Home Fertilizers Minutes of the meeting of employees of the organization. Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective

Minutes of the meeting of employees of the organization. Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective

Protocol general meeting collective

Some production issues at the enterprise can be resolved only by bringing together the entire team. Meetings labor collective- this is effective measure, with the help of which problems are identified that already exist, and which may soon appear.

The process of discussing industrial issues, disputes and disagreements, proposed ideas and decisions made should be recorded. This is necessary not only for compilation, but also to improve performance. A competent protocol reflects personal and collective opinions and helps to form a strategy of action for the future.

As such, there is no general opinion on how should be drawn up. If you do not know exactly how to create and draw up the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, you can find in. The network offers a large number of options. You need to take into account those that meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear structure;
  • Concise and to the point;
  • Summarize the meeting;
  • Reflect the results of voting or voting;
  • Allows you to understand the essence of the meeting and the goals it achieved within a minute.

Protocols are filed in a separate folder. With their help, you can draw conclusions about how the team is set up and what is needed to create at the enterprise quality conditions and a favorable psychological atmosphere.

Collective meetings meet when problems arise, often they are associated with internal disagreements and discontent, therefore it is very important that the protocol is not a formality, but a document that 100% reflects the situation in the team. According to, meetings are considered legitimate when from one-second to two-thirds of the collective are present. Decisions are taken by voting and are counted when half of the audience has voted, plus one more vote.

The minutes of the collective meeting should clearly reflect the essence of the issues to be resolved.

How the document should be drawn up

The very name "protocol" suggests that it must comply general requirements and have all the standard signs of any, that is, it must necessarily contain:

  • The date of the,
  • Time,
  • A place,
  • The number of those present and comparing it with the total number of team members,
  • Information about those who lead the meeting and take minutes of it,
  • The essence of the issues discussed and the decisions made,
  • Counting Voters, etc.

There is a rule common to all enterprises and companies, according to which all protocols must be drawn up on letterhead.

Meeting minutes

Write your question in the form below


Attended by:




1. About the establishment of new official salaries.

2. On the fulfillment by employees of the requirements of fire safety, electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

3. On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9


On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted the staff with the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior educator - Romashkina L.V. put forward the issue of approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9 for voting.

“For” - 37 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. To approve from 12.01.15. Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9


On the establishment of new official salaries.

The head of MADOU No. 9 introduced the staff to the Resolution of the Kemerovo Region Administration Board dated December 29, 2014. No. 528 On Amendments to the Resolution of the Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 25.03.11. No. 120 "On maintaining new system remuneration for employees of state branch organizations of the Kemerovo region, created by an educational institution from 01.01.2015.


1. Install from 01/01/2015. new salaries for employees.


On the fulfillment by employees of the requirements of fire safety, electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

The head of MADOU number 9 spoke about the organization in Preschool works for the safety of employees and pupils. Regularly, once every six months, briefings are held on labor protection at the workplace, on the contrary fire safety, electrical safety with workers with 1 admission group. Regular monitoring of compliance with labor protection requirements is carried out.


1.Zherdeva T.S.


1. Observe the requirements of fire and electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

2. Inform the manager of all equipment malfunctions in a timely manner.


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9 ".

Attended by: MADOU team of 37 people

Absent: 3 people, for a good reason.

Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1. Approval of the Regulation on the provision of additional paid educational services in MADOU number 9.


Approval of the Regulation on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted the staff with the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior educator - Romashkina L.V. put forward the issue of approving the Regulation on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

“For” - 37 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. To approve the Regulation on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by:


Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1. About amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014.

2. Listened:

On amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to amend clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014. She offered to establish bonus payments based on the results of work established for employees on the basis of the results of their activities according to the assessment sheets, not for half a year, but quarterly.


Head of Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of amending clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.09.2014 to the vote.

“For” - 38 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the remuneration of MADOU No. 9 dated 01.09.2014.

"Bonus payments based on the results of work are established for employees on the basis of the results of their activities, according to the assessment sheets on a quarterly basis."

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by: MADOU team of 38 people

Absent: 2 people, for a good reason.

Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator




1. Listened:

Transition and organization of the summer recreational period for pupils of MADOU.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted those present with the work plan for the summer health-improving period, drew attention to the need to pay Special attention to organize the regime of pupils, temper and ensure a safe stay in kindergarten. She covered the issues of organizing the drinking and sanitary-epidemiological regime. She said that the main task of the staff of a preschool institution is to preserve the health of pupils and therefore it is necessary to make efforts of all structures: educators, junior educators, senior nurse, labor protection commission.


  1. Senior educator Romashkina L.V., raised the issue of the need for educational, health-improving and educational work carry out in close relationship with parents.
  2. Head nurse L.V. Reichert talked about the rules for processing sand in sandboxes, providing the first medical care and prevention of poisoning and intestinal diseases in children and adults.


