Home Mushrooms Book of Changes (I-Ching): methods of fortune telling and interpretation of hexagrams. “A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it,” Sophia Loren. “Often great beauty hides emptiness... and sometimes even evil,” -Victoria Holt. AND

Book of Changes (I-Ching): methods of fortune telling and interpretation of hexagrams. “A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it,” Sophia Loren. “Often great beauty hides emptiness... and sometimes even evil,” -Victoria Holt. AND

Accomplishment. It is favorable for the little one to have a place to perform.

Decorate those toes. Leave the chariot and go on foot.
Decorate that beard and mustache.
Disorganization! Decoration! - Eternal endurance is fortunate.
Disorganization! White! The white horse is definitely flying! - (If) it weren’t for the robber, (there would be) marriage.
Decoration in the garden on the hill. A bunch of brocade (for a gift) - low grade. - Regret, (but) in the end - happiness.
White decoration. - There will be no blasphemy.


Bi (Decoration): decorate, embellish, be an ornament; elegant, beautiful; internal dignity in external appearance; energetic, brave, passionate, undaunted; display of courage. The hieroglyph depicts cowrie shells (a sign of dignity) and flowers - that is, dignity associated with beauty.

Figurative series

This is a time to decorate, ennoble and improve things (and you). As a result, their intrinsic value and dignity. Act with sophistication and brilliance. Show your valor. If you can change the appearance of things without imposing your will, it will bring benefit and enlightenment. Be like sunlight, clarifying the essence of things and revealing their beauty. May your appearance be full of beauty and grandeur. Don't interrupt what's going on. Let the external decoration reveal the essence of the internal design. Use gradual changes to achieve what you want.

Outer and Inner worlds

Mountain and Fire

The outer limit is the manifestation of inner brightness and awareness.

Decorating your appearance contains hidden opportunity release from internal tension.


Without contemplation there is no unification and completion. Awareness of this allows you to use the decoration.


The decoration reflects the inner beauty.


There is a fire burning under the mountain. Decoration.

A noble person makes things clear without resorting to litigation.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Decorate your toes.
Leave the chariot and go on foot.

Take on the task yourself. Let perseverance be your adornment. Don't look for easy ways.

Six second

Decorate this beard and mustache.

You improve and beautify your surroundings. Show restraint and patience. It will take time, but the connection with Heaven has already been established.

Nine three

Disorganization. Decoration.
Eternal endurance is fortunate.

Get inspired by a new idea. Allow it to sink into your consciousness, but don't actually embody it just yet. The path is open for you and for those who may follow you.

Six fourth

Disorganization. White. The white horse is definitely flying.
If it weren't for the robber, there would have been a marriage.

This is a position of self-denial. Whiteness symbolizes mourning and the desire for perfection, and the image of a flying horse symbolizes the liberated spirit. However, the earthly things hold you firmly, preventing you from detaching yourself from everyday affairs. Your task is to balance lofty aspirations and ordinary desires.

Six fifth

Decoration in the garden on the hill.
Bundles of brocade offered are squalor.
Regret. In the end - happiness.

Although you have achieved some success, the gifts you give out are too meager to benefit others. Don't do this or you will regret it. But your motivation will not be wasted. The path is open: improve your qualities.

Top nine

White decoration.
There will be no blasphemy.

This situation ends modestly and with dignity. You comprehend the main thing and realize your purpose, dressed in clothes of the color of mourning and pure intentions. The choice was made correctly.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

If the test of the previous stage has been passed correctly, if a relatively peaceful position has already been won, it can be applied to the next stage after such a conquest. cultural development. Negative elements, palliatives of knowledge are already suppressed here, and new criteria can be established and the brilliance of newly acquired knowledge can be demonstrated. All this is a path of development. However, this development is limited to only minor, purely external innovations and does not introduce anything new in essence. These innovations are just a brilliant decoration that has already lost its former value. Even the name itself indicates this if we conduct a pictographic analysis of the term “bi”. If we take into account that in this hieroglyph the determinant is “shell,” then doesn’t the thought arise that once in China shells served as a unit of exchange and only later were they replaced by money? ( Modern word“money” is written with the determiner “metal”.) Shells, having lost the meaning of money, still retained the meaning of “value”, “decoration”, which is easy to see in the complex of hieroglyphs that have “shell” as a determiner and refer to objects related to concepts of values ​​and decorations. Although decoration is meant here, this decoration is only external and cannot be given of great importance, which is evidenced by the negative assessment given by Confucius to this hexagram, as stated in the encyclopedia “Lüshi Chunqiu” (I quote from Nagai Kimpu “Xuekisity”, see under this hexagram). Thus, for large and significant matters, this hexagram is to undertake only unimportant matters, as stated in the text: Decoration. Development. In small things it is beneficial to have somewhere to perform.

