Home Diseases and pests Testing and find out your socionic type. We study the inner reality by psychotype

Testing and find out your socionic type. We study the inner reality by psychotype

On our Socionics website you will find detailed descriptions personality types. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can easily understand yourself and the actions of the people around you. Many consider socionics as a pseudoscience, and in vain. She simply and logically explains the behavioral attitudes that people have been trying to correct in themselves for years, without even suspecting that this is an integral part of their personalities. Unlike psychology, which has been looking for the truth for years, socionics provides instant recipes that allow you to exist as productively as possible in society. The main thing here is precise definition socionic type. But this is also easy: we have collected so many articles for you that it is impossible not to recognize yourself as your favorite among the descriptions.

Socionic types are divided into convenient groups. For example, it is enough to define whether you are an introvert or an extrovert to discard half of the material. After reading Gulenko's excellent articles, it's not hard to figure out whether you are a sensor or an intuitionist. Having decided, you can safely “remove” four more personality types that are unlike you. And to choose from the remaining four is a matter of time. Here you need to pay attention to theory and everything will work out! Socionics: Natalya Plaksina, Vaysband, L. Beskova and E. Udalova, as well as Artem Okhotnikov - to help you.

Yes, at first you have to try, but then you realize how much easier life has become. Perhaps right now you are paired with a person who does not share your values, or your boss is a conflict. After analyzing why they act this way and not otherwise, you suddenly see in front of you not "angry" and "unpleasant personalities" who "do out of spite", but ordinary people who live by different rules and cannot do otherwise.

The network is quite popular "retyping" when the test identified your personality incorrectly. It happens, but time and practice will put everything in its place. If you are Gabin, do not hope that Napoleon has been hiding in you all this time. Usually the wrong personality type is somewhere “near” the present. Hamlet-Balzac is quite often encountered, who enjoys playing the "gloomy" spy Socion. Jack London and Stirlitz are generally similar, because they have a common basic function, but they are completely different in their approach to business, just like Don Quixote and Huxley. Maxim Gorky and Dreiser are two "moralphages", but different quadral values ​​allow them to achieve their very different methods... Dumas' and Dostoevsky's little paws, "sharpened" for "lamp-like" and comfort, are also completely different people... Don't forget about stereotypes. If someone said that Zhukov and Yesenin do not go out for a walk without weapons, and Robespierre and Hugo do not go out without books, then he has definitely forgotten that we are all very different - multilayered, complex, deep. Study yourself carefully and enjoy the discoveries together with the "Club-16"!

Socionics-based tests are perhaps one of the most objective. They are developed by psychologists and psychiatrists, for example - such as Tolstikov, Talanov or Gulenko, and touch on the most diverse corners of the human character. With the help of them, you can accurately figure out your own psychological type according to Jung's theory or other methods. A Swiss psychiatrist formulated and introduced them back in 1921, after which his work was developed by the followers of socionics. Having learned the sociotype, one can not only understand distinctive features their character, but also to determine the degree of erudition and intellectual potential. In turn, identifying individual weaknesses and strengths allows you to find the best path for self-improvement. To determine the sociotype and identify individual features of their nature, it is not necessary to contact psychologists - it is enough to take the test online. Through the socionics test, it allows you to explore personality and psychology without the participation of a specialist. From wide range types of testing, you can choose the one that is more interesting (or several), since many of them have a narrow purpose. You do not need to pay money to carry out testing, you do not need to register. You only need a few minutes of free time.

Includes 20 questions, which must be answered quickly and sincerely. In this case, the test result, revealing four main aspects and personality psychotype, will be as reliable as possible. It will help you better understand yourself, improve relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

Developed decades ago. Most short test consisting of 4 questions. Despite their small number, it allows you to fairly accurately determine the psychotype of a person. The structure of the test is built in such a way that the choice of the next answer is determined by the previous answer.

To pass it, you will have to answer 68 questions, the decoding of which will allow you to determine your true psychotype with a high percentage of probability.

