural farming Diet cakes made from oatmeal. Oat cakes: food selection, cooking recipe, digestive benefits. Scottish oatmeal in the oven

Diet cakes made from oatmeal. Oat cakes: food selection, cooking recipe, digestive benefits. Scottish oatmeal in the oven

Cakes on water and flour in a pan are prepared from the products available in every home. Any hostess dreams of doing something similar, but there is not always enough time and experience. Fragrant baked flatbreads go well with first courses or stuffed with meat, potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, etc. There are many good recipes for a short time you can make a whole mountain of delicious cakes. If you've never done this, be sure to try it! You will see, the household will be surprised and grateful for the homemade delicacy.

A refined flour product is definitely not healthy. White flour is devoid of the most valuable components, and therefore it is an almost pure mixture of carbohydrates. But homemade cakes cannot be called harmful either. They do not contain chemical improvers, which are used in almost any bread production.

To understand what other benefits lie in this product, you can compare it with others flour products. Flat cakes in a pan on water, cooked without oil, contain only 231 kcal. While any bun contains at least 339 kcal.

The dough for cakes in a pan on the water is rolled into a thin layer, so they are not particularly fluffy or soft. This means that to maintain the structure, it is not necessary to add products such as milk or eggs to them, which for some people can be allergens.

Of course, tortillas are healthier than a rich loaf, as they contain fewer calories and sugar. And this product can be made truly valuable if you replace the traditional white flour for whole grains.

Also, in addition to wheat, you can use rye, corn, flax or even buckwheat. Experiment with flavors, and you will definitely find a recipe to your liking.

Making dough for cakes on water with dry yeast

Yeast cakes on the water can be used as bread or serve as an independent snack. According to similar recipes, lavash is made, which is served with hot dishes, as well as pita - White bread used with all kinds of fillings.

For this recipe, water should be preheated to a temperature of 35-40̊С, and then a teaspoon of dry yeast should be dissolved in a glass of warm liquid.

Mix three cups of flour with a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar. Add dissolved yeast and a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil.

It is necessary to knead the dough properly, it should turn out to be quite steep, and leave for one hour, covered with a towel. After the lapse of time, it must be divided into equal pieces, they will turn out to be about eight, cover again with a towel and let stand for another 10-15 minutes.

Roll the pieces into balls. Using a rolling pin, we turn each into an even layer with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. Fry the cakes on both sides in a hot frying pan without oil.

You have to be very careful while cooking. Cakes are fried literally in 10-15 seconds. You shouldn't overdry them. We stack the finished product in a pile and cover with a kitchen towel.

If you want to make something like pita, then do not roll the cakes too much. Their thickness should be about 1 cm. When frying, the bread will swell, and it will be possible to cut a pocket in it, which is later conveniently stuffed with stewed vegetables or fried minced meat.

Dough for cakes on the water without yeast

Simple cakes on the water in a pan are cooked without yeast. The dough is very elastic, so it must be added vegetable oil. Fats coat the protein fibers of flour and increase their elasticity. Such dough does not stick to the rolling pin and rolls out very well.

Homemade pita bread can be made with just a few ingredients. Would need:

  • glass of water;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Combine the components, cover the resulting volume with a towel, let it brew for half an hour.

After that, knead the dough and leave for another 30 minutes. Divide the piece into equal parts, round them, roll them out as thin as possible. Fry in a hot pan for just a few seconds on each side.

Place the hot pita bread on a plate and cover with a towel.

The recipe for simple cakes in a pan on the water

Fragrant unleavened pancakes can be baked in just a few minutes. These tortillas are a great start to the day. They are high in calories to give you energy for the whole morning.

You will need a glass of flour, which should be mixed with salt and soda (on the tip of a knife). To the resulting mixture, add 20 grams of slightly melted butter, knead it manually with flour until a loose, crumbly mass is obtained.

Pour half a glass of water into the container, knead the dough. Let's leave it to rest for about half an hour.

From the dough we roll up pancakes with a thickness of 0.6-0.7 cm. We will fry them in a pan with a thick bottom, smeared with vegetable oil. Cakes are cooked over low heat under a lid. It takes 5-7 minutes to bake on each side.

Flatbreads are best cooked at one time and eaten hot.

onion cakes

Cakes are very tasty lean test on a boil. Young green onions are used as seasoning.

For the base, two glasses of sifted flour are taken. Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and a little salt are added to them. This recipe uses sesame oil. The whole mixture is mixed with a spoon.

In a thin stream, pour a little less than a glass of hot, but not boiling water into the mass. The mixture must be constantly stirred.

