Home Natural farming Let them talk about the issue about Korenev. The illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Korenev met her dad. — It wasn’t scary to film with such a risk to your life

Let them talk about the issue about Korenev. The illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Korenev met her dad. — It wasn’t scary to film with such a risk to your life

Two years ago it became known that Evgenia Kharkova considers herself the illegitimate daughter of the famous actor Vladimir Korenev. Her mother Natalya Ivanova kept this news secret from the artist for 43 years. She admitted that they had a fleeting connection, and therefore never pretended to be a legal wife, and during childbirth she understood that she would raise the child herself.

The birth of her great-granddaughter forced Natalya to announce to the whole country in the “Let Them Talk” program that the baby had a famous great-grandfather, who played Ichthyander in the film “Amphibian Man.” They dreamed that he would meet his biological daughter and, if he wanted, he would take part in the life of their family.

As it turned out, only two years later Evgenia was able to meet with the artist. True, this happened after the performance in which Korenev played. She approached the artist after the performance to present a bouquet.

“Vladimir Borisovich, these beautiful flowers. We thank you for the performance and we also thank you for life. We are from afar, from Tomsk. Thank you very much,” said Evgenia.

The woman was touched to the depths of her soul by such a meeting. It seemed to her that he realized who was standing in front of him. Emotions overwhelmed Evgenia, who realized her childhood dream. However, experts in the studio were skeptical about such a statement and suggested that the actor did not fully realize who exactly met him. However, Evgenia hastened to apologize for disturbing the artist.

“Vladimir Borisovich, Irina, if something is wrong, forgive me, we don’t want anything bad, we just want to get closer to this person. He is not only your husband and father, but also mine and my daughter’s grandfather, and my granddaughter’s great-grandfather. We care. You are my dad, forgive me for this fact, I want to see you,” Kharkova said.

The guests in the studio were convinced that to prove the relationship between Korenev and his alleged daughter, it was necessary to undergo a DNA test, but for this it was necessary to obtain the consent of both parties. The host of the “Let Them Talk” program, Dmitry Borisov, said that he would follow this story.

“Ichthyander’s” wife forgave him for his child on the side

“Ichthyander’s” wife forgave him for having a child on the side

Recently, the actress of the Moscow Drama Theater celebrated her 50th birthday. Stanislavsky (now the Stanislavsky Electric Theater) Irina KORENEVA. The daughter of People's Artist Vladimir KORENEV (known for his role as Ichthyander in the film "Amphibian Man") and Honored Artist Alevtina KONSTANTINOVA, shortly before her anniversary, was surprised to learn that she has a sister on her father's side. About this and others family secrets Irina Vladimirovna said in an interview.

My choice to become an actress was conscious,” shared Irina Koreneva. - I grew up behind the scenes of the theater, where I have been working side by side with my parents for many years. As a child, it seemed to me that this profession was very easy. From the age of five I knew all the roles and believed that I could play any. I thought: if the actress gets sick, I can replace her, and I was very surprised why I wasn’t allowed on stage. After school I entered GITIS, because my father and mother once studied there. He immediately took me to his course Vladimir Andreev(famous actor, director and teacher, husband Natalia Selezneva. -Ya. G.). Before college, I wore other people’s clothes, but then I had to look decent, so they bought me good clothes. But I didn’t really pay much attention to it. me always more books interested. I was happy when dad brought a new interesting publication to the house.

There is only one star in your theater team - your dad Vladimir Korenev. Why are the rest of the actors completely unknown to the general public?

To become famous, you must have a movie role like your dad's: for millions of people to love you. But for me, for example, it’s still a sin to complain. Although I’ve been playing in the theater for many years and I can’t understand why film directors don’t notice me.

