Home Trees and shrubs Wealth mudras for attracting money and success! Money mudras

Wealth mudras for attracting money and success! Money mudras

Mudras for attracting money, luck, influence allow you to control energy flows and shape desired events. Even in ancient times, our ancestors found out that meditation and some combinations of fingers can influence different aspects life. As a result of many years of experience, mudras have appeared that are now available to everyone.

How to work with mudras to fulfill desires?

Harmony in the financial sector will be ensured by the wise for attracting money, luck, influence. Mudra is a certain plexus of fingers and hands that gives energy a special shape and creates conditions in the material area.

Before proceeding with the mudras, three main conditions must be observed:

  • The goal should be clearly stated (for clarity, you can write on paper).
  • It is important to maintain a motivating attitude within yourself.
  • You need to set yourself up to achieve the goal.

Mudras attracting wealth are performed with both hands. It is generally accepted that this is how the energetics of a man and a woman work in a person. We must sit down and look to the east, the back must remain strictly straight. You should meditate in the well-known lotus position, but if this position is difficult for you, then you can sit on a simple chair.

First you need to practice in a secluded place. With experience, the realization will come that the place is not so important, because solitude is achieved from within. You can work with like-minded people. When several people practice the same mudras, the result is achieved very quickly.

You need to work with one pose for about 10-15 minutes. The main thing is comfort within consciousness. You need to keep the pose until you get tired. Mudras for attracting wealth should be practiced 2-3 times daily. It is important that the sessions are regular. This is the only way to achieve the set goal.

Speaking about striving, it is necessary that it remains firm. A given goal awakens the power of consciousness and is able to change reality. Thinking about your desire, you need to colorfully imagine how it came true, and remember your feelings at this moment. Any doubts should be taken calmly and indifferently, otherwise doubts will cause obstacles that interfere with the achievement of your goal.

Basic mudras that attract luck and money

From a psychological point of view, the effectiveness of mudras is explained by the placebo effect. Let's remember famous example when, during the experiment, a person was given an ordinary pill disguised as good medicine... Favorable changes were observed in the body, although in reality the pill did not have a therapeutic effect. That is, healing took place through the power of thought.

Sincerely hoping for the power of the "magic" arrangement of the fingers, people acquire the instrument that makes it possible to feel successful and strong-willed. Self-confidence grows, which awakens the power of consciousness to attract wealth.

Before performing the mudra that attracts luck, money and influence, you need to tune in to fruitful work. To calm your mind, you can lie down and breathe slowly for a few minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to exercise on auto-training. Before work, you need to mentally pronounce your goals and visualize them until the end of the mudra.

Now you will learn mudras that stabilize the flow of monetary energy and improve financial well-being.

Kubera - mudra

In Hinduism, the deity Kubera symbolizes wealth. Kubera mudra is considered the most powerful and helps to realize desires in the financial sector. Great for a profitable investment of the available money.

How to carry out? Connect the pads of the first three fingers together. And bend the little finger and the ring finger so that they touch the middle of the palm. During the exercise, you must remember your goal. You need to practice for 15 minutes three times a day. The work needs to be complemented by clear visualization.

Access to the primary source of abundance

The combination is suitable for people with irregular cash flow. For example, entrepreneurs, freelancers, seasonal workers, etc. The combination allows you to restore the energetic part of the human aura and build a constant financial flow. In addition, it helps to find calmness, drive out doubts and aim for success. After a while, there is a regular income in the form of your business or a good job.

How to carry out? Raise your hands, palms up in front of you, with the little fingers touching. The tips of the first three fingers must be joined together.

When conducting the mudra, mentally concentrate in the place where the "third" eye is located (near the eyebrow) and imagine a ray of golden energy directed to the bridge of the nose. This ray brings wealth and material benefits.

Try to connect with this energy and feel the wealth fill your consciousness. This feeling must be maintained for a couple of minutes. The combination should be used twice a day for one week. Next, you need a break of 7 days, then repeat the exercise.

