Home Mushrooms Ideas for encouraging employees for the holiday. What exactly to encourage. Significance of incentive measures

Ideas for encouraging employees for the holiday. What exactly to encourage. Significance of incentive measures

04.09.2017, 17:48

The personnel specialist was given the task to develop a system of incentives for the organization's personnel. Among other things, the reasons for rewarding employees need to be determined. In other words, it is required to establish which actions or achievements of employees are rewarding and which are not. For what to encourage employees, we will tell in the article.

It is better to reward for conscientious work

It makes sense to encourage an employee who is responsible for his work. Firstly, such a step will be an incentive for the employee himself not to stop there. Secondly, will signal to the rest of the team that diligence and responsibility will be encouraged by management.

The employer has different ways incentives for employees. In particular, these include (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • gratitude;
  • prize;
  • a valuable gift;
  • certificate of honor;
  • presentation to the title of the best in the profession;
  • presentation for a state award (for special services to society and the state).

What exactly to encourage

In order to effectively incentivize employees, you need to start by defining the reasons for rewarding employees. In general, reasons for encouragement include:

  • fulfillment and overfulfillment of the established plan;
  • successful implementation of the project that the employee is engaged in;
  • rationalization proposal aimed at optimizing the production process;
  • active transfer of experience to new employees of the enterprise.

The list of grounds can be expanded and refined based on the characteristics and specifics of the work of a particular organization. The examples of reasons for incentives provided are only examples that can be supplemented by the employer.

Usually, the employer establishes a system of incentives for employees in the corresponding local act. For example, in the Regulations on material and non-material incentives for employees (for more details, see ""). However, it is not forbidden to prescribe the corresponding norms in other local acts enterprises, for example, in the Labor Regulations or in collective agreement with employees.

Bonuses to employees for what is possible - wording the grounds for awarding may be different depending on what the award is for and how rich the imagination of the management is. Let's consider how the procedure for fixing the wording in the order on bonuses is regulated and which of them is better to use in certain cases.

Why, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is a bonus paid to an employee?

The norm of the law that defines what a premium is, is part 1 of article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to its provisions, a bonus is an incentive or incentive payment. The name of such a payment may change, but its intended purpose remains.

It is important to remember that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige the administration of the organization to pay bonuses to its employees. Grounds for awarding bonuses to employees, the procedure and timing of its implementation, Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers to the competence of a specific organization, which has the right to determine all this by its internal documents. Despite such a "gap" in labor legislation, the bonus system operates almost everywhere, since the interest of each employee in the results of work is the best guarantee of the overall success of the organization.

In practice, several bonus systems are used. The most common in Russia is general bonuses, when incentive payments are paid to almost all employees in the absence of shortcomings in their work, the amount of additional payment in this case can be either fixed or depending on the size of the salary.

The more flexible option is based on a careful assessment of the contribution of each employee to the overall result. With this approach, not all employees can receive the award, but only the most successful, who have brought the maximum benefit to the organization. The size of the bonus in this case may even significantly exceed the amount of the salary of the encouraged employee.

The main advantage of the individual bonus system is the reward of the specific qualities of the employee, the result that the organization expects from its employees. It is in this that the stimulating nature of such payments is maximally manifested, since other employees will strive to perform their duties better, having a real example in front of them.

Conditions for awarding an award, examples of wording

Bonus conditions are determined on the basis of the employee incentive scheme established at the enterprise. When applying general bonuses, the main condition is the fulfillment of certain (often averaged) indicators, completion of work on time, etc. If the work plan is successfully completed, the bonus is assigned by a general order based on the results of a month, quarter or other period. At the same time, a list of employees who have committed any violations that deprive them of bonuses is determined.

The wording of orders for bonuses in such cases is rather monotonous:

When using an individually oriented bonus system, the payment of the bonus may not be determined by a time period, but paid for specific successes. Accordingly, the order for awarding one or a group of employees will contain the exact wording of the achievement:

  • “For the successful representation of the firm's interests in negotiations with a client and the conclusion of a particularly profitable contract”;
  • “For completing a particularly difficult urgent assignment”;
  • "For the use of a non-standard (creative) approach to solving the issue", etc.