My mom Alevtina Konstantinova, also an actress in our theater, played leading roles on the screen, but never received star recognition. However, mom is very wise woman, her family comes first: her husband, me and my son Yegor. By the way, this year is not only my anniversary, but also my mother’s at the end of the year. She is four years older than dad. Their romance began while studying at GITIS, and now they have been together for 55 years. Mom is smart, and that says it all. Dad always let her know that she was the only one real love in his life. What kind of closed door happens when they are alone, no one knows. The main thing is that if there is love, there is no point in paying attention to rumors and idle conversations.

Unknown family of the People's Artist: Natalya IVANOVA (right) with her daughter Evgenia and granddaughter Sofia. Shot from Channel One

So your mother didn’t pay any attention to the TV program “Let Them Talk,” where this spring they talked about Vladimir Korenev’s illegitimate daughter? They say that 43 years ago, your dad, while on vacation at the Elochka holiday home near Moscow, had an accident. short novel with a certain Natalya Ivanova, and she gave birth to a girl from him.

We watched this program and immediately forgot. If this is true, then I will never throw a stone at my father. And why did neither this illegitimate daughter nor her mother come to us, but immediately went on TV? Do they really need PR? Or did they pay good money to disgrace themselves like this?! Dad laughed after the program. They say they gave him good advertising. They say that sexually he is an irreplaceable giant, since this lady has never met men like him in her life. For dad, the most important thing is us, his family. And what happens during a long life can happen to anyone. In any case, we did not discuss this topic anymore. If I had had a sister since childhood, it would be a different matter, but what now?

You are a beauty, you look very much like your father, you look great, and his so-called second daughter, although seven years younger than you, to put it mildly, is not at all like Vladimir Korenev.

If dad had anything to do with this woman (which I do not rule out), then she definitely gave birth for herself. This is her right, but why advertise it now? The main thing is that the creators of the television program did not ask dad’s permission to discuss his personal life. We were invited to the studio - me, my parents, and even our friends. But we flatly refused to participate in this. For Andrey Malakhov the most important thing is the rating, for these women it’s money, but what about us? My father already has enough popularity. And God is the judge of them all.

Gift from above

- Personally, would you like to have a younger sister?

I am quite happy with my fate, that I am alone with my parents. I grew up as a very beloved child, although I was not particularly pampered, I was dressed very modestly, as I already said. I did my homework in my parents' dressing room. The most memorable gift for me was my dad’s when he brought a folding bicycle from a tour in Hungary. I poured all the money into it... Dad still meets me at the entrance and sees me off after the performance, because I come back late. So I reproach myself that I didn’t give birth to another child besides Yegor, but I could have.

-Are you in love?

I am faithful, but I have never met my man, like mom and dad. Even before I met my son’s father, I had a great love affair in Germany. My chosen one was not an actor. Just our former compatriot who went to do business in Frankfurt. I even thought about moving to Germany with him, but it didn’t work out. Mom, when she saw him, said: “I understand you, daughter. If I were young, I would fall in love with him too!” This novel simply turned me upside down, I dropped out of the profession for a while, my parents were worried, of course, that I might stay in a foreign country. But it didn't happen. Now this man is no longer alive.

- Didn’t you have a long-term relationship with Yegor’s dad?

Alas. I was 28 when my son was born, I really wanted a child, but the pregnancy took me by surprise. Yegor's father and I were not officially married, but, of course, our boy is a child of love. A child is always a gift from above, although unexpected in my case. The son communicates with his father, but let me not say his name. We haven't been together for a very long time. Now I’m single, I haven’t met my person, unfortunately.

- But Egor, as far as I know, got married very early.

Yes, he will only be 22 soon, and last year he tied the knot with a charming girl Daria. We simply adore her. I am glad that she joined our family, although she is four years older than my son. Egor studies at High school economy, it is his choice. I thought that he would choose some kind of creative profession (he had all the makings of an actor - emotionality, external characteristics), but he decided differently. My son lives separately, and I live with my parents. It's more comfortable for me.

