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From this material you will learn about magical rituals for good luck in matters related to business and money. In black magic there are many rituals and powerful conspiracies to attract good luck into your life. The arsenal is so large that you can help yourself by choosing the appropriate witchcraft technique in almost any situation.

The magic of luck and ancient spells for good luck

If you don’t miss a single opportunity and act instead of wasting time and chances in empty thoughts: No matter what happens, I’m not capable of it, I won’t succeed, it’s not for me..., then you are one of those who are called lucky.

After all, how do they talk about such people? — Everything falls from the sky for them. It's unlikely. But the Forces help, no doubt. Happy, lucky, successful - these are the names of those who succeed in everything. And they also say: Grandma casts a spell. This is right on point! Read my articles by the magician Sergei Artgrom and apply spells that bring good luck to life. And according to tradition, I’ll start with simple, but very useful money rituals for every day - whispers and simple spells for good luck.

Simple whispers for every day - white spells for good luck

To have good luck for the day, when crossing the threshold of your home, whisper: Beyond this threshold is my strength. Truly. You can do this: when leaving home, look at yourself in the mirror and whisper: My reflection is a good luck attraction.

And if you want the day to pass happily and be prosperous, get up in the morning on your right foot and say in a whisper: Where right leg, there and left, where I am, there and . Amen. Or like this: I rise towards my happiness.

But these independent whispers - conspiracies on money luck in my life, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend reading to everyone, because it also shows in them practical magic money:

  • When receiving money, whisper: “Money in your pocket, there will be a whole suitcase.”
  • And read this whisper to your wallet more often: “My wallet is ringing, money is making me fatter, every day my luck is greener.”
  • Giving money: - I’m giving money, new meeting I am waiting.
  • A chance meeting with a pregnant woman - good omen. Therefore, if you see a pregnant woman passing by, do not miss the opportunity to whisper: - You give birth, and I increase the good.

As the day begins, so it will be. Everyone knows this. So don’t be a whiner, because bores are rarely lucky. Only happy and joyful people become a magnet of fortune. Start good habit start the day with a whisper for good luck. Here's a good example. On your first morning cup of tea or coffee, whisper: I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of a new day. This is a useful whisper for good luck in everything.

How to attract luck and money with a conspiracy - rituals of practical magic

To increase your profits, do this home ritual to attract good luck. On the new moon, place a bowl of water on the table. Throw a coin into it, and then splash some of this water on your doorstep. At the same time, say simple words spell for good luck in business: Water is water, money is a river. Amen.

To ensure that there is prosperity in the house, so that money is not transferred, and on the waxing moon, do the following. Take grain or any cereal, scatter it near your house and say this:

“Birds, fly, collect grains, bring wealth to my house. Let it be so".

This one is very simple at first glance magical ritual for luck, not so simple. In general, any witchcraft associated with grain and bird feed works very well for prosperity, profit, and monetary luck. Many sorcerers believe, and I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am of the same opinion that these are the best ways to attract money to the house, which even beginners can freely use. A common person, who has barely come into contact with witchcraft, always runs the risk of getting magical negative in the form of a rollback or return that comes as a result of errors in operation or lack of protection. But not in this case. There is no need to be afraid of undesirable consequences here.

Here is another simple old spell for good luck and to attract money to yourself.

“I carry a wallet full of coins, the devil will let them run away, but I won’t.”

You need to learn not only to attract money, but also to preserve it, so that it lingers in your life and does not disappear like sand. And here is a home plot for money losses, thefts and damages. To keep your money safe and sound, and also to prevent senseless spending, after making a profit, read the witchcraft words:

“I carry wealth, I go with money, I hold it tightly with my hands, I carry it not for strangers, but for my own. Exactly".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Strong spells for good luck at work - how to cast magic yourself for free

Home spells for good luck at work help many people achieve very good results in their career at work. With their help you can:

  • climb the career ladder,
  • increase your income level,
  • and avoid dissatisfaction and nagging from superiors.

Every day when going to work, starting new project, agreement, meeting with important people, conversation with your boss or other matter, start with magic spell for good luck at work. Say it in a whisper:

“Everything will work out the way I want, luck is with me, success is with me.”

The magic of luck and money will help you communicate productively with your bosses. If you know that the manager intends to scold you, before going to his office, read the witchcraft words:

“I’m on the left bank, you’re on the right. Scream or don’t scream, you still won’t finish shouting.”

These were simple magical spells to improve your life. It's time to move on to the second part of the article, where more will be presented. Namely, an independent conspiracy to take away the luck of another person, and the strongest rituals for monetary luck.

A proven conspiracy to take away luck from a lucky person

Stealing luck is not a sin. And this can be done through a personal item of someone who is rich and lucky. A thing from a lucky and rich person should not be asked, but taken secretly, stolen. At the same time, you need to say the magic words:

“Your fart has been stolen, mine has been multiplied, like a crow, damn it. Amen".

Take the stolen item home, hide it securely at home, while reading the plot of the item for good luck in business:

“I sneaked, stole, got together, got enough in my house, the fartovits took root for me, he got a pittance, but the whole fartovitsa was taken away, it was taken over for me, I was a stealer, and he was a payer. Amen".

