Home indoor flowers Breeding geese at home is the main step in building a successful business. Breeding geese as a business: profitable or not

Breeding geese at home is the main step in building a successful business. Breeding geese as a business: profitable or not

Breeding geese - great option business. The mini-farm will begin to pay off in six months, and in a couple of years it will reach a stable profit. In order to successfully sell meat, eggs, down and other goose products, the owners will have to register a legal entity, purchase the necessary certificates and correctly calculate financial investments.

How to breed geese at home? Read our new article with step by step instructions!

Choosing a direction of activity for a future farm, many entrepreneurs make a choice in favor of goose breeding. These birds have a lot of advantages.

Breeding geese as a business has the following advantages:

  • fast growth. The gosling acquires the size and weight required for slaughter within 3-4 months after birth;
  • good performance. Thoroughbred geese carry about 70 eggs per year.
  • unpretentiousness and simplicity in maintenance;
  • resistance to diseases and infections;
  • low costs for fattening and keeping poultry;
  • wastelessness of production. You can sell not only goose and eggs, but also offal, feathers, fluff. Breeding young animals are also in demand, as well as goose droppings, which are used as fertilizer.

Goose farming as a business: where to start, how to succeed?

  • You need to start work by choosing a place for a future farm. The easiest way to rent a suburban area with free access to the water. An ideal reservoir for goose breeding is a shallow river with backwaters or a small pond. An industrial pit with gentle slopes to the water is also suitable.

It is desirable that the leased land could be redeemed over time. Own areas significantly increase the profitability of the farm.

  • The next step is the registration of a legal entity. The process of collecting papers can take from several days to a month, so it is worth starting it in advance.
  • Having solved the legal issue, take care of the organization of the space. Geese need a house with enough thick wooden walls and a solid roof. Any barn that can be additionally sheathed with boards will do. Nearby you need to organize a spacious paddock with access to water. It is recommended to equip the poultry house with an incubator, it will increase the number of eggs and the survival rate of newborn goslings.
  • Purchase a breeding egg or young. Breeding geese at home for beginners is recommended to start with breeds that are quickly gaining weight, unpretentious and different strong immunity. The choice should be made depending on which direction you plan to develop.

For example, geese of the Kholmogory, Gorky breeds, as well as the Danish legard, are suitable for meat production. Large gray geese are distinguished by good egg production and unpretentiousness. Representatives of the Toulouse breed will become the supplier of delicious meat and liver. It is worth considering that tender Toulouse are very demanding on care and do not tolerate cold.

Goose Breeding Business Plan: Costs and Income

For example, you can take a small farm of 500 heads:

  • The purchase of breeding birds will take about 40,000 rubles, another 15,000 will be needed for the construction of a poultry house, organizing nests and walking.
  • Registration of documentation for the farm and obtaining veterinary certificates will cost 30,000 rubles.
  • For the purchase of feed and monthly service the poultry house will take about 15,000 rubles.
  • The rent of land for a farm is added to the expenses - about 150,000 rubles.

The bird gains the weight necessary for slaughter by 3-4 months. When selling from 100 whole carcasses per month (weight from 5 to 10 kg), you can get up to 70,000 rubles. Thus, the farm will reach the level of profitability in a year, the payback of the business will be 75-80%.

How to properly breed laying hens at home and how to draw up a competent business plan with calculations, you can find out

Nuances of product sales

Goose breeding products can be sold at markets or industry fairs. Whole and gutted carcasses are subject to sale, offal can be sold separately: heart, liver, kidneys. High-quality goose down or sorted feather is also in demand.

A convenient and profitable option is the sale of meat by prior arrangement. For example, to new year holidays you can specially fatten geese to the desired size. Selling on demand simplifies implementation.

You can sell goose meat not only to private individuals, but also to restaurateurs who rely on environmentally friendly and useful product. Restaurants can offer offal and cut fillets, which cost more than whole carcasses.

Delivery of goose meat to buyers is the most unprofitable option, since prices for this category of consumers are very low.

This option is suitable only for large farms that do not rely on high quality products, but on a quick turnover. It is better for owners of mini-farms to master related industries.

For example, meat can be processed, making tasty and healthy canned food out of it. Goose stew is stored for a long time, and it can be sold at a much higher margin. Some farmers are also experimenting with the production of foie gras, an alternative to the famous foie gras. It is important to remember that the real "fatty liver" is given only by special meat breeds that are not cheap.

Down and feathers harvested from your own farm can be used to stuff pillows, which you can also sell yourself. The advantage of the goose is the non-waste production, this feature must be used with full dedication.

A promising option is the sale of breeding eggs and young animals. If you have purchased a high-quality bird, such a business can bring substantial profits. You can sell a breeding egg at fairs or specialized Internet portals.

Information about the farm and its products can be disseminated through trade magazines, both print and virtual.

How to breed geese at home? The answer is in the following video tutorial:

Geese must be under constant vigilant supervision. In addition, a special room should be built for them and allotted large areas for walking. Most These birds must forage themselves on the pasture, so their breeding is a fairly low-cost farming activity.

has many advantages compared to other types of poultry business. First of all, this concerns the almost complete wastelessness of the economy: you can sell not only goose meat, but also feathers, eggs, fat, fluff and droppings - all this is extremely in demand on the market.