The desire to decorate oneself, from a certain point of view, is the desire to hide one’s shortcomings and appear to be something other than what a person really is. Therefore, in this situation it is better not to decorate yourself. At the first stage, the tendency to decorate is not yet very strong, because the process is only at the beginning, and since the beginning of the hexagram is below, the text also gives an image of decoration on the toes. But along with this, the decorations need to be contrasted with something real, which the legs should serve as; That’s why the text says: In the beginning there is a strong line. Decorate those toes. Leave the chariot and go (on foot).

Decoration does not have a bad effect if it does not completely absorb a person, if he can relate to it with complete detachment. The second feature of this hexagram is weak, or in the terminology of the Book of Changes, “empty”. This emptiness here symbolizes the necessary detachment through which decoration is permissible. At the same time, a person does not attribute jewelry to himself, but only to his environment. If the face is the most individualized expression of personality, then sideburns, mustaches and beards only frame the face and symbolize not the person himself, but his immediate environment. Taking this into account, we can understand the text: The weakest feature comes second. Decorate this beard and mustache.

The crisis of this negative process is expressed in the fact that here it operates less intensely, and even the greatest pomp of decoration is not dangerous here. However, this is only a weakening negative influence given situation, but not its disappearance. Therefore, here it is still necessary to actively maintain a strong attitude towards the perhaps seductive beauty of the outfit - in order to achieve a happy outcome of the entire process. That is why in the text we read: The strong trait is in third place. Disorganization. Decoration. Eternal endurance is fortunate.

Although this position- this is a position of self-denial, the empty desire for decoration has already managed to increase so much that here it exerts its strong influence on self-renunciation, depriving it of even its essence and turning it into only decoration. This position, however, is susceptible to beneficial effects other positions of this hexagram, which symbolize in relation to it (according to Wang Yi) enlightened teachers and good friends, but here knowledge of the meaning is achievable white(“white horse”), understood as the opposition of pure selflessness to the diversity of decorations. This “marriage” is impossible here due to the action of the “robber” - the above-mentioned desire for decoration, which takes away reality even from self-denial. This “robber” appears here, according to Wang Yi, because of distrust of himself, characteristic of man in such a life situation as described in this position. The text puts this into the following images: The weak point is in fourth place. Disorganization. White. The white horse definitely has wings. If it weren't for the robber, there would have been a marriage.

The fifth position in itself is favorable, but here it is represented by a weak line that has an obstacle in front of it (the upper strong line). Therefore, it symbolizes a person who, in the process of renouncing external splendor for the sake of the essential, despite his position, has not developed sufficient strength to attract help from more developed person. Although he can distribute gifts (brocade), his gifts are meager and wretched. Therefore, regret awaits him. However, the very desire to attract help to oneself, at least with such gifts, does not turn out to be fruitless and sooner or later leads to happiness, as the text says: Weakness is in fifth place. Decoration in the garden on the hill. Bundles of (offered) brocade are squalor. Regret. In the end - happiness.

A complete eclipse of the tinsel of jewelry with something essentially valuable is impossible in the situation described in this hexagram. The greatest thing that is possible here at a time when this situation ends is a genuine rejection of the variegated decorations and the admission of white jewelry, symbolizing purity and innocence. The text puts it succinctly: There is a strong line at the top. There will be no blasphemy. White decoration.

Comment by A.V. Shvetsa

Abide in the outer, clarity in the inner. Perhaps clarity in the unshakable can be called beauty.

Hayslip's interpretation

This hexagram can only be favorable for matters related to the theater. This means that you have a tendency to hide your true face, and the people around you also do not behave completely sincerely. Your love affairs are quite problematic now, but success in other areas is possible. Your wishes will come true, but not soon. We must try to accept life as it is and learn from it.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, a powerful mountain reaches its peak beyond the clouds. Life is calm, unshakable and provided with everything necessary.

The sun comes out from behind the mountain, instantly transforming the earth. An event occurs that fundamentally and very quickly changes the familiar world.

It was just gloomy, but soon everything will be filled with bright sunlight. This event will dramatically change the perception of reality. Dim and gray world will immediately light up and play bright colors.

IN THE SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, a mighty tree grows quickly, like thunder, feeding groundwater. There's a lot going on fast development the inner world of a person thanks to a source hidden very deep in the subconscious.

Under the tree is locked in the bowels of the earth a huge and dangerous underground sea. This source is truly huge and very dangerous.

The tree's roots awakened the sea. Water torrent rushed to the surface. Soon things will plunge into dangerous waters. The man awakened something huge and dangerous in the depths of his subconscious. This internal source strength. Everything else immediately faded into the background. Open power began to manifest itself very rapidly in the world of events. Now almost all attention will be focused on this internal powerful and dangerous source of strength.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 22

In the manifested world, the inviolability and calm presence of the mountain will remain a thing of the past. Everything will be illuminated by bright sunlight. Sunrise in the mountains, what could be more beautiful? BEAUTY. From the manifested reality, the situation (like a flame of fire) will move into the plane of the subconscious. On in a subtle way with thunder (i.e. instantly) everything becomes insignificant (vanity, mobility and excitement will go away). There will be a dangerous immersion in the current moment. We were mesmerized by the sunrise in the mountains, and we couldn’t take our eyes off it. Dangerous numbness and grip on the current moment. This is instant insight and connection with the Supreme, with God. We forget about everything in the world and completely immerse ourselves in BEAUTY. Current affairs immediately lose all meaning. BEAUTY, as the presence of the Supreme, the presence of God himself, fills everything. This is extremely dangerous, because it immediately knocks you out of your usual life rut. After such insight, guidelines and even basic life values. The state of immersion in BEAUTY leads to profound changes in life. Everything that is proportionate, harmonious, and filled is marked with beauty. vitality and love. Turn to beauty, let it become your companion, your guiding star.




