Home Preparations for the winter Philadelphia Pennsylvania University for Russians. Panorama of the University of Pennsylvania. Virtual tour of the University of Pennsylvania. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Conditions for admission to the University of Pennsylvania for foreigners

Philadelphia Pennsylvania University for Russians. Panorama of the University of Pennsylvania. Virtual tour of the University of Pennsylvania. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Conditions for admission to the University of Pennsylvania for foreigners

 /   / 39.95361; -75.19278(G) (I)Coordinates: 39°57′13″ n. w. 75°11′34″ W d. /  39.95361° N. w. 75.19278° W d. / 39.95361; -75.19278(G) (I) Campus

urban (4.01 km²)

Bachelors Masters and Doctors Teachers Colors Official site K: Educational institutions founded in 1740

University of Pennsylvania (English) University of Pennsylvania) - private research university USA, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is part of the elite Ivy League. Founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin.

The University of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest institutions of higher education and the first university in the United States, as well as one of 9 colonial colleges founded before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Despite its name, the university is private and is sometimes confused with the public University of Pennsylvania ( Pennsylvania State University ), located in the city of State College.

Among the university's graduates are the American poet Ezra Pound, the British satirist Edward Jenkins, richest man planet Warren Buffett, famous businessman Donald Trump, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, many members of the US Congress, members of the government, state governors, city mayors, ambassadors, presidents of companies.

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Excerpt describing the University of Pennsylvania

There was no engagement and Bolkonsky’s engagement to Natasha was not announced to anyone; Prince Andrei insisted on this. He said that since he was the cause of the delay, he must bear the entire burden of it. He said that he was forever bound by his word, but that he did not want to bind Natasha and gave her complete freedom. If after six months she feels that she does not love him, she will be within her right if she refuses him. It goes without saying that neither the parents nor Natasha wanted to hear about it; but Prince Andrei insisted on his own. Prince Andrei visited the Rostovs every day, but did not treat Natasha like a groom: he told her you and only kissed her hand. After the day of the proposal, a completely different, close, simple relationship was established between Prince Andrei and Natasha. It was as if they didn't know each other until now. Both he and she loved to remember how they looked at each other when they were still nothing; now both of them felt like completely different creatures: then feigned, now simple and sincere. At first, the family felt awkward in dealing with Prince Andrei; he seemed like a man from an alien world, and Natasha spent a long time accustoming her family to Prince Andrei and proudly assured everyone that he only seemed so special, and that he was the same as everyone else, and that she was not afraid of him and that no one should be afraid his. After several days, the family got used to him and, without hesitation, continued with him the same way of life in which he took part. He knew how to talk about the household with the Count, and about outfits with the Countess and Natasha, and about albums and canvas with Sonya. Sometimes the Rostov family, among themselves and under Prince Andrei, were surprised at how all this happened and how obvious the omens of this were: the arrival of Prince Andrei in Otradnoye, and their arrival in St. Petersburg, and the similarity between Natasha and Prince Andrei, which the nanny noticed on their first visit Prince Andrei, and the clash in 1805 between Andrei and Nikolai, and many other omens of what happened were noticed by those at home.
The house was filled with that poetic boredom and silence that always accompanies the presence of the bride and groom. Often sitting together, everyone was silent. Sometimes they got up and left, and the bride and groom, remaining alone, were still silent. Rarely did they talk about their future lives. Prince Andrei was scared and ashamed to talk about it. Natasha shared this feeling, like all his feelings, which she constantly guessed. One time Natasha started asking about his son. Prince Andrei blushed, which often happened to him now and which Natasha especially loved, and said that his son would not live with them.
- From what? – Natasha said in fear.
- I can’t take him away from my grandfather and then...
- How I would love him! - Natasha said, immediately guessing his thought; but I know you want there to be no excuses to blame you and me.
The old count sometimes approached Prince Andrei, kissed him, and asked him for advice on the upbringing of Petya or the service of Nicholas. The old countess sighed as she looked at them. Sonya was afraid at every moment of being superfluous and tried to find excuses to leave them alone when they didn’t need it. When Prince Andrei spoke (he spoke very well), Natasha listened to him with pride; when she spoke, she noticed with fear and joy that he was looking at her carefully and searchingly. She asked herself in bewilderment: “What is he looking for in me? He's trying to achieve something with his gaze! What if I don’t have what he’s looking for with that look?” Sometimes she entered into her characteristic insanely cheerful mood, and then she especially loved to listen and watch how Prince Andrei laughed. He rarely laughed, but when he laughed, he gave himself entirely to his laughter, and every time after this laugh she felt closer to him. Natasha would have been completely happy if the thought of the impending and approaching separation did not frighten her, since he too turned pale and cold at the mere thought of it.
On the eve of his departure from St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei brought with him Pierre, who had never been to the Rostovs since the ball. Pierre seemed confused and embarrassed. He was talking to his mother. Natasha sat down with Sonya at the chess table, thereby inviting Prince Andrey to her. He approached them.
– You’ve known Bezukhoy for a long time, haven’t you? - he asked. - Do you love him?
- Yes, he is nice, but very funny.
And she, as always speaking about Pierre, began to tell jokes about his absent-mindedness, jokes that were even made up about him.
“You know, I trusted him with our secret,” said Prince Andrei. – I have known him since childhood. This is a heart of gold. “I beg you, Natalie,” he said suddenly seriously; – I’ll leave, God knows what might happen. You might spill... Well, I know I shouldn't talk about it. One thing - no matter what happens to you when I’m gone...
- What will happen?...
“Whatever the grief,” continued Prince Andrei, “I ask you, m lle Sophie, no matter what happens, turn to him alone for advice and help.” This is the most absent-minded and funny person, but the most golden heart.
Neither father and mother, nor Sonya, nor Prince Andrei himself could foresee how parting with her fiancé would affect Natasha. Red and excited, with dry eyes, she walked around the house that day, doing the most insignificant things, as if not understanding what awaited her. She did not cry even at that moment as he, saying goodbye, last time kissed her hand. - Don't leave! - she just said to him in a voice that made him think about whether he really needed to stay and which he remembered for a long time after that. When he left, she didn't cry either; but for several days she sat in her room without crying, was not interested in anything and only sometimes said: “Oh, why did he leave!”
But two weeks after his departure, just as unexpectedly for those around her, she woke up from her moral illness, became the same as before, but only with a changed moral physiognomy, just as children with a different face get out of bed after a long illness.