Self-realization - urgent attraction of money

This mudra will help those in dire need. It does not provide a regular flow of finance, but only helps in extreme cases, when money is needed urgently.

How to carry out? Raise your palms to your solar plexus. Turn the fingers of one hand towards the fingers of the other. In the fair sex, the left palm is directed upward, and the right one looks down. Men should do the opposite.

Connect the first two fingers in a circle. With the ring finger on the left hand, touch the little finger on the right, while the little finger of the left hand should connect with the ring finger of the right. The middle finger remains independent, but it needs to be slightly bent. Direct all thoughts to the solar plexus and feel the most powerful energy flow, while presenting the required amount.

The mudra of influence

It is necessary for people who seek to surround themselves with supporters and assistants. This mudra can be used when you have certain projects, developments or ideas that need public attention.

How to carry out? Left hand lift with the back of you to face level. Put your fingers together in a handful, but they should not touch each other. On the other hand, bring four fingers together and gently squeeze the left hand on the wrist. The thumb pads should touch.

Then close your eyes and direct your attention to the "third eye". Imagine for a while what is pouring from there the most powerful energy that can be directed at other people. Mentally talk about how you need supporters. Mudra should be practiced for 10-30 minutes every day.

Alan mudra

It forms the energy that attracts good luck. It also cleanses the body, improves the psyche and develops confidence in one's abilities.

How to carry out? Place your thumb on your middle and ring fingers, and extend your index and pinky fingers. It must be done three times a day for 10 minutes.

Don't expect mudras to have an immediate effect. To realize the set goals, you will have to try yourself, because money will not fall from the sky. If you only meditate and do nothing else, then wealth is unlikely to come to you. Mudras for attracting money, luck, influence - this is just a tool that helps to achieve what you want. If you want to pick up quickly financial income then check out the effective course -.

You can get out of the crisis in five minutes, and for this you do not have to take a loan from a bank or make titanic efforts. You can fulfill your desire with the help of internal forces, and the correct movement of your hands will open the way for you to success.

Money rules the world, but success is essential contemporary values... To all dreams of beautiful life destined to come true... To do this, you just need to believe in yourself and step towards your dream. Among the multitude effective practices, aimed at attracting money, the mudras of wealth are considered the best. With their help, you can gain not only material wealth, but also inner wealth. Mudras relieve stress, relieve fatigue, help to get inner strength and peace of mind.

How do wealth mudras work?

In mudras it is laid spiritual meaning: seemingly ordinary hand gymnastics can redirect positive energy into the body. A certain position of the fingers blocks or opens energy channels. In addition, with the help of mudra, a person acts on his biofield, pointwise activating the energy zones on the palms and fingers.

A certain energy flow is associated with each finger. The indicative corresponds to the energy of knowledge, which gives self-confidence. The energy of the middle finger helps you gain calmness and learn to control your negative emotions... The Nameless One is responsible for intuition and mental health. Little finger is creativity. The thumb is your will, strength and mind.

The mudra of wealth for attracting money and success

If you are forced to look for new sources of income for yourself, because money is constantly not enough, then this is wise for you. She helps those who are not used to sitting around, but the doors leading to the world of success seem to be closing in front of them on purpose. Trouble with money is on your heels, and your strength is gradually waning? You have a blockage energy channels... You need immediate energy to take decisive action. But no one will give it to you just like that, it must be developed internally, and independently.

This mudra is the basis, because it will begin with it your path to success... She will create an energy reserve to attract money and help get rid of troubles. Mudra will allow you to feel solid ground under your feet, instill confidence, and give the energy of prosperity. As soon as you feel the strength in yourself, immediately put them into realization. An excess of positive energy can be harmful. You should analyze your condition and readiness for action. If you are ready to change your life for the better, then the mudra of wealth will allow you to gain strength, face your fears, and gain support in life.