No one should see this object, because the whole thing will be interrupted. Therefore, hide the thing securely. Don't confuse this magical luck stealer with money. Here you are not pushing finances, but luck. And this makes the effective ritual very subtle. After all, not everyone has luck. It is much less common than big money. That's why big houses expensive cars V in this case is not an indicator, and you need to choose an object according to a different principle.

There are wealthy people, but they are draft horses. Working a lot and hard. They get everything through sweat and blood. And there is no point in trying to steal luck from them; by and large, they may simply not have it. And how, instead of well-being, don’t take something else for yourself. And there is always such a risk with witchcraft stealers of luck. That's why they are not recommended for. Here's another example. A man, naked as a falcon, lives one day and lightly, but he is happy, and gets out of disastrous situations without losses, because luck is always with him. Look for such a person to read the most strong conspiracy for money and luck, and to steal someone else's fortune on yourself.

A strong conspiracy for money luck - for money through honey

Conjure yourself on Midsummer's Day - from June 23 to 24. At night go to birch grove. Take honey in combs with you. Stop near the birch tree that you like more than others.

Walk around it three times, stamp your foot on the ground, and read the spell for good luck:

“Seven brothers walked through meadows and fields along distant roads and dusty paths. Yes, the bags are thrown behind the back, and in those bags there are different kinds of life-giving, and in those bags there is gold, there is irrepressible money there, ready for the Tsar, so the Tsar is a honey cake, he didn’t go ahead, but I (name) came up with honey. So you seven taste my honey, quench your thirst, give me your bags as a reward. Now there is gold in those bags, then there is money in those bags, all for my valley, then for me seven brothers Darin, down, a royal feather bed, on my shoulder. Amen".

Read this effective conspiracy to attract good luck to a person 3 times. Eat a piece of honey and leave the rest at the roots of the tree. This is a proven, white ritual with powerful conspiracy for good luck in business and other matters.

A very strong spell for money and good luck in business - to overcome poverty through peas

You can get rid of bad luck and poverty like an unnecessary thing. And for this purpose, money magic has its own rituals. Here, for example, is such an independent ritual for money and career with peas. Through the growth of a plant, poverty can be overcome. But in order to become prosperous, you need to plant peas in your own land. Take 19 peas and plant them separately from other plants.

When landing, read this magical spell for health and good luck in life:

“A pea, Matveyushka, I put you in the earth, so you will give visible growth, and you will climb up to the heavens, then you will grow like a flower, then you will grow like a pea. Just like we are eager to make a pea, so we are eager to make a living creature. Then matvisi the words of the sorcerer, that commandment is lordly, strong as stone, my peas, then my words are Tver. It is spoken by the Almighty. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to take special care of planted peas so that the plants do not die, but grow, bloom and bear fruit in due time. When the peas are ripe, they need to be collected on the waxing moon and the stems burned. When the sun sets, all the collected peas must be eaten. And before that, read an independent white magic conspiracy for money luck:

A strong spell for good luck in selling goods

This is one of the simplest rituals for profit. Do it on the waxing moon. For independent witchcraft you need:

  • saucer
  • 6 nickels

The ritual begins in the morning. Place coins on a saucer, smear them with honey and read the plot for good luck in business three times:

“Demons, daring guys, eat honey, listen to me. Just as bees and ants flock to amber honey, so money would flock to me and stick to my hands. Amen".

All this should remain untouched until evening. And in the evening after sunset, take the coins with honey to the crossroads. No saucer. Leaving your nickels at the crossroads, read an effective spell for a ritual for good luck and money:

“Just as a nickel sticks to honey, so the kingdom of the devil showers me with money. Amen".

The ransom here is nickels. Everything works, but repetition is required often. You will have to do it at least once a week for a stable result. Home ritual for good luck in business designed not for wealth, but for a regular influx of money, for profit. The magical ritual is simple, and therefore the call of Forces is not required, everything works the same way, and more on the personal strength of the performer.

People often think about the injustice of life. Some are rich, happy, successful, while others vegetate in poverty and obscurity. I think about how to take away a person’s luck. Such thoughts have always visited people. The sorcerers of ancient times created kradniki. These are special black rituals that allow you to assign luck, success, beauty, and the ability to easily get rich. Everything that the darling desires can be taken away with a small ritual.

Making a kradnik is quite simple. You just need to know exactly the rules of energy exchange. It is also advisable to have an idea of ​​what exactly is taken from the individual. Agree, sorcery works better with an understanding specialist, even if he does magic at home. Let's look at how mental theft is carried out and what is confiscated. How safe is it to do rune casting, read a spell, and the like.

What is it about (short explanation)

Luck is helping the Universe achieve its own goal. Man has an open channel of communication with heaven. This way he receives information about what and how to do to make his dream come true. It is precisely this “mechanism” that allows a stealer to be seized and appropriated. The sorcerer takes it away from the lucky one in one fell swoop and introduces it into his own field.