What can you give an additional bonus for?

For an enterprise working for the future, it is important not only to timely fulfill planned indicators but also encouraging employees to professional growth, improving the company's image, attracting to cooperation more partners, strengthening their positions in relation to competitors. Such goals can be achieved in various ways, including by taking into account the individual achievements of employees, to stimulate which the bonus system is aimed.

Successful participation of employees in various exhibitions, competitions, development programs is a huge plus to the company's image. It is quite logical to conduct various competitions with subsequent material incentives also within a single enterprise. With a reasonable approach, the economic effect from improving the skills of employees, improving the quality of work, team coordination will be an order of magnitude more than the funds spent on bonuses.

Employee bonus wording in this case, they can describe the achievements of employees, for example:

  • “For participation in the competition of professional skills”;
  • “For representing the company at an international competition”;
  • "For winning the mini-volleyball competition among the office supply store employees."

Another way to improve the microclimate in the team and increase responsibility for the result of each employee is the payment of individual bonuses timed to significant dates in the life of an employee (birth of a child, marriage, anniversary, etc.).

A significant aspect of the company's activities is the desire to retain qualified and experienced workers. Award for loyalty to the company, many years successful work in it, the encouragement of labor dynasties, the creation of conditions for their emergence - all this is of great importance.

The content of the order on the appointment of the award

Download order form

When drawing up an order dedicated to bonuses, it is recommended to use unified form T-11 (for bonuses to a group of employees - T-11a), approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation "On approval ..." No. 1 of 05.01.2004.

In addition to the standard details of the organization, when filling out this form, the following data is entered:

  • initials and position of the promoted employee;
  • wording;
  • an indication of the type of award (amount of money, gift, etc.);
  • the basis for calculating the bonus (presentation or memo from the head structural unit).

When specifying the wording, you can use either one of the structures indicated in our article, or come up with your own version. It is worth remembering that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not impose any special requirements for such formulations, leaving this issue to the discretion of the head of the organization.

As you can see, the wording can be different and depend only on the grounds for awarding and the opinion of the management. The law does not impose requirements on the wording - the main thing is that it is clear from the text what the premium is paid for.

The discipline of work involves not only a stick, but also a carrot. Moreover, sometimes these "carrots" are quite tempting for employees, and their attractiveness can be a significant incentive for improving not only discipline, but also labor productivity. However, as is often the case, the road is paved with good intentions, you know where. How to correctly organize the encouragement of labor so as not to cause conflicts and litigation with employees in the team, read the article.

Types of employee motivation

V Labor Code RF labor incentive standards are assigned a single article. Part 1 of Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer can encourage employees who faithfully perform their labor duties as follows:

- to declare gratitude;

- to issue a prize;

- reward with a valuable gift;

- to award a certificate of honor;

- nominate for the title of "Best in Profession".

This list is open. In other words, the employer has the right to establish other types of incentives for employees for work. But for this they must be determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations, as well as charters and discipline regulations. In addition, for special labor services to society and the state, employees can even be nominated for state awards (part 2 of article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note: if the local normative act there is a clear procedure for applying incentives, indicating the indicators for which it is assigned, then the employer is obliged to encourage the employee. Say, if the Regulations on the incentives for employees of the organization indicate that for the fulfillment of the production plan ahead of time gratitude is announced to the employee, the employer must do this. At the same time, one should not forget that other prerequisites must be met for this.

For example, employers in internal documents often indicate that “... an employee who has a valid disciplinary action, cannot be submitted for promotion. " This means that even if the required condition for which the gratitude is declared is fulfilled, an employee who has an outstanding disciplinary sanction cannot be rewarded in this way.

For your information.Labor legislation does not contain a ban on rewarding an employee who has a disciplinary penalty. Whether or not such a clause is included in a local regulatory act is at the discretion of the employer.