In 1973, a young girl from Siberia, Natalya Ivanova, came to the Yolochka holiday home near Moscow to relax on a voucher. And already in the first days she meets here the movie star, sex symbol of the 70s Vladimir Korenev, who was known for his leading role Ichthyander in the movie "Amphibian Man"! According to the woman, the actor, despite the crowds of fans, sought her attention and became for her the standard of masculinity and sexuality. Soon Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Zhenya. At the age of 14, Evgenia first learns from her mother who her father is. Now she, as well as her daughter and granddaughter (!) intend to meet with the famous artist. Watch Let them talk 04/06/2016 - The Secret of Ichthyander.

“In 43 years, of course, everything has changed here... Vladimir Korenev, like many Soviet artists, came to the holiday home to perform in a huge hall for all the holidaymakers. Vladimir had a lot of fans, but he chose me. He invited me, so to speak, for further communication. In terms of men, he was, of course, very... I’ve never had this happen with anyone. He became the standard in this regard. Well, it happened and it happened - I’m grateful to him for it,” says the heroine of the broadcast, Natalya Ivanova.

After some time, the woman realizes that she is pregnant. Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Evgenia, and hid from her who her father was. When the girl turned 14 years old, her mother said that her dad was the famous Ichthyander from the Soviet film “Amphibian Man.” Now Evgenia wants to meet her own father. “I want to hug him, feel the energy... it’s dear person! How else?" - says Zhenya. 20 years ago, the girl gave birth to Vladimir Korenev’s granddaughter, Sophia!

And recently Sonya also became a mother, giving birth to her daughter Vera! The girl also wants to meet her grandfather and show him her great-granddaughter. In this issue there are 4 (!) generations of women who claim that they are relatives of the famous actor. Will Vladimir Korenev meet with them and is Evgenia really his daughter?

The Secret of Ichthyander: Natalya Ivanova

In the studio of the program Let Them Talk - Natalya Nikolaevna Ivanova, who came from Tomsk. Today she will talk about what she has been hiding for more than 40 years...

— In the early 70s, I worked in the district committee and in 1973 we were given Komsomol vouchers to a holiday home near Moscow. Many famous artists came to Yolochka. When I met Vladimir, I was 24 years old. We met right in the assembly hall where he spoke. There were no empty seats in the hall at that time, but the artistic director asked for a chair for us and I sat right on the stage.

— It was very inconvenient, but then Vladimir Korenev began to speak and I listened. He noticed me and then began to communicate with me. We went into the room and just talked. Well, then everything happened by itself. Passion is fleeting. Of course, it’s a shame to talk about this to the whole country. The next day he already left. This is how our acquaintance ended.

— After some time, I realized that I was pregnant. First, a psychic woman whom I accidentally met in the same rest home told me about this. Literally the next day she told me this after I was with Korenev! I didn’t create any illusions. It was just a fleeting attraction: both for him and for me. Well, why not give in? And so smart and handsome!

Gennady Ushakov, director of Yolochka:

“I remember well how Vladimir Korenev came to our holiday home. The audience was delighted!

Natalya Ivanova continues:

“I didn’t mean to bring up the past at all.” After our fleeting romance, I gave birth to a daughter, Zhenya, and then visited Moscow many times. I even had a 4-year affair with a man from Moscow. I understood that I was not the only one, and I had a lot of things to prove. Well, what could I prove? But I'm sure the daughter is his. I devoted my whole life to her and I had no desire to tell Vladimir that he had a child.

The Secret of Ichthyander: Vladimir Korenev

Next in Let The Talk show footage from the TV program While everyone is at home: in 2009, one of the episodes of the program was dedicated to Vladimir Korenev and his family. The actor admits that for him, what comes first is not his career, but his family - his beloved wife (Aleftina Konstantinova) and daughter Irina.

In 2015, the People’s Artist attended Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone,” where he said the following words about his wife:

“Now I only think about one thing with horror: what would have happened if I had not met her?!” She created me, cooked me up. I am a very lazy person, and if I lived alone, I might not be able to become what I am now.

