Home Fruit trees What large system does the orchid belong to? Description of the most common types of indoor orchids. The most beautiful varieties of orchids video

What large system does the orchid belong to? Description of the most common types of indoor orchids. The most beautiful varieties of orchids video

Most of the orchid flowers belong to the plant family of perennial grasses, and their sizes can range from several centimeters to a meter for individual members of the family.

Orchid flowers, which belong to epiphytes, can grow on stones and rocks, as well as on other plants, where they do not need soil and receive a lot of light.

This was made possible because of their roots. They can be of varying lengths, creeping and erect. Depending on its habitat, with their help the plant is attached to the ground, maintaining a vertical position; participates in photosynthesis; absorbs essential vital substances from the bark. Also found in nature are rare species of terrestrial orchids that prefer a temperate climate.

It is worth noting that orchids also differ in colors. Despite the fact that their shape is unusual and original, there are two types of inflorescences: with a single arrangement or several flowers on stalks that grow along the stem. It is interesting that among orchids there are specimens that surprise with the shape of the foliage and its brightness, for example, makodes or ludizia variegated, although their flowers are inconspicuous. Also, orchid plants have different odors depending on the variety and you can recognize the aroma of lemon, cinnamon and gourmet coffee in them.

You should study the types of orchids in pictures with names, as well as short description to figure out how to determine the type of orchid . This will allow you not only to grow the plant, but also to select optimal conditions for its growth and flowering.

All types of orchids

Orchids are divided into 5 families, which in turn are divided into genera and numerous species:

Apostasis. This group includes nevidia and apostasia, and 16 species of perennial plants.

Cypripediaceae. The genus “Venus’s slipper” brought particular fame.

Vanilla. Includes the vanilla genus.

Epidendral. The most famous: the genus Cattleya, Dactylostalyx.

Orchidaceae. Anakamptis and phalaenopsis are popular.

Among this variety can be noted:

Cattleya lipped. A large flower with petals covered with a layer of wax and a lip-shaped center.

Lycasta fragrant. The spectacular buds are painted in a bright lemon color and are more than 17 cm in diameter. The shoots are up to 25 cm in height.

Darwin's orchid. It has buds of an unusual blue-violet color, which grow up to 3 cm in diameter and are collected in a racemose inflorescence. The leaves are leathery, dark green in color.

Potinara “Burana Beauty”. Blooms throughout the warm season. It has a variegated bud color: yellow-red wavy petals.

Orchid Denddrodium nobile. The plant grows up to 60 cm with flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm. It It has beautiful flowering and is easy to care for.

Types of indoor orchids

Having dealt with the types of orchids, it is worth noting that not all varieties can be propagated at home. Hybrid species bred as a result of crossing will feel great.

Indoor orchids are divided into two groups:

Monopodial. These include, for example, phalaenopsis. This group is characterized by the presence of an apical bud. Leaves grow from it in opposite rows, so the shoots have an unlimited length. The distance between the rows of leaves varies, as it depends on the type of plant. The peculiarity of the leaves is that they retain water reserves. Their flower stalks are long. It should be noted that after flowering there is no need to remove, and if you prune, new ones appear.

Sympodial. The peculiarity lies in the inflorescences, which can be of two types: apical and lateral. In the first variant, the apical bud dies after reaching a certain size or degenerates into a peduncle, and a new one is formed at its base. In another case, lateral buds appear from the buds located at the base of the shoot.

The stems are characterized by strong thickening and later turn into tubers. various shapes. This is where water and nutrients are found. The most famous species are dendrobium and cymbidium.

Cymbidium orchid species

The peculiarity of cymbidiums is that they have long, leathery, belt-shaped leaves. The peduncles are hanging, usually up to 13 flowers grow on them. Blooms profusely for 10 weeks.

The most famous among them:

Cymbidium Lowe(Cymbidium lowianum) . It belongs to the epiphytes; at the base it has bulbs with a diameter of up to 10 cm. It blooms for only a few months, starting from the end of winter. The peduncle is curved, can reach a meter in length, and bears an inflorescence consisting of greenish-yellow flowers. Their middle is shaped like a lip, with a red spot.

Eburneum, Cymbidium ivory(Cymbidium eburneum). The peduncle reaches only 30 cm, erect. It bears large white flowers. They emit a slight aroma similar to the smell of lilac.

Cymbidium aloefolia ( Cymbidium aloifolium, Cymbidium pendulum). An epiphytic orchid of small size up to 30 cm. It is distinguished by inflorescences that form hanging clusters of flowers with a diameter of up to 4.5 cm. The color of the petals is light yellow with cream or dark red.

Cymbidium giant(Cymbidium giganteum) . The inflorescence produces many buds up to 12 cm in size; flowering is not abundant. A rare species growing in the tropics, it is distinguished by the color of its petals - light orange with a yellow lip and a red spot at the base.

Dendrobium orchid species

The name is dendrobium or “tree-dwelling.” The plant belongs to a variety of orchids, of which there are more than 1000 species, which differ in the color of the petals, the shape of the buds and inflorescences. They have loose elongated leaves, and the roots are covered with a waxy coating. Shoots can be either erect or drooping. It all depends on the size.

Phalaenopsis orchid species

The homeland of phalaenopsis is the tropics, where the climate is humid and warm, so they are whimsical in maintenance. If you purchase hybrid phalaenopsis, you will have to care for them like an ordinary one. indoor flower. At the same time, they will delight with their bright colors, similar to colorful butterflies.

The following plants belong to this variety of orchids:

Phalaenopsis Amabilis. It is a long-liver whose flowers in the inflorescence open sequentially. There can be even 100 buds on a peduncle, measuring up to 10 cm. It thins out a pleasant light aroma. Since it belongs to epiphytes, its stem is not clearly defined. The leaves are oblong, close in shape to a dark green cylinder up to 50 cm. They are fleshy, and roots form from them. It is this species that is taken to develop new hybrids.

Phalaenopsis pink. This orchid is miniature, as the leaves are only up to 8 cm long and have an unusual color: the top is dark green, the bottom is reddish. Flowers may vary color range: from white to pink. In the inflorescence there are only 15 flowers with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. They are located on a curved peduncle, which is distinguished by a purple color.

Schiller's phallenopsis. This species is distinguished by the ability to bloom more than once, so in this case flowering can last only a couple of months. If the plant is well developed on the peduncle, there is usually abundant flowering without interruption, up to 200 flowers.

The leaves are of an unusual color: the top is silver-gray interspersed with dark green spots, the bottom has a red tint. The color of the buds is soft pink or purple, with pronounced purple veins.

Phalaenopsis Sandera. The flower is not found often; it got its name in honor of the botanist Sander. On a long peduncle, up to 50 buds grow, arranged in opposite rows. The hard leaves have a dark green color with variegated light spots, like tiger. Long flowering is observed.

Phalaenopsis Stewart. The leaf size is up to 35 cm. This species has a branching peduncle on which up to 60 flowers can grow. The buds are distinguished by original patterns consisting of yellow and red spots. Flowering occurs for several months, followed by a period of dormancy.