Gratitude, diploma, bonus, valuable gift ... As you can see, the employer can reward the employee not only financially, but also morally. Moreover, the legislation does not limit him in this right. Speaking of incentives, the first thing that comes to mind is the prize. Indeed, most often the management resorts to material gratitude of the employee for his productive work and conscientious observance of discipline. Awards can be either one-time or regular. Lump sums should be timed to some event or fact, for example, to an employee's anniversary or a round date of continuous work in a given organization, or to rely on the achievement of certain performance indicators. Regular bonuses can be monthly, quarterly, annual, or based on a specific work or project. Their size can be either fixed or calculated as a percentage of the salary or, say, the amount of work performed.

The employer can arrange contests among employees and their children, put those who distinguished themselves on the board of honor, hand commemorative signs distinctions, provide vouchers to sanatoriums or resorts, send employees to training, or choose any of the many possible ways, which will seem suitable for him, proceeding, of course, from financial possibilities.

For your information.It is also important to keep in mind that the management can decide to reward the employee without specific indicators, at the achievement of which he will be rewarded.

Equally important is the fact that the incentive is applied by the employer independently, i.e. he does not need to coordinate the motivation of employees with anyone - the trade union or other organizations. Moreover, the administration can apply to the employee not only one of the types of incentives established in the company, but also several at the same time, as a rule, different - of a material and non-material nature. For example, a manager who has exceeded the sales plan for the year can not only declare gratitude in the presence of the entire team with the presentation of thank you letter but also to pay a premium.

We accept a local regulatory act

How to properly fix the norms and regulations on incentives for company employees? As noted above, the procedure for encouraging employees should be spelled out in detail in the collective agreement, agreement, local regulation (including in the internal labor regulations). If we are talking about LNA, then this can be done:

- in a separate document devoted only to the issues of incentives, for example, in the Regulations on incentives for employees (material incentives, incentives, etc.), which will regulate the issues of material and non-material incentives;

- in several local regulations, for example, to allocate a section for bonuses in the Regulations on remuneration or to adopt a separate Regulation on bonuses to employees, as well as to approve the Regulations on intangible incentives for employees.

For your information.It must be borne in mind that the Regulation on Bonuses (or the Regulation on Remuneration) can be part of the collective agreement, like an annex, and in this case it will not be a local normative act, and therefore, the procedure for its adoption will be the same as at the collective agreement.

Here, employers, perhaps, should pay attention to two points. The first is as follows. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any incentive payments (additional payments, allowances, bonuses, etc.) are part of the wages... According to Part 1 of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are established labor contract in accordance with the applicable remuneration systems of the employer. In addition, any local regulations containing wage standards must be approved taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers (part 4 of article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the Administration can approve the Regulations on Encouragement on its own, without the consent of the trade union. Moreover, it may indicate rewarding with a valuable gift or any other as an incentive measure. material incentives, unless, of course, there is not a word about the prize in it. If bonuses are mentioned in the text, then taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers is necessary.

For your information.Earlier in the labor legislation there was a clear gradation of bonuses included in the remuneration system (periodically paid) and incentive. The first were fixed in Art. 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (before amendment Federal law from 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ "On amendments to the Labor Code Russian Federation, recognition of some normative legal acts of the USSR as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation and invalidation of some legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation "). They were of a stimulating nature, that is, they were paid so that the employee was motivated to work successfully. The second were fixed in Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They were encouraging in nature and were given out on a one-time basis, and not in order to stimulate further productive work, but simply as gratitude. Now these concepts are confused. V new edition incentive payments have become a kind of incentive.

The second is that, as we noted above, in accordance with Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other types of incentives not specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations, as well as by charters and discipline regulations. Accordingly, you must set them in the documents mentioned above, and specify the rules in local regulations.

Regardless of where the employer decides to prescribe the rules for encouraging employees, it is advisable to regulate in detail the conditions, procedure, criteria and other important issues. Consider what sections and subsections such a document should contain and how to formulate individual provisions.