  1. Ensure the transition to the summer recreation period in accordance with the work plan.
  2. Responsible for upbringing, educational, recreational work, labor protection and fire safety to monitor the implementation of all assigned tasks.

2. Listened:

Familiarization with the repair plan.

The head of the MADOU No. 9 acquainted those present with the schedule of repair work, with the plan of repair work in groups. I told the team that everything needed for the repair had been purchased.


1.Zherdeva T.S.


1. Carry out repair work in the period from 15/06/15 to 15/07/15.

2. To inform the manager of all the malfunctions of the play equipment in a timely manner.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by: MADOU team of 39 people

Absent: 1 person, for a good reason.

Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1. Approval of the new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

2. Approval of new scorecards.

3. Approval of the Regulation on the Supervisory Board.

1. Listened:

Approval of the new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. familiarized the team with the new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution. I drew attention to the fact that, on the basis of the new Regulation, the following is established for other service personnel maximum amount points - 40 points.


Head of Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving a new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution for voting.

“For” - 38 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. To cancel from 01.10.2015. the effect of the Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 01, 2014.

2. To approve the new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution and put into effect from 01.10.2015.

3. All present and absent employees must be notified of the changes against signature.

1. Listened:

Approval of new scorecards.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. talked about the need to make changes to the assessment sheets of employees. She offered the team for consideration new assessment sheets, in which the maximum number of points for other service personnel was changed:

Janitor - 40 points

Watchman - 40 points

Building maintenance and repair worker - 40 points

Office cleaner - 40 points

Cook - 40 points

Laundry driver - 40 points

Loader - 40 points

Seamstress - castellan - 40 points

Ancillary worker - 40 points.


Head of Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving new scorecards for voting.

“For” - 39 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. To approve new assessment sheets and put them into effect from 01.10.2015.

2. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

2. Listened:

Approval of the Regulation on the Supervisory Board

1. Head of TG Izmailova, introduced the staff to the Regulations on the Supervisory Board.


1. The chairman of the trade union, Karina MA, made a proposal to approve the Regulation on the Supervisory Board for a vote.

"For" -39 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


1. To approve the Regulation on the Supervisory Board

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by: MADOU team of 36 people


Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1. Results of the summer - wellness work.

2. Work plan of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016 -2017 academic year.

1. Listened:

Results of summer - health improvement work

Head of Izmailova T.G. , said that the summer health work in MADOU was organized according to the work plan adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by the head.

The goal of the summer work: creating in kindergarten the maximum effective conditions for the organization of recreational work with children and development cognitive interest among pupils in the summer.

During the summer, recreational activities were carried out with children: reception on the street, morning exercises on fresh air, extended walks, hardening and hygiene measures such as air baths, washing feet after a walk before bedtime, jogging with children senior group... The groups observed drinking regimen... Throughout the summer, children regularly included fresh vegetables, fruits, juices. Conditions were created to increase the physical activity of children.

At the same time, it was noted that the teachers paid little attention to the organization of sunbathing and other summer hardening procedures. Not enough mobile and sports games, there was no variety.

During the summer, educational activities were carried out with children in all directions. Organizationally - pedagogical work completed completely. A sports ground is equipped on the territory of the preschool institution.

All the documentation was completed on time, the group and reception rooms are ready for the start of the training.

During the summer period, work was carried out regarding the implementation sanitary regulations, the readiness of the institution to work in the autumn - winter period... The caretaker prepared everything for the heating season in a timely manner and received a certificate of readiness heating system to work in winter conditions.

During summer period control was exercised by the administration for educational activities on groups, performing job duties, labor discipline of employees of the institution.

Tatyana Grigorievna noted that the summer health improvement program has been fully implemented.


Senior educator - Romashkina L.V. made a proposal to recognize the work of summer health work in MADOU as satisfactory.

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


The work of the preschool institution during the summer recreation period is considered satisfactory.


Work plan of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016 -2017 academic year

The head, Tatyana Grigorievna, introduced the tasks of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year:

1. To organize psychological and pedagogical support of pupils in the context of the implementation of the Educational program.

2. To ensure the development of human resources in the process of GEF DO.

Introduced the plan of administrative and economic work for the 2016-2017 academic year:

I. Strengthening the material - technical base MADOU number 9:

Adjustment of the cost estimate (budget, parental fee) for 2016 - 2017;

Purchase of households. goods, washing and disinfectants, medicines, stationery, soft inventory.

II. Fire-fighting measures:

Recharging fire extinguishers in accordance with the terms;

Conclusion of a service and repair contract automatic installations fire extinguishing, fire alarm;

Fire safety briefing.

