Home Mushrooms First day of the waxing moon. Night beauty in the sky: waning and waxing Moon. Meet Her Majesty Luna

First day of the waxing moon. Night beauty in the sky: waning and waxing Moon. Meet Her Majesty Luna

The influence of the Moon on humans has been known since ancient times. This is explained by the fact that the body consists of almost 80% water, and the Moon has a direct impact on all living and nonliving things that contain water. It has long been no secret to anyone that it is on the new moon that the strong tides. Considering how the Moon affects the human body, on certain days of the lunar cycle it is strictly forbidden to perform operations, get a haircut, or exercise strength exercises. And knowing what you can do on the waxing and waning moon, it is always possible to choose best time for cosmetic procedures, recuperation and plant care.

Waxing Moon in September 2018

Favorable deeds: starting new projects, investing Money, making deals, housework, new acquaintances, haircut, skin care, sports, getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body.

Unfavorable tasks: performing routine tasks, facial cleansing, waxing.

About the waxing moon of September 2018 and its advantages

The first days of the Waxing Moon in September 2018, when it begins to grow, are not so favorable and successful, so at least the first two numbers, when growth is just beginning, should be skipped, as well as preferably the last two before the Full Moon. On the remaining days of the Waxing Moon period, you can act decisively, be active and a little persistent, take initiative, negotiate and resolve any issues.

In general, this is a wonderful period for our health and well-being, when we have a lot of strength and energy, things are going up and almost everything planned is working out, our mood is at its best. high level, we are ready to meet people and give kindness to people. Also this is the most good time for all the numerous summer residents, when you can on your own garden plot do almost any work, sow and plant, fertilize and water.

How does the waxing moon affect the human body?

The synodic cycle of the Moon and its influence on human health must be considered from three perspectives. Firstly, taking into account whether the Moon is waxing or waning, secondly, taking into account its quarters, and then the phases.

From new moon to full moon the moon is waxing. From full moon to new moon - waning. At the same time having at hand moon calendar, you can easily determine this by looking at the Moon. The moon is growing - if the letter “r” can be made from a sickle, and if only “s” is aging, waning.

During the period starting from the new moon, there is a gradual increase in energy. These days, the influence of the growing Moon on a person is very strong, because all biological and mental processes. And the closer to the full moon, the more active and successful a person is in his endeavors. This period is the best for healing the body, but unfavorable for carrying out surgical operations(especially during the full moon).

What you can and cannot do during the waxing moon

What not to do on a waxing moon

  • carry out planned operations, as recovery period may drag on, soft tissue swelling may persist and rougher scars may form;
  • Eat heavily if you don’t want to gain weight quickly.

On the waxing moon stands:

  • do strength exercises, muscle mass will grow well;
  • restore strength;
  • nourish the body with vitamins, food additives, useful substances and products that will be well absorbed;
  • make nourishing masks, massages with natural oils.

A strong protective spell for the waxing Moon

During the new moon it is held strong ritual to protect yourself and loved ones from various negative influences and energy attacks. It must be carried out on the first day of the new moon, with each subsequent day the strength of the effect decreases. Beginners are advised to renew their protection every month, because if you are constantly exposed to energy or magical effects, she may not be able to stand it. The strength of protection weakens not from a specific time, but from intensity negative impacts on you. If you are damaged to death by a strong magician, then, for sure, such protection will not work.

Looking at the new moon, say:

Lunar phases influence the ebb and flow of the world's water supplies. Humans are 80% water. For this reason, the activity of the body depends on the Earth’s satellite. Knowing Which one is now increasing or decreasing? The moon can be used to plan certain events in life. There are several ways to determine the state of the night star.

Mnemonic rule for determining the phases of the Moon - method 1 and the most popular

This option is a phase determination based on the visible shape of the Moon. The Earth's satellite is a sphere. When the Moon is not fully illuminated sunlight a “sickle” can be observed from Earth. In different quarters of the phase, the “sickle” changes from thin to thick and reaches half the volume of the satellite.

The degree of illumination of the planet's satellite and protrudes the right way to determine the phase. It is worth noting that there are differences between the position of the earth's satellite in the sky in the northern and southern hemispheres.

