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Third World War and empty Europe: what Vanga warned the world about

There will be a war with Muslims!

Baba Vanga was one of the most important seers on Earth. In her country, Bulgaria, she enjoyed unconditional authority. And almost all Soviet leaders went to her for consultations.

No one knows why the Lord chose her, but Vanga has had paranormal intelligence since childhood. And she easily predicted events both in the coming days and in distant centuries.

All her “big” predictions, which concerned 2015 inclusive, came true! Accuracy for all of her statements: 85%! No wonder millions believed this woman!

Vanga became famous after the First World War, the death of Stalin and the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York.

But this is not all that the great clairvoyant spoke about before her death in 1996.

In particular, Vanga warned about the emergence of ISIS 20 years ago.

She also guaranteed us the Great Muslim War, which supposedly should begin in 2016 and bring serious consequences for all humanity.

Vanga predicted that sooner or later Muslim extremists would invade Europe and wage war on its territory for many years. They will choose Rome as the center for their Caliphate, the clairvoyant promised.

Consequences? First, the almost complete destruction of the population of Europe.

The continent will become lifeless for a long time, she said! And all because after the war its lands will become unsuitable for agriculture.

Here is a list of other Vanga predictions that you will certainly be interested in learning about:

2018: China is officially established as the most important and strongest world power.

2023: The Earth's orbit will change slightly. This will have colossal consequences for our climate, but Vanga did not say what exactly.

2025: A major war will engulf all of Europe.

2028: Humanity will find a new source of energy. But main problem By this time there will be famine.

2033: polar ice will melt. This will cause a massive rise in sea levels.

2043: World economy will experience a period of unprecedented growth. Europe will be dominated by Muslims.

2046: Humanity will begin mass production of “spare” body organs. All medicine will focus on this: diseased organs will simply be replaced with new ones grown in vitro.

2066: Rome will be attacked by the United States of America. They will use climate weapons.

2076: Communist ideology will once again dominate the world.

2084: People will find a way to completely restore environment from an ecological nightmare.

2088: A new super virus will appear in the world. It will kill a significant portion of the world's population.

2097: This terrible disease will lead to premature aging of people. Therefore, instead of hopes for immortality, humanity will only receive despair.

2100: A second, artificial Sun will appear in the sky. It will always illuminate" dark side Earth."

2111. The difference between people and robots will disappear almost completely. All people will become cyborgs!

2123: Great Total War between small nations. However, humanity can cope with it too.

2125: Hungary receives the first ever space signal from aliens from outer space.

2130. People will begin to build cities under water.

2164: There will be species of animals that will be half human and the other half other animals. Remember when there were centaurs in myths? This is something like that!

2167: A new world religion will appear.

2170: Year of the Great Drought.

2183: The human colony on Mars will turn into a full-fledged nuclear power and demand Independence from Earth.

2187: Humans will be able to successfully prevent two large volcanic eruptions.

2195: Underwater cities will become incredibly developed. People will forget about problems with lack of food and energy.

2196: There will be complete mixing of the European and Asian races.

2201: Solar activity will slow down. Throughout The earth will fall temperature.

2221: People will achieve their goal and will still establish physical contact with aliens. But this meeting will be terrible!

2256: All Earthlings will face a new terrible disease.

2262: Orbit tablet solar system will begin to shift little by little. The world will suffer from huge amount comets and meteorites.

2271: Fundamentally new laws of physics will be discovered. This will turn the world upside down.

2273: Representatives of both "colored" races will finally mix with each other. A single race for the entire planet will appear.

2288. People will invent a time machine. Also this year they will have new contacts with aliens.

2291: The sun will change its color.

2296: There will be on the Sun powerful flash. It will change gravity on Earth. Old space stations and the satellites will begin to fall to the surface, turning into meteorites.

2302: People will discover new ones important secrets and the laws of the Universe.

2304: People will populate the Moon. And all its secrets will be revealed.

2341: Something terrible will begin to approach Earth from space. But people can handle it.

2354: There will be an accident on the artificial sun created by man. This will lead to drought.

2371: The greatest famine in human history.

2378: New races of Earthlings appear.