Understanding the mechanism is extremely important. You need to imagine exactly what is happening at the moment of sorcery. Becoming or conspiracy does not take away the victim’s money, beauty, or health. The victim remains to his own devices. Moreover, it can automatically resume a broken channel if it is strong enough. Constrictions help create such an unusual connection with By higher powers at the customer's.


It is unacceptable to approach witchcraft lightly. Must be observed important conditions energy exchange. We all constantly interact with each other with subtle energies. If serious violations are allowed, the return will come. The sorcerer will be punished from above.

Stealing can be committed under the following circumstances:

  1. The victim definitely has what the witcher wants. It is impossible to take away the ability to get rich from a beggar, or the beauty from an ugly woman.
  2. The object is weaker energetically than the attacker. Otherwise, nothing will work.
  3. The person under attack does not practice magic. Defense will provide a counterattack. And this will lead to damage for the attacker.

Attention: theoretically, money theft (and any other) is done on anyone they meet. It is almost advisable to study the situation to avoid getting into trouble.

Church rite

Increase the ability to provide wealth easily during church service. People light candles and pray. We need to watch them and find a wealthy parishioner. Watch how he lights a candle to greet you. Slowly take it away, putting it out first. Operate strictly with your left hand. Place your own candle upside down in the vacant space.

At home you need to soften the wax. A ball rolls out of it. The following stealth plot reads:

“As wax yields, so the merchant’s luck is transferred to me. Amen".

You should always have the charmed ball with you. It will work for some time (various). Funds will begin to fall on your head literally out of thin air. Don't forget about the lottery and other quick ways enrichment.

Tightening for 13 years

The following technique allows you to steal any quality from a friend. Only the person must be of the same sex as the sorcerer. Otherwise it will be a misfire. For fortune telling you need a photo of the lucky one. The spell is cast on the magician's birthday (any month). Method:

  1. Go to church, buy 13 thick candles.
  2. 2. Take the change, take it to the intersection, throw it with the words:

    “The priest sent the devil payment for his work. Rejoice, grab it, and give me what I say. Amen!".

  3. At the intersection you need to pick up a small pebble.
  4. The same night, cover the table with a white cloth.
  5. In the center write black symbols: “R. A. Zh.”
  6. Place candles around with the open wick down, having previously painted them with black ink.
  7. A plate with alcohol is placed on the letters. A photo is placed in it.
  8. The wicks are lit in a circle.
  9. The following spell is read:

    “Dark flame, called by me, shine! Take monetary (or other) luck from the Lord’s servant (name) who is baptized. I paid for everything down to the last crumb. Damn, rewrite the roads. I pull, lure, speak with flame (set the alcohol on fire). Thirteen flames will pass through my destiny. The desired luck has been rolled up into my (name) share. Amen!".

  10. When the alcohol burns out, the photo is pressed with a stone. The following words are said:

    “Black candles are burning, burning out my luck into fate. The Lord's servant (name) was taken from me for thirteen years. Just as this stone cannot roll back, so luck cannot turn away from me. Amen!".

  11. With the last sound, the photo is set on fire. As soon as it burns, they say: “It’s done! Amen!".

All attributes must be wrapped in a tablecloth and taken to the churchyard. They are buried in the grave of the witcher's namesake (the one who cast the spell). Don't forget to bring alcohol.

Runic becoming

Scandinavian script is now used in many practices. The advantages of the technique are simplicity. You just need to draw runes on the image of the owner of the desired dignity. The symbols work autonomously, without connection with the wizard’s intention. But there is a significant drawback. Real experts are reluctant to reveal their secrets. The true identity is not shown to anyone.

The proposed options are designed to rob gullible viewers. Below is a video with an analysis of one of free combinations. Looks like that:

Runes used: Raido and Nautiz. Together they form a banishing cross. A mirror Az is attached to them. Elm brings financial damage to the one who uses it. The channels overlap in favor of the author of the combination.

Runic symbols should be used with extreme caution. Under no circumstances should you use ready-made, recommended combinations. Mostly this is a way to rip off the reader. You need to rely on your own knowledge. And this requires some time to study the Scandinavian theory.

Example: Fehu helps to take away wealth, beauty and attractiveness - Berk, love - Gebo. But you should prepare the ligature yourself. Runes are good because they obey the creative impulses of the artist. Ready-made recommendations are a road to nowhere.

On the mirror

More safe way Good luck tugs are recommended for beginning witches. The magical attribute is a small single mirror. Preferably with a lid (powder compact, for example). The item is purchased on a full moon. Kradnik is supposed to be done when the night queen dies. In other phases, be careful.

You should do this:

  1. Catch in the mirror the reflection of a symbol of the desired quality/property (a beauty, a rich man, and so on).
  2. Start the formula three times:

“I liked it, damn it. Brother in hell, do it for me as a reward. Come out, pick it up (say what exactly), save it for me. Amen!".

Slam the box immediately. Do not open until complete. Just keep in mind that you can’t reflect yourself. Jinx it.