In every person, a share from an extrovert and an introvert coexists, however, the characteristics of the sociotype can tilt the character's cup in favor of one of the types. It is not easy to determine on your own who you are, but you can take a free test, for example, to identify a sociotype according to Jung's method, which will give an answer to the typing question as accurately as possible. Having understood who you are, you will not just find out which of the sociotypes you are inclined to, but you will understand your personal characteristics.

Suspiciousness and excessive caution are not always disadvantages, however, if a person is a hypochondriac, he is advised to see a psychologist. To determine whether you are susceptible to hypochondria or not, you can take a test consisting of several questions. Testing methods allow you to accurately show whether you have a predisposition to the occurrence of psychological pathologies and whether you need to change anything in your attitude to health in order to fully enjoy life. Perhaps the decoding of the results will come as a surprise to you!

Taste preferences largely reflect the internal psychological environment of a person. Therefore, in socionics, food is also an excellent marker that can tell a lot about the test taker. Nutritional typing is fairly common and effective method to reveal psychological problems or lack thereof. You will be able to reveal unexpected traits and characteristics within yourself if you pass the tasty test.

Your temperament can be a nuisance in your work and personal life. Do you need to restrain your emotional sides of character when they manifest themselves too violently? Do you need to fight your own temper? Chances are that others see you unbalanced person and work needs to be done to correct emotional state... To find out if you have choleric character traits or they are not expressed, a sociotype test is available, and you can take it for free.

Perhaps every test taker would prefer to be sanguine and easily withstand difficulties of any level. However, the abilities of this type of character are developed in all people in varying degrees... How much in you vitality, will help determine the proposed test. Determining the type of character will allow you to learn more about your own capabilities, which will make it possible to put self-assessments in a new way, to determine whether you should take steps to adjust your character.

Do you want to know what percentage of phlegmatic is in your character? You should pay attention to socionics and take a short test to determine character traits. The phlegmatic type requires stable living conditions, does not tolerate a change in work or home environment. Create optimal conditions for yourself, having previously found out who exactly you are. It only takes a few minutes and just requires being honest with yourself when you take the test.

Quite interesting can be called the kinesthetic psychotype, which socionics can recognize in you through a short online test... If you are of this type, it may not be so important for you to see and hear the world, the main thing is to feel it with a touch. So kinesthetics perceive objects and people better, and their sexual preferences differ. Answer each question and in a few minutes you will learn about the peculiarities of your worldview.

Can you describe yourself as an auditory or are you just sensitive to sounds, but you are not? The decoding of this sociotype is a person who contacts the world mainly by hearing. He may not always believe his eyes, but he often relies on his ears. Do not self-assess, as your own assessment may be wrong. To get information about this, you should pass a test that will determine how much you are audible.

In socionics, many specialists divide people by preference for perception. outside world, including the famous socionist Talanov. Seeing is believing! - so the visual can say - a person who prefers obtaining information through sight. This typing is quite interesting, and it accurately divides people into types according to the way of perception. environment... Several questions will allow you to determine online how important it matters to you eye contact... Through a short test, socionics will provide you with new information about your inner world.

By passing the tests of Weisband or other socionic specialists, you can classify your type of dichotomy. However, more simple tests will allow you to establish your character type, which can also come in handy in life. If you are melancholic, you are prone to experiences and stress, and practically do nothing to resist adverse external conditions... If so, a short test will show it, and you will need to decide - change yourself from the inside or come to terms with the current situation.

Libra in life is always balanced, and not only in decision-making, but also regarding emotional characteristics. But, before using the horoscopes for Libra, you should determine the real sign of the zodiac. You may not fit the general criteria for those who were born in October, therefore, horoscopes for this sign will also turn out to be unsuitable for you. Free test will allow you to check compliance social type and zodiac sign.

Peculiar to Sagittarius the sociotype certainly does not reflect all people who were born under this zodiac sign. Self-confidence, justice, a sense of responsibility, talent for communication - these characteristics can be expressed in some Sagittarius, but absent in others. If you are in doubt about your zodiac sign, take a test to determine whether it is really worth believing the horoscope or it is better to be guided by the recommendations and predictions for another constellation.

