Home Mushrooms Daily house cleaning schedule, cleaning plan. Cleaning an apartment and a house - we draw up a schedule and plan

Daily house cleaning schedule, cleaning plan. Cleaning an apartment and a house - we draw up a schedule and plan

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Fulfilling homework, a woman has to reckon with her interests, hobbies and desires - washing, cooking and cleaning cannot be postponed, these things require a lot of time and effort to solve them daily. It is even more difficult for those women who work, or who have Small child requiring constant attention. How to make routine home cleaning easy, step-by-step?

Is it possible to do without general cleaning of the apartment?

It is so established that the cleaning of the apartment is often left at the end of the week. Since most women work on weekdays, most often cleaning takes place on free days, which would be good to use for relaxation - on Saturday and Sunday. How to make house cleaning spread evenly over all days weeks, spending not so much time on it?

There have always been attempts to create cleaning schedules, a certain order for household chores. For some housewives, this acquired a certain algorithm and was included in everyday life, and other hostesses, having not achieved success, abandoned this venture and returned to their old habitual schedule. IN 1999 in the West there is even such a concept as "" ("finally loving yourself" - or "finally love yourself!") , which marked a whole movement of housewives who did not reconcile themselves to the routine of household chores, and trying to give them some orderly system , uniform throughout the week and easy to do. This progressive management model household began to immediately conquer the world, and today many housewives are happy to use it to organize such an uninteresting, but always necessary work.

To keep your home clean and tidy, you need to a lot of work one day per week, or a bit of housework every day . With a reasonable and thoughtful apartment cleaning schedule, weekends - Saturday and Sunday - can be completely excluded from them, leaving them only for relaxation and favorite things. Below we present to your attention sample house cleaning schedule to help you unload free time at the end of the week, devoting it to more enjoyable pursuits.

Basic principles of a weekly cleaning schedule - what to consider

In arranging the cleaning of the apartment for the week, the most important thing is to achieve even distribution of work according to the days of the week, otherwise the whole organized order will sooner or later “break down”, ceasing to exist.

The ideal apartment cleaning schedule for a week that takes little time

On Monday we have kitchen cleaning. If the kitchen has a balcony or pantry - these places also need to be done
clean. Start cleaning the kitchen from the farthest cabinets, the cabinet under the sink, behind . First you need to sprinkle detergent powder on the surface of the stove, on the sink - this will help the old fat to “move off” more easily. Having rearranged the jars and dishes in the cabinets, it is necessary to wipe the shelves under them, the cabinet doors. Needed once a week wash the hood and once every two weeks clean filters on her. You need to start cleaning the kitchen by cleaning the cabinets, then you need to wash the oven, stove and sink, and finish cleaning by mopping the floor.

Advice: So that it takes as little time as possible to clean the cabinets, and all products and things are ordered and in sight, it is recommended to purchase jars for storing bulk products, and not store cereals, pasta in bags, from which they can easily wake up.

On this day we clean hallway, toilet and bathroom. First, you need to apply the cleaning agent to bathtub enamel, on the sink, toilet bowl, so that it begins to act. Then you need spray tile cleaner on the walls of the bath, toilet, wiping them with a dry cloth, rubbing to a shine. After washing the plumbing, do not forget to wipe the nickel-plated surfaces with a dry cloth - shelves, taps, cabinet handles, shower rack. If there is a lot of plaque left on them, it is recommended to use a limescale remover in a spray or gel. After finishing work with plumbing, you need wipe the bathroom mirror washing machine, shelves , wash the floors. In the hallway, you must first clean up the closet in front of the door, on the hanger - remove the clothes that no one wears anymore, put in bags and store winter hats, sort out those things that need to be washed before storage in the closet. Shoes need to be wiped, only those pairs that you and your family wear at the door should be left, the remaining pairs of shoes must be put away in the closet. In the hallway you need to wipe the furniture, do not forget about front door- must be wiped down inside, and from the outside. At the end of the cleaning, you need to wash the floor, shake it out on the street and lay rugs at the door.

Advice: So that cleaning in the hallway, as well as in the bathroom, does not take much time, teach your household to wipe the tiles in the bathroom after a shower, clean the sink of toothpaste and rinse the soap dish, wipe shoes daily and put them away for storage in a timely manner, without accumulating at the threshold .