In the northern hemisphere

In order to distinguish the first lunar quarter from the last to the average person, a simple mnemonic rule can be applied. It consists of comparing the lunar crescent and the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet (“C” and “P”).

Looking at the sky you can see the different positions of the crescent moon. If the Moon, in its incomplete manifestation, resembles the letter “C”, this means that the luminary is in a “falling” position. This position of the Moon symbolizes the fourth quarter.

To determine the waxing Moon, you need to put your finger on the Moon: if in combination you can mentally see the letter “P”, it means that the earth’s satellite is now in the first phase.

In the southern hemisphere

In the southern hemisphere, determining the lunar phases using the mnemonic method has exactly the opposite meaning. This suggests that the growing Moon is similar to the “C” in the Cyrillic alphabet or, as is commonly believed in astrology, the letter “C” of the Latin alphabet.

The waning moon resembles the Latin "D". In this case, it is necessary to add a wand to the celestial sickle.

Due to the fact that in the northern hemisphere half of the population uses the Cyrillic alphabet in writing, to recognize the phase of the Month and quarters, the rule according to this alphabet (“C” and “P”) is used.

In the other hemisphere, the population more often uses Latin alphabet. Based on this, the letter “C” (si) is used to designate the waxing Moon, and “D” is used to designate the waning Moon. The full moon is designated as "O".

VIDEO: Information about lunar phases

Moon phases

Moon phases - just about simple things.

Determining the time of sunrise and sunset of the month - method No. 2

Astrology has proven that the Moon rises and sets in different phases of growth. different time. In other words: knowing when the night star appeared in the sky, you can determine whether the Moon is now waxing or waning.

This rule works especially well in cases where it is difficult to see the star in full due to heavy cloud cover or other weather. It is much easier to notice the time when the Month appears and, thus, already calculate in which cycle it is located.

Relationship between sunrise and sunset times and the lunar phase:

  • the young Moon is not visible in the sky. It is not illuminated by the sun. The month during this period rises and sets at the same time as the Sun;
  • the waxing Moon, which enters the first quarter, appears in the sky early in the morning, appears in all its glory during twilight and hides at midnight;
  • During the full moon, the Moon fills and turns into a round disk, which rises at sunset and sets at dawn. During this phase it is possible to observe the Earth's satellite greatest number time;
  • after the full moon the month begins to decline and enters the last quarter. In this phase, the Moon appears in the sky at midnight and sets in the morning.

The growth rate of plants and hair is a clear sign of 3 ways to determine the phase of the moon

Flowers and lunar days: periods of best and worst growth

It has long been noted that plants and all living flora are subject to the influence of the Moon. The connection of flowers and trees with the Earth's satellite is expressed in the fact that in one phase they grow faster, in another much slower.

Our ancestors paid attention to this and began to note and keep a kind of calendar, in which they noted the lunar days and the condition of the plants (growth rate, how they bore fruit, etc.). After all, those times are natural Agriculture was a vital basis, and all methods and methods that could help increase productivity were valued.

Long-term observations have shown that there are phases of the moon in which it is better to sow - these are the first and second quarters. It is best to harvest during the new moon - it will be stored for a long time.

Plants grow well and quickly during the growing month. During the full moon, all living things become quiet, growth is so minimal that it cannot be noticed with the naked eye. During the third and fourth quarters, growth becomes more active, but not at all the same as in the first and second. On the new moon, a smooth transition from one state to another can be traced, which is expressed in the accumulation of energy for release on the growing Moon.

It is advisable to replant flowers during the new moon or in the first quarter. At this time, the plant will be charged with energy, which will make the transplant much easier.

Thus, you can recognize whether the Moon is now waxing or waning by any plants, be it ordinary street grass or houseplants. Take a closer look at your favorite violet: whether new leaves have appeared, it has stopped growing, or, perhaps, on the contrary, it has thrown away its flower stalks. Active growth indicates a growing phase, a period of rest indicates a full moon, weak growth indicates a waning moon.