Scorpios are considered pretty difficult people in terms of character. But you can dispel the opinion of others by proving on tests that you do not meet the characteristics that are attributed to Scorpios. Or vice versa, perhaps you will discover confirmation that stubbornness is inherent in you, faith in own superiority, lack of indulgence. Registration is not required for the test, and the zodiac sign is determined online.

Capricorns tend to be stubborn and find it difficult to prove them wrong. To convince them otherwise will require weighty arguments, since they will try to insist on their opinion to the last. If there are doubts that you are such, it is worth taking the next test for free, socionics will show how much you are a Capricorn. Perhaps another zodiac sign is more suitable for you, and there is nothing in common with Capricorns. Determine your sociotype in a few minutes by truthfully answering each question on the test.

Ambitious Leos look down on those around them and are unable to forgive even justified criticism. However, the fact that you were born under this zodiac sign is not at all an indicator that you have just such traits. Deciphering the characteristics of your nature can be carried out using testing. The test is short and can open Interesting Facts... He will tell you whether you are a real Leo or another constellation is more suitable for you.

Aquarians are distinguished by an abundance of creative energy and individuality, but they are also characterized by mood swings and often contradict themselves - this is an original sociotype. If you are Aquarius, but the horoscopes do not suit you personally, it is possible that another constellation corresponds to you and this can be determined by passing the test. Get to know your character better and see yourself from the other side!

Taurus is distinguished by hard work, they are famous for their independence and shine with nobility. However, socionics can argue that you are exactly Taurus, although you were born under this constellation. It is important to know the truth in order to choose correct horoscopes and do not rely on those that do not suit you. A decoding of your results will be available immediately after testing.

In Gemini, two and large quantity different characters, and their mood and opinion can change before our eyes for no reason. If your sign is Gemini, it is worth checking whether your character reflects the opinion prevailing about people born under this constellation. A large percentage of Gemini are similar in personality, but you may not fit the general criteria. The typing of the zodiac signs is subjective, so it is worth checking yourself through the test.

Perfect appearance, storage hearth, kindness and understanding - Virgo is distinguished by many positive features, according to the interpretation of the signs of the zodiac. But if we take socionics as a basis, the character of an individual does not depend on the constellation under which he was born. You can check this, but for this it is worth passing a large test and socionics will give an exact answer. How much you are from Virgo and from other signs, you can determine right now.

Optional Pisces are most often silent and ironic, although they require others to be serious about their person. But the fact that you were born under this constellation may not mean at all that you will definitely have just such a character. Refer to socionics to give an accurate definition of your character, since, perhaps, your correct constellation is completely different and the way Pisces is characterized may not apply to you. Find out the exact percentage - how much of Pisces lives in you, and look at yourself in a new way.

It seems that you can without hesitation say about yourself - to which of the two types of people belong. But in reality, your self-esteem may be inaccurate. Determining the sociotype is not easy and you need a test. There are a lot of them! For example, those developed by Dmitry Talan can give precise answers. If you prefer to spend time in big company or a nightclub does not for certain mean that you are a party-goer. Perhaps, inside you are a hidden couch potato and you should change your lifestyle.

If you are choosing a profession or looking for a place to work, it is important for you that the future field corresponds to your character and mental characteristics. Then you will feel comfortable, you will find favourite hobby and maybe make a career. In socionics, the specialist Dmitry Talan, who has developed many methods for typing, recommends to understand yourself. Determine, having passed the test - which you trust more - analysis or intuition.

If you have already analyzed yourself on detailed tests based on dichotomies, for example - Weisband or Talanov, try a narrower typing. It will be interesting and useful for you to find out what kind of food you need all the time - informational or energy. Having got to know yourself from this side, you will be able to create for yourself optimal conditions for life, work and creativity.