The health and character of Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky, in this Last year after my son left, we became very weak. He became even more irritable than before, and all the outbursts of his causeless anger for the most part attacked Princess Marya. It was as if he was diligently looking for all her sore spots in order to morally torture her as cruelly as possible. Princess Marya had two passions and therefore two joys: her nephew Nikolushka and religion, and both were favorite topics for the prince’s attacks and ridicule. Whatever they talked about, he turned the conversation to the superstitions of old girls or the pampering and spoiling of children. - “You want to make him (Nikolenka) an old girl like yourself; in vain: Prince Andrey needs a son, not a girl,” he said. Or, turning to Mademoiselle Bourime, he asked her in front of Princess Marya how she liked our priests and images, and joked...

Where its history began in 1740. Initially, it was planned to create a school for workers in Philadelphia, but after 39 years it was given the status of a university. It was here that the education model was introduced, providing training in different programs, and also the first undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States appeared. First of all, the University of Pennsylvania is famous for its medical and veterinary schools, which are recognized throughout the world.

History of the establishment

Benjamin Franklin founded a college in Philadelphia before . The educational emphasis was placed on developing students' practical skills and teaching the knowledge needed in later life. This approach contributed to very rapid and successful development medical school. Already in the mid-1760s. was created at the college special school medicine named after Perelman. It was the first in the country, of which the university management is very proud. A hundred years later, positive results in treatment and the discovery of various drugs, techniques and technologies made it possible to create a hospital at the educational institution.

In addition to the development of medicine, Franklin considered it necessary to develop a concept based on the synthesis of applied knowledge, humanitarian and social sciences, government controlled, classical items, theology and religion.

19th century became a turning point for the university, as numerous achievements of staff and students made it possible to open new educational institutions. Among them, it is worth noting the following colleges that are part of the University of Pennsylvania:

  • Wharton School of Business (1881);
  • School of Veterinary Medicine;
  • Student Union housed in Houston Hall (1896).