Through a thing

The simplest and most popular ritual is performed with an object belonging to a rich person. But it requires a little preparation:

  1. On the new moon you should go to the churchyard. Find old grave, in which your namesake rests. Pick up any sharp object (shard of glass, piece of branch, needle). Take it home.
  2. On the same day, black candles are purchased in the temple (you can paint them if there are none).
  3. Before the full moon, get any thing (borrow, ask, lend).
  4. At night, a magical object is placed on the table in front of the inverted Icon of St. George the Victorious. A black candle is lit nearby, with the open wick facing down.
  5. A stored sharp object is stuck into the thing.
  6. The wick must burn until dawn. Don't sleep yourself either. Imagine becoming the owner of the very mechanism for obtaining happiness.
  7. In the morning, give what you have taken to the owner. Wait until it goes away. Spit after. Say:

“What was yours is now mine. The devil ordered it and gave it to me (name what). Amen!".

How to understand that your luck has been taken away

Diagnosis is carried out in two ways. First you need to determine the symptom of a magical attack:

  1. Drastic changes in life. What was previously easy is now gone.
  2. There is a person nearby who has the same thing.
  3. A continuous series of troubles began.
  4. My health suddenly deteriorated, my money stopped coming in, my appearance deteriorated.
  5. The beloved began to grumble and swear with displeasure.

The second step is to identify the wax stealer. The casting rules are well known to everyone. Decoding is a more difficult task. Magical theft is embodied in a wax figurine in the form of ropes, fences, and arrows. The casting is all twisted, bent, there is no space free from stripes.

Removal methods

Recovering a loss is also quite simple. Here it is more important to identify the sorcery. As soon as suspicions are confirmed, it is recommended to act immediately:

  • clean with wax (casting);
  • burn it with candles (on video);
  • put up protection.

There are many techniques for cutting off evil spells from the aura. As a rule, people are guided by religious views and worldview. Some people read prayers, others prefer to cope with runes and spells. The best way- this is fire. After burning the bonds, you can additionally apply any option for cleaning the field.

Luck seems such an ephemeral concept that many people do not even think about the fact that without luck they would not have achieved such things. great success. Sometimes just one chance is enough for life to take a turn for the worse. better side, therefore, Fortune’s favor is not an empty phrase, and a quarrel with this wayward lady can come back to haunt you over time.

However, if some people forget about their luck, then others, on the contrary, are ready to take over other people's successes. Get to work go and black magic, and runes, spells. That’s why it’s so important to be fully prepared if a person with bad intentions appears on the horizon. There are quite a lot of options on how to return luck and money to your home, and everyone can find one that suits their religion and principles.

Ask the saints for protection

The principle of plus and minus works here: if the conspiracy was made by dark forces, then you need to ask the saints for help. The doors of churches are always open, so you should buy an image of the Virgin Mary and light church candles in front of her icon. The saint will respond to prayer for help and will definitely ward off someone else’s witchcraft; the main thing is not to forget to thank her for her intercession.

Use runes

Despite the fact that staves relate to paganism, which many religions look askance at, this witchcraft itself is not considered truly dark. This option is suitable for those who are thinking how to return luck stolen by another person, at the same time giving this person an instructive click. It may seem very voluminous, but it works quickly and in all areas at once; it will take a day or two to charge.

This construction of runes will especially appeal to those who want to restore justice and at the same time punish the offender, so that it would be discouraging to ruin people’s lives.

Lost at a crossroads

Simple and effective method, which does not require special preparation. All you need is a waning month and a crossroads. The main thing is that the roads are pedestrian and not passable, because it is a person who takes away luck, not a car or a motorcycle, so the energy should come from human movements.

Having found the desired intersection, you should wait for a deserted minute, turn over your right shoulder seven times, saying at every turn so that failure remains where it is spinning. Having “screwed” someone else’s spell into the ground in this way, you can return home. It is forbidden to talk to anyone until the native threshold has been crossed, as well as to look back.

Get rid of an unpleasant gift

The easiest way to take away luck is to use a charmed object. Having cast a spell on a souvenir, a bottle of wine or even sugar for tea, such a gift is given to the victim and they wait for the result. If after some holiday a streak of bad luck begins, then you need to check your bins. Most often, money and luck conspiracies are cast on some symbolic objects, such as a money tree.

In addition, the offender may plant something unwanted in someone else’s bag or wallet, so you need to periodically check your belongings for any unpleasant surprises. If someone else's mirror is found in a cosmetic bag, a beauty slander comes into play. A coin was discovered in a pocket where there were no coins in the first place - it was better to throw it away from harm.

After you have managed to get rid of the item, you need to restore the wasted energy. You can go to church, drink holy water or light a few church candles around you. It would be a good idea to ask your guardian or patron saint for help.

Open new roads

If the conspiracy is very strong and there is no way to return the luck taken away by witchcraft, then you can show your luck new roads. The ritual will require running water, a castle that was recently purchased and not yet used, three thin red wax candles and a little honey.

Upon entering the house, you need to unlock the purchased lock, place it along with the keys near the lit candles and say the spell:

Show me, river, the bright shallows, the secret fords, all your approaches, all your bridges! So that I will not be afraid of deep water (the name of the one who creates the conspiracy), so that black troubles will pass, so that the road will be kind to me, so that sorrows and anxieties will disappear. Place, O river, the dashing share in an iron cage, don’t forget to lock it with the right key!