On this day you clean bedroom and dining room. In the bedroom it is necessary, first of all, put things away , change the bed linen, make the bed. Since there are always a lot of things in this room, the dust must be wiped very carefully, the carpet must be vacuumed. On lacquered surfaces, dust must first be removed with a dry cloth without any means. Then treat the same places with a napkin with applied special tool for varnished surfaces, polishing furniture to a shine making sure it dries completely to avoid streaks. In the dining room, it is necessary to wipe the furniture, which contains dishes, the backs and crossbars of chairs, picture frames, and vacuum the carpets. In the end, you need to wash the floors.

Advice: In order not to accumulate dust during the week, the furniture in the bedroom must be wiped daily. A furniture cleaner with an antistatic effect will work well - there will be less dust. Things should not be dumped into a chair, but hung in cabinets or sent to a laundry basket.

Thursday must be removed children's room, and at the same time you can do washing clothes in a washing machine, ironing dried laundry. On this day, you can take it as a rule water indoor plants , wipe furniture and floors on balconies, clean shoes, repair clothes.

Advice: So that the linen after washing does not have to be steamed for a long time when ironing, you need to remove it from the ropes slightly damp, put it in piles, and iron it the next day. So that cleaning in the children's room does not take a lot of time, you need to teach the child to clean up all the toys and things in their places within a week. At first, this process will not be very fast, but then it will be honed to automatism by a child.


On the last day working week need to put things in order living room, for this you need to wipe all the furniture, appliances, vacuum the carpets, wipe the windows, wash the floors. All extra things must get out of this room in a week , and then the order in the living room will always be. If there is not enough cleaning in the living room, then on Friday you can wash the floors, stove, sink in the kitchen, wipe the plumbing, mirror and floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroom.

Advice: So that on Friday you do not have to literally rake out the things thrown by the household, toys from the living room, set a rule that during the week all these things should be carried to their places.

So, the working week is over, the order in the house is maintained properly. You can dedicate two days of the upcoming weekend recreation, hobbies, cooking delicious lunches and dinners, walking with a child . Products can also buy in the middle of the working week, on one of the evenings so that you do not spend time standing in lines on weekends. Here . The smallest cleaning tasks can be done on weekends - for example, clean the dressing table, in the toy closet, iron the washed clothes, fix those clothes that need repair. IN Saturday you need to thoroughly wash your shoes , dry it well and polish it with a cream suitable for this type of material. Dust wipes should be rinsed well in water and dried - for next week's cleaning.

Kitchen towels

How. Wash in the machine according to the instructions.

Why. Kitchen towels get dirty very quickly, because we use them many times a day. This is especially true if you have big family. Towels may look clean but contain great amount bacteria.


How. Before going to bed, wash all the accumulated dishes or just put them in the dishwasher.

Why. If you leave dirty dishes and pans overnight, they will be harder to clean in the morning. In addition, dried food particles serve as an environment for the development of bacteria and cause bad smell.

Kitchen table

How. Wipe down the table with disinfectant. By the way, do not wipe all kitchen surfaces with one rag: this way you only spread germs in the kitchen.

Why. What we don't put on kitchen table: keys, bags, money, not to mention the products brought from the store. Bacteria from all these items can get into food.

Pet bowls

How. Most bowls are machine washable. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the dishes so that there are no traces of detergent left on them.

Why. Unwashed water and food bowls attract various pests and can cause health problems for your pets.

Once a week

Kitchen cabinets

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent. Take Special attention areas where food particles may fall.

Why. Dust and grease from cooking collects on the doors of kitchen cabinets. There may also be pathogenic microbes.


How. Pour 100 ml of white vinegar or 50 ml of chlorine bleach into the toilet bowl (most importantly, never mix them) and leave for a few minutes. Clean everything inside with a brush, and then drain the water.

If there is limescale and rust on the toilet, leave the vinegar or bleach on for an hour. Walk outside with a special disinfectant.

Why. Most likely, you yourself know that a lot of bacteria accumulate in the toilet bowl.


How. After each use, simply rinse the tub with water. But once a week you need to wash everything more thoroughly. Use sparing ones so as not to damage the enamel.