Hair and the Moon. How phases can affect hair

Solar eclipses and magnetic storms, a young Moon and an aging Moon - these factors actively influence the body. Organs, and especially hairline and nails, perfectly feel the ebb and flow of the tides and at the same time express them through the energy of their own growth. Despite the fact that hair is generally considered inanimate in nature, it is most subject to the manifestations of the lunar phases.

Trichologists noted that active growth hair appears during the new moon and New Moon. Energy lunar flows that enter the body find a free exit through the hair, giving it maximum amount vital energy.

During the period when the Earth's satellite begins to age and declines, hair growth slows down. Energy leaves all living things, and the hairline, as the outermost conductor, is most susceptible to this. Here comes slow growth.

There is a complete calm in all living things during the full moon. It is worth noting that this phase is expressed especially and often not through the best side.

If you want to grow long and Thick hair– trim the ends during the new Moon. The hair will grow better and renew itself faster. If you want to achieve the opposite result (when coloring, for example), schedule trips to the hairdresser when the Moon has waned. Hair will grow slower and there will be no frequent need for coloring.

The influence of the Moon on a person’s emotional state - method No. 4

Oddly enough, but it is psycho- emotional condition a person is often the easiest way to check the lunar phases. After it was noticed that people with an unbalanced psyche exhibit regular exacerbations in behavior once a month, scientists and official medicine began to study this issue.

Psychotherapists quickly established that a large release of emotions occurs in certain period, which coincides with the full moon. This is where the tracking of the connection between emotions and moods with lunar cycles began.

Basic cycles and their connection with human emotions:

  • It was found that during the waxing Moon, a person’s emotional tone increases and he is in a good mood. At this time it is good to make plans for the next month, appoint business meetings and prepare for material expenses;
  • the waning Moon takes with it the accumulated energy during the first 2 phases. A person becomes sad and tired, and emotional tone decreases. People who are heavily dependent on the influence of the earth's satellite may experience apathy and even depression;
  • the new moon affects emotional background quite restrained: there is no manifestation of aggression, but at the same time, there is no emotion in general. Spiritually, a person freezes. Rebirth occurs;
  • The full moon manifests its influence much brighter than all other phases. During this period, a person becomes emotionally sensitive to any stimuli. Weak character traits make themselves felt. In melancholic people, tearfulness begins to go off scale. Cholerics are no longer able to hide their aggression. Sanguine and phlegmatic people also go to extremes in the manifestation of their character.

Psychologists have proven that people without emotions do not exist, and they always find a way out. Whether they are very calm people or bright more emotional than personality- to avoid lunar influence, just like gravity, they won’t be able to. By observing your mood and behavior for a couple of days, you can easily determine whether the Moon is currently waxing or waning.

Positive influence of the Moon on human emotions

YoIP Lunar Calendar is pleased to tell you about today's lunar phase.

In total, there are eight periods of the moon’s movement, which it passes through during the period from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth days. The generally accepted duration of a full change of phases of the moon, synodic month, is considered early 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes.

The phases change in the following sequence: new moon (the moon is not visible), new moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter and old moon.
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Today the Moon is in phase: “Waning Moon”

It's the 19th lunar day, the moon is 83% visible
Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius ♒ and the constellation Capricorn ♑

Detailed information about the moon phase today

Household moon phase:
Astronomical moon phase:
Today the moon in the zodiac sign: ♒ Aquarius
Today the moon is in the constellation: ♑ Capricorn
Today's lunar day: 19
Exact age of the moon: 18 days, 17 hours and 49 minutes
Moon visibility: 83%
Beginning of the current lunar cycle (new moon): June 3, 2019 at 13:02
The next new moon will be: July 2, 2019 at 22:17
Duration of this lunar cycle: 29 days, 9 hours and 14 minutes
The exact time of the full moon of this cycle: June 17, 2019 at 11:31
Exact time of next full moon: July 17, 2019 at 00:39
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Moon phases in June 2019 by day.