To me (the name of the one who creates the conspiracy) - honey and sweetness, to all the villains - tar in the mouth. And it will be like this forever. Amen!

The words should be repeated all the time while the candles are burning. As soon as the lights go out, the lock needs to be locked and smeared with honey for strength, and then throw into running water. To make sure the conspiracy works, send a few coins behind the castle: the spirits will be more merciful. Carry the keys with you and do not give them to anyone.

Protect yourself from further attacks

In order not to have to think about how to get your luck back if it was taken away, it is better to follow some rules:

  • Find out who can take away the luck. If a rival unexpectedly invites you to visit, where he persistently treats you to a pie, or an old enemy presents an expensive gift, then it is better not to tempt fate. Food and gifts will most likely be charmed.
  • Buy a protective amulet. One of the common ways to take away someone else's luck is to point a stealer at the person. Such magic is difficult to detect, because it is performed from a photograph or from a card with the name of the victim, but an ordinary talisman with runes can repel simple witchcraft.

The tips seem simple, but they will really take away from a person what would take away his happiness and peace of mind.

Attention, TODAY only!

Any person who has some experience in money magic will say with certainty that black magic for luck and money is a colossal functional tool for achieving success in the manifested world. On the physical plane money conspiracies black magic works great when the Forces are given energy, a clear direction, and when the performer does not hold his program close to him, but allows it to unwind.

As we see, all that remains for the magician-performer is to trust the miraculous power of black magic for wealth and success, and not miss the opportunities that will open before him.

Black magic and effective rituals for good luck in trading

First of all, in order to improve your well-being, expand financial flows, achieve stability and a stable financial situation in your life, you need to get rid of the negative. Negativity can be of any nature. He is identified with help and removed. In order to achieve the desired result, namely gaining wealth, you can turn to powerful rituals of black magic - transferring negativity.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that witchcraft rituals for good luck and money are often quite simple; there are methods that work on the personal strength and visualization of the performing magician. Positive results are observed even among beginners. But! With all the obvious advantages of using black magic rituals for the happiness and well-being of the family, there are also disadvantages. Namely: using only translations, you can remove only slight negativity. There is no question of dealing with serious damage by shifting.

Shifts are most effective in complex work:

  • with powerful warlock and runic purges,
  • with references,
  • with breaking
  • and burning of locks and fastenings.

After all these rituals, strong magic comes into play for good luck and wealth, rituals for money, new opportunities, successful trading, urgent one-time receipt of finances and success in life.
The black magic of luck opens up truly wide opportunities for the performer; rituals for attracting money help to find Good work, make profitable deals, win a large sum in the lottery, and even just find money on the street! We will talk separately about the dangers of finding money on the street, especially in crowded places. This is a hackneyed topic, however, there are no fewer simpletons who pick up from the ground or take for themselves everything that is lying badly. However, the ordinary dream of any lazy person to find a suitcase with money on the road may well come true as an effect of money rituals for luck and wealth in his life. Magnificent in its essence and black magic for luck in business and prosperity in the home.

The powerful magic of the new moon is a ritual for getting rid of poverty and for prosperity in the home

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you for practical application a ritual to get rid of poverty, attract luck and fortune into your life. In addition, a proven magical ritual works well specifically for gaining rich life. This ritual of strong money magic for prosperity in the house consists of 2 parts.

The first part should be done in the evening and at midnight before the new moon. In this part, the Forces are called upon, and the negative is removed by the method of reference. The second part of the money ritual is done by a magician at dawn on the new moon, when a strong magic spell is read for prosperity in the house and for a rich sweet life.

To work you need to prepare the following items:
  • old torn kitchen towel
  • spring or melt water

The ritual begins in the evening, shortly before sunset. Throw the towel over your neck, take a sieve with the ends of the towel and, sifting the flour through the sieve, read the spell 3 times. Bake pies from sifted flour. When kneading the dough, use salt instead of sugar.

A conspiracy to throw off negativity and use magic to return stolen luck and prosperity to the family is as follows:

“The stone millstones are spinning and turning, flour is pouring out from under those millstones, I am sowing, sifting, born betrothed (name), flour, taking flour from my house. I sow need, I remove poverty. See you white flour, sifting out the flour. I, born betrothed (name), with white flour remove flour and need from the table, from the purse, from the chest, from the towel, from supplies, from the barn, from supplies, from prosperity, from wealth. From my flour I will bake salty and bitter pies, but those pies were not salted with salt, but sprinkled with my bitter and salty tears. I’ll bake it into pies, I’ll bake it into pies, I’ll bake it into vanity. My poverty and need will go into the pie, flour and salt, flour and my tears will be taken into themselves. I will bake pies, I will bake everything that has been said in them, but not serve the pies on the table, but give them to the devils. Amen".

