Home Blanks for the winter The paragraph as a compositional and stylistic unit of the text. Types and functions of the paragraph. The structure of a text document, the main elements, their purpose. The concept of a paragraph, types, design rules

The paragraph as a compositional and stylistic unit of the text. Types and functions of the paragraph. The structure of a text document, the main elements, their purpose. The concept of a paragraph, types, design rules

Paragraph is a piece of text between two indents, or red lines. A paragraph differs from a complex syntactic whole in that it is not a unit of the syntactic level. A paragraph is a means of dividing a coherent text based on compositional and stylistic.

A paragraph and a complex syntactic whole are units different levels division, since the bases of their organization are different (the paragraph does not have a special syntactic design, unlike a complex syntactic whole), however, these are intersecting units, functionally contiguous, since both of them play a semantic and stylistic role. That is why a paragraph and a complex syntactic whole can in their particular manifestations coincide, correspond to each other.

This coincidence is not accidental, but it is not necessary either. It is not accidental, because the paragraph division of the text is primarily subordinated to its semantic division, and a complex syntactic whole, its formal indicators of the unity of individual components, also acquires on the basis of their semantic cohesion. But this coincidence is not necessary because the paragraph compositionally organizes the text, it performs not only a logical-semantic function, but also an excretory, accent, emotional-expressive one. In addition, paragraph articulation is more subjective than syntactic. This means that a paragraph can break a single complex syntactic whole. This is especially characteristic of literary texts, where there are much more coincidences between a complex syntactic whole and a paragraph, since they are entirely focused on the logical organization of speech.

The boundaries of a paragraph and a complex syntactic whole may not coincide: a paragraph can contain one sentence, and a complex syntactic whole is at least two sentences; in one paragraph there can be two or more complex syntactic wholes, when separate micro themes are linked to each other.

Paragraph articulation pursues one common goal- highlight significant parts of the text. However, parts of the text can be highlighted with different specific targets. Accordingly, differ and functions paragraph.

In dialogical speech, a paragraph acts as a purely formal means of differentiating the replicas of different persons.

V monologue speech paragraph can do different functions- logical-semantic, accent-excretory, expressive-emotional. Moreover, the functions of the paragraph are directly related to the nature of the text, its target setting.

Official business, scientific, popular science, educational texts are guided by the logical-semantic principle of paragraph division, although in some cases the accent-excretory principle is not alien to these texts.

V literary texts, where the functional variety of paragraphs is highlighted, the same accent and excretory function is subject to the function of the emotionally expressive.

A paragraph breaking a single syntactic whole plays an accent role when it is considered important to highlight individual links general structure, private details in the description, in the disclosure of a particular topic.

In cases where paragraph division is carried out according to the logical-semantic principle, it is very important role is assigned to the first sentence of the paragraph, it is a certain milestone in the disclosure of the description topic (as a beginning sentence in a complex syntactic whole). If you pull together all the first sentences of paragraphs and omit all the other links, you get a concise story, capacious in content, without detailed descriptions.

As you can see, these sentences convey the main content of the text, and the gaps are not even felt, since there is a logical-semantic outline of the text. This happens only in cases where complex syntactic wholes and paragraphs coincide: the first sentences of paragraphs therefore constitute the canvas of the narrative, which are at the same time the first sentences of complex syntactic wholes, i.e. inceptions that generalize or unite the content of the subsequent components of complex syntactic wholes.

With a different function of the paragraph, the role of the first sentences also changes.

Such paragraphs are built on a different principle: with their help, the logical and semantic outline of the narrative is not determined, but the emotional and expressive qualities of the text are emphasized. This is primarily characteristic of such paragraphs, which are members of a single complex whole. The first sentences of such paragraphs in combination with each other are devoid of logical sequence and thematic completeness.

Structural features of a complex syntactic whole

A complex syntactic whole, or superphrasal unity, is a combination of several sentences in a text, characterized by the relative completeness of the topic (microtheme), semantic and syntactic cohesion of the components. Complex syntactic wholes are a means of expressing semantic and logical unity.

Individual sentences as part of complex syntactic wholes are united by interphrasal connections, which are carried out using lexical continuity, as well as by special syntactic means.