General Provisions

Firstly, in the local normative act regulating the motivation in the organization, it is necessary to provide general provisions(goals, objectives, principles), grounds for appointment, as well as types of incentive measures. It is clear that incentives should be applied fairly and publicly, for personal merit and achievements, which should be written about.

If we are talking about the types of incentives, then in the Regulations on incentives for employees, we need to list them. A sample can be viewed in Example 1.

Example 1. Excerpt from the Regulations on the incentives for employees of LLC "Uyutnaya Khizhina"

  1. Types of incentives

2.1. The Organization applies the following types intangible incentives:

- announcement of gratitude;

- rewarding with a certificate of honor;

- entering on the Board of Honor (in accordance with clause 2.4 of the Internal Labor Regulations of Cozy Hut LLC).

2.2. The Organization uses the following types of material incentives:

- issuance of a one-time premium;

- rewarding with a valuable gift.

Order of presentation for promotion

Secondly, in a local normative act, it is advisable to describe the procedure for presenting an employee for reward. In particular, it should be indicated whether there is a submission procedure; who represents the employee for the promotion; what information should be contained in the relevant document; who decides on the application of incentive measures; in what time period the submission is considered; what is the frequency of presentation of incentives in relation to the employee.

In particular, the provision on bonuses can include the norm that is presented in Example 2.

Example 2. Excerpt from the Regulations on the incentives for employees of LLC "Uyutnaya Khizhina"

  1. The procedure for presenting an Employee of the Organization for promotion

3.1. The presentation on the promotion of the established form (Appendix No. 1) is made by the head of the structural unit of the Organization no more than one month and no less than three weeks before the end of the next quarter.

3.2. The presentation reflects the desired type of incentive and the reasons for its appointment. If the promotion is of a material nature, it must be endorsed by the Chief Accountant of the Organization. If the promotion is intangible, it must be endorsed by the head of the Human Resources Department of the Organization.

3.3. In case of refusal to endorse the submission Chief Accountant Organizations or Head of Human Resources Organizations should draw up motivated opinion, in which to explain the disagreement with the submission, which is attached to the submission and transmitted to the CEO.

3.4. The persons specified in clauses 3.2-3.3 must endorse the submission or draw up a reasoned opinion within two working days after receiving the submission.

3.5. After approval of the submission, it is submitted to the General Director for consideration no more than one month and no less than 5 working days before the end of the next quarter.

3.6. The decision to reward the Employee, who is the head of the structural unit of the Organization, is made by the General Director of the Organization independently.

3.7. The General Director of the Organization has the right to make a decision on the promotion of any Employee of the Organization on his own, without presentation of the promotion from the head of the structural unit of the Organization.

3.8. It is allowed to present each Employee for promotion no more than four times a year, i.e. once a quarter.

3.9. An employee who has an unreleased and outstanding disciplinary sanction cannot be nominated for promotion.


Thirdly, separate sections should be formulated for different types incentives, in which it is indicated for what specific achievements and successes the employee is rewarded, what is the procedure for assigning incentives, for example, announcing gratitude or presenting a certificate of honor, and also what is the procedure for making the relevant entries in the work book and, if necessary, in the internal documents of the organization.

As an example, you can use Example 3, where the rules for non-material incentives are given - entering on the Board of Honor, and Example 4, where the procedure for material incentives is spelled out - rewarding with a valuable gift.

Example 3. Excerpt from the Regulations on the incentive of employees of LLC "Uyutnaya hizhina"

  1. Placing on the Board of Honor

6.1. Recording on the Hall of Fame occurs in cases where the employee:

- is a leader in production, repeatedly (at least six times in three years) marked with gratitude for overfulfillment of plans and their early implementation;

- is a recognized innovator, rationalizer or inventor, repeatedly (at least four times in six years) awarded with honorary diplomas of the Organization.

6.2. Entry on the Board of Honor is carried out by order of the Organization and is announced on general meeting employees of the Organization (structural subdivision of the Organization), as well as the publication of information in the news of the electronic corporate newspaper located at: www.uyutnaya-higina.org/doskapocheta.