Knead the dough by hand until a smooth homogeneous mass is obtained, leave in the refrigerator for half an hour, covering with cling film.

Then clean, finely chop a bunch of green onions. The best option will be if it is just collected from the garden. However, in the off season, greens from the store are quite suitable.

Divide the dough into equal pieces, roll out thin cakes, each completely spread with onions. Roll into a roll and cut into pieces.

We take a piece of onion sausage and roll it into a cake again. You don't have to try hard. The thickness of each must be at least 5 mm.

Fry the pancakes in a very hot oiled pan. Reduce fire to moderate. We do not cover with a lid. On each side, the cake should be baked for about 2-3 minutes.

The dough will puff up a little while frying. Ready-made cakes resemble puff pastry in structure.

Oatmeal in a pan

Before preparing delicacies according to this recipe, you need to grind oat flakes into flour. Take a glass of the smallest oatmeal, grind it in a coffee grinder or using other kitchen appliances.

In oatmeal, add salt to taste, one and a half tablespoons of butter and soda taken at the tip of a knife, after extinguishing it with vinegar, lemon juice or boiling water.

Let's pour the ingredients hot water. Let's take it in the amount of half a glass. Knead a homogeneous dough and leave to lie down for 20 minutes.

Let's start forming cakes. Roll the dough into one long sausage. Let's cut it into equal pieces. From each we will form a cake, which we will fry in vegetable oil over heated to high temperatures frying pan.

The thickness of each workpiece should be less than a centimeter. We make fire more powerful. We do not cover with a lid. We make sure it doesn't burn.

Tortillas with meat in a frying pan

Flatbreads with meat can be eaten for lunch or, if the figure allows, for dinner. beautiful homemade baking like a cheburek will pass for a good snack or replace a meat pie.

Minced meat can be prepared in advance, as well as use the finished version. The most delicious pastry is stuffed half with beef and pork.

For the base you need a glass warm water and two glasses of flour. Both components are kneaded into a stiff dough, which must be left to “rest”. During this time, the filling is being prepared.

We need about 800 grams minced meat. Add 4 finely chopped garlic cloves to it. Salt, pepper. Crumble a bunch of fresh herbs. It's better to use an onion. Pour 4 spoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a couple of tablespoons of vodka. With it, our meat will turn out more juicy.

Knead the minced meat, carefully stirring all the ingredients. Let's divide it into 8 equal parts. The dough should also be divided into 8 pieces.

We roll out the blanks into very thin layers. The diameter of each cake should be approximately 25 cm. We cover three quarters of the circle meat stuffing, leaving an untouched sector.

We make an incision from the center of the circle to the edge. We take the free end of the cake and cover the part with minced meat with it. We do two more turns. Thus, you should get a puff triangle with meat and dough inside.

We put the workpiece to bake in a dry frying pan under the lid. Reduce the heat to a minimum and wait a few minutes until the cake is fried. Turn over and bake on the other side.

These cakes are very satisfying, tasty and disappear in an instant.

Potato cakes in a pan

This dish oriental cuisine prepared from unleavened choux pastry. It will take a minimum of time, but it can please any admirer of homemade baking.

To three glasses of pre-salted flour, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Slowly pour a glass of boiling water and quickly mix the mass until a homogeneous lump is formed.

Leave him to chill. And then knead a smooth homogeneous dough. It will take him 20-30 minutes to lie down under a towel to swell.

During this time, prepare the filling. Salt the boiled potatoes and mash them into a puree. We need one and a half glasses of crushed potatoes.

Fry in oil in a hot pan onion until golden. One whole small head can be cut into cubes or half rings. Mix everything and add chopped green onion feathers to the total mass. The filling is ready.

We form thin cakes from the dough. Fry them in a dry frying pan. Put the stuffing on one end. Cover with the free side. Lubricate the cake with butter. We eat hot.

sweet cakes

Sweet cakes will replace crispy waffles. They are especially nice to serve for breakfast. With a glass of milk, they make a great afternoon snack for kids.

For treats you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • one egg:
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a little salt (by eye);
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 50 mg warm water;
  • three large spoons of vegetable oil.

Prepare the dough: pour the flour into a container, make a recess in it, break the egg, add salt and vegetable oil.

We need to pour 3-5 tablespoons of warm boiled water. Its quantity depends on the properties of the flour. The denser the dough, the more liquid you will need.

Knead a fairly stiff dough. Leave it in a warm place, covered, for 40 minutes.

We make cakes out of it. Sprinkle each lightly with baking soda. Roll out vigorously, literally until transparent. Lubricate with oil. Roll in sugar. We roll into a roll.