Phalaenopsis gigantica. It has characteristic leaves: wide, leathery, hanging down. Their sizes can exceed 60 cm, and in some specimens they reach meter sizes. The buds are round in shape and located on a curved, hanging peduncle, thinning the citrus aroma. The color range of the petals ranges from cream to yellow, with reddish-brown streaks on them. This specimen crosses well with other species and hybrids, and is therefore valued by breeders.

Lüdemann. It has characteristic features - the color of the flower is unusual with chestnut and purple interrupted stripes on a white background, with a bright center, while the petals are not large, characterized by a dense structure. The leaves are light green in the shape of an ellipse. The buds open one by one, and the flowering period occurs in spring and early summer.

A blooming orchid rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Unusual, delicate flower sung by poets since ancient times. The mystery inherent in orchids is associated with the structural features of the flowers, as well as the endowment of the plant with “healing power.” IN Asian countries Since time immemorial they have been used for medicinal purposes. Currently, indoor orchids are often bred as the main decorative element of a collection of house plants, due to their aesthetic characteristics, fragrant aroma, excellent color and shape of flowers.

Characteristics of indoor orchids

By and large, the structure of an indoor orchid differs little from other flowers. The plant has a trunk, leaves and flowers, although there are species features. Certain types of orchids are characterized by the presence of “false” bulbs (pseudobulbs), where nutrients accumulate. These bulbs were originally formed in a wild plant to protect it from unfavorable conditions in the growing area. At home functional value the pseudobulb is reduced, although one cannot completely speak of its uselessness: the bulbs distribute useful elements for stem growth and lush flowering.

Roots are an important part of any plant. The special properties of the indoor orchid are associated with the presence of main and adventitious roots. Additional elements are formed on any parts, with the exception of the main root: on stems, shoots. This structure is associated with an “ancient” ancestor house plant, when the roots of a wild orchid had to support the growth of the flower, absorbing as much nutrition and moisture as possible from environment. Many orchids have a lush growth of adventitious roots.

Orchid leaves show how adaptable a plant can be to external conditions. When describing indoor orchids, it is worth noting the peculiarity that light-loving varieties have thick, rich leaves; species that prefer shade (such as miltonia) have soft, light-colored foliage. Usually the leaves of orchids are green, but there are also variegated varieties (ludisia, macodes).

Seeds of most orchid varieties usually do not germinate in regular soil. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, indoor orchid seeds are hardly visible to the eye due to their small size, and secondly, they do not have a reserve of endosperm inside, which prevents them from receiving nutrients from the soil. When preparing a substrate for seed germination, gardeners use agar-agar - a substrate in pure form or special hydrogels based on it.

Typology of indoor plants

If we talk about what kind of indoor orchids there are, it is worth distinguishing two main types according to the type of growth: monopodial and sympodial.

The differences between them are determined visually. Monopodial varieties always grow upward, with each new leaf slightly larger than the previous one. Over time, all sheets acquire the same size. These species include phalaenopsis, agrekcum, aerangis, and vanda. The root system of monopodial types forms adventitious parts on the trunk of the plant.

The sympodial type is characterized by a horizontal arrangement of the rhizome, called a rhizome. These types of indoor orchids are a bush plant with several shoots. These include varieties: Cattleya, Cambria, Cymbidium, Oncidium, Miltonia. The shoots at the top of the bush stretch upward and have a thickened lower part. This is the so-called “false” bulb or pseudobulb. The flower arrow in sympodial varieties appears both from the shoot and from the bulb itself.

Thanks to incredible beauty flowers, orchids are very popular among professionals and simply lovers of house plants. A wide variety of colors and shapes can amaze the most demanding gardener. Particularly surprising are the varieties of indoor orchids with flowers only a few millimeters in size, while the largest specimens reach a quarter of a meter in diameter. According to the type of flowering, home orchids are divided into two types: multi-flowered and with single flowers.

The most popular view Phalaenopsis is definitely considered to be one of the most popular domestic orchids. Beautiful, delicate indoor phalaenopsis orchids can bloom all year round with proper care. A representative of the tropical forests of southeast Asia, it became known in the 17th century. The plant got its name by accident. In 1825, Carl Blum, director of the botanical garden, observed beautiful white moths. He later discovered that they were orchids. And this is not surprising, because the shape of the flowers really resembles fluttering butterflies. The name "Phalaenopsis" means "moth-like".

White phalaenopsis orchids are often grown at home and in offices, used to decorate private areas around the house, and added to wedding bouquets. Typically, the white indoor orchid is divided into two types: miniature and standard. The standard one can grow up to one meter, the diameter of the flowers varies from 2 to 13 cm. Miniature species have a length of up to 30 cm. White orchids are odorless, react poorly to direct sun, diffused light is preferable for them.

Proper care of indoor orchid

Temperature, lighting, location

The level of lighting is one of the determining factors in the question of how to care for an indoor orchid, which will affect further flowering. Literate home care plant care is associated with providing a minimum of 14 hours of light daily, so in winter you will need sources of additional artificial lighting (fluorescent lamps, phytolamps, fluorescent White light). Fresh air and sufficient light will promote good growth and development of orchids at home.

For orchids, windows located in the eastern and western parts of an apartment or house, that is, places where there is diffused light, are best suited. In the southern part of the house, flowers will most likely need additional darkening from too much bright sun, northern windows are not suitable for all varieties of flowers. If there is a lack of light, growing indoor orchids may be accompanied by a lack of nutrients; if there is too much light, the flower will begin to dry out. The first signal that there is not enough light for the orchid will be the color of the leaves: they will turn dark green. A healthy leaf color is considered to be light, rich green, or reddish shades. If there is too much light, the leaves will turn yellow and brown, dry inclusions may appear.

The optimal room temperature for orchids in winter is 16-18 degrees, in summer – 20-25 C.

The experience of professional flower growers notes that in order to stimulate the flowering process, it is important for an orchid to create a difference between day and night temperatures within 3-5 degrees. Also, observation of the plant in winter showed that the orchid practically does not bloom at temperatures above 24-25 degrees.

It is worth noting a characteristic feature of orchids, in particular phalaenopsis: good adaptability and response to the creation of favorable conditions. This suggests that caring for an indoor orchid after purchase, taking into account as many of the plant’s natural preferences as possible, provides good development and frequent flowering. High humidity is important for orchids, so spraying should be done regularly, especially in winter with room heating, which dries out the air. During flowering, spray with extreme caution, avoiding water getting on the flowers. This is fraught with the appearance of unsightly spots and a rapid loss of color.

Fertilizers, crop watering

The speed and frequency of watering will depend on the environmental conditions of plant development: temperature, light, soil composition. There is an important point that watering an indoor orchid must comply with the rule: it is better to underwater a flower in a pot a little than to overdo it. The orchid will easily tolerate a slight drought, since it is an epiphytic plant. Soft water with a minimal inclusion of salts is well suited for the flower; the best option is rainwater. You can take boiled water room temperature or 2-3 degrees warmer.