Ugliness - ridiculous, ugly, repulsive appearance. Ugliness on the external plane is the opposite pole of BEAUTY. Ugliness and BEAUTY reflect the dual nature of man, dividing everything into good and bad, white and black. “When people see beauty in something, ugliness is also born,” Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching.





Positions for awareness:

1. Beauty is not evidence of the Highest divine vibrations. We often meet outwardly beautiful and very selfish (and, therefore, inharmonious) people. Beauty is a person’s appearance and has little to do with his inner world. Namely, the inner world is responsible for harmony with By higher powers. Don't be fooled by beauty, it's deceiving.

2. Beauty - sure sign divine harmony. The spirit is truly beautiful, not the ego!

3. The sense of beauty was formed by man in the process of struggle for survival. Therefore, everything that is useful for us in terms of survival is perceived as beautiful.

4. Outwardly, at first glance, selfish people are beautiful because they love themselves very much. Which in itself is a wonderful harmonious action aimed at ourselves. This is where the phenomenon of human thought manifests itself. Their confidence that they are the most worthy object of love in the Universe transforms their appearance so that they become beautiful. This confidence literally hypnotizes those around you, making them think the same thing. There is no contradiction in this: love and beauty are companions, and thought works wonders. Another thing is that these people may be disharmonious in relation to the world around them. If we pay attention to this side of them, if we look into the vibration created by the thoughts of these people, then we will see that they cannot be called beautiful. Here the disharmony simply hurts the eye. To do this, it is not at all necessary to see the aura. You will always notice some darkness in your gaze, dullness in your appearance. Having paid attention to this at least once, you will no longer be able to consider such a dull person beautiful. This will become the main thing that determines his appearance for you. True harmony of the soul, love for everyone makes a person literally shine from within, perhaps even with the most ordinary appearance or irregular shape nose He attracts to himself like a magnet. And if you notice this, focus your attention on this radiance, then such a person immediately becomes very, very beautiful. And, of course: “Beauty will save the world!”

5. Beauty is a measure of the love accumulated in a person. When a person is in love, he is beautiful, when in condemnation, he loses beauty and energy.

6. “Being beautiful does not mean being born with it, because we can learn beauty. When a person is beautiful in soul, what appearance can compare with it!” - Omar Khayyam.

7. “Beauty is the brilliance of truth,” - E. Levy.

8. Beauty is a sure sign of concentration of love on oneself. It is always cold with such people, even during close hugs. They are always alone and unable to bring love into the world for others. External beauty is the mark of narcissistic and narrow-minded people.

9. “A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it,” - Sophia Loren.

10. “They can’t be beautiful eyes who have never cried,” Sophia Loren.

11. “People can forgive a person’s intelligence, even talent, but never beauty,” - Monica Bellucci.

12. “Beauty is an internal property. As soon as beauty appears, it begins to flow from your body, from your mind - from everything that you are made of. If your inner Beauty is with you, everything is beautiful,” Osho.

13. “Only superficial person judges people not by their appearance” - Oscar Wilde.

14. "What more perfect person outside, the more demons he has inside,” Sigmund Freud.

15. “There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it,” - Confucius.

16. “When people see beauty in something, ugliness is also born,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

Select hexagram number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 22

Bi. Decoration

If the skill of the previous stage has been completed correctly, if a relatively peaceful position has already been won, then attention can be turned to the stage of cultural development that follows such a conquest. Negative elements, palliatives of knowledge are already suppressed here, and new criteria can be established and the brilliance of newly acquired knowledge can be demonstrated. All this is a path of development. However, this development is limited to only minor, purely external innovations and does not introduce anything new in essence. These innovations are just a shiny decoration that has already lost its former value. Even the name itself indicates this if we conduct a pictographic analysis of the term “bi”. If we take into account that in this hieroglyph the determinative is “shell,” then doesn’t it suggest that once in China shells served as a unit of exchange and only later were they replaced by money? (The modern word “money” is written with the determiner “metal”). Shells, having lost the meaning of money, still retained the meaning of “value”, “decoration”, which is easy to see in the complex of hieroglyphs that have “shell” as a determinative and refer to objects associated with the concepts of values ​​and decorations. Although decoration is meant here, this decoration is only external and cannot be given much importance, which is evidenced by the negative assessment given by Confucius to this hexagram, as stated in the encyclopedia “Lü-shi Chun Qiu” (quoted from: Nagai Kimpu). Shu-eki shi-gi [Temporary meaning of “Zhou yi”]. – Tokyo. 1924, – see under this hexagram). Thus, for large and significant affairs, this hexagram is not favorable. In such a situation, only unimportant matters can be undertaken , as stated in the text:

[In] small things it is favorable to have somewhere to perform.

