Home Mushrooms Pennsylvania schools. Panorama of the University of Pennsylvania. Virtual tour of the University of Pennsylvania. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Tuition fees at the University of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania schools. Panorama of the University of Pennsylvania. Virtual tour of the University of Pennsylvania. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Tuition fees at the University of Pennsylvania

Do not confuse private University of Pennsylvania With State University state of Pennsylvania. The first of them is one of the eight universities participating in the famous “Ivy League”, and, perhaps, is one of the five strongest research universities in the world. educational institutions. It is located in the city of Philadelphia (in Pennsylvania).

University of Pennsylvania yesterday and today

Back in 1740, the great Benjamin Franklin founded a charitable school, which in 1755 became a college under the presidency of the same Benjamin Franklin. In 1779, the college was the first among American educational institutions to be awarded the title of university. Thus, since the 18th century, the University of Pennsylvania (PA) has been developing under the motto “Leges sine moribus vanae,” which translates as “Laws without morality are useless.”

The University of Pennsylvania, PA has 21 thousand students, about half of whom are future bachelors, and the other half are masters and doctors of science. The structure of the University of Pennsylvania, PA includes the following faculties: social sciences, Law, Education, Engineering, Arts, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Communications ( famous school Annenberg Communications). The university also includes the famous Wharton School (Wharton Business School) - this is one of the best educational institutions in the world of this profile. One of important features The University of Pennsylvania is that science is not separated from studies and already from the 2nd year students are actively working in laboratories. This university spends a lot of time and effort on supporting the interests of the defense of their country, so they are happy to accept talented domestic students technical universities, assign them scholarships and, periodically, grants. True, in Lately Foreigners in the humanities also have a chance to become scholarship holders at the University of Pennsylvania, PA. Naturally, the University of Pennsylvania is very demanding of the knowledge of applicants; competitions in the faculties of sociology and law and the arts are especially impressive.

Conditions for admission to the University of Pennsylvania for foreigners

In order for a foreigner to enroll at the University of Pennsylvania, he must first confirm high level knowledge in English, for this a TOEFL certificate with an excellent result is attached. You will also need a GMAT certificate and your educational document (for various programs you will need school certificate maturity or diploma). Education documents must be translated and notarized. Attached is an application form (the university application form you filled out) and an application fee (payment for working with documents and reviewing them). Typically, in the application form, the applicant indicates the amount that he can pay for studying next year, and the university, subsequently focusing on this amount, can provide a scholarship or grant if the student or applicant is promising and shows himself with best side. As is customary in the USA, at the University of Pennsylvania, PA, upon admission you must attach letters of recommendation(usually three pieces), certificates of results and achievements in the field of research activities and work experience, as well as an essay. After reviewing your documents, you need to pass the entrance exams and perform well at the interview.

Contact information for applicants to the University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania - private research university USA, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is part of the elite Ivy League. Founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin. The University of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest institutions of higher education and the first university in the United States, as well as one of 9 colonial colleges founded before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Despite its name, the university is private and is sometimes confused with the public University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania State University), located in the city of State College. In 2013, the university accepted 12.1% of applicants who applied for undergraduate studies. It was a record low percentage admitted to the first year of students throughout the history of the university. Benjamin Franklin, the founder of the university, advocated an educational program that would focus on classically based education in practical useful training for commerce and public service. The University of Pennsylvania was one of the first universities in the United States to follow the example of European universities in organizing multidisciplinary education within a single institution. The Wharton School of Business, one of the most prestigious and renowned business schools in the world, is part of the University of Pennsylvania. At the university with late XIX century, there is the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, as well as the Institute contemporary art(de facto museum).

The university was founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin - first as a school, then a college, and received its current status in 1779. Unlike the other three early colleges of colonial times—Harvard College, the College of William and Mary, and Yale College—the University of Pennsylvania did not concentrate primarily on religious education. Franklin insisted from the very beginning on the concept of a multifaceted citizenship, including practical education. The history of the university has many pioneering achievements: the first university in the USA medical school appeared in 1765, the first university hospital - in 1874, the world's first business school - now known as the "Wharton School" - in 1881, the second US school of veterinary medicine, the first university student union building - Houston Hall in 1896 Birthplace of the world's first electronic digital multifunction computer (ENIAC) in 1946.