Plants in pots are watered from above, flowers in blocks are lowered into water for a few minutes, and after the excess moisture has drained, they are put back in place. IN summer time The frequency of watering is 2-3 times every 7 days after the top layer has dried; in winter, orchids are provided with a slightly dry period. For some varieties, a slight wrinkling of the false bulbs will serve as an indicator of the need for watering. It is important to remember that caring for an indoor orchid, in particular watering, must adapt to specific conditions content. main feature orchids: they absolutely cannot tolerate stagnant water.

One of the reasons why an indoor orchid does not bloom is an excess of moisture. This is especially true during the period of formation of the buds of future flower ovaries. If the plant is watered too much, you can see the formation of dried buds and dry flower stalks that have not had time to open. Almost all varieties of orchids begin to bloom after the growing season. Until this time, the flower needs increased watering. During the flowering period, a lot of moisture is also needed. The frequency and intensity of watering should be reduced during the dormant period, namely after flowering and in winter, when there is a lack of light and lack of heat in the room.

Fertilizing the flower should be carried out during the growth period once every 15-20 days. Almost all plant species react poorly to high salt concentrations. A good supporting agent is succinic acid for indoor orchids, which strengthens and stimulates further development plants. After treatment with acid, flowers activate the growth of green mass, roots and shoots. For orchids, succinic acid is a means of constantly stimulating the formation of roots - one of the vulnerable parts of the plant. The acid also neutralizes harmful toxins in the soil.

Popular liquid fertilizer wide range Actions Agricola has been successfully used for orchids. The fertilizer contains important humic elements and mineral salts. Agricola is used for indoor orchids at the rate of 5 ml of substance per 1 liter of liquid. The resulting solution is used as ordinary water for watering the plant. It is better to apply fertilizing every two weeks. The acidity of the fertilizer solution, equal to pH = 6, will be optimal for better absorption of micro and macroelements.

Diseases and pests of orchids

The appearance of indoor orchid disease is often explained by improper care: lack of lighting, direct sunlight on the leaves. However, there are diseases that can harm the plant: rot, viruses, fusarium, anthracnose, bacterial diseases. Orchids affected by the disease have pronounced spotting on the leaves and buds. This is a signal to isolate the plant from healthy flowers. Spots in the shape of lines or circles usually signal a fungal or bacterial infection.

The popular phalaenopsis variety has a tendency to suffer from bacterial infections. The leaves usually begin to yellow, then they darken and become rubbery. Next, wet formations appear on the foliage, from which liquid substrate flows. In such a situation, diseases of indoor orchids and their treatment should be accompanied by isolation of the plant. Affected leaves are cut off, and the cut sites are treated with iodine. If after two weeks the disease does not appear again, the plant can be placed next to other flowers.

Spider mites on indoor plants and orchids are detected as follows: a thin cobweb appears on the buds and flowers. You can see it during regular spraying, so do not neglect it. At a more advanced stage, orchid leaves begin to dry out and curl, showing pale yellow damage. Mites can cause the plant to die, drink all the juices, and in addition, contribute to further fungal infection flower. At the most early stages Mite lesions are not easy to notice; they often love soft leaves, so you should be more attentive to young home orchid plants.

Reproduction, transplantation of indoor orchids

You can safely breed orchids at home if you know some of the features of this process. Standard propagation of indoor orchids is carried out by dividing an adult plant, cuttings, side shoots, seeds, false bulbs, layering, and tips. The most used and accessible method is dividing the bush during the replanting period. The plant is separated along with the roots, and it is advisable to leave three false bulbs for each part (for sympodial varieties). An important requirement for propagation by division: the orchid must be large enough.

Knowing how to propagate an indoor orchid is not enough. Strict adherence to the basic rules is required. It is better to disinfect the instruments used and treat the cut areas charcoal. The roots require careful handling as they tend to break easily. Before planting, the soil can be moistened with soft water, after which the pot with the plant should be placed in a warm but not sunny place, do not fertilize, do not water temporarily, but only spray.

Indoor orchids are propagated by cuttings when the pseudobulbs of some varieties are formed by thickening the internodes of the main stem. This type of propagation allows you to effectively use the entire supply of false bulbs and obtain a large number of plants. The separated bulbs are cut so that each fragment has a developed bud. Before development begins, the cuttings are kept in a warm insulator (temperature not lower than 20C), with high humidity, and regularly ventilated to avoid rotting.

Many people who live in apartment buildings, decorate their home with the help of various plants. Indoor flowers add freshness and naturalness to the overall atmosphere. Their appearance instantly raises the mood, besides, fresh flowers will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Orchids are very popular. It is very beautiful, colorful and also unpretentious plant. With proper care, an orchid feels great at home and delights with its beauty every day.

The orchid belongs to the flowering department and the class - monocotyledons. In the world of flora, a separate family stands out - orchids (in Latin - Orchidaceae). This variety is also called Orchid and Orchid.

Experts note that orchids are one of the richest and most diverse families in the plant world.

Today, anyone has the opportunity to purchase an orchid in flower shop. Lilac, white, yellow, purple and other colors to suit every taste. Black orchids are especially popular.

White orchids are often used to make bridal bouquets. Attached to the text are photographs of orchids to familiarize yourself with their enormous diversity.

The flower acquired its name in the distant past, back in the days ancient Greece. The name was chosen by the philosopher Theophrastus, a student of the famous Plato.

During the scientific research They discovered a never-before-seen flower, the roots of which resembled an onion. In this regard, the plant is called “orchis”, which translated from Greek means testicle.

Brief characteristics and description of the plant

The orchid is a perennial plant, making it a popular decoration in homes. They may vary in size.

The minimum size of a flower can be only a few centimeters, and the maximum can be up to 35 meters. Such huge plants can be found in the natural environment.

Orchid leaves have alternate simple form. Their number can be varied. Also, the stem of an orchid can have different lengths.

The orchid flower comes in two types of inflorescences:

  • a raceme of several flowers on stalks (they grow along the stem);
  • ordinary spike with a single arrangement.

Some varieties of orchids have an insect trap.

How to care for an orchid

Orchid loves light. She needs at least 12 hours of light per day. IN winter period When daylight hours are significantly reduced, additional lighting must be used.

For an orchid to feel great, it needs warmth. Tropical orchid species grow at temperatures more than 30 degrees Celsius above zero. In winter, the room temperature should not fall below +15 degrees.

The optimal humidity level for orchids is from 60 to 70%. It is recommended to spray periodically, but it produces a short-term effect.

During this procedure, try not to overdo it and not get it on the flowers. It is best to use special air humidifiers.

The plant does not do well when water stagnates. When watering an orchid, it is better to use melt, rain or other soft water. In summer, it is necessary to water the plant no more than two to three times a week.

In winter, the number of times should be reduced to a minimum. Water only when the soil becomes cracked.

How to replant an orchid

Experts say that replanting a plant is necessary only in extreme cases. The orchid does not survive the change of place of “residence” very well. Ceramic or plastic pots are great for orchids.

The soil should contain drainage, such as crushed stone or brick fragments, which will occupy at least 1/4 of the container. To be sure of the quality of the soil, it is best to purchase it in specialized stores.

Many people like the look unusual roots orchids, so they choose transparent pots for this plant.