BUT goose liver has long been in great demand among gourmets around the world. But if you plan to focus on selling goose liver, you will need to select special breeds and apply special technologies cultivation.

Geese live a very long time compared to the same chickens. This indicator is of great importance when raising geese for the sale of eggs, since geese that have reached the age of two or three years are much better than younger representatives of the goose tribe.

Almost no money is spent on storing the products that geese produce, since the “harvest” from the herd of geese is removed gradually, as needed.

The cost of goose meat is much lower than that of beef, while the selling price can exceed even pork, respectively, the profitability of this business is extremely high.

From one hectare of land on which a goose herd will graze, you can get about a ton of meat per year, while the goose reaches the "slaughter" age by the third month of life.

Geese can graze in the meadow from the first warm days, when the first timid blades of grass just appear on the pasture, and up to severe frosts.

Besides, geese are considered strong birds, they rarely suffer from any ailments and are unpretentious in food.

How to choose a breed of geese

In order for the geese breeding business to be and bear fruit, you need to take care of the choice of breed. For different purposes and different climatic zones different breeds of geese are selected.

The most popular goose breeds

  • Kuban. This breed is perfect if the purpose of poultry farming is to sell eggs. These geese are distinguished by their fecundity - every year one goose brings about 100 eggs. But Kuban geese are not very suitable as a source of meat - the maximum weight of an adult does not particularly reach 6 kg.
  • Arzamas. These geese are bred in northern regions. They easily tolerate low temperatures and have excellent immunity, thanks to which they almost never get sick. Arzamas geese can be grown for meat, although they do not reach a large mass - adult birds weigh about 7 kg.
  • Edmenskie. Meat breed that can gain up to 10 kg. Edmen geese are often used not only for meat, but also for fat, feathers and down.
  • Italian. Differ rapid growth and quite heavy. These geese can serve as an excellent alternative when choosing a meat and egg breed, as they reach 9 kg and bring up to 50 eggs per year.
  • Rhine. They also lay well like the Italians, but grow to a smaller size. Maximum weight these geese is 7 kg.
  • Kholmogory. One of the best goose breeds, which is characterized by high egg production and rapid weight gain (up to 10 kg). The disadvantage of this breed is their pickiness in food and the high cost of special feed.
  • Danish Legart. This breed can be considered the most profitable in care and cultivation. Geese of the legart breed eat less than other breeds of them, and gain weight no worse: already at 2 months old goslings reach six kilograms.

Novice poultry farmers should pay attention to the Legart breed, expanding the population with other breeds over time, depending on the needs of the business.

If they buy meat well, in the future it will be possible to switch to Edmen or Kholmogory geese, but if eggs or fluff become the main source of income, it will be necessary to focus on growing Kuban or Italian geese.

For breeding geese, they begin with the purchase of young animals. It is recommended to start with a large herd, in which there will be at least 500 heads.

But before buying goslings, you should take care of arranging the house and preparing the area for walking the birds.

Arrangement of a poultry house for geese

For living geese, any wooden structure is suitable, the walls of which will be at least 3 cm thick. The basis of geese nutrition is fresh grass in the meadow, so it is recommended to install the house in a place where there is a large pasture nearby with an abundance of various herbs.

It’s still good to place the building close to the reservoir, but this is not so categorical.

The dimensions of the room must be calculated in advance, taking into account the planned number of birds. Geese are not very mobile birds, but still each of them requires at least a square meter of space for a comfortable stay. The ceiling of the house does not have to be high - 2 meters will be enough.

Inside the room should always be dry and without drafts. In order for the humidity not to exceed the permissible norm, it will be necessary to eliminate extra holes in the walls, as well as to strengthen the roof of the room.

Dry floor in the house is a must. To do this, it is recommended to regularly sprinkle hay on the bedding for the geese, which can be prepared in advance during the warm months of the year.

Hay is essential for geese not only to keep you warm during the winter months, but also to cleanse your body parts. To ensure that the geese constantly update the hay litter, you will need a lot of stocks of this material.

Harvesting it on your own is very troublesome and long, so it will be much easier to purchase ready-made hay with a calculation of 1 kg per 1 goose per year.

If you plan to harvest and sell goose droppings, you need to sprinkle it with superphosphate (double or regular).

Superphosphates are essential for the litter did not emit ammonia fumes during storage. Manure quality can be improved by regularly cleaning the house and periodically carrying out disinfection work.

Young, old and aggressive individuals should be kept separate from the rest of the herd.. For this purpose, the house is divided into several compartments. You will also need separate nests for geese that lay and incubate eggs.

It is imperative to install partitions between the nesting compartments so that the females do not conflict with each other. Partitions must be made at least 20 cm high, while there should not be gaps between the boards, otherwise the geese will stick their heads into them and get stuck.

It is best to cover the floor of the nest compartments with a lush layer of hay, and goose down on top.

To increase egg production, females should be allowed more time under open sky. To do this, you need to build special enclosures and give the geese the opportunity to walk at any time they want.

