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What events took place in the 17th century. XVII century in the history of Russia

The most complete reference table for key dates and events of the history of Russia 17th century... This table is convenient to use for schoolchildren and applicants for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and USE in history.

The main events of Russia in the 17th century

Hunger in Russia

The uprising of peasants and slaves led by Cotton

Foundation of Tomsk

The entry of the troops of False Dmitry I into the territory of Russia

Board of False Dmitry I

Patriarchate of Ignatius

The uprising in Moscow against the Poles. Murder of False Dmitry I

The reign of Vasily IV of Shuisky

Peasant uprising led by I.I.Bolotnikov

Patriarchate of Hermogenes

Oct - Dec.

The siege of Moscow by the army of Bolotnikov. The defeat of Bolotnikov's troops in the Kolomenskoye area near Moscow

"Code" of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky. Establishing a 15-year term for detecting runaway peasants

The capture of Tula by the troops of Vasily Shuisky. Bolotnikov's arrest (exiled to Kargopol, drowned)

The beginning of the campaign of False Dmitry II to Moscow. Creation of the "Tushino camp"

The siege by Polish troops of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Siege of Smolensk by Polish troops

Polish-Swedish invasion of Russia

Flight of False Dmitry II to Kaluga

The overthrow of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky

Treaty "Tushintsy" with the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Sigismund III on the vocation of the prince Vladislav to the Russian throne

The board of the "Seven Boyars" headed by Prince Mstislavsky

The entry of Polish troops into Moscow

jan. - Mar

Formation of the first militia against Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov

The uprising in Moscow against the Polish troops. Fire in Moscow

The collapse of the first militia

sep. - Oct.

Formation in Nizhny Novgorod second militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince D.M. Pozharsky

Creation in Yaroslavl of the "Council of the Whole Earth" (the provisional government of Russia)

The entry of the troops of the second militia into Moscow. Capitulation of the Polish garrison in the Kremlin

Patriarchate of Filaret

Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor in Moscow

1613, 21 Feb.

Election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the Russian throne by the Zemsky Sobor

The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich

1617, 27 Feb.

Stolbovsky " eternal peace»With Sweden

Deulinskoe truce with the Commonwealth

The return from Polish captivity of Mikhail Fedorovich's father, Filaret. His elevation to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow (until 1633)

Foundation of Krasnoyarsk

Military reform. Formation of regular regiments and foreign regiments

The war between Russia and the Commonwealth for the return of Smolensk

Polyanovsk peace with the Commonwealth. Refusal of King Vladislav IV from claims to the Russian throne

Patriarchate of Joasaph I

The introduction of new defensive structures - "notch lines" on the southern borders of Russia

Foundation of Simbirsk

Patriarchate of Joseph

V. Poyarkov and E. Khabarov's campaigns beyond the Amur

The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

Founding of Okhotsk

"Salt Riot" in Moscow. Uprising in Solvychegorsk, Veliky Ustyug, Solikamsk, Kozlov, Kursk, Voronezh, Tomsk, Surgut, etc.

S. Dezhnev's hike. Opening of the strait between Asia and America

Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor. Beginning of work of the Legislative Commission of Prince N.I. Odoevsky

Adoption of a new code of laws by the Zemsky Sobor - the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Uprising in Pskov and Novgorod

Events in the history of Russia 17th century

The formation in Moscow of a circle of "devotees of piety" who advocated holding church reform

1652 – 1658, 1667

Patriarchate of Nikon.

Establishment of a state monopoly on the trade in grain wine (vodka)

The beginning of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon

Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Accession of Ukraine to Russia

Russian-Polish war

Russo-Swedish war

Foundation of Irkutsk

Kardis Peace with Sweden

"Copper riot" in Moscow

Uprising in Siberia and Bashkiria

Post office in Russia

Church Cathedral. Condemnation of Patriarch Nikon, deprivation of his patriarchal dignity

Patriarchate of Josaph II

Andrusov truce with the Commonwealth. Return of Smolensk and Chernigov lands to Russia

The uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery ("Solovetsky sitting")

Patriarchate of Pitirim

Patriarchate of Joachim

War of Russia with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate

The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich

Introduction of household taxation (instead of taxation)

Bakhchisarai truce with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate

Abolition of parochialism (a system of feudal hierarchy that existed since the 15th century)

Burning of leaders in Pustozersk church schism Habakkuk, Epiphany, etc.