Photo of orchid

Perhaps, few flowers can compare in beauty and unusualness with the outlandish overseas beauty orchid. No wonder this flower created a real sensation in Europe in the 18th century, and varieties of orchids cost a fortune. The variety of species of these flowering plants is impressive, and if previously they were grown in greenhouses and conservatories, today orchids can be seen in the homes of many indoor plant lovers.

Description and characteristics of the orchid flower

IN wildlife orchids are found on all continents (excluding Antarctica), with more than 30 thousand species of these amazing plants. The orchid family is the largest, it includes not only varieties, but also hybrids obtained through the work of breeders.


Orchids existed on Earth already at the end of the Mesozoic era (Cretaceous era).

The plant is rosette, has simple or alternate dense dark green leaves. The roots can be round or flat. Orchids have three types of root systems:

  • vines;
  • epiphytes;
  • lithophytes.

Inflorescences are usually formed in the axils of the leaves; the number of flowers on peduncles depends on the variety. Inflorescences are either a raceme or a spike; some types of orchids have single flowers. Orchid flowers are characterized by mirror symmetry, as well as a certain construction pattern: three petals and three sepals. Among the petals, one particularly stands out in size - the so-called lip, which most often has a spur with nectar. The stamens are fused with the pistil, the anthers consist of nests (the number can be different - 2, 4 or 8). In this case, pollinium is formed in each nest - glued pollen.

The sizes of orchid buds, as well as their shapes, are different: from tiny to giant flowers (up to 15-17 cm). The color range is varied, from rare sky blue shades to violet, purple and orange.

The plant is a perennial; under appropriate conditions in the wild, the age of some orchid species reaches 80-120 years. Just as the sizes, shapes and shades of orchids are varied, the aromas of this flower are just as multifaceted. The smell is not persistent, but you can catch notes of coffee, rose, cinnamon, watermelon, vanilla, chocolate, and citrus. There are species without odor, there are orchids with a very bright and strong fragrance, others have a barely audible aroma, revealed only in certain hours days.

The types of orchids are different, and therefore the conditions for growing these plants are also different:

  • cool mode (for Australian dendrobiums, celogina);
  • moderately warm conditions;
  • orchids that need constant warmth (vandas, phalaenopsis, cattleyas).

The flower is quite demanding in terms of temperature, humidity, and type of soil (substrate), so not every gardener decides to grow it. But today it was withdrawn a large number of hybrid forms that grow well at home if basic agricultural practices are followed.

How to determine the type of orchid by flowers

There are a great many species, varieties and hybrids of orchids, and it is not so easy to remember the names, as well as the characteristics of certain varieties.

Based on the type of growth, there are two large groups:

  • monopodial;
  • sympodial.

The first group includes plants that have one (hence the name “mono”) stem, directly on which leaves form. Buds of orchid flowers form in their axils. The stem is straight and grows upward, while plants of that group lack pseudobulbs.

The most common types of monopodial orchids are phalaenopsis and vanda. The latter can grow well and delight with flowering even without a substrate.

Sympodial species form several shoots that grow from the very base. Flowers are regularly renewed; as soon as one bud fades, new buds are formed in its place. Such orchids have pseudobulbs, which can be used as propagation material. This group includes beautiful cattleyas, magnificent cymbidiums, unpretentious dendrobiums, as well as laelia and oncidium.

The group of orchids that have luxurious leaves (varieties Goodyer, Makodes and others) is called Precious.

Varieties of orchids

The total number of orchid species has exceeded thirty thousand, and it is quite difficult to describe each of them. But there are those that are popular and widespread, and that’s what we’ll talk about.

Calypso bulbous

Delicate, graceful, fragile - these are the epithets most often awarded to this magnificent type of orchid. Because of the special shape of the flower, Calypso is often called “Venus’s slipper”, as well as “Lady’s slipper”.

The Calypso orchid grows in the cool forests of the northern territories and loves quiet places. In Russia, this wonderful flower is protected (listed in the Red Book); unfortunately, it is rarely found in the wild.

The flowers are solitary, formed on a stem up to 18-20 cm high. The color of the petals is pink, lilac, red, violet, purple. There is a very pleasant aroma.

Reproduction occurs through bulbs or by seed germination (the scheme is complex, since this requires the presence of special fungal thread-like formations).

Wanda blue

One of the most luxurious types of orchids, it is the only plant whose petals are painted sky blue by nature itself. Forms a large plant with hard, leathery, sword-shaped leaves and tall peduncles. It belongs to the epiphytes and forms powerful aerial roots. The flowers are large (up to 8-9 cm in diameter); an ornament representing an intricate script is visible on a blue background.

In the wild, there are more than a dozen different varieties of this species, but two are suitable for greenhouses and home cultivation, including blue vanda. Requires light and regular watering. The juice of this flower is used in official medicine (as a component of drugs to improve vision).

Cymbidium eburneum

Belongs to one of the most popular varieties of the orchid family, valued for its spectacular flowers. Cymbidium eburneum has an erect peduncle, which is crowned with a luxurious white flower with yellow spots. This species is native to the rainforests of China and Burma; hybrid forms are most often found on sale.

The second name of the flower is “ivory”; flowering begins in the spring and requires abundant watering, spraying, and moderate temperatures. The aroma of the flowers is bright and strong, reminiscent of the familiar lilac.

Odontoglossum cordate

A beautiful epiphytic orchid characterized by elongated upper flower petals and a heart-shaped lip. On the yellow background of the upper petals of the flower there are chaotic brown stripes and spots. The lip of the flower is pinkish with purple spots.

The plant is large in size and requires high-quality substrate and moderate watering. Needs a lot fresh air, therefore, in city apartments it is often grown on balconies and loggias. Cover from direct sun rays is necessary.

Habenaria radiata

This type of orchid is cultivated in Japan, China, Korea - in gardens, and also as a houseplant. In the Land of the Rising Sun, it is poetically called the White Heron Orchid, since the lip of the plant’s flower is very similar to the outstretched wings of a large bird.

The height of habenaria radiata reaches 20-30 cm, the peduncle is tall and strong.

The color of the petals is pearly white. The variety is considered quite whimsical and requires a certain temperature regime and special watering. Prefers high level humidity - up to 60-70%, does not tolerate drought.

Oncidium beautiful

Among the various different types Of the orchids of the genus Oncidium, Oncidium beautiful stands out. This is a very large and beautiful orchid from the group of epiphytes, forming straight peduncles. Each of them produces 18-20 magnificent bright yellow flowers. The upper petals of the flowers have dark burgundy spots. The diameter of the flowers is up to 6-8 cm.

Young leaves of Oncidium beautiful have a green or grayish color, and in older plants they acquire a purple and even brown tint. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. This type of orchid is great for cutting; the flowers last up to three weeks.

Types of flowers

Orchids also differ in the types of root systems. After all, these are plants that grow in special conditions, significantly different from those created for ordinary indoor or garden flowers.


This type of orchid in nature grows high above the ground, using trees and shrubs as supports and bases. They receive food from the air, a small amount of soil that accumulates in tree hollows, folds of bark, and on branches.


The roots of epiphytic plants are strong, elastic, and have a greenish or silvery tint. These species of the orchid family are successfully grown at home.