Rules and secrets of breeding geese

The success of the goose breeding business depends entirely on the geese. Birds will grow healthy and gain weight quickly if certain rules are followed:

  • It is strictly not recommended to cross geese of different sexes from one female - they will grow frail, slowly gain weight, and often get sick. Therefore, it is better to purchase chicks from different breeders.
  • It is quite easy to distinguish a male from a female - it is larger and heavier, and on its wings there are two small feathers in the form of scissors. A good male sire should be distinguished by fighting disposition, large size and high activity.
  • Males are able to perform their main function for quite a long time - up to 10 years, while they can fertilize 3-5 females. But it is advisable to add young geese to the herd every year. Their number should be about 20% of all males.
  • Females lay eggs from February to March. Eggs must be carefully collected and stored in a dry place, the temperature of which will be no more than 14 and no less than 6 degrees. Eggs should be placed vertically, with the sharp end down, turning them daily. This method of storage provides an increased shelf life of eggs - up to 1 month.

In some cases, the female is carefree with her eggs and hatches them poorly. You should not immediately let such a female under the knife.

If she carries a lot of eggs, you can put them on another hen, more responsible. The best time to lay eggs is in the evening.

Every 10 days it is necessary to examine the eggs through the evoscope. Rejected eggs must be removed from nests. By the end of the first month, it is recommended to irrigate high-quality eggs with water and wait for the brood to appear.

If there is no possibility of natural incubation of eggs, an incubator can be used.

Goose diet

In the cold season, when geese do not graze, you need to feed them twice a day, while must be included in the diet: legumes, nettle, clover, cereals, barley, wheat, oatmeal, bran, and chicken eggs.

Crushed and soaked in water peas, sour-milk products - yogurt, low-fat will have a good effect on the growth and development of geese. It is recommended to add a little yeast and fish oil to the feed.

The purity of water and feed must be constantly monitored. To prevent water from splashing around the house and creating dampness in the room, you should fix the drinkers on the feeders with the help of slats.

Is it profitable or not to breed geese?

So how profitable is goose farming? To determine the profitability of this, you need to calculate the costs and expected income.

  • Room rental and land plot for walking - 250,000 rubles. in year;
  • Repair and preparation of the poultry house - 100,000 rubles;
  • 500 goslings - 25,000 rubles;
  • Feed and operating costs - 350,000 rubles.

Thus, the initial costs will be about 725,000 rubles. Now let's calculate the income: from one goose you can get 7 goslings annually, each of which brings 600-800 rubles of profit for meat, 500 rubles for liver and 20 rubles for fluff.

The total profit from a herd of 500 geese will bring annually 880 thousand rubles. With such a profit, they will pay off in just a couple of years.

Kira Stoletova

Agriculture has always been considered not only an excellent platform for growing certain crops, but also a space for doing business. Yes, you can start your own business not only by opening boutiques in huge cities. Breeding geese as a business is considered an excellent project for beginners who dream of doing a profitable business.

However, before moving on to action, preparing the land, acquiring birds, it is necessary to consider whether such an investment of money and effort is profitable or not. Despite the fact that the usual cultivation of geese does not bring huge troubles, it is necessary to prepare properly for breeding birds. It will take a lot of effort to achieve the maximum benefit from this business. You can find out how the preparation for breeding geese takes place by looking at the video or by reading the article below.

What can a goose "offer"?

To understand what geese breeding as a business can offer a person can only be understood by understanding the origin and characteristics of bird life. It should be noted in advance that such a business project can hardly bring much profit. This is due to the fact that birds need constant supervision and good equipment, despite the simplicity of the content. The owner must not only constantly keep the life of the birds under control, but also invest in the purchase of equipment for their breeding. Without these two points, expect financial well-being not worth it.

In addition to equipment and free time, an entrepreneur must be aware of the love of geese for fresh air and pastures, so providing them with their own or rented walking area is essential. Success in the goose business is possible only after acquiring several hectares of meadow or any wasteland. By providing the birds with the listed benefits, various positive moments can be achieved.

  1. Get enough meat to sell, which brings in most of the profit. Even though you can’t build a business on goose eggs, however, meat can start making money after 2 months from grazing. 1 hectare of pasture, on average, provides a person with two tons per year.
  2. Protect yourself from buying freezer equipment and expired food storage. This is possible due to the length of the geese grazing season and the fact that the “harvesting” takes place throughout the season, gradually meeting the demand.
  3. Start selling meat at a higher price than small farms do.
  4. Start selling goose liver, which is considered not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a high-quality healing product. And foie gras or goose pate are considered an expensive and worthwhile delicacy for a long time. Due to the demand for such a product, geese breeding as a business is considered a profitable business. Some farmers specifically buy exclusively "liver" breeds in order to fatten them up and get a quality liver. Foie gras is perfectly stored at home due to the possibility of canning and transportation.
  5. Make a profit with goose down, which is considered an excellent and valuable industrial product. They warm clothes, and the price is much more attractive than the cost of similar products. By the way, you should look for possible candidates for the purchase of fluff when planning goose farm like a business.

A worthy plus of geese is their resistance to diseases and the ability to consume any kind of feed, therefore, when thinking about farming, it is necessary to give preference to breeding geese so as not to spend money on financial insurance against diseases.

Requirements for rearing poultry

It is difficult to answer the question of whether or not to grow geese, because it is almost impossible to find a definite answer. Experienced poultry farmers believe that only a person who is not only versed in agriculture, but also has a profitable business that generates income. For beginners, according to professionals, breeding will seem difficult. However, why not take a chance? The goose breeding business will become possible after fulfilling the basic requirements.