6.3. The actual entry of the photo of the distinguished Employee on the Hall of Fame takes place within a week after the announcement.

6.4. The Organization covers the expenses for the employee's photo in full.

6.5. The Hall of Fame is located on the first floor in the hall of the central building belonging to the Organization at the address: Novosibirsk, st. Parkhomenko, house 47, entrance 2, and is also located in in electronic format on the corporate website of the Organization at www.uyutnaya-higina.org/doskapocheta.

6.6. An entry in the work book and the employee's personal file is made with the date and number of the order for entry on the Board of Honor.

Example 4. Excerpt from the Regulations on the incentives for employees of LLC "Uyutnaya hizhina"

  1. Rewarding a valuable gift

8.1. A valuable gift is awarded for:

- overfulfillment of planned targets by at least 50%;

- exemplary performance job duties for 10 years of work in the Organization, subject to active participation in public life Organizations;

- successful and repeated (more than five times in four years) implementation of the Organization's projects.

8.2. The awarding with a valuable gift is carried out by the order of the Organization, the gift is presented at the general meeting of the employees of the Organization.

8.3. A valuable gift is:

Appliances(electric kettle, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner);

- a tourist voucher (to a sanatorium in Russia, abroad);

- grocery basket (set of products).

8.4. Final choice valuable gift is carried out by the General Director of the Organization on the proposal of the head of the structural unit of the Organization.

8.5. Income tax expense individuals from the cost of a gift over 4,000 rubles, the Organization is fully covered.

8.6. The record of awarding in the work book and the employee's personal file is entered with the date and number of the order for entering on the Board of Honor.

If the employer plans to reward the employee with bonuses, then in order to avoid disputes, the bonus indicators should be clearly prescribed in the local regulatory act. The wording should be clear, not ambiguous (Example 5).

Example 5. Excerpt from the Regulations on bonuses for employees of LLC "Drilling rig"

2.1. Bonuses for well drilling crews are paid for meeting bonus indicators and meeting the deadlines for testing wells for the current month.

2.2. The amount of the premium is determined in percentage from the employee's salary:

2.3. The amount of the bonus at the end of the month is determined based on the summation of three bonus indicators (P1 + P2 + P3). Overall size the bonus cannot exceed 40% of the salary.

2.4. The right to a prize does not arise:

2.4.1. in case of availability emergency situations that occurred at the brigade's facility and through its fault. The guilt of the brigade and its members must be proven by an internal investigation;

2.4.2. if there is an outstanding disciplinary sanction or the employee is brought to disciplinary responsibility in the current month;

2.4.3. in case of violation by the employee of the safety rules of the Company, production technology, neglect of the equipment and materials of the Company.

2.5. Within 5 working days after the end of the month, the foreman submits a memo containing information on the observance of the indicators of bonuses for the teams, with the attachment of supporting documents or their copies (reference-report, time sheet, work schedule).

2.6. The decision on the payment and amount of the bonus is made by the General Director of the Company.

2.7. The bonus is calculated for the actually worked time according to the time sheet as a percentage of the monthly tariff rate (official salary) calculated for this period, taking into account all additional payments and allowances existing in the Company: for combining professions; for expanding service areas; for the leadership of the brigade; for work at night; per harmful conditions labor; for dividing the working day into parts; for the performance of the duties of temporarily absent workers.

Final provisions

The final provisions can be devoted to the issues of sources of funding for material incentives for employees. For example, the fact that material incentives are carried out only at the end of the quarter in case of successful financial performance (Example 6).

Example 6. Excerpt from the Regulations on bonuses for employees of LLC "Drilling Rig"

3.1. The decision on the payment and amount of the bonus is made by the General Director based on the financial capacity of the Company, based on the data of accounting and statistical reporting, management and operational accounting. Help about financial condition of the company is made by the financial director of the company in agreement with the chief accountant of the company and the executive director of the company.

Let us also pay attention to the fact that it will be convenient for the employer to approve sketches of gratitude, certificate of honor, photograph and the necessary information for the board of honor as annexes to the local regulatory act, as well as designate the wording of the titles "Best in Profession", for example, "Excellence in Labor", "The best senior friend", etc.