Structural means of organization independent proposals in the composition of complex syntactic wholes are conjunctions in the connecting meaning, anaphorically used pronouns, adverbs, adverbial combinations, modal words, word order, correlation of temporal forms of verbs, possible incompleteness of individual sentences.

Connecting constructions that are sequentially connected to the main (first) sentence are very characteristic of complex syntactic wholes.

Complex syntactic integers can be homogeneous and heterogeneous composition. A parallel connection is found between homogeneous sentences in complex syntactic wholes, and a chain link between heterogeneous ones.

At parallel communication the content of sentences is listed, compared or contrasted, structural parallelism is usually observed in them. The purpose of such complex syntactic wholes is to describe a series of changing events, actions, states, pictures.

At chain link(the most common) parts of the previous sentence are repeated in the subsequent ones or their indicators are used - pronouns, pronouns, etc. The sentences seem to cling to one another, the subsequent picks up the previous one, and thus the development of thought, its movement is carried out.

Parallel and chain communication can be combined within one complex syntactic whole.

The first sentence can play an important role in the structure of a complex syntactic whole - inception... It "gives" the theme, which is revealed by the subsequent components of the whole. Structurally, the first sentence is built freely and completely independently. But all subsequent ones turn out to be structurally related (word order, species-tense forms of verbs, intonation and partly the lexical composition are subordinated to the initial sentence).

In the Word editor, you are dealing with symbols, words, lines, and sentences of text.

Symbols, words, strings, sentences... Any text can be entered at the position of the text cursor. symbol(with code 32-255) from any font connected to Windows. Symbol is the minimum unit text information... If there is no key for some character of the current font or you don’t remember it (for example, "No.", "e"), enter the character of the key Alt + ONNN, where NNN is the decimal code of the character. To insert a symbol, you can select from the menu Insert command Symbol then select tab Symbols or Special symbols, select the desired symbol and click the "Insert" button.

Word is an arbitrary sequence of letters and numbers, limited at both ends by service characters.

Service symbol is a space, period, comma, hyphen, etc.

Line- an arbitrary sequence of characters between the left and right border of the paragraph.

Offer- an arbitrary sequence of words between two points.

Paragraph- this is an arbitrary sequence of characters, closed by the character "Carriage return" (code 13), which is entered by pressing the Enter key.

Blank paragraphs (single carriage return characters) are also allowed. A paragraph is the simplest but fundamental concept in Word. A paragraph always starts on a new line, however, unlike many text editors, Word does not require the required indentation to the right in the first (red) line of the paragraph. The first line can start indented to the left in relation to the rest of the paragraph ("hanging line"), with zero indention, or, as usual, indented to the right.

Word actually treats a paragraph as a stream of text on one long line, placing the typed words on the page line and wrapping the word by new line if it does not fit into the current one.

A paragraph in MS Word is a separate set of data that differs in its formatting options, such as alignment, spacing, and styles.

Types of paragraphs:
Headings (subheadings)
The main body of the document
Signatures (indicating the details of the parties)

Paragraph formatting is performed using the Format -> Paragraph command, in the window of which all parameters of the paragraph design are set: line spacing, paragraph indentation (red line), text alignment, spacing before and after the paragraph, left and right indents, position on the page.

Word supports 4 types of alignment: Left, Center, Right, Justified. The alignment type is selected from the Alignment list.

The main stages of preparing a text document.

Preparation of text documents

Preparing a document on a computer consists of such stages as input (typing), editing and formatting.

Entering text

Entering (typing) text is usually done using the keyboard. The role of paper is played by the computer screen. The place for entering the next character of the text is indicated on the screen by means of a blinking rectangle - cursor.

When typing on a computer, you do not need to keep track of the end of a line: as soon as it is reached, the cursor automatically jumps to the beginning of the next line.

In order to proceed to entering a new paragraph (or line of a poem), press the Enter key.

Use capital letters when entering text where appropriate. Put all punctuation marks except the dash immediately after the last letter of the word, after any punctuation mark press<пробел>... Use a dash on both sides with spaces.

The dash is placed using the Control + Minus key combination on the additional keyboard.