The growing conditions are somewhat different for lithophytic species, which are forced to adapt to life among limestones, hard rocks, rocks, and stones.

In general there are root system differs little from epiphytic representatives of orchids, but most often this species prefers humid conditions. Such orchids bloom well if there is a sharp change in daily temperatures and high air humidity.

In order to achieve flowering, they are often cultivated in special display cases. Some orchid genera include both lithophytic and epiphytic species, as well as terrestrial ones. For example, cymbidiums are lithophytic and terrestrial.


These types of orchids have similar growing conditions to other traditional flowers. They grow in the ground, the root system is represented by bulbs, cones or roots. In nature, such plants are common in the USA, European countries, and Russia; the height usually does not exceed 40-50 cm. Terrestrial orchids growing in the tropics are distinguished by larger sizes of both bushes and flowers.


This genus of orchids is currently considered one of the most widespread. This is due to the fact that these are the orchids that can most often be seen in specialized stores, as well as the ease of care and unpretentiousness of the plants.

It is a representative of the epiphytic group, has shortened stems and a rosette of leathery leaves. Flowering can last up to 4-5 months. Due to the original shape of the flowers, phalaenopsis is often called a “butterfly” or a “moth” orchid.

All phalaenopsis are demanding on lighting. If there is not enough light, the orchid will not bloom.

The plant requires special regime watering (only after the substrate has dried), fertilizing, obligatory sampling after flowering.

Today, many different types of phalaenopsis have been bred (about 40), differing in flower size, color, and shape.

Phalaenopsis Schiller

An epiphytic plant that grows naturally in the Philippines. It is distinguished not only by the presence of beautiful flowers, but also by equally luxurious leaves. The peduncles are hanging, long (up to 80-100 cm), a large number of flowers are formed on them. They open almost simultaneously, diameter is from 6 to 9 cm. Shades of the upper petals: light or dark pink; lip shades: violet, red, white-green, purple.

Phalaenopsis Amabilis

This variety of phalaenopsis is characterized by the presence of thick leaves (length up to 50 cm), large flowers (each can reach a diameter of 9-10 cm). When the right conditions are created, the plant can bloom all year, usually peaking in May. Generally unpretentious, but requires high humidity (60-70%).

On average, up to 15-20 flowers are formed on peduncles. They last up to six months and have a very pleasant strong aroma. The color of the petals and sepals is milky white, with a pink outer side. There are yellow or purple dots on the lip of the flower.

Phalaenopsis Stewart

An orchid from the Philippines, it blooms profusely and is easy to care for. It produces long (up to 80-90 cm) branched peduncles, on which a large number of flowers are formed. The aroma is not sharp, weak, pleasant.

The lateral petals and upper sepals are white, the lateral sepals are also white with yellow spots and purple dots. The lip also has a beautiful golden color with numerous purple dots.

This type of orchid can bloom all year round.

Phalaenopsis Luddeman

This type of phalaenopsis requires warmth (up to +34ºC during the daytime) and high humidity. Peduncles have average length, flowers are variegated in color (pink, purple, lilac).

The peculiarity of the species is that the flowers bloom alternately, the diameter of each is up to 5 cm. Moreover, the petals are smaller in size than the sepals, which is not typical for phalaenopsis.

Orchid has a pleasant aroma. Each peduncle usually produces up to 6-7 flowers.

Phalaenopsis pink

This type of phalaenopsis is miniature, but is also distinguished by lush flowering. Up to 15 flowers bloom on peduncles - pink or white, reaching a diameter of 2-3 cm.

The color of the leaves of this species is original: their underside is reddish-green. Flowers bloom alternately.

Phalaenopsis Sandera

Belongs to a monopoidal species and is a very rare flower. The name was given in honor of the famous botanist and orchid lover Henry Sander. This type of phalaenopsis is distinguished by its exquisite beauty: up to 40-50 flowers bloom on long drooping peduncles. The diameter of the flowers is up to 8 cm. Shades: from milky white to soft pink. The leaves of the plant are also beautiful, having variegated colors.

Phalaenopsis Sander is considered not only rare, but also one of the most expensive among orchids.

Phalaenopsis equina

Beautiful Phalaenopsis equina with purple flowers when created good conditions can bloom all year. Peak flowering occurs in spring and autumn, when the largest number of magnificent flowers appear on the peduncles of this miniature orchid. Their diameter is up to 3 cm. Petals and sepals are pink, purple, lilac.

Phalaenopsis giant

When this orchid blooms, a sweetish citrus aroma is felt. Phalaenopsis giant got its name because of its large leaves, the length of which in adult plants can reach one meter. This is the largest species of phalaenopsis.

Up to 30 flowers are formed on long peduncles, the diameter varies from 3 to 7 cm. Colors: cream, yellow, yellow-green with purple and red spots.

It is considered one of the most spectacular species. Valued by breeders as a basis for crossing with hybrids and other species. It is difficult to grow at home; special conditions are needed, otherwise you will have to wait up to 8-12 years for flowering.


With all the variety of species of these wonderful plants, not all of them can be grown indoors. Therefore, if you are excited about the idea of ​​​​breeding orchids, you need to know about the most suitable species for home.


Orchid “Spider” - this is how people affectionately call that flower. And all because its graceful flowers are very reminiscent of spiders.

This genus includes more than 50 different species.

Brassia flowers have thin narrowed sepals and shortened petals. Colors: brown, lemon, white, lilac. Almost all species of Brassia have speckles scattered on their flowers. Flowering is long lasting and is accompanied by a very bright and strong aroma (the smell is similar to the aroma of daffodils).


Three species of orchids (Miltonia, Brassia and Oncidium) “participated” in the creation of this magnificent hybrid. Cambria is often called "star" because its flowers look like miniature purple stars.

The color of the petals and sepals varies: from pink to crimson and purple. The size of the flowers is from 1 to 10 cm. The plant is characterized by narrow leaves, the presence of a large number of pseudobulbs, and long peduncles. Among gardeners it is considered the most unpretentious type of orchid. The hybrid was developed specifically for those who would like to grow an orchid at home.


This type of orchid is distinguished by its exquisite flowering and delicate aroma. The group includes more than thirty varieties, and a large number of hybrids have also been bred. The plant has long leathery leaves (up to 30 cm), original flowers of various shades: white, greenish, purple, crimson, lilac with various contrasting inclusions.

Flowering is long-lasting (up to 9 months). The flowers have a very delicate aroma, similar to lily of the valley.


An orchid from the epiphytic group, the genus includes great amount species. Moreover, they all differ in size, shape and color of the petals, as well as growing conditions.

In nature, dendrobium grows on trees, hidden in their dense crown.

The leaves are oval, the shoots are medium sized, and have the appearance of a cylinder. During the flowering period, this entire cylinder is covered with flowers. Shades: white, dark purple, pink, orange, purple, with spots and dots. The number of flowers depends on the variety, ranging from 30 to 100 pieces on one peduncle. Almost all varieties of dendrobiums have a pleasant fragrant aroma.


This genus of orchids is the symbol of the state of Guatemala (Lycastus skinner's orchid). The genus includes more than four dozen orchid species, all of which have a pleasant, subtle, enchanting aroma.