The number of faculties was constantly growing, as was the number of students. Already in the 1920s. graduates of the University of Pennsylvania began to receive Nobel Prizes. Throughout the 20th century. V educational institution continued to develop as a research center and center for multidisciplinary education. The university administration considered it important to focus on computer, medical and social sciences, as well as biomedicine, business and public administration. The university management continues to support these trends in the 21st century. The achievements of students at the University of Pennsylvania allowed the institution to become one of the top five research centers in the country.

Structure of the University of Pennsylvania

Students at the University of Pennsylvania have the opportunity to study in a variety of educational programs, get scientific degree, participate in scientific and research activities. All this takes place on the territory of a single campus, in which each faculty implements its projects and scientific research. The educational institution is adjacent to equally famous educational institutions Philadelphia: Drexel University, Philadelphia University of Applied Sciences and high school city, Wistar Oncology Center.

The main campus of the University of Pennsylvania occupies a vast area, reaching almost three hundred acres. In the city itself, the university also owns huge areas with scientific and academic buildings, as well as a veterinary clinic.

The following institutions owned by the university are located on campus:

  • Institute contemporary art, which also works as a museum;
  • Libraries;
  • Several museums and galleries;
  • Sports centers;
  • A newspaper office founded in 1885 called the Daily Pennsylvanian;
  • Twelve student dormitories;
  • Schools and colleges, the number of which reaches 12;
  • Six training centers;
  • Research institutes.

The buildings of the University of Pennsylvania are built in the neo-Gothic style; the company Cope & Stewardson worked on their construction. Not far from the university there is a cinema, a shop, a chain of restaurants, cafes and pubs.

Getting to the campus is easy as it is located in the heart of Philadelphia. Students, teachers and tourists get here by three modes of transport - by metro, bicycle or car.

The educational institution is headed by a president. From 2004 to today this position is held by Ami Gutman. In total, the university employs more than 1.1 thousand doctors of science and professors, assisted by almost 5.5 thousand graduate students. Total number of students per different forms training, courses and programs is 21 thousand.

Educational programs

The structure of the university is determined by the programs that exist here. For bachelors, there is the opportunity to study in four schools - Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Business and Nursing. The first school includes the College of Arts and Sciences (humanities and natural sciences), a post-baccalaureate department - master's and doctoral studies.

Master's programs are more widely represented in schools:

  • Annenberg communications,
  • rights,
  • design,
  • medicine,
  • nurses,
  • dental medicine,
  • education, business,
  • social policy and practices,
  • veterinary medicine

The center of education is the School of Arts and Sciences, which has 26 departments. Popular among them are: forensic, anthropological, mathematical, foreign languages and English, historical, sociological, social sciences, political sciences, astronomical, philosophical and economic. In addition, students are attracted by the opportunity to receive education in the departments of psychology, South Asian studies, Middle Eastern studies, etc. The school is able to provide training for specialists in a variety of areas and provide knowledge in basic and fundamental sciences.

Bachelors often choose programs related to business and medicine, and masters - engineering, chemical technologies, nanomechanics, mechanics, bioengineering, computer science. Masters and future PhD students prefer to study in schools of business, architecture, design/urban planning, medicine, dentistry, law, social policy, education, veterinary medicine and nursing.

The specifics of studying at the university include the fact that students can attend classes at any faculty, and from the second year work in scientific and research laboratories.

This university cooperates with various universities around the world - in the States, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Asia. Thanks to academic mobility programs, students can study at other universities for a semester or two. For example, in colleges in Singapore, Japan, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Australia.

Admission process

Getting into the University of Pennsylvania is not easy. 10% of total number willing. A committee of teachers very carefully examines each package of papers sent to them. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of motivation letters and essays. Requirements become more stringent every year, so grades must be excellent, and the reasons for studying at the university must be compelling and well-reasoned. Attention should be paid to carefully filling out application forms, which should not contain lexical, spelling and punctuation errors.

You can do it in two ways:

  • By contacting specialized companies, where specialists will help you fill out forms, make recommendations, and check essays;
  • On one's own.