Online personality testing by the method of 7 radicals - interesting opportunity get to know yourself better and understand the opinion of others about you. It is known and in demand no less than Talanov's socionic test, which is very popular. The technique allows you to determine the main trait of your character, for example, a tendency to paranoia, anxiety, excitability, cheerfulness. It is possible that the information provided by the test will tell you how to work on yourself in order to get rid of weaknesses and develop the strong.

The difference between visual and auditory is significant. True, in each person there can be hidden two features of the perception of the surrounding world, which are used in different ways. The determination of which of them prevails is carried out using a test based on socionics. This is an important typing of people, which is based on the characteristics of the individual's preferred contact with the outside world. Decide who you are by testing yourself.

Socionics is a fairly young science that deals with the study of personality. The first scientific work in socionics, the book of the Soviet scientist Aushra Augustinavichiute "The dual nature of man" (1978) can be considered. This work opened up a lot of new things in the field of human relationships and proposed an original method of constructing psychological portrait person.

What is socionic type?

Socionic types are a fundamental concept in socionics. There are 16 of them in total, and they reflect 16 models of human behavior in society. Socionics reflect the way a person interacts with others, his concepts of how society should be arranged, how to act, what is acceptable and what is not. Of course, the views of any of us are also influenced by upbringing, and the received life experience, and But socionic types reflect the true nature of man and his desires, his real "comfort zone" in our multifaceted society.

Types of socionic types

Each socionic type is given the name of the real famous person or familiar to everyone literary character maximally corresponding this description... For example, Jack London (a logical-intuitive extrovert) is characterized as an "Entrepreneur": he never misses his opportunities, knows how to benefit from any business, knows how to listen to intuition cues and take risks.

Stirlitz (logical-sensory extrovert) - is bright representative good "Administrator": assertive, extremely hardworking, putting high quality work above all, knowing how to manage time correctly.

It is most convenient for Hamlet (an ethical-intuitive extrovert) to occupy the niche of a “Mentor” in society: he feels the emotions of other people well and can perceive them as if his own, has the gift of persuasion, always prepares in advance for unforeseen situations.

Hugo (ethical-sensory extrovert) is a big "Enthusiast": with his excessive emotionality, he "infects" people with ideas and pushes them to active action, an avid optimist, takes care of his family and friends with pleasure.

Robespierre (a logical-intuitive introvert) is distinguished by the orderliness of his thoughts, clarity of statements, the desire for everything to develop a clear system that would be applicable in practice, and, in general, the desire to improve and improve everything. That is why he is sometimes also called the "Analyst".

Maxim Gorky (logical-sensory introvert) is a typical “Inspector”: he tries to understand the case he is doing, wants to know all the information about the issue raised from beginning to end, lover of reference literature, appreciates complete order and submission to the system in everything.

Dostoevsky (ethical-intuitive introvert), or a true "Humanist" - likes to observe human relationships from the outside, is kind and generous, appreciates complete honesty in relationships, does not know how to provide psychological pressure, is not inclined to show aggression, so it can become a wonderful teacher or educator.

Dreiser ( ethical-sensory introvert), or the "Keeper" is a master at defining "friends" and "aliens", choosing people in "his" circle, he is ready to protect them and do everything possible for their well-being. He never expresses his opinion until it becomes really necessary.

The next type is the "Seeker", or "Don Quixote" (intuitive-logical extravert): he is interested in absolutely everything that surrounds him, he is inclined to change his occupation often, he loves creative ideas, but it is hard to endure monotonous work and all kinds of conventions.

Zhukov (sensory-logical extrovert) is a born "Marshal": decisive, assertive and influential, strives to win in any business, does not hesitate and does not hesitate, calculates several plans of action in advance, etc.

Typing methods

It is difficult to precisely establish socionic types for certain people. The determination should be made by a person skilled in the art.

The most common typing technique is testing or type determination based on external features.

External typing

When socionics were studied they were considered as a separate interesting question. Socionists, having studied thousands of photographs of people belonging to one type or another, noticed that, for example, Stirlitz has a perfectly straight, rigid back, Dostoevsky - completely impartial Jack London can be recognized by his "Hollywood" smile and unkempt, "disheveled" appearance, and Yesenin - according to the sophisticated elegant outward appearance and a shy smile.