You can correct a mistake made when entering text. The erroneous character to the right of the cursor is deleted with the Delete key, and the character to the left with the Backspace key.

Files created by the word processor WordPad usually have the .doc extension.

The word paragraph is a typographic term. As you know, a paragraph is a group of sentences ranging from a red line to a red line. However, such a graphic representation of a segment of an utterance quite obviously follows from the logical structure of the latter. The compositional and graphic design of a segment of an utterance is only a written image of more general principles discharge.

I.R. Halperin connects the concept of a paragraph with the concept of a complex syntactic whole: a large segment of an utterance consisting of a number of sentences that represent a structural and semantic unity supported by rhythmic and intonational factors is called a complex syntactic whole. A complex syntactic whole is usually part of a paragraph, but it can also coincide with a paragraph, both structurally and semantically.

Various researchers distinguish different functional types of paragraphs, but these works are built mainly on the material of fiction, taking into account the individual style of the author and cannot be the basis for analyzing the style of scientific presentation

A paragraph in the style of fictional speech does not have the same unity of content as it does in journalistic styles and in style. scientific speech... A paragraph in the style of fiction obeys different patterns than a paragraph in scientific prose or other styles of speech. On the other hand, a paragraph in scientific prose is characterized by its own characteristics, which are different from a paragraph in business documents. The same can be said for newspaper-style paragraphs. Here, paragraphs are subject to special patterns.

However, in all styles there is something in common for the paragraph, and this common is the logical integrity of the statement, its unity.

The authors of Anglo-American textbooks point out that in a "correctly" written composition, all paragraphs should be arranged in accordance with a certain model. Typically, an essay opens with a short introductory paragraph, in which the theme of the entire essay is formed. The essay also ends with a short paragraph in which the entire presentation can be summarized (summary) or the climax of the narrative can be reached. All paragraphs that make up the main content of the essay (body paragraphs) should be closely interconnected and flow smoothly into each other. So, for example, the following paragraph can develop the content of the previous one with the help of an illustration or additional explanation. Sometimes it becomes necessary to compare and contrast the content of one paragraph to another, or to expand the content of the previous paragraph by considering the facts from different points of view. Different relationships between paragraphs should be expressed using transition words and transition paragraphs. (transition paragraphs) which link together all the paragraphs included in the essay.

In a scientific style, the principles of logical construction of paragraphs find their clearest implementation.

Each paragraph in the style of scientific prose seeks to continue the thought of the previous paragraph, often follows directly from it and has connecting elements. In each paragraph, you can easily identify the main idea. Each paragraph is a more or less complete unit of the statement and is characterized by clear logical unity and logical sequence.

The style of scientific prose is characterized by the selection of the main, the main from the mass of reported facts. This is achieved by a number of syntactic techniques in which the principle of composing and subordinating sentences coincides with the requirements of logic, that is, the main idea is contained in the main sentence, the subordinate thought is in the subordinate clause. Additional considerations that are not directly related to this statement appear in the form of introductory remarks and suggestions. Such paragraphs usually have main idea(topical sentence), most often located at the very beginning of a paragraph and representing, as it were, a concise summary of the main content of the entire paragraph. This main idea is figuratively called "a sign over a paragraph." Indeed, it informs the reader what will be discussed next. Some paragraphs of this basic idea, located at the beginning of a sentence, in synonymous form repeat at the very end of the paragraph. Thus, the paragraph becomes framed by the main point, expressed twice. This is done in order to reinforce the main idea.

Since paragraphs are a means of logical division of segments of a statement, they can be classified according to the type of logical relationship that can be observed between the main (main) sentence of a paragraph and additional sentences.

In scientific prose, paragraphs are very often found built according to a logical plan: from statement to evidence. This is, for example, a paragraph from Collier's History of English Literature:

Hudibras is justly considered the best burlesque poem in the English language. For drollery and wit it cannot be surpassed. Written in the short tetrometre line, to which Scott has given so martial a ring, its queer couplets are readily understood and easily remembered - none the less for the extraordinary rhymes which now and then startle us into a laugh. What can we expect but broad satiric fun in a poem in which we find a canto beginning thus: -

"There was an ancient sage philosopher.