The university's main campus covers more than 300 acres and is located in the University District of Philadelphia. In addition, it owns significant areas outside the campus, where various educational and scientific buildings are located, including Vet clinic. Other universities located near the University of Pennsylvania include Drexel, the University of the Sciences of Philadelphia (USP), and University City High School. ��2…

It was founded in 1740 by the famous American politician Benjamin Franklin. This institution was originally opened as a free school for working-class children in Philadelphia. In 1779, almost forty years after its opening, the school received university status.

Often University of Pennsylvania confused with The Pennsylvania State University, which is located in University Park.

Imitating the presenters European universities, the University of Pennsylvania became the first university in the United States to adopt a multidisciplinary model, which means that several completely different faculties, such as theology, classics and medicine, were concentrated in one educational institution.

The University of Pennsylvania can be called a pioneer American education, because In many areas this university was a pioneer. Thus, the University of Pennsylvania became the first among the thirteen colonies (in the future states) to provide bachelor's and master's degrees; in 1765, the first medical school was opened on the basis of the university in North America, in 1881 - the Wharton school of business, and in 1896 - the first student union.

Since 1923, dozens of Penn State graduates have been awarded Nobel Prize.

Today, the University of Pennsylvania offers applicants a wide choice of specialties, the most popular among which are: medicine, dentistry, design, business, law, engineering, veterinary medicine, as well as social and human sciences.

The University of Pennsylvania is consistently ranked among the best research institutes in the world, both in quality and quantity of research. In 2011, the university spent $814 million on research, becoming the leader in this indicator among Ivy League universities.

As one of the most active and productive research institutions, the University of Pennsylvania is associated with several important discoveries and innovations in many areas of science, including the first electronic computer (ENIAC), the development of a vaccine against rubella and hepatitis B, and cognitive therapy.

Over the past ten years, 9 faculty members and alumni of the University of Pennsylvania have won the Nobel Prize. Also interesting fact is that they graduated from the University of Pennsylvania greatest number graduates who became billionaires in the future.

The university's sports teams dominate college leagues, and Franklin Stadium is the oldest in operation. football stadium among all educational institutions in America.

Among famous alumni University, we can highlight 9 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 11 signers of the US Constitution, the 9th US President William Henry Harrison, popular businessman Donald Trump and the richest man in the world - Warren Buffett.

The university staff includes 4,000 teaching staff, 1,100 doctors and 5,400 graduate students. In 2014-2015 academic year More than 21 thousand students study at the university. To become one of them, you must pass a strict selection process, which only 10% of applicants succeed in.

Tuition fees at the University of Pennsylvania

In the 2015-2016 academic year, tuition fees per course at the University of Pennsylvania will be:

Course of study – $49,536

Room on campus – $9060

Meals – $4930

Books – $1250

Additional expenses – $2024

In total, the cost of one year of study at the University of Pennsylvania will be $66,800. This is provided that the student will live and eat on campus. TO additional expenses includes expenses for clothing, linen and other supplies necessary for the student.

In conclusion, I would like to note that... The University of Pennsylvania is part of the Ivy League, an association of the oldest private universities in America, its diploma is highly rated throughout the world, and its holders open many doors that are inaccessible to others.


Year of foundation:


The University of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the United States. It opened its doors in 1740. The founder of the university is Benjamin Franklin. Now the university is on the list of the most famous educational institutions in the world. In addition, it is included in the prestigious Ivy League. Students here can get any academic degree, and university diplomas are recognized and valued in all countries without exception.

One of the goals of the University of Pennsylvania is for interested students from different layers society. The university has developed a grant system, which is used by about 45% of those who receive a bachelor's degree. The university offers an ideal ratio of price for study and quality educational process. His diploma facilitates employment in the USA and any other country in the world, so the money spent on education always pays off.