Ideal combinations of socionic types

Socionic types have perfect couples, which are called duals. For example, Yesenin will feel comfortable in the company of Zhukov, Stirlitz just lacks Dostoevsky's sensitivity and gentleness, and Don Quixote will be happy with a person like Dumas.

If we consider this science from the point of view practical application, then socionic types help people realize their weaknesses and accept them and extract maximum benefit of its own features, and also find ideal partners to create a family, friendship or business.

Today many people are interested in the science of socionics. Knowing your socionic type can be useful. The test compiled by V.V. Gulenko, will allow you to determine your socionic personality type in just a few minutes. The test includes 72 questions and is aimed at an assiduous person. To pass the test, you need to arm yourself with minimal knowledge in the field psychological science and patience. You need to try to answer as honestly as possible, without thinking about the questions for a long time. The test proposed by V.V. Gulenko, you will remember for a long time. It is very interesting and informative.

Benefits of taking the test

The test itself does not look like something special, it will be intuitive for everyone. The author of the test is Gulenko Viktor Vladimirovich. He developed a unique method for determining the socionic type of a person. Having figured out himself, a person will be able to build productive relationships with others in the future, to choose the right profession for himself. Knowing your own socionic type will allow you to expand your ideas about yourself and the world around you as a whole. People who doubt themselves should first take a test to stop berating their own personality. Overly impressionable persons with the help of the test will be able to establish contact with their inner essence, to understand the disturbing situation. In any case, the questionnaire will help to find peace of mind, to accept the right decision, improve their own personality, change the attitude towards many unforeseen and traumatic cases.

The principle of dividing people into socionic types

V.V. Gulenko, in his research, insists that each person has his own leading direction in the perception of the world around him. Someone is guided by sounds, visual images, smells and colors. Others prefer to rely on intuition and no logical reasoning they will not be convinced. Most people reason with logical thinking... For many, the opinion of society, a view from the outside, is extremely significant.

The principle of dividing people into socionic types underlies the science of socionics. The test allows you to identify the individuality of a person, her true aspirations and motives for action. The test touches upon the topics of introversion and extroversion of a person. If the experiences of the first are directed deep into their own personality, then in the second they extend to the people around them. Depending on this feature, the same socionic type will acquire a different meaning.

Boolean type

People of this type make decisions based only on reason. They are not satisfied with premonitions that cannot be confirmed by anything. A person with highly developed logical thinking is less likely to find himself in situations where he can be deceived. He does not make decisions in a hurry, but prefers to proceed with caution.

Logical-sensory extrovert - a person who knows how to be maximum happy with life... He does not argue about whether he is living his life to the fullest or whether it is wasted for him. The main thing is that he knows how to enjoy life itself and spends it for the benefit of himself. Such a person loves to work, does not look for easy ways, appreciates those around him. As a rule, activity is central to his life. He is willing to sometimes sacrifice personal relationships, just to direct the work in the right direction. This person can easily separate the main from the secondary. The logical-sensory extrovert enjoys the prospect of communicating with people around him, likes to be in the spotlight.

Logical-sensory introvert represents an extremely neat nature who likes to do everything on time. Such people are happy to do planning and manage to do it in a day. a large number of cases. Any responsible executive who does not know how to distribute the load evenly will envy their internal self-organization. Logical-sensory introvert is somewhat self-absorbed, looks tired and gloomy. Those around him respect him for his tolerance and unquestioning fulfillment of the promise. Such a person knows how to keep his word, he does everything with impeccable precision and accuracy.

A logical-intuitive extrovert is a person who likes to think a lot, but at the same time he needs to express his thoughts to those who are nearby at the moment. He cannot stand being alone. If such a person is faced with misunderstanding or disapproval, then he is often offended, withdrawn into himself. The logical-intuitive extrovert wants to see the result of his efforts in everything. If something starts to happen not according to the expected scenario, he is frightened of the changes taking place, begins to fuss and thereby spoil his mood.