1. The desire to decorate oneself, from a certain point of view, is the desire to hide one’s shortcomings and appear to be something other than what a person really is. Therefore, in this situation it is better not to decorate yourself, although all circumstances contribute to this. At the first stage, the tendency to decorate is not yet very strong, because the process is only at the beginning, and since the beginning of the hexagram is below, the text also gives an image of decoration on the toes. But along with this, the fact that something real must be opposed to decorations is expressed at the end of the aphorism, where it is recalled what the legs should serve; That's why the text says:

The beginning is a strong trait.
Decorate those toes.
Leave the chariot and go [on foot].

2. Decoration does not have a bad effect if it does not completely absorb a person, if he can relate to it with complete detachment. The second feature of this hexagram is weak, or, in the terminology of the Book of Changes, “empty”. This emptiness here symbolizes the necessary detachment through which decoration is permissible. At the same time, a person does not attribute jewelry to himself, but only to his environment. If the face is the most individualized expression of personality, then sideburns, mustaches and beards only frame the face and symbolize not the person himself, but his immediate environment. Taking this into account, the text can be understood:

The weakest feature is in second [place].
Decorate this beard and mustache.

3. The crisis of this negative process is expressed in the fact that here it operates less intensely, and even the greatest pomp of decoration is not dangerous here. However, this is only a weakening of the negative impact of this situation, but not its disappearance. Therefore, here it is still necessary to actively maintain a strong attitude towards the perhaps seductive beauty of the outfit - in order to achieve a happy outcome of the entire process. That's why in the text we read:

The strong point is in third [place].
Disorganization. Decoration.
Eternal endurance is fortunate.

4. Although this position is a position of self-renunciation, which, as we have seen, is so necessary to overcome the empty desire for decoration, nevertheless this desire has already managed to increase so much that here it exerts its strong influence on self-renunciation, depriving even this self-renunciation of its essence and turning it into mere decoration. This position, however, is susceptible to the beneficial effects of the other positions of this hexagram, which in relation to it symbolize (in the opinion of Ou-i) enlightened teachers and good friends, but union with them (“marriage”) is impossible, despite the fact that here it is possible to understand the meaning of the color white (“white horse”), understood as the opposition of pure self-detachment to the diversity of decorations. This “marriage” is impossible here due to the action of the “robber” - the above-mentioned desire for decoration, which takes away reality even from self-denial. This “robber” appears here, according to Ou-i, because of the lack of self-confidence characteristic of a person in such a position in life as is described in this position. The text puts this into the following images:

The weak point is in fourth [place].
Disorganization. White.
The white horse definitely has wings.
[If] it weren’t for the robber, [there would be] marriage.

5. The fifth position in itself is favorable, but here it is represented by a weak line that has an obstacle in front of it (the upper strong line). Therefore, it symbolizes a person who, in the process of renouncing external splendor for the sake of the essential, despite his position, has not developed sufficient strength to attract help from a more developed person. Although he can distribute gifts (brocade), his gifts are meager and wretched. Therefore, regret awaits him. However, the very desire to attract help to oneself, at least with such gifts, does not turn out to be fruitless and sooner or later leads to happiness, as the text says:

The weak point is in fifth [place].
Decoration in the garden on the hill.
Bundles of [offered] brocade are wretchedness.
In the end, it’s happiness.

6. Complete replacement of tinsel decorations with something essentially valuable is impossible in the situation described in this hexagram, because otherwise it must be replaced by another. The greatest thing that is possible here at a time when this situation ends is a genuine rejection of variegated jewelry and the admission of white jewelry, symbolizing purity and innocence. The text puts it succinctly:

There is a strong feature at the top.
White decoration.
There will be no blasphemy.

All combinations of hexagrams are made up of 8 trigrams, which are called Bauga. Each has its own name and plays a specific role:

  • Qian (all continuous lines) - creation, art;
  • Kun (all broken lines) - implementation;
  • Zhen (two broken lines above, continuous line below) - emotional excitement;
  • Kan (top and bottom interrupted, solid line in the middle) - immersion;
  • Gen (continuous on top, broken lines underneath) - presence;
  • Sun (two solid lines at the top, broken line at the bottom) - clarification;
  • Li (bottom and top are solid, broken line in the middle) - clutch;
  • Blow (interrupted at the top, two continuous at the bottom) - permission.