Why. Bacteria accumulate in the bath, and the enamel darkens from dirt, grease and hard water.

shower cabin

How. Wash the cabin walls with warm water and treat with a special antibacterial spray.

Why. This will protect the walls from discoloration, limescale and mold.

Food Waste Disposer

How. Put ice cubes, frozen lemon juice, or vinegar into the cleaner.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate on the internal chopper blades, and ice will help remove them.

Cushioned furniture

How. Vacuum the furniture itself, pillows and do not forget to vacuum under chairs and sofas.

Why. Dust and pet hair accumulate especially quickly on upholstered furniture. Don't forget to get rid of it, especially if someone in your family has allergies.


How. Wash with warm water and soap or a disinfectant solution.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate in the bin.

Once in two weeks

Curtain in the bathroom

How. Vacuum gently with the brush attachment. Wash by hand or in the washing machine depending on the material.

Why. The curtain in the bathroom absorbs odors and attracts dust.

Switches and door handles

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent.

Why. On handles and switches, a mass of microbes accumulates daily.

Sleeping area for pets

How. Vacuum and wash separately from your clothes. If you just want to get rid of bad smell, sprinkle the stove bench with baking soda and leave it for 15 minutes. Then vacuum up the baking soda.

Why. Your pet's bedding collects hair, dander and dirt.

Bath mat

How. Wash hot water in the washing machine.

Why. Mold can easily grow on a rug, especially if it doesn't dry well. In addition, germs and dirt accumulate there.


How. If your oven has a turntable, remove it and wash it in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher. For the insides of the microwave, put a glass of water with lemon slices in it and heat for 3-4 minutes.

Then wipe off the softened dirt with a damp sponge. Add baking soda to the water to eliminate the unpleasant odor. Then dry thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Why. After each use, food particles remain in the microwave.

Once a month

Vacuum cleaner

How. Replace the bag, clean the filters and wipe the inside of the vacuum cleaner.

Why. Regular cleaning of the vacuum cleaner will increase the cleaning efficiency.


How. Remove the filter, soak it in soapy water, and then rinse thoroughly. Insert the filter back, put a glass of vinegar on the bottom of the machine and run a full cycle without dishes. Leave baking soda in the bottom of the car overnight.

Run the cycle again in the morning without dishes.

Why. Over time, dirt, grease and food particles accumulate in the dishwasher. This results in an unpleasant smell and plaque on the dishes.

Kids toys

How. Wash soft toys once a month in the washing machine on a delicate cycle. Use a lint roller to dust them between washes.

Why. Bacteria quickly accumulate on toys, and children's immune systems are still not strong enough.

Coffee maker

How. Pour a mixture of water and white vinegar (1:1) into the water tank and turn on the coffee maker. When several cups have drained, turn off the appliance and leave for an hour. Then turn it back on and run a few cycles with water only.

Why. This will help remove the scale.

Draining the sink and tub

How. Pour ½ cup down the drain baking soda and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar. cover the hole rubber glove, let the mixture work for 10-15 minutes, and then turn on the hot water.

Why. Fat and small debris collecting on the walls of the pipes causes an unpleasant odor and.

Once in two months

Behind and below the washing machine

How. Vacuum gently behind and under the washing machine, especially around the power cord.

Why. Dust and debris accumulate under the washing machine, which increases the risk of fire.


How. Treat each blade with white vinegar and then wipe with a rag.

Why. Dust collects on the surface of the blades and spreads throughout the house when the fan is running. This can lead to an exacerbation of allergies and respiratory diseases.


How. Vacuum. If the blinds are very dirty, remove them and wash in the closed position with warm water using a soft brush. Turn over and repeat the same on the other side. Then open and leave to dry.

Why. They accumulate a lot of dust, which is especially harmful for allergy sufferers.

Once a quarter


How. Remove the filter from the hood and rinse it in hot soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. Dishwasher is best not to use.

Why. Dust, grease and food particles accumulate in the filter, which hinder the operation of the hood.


How. Soak the drawers and shelves in warm soapy water, and wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge. To remove stains, it is better to use plain soda, rather than disinfectants.

Why. This will reduce the risk food poisoning and get rid of accumulated bacteria.