Natalya Ivanova:

— Once I saw him on the Culture channel in the program “Life Line.” It was a fascinating sight and I watched with interest. At this time, my daughter saw him too and she told me that she felt that it was her father. Now I would tell him only one thing: “Thank you for giving me a daughter and the best moments of my life.” I don't need anything from him. Why did I decide to tell the whole country about this? It's just that time is running out, and he needs to know that he has a daughter.

Ichthyander: Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Korenev

Evgenia Vladimirovna, Natalya Ivanova’s daughter, also came to Let them say:

— I learned about who my father was from my mother when I was 14 years old, but I didn’t write to you! I don't even know who came up with this idea. They called me and told me and my mother to come to the program. Of course, I would be glad to meet my father. IN this moment I am a member of civil marriage, there is an adult daughter and even a granddaughter. I am sure that Vladimir Borisovich is my father.

The secret of Ichthyander: granddaughter of Vladimir Korenev

The granddaughter of Natalya Ivanova comes into the program hall and admits that she wrote to the editor. Let them talk.

Sofia Gerasimova:

“I’m ready to take all the blows.” First of all, I am proud of my grandfather and he can also be proud of all of us: me, my mother, my grandmother.

Will Vladimir Korenev himself, who played the famous role of Ichthyander in the film “Amphibian Man”, appear on the program? Watch Let them talk - The Secret of Ichthyander 04/06/2016.

A couple of weeks after being shown on television this issue“Let them talk” actor Vladimir Korenev nevertheless agreed to answer the question of whether he is Evgenia’s father. The artist took part in the “Tonight” program, where the main character of the broadcast was singer Natasha Koroleva. Read more.

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I really love the movie "Amphibian Man". I read somewhere that he made a splash all over the world with the quality of his underwater photography, rivaling Jacques-Yves Cousteau himself. Whose genius should I thank?

O. Rubanovskaya, Moscow

How did you almost drown while filming?

— On the set of “Amphibian Man,” which turns 55 in December, so many talented people got together! - says Vladimir Korenev, who played the role of Ichthyander. — Directors Vladimir Chebotarev And Gennady Kazansky, composer Andrey Petrov, author of the hit “Hey Sailor, You've Been Sailing Too Long”, great artist Nikolay Simonov, who played my father...

During the day, filming took place on the pavilion, and at night, we and Nastya Vertinskaya They took me to the pool of the Institute of Physical Education and taught me how to swim. At that time, the stores were empty, so all the equipment was made at the film studio. My fins are made of formoplast, with steel plates inside. Because of this, they turned out to be very heavy, and my legs cramped... Our cameraman came up with many ingenious things Eduard Rozovsky. In the film, the depths are densely populated with fish. But there are no fish in the Black Sea - only some horse mackerel swam away from people in fear. As a result, they took a small aquarium with fish and attached it closely to the camera. No matter where the operator turns, the fish is always in focus.

In one shot I'm jumping off the side of a ship. The actor playing the sailor, who according to the plot of the film was supposed to hold the chain attached to me, dropped it from his hands. And there the depth is quite large... Well, cameraman Edik Rozovsky was in the water at that time with a camera. He threw the camera and managed to catch the chain - otherwise I would have been dragged to the bottom: the chain is 60 m long and weighs 50 kg... There was another case: I was tied to an anchor, they gave me scuba gear, but it was empty, worn out. And then the instructor gave me his...

“While working on “Amphibian Man,” Anastasia Vertinskaya and I filmed in the pavilion during the day, and at night we were taken to the Institute of Physical Education and taught to swim.” Photo: www.globallookpress.com

— Was it scary to film with such a risk to your life?