Interpretation of hexagrams:

Name Interpretation
1 QianA symbol with masculine energy, meaning April. Symbolizes spring and hopes associated with the awakening of nature. But at the same time, this is a warning: be careful! It is necessary to expect changes in life no later than six months after fortune telling, and when they happen, you need to treat them with all reasonableness and prudence
2 KunA sign of the awakening of Mother Earth. It means that only hard work will help you fulfill your desires. Don't think too much about material benefits and then in a few months prosperity will come on its own. There is no point in going on the road or starting a new business for the foreseeable future.
3 ZhunOne of the most unfavorable combinations. Failures will follow everywhere, the business will not bring results. You just need to try to endure this black streak. Philosophers advise reducing contacts with people at this time. outside world and think about the situation
4 MaineSymbolizes a lack of understanding of the situation, the fog of existence. It portends that the scales from the eyes will soon fall and the world will once again shine with bright colors. You should not take it at this time important decisions. Need to devote more time to family and children
5 XuThe symbol means waiting. There is no need to rush into doing rash things. You need to gather your strength and do everything right. Purposeful and deliberate actions will help fulfill your desires
6 SongPredicts disharmony and conflict situations. No need to plan important event or doing it alone. We need to wait until a more favorable time comes.
7 ShiDenotes solitude, detachment from the world. A dropped Shi sign means that you need to think about your situation and carefully make plans for the future
8 BiThe worst is behind us, but there are still a few unsolved problems left. However, success will only come when a person cooperates with other people
9 Xiao-chuEven if there is no luck now, this does not mean that it will always be so. Very soon events will happen that will change life in better side. You just need to be patient and wait. And try not to get overtired at work
10 LeeAn unexpected event will happen soon, which will greatly please the fortuneteller. The main thing is to be polite, collected and thoughtful. Not for women best time start a romantic relationship
11 TaiDon't forget about your friends if your career suddenly takes off. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to behave carelessly and frivolously. You should refrain from spending extra money on unnecessary things
12 PiUnworthy and envious people appeared around me. You should be careful in their company. There is no need to start anything important at this time.
13 Tong-zhenIn the near future, things will improve only if you accept help from your senior comrades. You need to leave uncertainty and doubts, boldly accepting the challenge of circumstances
14 Yes-yuIN this moment everything is fine. The fortuneteller is rich both materially and spiritually. To maintain your success, you need to focus on a specific goal without getting scattered over trifles.
15 QianEven if you are plagued by minor setbacks now, in the future everything can change for the better. But for this it is necessary to show restraint and calmness, listening to the wise instructions of elders
16 YuThe fortuneteller is given freedom of choice life path. But you need to approach this wisely, having considered your further actions.
17 SuiAll endeavors will be successful. There will be a streak of luck in business. To do this, you just need to endure temporary difficulties
18 GuStarting new project, you need to be careful and prudent. There may be problems in financially or with business partners
19 TenchSymbolizes danger and warns against it. If you behave carefully enough, the troubles will be minimal.
20 GuanIn the near future, the fortuneteller will be offered a new beginning. But there is no need to rush to accept the offer. This requires prudence and clarity of thinking.
21 Shi-hoWhen learning something new, you need to be able to escape from the past. When creating something new, you need to know your soul. These words of wisdom will help you fulfill all your wishes
22 BiIt’s better not to take on big things at the moment, starting small. This will help you gain experience and become more competent.
23 BoThis hexagram symbolizes destruction. When appearing in fortune telling, Bo says that now it is better to wait with a serious matter and good times will come soon
24 UghThe symbol favors new beginnings. If he is the one you get, you can safely start running your own business.
25 Wu-wanLuck will only come when the fortuneteller begins to behave honestly and with dignity. The peak of activity has not yet arrived, so it is necessary to wait for better times
26 Yes-chooThere is no need to try to speed up the course of events and then fate will be favorable. The fortuneteller should not change his plans at the last moment, otherwise the matter will fail
27 ANDSoon in the life of the one who tells fortunes, there will be big changes. You just need to be persistent and not complain about fate. Also, the sages of the Book of Changes advise to stop gossiping, otherwise luck will leave the path of life
28 Yes-hoProsperity cannot be achieved through force. This is what the Canon of Changes says. Only with intelligence and common sense can you achieve good luck and prosperity
29 Si-kanOne of the worst signs in the table. Symbolizes misfortune and loss. However, by remaining calm and confident, you can avoid major troubles.
30 LeeAt the moment it feels like everything is fine, but this is an illusion. In fact, troubles and problems are already brewing behind us. You can cope with them only with the help of friends
31 XianA good attitude accompanies success. There is no need to give in to despondency. It is better to enjoy life and look at the world with optimism, then fortune will be favorable
32 HanYou shouldn't take on two things at once. None of them will be successful. You need to concentrate on one thing, then all your wishes will come true
33 DunDon't be too persistent, this will only make things worse. It would be better to retreat for a while and then start with renewed vigor
34 Da-zhuanYou cannot be happy by making others unhappy. Walking along career ladder up, don't break it human destinies. This won't end well
35 JinFor those who have worked hard and hard, fate will prepare a well-deserved reward. Financial and family well-being awaits very soon
36 MiniLuck will change for those who exchange it for a love affair. Now is not the time to make meaningless connections
37 Jia-zhenLuck will go to those who did not exchange their homeland and relatives for foreign countries. “When you find peace in your family, you will find good luck,” say ancient philosophers
38 KunMany things cause irritation, but you need to remain calm. Soon life situation will change
39 JianThe worst character in the table. Portends long-term bad luck. Whatever the fortuneteller undertakes will not succeed. This is especially true for finances and everything connected with them.
40 DzeAfter a long streak of failures, a bright streak came in life. It’s worth taking advantage of this and starting a profitable business
41 SunGenerosity will return a hundredfold. By giving, the fortuneteller will soon receive a reward for his kindness
42 ANDA good time for creative endeavors. If circumstances are favorable, there will be a sponsor who will support the creative project
43 GuaiYou need to be careful and try not to make stupid mistakes. Otherwise, fortune will turn away for a long time
44 GoPortends imminent financial losses. It is necessary to establish contact with loved ones, make peace with relatives who are in a quarrel, and then the troubles will be minimal
45 TsuiThe period is favorable for making new acquaintances both in business and in human terms. Friends made at this time will remain for life
46 ShengA business started by a fortuneteller will soon bring great financial profit. All you need is persistence and self-belief.
47 KunIt’s worth stopping and thinking about your life. Perhaps then all problems will be solved by themselves
48 JingThis sign portends trouble with your superiors. It will not appreciate the abilities of the fortuneteller. However, this may soon change
49 GeLuck favors those who are confident. Having found the strength of spirit, you can overcome all troubles
50 DeanClimbing the career ladder is possible. But you shouldn’t take on more obligations than necessary.
51 ZhenIndicates an opponent who is preventing you from achieving your desired heights. In this case, the sages advise to give in to him, since what you want will not turn out to be at all necessary for that who's guessing
52 GenThis is not the best time to travel at the moment. Hexagram No. 52 warns that the planned trip must be canceled, otherwise there may be big troubles
53 JianIt promises the one who tells fortunes great love. But before you rush headlong into the pool, you need to think about everything
54 Gui-meiDuring this period, income will exceed expenses and luck will accompany you in business. But you need to be careful and avoid wasting money
55 FyanA symbol denoting stability. If it falls to a fortuneteller, in his future fate prosperity and wealth will reign
56 Favorable time for traveling or business trip abroad. Transactions concluded within a month after fortune telling will be successful
57 SunChanges that happen in life will not always be for the better. Family and loved ones will help you overcome troubles
58 BlowThis hexagram promotes good luck in trading matters. It is also favorable for singers and people whose work involves speaking.
59 HuanA sign that says it's time to act. The one who guesses has a chance to become a leader. It just takes a little effort
60 JieLove and friendship ties should be strengthened. They may come in handy in the near future
61 Zhong fuEncourages teamwork. This is the only way to make your dreams of moving up the career ladder come true.
62 Xiao-guoPredicts disappointment in love. But there is no need to despair - the real feeling is ahead. And there is no need to try to keep someone who wants to leave
63 Ji-jiPredicts a big quarrel with family or close friend. To make peace, the fortuneteller will have to turn to a mediator who will help rectify the situation and reconcile the warring parties
64 Wei-jiGood luck will soon overtake the one who tells fortunes. But to achieve it, you need to pacify your temper and wait for the right opportunity.