How. Remove books from shelves, dust thoroughly, and flip quickly to remove dust from pages as well. If you store books in a stack, swap them around so the covers don't warp.

Why. Paper pages lose color and deteriorate, and they can also start.

under the flower pots

How. Once a quarter, move the pots to another place so that the window sill or floor under them does not burn out. And of course, do not forget to wipe the place where your flowers stand at least once a week.

Why. If the pots are always in the same place, the coating underneath may become darker than the rest of the areas due to the uneven distribution of light.

Stove (hob)

How. Remove all handles and wash them in hot soapy water, wash the panel behind (under) them thoroughly and dry with a dry cloth. If the handles are not removable, wipe them with a well-wrung sponge and detergent, and go through hard-to-reach places with a toothpick.

By the way, the working surface of the stove should be regularly wiped with a special cleaning agent or soda with lemon juice (1: 1).

Why. Dust and food debris not only spoil the view, but also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.


How. Treat burnt spots with soda, and then sprinkle with vinegar to start the reaction. Wash the grate with soap and water.

To clean the glass door, use a glass cleaner or a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar. Soak a rag or paper towel in the mixture, wring it out and place it on the glass with the door open. Leave for half an hour to soften the dirt. Rinse with water and dry with paper towels or a lint-free cloth.

Why. Food particles remaining in the oven will smoke when heated.

Twice a year

Pillows and blankets

How. Wash by hand or in the washing machine on a delicate cycle and air dry.

Why. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies.


How. Turn the mattress over, while alternating turns from one side to the other and turns "head - legs".

Why. This will prevent the mattress from warping.


How. Turn off the power before removing any parts of the lamp. Wipe gently with a damp cloth, you can use soap.

Why. Dust and dirt accumulated on the lamps can dim the light from the bulbs by 30%.

Behind and under the refrigerator

How. Unplug the refrigerator, remove the protective grill at the back, clean it and gently wipe the condenser and fan. Vacuum the wall behind the refrigerator. Wipe the side walls of the appliance, the floor under it with a rag.

Why. Dust on the floor, mixed with moisture, can damage the flooring. And excess dust on the walls increases the risk of fire. Plus, cleaning will greatly increase the efficiency of the cooling system, which will increase the life of the refrigerator and save you money.

shower head

How. Remove the watering can and soak it in white vinegar, then rinse thoroughly.

Why. Over time, the watering can becomes clogged, and because of this, the water pressure deteriorates.


How. Go over both sides with a sticky roller to collect dust. If there is a lot of dirt, wash with water and a brush. Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar in 3.5 liters of water, pour into a spray bottle and wash the windows with this mixture, wiping them thoroughly with a microfiber cloth.

Why. Dirty windows let in less light, and dust can cause various diseases respiratory tract.

Once a year


Washing machine

How. Pour 100 ml of chlorine bleach into the drum or pour 100 g citric acid and run the wash without laundry at maximum temperature. Detergent container by hand.

Why. Drum washing machine easily soiled, and over time it may develop an unpleasant odor.

I want to highlight a couple of questions that are related to cleaning the house.

“Alena, since January, I have thrown out of the house about a whole trailer of rubbish onto a passenger car. I'm not kidding, maybe more. Yes, the house has become cleaner, but I still can't say that it's clean enough. Cleaning takes at least an hour every day. I count the morning routine, afternoon, evening and all other cleanings. It seems to me that this is a never-ending process.

Household chores that I do every day, regardless of the day of the week and holidays. The exception is poor health.

So, after the global decluttering, I spend very little time on cleaning, and even more so, I don’t set aside a specific day for general cleaning. I haven’t forgotten such a word, it seems to be firmly ingrained in my brain. It really pisses me off.

Every morning I spend at least 5 minutes in the bathroom. I always go through the toilet with a brush, I wipe the rim with damp toilet paper. soaking toilet paper and I wipe. Approximately once every 2-3 days I fill the toilet with white-gel, brush it with a brush and leave it alone for 20 minutes.

Every morning I freshen the sink and mirror. Even on January 1, even on your birthday. Already a habit. She brushed her teeth, wiped everything. This method of cleaning saves not only cleaning time, but also money on cleaning products.

I have already told about the kitchen more than once, I think that there is no point in repeating myself.