We issue an incentive

The procedure for encouraging an employee itself is quite simple, especially if the employer has detailed it in a local regulatory act. As we have already noted, first, the head of the structural unit where the distinguished employee works, it is necessary to form an idea of ​​the promotion. The document can be named whatever you want. It can be a petition, a certificate, or a memo. It is drawn up in any form, however, it should indicate all the necessary information about why the employee deserves the encouragement (the basis for the presentation, which makes it possible to justify the expediency of the promotion), as well as the desired type of encouragement. In some cases, the administration requires the submission of documentary justification of labor efficiency, then documents confirming the achievements of employees should be attached to the submission (see Example 5).

In form, the presentation looks like a memo. By the way, its sample can also be provided in a local regulatory act - as one of the applications. How you can draw up a document, see Example 7.

Example 7. The concept of reward

Construction and installation department to CEO

A.K. Dedankov


Mushkov Z.O.

Please prepare by 12/20/2012

10.12.2012 N 15 order of announcement

Novosibirsk thanks and payment of the debate

in the amount of 3000 (Three thousand) rubles

About the announcement of gratitudeKrivosheeva I.A.

painter-plastererKrivosheeva I.A. Dedankov 12/11/2012

Irina Aleksandrovna Krivosheeva, painter-plasterer of the construction and installation department, has been working at Cozy Hut LLC for over ten years, since April 22, 2002. During all this time, IA Krivosheeva. proved to be a disciplined and conscientious worker. She was not called to disciplinary responsibility. In the III quarter of 2012, she exceeded the work plan at her site, which made it possible to increase the volume of work performed in the department as a whole by 5%.

In accordance with clause 4.1 and clause 7.1 of the Regulations on the encouragement of employees of LLC "Uyutnaya hizhina", I propose to announce Krivosheeva I.A. gratitude and give out a prize of 3000 rubles.

Head of the department N.P. Gorshechnikov Gorshechnikov

Approval visas:

Chief Accountant S.K. Ushakovskaya Ushakovskaya 10.12.2012

Head of HR Department Mushkov Z.O. Mushkov 12/11/2012

After the approval of the submission by the management of the organization, it is necessary to draw up an order (order) on incentives using unified forms N T-11 (in the case of encouraging one employee) or T-11a (in the case of encouraging a group of employees), approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1 "On the approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration" (hereinafter - Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia N 1).

The order (instruction) is drawn up taking into account the type of encouragement (incentives). If it comes about bonuses, then you need to indicate its size, in other cases, even if the promotion was in the form of a gift, its value is not indicated.

In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information on awards for success in work is entered in the work book. Clauses 24 and 25 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, making work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225, specify this rule.

So, information about the reward (incentive) for labor merits is entered in the work book:

- about rewarding state awards, including on the assignment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;

- on awarding certificates of honor, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, produced by employers;

- on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations.

But the records of bonuses provided by the wage system or paid on a regular basis are not entered in work books. This means that if the employer pays a bonus based on the results of work monthly, quarterly or annually (what we talked about earlier), then there is no need to make a record about it in the document (see Example 5).

As you can see, in the "Information about awards" section, a record is made about any type of encouragement (gift, gratitude, diploma, etc.). It is filled in by analogy with the main section "Information about work". The name of the organization is indicated first. Then - serial number, which must start from the first (if there were no entries in the section) or continue numbering (if the entries in the section were made by another employer). After that, records are made about all the employee's incentives during his work in the company. An example of filling out the section of the work book "Information about awards" is presented in Example 8.