The Chinese improved upon the ancient fortune-telling system by constructing a flexible and ingenious system of symbols and numbers. Each symbol allows you to see the situation from the point of view of its sequential development. According to the authors of the philosophical work, predictions can be realized in several interrelated directions - cosmic, social and intrahuman.

“I Ching”: “Creativity. The original accomplishment."


Both in manifested reality and in the subconscious, the sky is everywhere. The sky is a symbol that personifies God himself. God is everywhere! Double creativity, double original fulfillment with a divine spark within. This is the beginning of a great deed. This is pure divine potential on a manifest and subconscious level. POWER OF YANG - the original energy of the creator in pure form. Active creative power corresponding to the masculine principle. The situation for accomplishments is simply fabulous (God is everywhere) and at the same time absolutely meaningless: God needs to create for someone, but he is not here. Creativity and any achievements are not in demand if there is no one to perceive them, no one to give them to. This is a loop, this is a dead end. Here creativity replaces creativity, heaven replaces heaven, God replaces God. Further development it cannot be in this direction, since all this is already maximally manifested. Life will die without change, so there will definitely be change. Only the development of the situation will go exactly in the opposite direction, towards increasing the female vibrations of the YIN POWER, towards perception and following.

Everything is possible here if you can find someone who really needs it. Maybe this someone is you? It is necessary to find an area for application of such powerful creative potential, otherwise the situation will be lost.

This is a situation when you need to show the maximum of male vibration - all the power of Yang, but the result of achievements should be the manifestation of powerful Yin energy.


Here the opposite vibration is dominant! That is, the development of the situation will go towards strengthening the POWER OF YIN. This always happens when some property is overly manifested. The powerful creative energy Yang needs, like air, the no less powerful Yin.