I change the bedding in our room and immediately send it to be washed. I wipe the bedside tables and headboard with a damp cloth.

I open my husband's closet and see that there are clean clothes in the closet for the next 3 days. That means 3 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of socks, 3 clean T-shirts, 3 clean sweaters, and stuff like that. In other words, I don’t rush to iron and wash all my husband’s clothes, just enough for the next 3 days.

If everything is there, then I close it, if I see that there are only 2 clean T-shirts, then I go and take it off the dryer. They are usually either washable or dryable.

In the house, I don't vacuum or mop the floors. These duties have long been divided among us, so everything has become much faster. My task is to make sure that everything is in its place and on the right day to ask my son to vacuum. I don't remember, I won't. The husband in his free time with a wet mop quickly passes through the whole house. They usually do it within 2 days.

I change the bedding in my son's bedroom, wipe all the horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth. I open the closet and also look for the next three days so that I have something to wear in the morning. Situations that you need to go to school in the morning, and the socks are clean or not, or did not have time to dry overnight, do not happen for sure.

If everything is there, then I close the closet and take everything to the laundry. If you need to iron something from the clothes, then I iron it. But no more than three things.

Day off.

Our bedroom again. I wipe mirrors, windows (2 pieces), window sills, a battery and a door from all sides. Again I look for clean clothes for my husband and me until Monday inclusive. I tell my husband that I need to wash the floor, I ask my son to vacuum before that. Naturally, they do this all over the house at once. Except the hallway.

Son's room. I wipe the window, window sill, blinds, mirror on the closet. In general, with age, the son learned to maintain order at home, puts everything in its place and hangs clothes on hangers. I used to do this before.

I look through clean clothes until Monday inclusive.

I don’t touch my daughter’s room, it’s always clean there. When they arrive, they clean up after themselves. The only thing is I take off the bed and send it to the laundry. When they arrive, they already cover it themselves. There is a computer in this room. But there is a rule: turn off the computer, be sure to remove everything at once. If it's a cup, then take it out, if it's a pen, then put it in the shelf. There shouldn't be anything extra.

The room where the TV is always cleaned fleetingly. I take the bedding to the wash, and I immediately wipe the dust from the TV and the fireplace with it. There are only 2 sofa cushions, I mean on the sofa, it's hard to make a mess with them. She threw everything away. No figurines, ornaments, and any bileberdy.

Whoever walks through this room is the one who keeps order. I mean me or my husband. My son is just vacuuming. Thorough cleaning in the room only happens 2 times a year. This is in the summer, when we wash the carpet and before the new year we move the sofa and wash everything there.

If I haven't deleted the photos of the cleaning I did before the new year, then I'll show you. True, I still need to check, maybe I showed them already in December.

Wardrobe. I dry my clothes there in the winter, as soon as it gets warmer, it is always only on the street. In winter, I am in the dressing room, respectively, every day I am. Cleaning is the same, permanent.

In my closets I have minimal minimalism, so there is nothing that stands out certain time on cabinets. Almost every day I just take a piece of a rag (torn old bedding), soak it, open any closet in the house, wipe everything and close it. I rinse the rag and go into the corridor. There I wipe any piece and throw away the rag.

I try to clean the hallway every day. One has only not to wipe the floor there - wait for unexpected guests. Such is the omen.

I have another sign, it always, always works. If a virus starts in the house colds, so you need to start washing everything yourself. From floor to ceiling. Directly with chlorine. Both in cabinets and shelves. In a day, everyone comes out of this state.

On Saturday and Sunday I have only a bathroom with a toilet, a kitchen and an entrance hall.

All the above cleaning takes about 20 minutes a day, no more. Why?

I threw away everything that takes time in cleaning. That is, in 30 seconds I calmly wash windows and window sills, and both at once, as in our bedroom. There's nothing stored on windows. No flowers, no things. The same situation with bedside tables. Or on the fireplace.

You walk past, spent, say, a pillowcase, and threw the bedding into the washing machine.

It has become cleaner only from the fact that we again do not pull anything into the house. Pants were bought new, the old ones were thrown away. I bought a cup and threw away the old one.

Or, as now, I slowly change all homemade towels to snow-white ones. I bought one new one, immediately tore the old one into rags and immediately use disposable towels for cleaning. Rubbed - thrown away.