The logical-intuitive introvert is a person of mood. It changes quickly enough for him. At the same time, he is balanced and calm. From the outside it may seem that nothing can infuriate him. This personality type loves to be immersed in thought, it seems that he is constantly thinking about something. For him, it is a habitual state to withdraw into himself so much as not to notice the events taking place around him. The logical-intuitive introvert is calm, organized and responsible.

Ethical type

The ethical personality type is distinguished by the ability to deeply understand the people around them. Such a person cannot long time remain without communication, interaction with others allows him to receive vital energy... People who are predominantly ethical have an excellent gift of persuasion. Outwardly, they look very charming and convincing.

Ethical-sensory extrovert is an active personality type who loves attention. It is imperative for such a person that others notice his achievements and express their admiration in every possible way. To many, this personality type seems charming, trouble-free and cheerful. He is really open to communication, knows how to appreciate friendly meetings and good company.

An ethical-sensory introvert is a person who tends to analyze his own and other people's feelings. People of this type make excellent psychologists, since they can easily understand the mood of the interlocutor, understand the reasons for the situation that has arisen. Themselves rarely become hostages of their own emotions, because they know how to control their feelings. The tendency to self-digging takes on useful traits in them.

The ethical-intuitive extrovert is very emotional. In a fit, he can tell others anything that he wants, which he will sincerely regret later. He cannot keep emotions to himself, is distinguished by an explosive character, intolerance, cannot stand injustice.

The ethical-intuitive introvert values ​​trust, strives to build honest, sincere relationships with people. Since he does not always manage to do this, he tends to get upset about any unforeseen event. Mentally, he is always looking for in those around him that he is ready to give them, he recognizes an equivalent exchange. Condemns deception and betrayal, does not betray his own convictions.

Touch type

The sensory personality type is most focused on getting vivid impressions from the outside world. A person of this type cannot be in the same space for a long time, he needs a change of impressions. Visual, auditory, olfactory images, tactile sensations are of great importance.

Sensory-logical extravert is a type of personality, which is not alien to achieve a goal at any cost. If this person has thought of something, he will strive and will never back down. To many from the outside, he seems overly straightforward, persistent and uncompromising.

The sensory-logical introvert is well adapted to physical labor... Most often, he occupies a modest post and performs the activities of a performer. He does not like to take responsibility, to be the leader, to be responsible for something.

Sensory-ethical extrovert is a non-conflict person, gentle, rather easy to communicate, appreciates sincere relationships. He, as a rule, has many friends, often happens in noisy companies, he feels comfortable there. Loves travel and vivid impressions.

Sensory-ethical introvert is characterized by excessive silence and distrust. It is difficult to make him laugh, to bring him out of the state of internal torpor. People around him often consider him an eccentric who is not interested in anything.

Intuitive type

The intuitive personality type is characterized by great self-absorption. Such people do not trust reason, do not rely on logic, but turn inward and look for an answer. Decisions are made slowly, tend to go into deep thought. They have a well-developed intuition, they know how to feel the situation from the inside and draw conclusions based on their own emotions.

The intuitive-logical extrovert does not like routine and monotony. He wants to constantly experience new sensations, try the unknown, study some books. Such a person is very well-read, loves to communicate with like-minded people, needs a large company.

An intuitive-logical introvert is often a creative person, has his own quirks and whims. From the outside, it seems a self-sufficient philosopher, endlessly talks about the meaning of life, is busy looking for his own individual path.

The intuitive-ethical extrovert is often endowed with an artist's talent who loves to experiment. He appreciates society, but only if it does not interfere with his creation.

Intuitive-ethical introvert is a subtle dreamer. This is a person whose mood is unstable and changes like the weather. From joy, he can abruptly turn to tears and vice versa.

Thus, the test compiled by V.V. Gulenko, represents useful thing... The questionnaire will help you determine your goals for the future, find out your own character and aspirations.

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