III. Work on the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution:

Delivery of land, sand;

Sanitary cleaning of the territory, cleaning of lawns.

IV. Activities for the repair of preschool educational institutions:

Redecoration in groups;

V. Preparation for the heating season:

Flushing and pressure testing of the heating system;

Insulation of windows, doors;

Obtaining a passport of the readiness of the preschool educational institution;

Availability and check of instrumentation, check of manometers.

Vi. Ensuring conditions for the safety of the ECE staff:

Conduct an act of inspection of resistance measurements;

Medical examination of preschool workers;

Carrying out practical training to work out an evacuation plan in case of emergencies;

Timely provision of employees with overalls.

She also spoke about the planned activities for each annual task (seminars, pedagogical council, meetings, etc.). during the year, control is planned in all areas of work.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the work plan of MADOU No. 9 for 2016 - 2017 academic year. year

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


Accept the plan unchanged.

3. Listened:

Report of the commission for the acceptance of group premises for a new one academic year.

The head of Izmailova T.G., introduced the team to the act of readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year. According to of this document MADOU # 9 - ready for 2015 - 2016 academic year. without remarks. It is recommended to install emergency lighting in group rooms, on stairs 1 and 5 of blocks. The implementation of this item will be possible only with funding.


Zherdeva T.S. offered to take note of the information.

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no



1. Take note of the information. Upon receipt of funding, urgently purchase and install 13 emergency lighting fixtures.

4. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the remuneration of workers of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

The head of the department, TG Izmailova, introduced the staff to the Regulations on the remuneration of workers at MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services. I talked about the features of the accrual wages employees for paid services.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina MA, made a proposal to approve the Regulation on the remuneration of workers of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services for a vote.

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


3. To approve the Regulation on the remuneration of workers of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

4. Introduce all present and absent employees against signature.

5. Listened:

Approval of the Regulation on the organization baby food in MADOU number 9.

Art. nurse L.V. Reichert, introduced the staff to the Regulations on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9


The head of Izmailova T.G., made a proposal to approve the Regulation on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9 to a vote:

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


1. To approve the Regulation on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9

2. Introduce all present and absent employees against signature.

6. Listened:

Approval of the Prohibition of Smoking Regulation.

Head of Izmailova TG, introduced the team to the Provision on the Prohibition of Smoking in MADOU No. 9.


1. The chairman of the trade union, Karina MA, made a proposal to approve the Provision on the prohibition of smoking in MADOU No. 9 to a vote.

"For" -36 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


1. To approve the Regulation on the prohibition of smoking in MADOU No. 9.

2. Introduce all present and absent employees against signature.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by: MADOU team of 42 people

Absent: 4 people, for a good reason.

Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1.About amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015

2. About changing the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution's website. p. 3.5.8 of the Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

1. Listened:

On amendments to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to amend clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015 Proposed bonus payments based on the results of work, set to employees on the basis of the results of their activities, according to the assessment sheets, to establish not quarterly, but monthly.


Head of Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of amending clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015 to vote.

“For” - 42 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the remuneration of MADOU No. 9 dated 01.10. 2015

"Bonus payments based on the results of work are established for employees on the basis of the results of their activities in accordance with the assessment sheets on a monthly basis."

3. All present and absent employees must be notified of the changes against signature.

3. Listened:

On the change in the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution's website. p. 3.5.8 of the Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015

In connection with the increase in work on the design and updating of the website of the preschool educational institution, the chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. proposed to the team to make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wages fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01.01.16. payment amount up to 996 rubles.


Head of Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of changing the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the preschool educational institution's website. p. 3.5.8 of the Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution from 01.10. 2015 to vote:

“For” - 42 people;

“Against” - 0 people;

“Abstained” - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the remuneration of MADOU No. 9 dated 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01.01. 2016 the amount of payment for high-quality work on the design and update of the preschool educational institution's website up to 996 rubles.

2. Notify all present and absent employees of the changes against signature.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova


meetings of the General meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Attended by: MADOU team of 38 people

Absent: 3 people, for a good reason.

Secretary- Mingazova G.T., educator


1. Coordination of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

2. Adoption of the Charter of MADOU No. 9 in new edition.

3. Briefings on fire safety, anti-terrorism.


Coordination of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

Head of Izmailova T.G. Introduced the team to the vacation schedule for employees of MADOU No. 9 for 2016.


The chairman of the trade union Karina M.A., made a proposal to accept the vacation schedule without changing

"For" -38 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


1. Leave the vacation schedule for MADOU employees unchanged.


Adoption of the Charter of MADOU No. 9 in a new edition

Head of Izmailova T.G. brought to the attention of the team that in connection with the change in the current legislation, it is necessary to amend the current Charter of MADOU. Introduced those present with the new edition of the Charter of MADOU No. 9.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the Charter in the new edition without changes.