And if you take out the excess from the house in a month by trailers, and during the next month you buy in a larger volume, then it will turn out that it does not become cleaner.

It makes sense to develop several schedules at once: everyday, for a week, for a month, since the frequency and specifics of cleaning in different rooms is different.

Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of premises:

Cleaning Schedule: General Sample

Clear organization of work important point in professional quality cleaning, as in any other work process.

When the performer clearly sees that he spends a clearly defined amount of time on putting a particular object in order, his coefficient will increase useful action and motivation.

But in order to draw up a suitable schedule, many circumstances must be taken into account, such as the specificity of the object, the requirements of the customer, the selection of special equipment, and the like.

For example, toilet cleaning schedules in kindergarten or major mall will have significant differences.

Each cleaning service is divided according to the following characteristics:

  • Technological. This includes garbage collection, tidying up various surfaces, stain removal, vacuum treatment, wet cleaning, disinfection, protection against aging of premises, objects, safety during operation, etc.
  • Object type. Types are divided into objects where people live (apartments, houses, summer cottages), public and industrial institutions, and adjacent territories.
  • Frequency of holding. Here, services are divided into complex initial, daily, weekly, as well as general cleaning.

We would like to note that a competent approach to the process depends on the correctness of the work schedule, and the possibility of its control is also simplified.

Thanks to the schedule, the scope of activities of each performer is regulated, which also helps to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

You can coordinate the working day, your time, the cost of performing the required type of cleaning of any room, if you use the appropriate schedule with specific specifications.

When inviting cleaning company personnel to perform work, see for yourself that the cleaning process is much more efficient if it is based on a pre-arranged schedule.

To organize the schedule, use the convenient program "1c enterprise". Just download it from the internet. It is good to fill in all the columns in it, keep detailed records, etc.

See an example in the picture below:

To enlarge the image, click on it

You can also use this simple form to fill out the chart:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Another example of a graph is Mbou DOD Children's School of Arts named after A.N. Verstovsky:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Schedule for cleaning the entrances of residential buildings: Sample

It is much more pleasant for every adequate person living in an apartment building to enter the clean and comfortable entrance of his house.

Who will put things in order in it, the tenants decide on their own. Some do it themselves, by turns of apartment numbers.

In other cases Management Company appoints cleaners or uses a cleaning service.

Be that as it may, so that there are no misunderstandings and disputes, and the entrance always shines, a public and satisfying schedule is needed, according to which the cleaning is performed.

It is clear that no one will wash the floors around the clock. Therefore, bringing the front door in order is carried out according to the standard algorithm, which is displayed in the schedule.

Stages of cleaning in the entrances:

  • Every day, the area of ​​the first and second floors of an apartment building is swept with a wet broom, which includes an elevator cabin and a garbage chute area.
  • The elevator cabin is cleaned daily.
  • The floor of the waste bin is cleaned daily.
  • Once a week, the entrance to the entrance is cleaned, the shoe rack is cleaned, and so on.
  • Twice a week, spans of all floors of the house are swept with a wet broom, as well as an elevator cabin and a garbage chute platform.
  • Twice a month, the entire entrance is washed with special equipment.
  • Twice a month, ceiling lamps, ceiling and walls of the elevator are treated with special equipment.
  • Windows are washed once or twice a year.
  • Once or twice a year, the front door, ceiling lamps and electrical panels on all floors are cleaned and washed.
  • Twice a year they are processed with special equipment and batteries and railings are washed.
  • Twice a year, the technical premises available in the entrance are cleaned.

These are the standard requirements for the sanitary condition of the internal common area, which are usually displayed in schedules aimed at maintaining the neatness of the entrance.

In fact, a front door cleaning sample can include many other items that suit all residents.

For example, the sites of some apartment buildings are replete with indoor plants, and in other houses, flights of stairs are completely carpeted.

When ordering cleaning services, display all the desired work in the schedule.

Save the porch cleaning template to your computer:

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Residential Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Cleaning at the entrance is not the only thing that residents of apartment buildings need. It is also necessary to clean up the street, and the janitors must know how to do it.