Lycasta is an orchid that is suitable for growing indoors. Peduncles are formed in bulbs, each with one or two large flowers. Petals and sepals can have different colors: yellow (primary color), orange, white, pink, greenish-yellow, pink. The main color scheme contains contrasting spots, dots, and inclusions.

Lycaste orchid is an excellent cut flower.


The orchid is an epiphyte, which is often called “pansy”. The genus Miltonia includes about twenty different species of orchids. Valued for its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowers.

It has large leaves and large flowers. Shades depend on the type, among the predominant ones: white-yellow, purple, pink, milky white, lilac. Many varieties of miltonia have petals with spots, stripes, dots, and a border (pink on a white background, brown on a yellow background).

The aroma is pleasant. Miltonia has a long flowering period.


This genus of orchids is distinguished by very abundant flowering. Odontoglossum is a rare indoor plant; breeders have developed numerous hybrids based on it.

It has flat flattened bulbs, thin leathery leaves of a linear shape. Paniculate inflorescences are formed on long drooping peduncles; each can contain up to 15 flowers. The diameter of the flowers is up to 5-7 cm. The petals and sepals are narrow, have shades: burgundy, pink, yellow, brown, greenish. There are always spots and stripes (burgundy, brown). Orchid has a pleasant aroma.


One of the most common genera of indoor orchids. Unpretentious, with regular flowering (if appropriate conditions are created).

The flowers are mostly yellow in color, although there are varieties with brown-red, pink and white petals (twinkle, tiger oncidium). The complex name translated from Greek means “tongue” and “tooth,” which indicates the presence of special processes in this type of flower.


One of the most beautiful orchids that are grown in apartments and also in greenhouses. The flowering plant has a very pleasant, delicate scent; it is not for nothing that the Chinese call cymbidium the “queen of aromas.”

It has long leaves, drooping peduncles, and luxurious large flowers. The color palette is very diverse: yellow, pink, white, purple, brown, green shades.

The largest types of cymbidium are grown in greenhouses for cutting. Quite fastidious in care, requires creation certain conditions(temperature, watering, lighting).

One of the most luxurious and colorful is the black cymbidium - an orchid with dark purple, almost black flowers.

Orchid blue

One of the rare hybrids obtained as a result of breeding work by scientists in Japan. Not available for free sale.

The plant is characterized by small leaves, long peduncles, on which up to 25-30 delicate buds can bloom. blue color.


This hybrid should not be confused with orchids tinted blue and which are essentially fakes (for example, blue phalaenopsis). Such plants do not exist in nature.

An exclusive orchid that can only be in some collections of true orchid lovers.


A genus of orchids often found among flower growers, which is valued for its easy care and beautiful flowering. It is believed that the American Indians gave this name to the flower.

The plant can reach one meter in height, forms a peduncle with a varying number of flowers (from 3 to 15). At the same time, plants can produce up to 3-4 flower stalks. Belongs to monopodial orchids; it does not form bulbs. Color range: lilac, blue, purple, pink white.

With proper care, flowering lasts up to 2-3 months; the plant blooms several times a year. The genus Vanda includes up to 50 species (combed, great, Suarez and others).

Yellow orchid

It is a hybrid species that was bred by breeders specifically for growing indoors.

The orchid is compact and has dark green leaves. About 10-50 medium-sized flowers are formed on one stem up to 50 cm long. Their color is mainly yellow, although there may be splashes of pink (in the core or on the lip).

The flowers have a pleasant honey aroma. With good and proper care The orchid blooms for up to six months.

Phalaenopsis mini

One of the types of phalaenopsis, which is grown by many gardeners. Valued for its compactness, unpretentiousness, and high decorative properties.

This species grows well in apartments and private houses, blooming from spring until December. Usually forms one or two small strong peduncles with big amount flowers. Shades: white, lilac, lilac, violet.

Often this miniature flower is used as a gift (phalaenopsis in a pot).


A beautiful and unusual orchid with the exotic name Dracula leaves no one indifferent. The flower got its name for its resemblance to the mouth of a dragon, and it also looks like the funny face of a monkey. It grows naturally in Ecuador and Peru. The genus includes a large number of different species, many of them not even described by botanists.

Petal color: yellow-white, purple, crimson, violet, purple.

The orchid has a special colorful appearance, eccentricity and is a real decoration for any collection of home flowers.


A bright and beautiful orchid is one of the favorites of flower growers in many countries. The genus includes a huge number of species; only a small part is grown at home and in greenhouses.

Depending on the variety, one or many flowers may form on the peduncles. In general, species of the genus Bulbophyllum

very different, differing in conditions of detention, shape and size, shades of colors, aroma. Color range: purple, orange, violet, brown. Aromas: coffee, bitter almond, melon, honey, fresh cucumber. There are also types of bulbophyllums that have very unpleasant aromas (boiled cabbage, bleach, rotten meat).

Bulbophyllum is an unpretentious orchid that easily adapts to indoor conditions.

Caring for a home orchid during flowering

The agricultural technology of these wonderful plants has its own characteristics, which is why many people believe that orchids are difficult flowers to grow. In fact, this is not entirely true, the main thing is to know the basics, and also strictly adhere to the recommendations that are given for a specific type and variety of plants. Moreover, today there are many orchid hybrids that are created specifically for growing indoors.


Not every type of orchid requires any special lighting regime; usually the amount of light that passes through the windows of city apartments is enough.

Backlighting may be required dark time year (especially for the regions of the North-West), as well as for plants that grow on the northern windowsills of the apartment.


It is convenient to use fluorescent lamps.

Gemaria and phalaenopsis require the least amount of light, but for growing some types of dendrobiums and vandas, which grow in light seasonal forests and on the tops of tropical trees, good lighting is needed.


An important condition for successful flowering of all types of orchids is the creation of the correct temperature regime.

There are three main groups of orchids:

  1. Plants that need to create lower temperatures in winter, as well as in summer (at night). So, in the winter season, these orchids require a temperature no higher than +4... +7ºC, while the summer night temperature should not be higher than +12 ºC. If such conditions are not created, you will not be able to wait for the flowering of such types of orchids as lalias, cymbidiums, and lycastes.
  2. Orchids that can be successfully grown under normal indoor conditions and for which +15 ºC (maybe a little higher) is enough. Cattleyas, oncidiums - these are the species that are the most undemanding in terms of temperature.
  3. Maxillaria, phalaenopsis, and some types of oncidium need the most heat. The temperature should not be lower than +16…+17 ºC, with each type requiring certain values. In order for plants to bloom, you need to carefully study the temperature requirements of each species.


An interesting paradox: orchids are plants that generally consume small amounts of moisture, but at the same time, in order to bloom, it is necessary to strictly observe the flower irrigation regime.

When determining the watering regime for orchids, it is necessary to take into account the type and level of humidity of the substrate in which the flowers grow and the level of air humidity.

When the plant is at rest, watering is practically stopped; during periods of intensive growth, it is increased. At the same time, the condition of the substrate is monitored so as not to get an excess of moisture in it, stagnation of water and, as a result, rotting of the flowers.