That had read Alexander Ross over. "

The Adventures of Don Quixote no doubt suggested the idea of ​​this work. Sir Hudibras, a Presbyterian Knight, and his clerk, Squire Ralpho, sally forth to seek adventures and redress grievances, much as did the chivalrous Knight of La Mancha and his trusty Sancho Panza. Nine cantos are filled with the squabbles, loves, and woes of master, and man, whose Puritan manners and opinions are represented in a most ludicrous light.

Paragraphs can be based on identifying the relationship of cause and effect. The reason is stated in the main clause of the paragraph, the corollary follows this clause. Sometimes a paragraph can be built on the principle of opposition, the contrast of its two parts.

In addition, M.M. Glushko also distinguishes the following types of paragraphs: 1) programmatic paragraphs in which the author speaks about his intention to highlight this or that issue; 2) transitional paragraphs that help to understand the relationship between individual parts of the presentation; 3) the final paragraphs summarizing the most important points; 4) introducing paragraphs focusing on certain points of the presentation.

These types of paragraphs provide a transition from one relatively complete part of the presentation to another and thereby contribute to the creation of the textual integrity of the scientific text. In the programmatic paragraphs, the author speaks of his intention to present one or another aspect of the problem, shows the reader in advance which path the presentation of the material will take.

Transitional paragraphs, as a rule, consist of two parts: in the first, the author recalls which issues have already been discussed above, and in the second part, a new topic begins.

In the final paragraphs, which are usually found at the end of chapters, the most important points of the presentation are summarized. Speaking, as a rule, together with program paragraphs, they provide the logical development of the narrative.

The logical construction of paragraphs in scientific prose serves its main purpose - a clear and clear presentation of thought and is also one of the main features of the style.

3 Features of the scientific style in popular science literature

The importance of popular science literature in the modern world can hardly be overestimated, since it is she who is called upon to solve the problem of widespread dissemination of scientific knowledge.

The main goal of popular science literature is to familiarize the general reader with the discoveries and achievements of science. The main techniques used in achieving this goal are to optimize understanding and stimulate the reader's interest. These factors form certain stylistic features of popular science literature, in which laws and phenomena are not simply communicated and substantiated, but there is a desire to interest the reader. Popular science literature is focused primarily on the reader, appeals not only and somewhat to reason, but to imagination and feelings; scientific information is transformed in accordance with the level of special readiness of the reader.

The functional style, according to the classification of V.V. Vinogradov, is distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language: communication, message and impact. With these language functions relate primarily functional styles scientific presentation and fiction. Popular science literature is a kind of intermediate link between these styles, since it contains clarity, clarity and reliability of presentation. scientific facts, and emotionality, imagery, "artistry" of the narration, the purpose of which is to influence the addressee. In other words, objective content is conveyed by subjective ways and means of expression.

The factual, intellectual content, which is the object of scientific presentation, is transmitted in a scientific style using a set historically developed and fixed by the scientific tradition. linguistic means and presentation techniques. In popular science literature, the same information is presented in an individual author's presentation. Scientific facts acquire a strong or weak (depending on the readiness of the addressee) shade of artistry, creative arrangement of the material.

When studying popular science texts from the point of view of the implementation of the message function, it was found that the style-forming feature of popular science literature is the use of stable reproducible syntagmatic sequences in the lexical (unstable Difficult words) and syntactic (word combinations and limiting syntagmatic units) level. As in the scientific literature, in the popular science there is a sufficient number of terms and terminological phrases, the number of which grows as the level of the reader's readiness increases. By the method of symptomatic statistics, it was found that the frequency of use of terms varies from 3% at the level of "little awareness" to 18% at the highest level of readiness of the addressee. Popular science literature widely uses "self-extinguished" terms, sometimes these are complex, unstable words:

An assembler language also contains facilities for establishing constants and storage areas for communicating with the assembler program itself, and possibly for incorporating sets of standard instruction sequences into the machine language text.

As the level of readiness of the reader increases, the use of stable, reproducible in popular science texts also increases. finished form phrases:

Big computers are currently equipped with internal memory- the memory actively engaged in the computation under way. The miniaturization of these circuits has speeded up operations by reducing the distance of impulse.