- None of us thought about this! I was 20 years old and enjoyed my work immensely. The only thing was that it froze very quickly. It’s cold underwater, and the suit is made of thin elastic material, the kind used to make women’s tights. The scales are cut out of film and sewn on with fishing line. The suit got wet instantly, and I began to tremble. The operator gestures - that's it, let's get up. They put a fur coat on me (the kind night watchmen wear in winter) and gave me coffee and cognac. I’ll thaw out and get back into the water again.

Why does he hate sex symbols?

— Was it nice when, after “Amphibian Man,” you received the title of sex symbol?

“I got a complex because of this!” What the hell is a sex symbol?! If they said that I was smart, talented... And a sex symbol... Yes, everyone can do what a sex symbol does! To me Misha Kozakov said: “It is believed that if a man is handsome, then he is a fool, a mediocrity, a narcissist. I went through this myself. I was so nervous! And then I realized: the word “sex symbol” was invented by mediocre dwarfs.”

— How did women react to you after the role of Ichthyander?

— If it weren’t for Alena (wife, actress Aleftina Konstantinova. - Ed.), my aunts would have torn me apart and taken me to pieces. They were hunting me, just hunting me! The entire entrance was covered with declarations of love in lipstick, so I had to do the repairs at my own expense. They called on the phone around the clock, sent notes: “I live in a hotel, number such and such. One". In our hallway there was a box from under the refrigerator, where thousands of letters with photos of girls were stored. I have to say, women spoil actors. The active party in these intrigues is always the lady. Even if she is silent, she looks at you in such a way that you understand what exactly she wants. At first my wife was jealous. Then I began to take a philosophical approach. She even took one fan as a nanny. Seeing her in Once again near the theater, asked: “Where do you live?” And Valya got a job somewhere on a state farm so that she could come to my performances in the evening. “Let me pay you more, and you sit with our daughter.” - “You don’t need money. If I see Vladimir Borisovich, it will be happiness.” Valyusha lived with us for 4 years.

— Despite the fame, many artists’ living conditions were not the best...

— There was a time when we lived in a hostel in a three-room apartment: Zhora Burkov with my wife Tanya and daughter Masha in the same room, Alena and I and our daughter Irochka- in another, a wonderful artist Alexey Glazyrin- in the third. We didn’t have much money, the salary was small, and Zhora once asked me: “Have you ever distilled moonshine?” - “I don’t, but all my aunts are driving to Crimea.” - “What is needed for this?” - “A large saucepan, a small saucepan, a basin, yeast and sugar.” Burkov says: “I don’t understand why we are standing.” We went and bought a huge 25 liter saucepan and set the mash. A week has passed. The mash smells, the flies fly drunk over it. I look - it’s decreasing. “Zhora, something’s wrong.” - "It `s naturally, chemical process" - “Somehow very quickly.” I think: well, I’ll catch you! Sunflower oil I lubricated the hinges on the doors so they wouldn't creak. I hear at night: bare feet spanked. And Burkov’s room is just opposite the kitchen. I open the door, and Zhora is standing with a mug near this pan. Like Vasisualiy Lokhankin, who went on a hunger strike, and at night he took meat out of borscht! He says: “Vovka, you can’t imagine how delicious it is!” And we drank all this beer with him. In the end, they distilled out just a little of the moonshine. To celebrate this process, they went to the store and bought two bottles of government-issued vodka. (Laughs.)

Korenev plays in the theater with his wife Aleftina. Photo: From personal archive

Whose wife did he take?

— Your family is one of the strongest in the creative world. But at one time you stole Aleftina from someone else, right?

— She had a fiance in Orel. But it seems to me that Alena forgot about him as soon as we met her. (Smiles.) We studied at GITIS, but on different courses. One day, an acting director’s assistant came to the institute from Mosfilm to hand over the scripts to Alena and me. That's how we met at GITIS on this famous staircase.