Esoteric practitioners recommend trust your intuition... You will feel a powerful surge of enthusiasm and increased ambition, but this is not enough for complete success. You will need to catch the Universe on the go, become more attentive to the little things and for a while believe in money signs... Opportunities will begin to appear in your life and replace each other at a breakneck speed, the main thing is not to lose sight of them.

The technique of performing the mudra. Stretch your arms forward, bend them at the elbows, fingers pointing forward. Put your palms together at the base. Then you should bend the little finger, nameless and middle fingers on both hands. Press them together with pads. The thumbs should touch each other with their sides and keep the direction straight. The indexes are directed upwards and touch the phalanges. For three to four minutes, you need plunge into a trance state... Don't think about anything, breathe smoothly. Concentrate on the energy that is generated within you. This mudra must be performed regularly: every three days throughout the month several times: in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Don't stop attract money during the period until your financial situation has changed. Be confident and result-oriented. Only on such conditions, using wise wealth, you will feel the inspiration and the first progress, and your internal energy will start working for you.

Surely you at least once in your life thought about why money bypasses you. In this case, you can use wise wealth... Mudra itself is a special addition of fingers on the hands and is capable of attracting wealth. It directly affects the human energy field.

See also Probably not many people thought about the fact that mantras for money and wealth able to help even in the most difficult financial situations. In this article, we will show you how to properly address the Universe so that it hears the requests and helps you.

Not every person is satisfied with their own financial condition... For some, the problem lies in the inability to retain and accumulate funds, and for others, in the inability to even attract them.

There are many methods to increase your chances of earning money. Ancient knowledge from the field of esotericism discovered such a special ritual for attracting wealth, like mudra.

This technique takes five minutes a day and is very effective. When done correctly, the results exceed all expectations.

The principle of the mudra is that with a certain folding of the fingers, a stimulating effect on the energy flow of abundance occurs. For the correct performance of the esoteric ritual, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • To maximize your cash flow, you need to do practice every day.
  • In order to more effectively achieve the desired result, it is advisable to combine the mudra technique with yoga classes.
  • It is imperative that you have a correct and appropriate attitude before starting the ritual.
  • While doing the wealth mudra, you need to maintain calmness and relaxation, as well as take a comfortable posture and breathe evenly.
  • The ritual should begin with listening to pleasant music and visualizing your goal.

Belief in the fulfillment of your desire is equally important. Believe in the mudra of abundance and the power of your thought. Then you will achieve high and unexpected results.

Esoteric rituals do not work according to the principle " magic wand". In other words, no one will bring you money on a silver platter, even if you carry out all day practical lessons to attract well-being.

It is necessary to decide on your source of income or to search for it. Mudra will help to attract desired job within your capabilities. If stable income is already available, the methodology for attracting abundance will help you find a way to increase it.

Problems associated with financial issue, arise when there is a blocking of the corresponding energy process... Wealth mudra is needed to unblock cash flow. There are several types of techniques, the most common of which are:

  • Start;
  • Balancing;
  • Adoption;
  • Self-realization;
  • Concentration.

The "Inception" mudra is used to help get out of a crisis situation. No one is immune from falling into various difficult situations related to finances.

There is always a way out. However, if you are unable to find it due to emotional turmoil, then the "Getting Started" practice will help.

Folded position

Hands are pressed against one another and are located opposite the chest area. The sides of the arms are directed downward. The little fingers, ring fingers, middle fingers are bent, and the thumbs and forefingers are connected by pads.

The ritual is performed in the morning for three days.

The balancing mudra helps to attract success in financial plan... Those who are trying to earn money, but to no avail, resort to this technique.

Correct finger position

Hands are placed vertically and positioned at the level of the chest area. The bases of the palms, little fingers, middle and thumbs touch each other.

With your hands folded in mudra, relax, close your eyes and focus on the coccyx area. Next, start visualizing the flow of money into your hands.

It is necessary to carry out the practice for seven days, first thing in the morning.