2480. Blackout on a worldwide scale.

3005: War on Mars. Changes in the trajectory of the planets.
3010. A huge asteroid falls on the Moon. Whole surface celestial body covered with a dense ring of dust. The human colony on the moon is dying out.

3797: All life on Earth dies. But human species continues to exist: on other planets and satellites of the Solar System.

3803: There are not many people left in the Universe. And contacts between people living on different planets are superficial and limited. While living in new worlds human bodies begin to mutate quickly - in different directions.

3805: First starts Star War between people from different planets for resources. More than half of all people in the solar system will die.

3815: This war is ending.

3871: A new prophet appears who teaches people new moral and religious values.

3874: He receives the support of the entire world population. The new church gains absolute power over people.

3878: The Church of the Future gives people new knowledge.

4302: New cities begin to grow rapidly. All this was made possible thanks to technology and the organizational power of the Church.

4320 will also be the year of the Great Development of Sciences. Scientists will be able to defeat almost all diseases.

4304: People stop dying from diseases and epidemics.

4308: Thanks to the genetic mutations that have been happening to people all this time, they learn to use 34% of their brains instead of the current 5-10%. People completely forget such feelings as anger or hatred.

4509: Humanity reaches such a level of development that it is already trying to establish direct contact with God.

4599: Humanity finally achieves immortality.

4674: The level of development of civilization reaches its peak. People are everywhere, they go beyond the solar system. There are many, many billions of us.

5076: People begin to “test the Universe” with the technologies that appear in people. As a result of unthinkable experiments, 40% of humanity dies in one year.

5079: The end of the world.

What do you think about this forecast? Could this be true? Be sure to tell us your opinion in the comments!

Vanga predicted that the third World War will start in Syria

Now, when the attention of the whole world is focused on Syria, which the United States is going to bomb, they remembered and began to quote the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Allegedly, she once said that after “Syria falls,” great upheavals will begin on our planet. Other seers and astrologers predicted that the third world war would begin in the East. Here are the most famous predictions.

Vanga: “Syria has not fallen yet...”

A Bulgarian clairvoyant of the last century allegedly stated in 1978 that Syria would play an exceptional role in the history of mankind. True, Vanga, who always explained herself vaguely, did not talk about a world war, but about severe trials for the inhabitants of the planet.

Here are her words: “Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come into the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet...”

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, after the fall of Syria and severe cataclysms, the world supposedly awaits the revival and advent of a new religion: “The day will come - and all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it people will be saved.”

Vanga foresaw a special role for Russia in the salvation of humanity: “A new teaching will come from Rus'. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Rus' and go all over the world.”

Interpreters of Vanga’s texts believe that the prediction should be understood as follows: cataclysms in the world will begin due to religious contradictions. The world war will be a war between the Muslim East and the Christian West. It will begin after the fall of Syria and spread to the territory of Russia and Western Europe.

Europe will be defeated by Muslims. Perhaps the Pope will be killed - there is a prediction that the current pontiff is the last. The role of the liberator of Europe, as in World War II, will be played by Russia. After this victory, she will become a superpower and rule the world.

After the end of the war, the world will spread new religion and a millennium of peaceful development and spiritual revival will begin.

According to interpreters of Vanga’s texts, in 1978 the words about Syria sounded incomprehensible, since nothing threatened this country at that time.

But this has already happened: once upon a time everyone was surprised by the words of a Bulgarian clairvoyant that “Kursk will go under water.” The prophecy was remembered and understood only in 2001, when the Russian submarine Kursk sank.

Perhaps the prediction about Syria is from this series.

: “The war will last 27 years”

The French medieval healer and astrologer Michel de Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), according to interpreters of his predictions, also believed that in beginning of XXI century there will be a terrible destructive war in the world.

"When the sun rises, they will see big fire, Nostradamus wrote figuratively. – Inside the circle they will hear screams and death. From sword, fire, hunger, death awaits them... Living fire, bringing death, will be hidden inside terrible, frightening spheres. At night the fleet will blow up the city..."

According to interpreters of his texts, Nostradamus believed that terrible events would begin in the East. True, he allegedly called Mesopotamia, the territory of modern Iraq. And he said that the dishonest “Third Antichrist” would start a war, who would “exchange everyone for an adulterous woman.”