After sunset or at midnight, wrap the pies in that same old towel and take them to a pedestrian intersection. Standing in the middle of the intersection, place the bundle under your feet and call out the demons. Trust the power of black magic, and the strong spells for luck and money from the arsenal of money witchcraft:

“Devil brothers, I’m calling you, I’m hiring you to work! I give you, brothers, these salty and bitter pies, baked from my flour, salted with my tears, enchanted with my words. I’m putting the coins at your disposal; whoever picks up the money, give him my bitter flour and salty tears. As the pennies disappear, so the poverty and misery, poverty and vanity will disappear from me. Damn brothers, I’m letting you go, I’m sending you to do what was said. Amen".

Coins and pies are the ransom. A glass of vodka would be a good idea, but it would be better to leave a small glass of vodka. Return home according to the rules of black magic work - silently, without looking back, upon arriving home, go to bed.

The next morning at dawn, take spring or melt water. Read a strong magic spell for prosperity on the water three times, then wash your face. According to the rules of money witchcraft, the face is not wiped in such cases.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“Mother, the water is pure, you wash the steep banks, the stone is white and flammable with its fast stream, a mighty, silver stream. To you, mother, pure water, for centuries, a strong power has been given to water the earth, to feed our entire race. Hear, voditsa, my request, help. My poverty and misery, my bitter and salty tears, have left me, gone into pies, and gone to hell. Just as your mighty rivers will never turn back, so my poverty, my toil and vanity will leave me, they will leave me, they will not return to me. And for you, water, let wealth and prosperity, gold and silver flow into my hands, stay with me, and never leave. Just as you, water, flow and do not dry up, so my wealth would not dry up, from time to time and forever and ever. Amen".

Black magic - how to attract your own luck and take someone else's

Using rituals and spells for money from the arsenals of old Russian black magic - a truly amazing black magic tradition, you can expand your financial flows, attract money into your life, you can even lure and retain good luck, without which no business will succeed. All this works without harm to others. However, all this - work and promotion of black magic rituals for luck and fortune - takes time. You can go this way. Or you can choose another - an aggressive path of attacks, stealers.
I’ll tell you a little about how to use magic to take away luck from an enemy, competitor, boss, rich merchant or from an unsuspecting passerby. Russian black magic and spells for wealth from collections of money magic - a multifunctional tool. A magician can achieve results by acting both as an aggressor to steal someone else’s luck and well-being with magic, and as a creator.

In order not to be unfounded, here is an example of an effective ritual that allows a beginner, simply walking down the street, to independently take away luck through the influence of magic from people rushing about their business. Every person has something to take. If you take a closer look, you can understand who is the lucky one, the darling of fate. Having chosen a victim, follow this person and repeat all his movements.

Read the words of the conspiracy to yourself to take away your luck:

“As I want, I will turn the thread of life, weave it into the fabric, tie a knot. Whoever walks ahead of me carries his luck, without knowing it, he gives it to me, goes, carries, gives, goes, carries, gives, goes, carries, gives.”

As soon as the person walking in front stumbles, curses, or turns back, the effect of black witchcraft to steal luck from a stranger will immediately begin. An effective ritual works on personal strength, however, it is clear that black magic allows the sorcerer to take away luck and prosperity from others effective conspiracies and through different Forces.

How to steal someone else's luck and prosperity - change everything in your favor with magic

For sorcerers who practice money magic, are known to steal the happiness and well-being of a family. There are many rituals and conspiracies, and, of course, they are used if necessary. A real magician decides for himself which method to choose. Now I. Magician Sergei Artgrom I want to offer another black magic conspiracy for good luck and money. This is a magical stealer. But, not family well-being, but clients from a competing company, store or outlet.
Good start in business fast development companies, success, Financial independence, big money - all this magnificent abundance, unfortunately, does not last forever. It may come. May leave. Or it could be stolen. They can use strong magic to take away wealth and good luck in trading. And if the company does not magical protections, this will not be difficult to do.

How to take someone else’s luck and fortune for yourself - use black magic to ruin a competitor

There are different ways to ruin a competitor. You can, for example, do severe damage on business and the company will collapse. But what does that matter to you? What's the use? Another thing is the stealer of luck, luck and success. Black magic for the money and wealth of those who were clients of a competing company, be it a manufacturing enterprise, a travel agency or a store.

For this black magic ritual for success in trading you will need:

  • advertising of a competitor, or a photo of an office with employees, or a mock-up of a sign, or other links directly related to the competitor’s business
  • bowl of water
  • wax candle
  • green shoot or bird feather

Place a bowl of water in the photo. Light a candle and, dripping wax into the water, read the plot to use black magic to take away your competitor’s luck:

“I am pulling, pulling, (name) from the company (name of the competing company) all the clientele, all the profits and income, all the luck, all the luck. I take all the good things into my wax. No one will come to you, all the people will come to me. Only me, (name) trust. Only for me is profit, luck and happiness. In the name of my Father (here we mean the Power that protects you: the Devil, the pagan God, or another Power), may what I have said be fulfilled. Let it be so".