From the treatise “Neijing”: Heaven is the substance of yang, and earth is the substance of yin. The Sun is a yang substance and the Moon is a yin substance. The yin substance is peace, and the yang substance is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures.

Which path the game “Your Life” will take next largely depends on you, on your position in this situation.

Positions for awareness:

1. Don’t let anyone lead you, always lead and guide others, and don’t follow anyone yourself. If you allow yourself to be controlled, you will lose yourself!

2. The fastest degradation is the desire to live under the guidance of one’s own mind, that is, under the guidance of one’s ego.

3. Yang energy, masculine energy is the primary energy of creation. It is not for nothing that God, the creator, is active yang energy. In the Book of Changes, yang is more correlated with light, yin with darkness.

4. God and creative energy are more aligned with the feminine yin energy, according to many tantric texts and the teachings of the Pleiades.

5. Yang and yin, masculine and feminine energy– these are various manifestations of the single energy of the creator. Therefore, it is completely pointless to try to compare them in order to identify any advantages of one energy over another.

6. Yang is a powerful creative, creative energy. By connecting with yin, yang loses its strength, just as “+” connecting with “-” disappears and is neutralized. There will be no nightingale songs if he is with the nightingale.

7. Yang creativity is inspired by the muse - yin energy. Without yin, no significant manifestation of yang is possible.

8. The division into yin and yang is conditional and created for understanding the processes of the Universe by the dual consciousness of man. In fact, there is not a single phenomenon in nature that could be attributed entirely to one energy. Thus, any woman in relation to her child shows many yang qualities: leader, educator, creator. Any man in relation to the Supreme, to God, to the flow of events is in a state of acceptance and following, and, therefore, directly manifests Yin vibrations.

9. “Know the masculine, but hold on to the feminine - and be a river valley to the world. If you accept the whole world, Tao will never leave you and you will become like a little child. Know the white, but stick to the black - and be an example to the world,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

10. “All things contain Yin and carry Yang. They mix their vital breath to create harmony,” Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching.

11. The condition for the realization of a real man is the presence of a true woman nearby!

12. In nature, natural energy exchange is as follows: a man transfers his energy to a woman, and a woman to a child. Harmonious man receives energy from the Supreme when he lovingly sends it to a woman or nature, so at these moments he not only does not feel a loss of strength, but on the contrary, he is also filled with beautiful Higher energy, and that is why it is easier for a man to merge with God, with the Supreme.

13. “The weight of the world lies on men’s shoulders. If this heaviness men's shoulders they refuse to bear it, the world is slipping, and it is in danger of falling... We must raise men who are strong, consistent, and responsible. Otherwise, only beer, football, a sagging sofa and jokes about what is below the belt will remain in their area of ​​interest. Women will feel this catastrophe the most... women. They will have no one to listen to, no one to hide behind, in fact, nowhere to go. And they will be brave in public, put on a good face when bad game. They will, in a word, depict the pleasure of freedom and independence. But the best friend, the priest in confession, and the tear-stained pillow will know that these women are deeply and incurably unhappy...” - Archpriest Andrei Tkachev.

14. “A woman in love with you can inspire you to heights you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs love, and this is her natural right,” Osho.

15. “A man suffers from a big inferiority complex because he cannot give birth to a child. This is one of the deepest unconscious deficiencies in a man. He knows that woman is superior because there can be nothing higher in life than the birth of life,” Osho.

16. “Love men. They really need your love, even if they never admit it. Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him and truly loved him.” - Bernard Shaw.

Bi (Decoration): decorate, embellish, be a decoration; elegant, beautiful; internal dignity in external appearance; energetic, brave, passionate, undaunted; display of courage. The hieroglyph depicts cowrie shells (a sign of dignity) and flowers - that is, dignity associated with beauty.

It is favorable for the little one to have a place to perform.

This is a time to decorate, ennoble and improve things (and you). As a result, their inner value and dignity are revealed. Act with sophistication and brilliance. Show your valor. If you can change the appearance of things without imposing your will, it will bring benefit and enlightenment. Be like sunlight, clarifying the essence of things and bringing out their beauty. May your appearance be full of beauty and grandeur. Don't interrupt what you started. Let the external decoration reveal the essence of the internal design. Use gradual changes to achieve what you want.

If the skill of the previous stage has been passed correctly, if a relatively peaceful position has already been won, one can turn to the stage of cultural development that follows such a conquest. Negative elements, palliatives of knowledge are already suppressed here, and new criteria can be established and the brilliance of newly acquired knowledge can be demonstrated. All this is a path of development. However, this development is limited to only minor, purely external innovations and does not introduce anything new in essence. These innovations are just a shiny decoration that has already lost its former value. Even the name itself indicates this if we conduct a pictographic analysis of the term “bi”. If we take into account that in this hieroglyph the determinative is “shell,” then doesn’t the thought arise that once in China shells served as a unit of exchange and only later were they replaced by money? (The modern word “money” is written with the determiner “metal”.) Shells, having lost the meaning of money, still retained the meaning of “value”, “decoration”, which is easy to see in the complex of hieroglyphs that have “shell” as a determiner and relate to objects , associated with the concepts of values ​​and decorations. Although decoration is meant here, this decoration is only external and cannot be given much importance, which is evidenced by the negative assessment given by Confucius to this hexagram, as stated in the encyclopedia “Lüshi Chunqiu” (I quote from Nagai Kimpu “Xuekisity”, see. under this hexagram). Thus, for large and significant matters, this hexagram is to undertake only unimportant matters.