The struggle for power between the Naryshkins and Miloslavsky boyars' groups after the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Shooting riot.

Joint reign of brothers Ivan V and Peter I

The reign of Princess Sophia Alekseevna - regent under the juvenile sovereigns

Creation of "amusing troops" by Peter I

"Eternal Peace" with the Commonwealth

Founding of the Hellenic-Greek (since 1701 Slavic-Greek-Latin) Academy in Moscow

Crimean campaigns of Russian troops under the command of Prince V.V. Golitsyn

Treaty of Nerchinsk with China. Establishment of the Russian-Chinese border along the Argun and Gorbitsa rivers

Patriarchate of Hadrian

The sole reign of Peter I (after the death of Tsar Ivan V)

"Great Embassy" of Peter I to Europe

Riot of the rifle regiments. Mass executions of archers

Decree of Peter I on the prohibition of wearing a beard and the introduction of European clothing

Urban governance reform. Creation of the Burgmister Chamber

Disbandment of the streltsy army

Introduction of a new chronology (Julian calendar)

Peace Treaty of Constantinople with Turkey

Northern war between Russia and Sweden

End XVII - early XVIII centuries - a turning point in history Russian state... The restoration of the country after the Time of Troubles proceeded slowly and not always successfully, but by the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, Russia had become a state of a completely new type. Changes in the economy, politics, and the situation of the peasants prepared society for the sharp and controversial reforms of Peter I. The entry of the Russian Empire into the world foreign policy arena was due to successful wars and the improvement of the industrial sector. At the same time, there have been large-scale changes in culture, spiritual and religious spheres.