In terms of air humidity: most orchid species require humidity in the range of 60-80%. It is difficult to create such conditions in apartments, but it is possible. To do this, they usually spray the aerial roots of plants, as well as the foliage with a spray bottle.


The time for spraying is chosen so that the moisture has time to dry before evening and night. Also, do not spray plants that are in direct sunlight.

Transfer rules

In general, orchids do not need frequent replanting. A signal that it’s time to “move” to a new pot - the roots become crowded, the soil has become less porous, and a white coating is observed.

Orchids do not like to be disturbed, so you should always calculate the volume of the container and the quality of the substrate when planting.

Before replanting the plant, water it carefully (about a day in advance) so that the roots are more flexible. Old and dead roots are removed, and the cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

If the plant has grown too much, you can divide it, and a separate container with substrate should be prepared in advance for each part. It is mandatory to have drainage, as well as a special wire support for the orchid. The roots should be positioned freely, after which they are carefully sprinkled with substrate. The orchid must be tightly secured.

After replanting, the plant is provided with gentle conditions:

  • remove from bright rays;
  • provide coolness and the desired level of humidity.

It is not necessary to water in the first days; it is better to spray.

The watering regime must fully comply with the requirements of a particular type of orchid.

It is advisable to carry out all work with gloves, while replanting different types of orchids should be done with different gloves (so as not to spread possible diseases).


The most common method used for propagating orchids indoors is vegetative propagation. This can be done either by dividing the bush, cuttings, or using stem shoots (for a plant with pseudobulbs).

  1. Reproduction by children. Such babies are formed on adventitious buds, as well as on peduncles. They are separated as soon as the children begin to form their own roots. This is how phalaenopsis is most often propagated.
  2. Dividing the rhizomes of a bush. This option is usually used when transplanting plants. The root is cut into pieces with pruning shears, leaving several pseudobulbs on each section.
  3. Division of a plant stem. Used in monopodial orchid species that do not form bulbs. In this case, carefully divide part of the plant stem so that aerial roots are present on each part. Place the divisions in the substrate.


Such divisions take root best in sphagnum moss or wet sand in a special miniature greenhouse.


Orchids usually bloom when they reach the age of 2 years, but only if they are provided with the right growing conditions.

When purchasing a plant in a specialized store, be sure to check the age of the flower.

In order to make an orchid bloom, it is often necessary to create a special temperature regime. Its peculiarity is the temperature difference between day and night. Usually the difference is up to 8 degrees.

Another trick: reducing watering for two weeks.

As soon as the orchid begins to form buds, watering is increased; many species also require a higher, stable temperature during this period. For blooming orchids It is necessary to make supports so that the flower stalks do not break.

Typically, most orchids bloom for several months. Flowering can be either continuous or in stages. Everything is conditioned and depends on the plant variety, species, age.

During the flowering period, rearranging orchids is not allowed, as this may lead to the dropping of buds. It is recommended to maintain a stable watering regime, provide optimal lighting and temperature. If everything is done correctly, the orchid will bloom for a long time.

It is also recommended that during long-term flowering, fertilize the plant approximately once every 7-10 days. For this purpose, special means are used, in which potassium and phosphorus should predominate. All faded flowers are removed.

After the orchid has bloomed, the bare peduncle is carefully removed.


After removing the peduncle, a small hole may remain. It is better to cover it with beeswax so that when watering, moisture does not get inside the orchid.

Only the dried peduncle is removed, but if it has a green end and has not withered, it is not touched. There is a chance that in the very near future it will begin to form buds again.

After flowering ends, the orchid goes into a dormant period. At this time, the plant can be replanted; it is also necessary to create special conditions for watering, lighting, and temperature. The dormant period lasts differently for all types of orchids, so it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each variety.

We got to happiness to live in the golden age of orchids. Excitingly vibrant hybrids are available like never before.

Sometimes we are presented with such a living bouquet as a gift and a sea of ​​questions arises, one of which is: “How to determine the type of plant?”

Often, after receiving such a gift, you have to look for the name of a flower similar to an orchid. The name “orchid” is given to both the modest lady’s slipper and the luxurious phalaenopsis.

Important! Orchids of different types often need different temperature conditions and fertilizers. Some can be sprayed, others get sick from it. How many types - so many nuances of care.

Types of orchids, their names and photos

In this section you will learn what types of indoor flowers there are, their descriptions, pictures of plants of the orchid family.

With bulbs

Bulba, or rather pseudobulb (tuber, tuberidium) - storage of nutrients. The thickening at the bottom of the stem, the “outer bulb.”

Plants with pseudobulbs belong to the sympodial type of development.

Which ones are there? orchids with pseudobulbs:

  • lelia;
  • oncidium;
  • miltonia;
  • odontoglossum;
  • Cattleya;
  • dendrobium;
  • carrot orchid.

You can read more about the Lelia orchid.


Indoor phalaenopsis hybrids They grow and bloom well in living rooms and are well suited for beginning gardeners. Most other species and varieties require a more individual approach.

Dendrobium, Cattleya, Oncidium, Vanda It is also quite easy to grow, observing the conditions: during the day it is 7 degrees warmer than at night, do not flood it in winter.

Cattleya (photo of flowers in pots).


Sympodial species grow in bushes, with several shoots from one rhizome:

  • Cattleya;
  • Cambria;
  • oncidium;
  • Cymbidium.

The main root is located horizontally inside the soil, from it New shoots with pseudobulbs grow easily.

Orchids are divided into monopodial and sympodial types.


The aroma of orchids varies from completely absent to a strong, pleasant fragrance. Vanilla type flower is also used in the food industry.

The most odorous types:

  • vanilla;
  • lelia;
  • miltonia;
  • celogina;
  • Cattleya;
  • dendrobiums;
  • phalaenopsis (many varieties);
  • cymbidiums;
  • Cambria;
  • zygopetalum;
  • miltoniopsis;
  • oncidium.


The orchid family is so vast and unusual; there is a considerable list of rare species. Here are the most beautiful and rarest of them:

  • Royal blue phalaenopsis. Botanists from the Japanese University Chiba University created the Royal Blue variety based on Phalaenopsis Aphrodite, placing the blue color gene in it. So far this miracle is not available to ordinary amateur flower growers. The basis of the unique new species is also rare - the phalaenopsis Aphrodite orchid is very difficult to propagate by seeds, so it is not grown on an industrial scale;

Royal blue phalaenopsis.

Read more about Khabenaria in.


Varieties of indoor orchids include many varieties, since with skillful care, even the most exotic plant will feel good, but with an inexperienced and inattentive grower, even a stable hybrid phalaenopsis can quickly die.

Types of indoor orchids:

  • phalaenopsis and its varieties;
  • dendrobium;
  • Wanda;
  • brassia;
  • miltonia;
  • lelia;
  • zygopetalum;
  • celogina;
  • cymbidium;
  • oncidium;
  • odontoglossum and many other species.

Find out more about what indoor orchids are and a description of these plants in our article below.


Every year, based on natural species, new orchid hybrids are created for indoor growing with an extended flowering period and a reduced dormant period, of all kinds of shapes and colors.