Check out our house cleaning plan:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Toilet Cleaning Schedule: Sample

To paraphrase famous saying about the toilet, which supposedly is the face of the hostess, then the cleanliness and order of the toilet in a public institution is an image indicator of the company.

At the same time, the schedule for cleaning the bathroom greatly simplifies the procedure and also fulfills the requirements of SanPiN.

Depending on which organization the toilet room is located in, what kind of traffic it has and some other factors, the schedule indicates the necessary frequency of cleaning and the time it takes to complete it.

The current cleanliness is carried out according to the degree of contamination, but not less than twice a day. For example, in educational institution the following interim technical schedule can be applied:

To enlarge the image, click on it

General cleaning of toilets at different sites varies from once a month to a weekly process.

And with everyday, and with general cleaning in without fail disinfection of all surfaces according to existing standards.

For the convenience of performers and controllers, it makes sense to include in the schedule the following items:

  • Time. Here, the limiter "from" and "to" is specified so that the room is not closed for too long. In the case of general cleaning, a specific date is indicated.
  • Executor. A column for full name and signature, so that in case of claims (better, of course, thanks) they have someone to present.
  • Controller. Column for the full name and signature of the person who conducted the check. (It is immediately clear that an organization or company is serious - even such a thing as the state of toilet bowls is under control!).

Controller - a person whose duties include monitoring the quality of cleaning in the toilet,

He should pay attention to such details as the absence of urinary stone deposits, rust spots, scale, cement deposits, lime deposits and the like.

Download a sample of cleaning in toilets (two options and GOST rules):

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Many people are intimidated by the expression "general cleaning". They imagine something cumbersome and endless, destroying the usual way of life.

We hasten to assure you: this process will not take too much time and money if cleaning professionals undertake it. And even more so if a detailed schedule is drawn up. necessary work for each performer.

For the convenience of scheduling, you need to know what services the cleaning company provides. Note that for large-scale cleaning, all prescribed detergents and cleaning products are used.

So, in the list of services there are the following positions:

  • Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Cleaning of carpets, upholstered furniture.
  • Washing mirrors, windows and window sills.
  • Wet cleaning with disinfectants floor coverings, lighting devices, furniture surfaces, equipment, radiators, heating pipes.
  • Washing doors and door frames.
  • Disinfection and cleaning of showers, bathtubs, sinks, toilet bowls, sanitary fittings, removal of urinary stone, various plaques.
  • Processing tiles, cleaning joints, wet cleaning from top to bottom.
  • Wet cleaning of household appliances.

In particular difficult cases the types of work, their volume, as well as what devices and equipment will be needed for the general cleaning are specified.

It is clear that the requirements for maintaining cleanliness are different. For example, in medical and school institutions, trade enterprises, sports centers, they are much stricter than in private homes, where the rules are set not by sanitary services, but by the owners themselves.

Therefore, when scheduling general cleaning, take into account all the features of the objects. General items that should be reflected in the document include the name of the organization and its legal address, as well as the actual address.

It should be noted that during general cleaning in institutions, only certified disinfectants are used, which should also have a separate line in the schedule.

Cleaning inventory is marked, the markers must indicate the premises for which it is intended, as well as the types of events. Tools (buckets, mops, basins, napkins, etc.) are used specifically for their intended purpose.

The general cleaning schedules, in turn, can reflect the number of cleaners performing work, as well as the duration of their activities in different areas.

Download samples of this type of cleaning:

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Refrigerator Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Here is a refrigerator disinfection schedule. When started, finished, responsible for logging. Name of the disinfectant, signatures. Defrost and cleaning log.

The list of routine duties of a refrigerator attendant includes many things. Professionals need to be aware. To do this, see a sample refrigerator cleaning plan.

We offer two options, shorter and longer.

Disinfection journal, page 1. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Disinfection journal, page 2. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 1. Click on image to enlarge

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 2. Click on image to enlarge

We care about the cleanliness and health of not only people, but also our smaller brothers - cats and dogs. Stay with us!

It is impossible to achieve order without daily cleaning. These simple lessons will help to reduce the time of weekly cleaning significantly. So, what places in the apartment should be washed every day?


Dishes should always be clean. At the same time, it is best to wash it immediately after eating, and not accumulate it in the sink and then wash dried food residues in the evening. And how nice it will be to immediately start preparing dinner without first washing the pots and pans.