  1. Acquisition of a large, high-quality heated premises. It is desirable that the goose farm be equipped with an insulated floor. To breed geese, a room equal to 150 square meters is suitable. m per 1000 birds. Heating is an unusually necessary criterion for rearing, because, having frostbitten limbs and beak, the bird will lose its commercial qualities, and will not provide the necessary “output”. Breeding geese in a barn will not work due to the large size of the bird and the need for a production permit from special sanitary authorities, veterinarians, and the fire department. A goose farm cannot be considered as such without permission from the authorities.
  2. Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Providing birds with a reservoir with a size of 200 square meters. m, where the birds will be provided with grass and water. If there are no such ponds in the village or the selected area, then you will have to spend energy and money on digging and filling it.
  4. Goose farm location away from settlements and their homes due to the aggressiveness of the birds and their noisy and loud behavior. Growing geese should take place away from children, because irritated birds can peck a child or even a person to death.
  5. Providing the birds with a sufficient number of insulated bedding, feeders, nests, incubators, drinkers. Making feeders and drinkers can be done independently at home to save money.
  6. Search for factories specializing in animal feed. AT summer period costs are reduced due to constant grazing and visits to lakes and ponds.

You can implement a business idea for breeding geese after purchasing or renting an abandoned poultry house, cowshed. By the way, the repair and restoration of abandoned buildings with broken communications is much cheaper than building from scratch. In addition, a goose farm on the site of another poultry house proves that the chosen site is suitable. About how the right goose farms look like, they tell and show more than one video.

Breed selection

The breed of the bird largely determines how successful the business will be, and therefore the plan should also include careful selection of the breed. Geese differ in purpose and place of breeding, in what weather conditions this or that bird will be forced to live. In addition, it is necessary to start a breeding business with a solution to the issue of regular offspring.

Geese are considered unimportant "moms", and a goose egg cannot be incubated in a made incubator. Up to 7 eggs are laid under 1 mother hen. Buying a branded incubator in this case justified, however, you need to choose only models with a large capacity, for which the purchase of domestic incubators is better suited.

Based on the described physiological characteristics birds, farmers recommend growing large gray species, after which they can be supplemented with common Kholmogory. Birds are suitable for breeding due to good incubation of eggs and breeding of young, as well as due to endurance and stability. A goose farm in the south may consist of Gorky and Roman geese, and in the temperate zone it is better to breed Ural geese.



Breeding geese//Where to start

Goose business of Pavel Postevoy. Geese breeding. Lindow goose

Business idea. Goose business, 10,000 geese!!!

Opening a goose farm: standards and requirements

When drawing up a breeding plan, you must prepare yourself in advance for passing and filling huge amount papers and certificates. Since goose meat and foie gras are considered products in need of certification, you will definitely visit more than one relevant authority. Therefore, before you start making a profit, you will have to visit several instances.

  1. Tax office where registration takes place individual entrepreneur. Be sure to indicate the type of your activity, in this case, it is the sale of meat, eggs, etc. After that, a special certificate will be provided, which serves as the main document for further procedures.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service, who need to provide a previously received document, acquire a permit to open.
  3. veterinary service. Birds must be certified, because goose meat grown at home cannot be sold without documents even in the markets. Veterinarians will provide you with several documents, including a certificate and a veterinary certificate indicating that the enterprise is safe and contains the necessary equipment, attributes and land.

It will be possible to breed geese only after the finished package of documents, and approved with veterinarians a plan for ongoing veterinary activities. Very often, it is at the stage of paperwork that many entrepreneurs ask themselves the question: “Is breeding really that profitable?” In the case of renting a room for a goose house, it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain a certificate, the same applies to the purchase of young stock not from trusted suppliers.

Certification of young animals occurs immediately, however, your birds must be certified again after. Buying young animals from unverified suppliers at a nice price is not always profitable, because they were mainly prepared for fattening. Their cultivation will bring nothing but losses and waste of time. Due to the difficulties that appear at the certification stage, it is not necessary to immediately start forming your own breeding herd - you should limit yourself to growing. When the plan has already been “worked out”, you can proceed to the independent formation of your own herd of breeding geese. Finding suppliers is quite problematic, since there are only a few factories in Russia. The purchase can be carried out in Pyatnitsky, Priirtyshsky and Lindovsky. When making any purchase of birds, it is important to carefully consider all existing quality certifications and standards.

About business prospects

It is quite convenient to do calculations and draw up an approximate business plan both at home and in the office. The following data only roughly reflects the commercial prospects for cultivation:

  • more than one ruble will have to be spent on the purchase of premises, on average it costs up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • it is possible to repair and provide equipment for a ready-made goose coop within 200 thousand rubles;
  • draw up a document, on average, it is possible for 20 or more thousand rubles;
  • you can buy young animals from 1000 heads within 10-50 rubles apiece, ready for fattening costs up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • spending on food and other expenses will amount to 800 thousand rubles.

Growing geese requires an initial investment of at least 1 million rubles. Having calculated the income that a herd with 1000 heads, including 800 geese, can give, we get about 1.5 million rubles. (including the sale of liver, fluff, feathers, eggs). If there are geese weighing 4 kg or more on the farm, it will be possible to sell them for 600-1200 rubles, and down and feathers are suitable for ateliers and industries. In addition, we must remember about constant checks and unexpected situations, which will have to spend part of the profits.