  • - Stratification of Russian society in the 17th century. was typical of the feudal state: the burden of paying taxes lay on the peasant class and partly on the posad, and all power was concentrated with the feudal lords.
  • - Achievements of foreign policy of the period from 1762 to 1796 allowed Russian Empire take a leading position in the world arena. The area of ​​Russia's foreign policy influence as a new world power has expanded significantly.
  • - The Siberian raid of Ermak and subsequent events became the beginning critical stage the formation of a huge world empire. The brilliant victories of Ermak's squad and her tragic fate opened new page history of the Fatherland.
  • - Truce of the end of the XVII-XVIII centuries, concluded by Russia with the countries participating in the conflicts: Turkey, Sweden, Persia and Prussia. Names and dates of signing official documents about peace, terms of agreements, territorial changes of the Russian Empire.
  • - The Time of Troubles greatly affected the development of the state's economy. The primitive technique did not allow much land to be developed. Relationship with outside world remained undeveloped. There was a process of accumulating resources, both monetary and natural.
  • - The social division of society into estates in the 17th century is displayed. This is the time when they tried to inculcate the foundations of the Western European estate system into Russian life. The main task of dividing Russian society into estates was undoubtedly the strengthening of feudal - serf relations.
  • - Russia on the world stage during the 1630-1690s. Military conflicts, their causes and results, signed documents on the armistice. Schematic representation of Peter's reforms, their characteristics, goals and consequences. State collegia established by Peter and their competences.
  • - Serfdom and huge taxes influenced the movement of the peasants. Replacing direct taxes with indirect ones in 1648, liabilities to Sweden in 1650, minting copper coins instead of silver coins, increasing taxes in 1670 and became the reasons for so many uprisings.
  • - While the market is expanding in Europe at the expense of manufactories, in Russia serfdom... But active action Europe led to the Crisis, which resulted in a rollback. Russia, on the other hand, advanced in development slowly, but without any particular upheavals.
  • - Tsarskaya Russia XVI century very clearly shows what reverse progress means. The development of the state was hampered by the established system of succession. The image of the "poor in spirit" was considered the closest to God. But all this needs to be dealt with in more detail.
  • - V mid XVII century there was a split in the church. The reason was the opposition of different points of view on old things. Nikon and Habakkuk acted in different ways, but this was equally harmful to the state. What has become cornerstone and how did this affect Russia?
  • - The patriarchal families that existed in Russia gave way to modern ones. Surprisingly, in Russia, rigid patriarchy gradually began to give way only 4 generations ago. Now, comparing these types of family, you can understand how dramatic the changes are.
  • - The basis of the economy of the monasteries was land ownership... Orthodoxy in the 17th century remained the main religious and spiritual basis of the life of society, and the church was the most important institution. feudal society... She defined different sides life, ranging from state ideology and ending with family life.
  • - Supporters of Patriarch Nikon believed that church services should be carried out according to the Greek originals, and the other side, led by Archpriest Avvakum, supported the ancient Russian church books. The reforms of Patriarch Nikon led to a split in the church. The fight against the Old Believers did not lead to large-scale religious wars.
  • - In the middle of the 17th century, Russia entered a protracted war with the Commonwealth for the annexation of Ukraine. At this time, Polish magnates and gentry began to settle in the Ukrainian lands. Taxes and duties increased, civilians and the Cossacks were oppressed. As a result, the Cossacks submitted a letter to the Russian sovereign asking to transfer to Russian citizenship.
  • - The main task of the cathedral code of 1649 was the structuring and amendment, and sometimes the replacement of previously existing legislative acts. We are talking about the status of the peasants, who occupied the lowest rung of the legal ladder, and the townspeople - one might say the new class, which was consolidated on a feudal basis.
  • - The period of absolutism is characterized by the unlimited power of the monarch. Has a similar picture been observed in Russia? If we compare it with Europe, then no, or was observed in significantly lesser degree... That in Russia XVII century developed a system different from absolute monarchy in the West.
  • - In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the territorial development of Russia was associated with the annexation of Siberia. The names of the pioneers involved in this process are listed. The famous, Ermak, S.I.Dezhnev, and little-known, V. Bugor, P. Ushaty, personalities of heroes and researchers are mentioned.
  • - The main orders of the era of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich are listed and given quick reference about their purpose. Some events and features of the development of Russia in the 17th century are indicated. In particular, related to relations with foreign merchants and land reforms of that time.
  • - One of the most important events The 17th century was the war waged by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with the Commonwealth. Its result was a peace treaty, according to which the ancestral Russian lands, including the entire Left Bank, were transferred to Russia. This happened on the basis of Andrusov armistice... What other agreements marked that era?
  • - The era of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov is associated with the strengthening of the power of the Zemsky Councils and the introduction of the voivodship method of government. Began its inception Russian army... There was also an external enemy, which became the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Information about the personality and role in the history of Tsar Filaret.

Why is the 17th century called a "rebellious" century? The name comes from the word "riot". Indeed, the 17th century in Russia is "replete" with riots, peasant and urban uprisings.

General characteristics of the 17th century

Each new Age brings " new order". The 17th century in Russia is not an exception. During this, according to contemporaries, the "troubled" period in Russia, the following events took place:

  • The end of the reign of the Rurik dynasty: after the death of Ivan the Terrible, his two sons, Fedor and Dmitry, claimed the throne. The young Tsarevich Dmitry died in 1591, and in 1598 the "feeble-minded" Fyodor dies;
  • The reign of "unborn" sovereigns: Boris Godunov, False Dmitry, Vasily Shuisky;
  • In 1613 on Zemsky Cathedral a new tsar was elected - Mikhail Romanov. From that moment on, the era of the Romanov dynasty began;
  • In 1645, after the death of Mikhail Fedorovich, his son, Alexei Mikhailovich, ascends the throne, who was nicknamed "the quietest king" for his gentle character and kindness;
  • The end of the 17th century is characterized by a real "leapfrog" of the throne: after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, his eldest son Fyodor ascended the throne. But after six years of reign, he dies. The heirs Ivan and Peter were minors, and in fact the management big state goes to their older sister - Sophia;
  • After a series of uprisings, famines and turbulent years of rule by "unborn" tsars, the reign of the first Romanovs is marked by relative "pacification": there were practically no wars, moderate reforms were carried out inside the country;
  • During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the church, previously independent, began to obey the state and pay taxes;
  • The events of the 17th century also include the reform of Patriarch Nikon, which introduced changes in the conduct of church rituals, led to a split in Orthodox Church, the emergence of the movement of Old Believers and the subsequent brutal suppression of dissent;
  • The dominant position was occupied by the feudal system. At the same time, the first beginnings of capitalism appeared;
  • Serfdom was formalized: the peasants are the property of the landowner, which could be sold, bought and inherited;
  • Strengthening the role of the nobility: the nobleman could not be deprived of the estate;
  • The urban population was recognized as a special class: on the one hand, it was independent, and on the other, it was attached to the cities (the townspeople) and had to pay "tax" - monetary and natural duties;
  • Increase in direct taxes;
  • Limitation of Cossack freedom;
  • In 1649, the Sobornoye Ulozhenie was published - the main set of laws that applies to all branches and spheres. government controlled from the economy to the state structure;
  • The country's economy is based on agriculture;
  • Development of new territories in Siberia, the Volga region and on the southern borders of the state.

Rice. 1. Red Square in the second half of the 17th century in the painting by Vasnetsov

Riots of the "rebellious age"

All of the above-mentioned events of the 17th century led to a deterioration in the economic and social situation of the population of Russia, and as a result - to a massive increase in discontent.

Internal contradictions, frequent changes in power, "adventurous" innovations, impoverishment of the population, hunger, economic backwardness - these are the main reasons for the growing "fermentation" among the townspeople and the rural population.

Everything below was constantly smoldering, and all that was needed was a spark to ignite a big fire - popular movements. However, for each riot, a spark was needed - a specific reason. The following table shows the largest uprisings " rebellious age»In Russia, describing the main reason, indicating the date, participants in the movement, setting out the course of the uprising and summing up the results.

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Rice. 2. Copper coins of the 17th century

Table "Rebellious Age"



Salt riot in Moscow

main reason - increase in the tax on salt at the initiative of Boris Morozov in 1646. As a result of the decree, the price of this irreplaceable product increases several times, and as a result - a decrease in salting of fish and hunger;

Major contributors - the townspeople, who were later joined by archers and nobles, dissatisfied with the abuse of the royal entourage;

The outbreak occurred at a time when Alexei Mikhailovich was returning from a pilgrimage. The crowd stopped the tsar's carriage and demanded the resignation of the tsar's entourage. In order to calm the people down, the tsar promised to figure it out, but at that moment the unexpected happened - the courtiers accompanying the sovereign hit several people with whips, which provoked a rebellion. The insurgent people burst into the Kremlin. The crowd was torn to pieces by the main royal confidants - Pleshcheev, Trakhaniot, clerk of Nazariy. Boyar Morozov was saved.

Eventually the salaries of the archers were increased, judges were replaced, the price of salt was lowered and the township reform was carried out.

Unrest in Novgorod and Pskov

main reason - sending grain to Sweden to pay off government debts, which threatened with hunger;

Major contributors - Metropolitan clerk Ivan Zheglov and shoemaker Elisey Grigoriev, nicknamed Fox, who were the leaders of the insurgents in Novgorod; areal clerk Tomilka Vasiliev, archers Porfiry Koza and Job Kopyto in Pskov.

The unrest began in Pskov, and two weeks later rolled over to Novgorod. However, doubts arose among the leaders of the uprising, they were unable to organize the defense of the cities and continued to hope for the arrival and help of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

As a result the riot was suppressed, and its instigators were executed.