The phases of the moon are shown for noon of each day in June (12:00 Moscow time, UTC+3)

Date Moon Phase Day Zodiac
June 1st 28 ♉ Taurus
2 June 29 ♉ Taurus
June 3 30 ♊ Gemini
June 4 2 ♊ Gemini
June 5 3 ♋ Cancer
June 6 4 ♋ Cancer
June 7 5 ♌ Leo
June 8 6 ♌ Leo
the 9th of June 7 ♍ Virgo
June 10th 8 ♍ Virgo
June 11 9 ♎ Libra
12 June 10 ♎ Libra
June 13 11 ♏ Scorpio
June 14 12 ♏ Scorpio
June 15 13 ♏ Scorpio
June 16 14 ♐ Sagittarius
June 17 15 ♐ Sagittarius
June 18 16 ♑ Capricorn
June 19 17 ♑ Capricorn
June 20 18 ♒ Aquarius
21st of June 19 ♒ Aquarius
22nd of June 20 ♒ Aquarius
June 23 21 ♓ Pisces
June 24 22 ♓ Pisces
June 25 23 ♈ Aries
June 26 24 ♈ Aries
27th of June 24 ♈ Aries
June 28 25 ♉ Taurus
June 29 26 ♉ Taurus
30 June 27 ♊ Gemini

What zodiac sign is the moon in today?

Now the moon is in the sign ♒ Aquarius and the constellation ♑ Capricorn.

Moon in zodiac sign or constellation?

Expression "Moon in the zodiac sign", for example, in the sign "Pisces", implies its astrological position within the boundaries of the zodiac sign. Zodiac sign it is one twelfth of the ecliptic, making 30°. Belongs to the tropical zodiac.

Expression "Moon in the constellation", for example, in the constellation "Aquarius", implies its astronomical position within the boundaries of the constellation. The boundaries of the constellations have different shapes, and the moon is there for different times. Constellations belong to the astronomical zodiac.

This difference arose due to the precession of the earth's axis and the associated displacement of the point spring equinox for 2000 years approximately one sign back.

Therefore, you can often hear the following clarification: “The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and the constellation Aquarius.”

In addition, in the astronomical interpretation, the thirteenth constellation “Ophiuchus” is added to the twelve constellations consonant with the signs of the zodiac.

You can read more about the dates of intersection of astronomical and astrological signs of the zodiac on the page.

What phase is the moon in today?

The moon is currently in the waning third quarter phase.

What are the phases of the moon?

There are everyday and astronomical phases of the moon. Their names are the same, and the only difference is the duration of the new moon and full moon phases. In everyday life, they each last 2-3 Earth days, until the moon is practically invisible (new moon) or visible almost as a full disk (full moon). But in an astronomical sense, the duration of these phases is less than a second.

The reason for this is that the moon moves around the earth at a speed of about 1023 m/sec, and the full moon and new moon are the moments when the earth, moon and sun line up on the same plane, perpendicular to the direction of the earth's movement around the sun.

These moments are very fleeting and if you try to calculate their duration with the accuracy of the coincidence of the positions of the moon, earth and sun to at least one meter, then the duration will be less than 1/1023 of a second.

In our calendar, the duration of the astronomical phases is calculated with an accuracy of one diameter of the moon (about 3476 km), which gives approximately 56.5 minutes. The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon. Is the moon waxing or waning now? The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon. How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning today? You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “ WITH You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “", that is

aging or waning moon. If, by adding a vertical stick to the month, the moon becomes like the letter “ R", then she<„) для растущей луны и fading. For the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. There they see the moon upside down, so they use it to remember

musical terms C rescendo (or sign "

What lunar day is it today?

Now it's the 19th lunar day. 17 hours and 49 minutes have passed since the beginning.

Lunar days and lunar days. What is the difference?

Lunar day- this is the period of time that passes from the moment of the new moon until the moon re-crosses the line of the meridian over which the moon was at the moment of the new moon.

The first lunar day begins its countdown at the moment when the center of the moon crosses the line connecting the earth and the sun (the moment of the new moon). The second and subsequent days begin when the center of the moon crosses the meridian above which the moment of the new moon occurred in this lunar cycle. Average duration lunar days about 24 Earth hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds.