Subtleties of feeding and keeping birds

The maintenance and fattening of birds is not particularly difficult and is described in detail in almost every reference book. The only thing that is important and needs to be remembered is the love of birds for dense meals, greens, succulent feeds and liquids. Getting a high income also depends on how often the grazing of goose herds will be. It is better to use "stalls" exclusively in industry, raising birds for canned food or for feeding birds for future cooking on the table.

Thus, it is impossible to say that breeding geese is extremely profitable, but this business cannot be called unprofitable. If the goose farm meets all standards and requirements, as well as produces high-quality meat and products, there will be no need to talk about losses. Using a serious approach to business, carefully doing calculations, you can easily provide for yourself stable income even at home. Goose farm as a business is profitable and promising!

A good option is to create your own farm for breeding birds, and in particular geese. A business plan will allow you to figure out how profitable, where to start and what the risks may be.

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The idea of ​​a farm building business is gaining popularity. The sales market is expanding, the number of companies that use farmers' products in their work is increasing.

Business relevance:

  • low competition;
  • growing demand for meat produced in Russia due to sanctions from the US and Europe;
  • the ability to sell meat, eggs and other products at a low price through their own production;
  • high profitability and quick payback of business;
  • raising poultry requires less time and resources than raising cattle and other beef breeds.

What breeds of geese to breed

Consider popular breeds.

  1. Kholmogory geese. Meat breed, the weight of birds reaches 10-12 kg. Valued for versatility. They are quite highly productive (about 30 eggs per year), and at the same time they adapt well to weather conditions. The disadvantages include long maturation - up to 3 years.
  2. Large gray geese. Also a meat breed. By the period of growing up they reach 7-9 kg. Females carry up to 50 eggs per year. Goslings quickly gain weight and after 2 months weigh about 4-5 kg. They eat any food and do not need a pond.
  3. Emden geese. Raised as a meat breed. Ganders reach 10 kg of weight, and geese 7-8 kg. Emden geese gain weight perfectly on pastures, and with enhanced special nutrition they do it even faster. Their meat High Quality not too hard and not greasy. But the Emden geese are also distinguished aggressive behavior and noise.
  4. Kuban geese. If the farm is going to grow geese for the sale of eggs, then it is better to choose this breed. Egg production is high, a goose can produce about 80-90 eggs per year. The geese themselves are medium-sized, body weight is about 5-5.5 kg. A big plus is the high resistance to all weather conditions. Not all breeds can survive in a cold and windy climate, but Kuban geese feel great in any environment.
  5. Rhine geese. Another breed with high egg production. The goose produces about 50 eggs per year. On average, about 60-65% of eggs hatch, but further safety is 90-95%. The weight of the geese is small, on average 4-5 kg.
  6. Toulouse geese. Large ganders weigh 10-12 kg, and geese - 7-8. Geese develop rapidly and weigh 4-5 kg ​​at 2 months. At this point, they can be slaughtered, getting quality lean meat. The fact is that Toulouse geese are inactive, therefore, with age, fat accumulates in the body and the meat becomes fatter. These geese are also bred for high quality liver. The liver of a fattened adult goose reaches 500 grams of net weight. Disadvantages of the breed - they do not adapt well to adverse conditions, they do not tolerate cold and moisture, they quickly get sick. But if you take care of the room and feed hard, the result will be very good.
  7. Italian white geese. The breed is distinguished by high-quality meat and liver, which is appreciated by lovers of delicacies. The birds themselves are medium in size, the goose weighs about 6-7 kg, and the goose about 5-6. The liver at the same time reaches 300-400 grams. A laying hen produces about 40-50 eggs per year.
  8. Danish Legart. The breed is considered one of the best in the world and has a high popularity. Adults weigh up to 9 kg, and they reach 6 kg already at 8-10 weeks of age. Geese are unpretentious to food and do not need intensive feeding. They eat an average of 20 percent less than other breeds. Egg production is good, about 40 eggs per year. An excellent breed for growing at home.

Danish Legart Emden Geese Kholmogory geese Italian white geese Large gray geese Kuban geese Rhine geese Toulouse geese

The geese breeding business begins with the purchase of young animals and the creation of conditions for their reproduction.

Geese breeding rules

When breeding geese, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. It is better to purchase young animals from certified suppliers. At the stages of registering a business, it will be necessary to obtain permits and certificates, so it is better to take the young at once certified.
  2. It is undesirable to cross birds with family ties. This will lead to a decrease in the weight of adults and to further grinding of the breed. To prevent this, it is better to purchase birds from different breeders.
  3. It is easy to distinguish a male from a female - the male is larger, and on his wings there are 2 characteristic feathers in the form of scissors.
  4. Breeding males are usually large in size. They are also highly active and aggressive.
  5. There are an average of 3-4 females per male in the herd.
  6. It is necessary to add young geese to the herd annually. Their number should be about 20% of all males.

In addition to buying the geese themselves, you need to take care of the conditions for their breeding, for this you need:

  • specially equipped poultry house;
  • pasture;
  • water.

What to feed?

Proper nutrition of geese allows them to earn good money later.