Features of studying at the University of Pennsylvania:

The university has developed scientific activity, research is being carried out in different areas science and places special emphasis on interdisciplinary education. The university constantly occupies prominent places in the list of world research centers. Provided here wide range educational programs, directions and disciplines. A democratic atmosphere of creativity and free enterprise reigns within the walls of the university; teachers are also mentors who help students with recommendations regarding educational process and extra-university activities. The teaching staff numbers 3,000 people.

University achievements:

More than 24,000 people study at the University of Pennsylvania. Among them there is a high percentage of students from abroad, thanks to which the university has long maintained its international status. Thanks to various programs exchange students at the University of Pennsylvania have the opportunity to gain experience studying in other countries (there are more than 50 of them). The university ranks first in the Ivy League in terms of the number of students who have access to study abroad.

Schools for bachelor's and master's degrees:

Bachelor's degrees at the University of Pennsylvania are offered by:

  • University of Pennsylvania College;
  • Wharton School;
  • School of Nursing;
  • School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

In addition to the above, masters are trained in:

  • Graduate School of Education;
  • Annenberg School of Communication;
  • school of design;
  • School of Social Policy;
  • School of Dentistry;
  • law school;
  • medical school;
  • School of Veterinary Medicine.

The university is known primarily for its social, humanities and business programs. The most popular schools are entrepreneurial, legal and medical schools.

 /   / 39.95361; -75.19278(G) (I)Coordinates: 39°57′13″ n. w. 75°11′34″ W d. /  39.95361° N. w. 75.19278° W d. / 39.95361; -75.19278(G) (I) Campus

urban (4.01 km²)

Bachelors Masters and Doctors Teachers Colors Official site K: Educational institutions founded in 1740

University of Pennsylvania(English) University of Pennsylvania listen)) is a private US research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, part of the elite Ivy League. Founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin.

The University of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest institutions of higher education and the first university in the United States, as well as one of 9 colonial colleges founded before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Despite its name, the university is private and is sometimes confused with the public University of Pennsylvania ( Pennsylvania State University), located in the city of State College.

Among the university's graduates are the American poet Ezra Pound, the British satirist Edward Jenkins, richest man planet Warren Buffett, famous businessman Donald Trump, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, many members of the US Congress, members of the government, state governors, city mayors, ambassadors, presidents of companies.

see also

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Excerpt describing the University of Pennsylvania