The "Acceptance" mudra attracts wealth. She is able to adjust the energy flow for a constant cash flow.

Hands are turned to face themselves, and the sides touch each other. The big, middle and index fingers touch each other using pads.

The mudra is performed twice a day for two to three minutes.

The Self-Realization methodology is designed for the urgent attraction of wealth. It is performed by those who urgently need Money Oh.

Finger position

Hands are located in the area of ​​the area abdominal cavity... The fingers are positioned towards each other. For the fair sex, the palm of the right hand is down, and the left hand is up. For males, the same is true. The thumb and forefinger are connected together. The pad of the little finger of one hand connects to the ring finger of the other. The toes in the middle remain in place and are slightly rounded.

The mudra should be performed in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

Mudra "Concentration" is designed to protect against loss of funds. It protects capital from bankruptcy, theft and fraud.

Finger position

The arms drop to a level slightly below the chest. The arms are crossed, the thumbs are intertwined. Girls thumb the right hand is on top, and the man has the left thumb.

Then the eyes are closed and attention is focused on the level of the sensitive area below the chest. Further, a protective screen is visually presented, preventing any evil from entering your money.

The practice is done once a day in the evening.

In a crisis, all means are good. The right mindset will help you focus your thoughts on the desired mood of abundance. And mudra will contribute to their materialization, thereby provoking the attraction of wealth into your life. Most importantly, believe in yourself and the power of this ancient technique. You will succeed.

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It is called energy mudra. Apan mudra will create an energy around you that can attract good luck to you. In addition, mudra helps to remove toxins from the body. It tidies up the psyche and helps to develop inner balance and self-confidence.

How to do it:

Combine large, medium and ring fingers, and pull out the index and little fingers.

Mudra can be done 1 time per day for 45 minutes or 3 times for 15 minutes.

Vayu mudra

Vayu is translated as wind. For you, "vayu" is the wind of change that will bring you good luck.

How to do it:

Bend your index finger on each hand so that it reaches the ball of your thumb.

Press lightly with your thumb on your forefinger.

Extend and relax the other three fingers.

Practice the mudra for 3 minutes every day.

Bhudi mudra

Bhudi mudra helps maintain an aura of good luck around you: in all your endeavors, you will be lucky.

How to do it:

Place the tip of your thumb on your little finger.

The rest of the fingers should be extended and kept relaxed.

Do this on each hand.

Prithvi mudra

This mudra activates the root chakra, in which our life energy, or primordial strength, resides. The latter is necessary for happy life bringing good luck. When a person has a huge vital energy or, on the contrary, he lacks it, it is immediately obvious. Sufficient energy provides a person with maximum opportunities, and then he is able to fulfill his physical and spiritual goals, and he is often lucky. If it decreases, the person will feel physically and psychologically exhausted, he will have a so-called "black streak", which is accompanied by bad luck. To fulfill their life goals, it is necessary to eliminate the energy deficit, and ideal remedy for this is prithvi mudra.

How to do it:

Place the tip of your thumb at the top of your ring finger and press lightly.

Extend the other three fingers and keep them relaxed.

Practice the mudra on both hands for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Mushti mudra

If you perform this mudra every day, then luck will be your constant companion in life.

How to do it:

Bend your fingers like a fist, place your thumb on your index finger.

Do this on both hands.

Practice the mudra 3 times a day for 15 minutes.

Mahashirsha mudra

This mudra will help open your chakras to good luck. It relieves headaches, relieves stress.

How to do it:

Connect the tips of your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.

Pull out your little finger.

Place your ring finger in the cavity of your thumb.

Do this on each hand for 6 minutes 3 times a day.

Bhramara mudra

Bharmara mudra will help purify, which is necessary condition to bring good luck into your life.

How to do it:

Place your index finger in the cavity of your thumb and the tip of your thumb on the edge of your middle nail.

Extend the ring and little fingers and relax.

Do this exercise on each hand.

Do it for 7 minutes 3 times a day.