An important indicator indicating the approach of popular scientific presentation to scientific is the use of limiting syntagmatic sequences - elements that function according to the rule of the "common code":

It has been known for some time that…, All this can be expressed by…, It was recognized that…, We have found that…

The use of message elements in popular science texts forms such stylistic features as the reliability and accessibility of the presentation.

As for the elements of influence, their highest concentration is observed at the lowest level of readiness of the reader and decreases with increasing level.

MM Glushko identifies two main types of elements of influence, the complex use of which is characteristic of the popular science style: narrative intimization and narrative expressiveness.

Intimization is achieved through the use of elements of colloquial, stylistically reduced vocabulary, personal possessive pronouns... This award serves to bring the author and the reader closer together, to create a relaxed atmosphere in which the transmission and perception of intellectual information is best carried out:

This is our old familiar right-angled triangle.

The use of colloquial vocabulary is a phenomenon of speech mimicry, when the author tries to get as close as possible to the reader and overcome the intellectual barrier separating them. This achieves the accessibility of the presentation:

Why it should be called the average value, heaven only knows. Bitten by the experimental "bug" he followed a well-established route ... where "bug" (infml) is "an eager interest in something".

Also, the imitation of live spoken communication is facilitated by the dialogization of the narrative, manifested in the use of question-answer complexes:

Now the question is: Can the series of all real numbers or of all points in a line be set into on-to-one correspondence with the series of integers? The answer is: No!

The expressiveness of presentation is achieved by using: expressive and pictorial means (metaphors and comparisons), means of subjective assessment, formations "by analogy", different ways"word games".

Metaphorical comparison:

The operator "j" is the abdominale snowman of mathematics.

Comparisons most often use simple things and life situations, which simplifies perception.

In most RNA molecules the basis are stucked on top of one another more or less, like a pile of pennies.

The expressive character of the presentation is given by subjective evaluativeness, even when describing well-known facts. Exaggeration and the use of superlatives are also characteristic of popular science literature:

He is undoubtedly the most successful textbook writer of all times.

The emergence of new unstable terms, which were mentioned above, in most cases is caused by the use of education "by analogy". At the morphological level, it occurs with the help of suffixes: -er, -ess, -less, -able, -like, -ly, -ish, -est, as a result of which new words are formed.

Leibnitz was an attempted reconciler of Catholics and Protestants.

Now we have a variety of endlessness

Also, "wordplay" and deformation of idioms are actively used as methods of influence.

Usage creative techniques for presenting and communicating scientific facts to the reader is a characteristic feature of popular science literature, which makes it related to fiction literature. But if in fiction all expressive and pictorial means merge into unified system imagery, which is realized at the level of the entire text, and serves to achieve ultimate goal- global impact on the reader, then in popular science literature they are single, local, scattered and play an auxiliary role, contributing to the achievement of another goal - the transmission of an intellectual message.

Such work of elements of message and influence in popular science texts, when the main task is the most optimal transmission of intellectual information to an unprepared addressee, makes it possible to classify popular science literature as an intellectual style and consider it as one of the varieties of scientific presentation style.


The work examined and described the main features of the style of English scientific prose: terminology, complex syntactic structure, strict paragraphing, etc. The importance and relevance of this topic, and any topic, is primarily due to the degree of demand for the information provided. V in this case the given information finds practical application not only in the field of translation of various scientific texts into Russian, but also helps in the preparation of reports, abstracts and reports in English. And also, undoubtedly, when communicating with English-speaking colleagues in pursuit of scientific truth.

Style is when you are understood. What else does a person need?

Especially a man of science.


1. I. R. Galperin "Essays on stylistics of English language", literature on foreign languages 1958.

2. Ed. M. M. Glushko "Theory and Practice of English Scientific Speech" Moscow University 1987.

3. Skrebnev Yu. M. "Fundamentals of the stylistics of the English language", M. 2000

4. Kozhina M.N. "Stylistics of the Russian language", M., 1977

5. Shvedova M.N. "Stylistics of the Russian language", I., 1977

6. Arnold I. In "Stylistics of the English language", M. 2002

7.www. 5ballov.ru "pecularities of technical text"

8. Shmelev D.N. "Russian language in its functional varieties", M., 1977

9. Razinkina NM "Development of the language of English anuchnoy literature" linguistic research, M. 1978.

10. "How to write articles, reports, abstracts in English" guidelines for students of language departments of universities.