Students from other countries must collect a certain package of documents, among which the following are worth noting:

  • The application, which is filled out in in electronic format at http://www.commonapp.org;
  • Educational diploma or high school diploma;
  • Transcript of grades;
  • Results of exams - general, which is called SAT, subject (SAT Subject Tests). The latter can often be replaced by an exam with written answers - ACT. SAT reading scores must be at least 730 points, math and writing scores - 750-780 each. ACT scores should range from 31 to 34. On master's programs you will need to take the Gmat test;
  • The results of the passed test English language– TOEFL;
  • Recommendations from former teachers, written in English;
  • A letter of motivation in which you must clearly state the reasons for your desire to study at the University of Pennsylvania;
  • Additional documents that will confirm the non-academic achievements of applicants. This could be sports results, participation in Olympiads and competitions, theatrical productions;
  • Certificate stating that the applicant needs financial assistance.

You must submit documents to bachelor's, master's or doctoral programs either before November 1 (results will be known by December 15) or before January 1 (the applicant will know the results at the end of March). Every year no more than 2.5 thousand students are enrolled and only 300-400 foreign students. In total, this amounts to only 7-8% of all applications.

Cost of education

The average cost of training is about 66.5 thousand per year (data for the 2015-2016 academic year). This amount includes fees for textbooks and various benefits, meals, books, payment for a room on campus, medical insurance, student fees, fees Sport halls and other expenses.

Fixed fees are tuition fees, general and technological educational fees. Dormitory fees may change every year, depending on the level of comfort. Personal expenses are telephone charges, clinical fees, provision medical services, using the laundry, buying clothes, spending on vacations and travel.

Student expenses do not include travel expenses, student health insurance, fees for using laboratories and conducting experiments that are practiced in some courses. Insurance is a mandatory component that will help you use the clinic. Those who do not have insurance are automatically enrolled in the student insurance plan, the cost of which varies every year.

Students who lack funds to pay for their studies may qualify for financial assistance from the university's scholarship fund or various grants. Other sources of financial assistance may be a loan, work after school, or a bank loan. Some funds need to be returned, while others do not. Tuition scholarships can be full or partial, and can cover up to 90% of the cost of staying at the University of Pennsylvania.

To receive a scholarship or grant, you need to collect a list of documents and submit them to the appropriate department. When requesting a certain amount, a student must be prepared for the amount to be determined individually. There is always the opportunity to receive a personal scholarship, but for this you need to study well and have good results in the chosen subjects. For example, you can get a scholarship named Woodrow Wilson, which is provided for the implementation of research and scientific projects. Junior students can apply to receive funding from NASA. The main thing is to prove that the research or project is promising and relevant. For undergrads, there is a Faber Scholarship available in the fields of engineering and engineering sciences.

Research Center

The university is considered the largest research institute in the USA, which develops various areas of applied, engineering, computer, natural sciences, IT technologies, and programming. Among the achievements made within the university’s walls, one can note the creation of an electronic digital computer and the SOVOL programming language, the discovery of vaccines against hepatitis B and rubella. Archaeologists and historians at the University of Pennsylvania constantly participate in expeditions studying Egyptian and South American antiquities. It was also here that the method was discovered artificial insemination, which made it possible to fight infertility. Important discoveries were made in the fields of chemistry (conductive polymers), economics and management.

Huge amounts of money, amounting to millions of dollars, are allocated for research every year.

The University of Pennsylvania is proud of its alumni, nine of whom are Nobel laureates. According to official statistics USA, enough a large number of young people who graduate from university become billionaires.

The university's sports teams also demonstrate amazing results, constantly taking first places at various student championships. TO famous alumni educational institutions include:

  • The country's ninth president, William Henry Harrison;
  • Businessman and 45th President of the United States Donald Trump;
  • The most successful and richest investor in the world is Warren Buffett;
  • Benjamin Franklin, who helped sign the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution;
  • George Washington, who took part in the drafting and signing of the US Constitution (along with ten other American politicians);
  • Members Supreme Court eg J. Wilson and W. Brennan;
  • Worldwide famous philanthropist W. Annenberg;
  • E. Rendel, former governor Pennsylvania;
  • Cesar Virata, who in 1981-1986. was Prime Minister of the Philippines;
  • Azikiwe Nnamdi, former first President of Nigeria;
  • Kwame Nkrumah - first president of Ghana;
  • Elon Musk, creator of X.com, SpaceX and chairman of the board of directors of Tesla Inc.
  • Members of Congress;
  • Many mayors of American cities;
  • Several American ambassadors;
  • Heads of corporations and companies;
  • Government officials and employees.