Copper riot in Moscow

main reason - the introduction of copper money at the price of silver coins, as a result of which the production of unsupported copper coins increased, food prices rose, the peasants refused to sell their products for copper, there was a famine in the city and there was a surge in counterfeiting;

Major contributors - peasants of suburban villages, artisans, butchers;

A militant crowd of many thousands went to the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye, demanding the surrender of all the same tsarist confidants-traitors. After the threats, the tsar ordered the archers and soldiers who had arrived in time to curb the rebels. As a result, about 7 thousand people were killed, 150 were hanged, and the rest were exiled to Siberia.

Eventually , despite the bloody massacre, the copper coins were withdrawn from circulation.

The uprising of Stepan Razin

1667-1671 years

The main reason the uprising became social stratification Don Cossacks on the "homely" - who made their property thanks to the Russian tsar and served him, and on the "golutvennyh" (idleness) - who had recently arrived and were engaged in robbery. The latter hated nobles and boyars.

Senka Razin - Don Cossack and the leader of the uprising.

The first campaigns of Stepan Razin- these are mainly attacks on caravans of ships with one goal - robbery. They didn't wear social nature, in addition to the fact that the will was granted to the captives he took from ordinary peasants and workers. However, in the future, successful campaigns turned Razin's small bandit gang into an army of about 7,000 people. The nature of the campaigns also changed: with the conquest of Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara, the ambitions of the Cossack chieftain also increased. He announced that his army was supported by the allegedly surviving Tsarevich Alexei, the disgraced Patriarch Nikon, and he himself was the defender of the common people, intending to spread the Cossack order throughout Russia.

However, soon in Simbirsk, he was defeated, and subsequently the riot was brutally suppressed, and Razin himself was executed.

Shooters revolt or "Khovanshchina"

Can't single out one reason for the uprising ... On the one hand, there is the discontent of the archers with the abuse of their superiors and the delay in salaries. On the other hand, there is a struggle between two clans - the Miloslavskys and the Naryshkins. The fact is that after the death of Fyodor Alekseevich, two juvenile tsarevichs, Ivan and Peter, claimed the throne, behind whom were the Miloslavskys and Princess Sophia, and the Naryshkins, respectively. At the Zemsky Sobor, it was decided to transfer the reign to Peter. However, the opposing side took advantage of the discontent of the Moscow archers and with their help, supporting their demands, "pushed through" a compromise solution - to put two brothers on the kingdom at once under the regency of Princess Sophia.

Major contributors - Moscow archers under the leadership of the princes Khovansky;

The archers and the common people have taken over the Kremlin. During the uprising, the Queen's brother Athanasius Naryshkin, famous boyars, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, were killed. Princess Sophia, in gratitude for her help to Tsarevich Ivan, gave the archers the property of the murdered boyars and promised to pay a salary for 40 years. However, this did not pacify the rebels, and she became hostage to their growing ambitions: Khovansky claimed an independent role and the overthrow of the Romanovs. As a result, he was captured and executed along with his son. The archers found themselves without a leader and were forced to surrender to the mercy of the princess;

Eventually Sophia ruled for 7 years, and the head of Streletsky was ordered to appoint a new person devoted to the ruler - Shaklovity.

A common feature of all the 17th century revolts in Russia was spontaneity and pronounced tsarist illusions. In other words, the "rebels" and their leaders did not think and did not take any action against the king. On the contrary, they believed in his absolute power and infallibility, and believed that the autocrat did not know what his subjects were doing - boyars, duma people, landowners, governors.

Rice. 3. Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

All popular uprisings except the Streletsky revolt took place during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, paradoxically nicknamed the Quietest.

What have we learned?

The 17th century in the history of Russia, studied in the 10th grade, was remembered for its "abundance" popular uprisings and riots. About what century it was, with whom the popular movements are associated - with what names, the rule of which kings and what cities on the map of Russia, the detailed table "Rebellious Age" tells.