Abhaya mudra

This mudra frees from fear and attracts good luck.

How to do it:

Lift up right hand to chest level, put your palm forward so that it slightly resembles a wave.

Place your left hand on your left thigh, on your knees, or on your heart.

I am wise

With the help of the I-Mudra, or the Mudra of the Inner Self, you will create an open space to attract good luck. So you can enter the world of the immeasurable, divine and tune in with it.

How to do it:

Keep your palms close, with the tips of all fingers touching each other. Place your thumbs close together. Hands on both sides will resemble a pyramid, leaving a small open space between the tips of the thumbs and all the rest that touch the pads.

Keep your hands in this position at forehead level and, without blinking, stare into the open space for as long as you can.

Then lower your arms and hold the mudra about an inch below your chin for a while. Your hands will spontaneously move to that point, which is the seat of the soul.

Then pay attention to your breathing. With each exhalation whisper "hooooo" very softly and open up to eternity. As if carried away there - towards the great mystery.

Naga mudra

The naga mudra is known as the "deep comprehension mudra." It will help resolve the problems you face in Everyday life, in particular, will save you from bad luck. Mudra helps to overcome obstacles that arise on our spiritual path.

How to do it:

Cross your arms at your chest.

Cross your thumbs in a crisscross pattern.

Practice the mudra for 1 minute 5 times a day.

Esoteric movable mudra

It is believed that this mudra removes the blockages of bad luck and improves energy circulation in the body. Your body can feel warmth. In addition, the energetic mobile mudra relieves of any ailments.

How to do it:

Slightly connect the tips of the thumb and middle fingers, gently and slowly about 10 times, draw them in a circle along the first phalanx of the middle finger of the other hand.

Then do the same with the other hand. If done correctly, you will feel like from hands to wrists, forearms, elbows, tops a stream of warmth rushes to the arms and spine.

When the warmth reaches the spine, place your thumb on the middle sections of the middle sections.

Repeat the procedure. The heat flow will move down the spine to its very base.

Then place your thumb on the lower middle sections and draw the circle again in the same way. Heat flows from the pelvic area to the thighs, knees, legs, ankles and feet.

Place your thumb on the edge of the middle section of your index finger. Slowly rub it up and down the middle section, the softer the better. You will feel the warmth spreading down the back of your head.

Each person has energy, regardless of whether he believes in his own capabilities or not. And with the help of energy management, it becomes possible to change your destiny, achieve success, and realize your goals. In everyday life, it is easiest to start using mudras - fingers intertwined in a special way, thanks to which it is possible to connect your own energy field with higher intelligence and get support from above.

There are several mudras, the use of which will help to find material well-being and attract stability. Let's get to know the strongest of them.

Mudra: what is it

It would seem that there is nothing special in the specially intertwined fingers on the hands, but nevertheless mudra is such an interweaving that has a certain energy and can affect a person, bring him material well-being. Mudras came to us from Buddhism and Hinduism, were originally used in ritual needs and found wide application in yoga. They are familiar to man from the era of deep antiquity.

What you need to know about working with mudras

Before you start mastering mudras, you need to understand a few key rules:

Important! You can also conduct classes in a group of people who have common goal, in this case, their energies will be combined into a single stream, increasing the likelihood of the fulfillment of the plan.

The "freezing" time in one position is about 15 minutes, in certain cases it can be longer, but it is important to remember - key value It has inner harmony when it disappears, the lesson should be completed.

One or another mudra should be performed twice a day - at dawn and dusk, until the desired comes true. The main conditions are a positive attitude, belief in success and constant practice.

It is very important to have a strong attitude., after all space energy interaction with energy field a specific person, the result can not be expected if he does not believe in success or doubts. It is very important to concentrate on the set goal, to focus on it all your thoughts and feelings. This technique will help: imagine that the desire has already come true, enjoy the feeling of victory, rejoice at your success.