Alena is a real Turgenev young lady. She is from Orel. I studied well. She sent some of the money she received home. Alena’s parents died during the war, and she was raised by her grandmother and aunt. My wife is a wonderful person. I am lazy. But because of her, he began to work a lot so that she would not know the need. In the first years, we had nothing; we lived in a decorative shed in the courtyard of the theater. I left my parents' house when I graduated from college. I thought: I’m already an adult, it’s a shame to live on mom and dad’s money...

They lived in the same barn Evgeny Urbansky, Albert Filozov. Zhenya brought his wife Olga there. These were our realities. This is not Hollywood. This is the story of Soviet stars. And yet we were romantics, idealists.

— You and Aleftina Konstantinova have been together for so many years... Have there been crises in your relationship?

— For all 57 years life together such a case has never arisen. Although we swear and make noise at each other. But that doesn't mean anything at all.

I'm lucky. I think with horror: God forbid, if Alena passed me by in life. Then it would be very difficult - given my character. It is very difficult for me. The family might not have worked out... Alena and I have already become so close that I can’t imagine my life without her. By the way, our daughter Irina Koreneva- also an actress, we all work together in our native Stanislavsky Electrotheatre. In mid-December there will be a premiere of the play “Before Sunset” based on the famous play by Gerhart Hauptmann. I'm playing main role- Privy Councilor Matthias Clausen, and Irina - my daughter Bettina. This is such an interesting coincidence: a daughter in life and a daughter on stage...

Actor Vladimir Korenev with his daughter Irina and grandson Egor. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Fomichev

At the end of December, the whole family will take the stage in a trilogy Boris Yukhananov"Blue bird". This is an innovative performance, and soon it will be a year since we play it. Aleftina Konstantinova and I perform two small children - Maeterlinck's heroes. And at the same time we tell the viewer memories from our own personal life... After all, we survived the war, before Alena’s eyes the Germans killed her mother... This will be real story about our time, about our society, about the wonderful actors we knew.

- How do you like playing with your daughter? Are you her dad at work or are you still a colleague?

“My daughter is very independent in her work, she never listens to what I advise her. Moreover, I often get it from her. I like to be flirty when I play a role. I start looking into the audience, and we develop a playful, hooligan relationship with one of the spectators. (Smiles.) My daughter swears terribly about this. She's generally very the responsible person, and I'm a hooligan.

Popular actor Vladimir Korenev became famous thanks to his role as Ichthyander in the film “Amphibian Man.” IN Soviet time Everyone knew the young artist, and many girls dreamed of meeting the screen star and were looking for meetings with him. On the “Let Them Talk” program, Natalya Ivanova stated that Vladimir Korenev has an illegitimate daughter.

The woman remembered that when she was relaxing in the Elochka holiday home near Moscow, he came there famous actor. According to Ivanova, she managed to meet Vladimir Korenev, and later it turned out that she was expecting a child from him.

“He asked: “How do you like relaxing here?” Naturally, then such a closer conversation started. Then he continued again after that. “Let’s meet and talk.” He invited me, as it were, to further communication. We went into the room and just started talking to him. I kind of supported his mood. Well, then everything happened by itself, what was supposed to happen,” Natalya recalls her acquaintance with the celebrity.

Now, 43 years later, Natalya came to the studio to talk about the actor’s unknown family. As it turned out, Vladimir Borisovich now has not only a daughter, granddaughter, but also a great-granddaughter. It was the mother of the baby, who was one month old, who decided to turn to Andrei Malakhov to introduce her daughter to the famous great-grandfather.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

It must be said that a real debate broke out in the studio about whether these women really have family connection with Korenev. Experts argued that without a DNA test it was difficult to believe the story. However, Natalya was not at all offended by the words of the guests in the studio, because she is sure that the father of her daughter Evgenia is Vladimir Borisovich. When the girl was 14 years old, she learned that her father was a famous actor who played Ichthyander.

However, Vladimir Korenev himself was not at the program. The women claim that they do not need anything from the famous actor, only for him to meet their family.

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