We wrap a thin sausage in a snail. Each roll out to a thickness of 3 mm. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown from two sides. Serve hot.

honey cake

The honey cake has an appetizing golden color and unique aroma. It will become even tastier if you add sesame seeds to the dough during cooking.

Fry a tablespoon of seeds in a dry frying pan. Set them aside and let cool.

We break one egg. Put a tablespoon of honey on it. Add a little salt (at the tip of a knife). Pour the resulting mixture with half a glass of warm water.

It is necessary to stir so that a homogeneous mass is obtained from all the ingredients. Pour the prepared sesame seeds into it. Sift two cups of flour on top. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Knead a thick dough, from which we will form small cakes. Let's fry them in a frying pan in large numbers oils. Cakes should literally drown in it, as if deep-fried.

Remove excess fat with a paper towel. These cakes, when cooled, resemble sesame cookies, just as tasty and crispy.

Cornmeal cakes

Cornbread is great for diet food. They are very helpful for digestion. You can cook them with just three ingredients: flour, water and salt. The recipe for cakes in a pan on the water, made from corn, is perhaps the simplest.

Choose a suitable bowl and pour two glasses into it cornmeal. Add some salt to taste. Pour in hot water little by little. Its quantity will be determined according to the situation. Stir each portion in flour and look at the consistency. The dough should become dense, not fluid and not brittle.

From a homogeneous mass we form plump cakes. They should look more like meatballs. We will fry them over medium heat in vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom. The lid must not be closed. Turn over carefully so that the cakes do not fall apart. We eat until we get cold.

Let's start preparing the dough. Sift half a kilogram of wheat flour into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt to it and mix well.

In a hill with flour, we make a recess and pour a quarter cup of vegetable oil into it, half a teaspoon of soda (you can not extinguish it). Pour a glass of cold water.

Knead soft dough. Cover it with a towel. We give him a little rest, and at this time we begin to prepare the filling.

We need 300 grams of cottage cheese and a large bunch of dill. We wash the greens under running water, shake off excess moisture. You can lightly dip it with a towel. Finely chop the greens and mix it with cottage cheese. Don't forget to add some salt (to taste).

From the dough we roll small balls, we form thin cakes from them. We put the filling on one half and fold it in half. We pinch the edges of the cake. She will look like a cheburek. And fry all this beauty in vegetable oil until it is browned to a golden crust on both sides.

Lean dough is very easy to prepare. Requires very little time and ingredients. However, it makes very tasty and varied snacks. Any of the proposed dishes can become a table decoration.

Cooking dough. To do this, take the deepest possible bowl and put in it ingredients such as oatmeal, soda and butter. Then add ¾ cup hot water and mix thoroughly. After that, leave the mass for a while so that it can brew.

We divide the resulting dough into six parts of equal size and form oatmeal cakes of the desired size. Then heat the pan and add vegetable oil. After that, lightly fry our cakes over a fairly strong fire on both sides.

In order to prepare a baking sheet for baking oatmeal cakes, you need to cover it with high-quality parchment. Then sprinkle the parchment wheat flour and put the shaped cakes on a baking sheet. After distributing the cakes on a baking sheet, carefully sprinkle with flour and the upper surface of future baking. The oven should be preheated to about one hundred and eighty degrees. In order for the cakes to turn out tasty and baked, you should bake them in the oven for about forty minutes. Do not forget that five minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle our cakes with prepared oatmeal in order to get the desired result. After cooking, we take the cakes out of the oven, let them cool and put them in a beautiful container. Bon Appetit!

The flour used is of great importance in the preparation of this recipe. In order to get truly tasty and soft oatmeal cakes, it is recommended to use home-made flour. We are talking, of course, about oatmeal, which is quite easy and simple to prepare at home. To do this, take ordinary oatmeal and carefully grind them in a coffee grinder. The result should be in the form of the finest possible grinding. Such flour, moreover, is even more useful for human body compared to conventional wheat flour. But to create such flour, high-quality flakes should be used.

Calories: 660.95
Proteins/100g: 11.93
Carbs/100g: 16.33

I am glad to welcome you to my kitchen! This time I will offer you an option delicious second breakfast. And we will cook oatmeal cakes. I prepared a recipe with a photo especially for those who adhere to a healthy diet.
We will serve cakes with bananas. Because of high level GI these fruits can be eaten in the second dose, so we do not miss the opportunity and start preparing oatmeal cakes right now.