Mudras for wealth, attracting money and wealth

Consider what are the most powerful mudras you should perform in order to become rich and forget about financial problems.

Kubera mudra

Dedicated to the Hindu deity Kubera, who was considered a symbol of wealth and spiritual wealth... It is necessary to use such an interlacing of fingers in cases where a person needs a hint - how best to invest in order not to lose income. The order of performing Kubera mudra is as follows:

During the execution of the figure, it is important to focus all the time on your goal, to visualize it, to imagine that everything conceived has come true.

You should practice 3 times a day, average duration- 15 minutes.

Access to the source of abundance

  • The hands are held with palms up.
  • Little fingers touch.
  • The thumb, forefinger, and middle finger also touch the pads.

When performing the figure, one should focus on the area of ​​the third eye (this is the area between the eyebrows), representing an energy ray penetrating from the outside and carrying material well-being. You should not keep such a mudra for a long time, five minutes twice a day will be enough. It is done every day for the first week, then a week break follows, then - again execution.

Flow of abundance

This weave should be done by people who have a low wages and looking for new sources of income. It also helps freelancers in getting permanent orders. Also, the figure allows you to improve the financial situation in general, to see the most unusual sources of income.

It is quite simple to do:

Mudra is practiced every day twice for a duration of about 5 minutes. After a couple of months, you will be able to see the result.

Breakthrough in the material sphere

Mudra is used in the following cases:

  • Serious material problems
  • Poverty with which man has already come to terms.
  • Complete lack of prospects.

If a person was once rich, but lost his well-being, he needs to choose another mudra, a breakthrough in material sphere it won't help him.

Let's see how the shape is executed:

  • The arms bent at the elbows are placed at the chest. Brushes must be in upright position at the level of the third chakra. The fingers are straightened.
  • Connect the pads of the little fingers and middle fingers.
  • The thumbs are fully connected to the bases of the palms.
  • Unnamed and indexes do not bend.

The eyes are closed, and the flow of attention is concentrated in the coccyx area; visualization of the image of an energy thread penetrating into the Earth is required.

It is important to perform the figure in the morning for a week, then a weekly pause is made, during which the Kubera mudra is performed.

Money mudras: sequence of execution for overcoming the crisis


This mudra will help a person who is in a difficult financial situation... It will be the first step towards overcoming the crisis. The figure is made as follows:

It is important to monitor the uniformity of breathing, mentally concentrate on success. It is done in the morning for three days, then we move on to the next figure.


Helps improve energy, make it attractive to wealth. Recommended for people who have never had financial well-being... It is not difficult to execute:

  • The palms are placed vertically at the chest, joined at the bases.
  • Fingers apart, pointing up.
  • The middle ones are bent and the pads touch each other.
  • The little fingers and large fingers are also connected, but they remain straight.
  • Indicative and unnamed - do not touch, look clearly up.

Perform within a week immediately after sleep.


Will help attract money for permanent basis, helps to tune the energy for a constant cash flow. Perform this way:

  • Place your arms at your chest. Connect the palms with the sides.
  • From large, medium and index fingers create a ring by connecting them in the area of ​​the pads.
  • Connect the sides of the ring and little fingers, fingers pointing up.

Perform twice a day for 3 minutes.


This mudra is for urgently raising money. Used in special cases, will not be able to provide permanent cash flow but helps in a difficult financial situation. It is done like this:

Attention should be focused on the solar plexus, try to feel a powerful flow of energy. Provide the required amount of money.

The figure is done in the morning before solving the financial problem.


Helps to avoid monetary losses, bankruptcy, fraud. Do this:

  • Place your hands at the level of the solar plexus, fingers pointing up.
  • Connect them in a lock so that the fingertips of one hand touch the bases of the fingers of the other.
  • Thumbs crossed. At the same time, a man should have a finger of his left hand at the top, a woman - a right one.

Eyes should be closed, visualizing the image of a shield that protects your well-being is also a must.

It should be done once a day, preferably in the evenings.

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