New varieties are grouped according to their place of creation, emit, for example, Taiwanese hybrids.

By mixing the characteristics of different species, we got novelty phalaenopsis, new buds on which grow from the apical bud right during flowering. You can see a picture of the novelty variety below.

A variety of Phalaenopsis novelty flower.

All varieties of popular orchids

When choosing and purchasing orchids be sure to study the catalog with photographs, presented in the store, to select indoor plants that best suit your requirements.

Below you will find out what varieties of flowers of the orchid family there are.


Unpretentious perennial plant native to hot countries - natural species are found in hot Asian countries and in the north of Australia. Vanda is loved for the rare blue tint of its flowers., although other colors are also available.

Blooms profusely and for a long time 2-4 times a year, on one peduncle up to twenty flowers. Flowering lasts up to two months.


An unusual flower shape with a giant, unfolded lip the size of the top three to five petals. Grateful soil for hybrids - you get intricate multi-colored patterns on the petals closer to the center. The color palette is very wide:

  • white;
  • purple;
  • raspberry;
  • lemon;
  • burgundy tones of petals with clear patterns, as if painted by an artist.


Read more about Miltonia.


The genus name Dendrobium unites more than 1200 species herbaceous plants of the orchid family. The most common types for home cultivation:

  • Dendrobium nobile;
  • Dendrobium phalaenopsis (moth).

During the resting phase they can shed leaves.


Important! Characteristic sign- forward-directed lip or “spur protrusion of the lip.”

You can get more information about Dendrobium. Read more about Dendrobium nobile in.


It seems that now the white wings will lift the tiny bird into the air... The white egret orchid, habenaria, or guide radiata is an amazing miracle of the nature of the East. At home - in Japan, Korea, China, this plant is grown as a decoration. Every year, from two to eight beautiful “birds” open their wings on a half-meter-long peduncle.

Home care for this species is specific - the plant comes from swampy soil, the soil should be acidic, does not tolerate heat. In winter it hibernates.

White heron.

You will learn more about the White Heron orchid from.

Lady's slipper (Paphiopedilum)

Only patient and caring flower growers will be able to provide this beauty with the conditions for flowering. From a rosette that has faded once, there will be no more flower stalks.

To admire new flowers every year, Several, at least three, rosettes are planted in one pot at once. There will be time to grow new ones, and one of them will certainly give the shooter with one incredibly beautiful “shoe”.



Large double flowers with corrugated petals of a perennial epiphytic plant can be the most incredible colors, except blue. Requires attention in care.

Beloved by flower growers since the 18th century, when it first appeared in Europe. IN middle lane blooms once a year indoors.

You can get more information about Cattleya.


Orchid of the genus Catasetumaceae, or carrot orchid - epiphytic perennials with pronounced seasonality. The long, round pseudobulb resembles a cigar or spindle.

The colors are varied: from pale green to burgundy.


You will learn more about the Carrot orchid from. You can also find some information about the Catasetums.


A bright, abundantly flowering epiphyte native to the southern regions of America. The upper petals are small and inconspicuous. The dramatic lip is reminiscent of a full princess dress. Indoor oncidium hybrids are easy to grow with minimal care.

There are interesting tiger colors, and The color palette mainly includes orange, golden, and brown tones.


Read more about Oncidium.


Artificially bred hybrid based on orchids Oncidium, Miltonia, Brassia, Odonoglossum. Easy to grow in the living room without additional conditions.

Large fragrant flowers of attractive bright colors and patterns. Grow in opaque pots.

You can find out more information about Cumbria.


A terrestrial species of fragrant orchids. It is quite difficult to create suitable conditions for indoor growing. There are about fifty natural species found in nature.

Flowers in delicate natural shades, sometimes with a contrasting lip. It blooms the longest - up to 10 weeks.


You will learn more about the Cymbidium orchid from this. Care for Cymbidium is described in detail.

Precious Ludisia

Terrestrial orchid valued for the unusual coloring of the leaves- Reminiscent of precious fabrics with gold stitching. Nondescript white flowers stand out from the general row of beautiful neighbors. Very rare among indoor plants.

Can't be called unpretentious care is average in complexity.

Precious Ludisia.

Read more about Precious Ludisia.


The second name of phalaenopsis is butterfly orchid.


That's what they call it one of the hybrid phalaenopsis white for the round shape of the flower and the pearl color of the petals.

Orchid Luna.

You can get more information about the Luna orchid.

Equestris (Phalaenopsis equestris)

Miniature epiphytic plant with a branching peduncle of only 20 cm. There can be 10-15 flowers on one branch. Typical colors are white and pink, with smooth color transitions. Based on natural species from the islands of Borneo, the Philippines and Taiwan, many hybrids have been bred.

The flowers bloom sequentially, and new buds emerge from the bud at the tip.


Attention! The flowering period is very long, each peduncle remains fresh for about two months.


A rare variety of phalaenopsis with oval-shaped flowers. Peduncle up to 40 cm. Flowers are usually dazzling white, with bright painting on the inner surface of the lip in coral and lemon shades. The lip forms a short tube; its lower petal often has thin antennae.

Botanists managed to create dozens of hybrids based on this species.


You can get more information about Aphrodite.


Luxurious unique hybrid of phalaenopsis. Golden flowers with a bright scattering of dots and stripes characteristic shape with a diameter of 7-8 cm. A miniature, neat purple lip.

The same plant will bloom a little differently each time - brighter or paler. The dense structure of the flowers makes it easy to transport while maintaining their presentation. The height of the peduncle is on average 60 cm.


You will learn more about Phalaenopsis Cleopatra from.


Phalaenopsis flower stalks are often tied to a special round support to artificially give the desired shape. Hybrids with long flower branches, from half a meter, are well suited.

Cascade phalaenopsis.

Advice! As it grows, the arrow is carefully fixed to the support and a cascading phalaenopsis is obtained.

Read more about cascading phalaenopsis.


That's what they call it indoor phalaenopsis with an average height of 45-55 cm. along with the peduncle. You can recognize them by their leaves - they do not exceed 20 cm in length. The diameter of the pot is 9 cm. The flowers of midi orchids may vary in size depending on the variety.

You can get more information about Phalaenopsis Midi.


Exotic multi-colored spiders with a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters look very unusual. Plant unpretentious in care, flowering does not depend on the time of year. Some varieties, such as Brassia caudata, have a strong scent during flowering.

Flowers are usually warm in color- orange, yellow, but there are also cold, almost green with burgundy specks - royal brassia.

You can learn more about the Brassia orchid from.


A delicate, touching plant with white drooping curls of petals and a defenseless yellow core captivates at first sight. To achieve greater decorativeness, plant several bushes in one opaque pot. The roots do not require light, so the pot material is opaque.

Produces dense, nut-like pseudobulbs to store nutrients.


Read more about Tselogin.


Orchid vanilla produces edible fruits, the aroma of which is familiar from childhood. In indoor conditions, the plant blooms profusely. In nature, vanilla is a vine 10-30 m long, growing in tropical forest clinging to trees aerial roots along the entire length of the stem.

It is impossible to create conditions for fruiting at home.

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