The Wharton School of Business is considered the best in the world for MBA education and public administration. Its only competition is from Harvard Business School. But it is at the University of Pennsylvania that the trends that shape business education around the world are formed. People who graduate from Wharton Business School earn at least $200,000 a year. School graduates are highly valued in the business environment, and employers are chasing them.

University of Pennsylvania ( The University of Pennsylvania, abbreviated as Penn) is a private university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One of best universities USA, in the ranking of the magazine “U.S. News and World Report takes an honorable 5th place (there are more than 4.3 thousand universities in America). He is also one of oldest universities country (fourth oldest), is a member of the Ivy League, which unites the most prestigious universities countries. Penn was one of the first universities in the United States to follow the example of European universities in organizing multidisciplinary education within a single institution.

The university was founded in 1740 by B. Franklin - first as a school and college, and in 1779 it received its current status. Unlike the other three early colonial colleges—Harvard, William and Mary, and Yale—Penn did not focus primarily on religious education. Franklin insisted from the very beginning on the concept of a multifaceted citizenship, including practical education. The university's history includes many pioneering achievements: the first university medical school in the United States appeared in 1765, the first university hospital in 1874, the world's first business school - now known as the Wharton School - in 1881, the second in the United States School of Veterinary Medicine, first university student union building - Houston Hall - in 1896, home of the world's first electronic digital all-in-one computer (ENIAC) - in 1946

The university's motto is “Law without morality is useless.”

The university's main campus covers more than 300 acres and is located in the University District of Philadelphia. In addition, it owns significant areas outside the campus, where various educational and scientific buildings are located, including Vet clinic. Other universities near Penn include Drexel, the University of the Sciences of Philadelphia (USP), and University City High School.

The university has 12 dormitories, a university museum founded in 1887, and a daily newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian, founded in 1885.

Students take an active part in the cultural life of the university - the university has a theater troupe, the oldest university choir, founded back in 1862. They are well known in the USA and sports achivments university. The university's teams, the Quakers, have been Ivy League football champions 12 times since 1982, and basketball champions 22 times since 1970.

The University of Pennsylvania, like no other university in the country, is in one way or another connected with the names of many historical figures and US politicians. Among them are US President W. Harrison, nine politicians who signed the Declaration of Independence - B. Franklin, J. Wilson, B. Rush, J. Clymer, R. Morris, J. Ross, F. Hopkinson, T. McKean, W. Paca , 11 signers of the American Constitution - B. Franklin, J. Washington, J. Wilson, T. Miffin, J. Clymer, T. Fitzsimons, J. Ingersoll, R. King, J. Morris, R. Morris, X. Williamson, as well as three members of the Supreme Court - W. Brennan, O. Roberts, J. Wilson.

Among the graduates of the university are the ninth US President W. Harrison, the richest man on the planet W. Buffett, the famous businessman D. Trump, the famous philanthropist W. Annenberg, the Governor of Pennsylvania E. Rendell, many members of Congress, members of the government, state governors, city mayors, ambassadors, company presidents.

Like other private universities, Penn has the status of a non-profit corporation. The president of the university since 2004 is E. Gutmann.

University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Motto lat. Leges sine moribus vanae, English. Laws without morals are in vain(“Law without morality is useless”)
Type private
Trust fund $13.8 billion
The president Aimee Gutmann
39°57′13″ n. w. 75°11′34″ W d. HGIOL
Campus urban (4.01 km²)
Students 21 599
Bachelors 10 496
Masters and Doctors 11 013
Teachers 4 638
Colors Chervlen and Azure
Mascot Quaker
Official site www.upenn.edu
University of Pennsylvania at Wikimedia Commons

The University of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest institutions of higher education and the first university in the United States, as well as one of the 9 colonial colleges founded before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and is part of the elite Ivy League.