These words of Nostradamus at one time found a connection with US President Bill Clinton, who, as you know, fought in Iraq and had scandalous love affairs with a young intern, Monica Lewinsky. True, these events did not become a direct reason for the start of a global war.

In his mystical poems, Nostradamus described the catastrophic consequences of the war: “Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, the trials will be long: “The bloody war will last twenty and seven years.” And during this time, as interpreters of Nostradamus’ texts say, climate change will allegedly occur on Earth with devastating consequences.

Biblical prophets: “Damascus will be a heap of ruins”

The tragic fate of Syria and the city of Damascus, it turns out, was described by other authors Old Testament. So, biblical prophet Isaiah, in the 17th chapter of his book, wrote: “The kingdom of Damascus will cease to exist with the rest of Syria... Damascus will be excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins...”. And in the 19th chapter of the same book it talks about civil war in Egypt and the “cruel ruler.”

These biblical predictions are now, as it turns out, actively quoted by American newspapers that write about the military conflict in the Middle East. Most likely, Americans believe, Old Testament events and forecasts have nothing to do with our time.

Astrologer Vasily Nemchin: "A black man will come"

One of the first Russian astrologers, who lived in the 16th century, predicted that a world war would begin after a “black man” became the 44th ruler of a powerful overseas power. It was assumed that the astrologer, by saying this, meant a cruel ruler with a black soul. However, when Barack Obama, a black man, became the 44th President of the United States, this prediction took on new meaning.

Bishop Anthony: “After Syria, expect grief”

The prediction of the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek Bishop of Sisania and Siatitsa, Father Anthony.

According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “Grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will begin from there... After this, expect grief for us too, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”

English soothsayer Joanna Southcott: “When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near!”

An extraordinary Englishwoman who lived in the 19th century uttered this phrase in 1815. It is unknown what she meant. But many of Joanna Southcott's predictions came true: this woman was able to predict French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon.

Astrologer Pavel Globa: “War may start in 2014”

According to a famous Russian astrologer, the period from 2010 to 2020 will be the most difficult in the last 70 years. All these years the global economic crisis will last, which will reshape political map world and will radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power.

According to Globa, the problems that have now accumulated in the world community cannot be solved except by war. According to the astrologer's forecast, 2014 will be the year when humanity comes close to the beginning of the third world war.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination,” explained Pavel Globa. – I fear the start of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then, no matter the outcome, we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrollable total terrorism.”

According to the astrologer, the Arab revolutions will gradually move towards Russia and will cover Central Asia. And I'm to blame for everything Black Moon. On the day she connected with the Sun, the bombing of Libya began.

“But there will be no war in Russia until 2014,” Globa assured. But the date possible start The third world astrologer named with terrifying accuracy: March 2014, exactly during the Olympics in Sochi or a maximum of five days after its completion.

In 2011, NTV broadcast the program “Vanga Returns,” and in 2013 the video “If Tomorrow Vanga” appeared. The authors of the project claim that unknown predictions have surfaced in private archives. It seems that when Syria falls, World War III will begin, there will be an apocalypse, Europe will be empty, and Russia will be saved.

You won't say anything interesting video. Disturbing music, dynamically changing frames. Satanovsky, Ivashov, Korotchenko and other famous people flash on the screen... but they’re not talking about Vanga. But the effect is good. And given the latest events in Syria and Europe, one can even believe in the apocalypse.

But first we need to find out what the soothsayer actually said. And this is more difficult, because the phrases are taken from different sources. If, for example, it is an obvious linden, then there are doubts. So I'll go through the quotes and, as always, try to find the original sources:

“2011 will be a special year, people will change, the whole world will change”, “Chemical rain will fall in the north, from which all living things will die”, “ Chemical weapon", "2016, empty Europe", "When Europe is empty, no one will live there." All this is clearly from here:

The list has been circulating on the Internet for many years, and, by the way, appears in an NTV video. About what is fake clean water, I’ll write separately. She didn’t say anything like that, and in general, this is Nostradamus. Then I’ll tell you where the list came from, and from what time it began to be attributed to Vanga.