In the diet of the bird should be:

  • compound feed (basis of feed);
  • greens (geese eat on the run);
  • root crops (rutabaga, potatoes, beets) along with tops;
  • pumpkin, cabbage;
  • silage;
  • return with whey;
  • fish waste.

There are features of feeding geese in different time of the year.

Summer feeding rules

In summer, the main part of the diet is green fodder. The daily norm is 2 kg. You need to feed the geese 2 more times a day outside of grazing.

In the morning and in the evening you need to give:

  • coarse compound feed (hay, branches);
  • juicy food (vegetables, root crops).

Since feed is expensive, it can be replaced with cereals with the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Geese prefer:

  • oats;
  • wheat
  • corn (chopped);
  • rye;
  • barley.

Winter feeding rules

In winter, the basis of the diet are cereals:

  • barley;
  • oats;
  • ground corn;
  • millet;
  • bran wheat.

You need to give silage to the geese. It contains a lot useful substances, and it almost completely (in composition) replaces green food for birds.

It is recommended to give hay and pine or spruce needles. There is a lot of vitamin C in the needles, which improves the appetite of geese, increases egg production, and egg quality. Before feeding the geese, the branches of the needles must be dried in a warm room, and then the needles must be collected and twisted in a meat grinder.

Breeding goslings

Geese lay their eggs from February to March, rush every other day.

Egg collection rules:

  • it is better to collect eggs immediately after laying;
  • collected eggs must be inspected with an ovoscope.

Eggs that have the following characteristics are rejected:

  • non-standard shape, size or colors;
  • double yolk;
  • the yolk is not located in the center of the egg;
  • blackouts and spots in the protein.

Rules for storing eggs before incubation:

  • room temperature 7-13 ºС;
  • indoor humidity 75-80%;
  • lack of drafts and wind;
  • you need to place the egg with a blunt end up;
  • storage period is no more than 7 days.

Features of incubation of eggs:

  • eggs in the incubator are stored in a horizontal position;
  • eggs need to be turned 4 times a day;
  • the egg should not lie on one side for 2 nights in a row;
  • to prevent overheating, eggs should be sprinkled with warm water;
  • the incubation process takes approximately 30 days.

Description and analysis of the market

Breeding geese - promising direction business. If you properly organize the processes of cultivation and marketing, you can make good money on this.

Business advantages:

  1. Goose meat is still considered a delicacy and does not belong to common, but to alternative types of meat.
  2. The share of goose meat in the total volume of poultry meat produced in Russia is less than 1%. In countries with developed poultry farming, the share of goose meat reaches 25%.
  3. Over the past 7 years, there has been an increase in demand for goose meat and liver both from retail chains and from end consumers.
  4. Supplies of goose meat and goose liver from European countries are frozen due to sanctions imposed on Russia.

Goose is a practically waste-free “product”.

Can be sold:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • down with feathers;
  • litter;
  • the geese themselves.

The target audience

Goose farm clients can be:

  • supermarkets and restaurants;
  • textile enterprises;
  • owners household plots and gardeners;
  • other goose farms;
  • private persons.

The cost of goose meat is lower than that of beef, and the selling price exceeds pork. Goose liver is a tasty and healthy delicacy, and due to its unique composition of nutrients and amino acids, it is very popular among gourmets. goose eggs good for cooking flour dishes.

Down and feathers are popular fillers for pillows, blankets and warm clothes.

Goose droppings are used as fertilizer. The nitrogen content in it is less than in the same chicken, and it is less harmful to plants. The situation when the garden “burned out” from fertilizer is almost impossible when using goose manure.

Competitive advantages

The following advantages can be distinguished from competitors:

  • high quality products;
  • no problems with terms and volumes of deliveries;
  • low prices when purchasing a large volume of products;
  • organization of a closed production cycle and subsequent deliveries of the finished processed product, and not just raw materials.

Advertising campaign

In order for the business to be profitable and profitable, you need to properly organize the sale of products.

  1. Work with stores and retail chains. Promotion of products on the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores.
  2. Cooperation with manufacturing companies. Supply of meat, eggs, feathers and down to producers as raw materials.
  3. Working with intermediaries. Intermediaries often work with farmers, who themselves come and offer their services. They take a certain amount of products (most often - all that is) and sell it themselves through their distribution channels.
  4. Internet sales. Website development and promotion in social networks.
  5. Participation in agricultural exhibitions and fairs.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a farm

Opening a goose farm is better to start with preparation. It is important to decide on the goals of the business (what exactly to sell and in what quantity), and with the resources available. After that, you can begin to take action.

To start, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Registration of documents.
  2. Preparation of premises and pastures, creation of conditions for cultivation.
  3. Purchase of young.
  4. Procurement of equipment and consumables.
  5. Growing geese.
  6. Advertising campaign and sales, receiving money.

The documents

You need to register an individual entrepreneur and indicate the OKVED code (51.32 for wholesale and 52.22 for retail).

This area of ​​activity is subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, you will additionally need:

  1. Permission to open a farm from the sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary and fire services.
  2. Veterinary certificates in the form No. 1 (for young animals and hatching eggs), No. 2 (for meat and eggs), No. 3 (for fluff, feathers and droppings).
  3. Certificate of veterinary well-being of the farm; certificates for products (for each product - a separate certificate). Also, the veterinary service will establish a plan of veterinary procedures.