"For" -38 people

"Against" - no

"Abstained" - no


1. Accept the Charter of MADOU without changes.

3. Listened:

Briefings on fire safety, anti-terrorism

Zherdeva T.S. conducted a fire safety briefing with employees and reminded those present of the electrical safety rules that must be observed especially on days new year holidays and winter break... She reminded the MADOU employees of their actions in the event of a fire. I brought to the attention of the workers that on the days of winter holidays, you need to be especially careful when walking around the territory and inspecting the MADOU building.


1. Take note of the information.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: ________ G. T. Mingazova

Workforce Council in organizations or institutions is the representative body of self-government of the collective of employees of the institution. It is a permanent elected body that functions on behalf of all employees of a given organization. the main objective labor council of the collective - decision-making between the head and employees of the organization. Tasks - ensuring the interaction of the administrative apparatus of the institution with its labor collective, its individual members and other public organizations.

Is it obligatory to create a labor council at the institution? It is not necessary, but if it is created, then all adopted and approved documents of the organization, especially those concerning changes in reporting forms of documentation, provisions on remuneration, internal regulations and some others, must be agreed upon at a meeting of the labor collective before approval and adoption.

Can the director of the institution stop the work of the labor council? Yes, by issuing an appropriate order to terminate its functions. I must say that all decisions of the labor council of the collective are of a warning and recommendatory nature, the last word always behind the head of the organization.

On the letterhead of the organization, a simple order is written on the main activity in something like this:

“In order to improve the efficiency of the institution's activities, I can order:

  1. Create a workforce council at the institution.
  2. I leave control over the execution of the order to the deputy director.

Director I.O. Surname.


The council is first created. Then the Regulations about him are developed, at the meeting of the council it is agreed with its chairman.

Here, the order of registration is somewhat different from.

At the first meeting of the work collective, the director of the institution or one of the activists of the organization make a proposal (order) to create a council, if this is supported by a vote, then they elect the chairman of the council (he can be neither the head of the organization, nor his deputy) and appoint or elect a secretary ... The secretary, together with the chairman of the council, develop a regulation on the labor council of the collective, which is then submitted for collective discussion and approval.

Here we will consider an approximate example of the position of the council of the work collective of an institution (organization). The regulations prescribe the goals, objectives, functions, the procedure for the work of the labor council, the procedure for electing the chairman, election of the secretary, and this also includes the competence, rights and powers of the members of the labor collective council.

The head of the document is presented in two columnar style from left to right:

AGREED: Chairman of the labor collective council ___________ I.O. Surname

"____" __________ 2017

APPROVED by: Director of the Institution (Organization) ___________ First name Last name

"____" __________ 2017


Now in your organization the vast majority of newly adopted documents and changes to existing ones will be in the cap with the approval of the council before "Approved".

Regulation "On the council of the labor collective of the" Enterprise "

  1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation regulates the activities of the Labor Collective Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council), which is the representative body of self-government of the labor collective "FULL NAME OF ORGANIZATION OR ABBREVIATED" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. The Council is an elected, permanent body, performing its functions on behalf of the entire workforce of the Institution.

1.3. In the conditions of the functioning of the Council, interaction of the general management of the Institution with the labor collective of the Institution, individual members of the collective of the Institution, as well as with other public organizations is ensured.

1.4. The Council is created for the purpose of making decisions between the Employer (director) and employees of the Institution.

2.1. The number and composition of the representation in the Council are determined by the general meeting of the labor collective, but no more than two people from structural divisions.

2.2. The term of office of the Council is three years.

2.3. The members of the Council are elected by the general meeting of the labor collective by secret or open ballot (“for”, “against”, abstained ”).

2.4. The Director of the Institution cannot be a member of the Council, however, he can attend the meetings of the Council.

2.5. Members of the Council work on a voluntary basis.

2.6. The Council has an internal structure, the main elements of which are: the chairman, his deputy, secretary, working commissions.

2.7. The Chairman of the Council is elected at a general meeting of the labor collective from candidates elected to the Council by secret or open ballot.

2.8. In the absence of the Chairman of the Council, his functions are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council, elected by the members of the Council, by a majority of votes.

2.9. To carry out current activities, the members of the Council elect from among their members a secretary who carries out office work, keeps minutes of meetings.

2.10. The Chairman conducts organizational, operational work on current issues, organizes the activities of the Council during its meeting. Organizes a work plan, submits it for approval by the Council. Ensures the publicity of the work of the Council and the implementation of its decisions. Proposes to the Council for approval the candidatures of his deputy and secretary. Reports to the general meeting of the labor collective the results of the Council's activities at least once a year.

2.11. The members of the labor collective, including members of the general management of the Institution, have the right to attend the meetings of the Council with the right of an advisory vote.