“Not soon, Syria has not fallen yet.” Allegedly, this is how Vanga answered the question of when the Third World War would begin. In fact, this sentence was taken out of a completely different context. The entire phrase is in the book “The Truth about Vanga” (1997), written by her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, on page 162:

"As soon as Syria will fall, wait great war between the West and the East,” “In the spring, a war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War,” “The war in the East, which destroyed the West.” Vanga didn’t say this. And in general, friends and relatives of the soothsayer have repeatedly argued that she never predicted the Third World War. Here is an excerpt from an interview from a Bulgarian website:

And here is a quote from the “Vanga Encyclopedia” (1998-2002), it can be found in volume 2, on page 161. This is a fragment of an interview that Vanga gave to a Russian journalist Sergei Kostorny in 1995.

“Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.” This phrase is in Nadezhda Dimova’s book “Vanga. The mystery of the gift of the Bulgarian Cassandra" (2007). But the author refers to Anatoly Lubchenko, who allegedly has an audio recording of the last interview with the soothsayer. Decide for yourself whether to believe the Ukrainian businessman. But this is the original source. Here's the full quote:

“The apocalypse will come,” “Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything,” “Only Russia will be saved, not everyone,” “There will be both water and peace in Russia.” Vanga actually said something similar, and this is confirmed by many sources, all of them cannot be listed here, and there is no need to. Here, for example, is a fragment from the same NTV video:

And this is from another video. The Bulgarian artist and writer Petr Bakov, who knew Vanga well, says approximately the same thing. True, something about Europe also surfaced there, but a separate material needs to be prepared about this. In the meantime, a small fragment:

“It will be bad to live as evil people,” “Stop! Stop the race... money, weapons", "Evil will return, there will be trouble", "After the end of the world, only those who get rid of anger and envy, who can become different will be saved", "Nothing will save, neither escaping to other countries, nor money ... only cleanliness from the inside.” But you can't argue with that. And it doesn’t matter whether Vanga said something like that.

Let's summarize. It turns out that Vanga said practically nothing about Syria. The phrase “Syria has not fallen yet” can mean anything or nothing at all. The Third World War is also cancelled. The apocalypse, however, is in question, but it seems to be postponed for now.

But as for Europe... Yes, it will not be empty by 2016, there will be no chemical rains and great war between West and East. It is clear that Vanga did not predict anything like this. But the situation there is complicated. It looks like they still have some problems ahead of them.

Here are some possible scenarios. If it starts to erupt it will provoke serious disasters, including in Europe. If the level of the World Ocean rises by several meters, many European capitals will end up under water. You never know what else. Crisis, refugees... That’s what Vanga said... However, I’ll write about this separately.

The world is becoming more and more dangerous. There is some tension in the air. This, naturally, makes people nervous. Therefore, many, wanting to get rid of the oppressive unknown, turn to prophecies. Let's see what one of the most famous seers, Vanga, foreshadowed for us. The woman did not speak particularly willingly about the Third World War... But first things first.

How did Wang see the future?

The third world war is just a possibility, said the seer. It's not about the guns, it's about human souls, - she was sure. The world is gradually slipping into sinfulness. People strive to surround themselves with convenience, they want to work less and have more fun. As a result, they are retreating from the eternal values, which are humanity and integrity,” Vanga never tired of admonishing. She started talking about the Third World War only in connection with the depravity of most of humanity. People, as she saw, would begin to pray to gold. They will be ready to sell their souls for this. The times will come, the seer said more than once, when loved ones will turn away from each other, no one will help in trouble, everyone will live for themselves. “It will be very scary,” Vanga was sure. The Third World War would break out during this period. The seer was a simple, uneducated woman. She explained everything in her own words. She could not have known such terms as “globalization”, “LGBTQ community” or “loan interest”. But Vanga’s predictions are precisely about them. World War III will happen when people become lonely. Nothing will unite them, make them a real spiritual family, community.

About Kursk

You know, only now it finally becomes clear why the seer paid so much attention to the death of the submarine. People didn't understand her at all then. They even built theories about how the city of Kursk could sink. It is clear from geography that the event had to be associated with serious disasters. Only they were wrong. Vanga’s predictions were not about the city. The Third World War could have started precisely after the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine. It was a very scary, tense, risky moment. An accident occurred with a Russian warship; a boat was nearby navy USA. Some experts spoke of a hot clash. Exactly this political situation I saw Wang. She began talking about the Third World War after the prophecy about the flooding of Kursk. She repeated that tensions would only increase from this point in time. Much will change in the world. It depends only on the people what it will become.