Middleton Murray. The Problem of Style, Oxford University Press, Lnd., 1942, p. 71

I. V. Arnold "Stylistics. Modern English" M., Science, 2002

I. R. Halperin "Essays on the stylistics of the English language", literature in foreign languages ​​1958.

Ed. M. M. Glushko "theory and practice of English scientific speech" Moscow University 1987

Ed. M. M. Glushko "Theory and Practice of English Scientific Speech" Moscow University 1987.

I. R. Halperin "Essays on the stylistics of the English language", literature in foreign languages ​​1958

A paragraph of text as the basic unit of structure. Paragraph properties

Text as the main object of the document. Text properties

Text is the main object of documents, and contains a sequence of characters. The main property of text symbols is font (Font), which determines the appearance of the symbols. The system of installed fonts allows you to select the desired style of characters, including national alphabets.

For business writing and typography, the most common serif typefaces are Times, Georgia, or similar. For posters, presentations, for highlighting fragments of text, direct fonts are used - such as Arial.

There are proportional fonts, in which each character has a different width, determined by how much is needed, for example, Times is a letter m thicker than a letter i... Another type of font is monospaced, in which all characters are the same width, such as Courier New or Tahoma.

An example of the appearance of some fonts.

Arial font

Times font

Comic font

Courier New font

Other important properties of the text are the size and mark... Size (size) is measured in points and is the typographic unit of measure. The style is straight, bold ( Bold), italic ( Italic) or underlined ( Underline). All possible combinations are also allowed.

Additional properties of the text include Colour, underline and modification as well as letter spacing.

An example of changing the style for the Times font.

Inscription- Times, Times, Times, Times, Times, Times .

Modification- Times, Times, Times, Times.

A paragraph of text as the basic unit of structure. Paragraph properties

Paragraph, this is the section of the document between the pressings of the Enter key. The paragraph can be empty.

Typically, a new paragraph, including an empty one, copies all the properties of the previous paragraph.

The main properties of the paragraph:

· alignment- the position of the paragraph relative to any indentation ( in width, centered);

· text level- a parameter that allows you to define the hierarchy of document sections;

· indent- distance from document margins to the left and right;

· First line- indentation or protrusion of the first line of a paragraph, what is usually called a red line;

· interval(padding) - a gap before and (or) after a paragraph;

· line spacing- distance between lines of text;

· position on page.

The alignment can be defined to be left (right), justified, and centered. For document headings, most often, center alignment is applied, while the paragraph should not have a red line. For paragraphs of the main text - in width, while the text has the same even borders on the left and right, which is achieved by automatically adding invisible spaces to the text.

The text level allows you to define the hierarchy of sections in a document. Exists lower level hierarchies - the body of a document, and nine levels that define the hierarchy of headings, as well as their associated body text sections. The use of levels allows you to create a document structure, which can then be easily changed by changing the hierarchical relationships between headings. The presence of the structure also allows you to automatically generate the table of contents of the document, pointers to its sections and footnotes.

Indents set the distance from the margins of the document, which can be used to visually highlight a paragraph. So, you can format the epigraph, introduction or appeal in a business letter.

The space before and after a paragraph is usually used to highlight fragments of text to which attention should be drawn, for example, headings, definitions, conclusions.

The line spacing value is set based on the requirements for the document. The generally accepted meaning is single or one and a half... If you select the interval value " Exactly", You can set an arbitrary value in points.

The properties of a paragraph, which determine its position on the page, actually determine the behavior of the paragraph in the document, and can take one of four values.

1. Forbidding orphans- means that situations in which one line of a paragraph appears on another page are unacceptable in the document. Such a lonely line is called a dangling line, and the prohibit option leads to the fact that the paragraph is wrapped according to generally accepted rules - either as a whole, or at least two lines.