External and Inner worlds: Mountain and Fire

The outer limit is the manifestation of inner brightness and awareness.

Decorating your outer appearance contains a hidden opportunity to release internal tension.


Without contemplation there is no unification and completion. Awareness of this allows you to use the decoration.


The decoration reflects the inner beauty.


There is a fire burning under the mountain. Decoration.
A noble person makes things clear without resorting to litigation.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

Decorate your toes.
Leave the chariot and go on foot.

Take on the task yourself. Let perseverance be your adornment. Don't look for easy ways.

The desire to decorate oneself, from a certain point of view, is the desire to hide one’s shortcomings and appear to be something other than what a person really is. Therefore, in this situation it is better not to decorate yourself. At the first stage, the tendency to decorate is not yet very strong, because the process is only at the beginning, and since the beginning of the hexagram is below, the text also gives an image of decoration on the toes. But along with this, the decorations need to be contrasted with something real, which the legs should serve as.

Line 2

Six second

Decorate this beard and mustache.

You improve and beautify your surroundings. Show restraint and patience. It will take time, but the connection with Heaven has already been established.

Decoration does not have a bad effect if it does not completely absorb a person, if he can relate to it with complete detachment. The second feature of this hexagram is weak, or in the terminology of the “Book of Changes” “empty”. This emptiness here symbolizes the necessary detachment through which decoration is permissible. At the same time, a person does not attribute jewelry to himself, but only to his environment. If the face is the most individualized expression of personality, then sideburns, mustaches and beards only frame the face and symbolize not the person himself, but his immediate environment.

Line 3

Nine three

Disorganization. Decoration.
Eternal endurance is fortunate.

Get inspired by a new idea. Allow it to sink into your consciousness, but don't actually embody it just yet. The path is open for you and for those who may follow you.

The crisis of this negative process is expressed in the fact that here it operates less intensely, and even the greatest pomp of decoration is not dangerous here. However, this is only a weakening of the negative impact of this situation, but not its disappearance. Therefore, here it is still necessary to actively maintain a strong attitude towards the perhaps seductive beauty of the outfit - in order to achieve a happy outcome of the entire process.

Line 4

Six fourth

Disorganization. White. The white horse is definitely flying.
If it weren't for the robber, there would have been a marriage.

This is a position of self-denial. Whiteness symbolizes mourning and the desire for perfection, and the image of a flying horse symbolizes the liberated spirit. However, the earthly things hold you firmly, preventing you from detaching yourself from everyday affairs. Your task is to balance lofty aspirations and ordinary desires.

Although this position is one of self-denial, the empty desire for decoration has already managed to increase so much that here it exerts its strong influence on self-renunciation, depriving it of even its essence and turning it into mere decoration. This position, however, is susceptible to the beneficial effects of the remaining positions of this hexagram, which in relation to it symbolize (according to Wang Yi) enlightened teachers and good friends, but here it is possible to understand the meaning of the white color (“white horse”), understood as the opposition to pure selflessness and diversity of decorations. This “marriage” is impossible here due to the action of the “robber” - the above-mentioned desire for decoration, which takes away reality even from self-denial. This “robber” appears here, according to Wang Yi, because of the lack of self-confidence characteristic of a person in such a position in life as is described in this position.

Line 5

Six fifth

Decoration in the garden on the hill.
Bundles of brocade offered are squalor.
Regret. In the end - happiness.

Although you have achieved some success, the gifts you give out are too meager to benefit others. Don't do this or you will regret it. But your motivation will not be wasted. The path is open: improve your qualities.

The fifth position in itself is favorable, but here it is represented by a weak line that has an obstacle in front of it (the upper strong line). Therefore, it symbolizes a person who, in the process of renouncing external splendor for the sake of the essential, despite his position, has not developed sufficient strength to attract help from a more developed person. Although he can distribute gifts (brocade), his gifts are meager and wretched. Therefore, regret awaits him. However, the very desire to at least call for help with such gifts does not turn out to be fruitless and sooner or later leads to happiness.

Line 6

Top nine

White decoration.
There will be no blasphemy.

This situation ends modestly and with dignity. You comprehend the main thing and realize your purpose, dressed in clothes of the color of mourning and pure intentions. The choice was made correctly.

A complete eclipse of the tinsel of jewelry with something essentially valuable is impossible in the situation described in this hexagram. The greatest thing that is possible here at a time when this situation ends is a genuine rejection of the variegation of jewelry and the admission of white jewelry, symbolizing purity and innocence.

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