This happens because the earth and the moon rotate in the same direction and while the earth does full turn , the moon manages to run away from it a little ahead and the earth has to turn a little more so that the moon is exactly above the meridian that it was one lunar day ago. Lunar days counted from sunrise to sunset of the moon at each specific point globe


At the same time, the beginning of the first lunar day occurs like the beginning of the first lunar day at the time of the new moon, and the second and subsequent lunar days are counted from moonrise.

  1. Duration
  2. lunar days
  3. and their number is different at every point on the globe. The usual number of lunar days is from 29 to 30 per lunar cycle.
  4. However, in some places where the moon may not rise or set for several Earth days, the number of lunar days may be much less.
  5. This affects the territories beyond the northern and southern polar circles. There you can go for half a year without seeing the sun or the moon.

Modern astrophysicists claim that lunar phases affect human life. Depending on the position of the Moon, certain events occur. Thanks to the lunar calendar indicating the phases from which and until what date the satellite will be in one or another of them, you can achieve dimension, balance with nature, and spiritual harmony.

It must be said that not only the phases of the moon influence, but also the zodiac sign in which the Earth’s satellite is located at one time or another during its movement around our planet. For example, the full moon is a period of chaos in events and feelings, but sometimes it can have a more pleasant nature.

So, in November 2018, the Full Moon will pass under the sign of Gemini. This means that thoughts will not be confused. On the contrary, a certain order of events and affairs awaits us. At the same time, you should not relax - the period will be characterized by an increase in lies around you. People will systematically deceive each other for selfish purposes. Promises will be empty - words should not be trusted during this period.

New moon - the phase of the moon is quite favorable. During this period, a person is filled with a desire for change and movement, as well as a change in the direction of this movement. Dreams literally overwhelm you, and plans just come to mind. Trusting your emotions at this moment is dangerous, because you can simply take on an unbearable burden.

The New Moon in November 2018 will take place in the sign of Scorpio. The sign is not calm and measured. Passions will overcome all people, and therefore it is better to dangerous period delve deeper into yourself and your own feelings, set goals and priorities, plan your month so that it has enough time to implement plans and relax, solve problems and communicate with loved ones.


As mentioned above, the month began with the waning moon phase. This means that there is no need to start new business until at least November 6th. The waning phase of the Moon is a short period of time designed to get rid of everything that is burdensome and prevents you from living with joy.

Waning or aging moon?
The waning moon phase lasts one week after the Full Moon. Afterwards, the moon is considered to be aging, because it is already preparing to meet the New Moon. If we take into account that now the moon is not just waning, but already aging, that is, on the eve of the New Moon, then the list of what can and cannot be done is adjusted accordingly.

What can you do on the waning moon at the beginning of November 2018?

- During this period, you can be active, move a lot and walk, relax, meet friends and family, complete work plans;

- You should do general cleaning, throw away everything unnecessary from your home, from your thoughts and even from your environment;

— You need to communicate and move around a lot, organize holidays. You are full of strength and energy, and therefore you need to direct it to cleansing yourself of everything unnecessary, so that on the new moon you can try to radically change the vector of your movement;

— The waning moon is a period of action, not dreams. You can't be lazy and rely on fate. Passive rest is contraindicated.

What should you not do on the waning moon?

— You shouldn’t start new businesses, look for talents in yourself and try to change your field of activity. It’s better to spend time summing up the period of time that has already passed and realizing whether your actions were right or wrong;

- There is no need to sort things out, quarrel and swear;

— You should not make large purchases and invest money in new projects;

— During the waning moon, you should not sleep long and wake up late;

— You shouldn’t make fateful decisions and radically change your life. The Full Moon or New Moon is suitable for this;

— During the waning moon, you should not go hungry or exhaust yourself with intense cleansing. Now you need energy to move mountains and complete the accumulated projects you have started.

Thus, we can summarize that we devote the first week of November 2018 to activity, systematically followed by rest in cheerful companies. We are summing up the results of the past month and are just thinking about what we will do in November. Plans can even be written down, but it is better to plan the start of their execution on November 7-8, that is, at the beginning of the waxing moon phase.