2.12. The date, time, agenda of the meeting of the Council are brought to the notice of the members of the Council and the work collective no later than 3 days before the meeting.

2.13. Meetings of the Council are held at least once a quarter.

2.14. The Council works according to the developed and adopted work plan, which is consistent with the general meeting of the labor collective and the head of the Institution.

2.15. The Council is authorized to make decisions if at least half of its members are present at the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes.

3.1. Agrees: local acts regulating the procedure and terms of remuneration, incentive payments to employees of the Institution; regulations on the board of honor, on the certificate of honor and thank you letter, and other regulatory documents regulating the main activities of the Institution.

3.2. Takes part in the control and organization of safe working conditions, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, fire-prevention and anti-terrorist measures, labor protection standards.

3.3. Assists the general management of the Institution in improving the working conditions of the members of the labor collective, in protecting legal rights and interests, protection of life and health of employees.

3.4. Rendering assistance and control to the general management of the Institution in matters of strengthening the labor discipline of employees and their observance of official duties.

3.5. Participation in solving problems related to the activities of the Institution.

3.6. Assists the general management of the Institution in planning general meetings of the labor collective.

3.7. Participation in the investigation of accidents.

3.8. Carries out other activities within its competence.

In accordance with the competence established by this regulation, the Council has the right:

4.1. On motivated opinion on local regulations: internal labor regulations; regulation on remuneration and material incentives for employees; vacation schedule; orders for rewarding employees; other documents containing labor law norms.

4.2. Make proposals to the general management of the Institution and receive information on the results of their reviews.

4.3. Involve any member of the team in their work, request information on the issues under consideration, issue individual tasks.

4.4. The decisions of the Council can be canceled by the general meeting of the labor collective.

4.5. The decisions made by the Council within its competence are binding on all employees of the Institution.

4.6. In case of failure to fulfill his duties, loss of the trust of the collective, a member of the Council may be deprived of his powers. The decision to recall a member of the Council is made by the general meeting of the labor collective.

4.7. Council members are required to attend Council meetings.

  1. Office work

5.1. Council meetings are recorded in minutes.

5.2. The minutes record: the date of the event; quantitative presence of members of the Council; invitees (name, position); agenda; the course of discussion of issues; suggestions, recommendations, remarks, solutions.

5.3. The minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary of the Council.

5.4. The protocols are numbered from the beginning of the calendar year.

5.5. Responsibility for the administration of the Council rests with the chairman and the secretary.

Sample minutes of a meeting (meeting)

The minutes of the meeting are kept by the secretary of the council of the labor collective, with the prescription of the date, place, number of the meeting, who is the chairman and secretary, the composition of the council members present, other persons, and the agenda.

The entire course of the meeting is written in detail point by point. Who was listened to, who spoke, what was decided. At the end of the minutes, it is advisable to make all decisions of the council meeting separately. At the bottom, the document is signed by the chairman and secretary. You can see this in the example.

Work plan for the next year

Written at the end of the year, agreed with the chairman of the labor council of the collective, approved by the director of the institution. It is a listing of the main events planned in the institution, the dates and place of their holding, as well as the responsible executors.

But, nevertheless, the work plan for next year it may not be, because it is impossible to take into account all the main topics of the meetings. Here everything is written approximately.

Annual report (semi-annual)

The activities of the council of the organization's collective are represented by a simple listing of council meetings: date, place, number of the meeting (quantitative). All decisions (resolutions) taken at the meetings are written in detail.

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective recognized as one of main organizational and administrative documents of the meeting... How and for what purpose is it compiled? In this article, we will answer these and some other questions in detail.

What is a general meeting of the labor collective?

The general meeting of the labor collective is convened to resolve the most important issues in the life of the organization.

According to Russian legislation, there are two types of such meetings.

They differentiated depending on the number of employees present c, necessary for the recognition of the meeting as competent:

  • general a meeting of employees is legally binding if more than 1/2 of the organization's employees are present;
  • an employee conference is legally binding if it is attended at least 2/3 delegates elected by the workers.

Labor legislation establishes issues, the resolution of which is the exclusive authority of the general meeting (conference) of employees. These include:

  • election of a representative for collective bargaining;
  • election of employee representatives to the labor dispute committee;
  • making a decision on the formation of a labor dispute commission v structural unit organizations;
  • statement, statement in the proper form and forwarding to the employer of requirements workers;
  • making a decision to hold a strike.

but a general meeting of the labor collective may be convened to resolve other issues at its discretion if these problems are not attributed by law to the exclusive competence of another body or official.

The meeting of the work collective allows you to solve many problems. If the question was about violation of the charter or abuse of authority, then it may be necessary which you will find under the link.