Despite its name, the university is private and is sometimes confused with the public University of Pennsylvania ( Pennsylvania State University), located in the city of State College.

In 2018, the university accepted 8.4% of applicants who applied for undergraduate studies. It was a record low percentage admitted to the first year of students throughout the history of the university.

Benjamin Franklin, founder of the university, advocated an educational program that would focus on classically based education in practical useful training for commerce and public service. The University of Pennsylvania was one of the first universities in the United States to follow the example of European universities in organizing multidisciplinary education within a single institution.

The Wharton School of Business, one of the most prestigious and renowned business schools in the world, is part of the University of Pennsylvania.

At the university with late XIX century there is a Museum of Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as (English) Russian(de facto museum).


The university was founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin - first as a school, then a college, and received its current status in 1779. Unlike the other three early colleges of colonial times—Harvard College, the College of William and Mary, and Yale College—the University of Pennsylvania did not concentrate primarily on religious education. From the very beginning, Franklin insisted on the concept of a comprehensive civic education, including practical education. The university's history includes many pioneering achievements: the first university medical school in the United States appeared in 1765, the first university hospital in 1874, the world's first business school - now known as the "Wharton School" - in 1881, the second school of veterinary medicine in the United States , the first university student union building - Houston Hall in 1896. Birthplace of the world's first electronic digital multifunction computer (ENIAC) in 1946.


The university's main campus covers over 300 acres and is located in the University District of Philadelphia. In addition, it owns significant areas outside the campus, where various educational and scientific buildings are located, including a veterinary clinic. Other universities located near the University of Pennsylvania include Drexel, the University of the Sciences of Philadelphia (USP), and University City High School.


The names of many historical figures and US politicians are in one way or another connected with the University of Pennsylvania. Among them are US President William Harrison, Donald Trump, nine politicians who signed

American University of Pennsylvania is located in Philadelphia. He was one of the first to introduce multidisciplinary practice into the training system. In one educational institution The faculties of medicine and classical disciplines are concentrated.

Bird's eye view of the University of Pennsylvania

But this is not the only achievement; the University of Pennsylvania is named the founder and ancestor of the first Perelman medical school in America. The merit of the university in creating best business school and the first student union.

The University of Pennsylvania is ranked as the fourth oldest institution in the country. It is also ranked fifth among other universities in America (according to rankings conducted by US News & World Report). The university is also a member of the Ivy League, which unites the United States.

During the time of Benjamin Franklin, education in the colonies was available only at four colleges: New Harvard, William and Mary, modern Princeton University(formerly called the College of New Jersey) and the Collegiate School (later Yale University).

But the students of each school were prepared only for service in the church. Even then, the country needed educational institutions in which, along with knowledge humanities and art, it became possible to acquire skills and abilities that will help support both yourself and your family.

Benjamin Franklin

It's interesting to know that...

... the concept of the Ivy League originated in 1873, when the first graduating class of the University of Pennsylvania planted an ivy tree near the campus building - the current symbol of the elders and best universities America.

Benjamin Franklin not only dreamed of such an institution. He created a pamphlet outlining his suggestions and ideas pertaining to the education of Pennsylvania's youth. The great figure in 1749 spoke to the residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he shared the idea of ​​​​creating a state academy.

In creating the Philadelphia Academy, Franklin assembled a board of trustees that included respected citizens of Pennsylvania. Under his leadership, a project was implemented, according to which an inexpensive student campus was built. Graduates of the school he dreamed of could now engage in trade and work in the public service.

The school's founder, Benjamin Franklin, insisted on a wide range of practical and civic education. In 1997, Franklin's brainchild grew into a university.

University of Pennsylvania Museum

Throughout its history, the institution has had many significant achievements:

  • 1765 - the first medical school appeared in the United States.
  • 1874 - organization of the first university hospital.
  • 1881 - the emergence of the Wharton School of Business - the world's first educational institution of its kind.
  • 1896 - the creation of a veterinary training institution, as well as the construction of the first student union building among universities, Houston Hall.
  • 1946 - the world's first digital computer, ENIAC, appears.