The waxing moon is a celestial magical body that affects the condition of the body, hair growth, and the phase of the waxing moon from new moon to full moon. As its phase changes, so does its influence on our planet.
In principle, there are several “states” of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Today we will talk in more detail about the growing, or young, moon.

Health on the waxing moon

Separately, I would like to say about the state of health during the new moon period. It often happens that for some inexplicable reason we suddenly feel bad today, or vice versa, we feel good. It’s all to blame, so you shouldn’t smile at such a phenomenon as the lunar calendar.

When the growing moon above you seems to have stepped out of the photo, it is very good to engage in healing of the body: any support provided to your body will be beneficial. Within two weeks from the moment all vitamins and substances give us more of their useful properties than on other days

If you have a lack of some microelements in your body, then you can safely replenish them while your young companion is having this effect on us beneficial influence. As was said earlier, these days you cannot waste your energy, any exercise stress, as well as stress can significantly weaken your immunity.

Also, many have noticed that when the sickle is young, scarring and wound healing are worse. The closer we are to full moon, the less successfully various operations and other physical effects on the body will take place. So if today is approaching, then it is better to cancel the operation.

This phase also affects the movement of fluid in the body: during this period it goes down to the legs, and therefore swelling of the legs may increase. Also, any poisoning during a new sickle is fraught with serious consequences. Usually poisoning is very difficult to tolerate, but if you use the right medications in time, the situation can be saved.

It happens that today, when the waxing moon has risen above the horizon, the real “zhor” begins. Some people don't pay attention to this, but in fact there is a certain pattern. The fact is that these days the body diligently assimilates all the food; it, one might say, requires food, and most of fats and carbohydrates obtained from food will easily increase your weight, so it’s better once again look at the lunar calendar: the phase when the moon is waxing is fraught for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight. And if you do not want to gain weight, then you should limit yourself to food during this period and say “no” to harmful foods.

But to part with yours bad habits during this period, as well as during the period when the new moon occurs, it is impossible, since you are unlikely to have the strength to control yourself and your energy, which will inexorably rush towards the forbidden fruit. The waning moon will help you if you really want to get rid of the harmful influence of anything.

Money for the waxing moon

It is important to note that any lunar phase has a special effect on our physical and mental condition. In order to determine exactly how a satellite can affect your condition today, it is worth looking at the lunar calendar for the Moon Today from time to time.

So, the waxing moon has the following effect on us:
Emotions become more obvious, they become more difficult to contain and control. This applies to both the emotions of joy and anger.
Many are destined for success in all matters, especially in business and various financial transactions. But luck will accompany only those who are active and cheerful, who are not afraid of difficulties and strive to realize their full potential.

The waxing moon allows you to plan any business, negotiate and prepare for various events.
During this period, we tend to receive more information and learn more.
This period, according to the lunar calendar, is good for accumulating energy, and this means that any waste of energy, for example in quarrels and conflicts, has an adverse effect on our body.
IN this period Creative tendencies predominate - on a waxing moon it is good to start and develop something. Any start will be given the green light.


It is worth dwelling separately on how interconnected lunar cycles, haircut and others cosmetic procedures. Nowadays, many people do not cut their hair unless they first look at the lunar calendar, which allows them to determine more favorable and less favorable days for this.

Haircut during the waxing moon

Many people know that the phase when the moon is waning is unfavorable for cutting hair, but the new moon and the waxing moon are those phases when hair cutting will be most successful.
during this period it enhances their growth, adds to their natural beauty and strength - we can say that after the hairdresser you will look like in the picture.
It's better to get a haircut in certain days- for example, when the satellite is located or . These days are ideal not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring, as well as for creating various hairstyles. Information about what days these are can be found by looking at the lunar calendar, it usually gives full characteristics every lunar day.

Since the waxing moon is characterized by the accumulation of energy, then any nutrients from cosmetics will give an excellent effect. And it doesn’t matter what you decide to nourish - from your toes to the ends of your hair, your body is ready for any body-pleasant procedures.
The waxing moon - regardless of whether we pay attention to it or not, whether we look at the lunar calendar or not - has a very serious impact on our entire lives. Therefore, it is worth looking at the sky sometimes, because it is not so difficult to determine that the moon is waxing today.

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