Example 8. A sample of filling out a work book on employee incentives

Information about awards

TC N 8604301
N records date Information about awards (incentives) Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
number month year
1 2 3 4
Limited liability company
"Cozy hut"
1 27 12 2010 Awarded an honorary diploma for professional Order dated 12/27/2010
skill and mentoring N 145 / ok
2 04 04 2011 Thanks for the help in liquidation Order dated 04.04.2012
consequences of accidents N 38 / ok
3 20 12 2012 Gratitude was declared and a prize was given in the amount of Order dated 12/20/2012
three thousand rubles for overfulfillment of the plan N 131 / ok
work and the conscientious performance of their labor
22 23

Each entry made in the work book must be duplicated in the employee's personal card, which the employer maintains in the unified form N T-2 (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia N 1).

In conclusion, let's say a few words about litigation related to incentives. The main array of conflicts arises from the deprivation of cash prizes. There is logic in this. Bonuses are often a large part of the salary, if not the main one. Therefore, it is so important to remember about a clear fixation of all necessary provisions so that in the event of a dispute, the employee does not claim incentive payments. If the employer did everything right, then the employee will not be able to challenge his actions. If he had no excuses for non-payment, the court will not only oblige the employer to pay the bonus in full, but also award compensation for moral damage (see, for example, the decision of the Mamontovsky District Court of the Altai Territory of 02/14/2011 in case No. 2-69 / 2011, decision of the Novodvinsk City Court of the Arkhangelsk Region dated 05.08.2011 in case No. 2-448 / 2011).

Everyone is pleased to receive for their work not only a fixed payment, but also compensatory payments (for example, the "northern" coefficient), and incentive payments, the most common of which is a bonus. It is important for any employee to know what the monetary incentive has been awarded for, how it is calculated, and in which documents the rules for its formation are spelled out. The employer has another problem: what should be the wording, because often different employees are rewarded for different achievements. Our article will tell you about all the nuances of bonuses.

What is a premium?

The most important thing in determining this payment is that it is charged in addition to what a person earned over a certain period - most often in a month or a year. Simply put, an award is an incentive that depends on the results of work, methods, the speed of their achievement, their qualitative or quantitative indicators.

The second function of this payment is to stimulate the employee, pushing him to work more intensively or as well as before.

Who develops the bonus system?

This is done by:

  • HR representatives;
  • special personnel development service of the company.

In determining what you can reward for, representatives of the accounting department must participate (only they know the exact amount and rules for distributing funds from the incentive fund). Each payment is approved by the management of the company.

What documents determine the principles of bonuses?

Each organization has its own, their content and principles depend on the specifics of the work carried out by certain employees, the importance of the results achieved, the capabilities of the incentive fund. The features of the document are also determined by what the company itself is. If it is a budgetary organization, in most cases it does not have the opportunity to give bonuses at its discretion, and managers are limited in their rights. In private firms, everything depends on the financial situation and the director's desire to reward his employees.

Here are a number of documents regulating this issue:

  • the collective agreement and the attached bonus provision;
  • work schedule of an internal nature;
  • other governing documents drawn up within the organization.

How should the bonus be calculated?

  • Transparent. That is, each employee, ideally, should be able to perform calculation actions and understand why he receives a given amount. It often happens that the documents are not available to the employee, he does not understand the principle of accrual and every time he is surprised that they gave him a lot or a little. The law provides for maximum transparency and clarity of incentive payments.
  • Objectively. The recipient is not a friend or relative of the boss, it is each of the employees. It is impossible to withdraw such a payment “because I don’t like you,” and even a disciplinary sanction, according to the law, cannot deprive an employee of this money. It is important to know that the subjective distribution of money from the stimulus fund by the management is a violation of the law. However, there are still grounds on which they can reduce the payment or withdraw it altogether. They usually depend on concrete result work that, for subjective reasons, the employee has not achieved. That is, the ideal option is when a person, in whatever position he was, having access to the bonus regulations, knew that for such and such actions he could be deprived of incentive payments.
  • The wording in the documents must be clear. There is no need to reassure a person so that later you do not have to explain to him why the prize was not given. An example would be the following case: the bonus regulation states that the payment is given to everyone at the end of the month or year. All workers are waiting for this happy event... But suddenly it turns out that those who are on leave (annual, maternity leave, childcare, sick leave) will not receive a pleasant increase in their salaries. People will feel frustrated and frustrated with this state of affairs, so they should be informed in advance.