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Time of Troubles. The 17th century brought numerous trials to Russia and its statehood. After the death of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, the weak and sickly Fedor Ivanovich (1584-1598) became his heir and tsar.

The struggle for power within the country began. This situation caused not only internal contradictions, but also intensified attempts external forces eliminate the state independence of Russia.For almost the entire century, she had to fight off the Commonwealth, Sweden, raids Crimean Tatars- vassals Ottoman Empire, resist catholic church, seeking to turn Russia away from Orthodoxy.

At the beginning of the 17th century. Russia has gone through a period that is called the Time of Troubles. XVII century initiated the peasant wars; this century saw the revolts of the cities, the famous deed of Patriarch Nikon and the schism of the Orthodox Church. Therefore, this century V.O. Klyuchevsky called him rebellious.

The Time of Troubles covers 1598-1613. Over the years, the Russian throne was visited by the tsar's brother-in-law Boris Godunov (1598-1605), Fedor Godunov (from April to June 1605), False Dmitry I (June 1605 - May 1606), Vasily Shuisky (1606-1610), False Dmitry II ( 1607-1610), Seven Boyars (1610-1613).

Boris Godunov won a difficult struggle for the throne between representatives of the highest nobility and was the first Russian tsar to receive the throne not by inheritance, but by way of elections at the Zemsky Sobor. During his short reign, he pursued a peaceful foreign policy, deciding for 20 years controversial issues with Poland and Sweden; encouraged economic and cultural ties with Western Europe.

Under him, Russia advanced to Siberia, finally defeating Kuchum. In 1601-1603 “Great smoothness” caused by crop failures fell upon Russia. Godunov took certain measures to organize public works, allowed slaves to leave their masters, and distributed bread from state storage facilities to the starving.

However, it was not possible to improve the situation. The relationship between the authorities and the peasants was aggravated by the annulment in 1603 of the law on the temporary restoration of St. George's Day, which meant an increase in serfdom. The discontent of the masses resulted in an uprising of slaves, which was led by Cotton Kosolap. This uprising is considered by many historians to be the beginning Peasant war.

The highest stage of the Peasant War early XVII v. (1606-1607) was the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov, in which serfs, peasants, townspeople, archers, Cossacks, as well as the nobles who joined them, participated. The war covered the South-West and South of Russia (about 70 cities), the Lower and Middle Volga regions. The rebels defeated the troops of Vasily Shuisky (the new Russian tsar) near Kromy, Yelets, on the rivers Ugra and Lopasnya, etc.

In October-December 1606, the rebels laid siege to Moscow, but because of the disagreements that had begun - the betrayal of the nobles, they were defeated and retreated to Kaluga, and then to Tula. In the summer and autumn of 1607, together with the detachments of the servant Ilya Gorchakov (Ileyka of Muromets,? –C. 1608), the rebels fought near Tula. The siege of Tula lasted four months, after which the city was surrendered, the uprising was suppressed. Bolotnikov was exiled to Kargopol, blinded and drowned.

At such a critical moment, an attempt was made to Polish intervention. The ruling circles of the Commonwealth and the Catholic Church intended to dismember Russia and eliminate its state independence. In a latent form, the intervention was expressed in support of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II.

An open intervention led by Sigismund III began under Vasily Shuisky, when in September 1609 Smolensk was besieged and in 1610 a campaign against Moscow and its capture took place. By this time, Vasily Shuisky was overthrown by the nobles from the throne, and an interregnum began in Russia - the Seven Boyars.

The Boyar Duma made a deal with the Polish invaders and was inclined to call the Polish king, the minor Vladislav, a Catholic, to the Russian throne, which was outright betrayal national interests Russia. In addition, in the summer of 1610 began Swedish intervention in order to tear away from Russia Pskov, Novgorod, northwestern and northern Russian regions.

  • End of the intervention. The fight for Smolensk
  • Cathedral Code of 1649 and the strengthening of autocracy
  • Foreign policy
  • Internal political situation
  • Economy of Russia in the 17th century

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