Voting at the meeting is open. The rest of the issues related to the procedure for convening and the activities of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means that their resolution is attributed to the competence of the general meeting itself.

What is the protocol for?

The minutes of the general meeting of employees reflects the sequence of discussion of issues considered at a particular meeting, records the decisions and sets the deadlines for their execution.

This document is legally binding. In other words, if any decision made at the general meeting is not recorded in the minutes, this decision is recognized as non-existent and is not binding.

The procedure for drawing up a protocol

It is advisable to consider the procedure for keeping the protocol in relation to three stages.:

  1. Preparatory actions;
  2. Drawing up a protocol;
  3. Familiarization with the protocol of stakeholders.

Preparatory actions

The person whose duties include drawing up the protocol general meeting of the labor collective, is the secretary.

In practice, the secretary (along with the chairman) is usually elected by employees before the meeting or during the meeting as part of one of the agenda items.

Before drawing up the protocol by the secretary preparatory work consisting of several stages:

  1. The secretary should clarify the issues to be discussed, and coordinate them with the management. In addition, it is necessary determine the rules for the consideration of each issue individually and holding the meeting as a whole;
  2. The second stage is notification of the labor collective about the holding of a collective meeting;
  3. Further the secretary establishes the sequence of consideration of issues taking into account the approved regulations, making the most important questions to the begining;
  4. The next step is familiarization with the agenda of all meeting participants as well as persons invited as observers;
  5. Then the secretary prepares the registration sheet(document required to enter into the minutes of the number of participants in the general meeting);
  6. Further it is necessary to distribute among the participants the theses of the speakers' reports and other necessary materials;
  7. Finally, directly before the meeting, the secretary copies documents related to the general meeting, and distributes them to everyone present.

Drawing up a protocol

During the meeting the secretary makes a full and detailed record of the course of the discussions, after which he, as soon as possible, is obliged to draw up a protocol and submit it for review and approval to the chairman.

In addition to the secretary and chairman, the minutes must be signed by all participants.

To simplify this process, you can prepare a kind of "registration sheet" before the meeting.

Each participant, upon entering the meeting room (or leaving it), will enter his surname, initials and signature in this document. Such registration the sheet is subsequently attached to the protocol.

When preparing the protocol, it may be necessary logbook work books, you can see the sample and download it.

It is important to note that the protocol is drawn up precisely on the organization's letterhead in A4 format, in which each page is numbered. The document must be laced and stored throughout the entire activity of the organization.

Familiarize yourself with the stakeholder protocol

After signing the protocol must be familiarized to all employees of the organization, as well as other interested parties... Such familiarization can be carried out in two forms:

  1. Sending a copy of the protocol. V in this case the secretary makes copies of the minutes and sends them to all interested persons by mail, fax, Email or hands over the protocol in person.
  2. Placement of an extract from the protocol on the information stand organizations. An extract from the minutes is a copy of a fragment of the text of the original document relevant to the issue that needs to be communicated to stakeholders.

The obligatory details of the minutes of the meeting, the introductory part, one of the agenda items, the process of its discussion and decision... To give the extract a legal meaning, the signature of the secretary of the meeting is sufficient.

Protocol structure and outline

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, includes the introductory and main parts... A dissenting opinion can also be a constituent element of the protocol. individual participant.

In contrast to this opinion, the mandatory details of the protocol are parts of the document, without which it has no legal force.

Required details

Mandatory details of any protocol general meeting of the labor collective are:

  • full name of the organization;
  • type of document (in our case it is protocol);
  • date of the meeting ( if the meeting took place over several days, the start and end dates are indicated with a dash);
  • registration number;
  • place of compilation;
  • heading to text ( document props, summarizing its content);
  • secretary and chairman signatures meetings.

Introductory part

The elements of the introductory part of the protocol are:

  • Full name of the secretary and chairman;
  • Full name of the meeting participants. Provided that their number is more than 15 people, only their number is recorded, a full list participants indicating their names and initials is attached to the minutes. Besides, celebrated total number employees of the organization;
  • Name of invited persons, if any, along with the position and place of work;
  • Agenda. The agenda items are arranged in decreasing order of their importance.... Apart from questions, it is necessary to mark the speakers for each of them.

Full information about each employee is available in employment contract... How to lead , sample - see the link.

Main part and extract

The main part of the protocol consists of sections... The content of each section should correspond to the agenda items ( the first section is devoted to the first issue on the agenda, etc.). The section plan includes the following elements:

  • first structural element begins with the word "Heard: ...". V it indicates the full name of the speaker and, as a rule, the title of the report... Himself the report is attached to the minutes... However, the text of the report can be directly placed in this part of the protocol;
  • the second element is introduced by the word "Speakers: ..."... The names of the persons who asked questions to the speaker or otherwise participated in the discussion on the issue are reflected here. In addition, the essence of these questions and speeches is formulated.;
  • the last part is introduced by the word "Decided: ...". It sets out the decision taken. Under him indicates the number of those who voted "for", "against", as well as those who abstained from voting.