2. Don't tear yourself away from the next- means that a paragraph should always be associated with the next one, for example, the heading cannot be torn from the text of the section, and the explanations for the figure should follow the figure on the same page.

3. Don't break a paragraph- means that a paragraph of text cannot be broken at all when wrapping to a new page. For example, the paragraph in which the definition is given should not be interrupted, in which case the entire paragraph is wrapped.

4. WITH new page - used when a paragraph begins a new section of the document, for example, the title of the introduction, the title of the next section, the title of the conclusion, notes, and so on should have such a property.

These settings can only be done in the paragraph formatting dialog on the tab Position on the page.

4.3. Formatting text and formatting paragraphs.
Formatting tools

Document formatting is performed in page layout mode. In this mode, the document is seen as it will be printed later. Invisible characters must be made visible. As you format your document, it's handy to keep the tools close at hand to get the job done.

The main formatting tools are located on the ribbon tab home.

Team group Font contains commands to control the format of the text, a group of commands Paragraph contains commands to control the format of paragraphs. Team group Styles will be discussed in subsequent topics.

Some of the formatting tools that are used most often and should be at hand are in the context menu and mini toolbar. We list available tools formatting in order of increasing access time.


the nature of the organization of the content of the paragraph and the relationship between its parts. The most complex paragraphs are built, as it were, in a three-dimensional projection: a background (relational) plan, designed to create a balance of general knowledge with the reader, a plot (reference) plan, which serves to expand the message about the subject of speech, and the author's one - adapted for author's digressions, assessments, explanations ,

speculation, etc. From this point of view, we can talk about one-two- and three-pronged paragraphs. In one-sided paragraphs, as a rule, the reference (plot), relational (background) or author's text plan is realized. The most common in one-sided paragraphs is the structure of the type: a thematic sentence + detailing a thematic sentence by giving examples, comparisons, indicating a cause or effect, additions, definitions, etc.: “In Paris, many anecdotes were told about Ampere’s monstrous absent-mindedness and his extraordinary credulity. So, for example, standing at the blackboard and carried away by explanations, he sometimes used a damp cloth stained with chalk instead of a handkerchief. The witty students assured the venerable academician that they were bad at reading the numbers on the blackboard. And the gullible scientist wrote larger and larger, as long as no more than five numbers were placed on the huge blackboard ”(N. Shakhovskaya). In two- and three-dimensional paragraphs, respectively, the referent, intended to describe the subject of speech or plot action, and the relational (background) plans of the text, or the reference and the author's, or all three planes of the text, are conjugated: “Young Shakhmatov discovers the ability to use the principle of relative chronology known in science (paragraph outline). It should be said that in general in linguistics it is impossible to indicate the exact date of the beginning or end of any linguistic process: new phenomena arise gradually, imperceptibly and evolve for quite a long time, and it is difficult to say where the end of the beginning is and where the beginning of the end is. For a linguist, it seems valuable to establish at least the order, the sequence of the origin and development of certain factors of the language relative to each other (relational or background paragraph plan). Having indirect data about chronological framework the old state in the area under study, A. Shakhmatov draws a logically flawless conclusion about the period in which a new phenomenon appears (reference paragraph plan). An amazing insight for a young scientist! " (author's outline of the paragraph) (V.I. Makarov).

Often, the content of the background or author's plans is presented in the paragraph with small inclusions in the form of phrases, phrases, or individual sentences: “The portrait of Dahl's father, Ivan Matveyevich Dal, has been preserved. He has the appearance of a commander of the Musketeers - a sharp beard with gray hair, a mustache twisted upwards. Light eyes are surrounded by a dark rim. The eyes are penetrating and wild: they are called crazy, they are not mischievous, but desperate determination, which, however, never manifested itself in anything ”(M. Bessarab).

Lit .: Loseva L.M. To the study of interphrasal communication (paragraph and complex syntactic whole) // Russian language at school. - 196? - No. 1; Luneva V.P. On the degree of independence of a sentence in a complex syntactic whole // Russian language at school. - 1972. - No. 1; Solganik G.Ya. Syntactic stylistics. - M., 1973.

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