In addition, you need to be prepared for periodic checks from:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • fire inspection.

What should be the poultry house

Bird house requirements:

  • the height of the building is at least 1.5 meters;
  • the area is selected at the rate of 1.5 sq. meters of space per bird;
  • the temperature in the poultry house is not lower than +8 ºС;
  • lighting about 14 hours a day;
  • dry and insulated floor;
  • hay on the floor should be treated with superphosphates to neutralize ammonia emissions;
  • dry and clean bedding;
  • between the geese there should be reliable partitions without cracks and gaps.
  • for older birds;
  • for newly hatched chicks;
  • for incubation;
  • for hens.

Equipment and inventory

To run the farm, you will need some equipment:

  • separate feeders for ducklings and adults;
  • drinkers;
  • incubator;
  • ovoscope;
  • heating system or heaters;
  • lighting devices.

It is very difficult to breed geese without pasture and water. If there is no reservoir on the farm, then you will need to create it yourself. Walking on fresh air and access to a pond has a positive effect on reproduction and mass gain.


Goose breeding is a specific business requiring certain knowledge and skills. For successful work you need to solve several different tasks, which means you need at least three employees.

Required personnel:

  1. Supervisor. Solves organizational and economic issues, develops a strategy for the development of the farm.
  2. Operator. He is engaged in the selection of eggs, sorting of chicks, and monitors the incubation process.
  3. Veterinarian. Examines birds and diagnoses their diseases and injuries. Carries out treatment and carries out veterinary measures to prevent diseases and mortality of birds.

For the successful operation of the farm, 2-3 employees are needed per 1 thousand poultry.

Financial plan

Calculating the costs of starting a business and income from the sale of products will show what the profitability of the project is and whether breeding geese as a business is profitable or not.

How much does a goose breeding business cost?

Costs for opening a goose farm:

Recurring costs

In addition to one-time initial costs, there will also be regular payments.

Goose Farm Regular Costs:


Goose farm income:

The video tells whether it is profitable to breed geese or not. The video was filmed by the Housekeeping channel.

Calendar plan

  • must be taken into account weather and terms of sales of products;
  • make time for raising geese.
Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11 months12 months
Registration of a package of documents+ + +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
Preparing the area for growing poultry + +
Purchase of young animals +
Growing goslings + + + +
Bird slaughter + +
Sales of products, receipt of money +

Risks and payback

Business risks:

  1. Problems with obtaining certificates and certificates of product quality.
  2. Diseases and diseases in birds.
  3. Insufficient egg production of birds.
  4. Unplanned high mortality of geese.
  5. Higher feed costs than originally planned.

The return on business is quite high. The more geese are grown on the farm, the faster the project will pay off. Medium and large farms (from 500 birds) bring good earnings and pay off in just 12 months.


The video tells how to start breeding geese. The video was filmed by the channel: "Alexander BY".

Living in the private sector and running a farm is a great combination for those who want to open own business. In order to breed geese, it is necessary to provide them with good conditions maintenance and feeding, constantly monitor their development, monitor the condition of the bird. It is quite possible for beginners to open their own business on breeding geese at home - simplicity, low start-up costs, high profitability makes the business attractive.

Geese: breeding, maintenance and care at home

The goose is the first bird that was tamed by man. Caring for them is not difficult, but a novice entrepreneur needs to take a responsible approach to organizational issues.

Poultry equipment

For keeping geese at home, a wooden structure or a barn is suitable, while the thickness of the walls should be more than 3 centimeters. Birds should spend most of their day outdoors. They like to pinch grass, and they can consume up to 2 kilograms of greens per day. The cost of forage can be significantly reduced if there is a pasture and a reservoir.

When calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poultry house, start from the number of birds. Even though the geese lead sedentary image life, about 1 m² should be allocated per individual. The height of the walls should not be less than 1.5 meters, you also need to make a passage in the house 2 meters wide.

The main requirement for breeding geese at home is the absence of dampness and drafts. Therefore, before buying a livestock, carefully inspect the place of detention by making minor repairs (cover over the cracks, insulate the walls).

Geese are resistant to cold weather and low temperatures but their feet must not freeze. To do this, make sure you have a bed of hay about 30 centimeters thick.

Old and young individuals, especially those who have not yet completed 2 weeks, should be kept separately. To do this, divide the house into two zones.

If breeding is planned, nests should be installed indoors for hatching chicks. There are no special requirements for their placement, but it is advisable to fence them off from each other so that the geese hatching eggs do not see their neighbors in order to avoid conflict. When determining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, do not forget about the walking area, including it in.

Advice: to increase egg production, the bird needs to be provided with a long stay in the fresh air; for this, special aviaries are equipped. To accommodate them, chicks need less than 1 m² per individual, young animals - 5 m², adults - at least 15 m².

Selection of forage base

The diet for breeding geese at home depends on the type and conditions of detention. Feeding can be wet, dry and combined. The feed base consists of greens, root crops, cabbage, pumpkin crops, fish waste, whey and silage.

Excessive consumption of greens can lead to intestinal upset and, conversely, a lot of dry grain feed will lead to breathing difficulties for the bird. To avoid difficulties, many farmers put feeders with moistened sand or shell rock.