In addition, a list of those who did not vote must be attached. A decision on one issue may consist of more than one item.

In this case they are placed depending on the decrease in importance.The dissenting opinion of an individual participant is noted in the protocol after the decision to which it refers.

Many questions are resolved by the accounting policy of the organization. Read about what it is.

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample)

One of the most common reasons for holding a general meeting of employees of an organization is the conclusion or amendment of a collective agreement. It should be noted that in this case the minutes of the general meeting have their own characteristics.

So, in the introductory part, in addition to the already indicated details, must be noted representatives of the workers and the employer.

If you decide to open own business and you cannot decide, then the article on the link will help you figure it out.

Most often, the primary trade union organization (a trade union that unites more than half of the employer's employees) acts as a representative of workers. But in the absence of such an organization, workers' representatives are elected by the general meeting (conference) of workers.

The agenda in such a protocol must necessarily include the question, which can be formulated as follows: "On the conclusion of a collective agreement."

The decision specifies for what period the collective agreement is concluded... The text of the treaty itself is attached to the minutes.

You can download a sample minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective.

If, on certain aspects of the collective agreement, the representatives of the workers and the employer have not come to an agreement, then the agreement is concluded on the terms that were agreed, and both the concluded agreement and the protocol of disagreements are attached to the protocol.

The protocol of disagreements can subsequently be referred to a labor dispute committee or court for resolution.

A separate clause in the decision may contain a provision on granting the right to representatives of employees and the employer to sign the contract.

Thus, as we found out, the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective (general meeting of employees or conference of employees) is a document that gives legally binding force to the decision of the meeting.

For in order to properly draw up the protocol, the secretary must do a tremendous job both at the stage of preparation and in the process, as well as after the meeting.

A positive testimonial from the place of work can drastically change your future career, detailed information – .

The protocol is a strictly formal document, having a fixed structure: an introductory and main part. Generally the purpose of this document is to ensure timely and strict execution decisions of the general meeting labor collective.

Sometimes it is necessary to hold a meeting not only of the labor collective, but also of the members of the LLC, how to do it correctly, see here:

The work collective includes all employees of the organization, he has independent powers, which are implemented at the meeting.

The main role at the meeting belongs to the chairman, who is elected for a period of 12 months through a vote of all members of the group. The chairman must be on the team until the moment of his appointment.

The minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective are drawn up by the secretary during the process.

Basic concepts

The general gathering of the labor collective is organized to solve the most significant tasks of the organization's life... In accordance with current legislation, there are 2 forms, divided depending on the number of employees, which is necessary for the recognition of the meeting as competent:

  • a general meeting of employees has legal force if more than 50% of employees of the institution attended it;
  • The workers' council is legally binding if at least 2/3 of the elected delegates attended it.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation reflects the tasks, the solution of which can only be dealt with by a meeting of the labor collective. Special powers include:

  • election of a representative for collective bargaining;
  • election of workers' representatives to the labor dispute committee;
  • approval of the decision on the creation of a labor dispute commission in the department of the institution;
  • confirmation, presentation in an appropriate form and direction to the employer of the conditions of workers;
  • approval of the decision on the implementation of the strike.

A workforce conference may also be held to discuss other issues if the law does not indicate that the solution of the problem is attributed to the competent person or body. The meeting of the collective of workers helps to resolve great amount difficulties.

Voting at the meeting is open... Other issues that affect the process of convening and functioning of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means that the meeting regulates them independently.

Meeting minutes fixes the order of consideration of issues, which were discussed at a certain meeting, marks the approved decisions and determines the time periods for their implementation.

The document has generally binding legal force. In other words, if a decision was made at the meeting, but it was not entered into the minutes, then it is not endowed with legal force and is not subject to execution.

Existing compilation rules

Minutes of the general meeting of the collective of workers does not have a standard sample presented for use, therefore, it is compiled in a free format, or according to a specific template prepared in the organization and adopted in its accounting documentation.

At the same time, some information is subject to obligatory indication:

  • the name of the institution;
  • fill number;
  • the number of employees in the state and outside the state;
  • the number of people who attended the meeting;
  • information about the chairman and the secretary.

The protocol can be extremely detailed, or very laconic, reflecting only the main conclusions of the meeting - no regulation is provided.

If necessary, the protocol can be adapted auxiliary papers that are directly related to the tasks that were solved at the meeting - information about them should be indicated in the text of the minutes.