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Education and training in US schools

University of Pennsylvania today

The University of Pennsylvania is currently a member of the Association American universities. This organization is a union of US research universities. The University of Pennsylvania (abbreviated Penn) occupies the following places:

  • 13th - in the OS ranking World University Ranking.
  • 15th - in the world ranking of universities, which is carried out by Times magazine Higher Education from UK.
  • 16th in academic performance among universities, according to rankings conducted by Shanghai University Chiao Tong.

Pennsylvania State University is committed to improving what it teaches to students. The levels of research and the quality of services offered are increasing. main feature training program is to merge research and educational processes. Already from the second year, students work in laboratories, as a result of which new discoveries appear in various industries.

The university is proud of its undergraduate and graduate programs. By combining theory and practice, knowledge improves; students better understand the world around them and their place in this world.

University faculties

The University of Pennsylvania, the best educational institution in the state, is popular for its faculties and programs:

  • Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
  • Schools of business, design and law.
  • Veterinary Faculty.
  • Research programs in biomedicine.
  • Humanitarian and social programs.

It is worth noting that of the 12 existing faculties, the most famous in the world are the Pennsylvania School of Arts and Science, as well as the best in America, the Wharton School of Business.

Wharton School of Business

The University of Pennsylvania is located on approximately 300 acres of the University District of Pennsylvania. But besides this campus (student town), the educational institution also owns large areas, on which there are many scientific and educational buildings.

Every year, more than 2,000 people study at Penn in international educational programs available in 70 countries.

University students

Along with their studies, Penn students can attend the institution's theater troupe and choir, which dates back to 1862. The students are active in sports and their achievements are well known in America. The Quakers have been champions of the Ivy League more than once. In American football they took the championship 12 times, in basketball - 22 times. University students are the pride of the entire state; they participate in sports competitions in 17 types, visit more than 37 sports clubs.

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Students receive scholarships established at Ivy League universities. It is assigned not for any merit, but specifically for each student, taking into account his needs and capabilities. For these purposes, the university sets the highest annual budget among all Ivy League universities - $4.25 billion.

How to enter university

You can enroll at the University of Pennsylvania by submitting your application before January 1st. If an applicant wants to get an advantage in admission, he must submit an application before November 1 and not try to enroll in other universities. When applying to the university, you must send your SAT or ACT school test results by February 1 and pay an application fee of $75. The requirements for applicants are high; about 13% of all applicants from all countries of the world apply.

Foreign applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a secondary education confirmed by a diploma.
  • Provide information about your interests in extracurricular activities and social life.
  • Successfully complete the SAT standardized tests in reading, math, and writing.
  • Possess a TOEFT certificate. Take a test provided by the US Educational Testing Service to measure your English proficiency.

In total, the university has about 4,200 foreign students, half of whom come from Asia, 15% from Africa and the Middle East, 14% from Europe, 12% from Mexico and Canada, and less than 10% from Australia and Oceania.

Where do students live?

Students are accommodated in campus residences. Students who do not want to live on its territory settle in nearby houses and apartments, the owners of which often rent them out. Almost 40 thematic communities such as art, science and cinema promote youth unity.

Students use the services the best establishments state:

  • The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Arts is the university's cultural venue, bringing together different types arts, be it music, dance or contemporary creativity. This location serves as a meeting point for city residents and Penn students.
  • Ross Galleries - places to get acquainted with objects of world culture and scientific activity. Here are held scientific works students along with teachers and are conducting grant projects.
  • The Paul Kelly Writers' House, founded by the efforts of students and staff of the university to host meetings of writers from all over Philadelphia.
  • John and Lydia Morris Arboretum. An open park and educational institution where special classes are held that combine different areas of education.
  • Library founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1750.
  • Museum of Anthropology and Archeology with exhibitions and educational programs.
  • University Press, which publishes the best research papers.

It's interesting to know that...

... the very first editions that appeared in the university library were donated by Louis XVI.

Penn has academic quality rooted in interdisciplinary education. The result of this policy is the opportunity for students to attend classes in any department. They can come to the university museum and get acquainted with the daily newspaper The Daily Pennsylvanian, published since 1885.

Daily Pennsylvania newspaper 1991

Students at the university are provided with 12 dormitories, with options for long-term or short-term accommodation available. Students can eat at both cheap mobile kiosks and expensive restaurants.

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