Wrinkle the wax around a green shoot or around a bird's feather, and hide it at the threshold of your company or office. If there is any doubt whether you will harm yourself with this ritual for your luck, that is why there is a way to view the situation through vision, or with the help of Tarot solitaire. Find out using diagnostics, do yourself a ritual for good luck and monetary success in trade or not. In my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, the black rite is a one-time ritual, if it works, it is based on personal strength. But for beginners it will be quite suitable for practice. And it should be noted that there are very simple-looking home rituals of black magic for money that have really helped many people who practice them.

Black magic for luck and money - how to open a money channel yourself

This is an August ritual for money. Do this only during the waxing moon. With the help of your own efforts and linden branches in August, you can increase your capital, expand cash flow or win the lottery, black magic luck. Pick 3 linden branches and place them in a jar of water. The jar should be in the room where you sleep.

Every morning, take the twigs right hand, go around all the rooms of your house, whip all the corners with branches, read the black magic plot for money:

“Money to money, everything lost will return, everything lost will turn into money, everything spent will grow a hundredfold. Money to money, wallets to wallets, be, my words, strong and firm. Amen".

An effective ritual of strong black magic for money should be carried out for 9 days in a row, only in August and only in the morning. Do this immediately after waking up, but strictly before noon. Having completed an independent ritual for money luck, do not throw away the twigs, but keep them at home all year. The ritual is working. Even if financial channels are closed, something material, monetary, still comes into the house. People who have left or left home are returning. Maybe, as a bonus, someone's husband will return.

Black magic independent ritual for trading at midnight

Can't be ignored by many current topic trade. Do a simple ceremony yourself good trade from Russian black magic conspiracies. For effective ritual you will need the change left over from the change to customers. People often leave small coins without seeing their value. And they are the ones who will serve you well, and a strong conspiracy is being made against them. black magic for trading

Sometimes it happens that fortune turns away from a person, and then he begins to use different ways to get your luck back. In this case, you can try to make efforts in certain matters, but often people turn to the help of magic, which helps them find happiness again.

Magic rituals appeared several thousand years ago: at that time, people performed various rituals around the fire, and candles and laces also began to be used. Some also made talismans, after praying them.

The peculiarities of rituals to attract good luck have been preserved to this day, but, in addition to candles and other attributes, coins began to be used, gems and even incense sticks.

Most often, rituals with white magic are performed at midnight or early in the morning at dawn, but in order for them to give desired effect, must be observed certain rules: only in this case will conspiracies and rituals have a positive effect and mistakes will be avoided.

When performing magical rituals, all people, especially beginners, should pay attention to the rules, without which they will not be so effective:

  • You need to believe in the power of magic: as you know, thoughts materialize, and without faith it is impossible to achieve the desired result.
  • There should be perfect silence in the room during the ritual. The presence of strangers, noise and laughter are not allowed: all this can negatively affect the result.
  • You cannot tell even your closest people about your intention to use magic, as well as the fact that the ritual has already been performed - everything must be kept secret.

And a few more very important rules:

  • If for some reason you cannot perform the ritual yourself, you can turn to another person who believes in the power of magic for help. He must approach the procedure with all seriousness.
  • All required attributes need to be prepared in advance. The room in which the ritual will be performed must be clean and comfortable.
  • It is advisable to sit on the plant-based diet– give up meat products in favor of vegetables, berries, cereals and fruits.

Compliance with the above rules guarantees not only the achievement of the desired result, but also inner peace. If a person gets scared during a magical procedure, you cannot interrupt it: you need to control your emotions and bring the matter to the end.

How to bring back luck and fortune: the most powerful ritual

Many famous magicians advise using this particular ritual, because it has great magical power. First you need to prepare - choose an intersection in the shape of the letter “X” where everything will be carried out.

The place should be crowded, but such that after the ceremony you don’t have to return to it on the way to work, study, etc., i.e. You can only visit it once. It is advisable that the road be unpaved and not asphalt, because the connection with the ground is important here.

When the intersection has been selected, you can move on to the next stage - find a personal item, preferably an expensive one good quality. After this, the following actions are performed:

  • We cover the table with black cloth, place candles on both edges and light them;
  • We place the selected personal item on the fabric and pray to it;

“Get away from me (name) troubles and misfortunes! Get out of me dryness, toil, failure, financial bad luck. I take off (name) and transfer it to (object). Let all my troubles and failures, dryness, confusion, and financial bad luck go away with this (subject). Whoever takes (the item) will take all of you at once. Amen".

  • We wait for the candles to burn out (you cannot extinguish them yourself), then we take them out of the house and bury them in the ground, or throw them into the river;
  • We go to the intersection and leave the enchanted object in the center of the road. Whoever picks it up will take over all the failures.

How to return the luck stolen by another person?

A constant fiasco in love or financial affairs leads many to believe that their luck was stolen by someone.

Such cases are not uncommon: to do this, it is enough to take a thing enchanted by a stranger, or simply become an object of envy. To cleanse yourself of failures, you should use this ritual:

  • We prepare two in advance church candles, an icon of the Mother of God and blessed water;
  • We put the icon on the table, light candles and read a prayer asking for protection and blessings for conducting business;
  • The prayer must be sincere, you can choose any words - the main thing is that they are spoken from the heart;
  • In closing, thank you Mother of God for the support.