As a rule, in the pasture, geese themselves determine useful and dangerous grass. But sometimes they can still get poisoned (for example, nightshade or hemlock). In this case, the sick individual is kept separately from the herd, providing her with plenty of drink.

When breeding geese at home, it should be borne in mind that an adult eats about 2 kilograms of greenery per day. If a novice farmer cannot provide access to grass, you need to feed the bird to the required rate.

Daily diet:

  1. beets, potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  2. carrot - 100 gr.;
  3. hay flour, dust - 150 gr.;
  4. cereals - not less than 70 gr.;
  5. mineral feed - 25 gr.

This list is supplemented by concentrated feed.

Breeding geese as a business: where to start and how to succeed

Breeding geese at home is beneficial because the bird has longer duration life compared to other poultry. And although they do not die by their death on modern farms, but this factor good effect on egg production. Within 2-3 years, this figure does not decrease, but increases by 20%.

What do you need to breed geese at home?

Growing geese at home makes it possible to obtain not only meat products, but also offal, feathers, down, eggs and organic fertilizers that can be used to grow plants. Goose liver is very much appreciated - foie gras, the cost of which is very high. Many people grow special breeds of geese at home for the sake of getting a delicious fatty liver.

To open a small farm you will need:

  1. own or leased land;
  2. place for keeping geese;
  3. feed base;
  4. egg incubator.

Since the goose is a waterfowl, it is desirable to have a reservoir near the place where they are kept.

After purchasing all the components, it is necessary: ​​to decide on the methods of selling meat, registering a business, whether offal, fluff, eggs will be sold. Novice farmers are looking for distribution channels among neighbors and acquaintances. In this case, there is no need to issue permits.

If you intend to sell regular batches of meat to intermediaries or sell it yourself on the market, you need to collect a package of permits:

  • veterinary books;
  • opening a farm or a small business.

The above list is mandatory for the sale of meat and offal. Without official documents markets do not accept products for sale.

Breeding geese at home - which can be organized even by a novice entrepreneur without experience and special knowledge. Birds are unpretentious when keeping and feeding, quickly adapt to a new place, have good immunity.

You can build a business on breeding geese at home in two ways - the sale of meat or breeding. As a rule, the majority farms trying to combine these directions.

Advice: Do not underestimate the role of a business plan when raising geese at home. Any business requires analysis of competition, assessment of demand, calculation of costs and payback periods.

Breed selection

The profitability of the business will depend on the choice of breed. In this aspect, the opinions of experts differ, but each of them advises novice farmers to grow several species at once to minimize risks.

Domestic poultry houses most often breed the following breeds at home:

  • Kholmogory breed is one of the most large breeds, the weight of the goose is 10 kilograms, the females - 8. The egg production of the goose varies within 40 eggs per year.
  • The large gray breed has a compact physique, the weight of an adult male is 8 kilograms, females - 6. A female lays about 40 eggs a year.
  • The Arzamas breed is resistant to temperature extremes, has stable immunity, excellent palatability meat and relatively small weight (up to 7 kilograms);
  • Legart is a meat breed of broilers, it is very beneficial in keeping, as it consumes 20% less feed than ordinary geese. At the same time, it is intensively gaining weight - at 2 months, the chick weighs about 6 kilograms.
  • Toulouse breed - a breed that is bred to obtain tender liver foie gras. Geese are very fat, weighing 10-12 kilograms.
  • Kuban geese - light, mobile and noisy type, weight adult does not exceed 5-6 kilograms. At the same time, the level of egg production is one of the largest - 90 pieces per year.
  • Linda is a meat-oriented breed. On average, a gander weighs 12 kilograms, a goose - 10.

Establishment of sales channels

It is easy to find an intermediary (dealer) in countryside. Distribution channels can be established through restaurants, shops, farmers' markets, supermarkets and catering establishments.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs sell online. For this, it is not necessary to spend money on creating an expensive website. You can place ads on free bulletin boards and sell small lots (from 10 carcasses in one hand).

Despite the ease of raising geese at home, aspiring entrepreneurs can expect some difficulties. Most of them are in the spread of diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the room and the aviary, ventilate the place where the bird is kept. Experienced farmers advise:

  1. buy chicks only in proven reputable farms;
  2. for breeding a large number geese (from 500) at home, it is important to register with all regulatory authorities, open an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  3. to reduce the cost of buying young animals, you need to leave a certain number of birds for breeding;
  4. the poultry house must be carefully treated and disinfected to avoid diseases;
  5. on the second day, goslings are given a weak solution of potassium permanganate with glucose for general strengthening;
  6. the first two months, it is necessary to give the chicks drugs to increase immunity - biovit, kormogrizin, etc.

Breeding geese as a business: profitable or not?

You can sell not only meat - but also feathers, down, offal, eggs, which will increase income. The advantage of breeding geese at home lies in its wastelessness. Even litter is sold as organic fertilizer.

Breeding geese at home is a business that deserves the attention of domestic entrepreneurs. Its relevance increases in a crisis, when only food does not decrease in demand. To open a small farm, it is enough to own or rent a land plot, equipped premises and a forage base. Starting investments invested in the business, with proper organization, pay for themselves in the first year of work and make it possible to increase the scale of the project.

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