If you're ready, let's start preparing everyone necessary ingredients. Namely:
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
- oatmeal - ½ cup
- salt - to taste,
- banana - 1/2 pc.,
- non-fat cheese - 50 grams,
- olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to cook at home

So, having prepared all the essentials, we will get down to business. Let's start with oatmeal. Because I don't have one ready oat flour I use flakes.
Send ½ cup of oatmeal to a blender or coffee grinder and grind.

Thus, we will get flour.

Then we take two tablespoons of finished oatmeal and send them to a container for kneading dough.

Add two chicken eggs to the flour.

Mix everything thoroughly, add a pinch of salt.

Add one tablespoon to the pan. olive oil. Spread it over the surface with a special culinary brush. When the oil is hot, pour in the batter for the oatmeal.

While our cake is fried on one side for about 2-3 minutes, prepare the filling. To do this, peel the banana and cut it into slices. Also cut into thin slices. hard cheese not greasy.

On one side the cake is fried, turn it over with a wooden spatula on the other side.

After that, on one side of the oatmeal cake and one side of it, we distribute circles of banana and on top of hard cheese.

We cover the second side of the cake, bending it, as seen in the photo.

Cover with a lid and turn off the fire. When the cheese is a little melted, we take out our breakfast and put it on a dish. Serve warm! Good appetite!
Author: arivederchy
If you eat according to the Dukan system, then cook for yourself

    0h 0min


    0 h 10 min.


    332Kcal / 100 g



Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace oatmeal cookies. And oat cakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with a hot dish, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten dipped in a hearty sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish tale of the same name, every family loves these cakes. But everyone eats them according to their taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatmeal cakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)

Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace of oatmeal cookies. And oat cakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with a hot dish, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten dipped in a hearty sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish tale of the same name, every family loves these cakes. But everyone eats them according to their taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatmeal cakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)

Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace of oatmeal cookies. And oat cakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with a hot dish, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten dipped in a hearty sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish tale of the same name, every family loves these cakes. But everyone eats them according to their taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatmeal cakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)

No, my journal has not been hacked by a novice food blogger) I'm just trying to bring some goodness into it, diluting critical and hater posts with positive :)

How many modern women I don't like and don't know how to cook. Although I don’t eat semi-finished products and cope with simple second courses), especially since a person who adheres to the principles of PP ( proper nutrition) is more than enough. Porridge or scrambled eggs for breakfast, a piece of meat, poultry or fish with a side dish for lunch and the same thing, but with vegetable salad for dinner - that's all cooking. For the past few months, I have been “fascinated” by these simple healthy flat cakes, which can be sharpened instead of high-calorie cookies, however, without getting carried away, and even replace morning oatmeal with them, since their main ingredient is herculean flakes. I spied this recipe on the Instagram of a young fitness lover @hengreyd.

To make oatmeal you will need:
- a frying pan with a non-stick coating, because we will fry the cakes without oil (!);
- a small bowl for mixing food;
- oatmeal and eggs in the proportion of 1 egg per 50g of cereal, or 4 tablespoons. You will get 4 small tortillas, but keep in mind when eating them that 50g of cereal is a full serving of oatmeal for a medium-sized person, that is, do not get carried away eating tortillas. Otherwise, turn into a horse :) I usually make cakes from 100g of cereal;
- ideally, you do not need to add sugar, but the cakes will turn out to be completely fresh. I add 1 tsp to the "dough". sugar per 100g cereal. Who uses a sweetener in baking - add to taste. Feel free to add any spices and/or fruits you like. For example, cinnamon or cocoa (I haven't tried it yet). I add 1/2 small or 1/3 large banana, mashing it with a fork into a pulp. Experiment :)

Cooking method:
- break the desired number of eggs into a bowl, stir with a whisk or fork until smooth. If necessary, add sugar, spices, banana to taste;
- pour the required number of flakes, mix;
- put the resulting "dough" in the refrigerator for the night (or half a day);
- take the "dough" out of the refrigerator, knead. We spread the lumps with a spoon or hand in a pan with a non-stick coating, flatten with a spoon. The thinner the cakes are, the better and faster they will bake. It is better to lay out one lump at a time to see how much space remains in the pan for the next cakes.

- close the pan with a lid and fry over medium or low heat (depending on your stove and pan) 2-3 minutes on each side. I fry for 3 minutes, I like it to be ruddy.

There are such cakes that are tastier already cooled down. In the basic version (only eggs and cereal), they are bland and dryish. But they can be used as a base for a sandwich, for example, with cheese or even caviar;) With the addition of a banana, oatmeal cakes become softer.

Bon Appetit!:)
If you have a signature super-simple and super-tasty recipe - share it in the comments!

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