There is another, more strong ritual, but for this you will have to visit the cemetery:

  • We go to the temple, there we buy 2 candles;
  • We go to the cemetery, look for a quiet place along the fence;
  • When the place is found, we put the candles on the ground, sprinkle them with holy water and say: “Luck is now with me, and failure is in the dirt under our feet”;
  • We leave the cemetery straight home. If you meet strangers on the road trying to talk, you should avoid communicating with them. It is best to remain silent during the journey.

The cemetery has long been considered the most suitable place to get rid of failures, therefore, despite the gloom, many magicians choose just such a ritual.

A simple ritual with a candle

This method does not require special training or skills - just decide what exactly you want in life, and then choose a candle suitable color depending on your wishes:

  • Blue or yellow – attract health;
  • White – increases vitality, helps to complete current affairs favorably;
  • Dark blue – promotes victory over enemies;
  • Red – helps to find love and strengthens passion;
  • Green is the best magnet for money;
  • Brown – used for career success;
  • Purple is relevant for those who strive for spiritual development and new knowledge.

When you have purchased a candle of the desired color, you should take it in your hands, close your eyes, and imagine what you want for several minutes. The ritual works in such a way that the candle absorbs all the energy of the dream and inspires a person with confidence in its implementation, and this, as we know, is the best guarantee that it will really come true.

Amulet to bring your luck back

If someone previously managed to take away good luck, it can be returned using a braided magic cord. It is done as follows:

  • We take several thick threads of yellow, red, blue, green colors: they symbolize health, love, wealth and successful achievement of goals;
  • We weave a braid from threads, imagining ourselves at this time as a successful and rich person, i.e. embodying in memory a picture of your happiness;
  • When the braid is finished, we connect the ends and tie it at the ankle of the left leg. We wear it like a bracelet.

What can I do to bring happiness back?

Another pretty one strong ritual takes place on the third day of the full moon. It allows you to quickly return happiness, but it is not very easy to do:

  • Dry dill, parsley and any other herbs;
  • We take an equal number of stems of each plant, make one bunch of them and set it on fire so that smoke appears;
  • If, along with the smoke, a fire appears on the bunch, we knock it down with holy water, without completely flooding the greens;
  • We sanctify ourselves and our home with smoke, while saying a prayer, without stopping;

“From the best herbs, I release smoke, bring me good luck, who is bored in vain. I call on mine, I don’t want someone else’s. I urge you, I won’t let you go back anywhere. Be dear, be close. Amen".

  • When the entire bunch has burned out, open the windows to ventilate the house.

This ritual can be performed no more than once a month, and then happiness and good luck will never leave. It is also allowed to be carried out at the workplace for the purpose of successful career and a favorable conclusion to all matters.

How to attract good luck in your personal life?

If for inexplicable reasons you can’t meet your soulmate, but you want to start a family, you can use this ritual.

You will need honey, 3 small red candles, a padlock and keys. How it's done:

  • We open the lock, put it on the table in open form, we leave the keys nearby;
  • We light all the candles, read the plot to attract love;

“Show me, river, the bright shallows, the secret fords, all your approaches, all your bridges! So that I (name) will not be afraid of deep water, so that black troubles will pass me by, so that the road (to show the way, for example, to a successful personal life) will be kind to me, so that sorrows and anxieties will disappear. Place, O river, the dashing share in an iron cage, do not forget to lock it with the right key. To me (name) - honey and sweetness, to all villains - fly in the ointment. And it will be like this forever. Amen".

  • We say the prayer until the candles burn out;
  • Finally, we lubricate the lock with honey and go to the river, having previously locked it;
  • We pronounce the love spell three times, then throw the castle into the water;
  • We hide the keys in a secluded place at home, leaving one of them with us. We carry it with us constantly;
  • When the pair is found, we also throw the hidden keys into the river. We continue to carry the remaining one with us, without showing it to other people and without giving it to anyone.

How to attract luck in financial matters?

Every second person asks this question, but there is one effective magical method to help you achieve wealth:

  • We are going to the cemetery on Saturday, the Moon should be in its waning phase;
  • We find the grave of a person with our name, put a handful of coins on it and read: “I am ransoming myself from pain and dryness, from a painful illness, from a burning tear. You have to lie here, and I have my own side. Amen";
  • We go to our home, avoiding conversations and not looking back.

Magic talisman for happiness and good luck

Before making an amulet and performing a ritual over it, you need to decide on the color of the thread from which it will be made.

If improvement is needed financial well-being, you need to use green, for love - red, for health - yellow.

  • We find the quietest place in the house, put our thoughts in order, achieve maximum calm;
  • We collect the threads and make three thick strands of them;
  • While weaving a braid, we imagine ourselves in an atmosphere of complete happiness;
  • When the cord is completed, we tie it into a knot and sprinkle it with holy water;
  • We hang the amulet at the front door.

Appeal to magical ritual even today they are as relevant as in ancient times, because they really help to find happiness, but most importantly, to restore or strengthen faith in it.

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