How, by whom and where it is filled

The protocol is filled in during the meeting... In rare situations, in order not to break away from the discussion, it is conducted through audio, video recording, after which a document is drawn up. The secretary of the meeting organizes and fixes the minutes. It reflects the results of the meeting on A4 paper.

Before starting the keeping of the minutes, the secretary is obliged to carry out preparatory actions that include:

  • find out the list of issues that will be considered at the upcoming meeting and draw up the rules of the meeting;
  • notify the team about the meeting;
  • prioritize the study of tasks;
  • inform about the agenda of all persons who came to the meeting;
  • prepare a registration sheet to enter information about the attendance of participants;
  • distribute among those who came the theses of speeches and other important materials;
  • reproduce the documentation related to the meeting and distribute to those who wish.

In addition to the secretary and the presiding officer, the minutes must be certified by all participants... To simplify this procedure, a registration sheet is used before the meeting starts. Anyone who comes to enter the meeting hall will fill in his name, surname and signature on this paper. The registration paper then acts as an appendix to the protocol.

After drawing up the protocol, with him all participants, as well as interested citizens, must be made aware by:

  1. Sending a photocopy of a document... In this situation, the secretary prepares photocopies of the protocol and sends it to all persons via mail, e-mails, or presents the paper in person.
  2. Posting an excerpt from the protocol on the information board of the institution... An excerpt is an excerpt from an original document that should be read by all contributors. It includes the attributes of the minutes of the meeting, an introductory section, one of the tasks, the order of its consideration and the approved decision. In order for the excerpt to have legal force, it is supported by the signature of the executive secretary.

Document must contain:

  1. Above, in the middle - the full name of the organization, then the form of the document and its details (without their indication, the protocol has no legal force) in accordance with the accounting.
  2. Below is the date of filling out the protocol and the city in which the organization operates.
  3. The composition of the meeting: the number of the total number of employees of the institution is recorded, and the number of those who came is established.
  4. Information about the secretary and presiding officer (position held and full name).
  5. Below is the task on the agenda. If the voting method was used, then the sections "for", "against", "abstained" must be filled in, and on the basis of percentage votes the decision is approved.
  6. At the end - the signatures of the secretary and the chairman.

The basic part of the protocol consists of sections. Each section corresponds to a task on the agenda.

The section structure includes following constituent links:

  • 1 link from the word "Listened: ..". It contains the name of the speaker and often the title of the report itself. The report must be attached to the protocol. But the content of the report can also be reflected in the protocol;
  • Link 2 with the word "Speakers: ..". This paragraph indicates the names of those persons who asked questions on the topic, or took an active part in the discussion. In addition, the content of questions and reports is expressed;
  • the concluding part with the words "Decided: ..". It reflects the approved decision. The number of those who voted positively, negatively, or abstained is indicated.

In addition, you need to attach a list of persons who abstained from casting their vote. The solution to one problem may include more than one section.

In such a situation, they will be located in decreasing order of importance. The dissenting opinion of a particular person is recorded in the minutes after the statement of the decision with which it is associated.

Features during development

Document can be certified with the seal of the institution, but this is not a mandatory requirement, since since 2016, organizations, like individual entrepreneurs at the legislative level, they are free from the rules to use, when signing documents, seals and stamps.

The protocol is filled in a single copy, which, after losing its importance, is sent to the archive of the organization, where it is stored for a period due to the legislation, and then processed.

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2



general meeting of the labor collective

13 hours 35 minutes local time

Chairman: Chief Accountant Ivanova M.F.

Secretary: engineer A. A. Semenova

Total employees: 30 people

Attended: 28 people (list of those present is attached).


Approval of requirements for the employer to comply with clause 1.5 of the collective agreement for the calculation of additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years.

Heard: A. A. Semenova, secretary of the general meeting of the labor collective, who presented the agenda for the purpose of making amendments and additions to it and holding a vote.

Speakers: storekeeper Dmitry Zaykin, who spoke in favor of adopting the agenda in the proposed version.

Decision: the agenda was adopted unanimously.

Heard: the chairman of the general meeting of the labor collective, Ivanov M.F., on the requirements for the employer to comply with clause 1.5 of the collective agreement for calculating additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years, with a request to make changes and additions, to vote.


1. Accountant Mukhina R.S.

2. Mechanic M. P. Dybov, who supported the point of view of the accountant R. S. Mukhina.

Decision: the proposed requirements for the employer were approved unanimously.


The proposed requirements for the employer on the implementation of clause 1.5 of the collective agreement on the accrual of additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years shall be adopted in the original version.

Chairman Ivanova M.F.Signature

Secretary Semenova A.A. Signature

Regulatory regulation

In accordance with Article 418 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of participants in a collective labor dispute, contracts and decisions approved in the course of resolving this dispute are drawn up in the form of minutes by representative persons of the participants in the collective labor conflict.

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