There was no engagement and Bolkonsky’s engagement to Natasha was not announced to anyone; Prince Andrei insisted on this. He said that since he was the cause of the delay, he must bear the entire burden of it. He said that he was forever bound by his word, but that he did not want to bind Natasha and gave her complete freedom. If after six months she feels that she does not love him, she will be within her right if she refuses him. It goes without saying that neither the parents nor Natasha wanted to hear about it; but Prince Andrei insisted on his own. Prince Andrei visited the Rostovs every day, but did not treat Natasha like a groom: he told her you and kissed only her hand. After the day of the proposal, a completely different, close, simple relationship was established between Prince Andrei and Natasha. It was as if they didn't know each other until now. Both he and she loved to remember how they looked at each other when they were still nothing; now both of them felt like completely different creatures: then feigned, now simple and sincere. At first, the family felt awkward in dealing with Prince Andrei; he seemed like a man from an alien world, and Natasha spent a long time accustoming her family to Prince Andrei and proudly assured everyone that he only seemed so special, and that he was the same as everyone else, and that she was not afraid of him and that no one should be afraid his. After several days, the family got used to him and, without hesitation, continued with him the same way of life in which he took part. He knew how to talk about the household with the Count, and about outfits with the Countess and Natasha, and about albums and canvas with Sonya. Sometimes the Rostov family, among themselves and under Prince Andrei, were surprised at how all this happened and how obvious the omens of this were: the arrival of Prince Andrei in Otradnoye, and their arrival in St. Petersburg, and the similarity between Natasha and Prince Andrei, which the nanny noticed on their first visit Prince Andrei, and the clash in 1805 between Andrei and Nikolai, and many other omens of what happened were noticed by those at home.
The house was filled with that poetic boredom and silence that always accompanies the presence of the bride and groom. Often sitting together, everyone was silent. Sometimes they got up and left, and the bride and groom, remaining alone, were still silent. Rarely did they talk about their future lives. Prince Andrei was scared and ashamed to talk about it. Natasha shared this feeling, like all his feelings, which she constantly guessed. One time Natasha started asking about his son. Prince Andrei blushed, which often happened to him now and which Natasha especially loved, and said that his son would not live with them.
- From what? – Natasha said in fear.
- I can’t take him away from my grandfather and then...
- How I would love him! - Natasha said, immediately guessing his thought; but I know you want there to be no excuses to blame you and me.
The old count sometimes approached Prince Andrei, kissed him, and asked him for advice on the upbringing of Petya or the service of Nicholas. The old countess sighed as she looked at them. Sonya was afraid at every moment of being superfluous and tried to find excuses to leave them alone when they didn’t need it. When Prince Andrei spoke (he spoke very well), Natasha listened to him with pride; when she spoke, she noticed with fear and joy that he was looking at her carefully and searchingly. She asked herself in bewilderment: “What is he looking for in me? He's trying to achieve something with his gaze! What if I don’t have what he’s looking for with that look?” Sometimes she entered into her characteristic insanely cheerful mood, and then she especially loved to listen and watch how Prince Andrei laughed. He rarely laughed, but when he laughed, he gave himself entirely to his laughter, and every time after this laugh she felt closer to him. Natasha would have been completely happy if the thought of the impending and approaching separation did not frighten her, since he too turned pale and cold at the mere thought of it.
On the eve of his departure from St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei brought with him Pierre, who had never been to the Rostovs since the ball. Pierre seemed confused and embarrassed. He was talking to his mother. Natasha sat down with Sonya at the chess table, thereby inviting Prince Andrey to her. He approached them.
– You’ve known Bezukhoy for a long time, haven’t you? - he asked. - Do you love him?
- Yes, he is nice, but very funny.
And she, as always speaking about Pierre, began to tell jokes about his absent-mindedness, jokes that were even made up about him.
“You know, I trusted him with our secret,” said Prince Andrei. – I have known him since childhood. This is a heart of gold. “I beg you, Natalie,” he said suddenly seriously; – I’ll leave, God knows what might happen. You might spill... Well, I know I shouldn't talk about it. One thing - no matter what happens to you when I’m gone...
- What will happen?...
“Whatever the grief,” continued Prince Andrei, “I ask you, m lle Sophie, no matter what happens, turn to him alone for advice and help.” This is the most absent-minded and funny person, but the most golden heart.
Neither father and mother, nor Sonya, nor Prince Andrei himself could foresee how parting with her fiancé would affect Natasha. Red and excited, with dry eyes, she walked around the house that day, doing the most insignificant things, as if not understanding what awaited her. She did not cry even at that moment as he, saying goodbye, last time kissed her hand. - Don't leave! - she just said to him in a voice that made him think about whether he really needed to stay and which he remembered for a long time after that. When he left, she didn't cry either; but for several days she sat in her room without crying, was not interested in anything and only sometimes said: “Oh, why did he leave!”
But two weeks after his departure, just as unexpectedly for those around her, she woke up from her moral illness, became the same as before, but only with a changed moral physiognomy, just as children with a different face get out of bed after a long illness.

The health and character of Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky, in this Last year after my son left, we became very weak. He became even more irritable than before, and all the outbursts of his causeless anger for the most part attacked Princess Marya. It was as if he was diligently looking for all her sore spots in order to morally torture her as cruelly as possible. Princess Marya had two passions and therefore two joys: her nephew Nikolushka and religion, and both were favorite topics for the prince’s attacks and ridicule. Whatever they talked about, he turned the conversation to the superstitions of old girls or the pampering and spoiling of children. - “You want to make him (Nikolenka) an old girl like yourself; in vain: Prince Andrey needs a son, not a girl,” he said. Or, turning to Mademoiselle Bourime, he asked her in front of Princess Marya how she liked our priests and images, and joked...

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