About Syria

If we examine and systematize all the prophecies of a woman, it turns out that they concentrate on the most critical moments in future events. We examined one of them - the Kursk nuclear submarine. The second insightful woman considered the situation in Syria. Her words could not be understood by her contemporaries. “Syria has not fallen yet,” Vanga said. According to the questioners, there was no information about the Third World War in this phrase. After all, this country was then, if not a paradise, then a completely prosperous place. However, everything has changed. Syria has been on the verge of real death for many years. Its statehood rests only on the willpower of Bashar al-Assad and the faith of the people in him. Now Turkey has joined in the bombing of the long-suffering country. Syria has many enemies, but it also has friends. Weren't Vanga's predictions about them? About the Third World War, she answered this way: “The winner in Syria will not be the same.” A very interesting phrase. It is not yet clear what it means. We may think such a statement is nonsense. However, the woman had in mind precisely the threat that is now being discussed so much in the expert community. The fact is that almost all of Vanga’s predictions about the Third World War concerned the situation and fate of Syria. She considered it a landmark, as they say nowadays, point.

Vanga about the Third World War and Russia

It's no secret that Soviet Union the seer had special trust, even tenderness. Although she talked about its collapse. She called Russia the spiritual support of humanity. It is in this country, as she has repeatedly stated wise woman, forces will emerge that can resist global evil. They will sprout imperceptibly, but powerfully, and will become a support for all people, regardless of place of residence and skin color. If everything was as she felt, then World War III would not happen. Vanga's prophecies are not always clear. It is probably impossible to talk about the future in clear terms. Firstly, the woman did not have the appropriate vocabulary. Secondly, there is certain rules. The seer knew about them for sure. If you specifically describe events, especially positive ones, you can “scare them away.” Its formulations are usually vague. You can read primary sources, watch films, but it’s extremely difficult to guess what she means. Only after experiencing this or that event do we understand that they were described by a famous clairvoyant many years ago.

About May 9

You know, Vanga’s predictions about the Third World War contain the following hint. She said that evil forces They will attack the Russian people so powerfully that they will definitely “rise on their hind legs.” And then “the dead will stand next to the living.” This phrase for a long time remained unclear and was rarely recalled by researchers. And now this moment has come. On May 9, 2015, the campaign “ Immortal Regiment" It was simply amazingly massive. People proudly carried portraits of their ancestors. This happened at a time when they were trying to make Russia an aggressor state and its beloved leader an outcast. Do you understand what happened? The souls of the victorious ancestors came in millions to support the current population of the country, ready to go to mortal combat for justice and truth!

Other opinions

Unfortunately, the information field and people's minds have become the site of a terrible battle between opposing forces. A lot of materials are being created and published regarding the predictions of other prophets. Most of them are fakes, lies! However, you cannot criticize everything. Vanga talked about this too. She believed that every person chooses their future by trusting one or another source. Justice and light are in the soul, not on the monitor screen. That's where the most main source of good.

Indirect signs of peace

Many researchers interpret predictions great woman in favor of the war. That is, they are looking for confirmation in her statements that a catastrophe will break out. Vanga could not say a clear “no”. She had no right. It is not she who decides, but each of us. Souls are fighting. If the dark fans of gold win, then everything will end. You won’t seriously believe that a winner in a global battle is possible? That's funny. As soon as the first rocket explodes, you can safely crawl to the cemetery. The seer did not advise this to anyone. On the contrary, she argued that a new source of energy would be found in Russia, which would affect the development of the planet. She saw him! Not death, but development! What kind of global war could there be here?! By the way, have you ever thought about why the collective West is so opposed to the construction of gas pipelines? They are offered either the Southern, or the Northern, or the Turkish Stream, and they are still looking for clues to refuse. Is this not the source of energy that the seer spoke about? Although, of course, I want her prophecy to come true in an even more beautiful, wonderful and promising form! For example, let them figure out how to use Nikola Tesla’s inventions for the benefit of all people.