What are the awards?

The first type is industrial. They are accrued for the fact that the employee has completed his tasks or duties in the service for a certain period. These incentive payments are paid for a particular time, for example, a month, a quarter, or a year.

The second type is incentive. They have nothing to do with the performance of duties or tasks, but they are, as it were, a gift and a sign of affection from the authorities. Incentive bonuses are accrued at the end of the year, for length of service, for conscientious and responsible work, for anniversaries, children's birthdays, etc.

Incentive payments can be given to employees in cash or in the form of a valuable gift (for example, household appliances).

Also, bonuses are divided into individual, which are paid at a time to one employee for a specific achievement, and collective. The latter are distributed to each employee of the unit, depending on the time worked, the amount of wages and various coefficients.

Incentive payments can be systematic or one-off.

What is the premium for?

No employer is limited by law as to why an employee can be stimulated in monetary terms.

However, in some cases, the management is confused by the question of how important it is to reward employees, for what it is possible, and the wording of the reason for the promotion is not at all clear

In any case, each organization has the right to build a remuneration system as it sees fit.

The reasons why incentive payments may be charged may be as follows.

  • Good performance indicators. First of all, this is the fulfillment of the duties prescribed in job descriptions, and good performance. For example, a sales manager might receive a bonus because he is providing his employer with sufficient income.
  • The reason may be holidays - state or corporate. Let's say in construction company pay incentive payments for the New Years and the Builder's Day.
  • The birth of a child by an employee sometimes becomes the reason for the accrual of a one-time bonus.
  • In some organizations, bonuses are accrued for the time that has been worked in full, without time off, leaves at their own expense and sick leave.


The company must reflect the refusal to pay incentives in its regulatory documents, in particular, in the provision on bonuses. The employer can legally formulate the reason as follows.

  • The employee was absent from the workplace for reasons that did not depend on the boss. This list includes sick leave, session, vacation, family circumstances.
  • The employee received a disciplinary order, it can be a reprimand or just a remark.
  • The employee is performing his function improperly. An example is the complaints of clients against the hairdresser for his rudeness, non-fulfillment of the plan in production, and its failure.
  • If an employee wishes to quit according to on their own and does this before the fact of calculating the premium, then it is not paid to him.

However, any decision by an employer to make incentive payments can be legally challenged in the courts.

How to formulate the reason for the charge?

Some examples of good wording will help directors to reasonably pay incentives to employees in different situations... So, you can give a raise to your salary in the following cases.

  • For the quality of work. Simply put, you can do something somehow, or you can try and complete it on high level... An example from the cultural sphere: one guide in a museum talks in a boring and formal way, while another leads his story so captivatingly that visitors write to him thanks. For the bosses, this may serve as the reason for the accrual of incentive payments.
  • For high results, labor intensity. An employee in the same time and with the same opportunities does more than his colleagues. For example, he uses other methods of work that increase productivity.
  • For a long experience of continuous work. This wording is most suitable for an experienced employee who long time cares about the interests of the company, does not go on vacation at his own expense.
  • For hard work. Such a bonus can be one-time related to the anniversary of an employee who always conscientiously treats his duties, or it can be accrued, for example, at the end of the year.
  • For the timely fulfillment of their labor duties. This wording is especially successful if the organization is carrying out an important and time-consuming project, and the employee played a significant role in delivering it on time and in a proper manner.
  • For the high-quality execution of an important one-time assignment. For example, an employee successfully took part in decisive negotiations, played a role in them, went on a business trip and concluded an agreement there on behalf of the company, found a way out of this or that problem.
  • For a rationalization proposal, for long-term plan... The analytical skills and foresight of the employee can also be encouraged.
  • For cost savings. A special talent that can be rewarded is the implementation of the project for less money than was originally laid down by the management.
  • The award is based on the results of a project that has been successfully implemented and implemented.

A good employer always remembers that a bonus is a kind of investment in the future of the company, because it makes it clear to all team members that each of them is important and valuable to the management.

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