Kitchen sink

One of the dirtiest places in the house is kitchen sink. Food residues, together with a moist environment, create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria, mold and fungus. Therefore, thoroughly clean the sink after each dishwashing. And also every two or three days, pour boiling water over the sink.

Kitchen towels

There should be several towels in the kitchen: for hands, dishes and work surfaces. If you use only one, there is a risk of bacteria from the fabric getting on plates and washed vegetables and fruits. Moreover, various pathogens develop on wet towels. Change kitchen towels every day, wash them at the maximum temperature allowed, and then iron them or dry them in a dryer.

Cutting board

Wash your cutting board every day. Wash it with a sponge and detergent, and then rinse thoroughly with hot water. If you are using dishwasher, put down the board every time you start the machine.

unfolding things

IN daily schedule cleaning, this item must be present. Put clothes in the closet, dirty things in the laundry basket, magazines in the magazine rack, and books back on the shelf. Teach yourself and your household not to scatter things and immediately return them to their place. This good habit saves a lot of time and nerves.

Once a week

Weekly cleaning schedule includes wet cleaning of the whole house, cleaning and disinfection of some things. You can complete these duties in one day, or you can stretch it over the whole week.


Once a week, wash floors and dust all surfaces. If you cook every day or have small children in the house, you may need to wet clean some rooms more often.

Bed sheets

During sleep, a person loses a lot of skin cells and sweat. Both attract dust mites. These mites are harmless, but their waste products are the strongest allergens that can cause allergies and even asthma. To get rid of them, you need to wash bedding weekly at the maximum temperature, and then iron it on the "cotton" mode.

Carpets and furniture

Don't let your family carry food around the house. Vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture weekly with a special nozzle.

Door handles, switches and controls

Each member of the family touches these things dozens of times a day, so bacteria multiply and are carried throughout the house. Clean door handles and switches weekly with soap and water, and remote control wipe wet wipes. If someone in the family is sick, do it every day.

Toilet and bath

It is enough to rinse the bath with water every time after use, and wash it once a week with cleaning products. Contaminants that remain on the toilet should also be removed immediately. General cleaning of the toilet is carried out weekly.

Once a month

These surfaces do not get dirty so quickly, but once a month it is still worth remembering and washing them thoroughly. Use this apartment cleaning schedule for a month.


Defrost the refrigerator, take out all the contents, throw away spoiled food or food that has expired. To remove bacteria, wash all compartments of the refrigerator with a sponge warm water and soap.

Microwave and oven

These kitchen appliances need to be wiped down every time after use. And once a month, arrange a general cleaning for them. Remember that the inside of the microwave is covered with a special coating that reflects microwave radiation, so it cannot be washed with products containing abrasive particles.


Don't forget to include window cleaning in your monthly cleaning schedule, as it is through them that sunlight to the apartment. It is better to wash windows in cloudy, calm weather. Otherwise, under direct sunlight, the glass will dry quickly, and then it will not work to wash the windows without streaks.

Cutlery drawer

It would seem, why wash the cutlery box if you put clean spoons and forks in it? In fact, germs, fungus and mold develop in the drawer due to damp appliances. And then it all ends up on the spoons you eat. Once a month, remove all appliances, rinse with warm water, clean the holes and grates with a brush.

Once a year

Of course, these things will not be offended if you, without following the cleaning schedule, clean them more often, for example, once a season. But washing them less than once a year is contraindicated!

Blinds and curtains

Wash curtains and clean blinds once a year. But if you live in big city and dust accumulates faster, then this should be done as it gets dirty. Do not forget that various respiratory diseases can develop from dust. Curtains can be machine washed or dry cleaned, and blinds can be vacuumed with a special attachment.


Even though you vacuum your carpets regularly, once a year they need a thorough cleaning. They can be cleaned with a special shampoo using a vacuum cleaner with the appropriate functions, or you can call specialists from a cleaning company. The main thing is to dry the carpets well after wet cleaning, as mold immediately develops under wet coatings.


Clean the fixtures annually, dust and dirt accumulated on them can dim the light from the bulbs by 30%. Turn off the power before starting work. Carefully remove the parts of the chandelier and rinse them with water, and what is not removed, wipe with a damp cloth.

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