Vanga has been dead for a long time. We can only examine what she said, looking for confirmation of every word. However, there is another task that the seer mentioned more than once. Stand shoulder to shoulder against world evil, support those around you, remember the greatness of your ancestors, implement their behests in everyday life- that's what she recommended to us. If people begin to live as responsible individuals who love their planet and respect themselves and those around them, then collapse will not occur. Yes, to be honest, the clairvoyant did not predict it. The world doesn't end this year. It will exist for many more millennia. And after the Third World War this is impossible. Think for yourself!

Many of Vanga's predictions terrify people. When and where World War 3 will begin in Russia is a rather pressing question. The clairvoyant claimed that the world would be shaken. Many people will suffer and die.

Many countries are faced with political, economic crisis. State leaders are at a loss. You have to be careful to protect the people.

Vanga claims that World War 3 will happen. However, events will not unfold according to the classic scenario.

Everyone associates war with the death of people, the use of weapons, attacks by states on neighboring countries. According to the clairvoyant, conflicts will begin to arise between individual countries. They will not immediately affect the entire world. Over time, the situation will worsen, many countries will join the war.

Beginning of the conflict

The clairvoyant claimed that the conflict would begin at. It would seem that many years ago this could not have been discussed. But Vanga’s visions turned out to be prophetic. The state is a tasty morsel for many powers wishing to get a good share in Syria.

The visions of the clairvoyant should be understood as the beginning of a cataclysm due to religious contradictions. Representatives of 2 great religions will collide: Muslims and Christians.

According to World War 3, it will begin after the fall of Syria. Then it will spread to Russia and Europe. Experts have been arguing for years about when and where military action will take place. Many argue that the war has already begun, even if it is not open, but Syria cannot withstand the onslaught.

Syria has serious historical meaning. If you remember history, it was here that Cain killed his brother Abel. This is sacred land, which is encroached upon by many states. As we know from history, attacking divine territory is prohibited. People will receive punishment for their sins.

What awaits Europe

The clairvoyant saw cold Europe. The conflict in the East will be the beginning bloody events. People will not attack each other with weapons; there are other ways to destroy life on earth. As a result, Muslims will triumph over Europe.

There are predictions that they will kill the Pope. A new religion will spread throughout the world, which the surviving people will have to accept.

What awaits Russia

The seer said that many people would die in the war, a lot of blood would be shed. However, soon peace and tranquility will reign on earth again. Main role in the war, Vanga is assigned to Russia. According to her, the country will become a savior for many states. Russia is a strong-willed power, its people are invincible.

By 2024, living conditions in Russia will improve, only reserves will remain on its territory fresh water. Other countries will need help, and from now on an era of prosperity will begin. Only good people who do not know what envy is will be able to survive.

When and where will the war start?

Vanga’s predictions about when and where World War 3 will begin, and what role Russia will play, have been deciphered by experts for many years in a row. The soothsayer said that the catastrophe would begin after the fall of Syria. This was said more than 20 years ago. Today it becomes clear that the country is under threat.

Recently the world watched as the leaders of 2 world powers divided the state. The interests of Russia and America were affected, it is unknown what to expect in the future.

Causes of the war

America will initiate World War 3. This will cost humanity dearly, millions of people will die. Vanga argued that the world would pay for the sins committed over many years of existence. War will bring the Apocalypse. However, at the same time, the Renaissance of the world will begin. Not everyone will be able to escape, but good people will remain alive. After the war, a new, clean era will begin. The world will pay a high price for its salvation.

Should we believe Vanga's predictions?

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has fans and ill-wishers. Some consider her a man of God, others argue that she gave out information that the authorities allowed her to say. Many of Vanga’s judgments are vague and quite difficult to decipher. There are no specific names, dates, or places. Her statements can be attributed to many events.

The trouble is that many of Vanga’s words are falsifications. Her predictions were used in political games and speculation.

Whether to believe the soothsayer or not, each person decides for himself. All that is known is that many of her predictions came true. As for World War 3, confirmation has not yet been received. You should not take all the words of a clairvoyant seriously.

The only thing left to do is wait. If a serious conflict is brewing between powers, information will spread instantly. In this case, all states must be prepared for military action.

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